A .. . t 5 V'-. V,- .-4 4 1-. I V' . ; ; V; v - ;irHE: spencer rescen r V 1$ ' f s :? - IblisWWt'ryj'iicsday and PridaW V rT v Uy The Rowan Publishing Company U , ;? ' V 1: U S-Mijki ,:3lanaging Editor . CAoAtrjHTa;-"r Publisher i.Vl-,-'.!Vj S :-t-- , .. .. . . . l 1 $li50 AvYeft75c.:G Months;. AtlrtisingHElatcs moratp and -i ami 0(Hl.iccutonvXijiil .Amlpt .dq- .liatcretl aAHWojid-vJass, mattpr May 1; I:K)8, at tlie pst QiccM'.pettcer.N. C: 'uikIt tlit-AfbofiurcUS, 1879. ; s AN kOMES 'IX TIIE CHANGE OJI '-"tiifl SPKKGER CRESCENT ' ' 'f' .'. Just tlirec Iho'n ths.pno h .'-.tho in , gtalmciit of 'aVnewBpapcr' and''' jcb ,jrimingi,piani; mopenccx; tncsxana- HsftbaragcBaeiit :w"a'Vrriitea,in ' ev- , ( vy Kco; 4i slump -anyoat estate was vt thrcatefii f. sfebrelsrtd ; 1 waises" were . 'ixnng -acate(t, ana people were mov ang awsry ' ThftWhole tiOijLntry was ! in the throes df a ebpimcrcial t&vo lut ion brought qn j, by dcniagoguie . itai!onattattiye'r:ftiadnes: It wa aiot a propitious , moment :, in to launch a nexvspa peri anywhere;, apd no .place, y.rqlr.!j!y, cculd hr.v" : been selected in the 'South .less 1 promising than tfe, where the great railroad industry, upon which, txvp; communities ..lafeely depijded or business; an'd! sifript)i'ti hitdr elbstd 'down indefinitely. ; . , . . ' But , the projector of The Orescent had labored' for eiht years 'in the behalf "of Bpencer ; had watched its groAvth, kept in ' close touch and .'.sympathy .vii'h $ tizcnsand their ' "efforts ; tmd kfteAv'thcir sturdy qual- itiqg, their sIcTlihg'pnnciples, their ' broad huinpiiityjqi;. Belioyjng in Iheni, Boeing t hi r iiced' f ot he r aids .than those aff(rtect'.by tfjjdr-''indftst-ry; hovrcver. great that he' was,, he felt an irresistible incentive to come into the breach, and do at least one man'.s part toniird xipljftihg', by-xal- - uivl .of Tli Grcsei&it'Tvyoa raised ..ipocccl' tneti wasplunged in-gl6n);; JjTinc Spencernnhood- and en joitvagmgthenr to unite in. a .de termined and unceasing endeavor to bringpences )the; 6n.t;;' The Crescejit shone, on through all the cloud, rsnafrined.by the one . purpose ''.which gave it a name and ;' "la place; 'by tli'$rm sympathy . .and appj-Qciuton cf' loyal friends. And so, after a time of .gtr.es4 and ' "difriculty V; at the. idl' of . thc ffrst quarter it-efeictrges from a weekly into a semi-v.ee'kly newspaper, not precipitately and ' independently y but at-the demand oi the citizens of Spencer. Such 'an endorsement has never before pcrha'ps, been given to any .weekly newspaper .anywh"cr, and it is received with gratitude, and .with ipride, too. 'A newspaper .k1;s job printing ' plant is now in'pefatioh , with Mr. B. Broo:-;? Smith a publisher;, and let us hope tha'vTven the second ' quarter passes, The Spencer Cres vcent may again (change and become A' tri-weokly. Its mottrPrcjgress, andstili Progress, unwi, fulj-orbed, it shines in thousands homes, and' 13 looked for with.. pleasure and never with rancor by 'every one of its patrons. . - L, Scott Allen, M'aisihsc' Editor. NEWS FROM FAITH. Mr.,nd Edw.ird Brown rc joiesd over thc coming of the stork, .on the lOjth. A future granite con ' tractor,' perhaps aii. architect -erows dn Uieir home nor,', Rich Bargers has a young house keeper to relieve the family of some of the domestic cares. ' .', ,: Mjsa'Adtljic Kctnct has been .con fined to her' bed during the past week, at' -her sister's horhjg,Vnd quite Peeler, B.ame &Co..,' shipped p, carload of btfding jrtone to Boau- fort, VIonday last -- ' v-: ' -,; ,' Granite cutters are i working in the Allert Ix;c quarry, for the company! W. S.'Earhart has feeen awardad . -the contract to build 4 handsoine :v.,-t-Q''St6ry -""residence '-'for- Mr. . and Mrs-.G . W, ;H'udsorr, 6n the lot ad . JoiriJjEgitheitoref ;V.'h;H. BrowrrV ' at fyr$xSte Quarrv.-John Jos?y lias .?otraet for the iur.r, - . da The Rer.:'R. P". Shersiil' leaves for his much; needed H-acatiqn matt week.-, , " M iss Effic Hartmati as, visiting Mias Majgaxet Gay, ;at.pin,ctlnton, Vhi3.veekx v . r- Mrs.. Kcs-ttr and son feppnt Salem, f ' 1 Th Empire Store ,Cp., (iisplay ing abrjlos.in ;in(iniftB .-yajiety, at pricea less thanvholj3salCi- ; Mr,' and Mrs. B. Bfoojcs Smith are' nowdonweiledcQmfctaiy !, - A iRowan ' ATenne. ; v . Soljfelhiw for , . the . mi-jeekly , Crescent, and" JceeiS ij-.v,fcue y.iM1 events and people,, ; ' ; ' ' ; " Mrr, George Ho wte.iit hie this jve.pi which;-, wo Ijopc. villcrdlongeci . T'BilJ treads, .1ttt'crJ'Hcads7Nqte. Ileadseveri'thing :bbt Big"-" Heads, atr the 'Crescent' Job Office . Fine Job Work at the Crescbnt , offices, including Ladies' Cards and Note Heads cf iieAvest idcsins- and styles. --' . . - - ' 'J - " -..See G. Vv. Connelrs choice gro ceries, and try their quality. They are of the best. j i " 1 Mrs.Ralph Tredick, ' of Pine Bluff," Ark.,' is .announced as the guest of her friend; , Mrs. Wray Freeman, for a ten laj-y:p;t, Mrs. L. D. Giddeiis left vSpenccr, Tuesday, for her honic in nicp ld ,Gol4boro, after a siE weeks "visit "to her -daughter, Mrs.' MV LrSrhoct. ' - ' - .Miss Maude. Thompson -returned, Monday last,, from .Mebanc, diaving enjoyed tjvo weeks of; pleasure at her old home; . - Belle-Harry jCo's riiidsimirver sale is drawing; and it Ibarg-ainf .give "better sultrth'an a surc-tning-lot-tery " ' j "y. Miss Ptt of High. Point is visit ing ,3118. S'oay Peny, this 'week. i High Point-Iras many good points especially its young Jalies. Miss Margery Snejl, one of Thorn "asvillo'e society favorites; lias been the guest this "veek-qf-Mr. and Mr3. W. W. Clefnent, of Kcwton Heights, Spencer. ... . Mr. and Mrs. B. Q. Miller, of St. Txuis, who have been .with -Mr. J. E. Ivennerly and fahiily . since the death of Mrs. Sophia Garrett, re turned home Thursday evening Jast. , Mrs. J. R. PieueCj sof Grefnslx;ro, has lxcn the gticst of; her son, Mr. James Pierce, .this1 wet k. Mrs. Pierce is a most estiniable lad3, and a sincere christian. . Mrs. M. X. Hoyle; with her chil dren, is visiting her father, Mr. D. V,. Livingood, at Jerusalem, in Da vie county. Mr. Hoyle joined tliem on M'ediiesday. ' Mrs. Geo. Mest v.jds confined -to her apartment, during last week, witli acute muscular' rheumatism. Happily, she was "relieved by skilful treatment, and is witai ns iain. Miss . Bertha Murchison , and her cousin,- Miss Millie ' Murchison, returned Monday njight from a ;pkahtVrsitt()relati;is and friends at Siler City, and Greensboro. Mrs. G, W. Connell' was taken seriously ill qt the end of last week, and is" being treated for peritonitis. Mr. Council has Jjoen in close and anxious attendance upon her, Hap pily, sloe is coivvalesscJng. Mr. P. M... Xussmap, manager of the Spencer Clothing and Shoe Co., and (onc of our most enterprising merchants, and eitizc'hs, spent Sat urday arid Surinay at! his old home with Ids parents, at Mt . Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gj, Andrews, of Tarloro," . C, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W." A.Kizziah from Friday week ago to a few days since. Mrs. Andrews left for Ash eville with Mr.j ndrev.'s, who yvlll proceed, to Panama, to fcrnaih "ilicie" for ten months. Mrs. Andrews will prob ably spend 'the winter! hi' Spencer. ." Mr . Claude F . -Yorg, . brother ol otir popular young business .Arian, Fx' At'l'6ung, is enrouta for Spencer to yisit the latter.. . fhis is a long pd'Cireituous routi, foo, from the .tTavelcr.'s,-hotiie fn vafeas, to :if Iansasty , Chiago Buffalo; pqpton'poncC Xew Vork: 'and' If y '5'' ' " -a Spencer; is last on ihe outc, it is, of orsei .the bcstl, 1 i" 7 - 'it .. ft.vv i ''ran Grocery Cov supplied ttfe t!i0IioiisiENKeepcF delight. ' - - f iTliroad to Salisbury's TwSt 6er- eanty flioTises, . Jics Jthrovigh tike columns of the Crescent. -e v Mr. Brranon, a gtd farmer hW iricide4tallyVve told hjm of ah lives on tjhCarran place, Was inhrestWk '-wet'-had with,, iis Speneer yesterday; onjbusmess. ' J v 1. iRay baa en 'on tlie.iialf- way sickibtfor mprc than tvt ' $ir, 4rs,-.Y9nK Ingra,m left 3 "jPtQ: Vyeduesday, lor Franklin) Junctiofi, y& ad 8hqr points. Mrs. Ji X: Booiyi returmvd from a visit to Charlotte, the nej? convent ion city", on Monday iast. air; and :urs.s J. P Chayier . liavc npVc4'.iptoh.Qir fiwu,-resideiiec; on. CaroUn Aye. H They have .been.' rc siding. in Ii".'pcn.cer. ..Patterson Tohajeco Co., pf ch--mdndj'.'Va., ar& doing! mo jiario.-' gome s-ign. worj: on the feowanGr-t - l eery C-ompany's walls-. Rea,d it. "' The. Misses lela and Beitlah'Mc Kecl, of Burlington , X . p. , are, tlte gitests of juss . 01a;Hur?ncs. And there's a triovof -'the best." Guy''H. Miller is spending a month at Rocky River, for his health. Ve sincerely trust it may be with -the- best results. Miss iiagie Page is entertaining her friend, Miss Effle Cooper, of Inst, Somebody has written lately again about the size of Babylon. Spencer ladies are more interested in' the size of the Empire store bargains -J. B. Cornelison, Salibury R. F. D.-Xo., 4, and a prosperous farmer, was trading in Spencer, on Thurs day. ivooniignt-ana-mooning is m prospect .these days with .alarming frequency. We used to like it our slj, and -don't, blame those who still do . 4 Mrs. J. Pv. Pennington is sptuid ing a week in Aseheville, where the land of 'the sky is supposed to exhale breezes of the choicest vari ety while' we-sleep. - ; Miss Jennie Freeman, who has been attending the Summer ijchool, at Charlottesville, Va., came honie last Frida' night. Theie is "no place like home.'' Misb Helen Lampkin, daughter of F. m. Lampkin, our worthy assist ant postmaster, left on Wednesday to visit relatives hi Durham, War ren Plains .and Henderson, X, C Charley Ray son of our estimable merchant, W, L. iiay, returned home on Tuesday from a two weeks' visit to Hot Springs, X. X'., and Greenville, Tenn. Subscribe for the Crescent' and be in the swim. It leads in local ner.'s.'l SI. oO fur one year;-75 cents for (3 months': 40 cents for 3 months. It is Rowan's own. J. R. Dorsctt, who recentty spoilt two weeks among the farms on Hickory. -Mount and that vicinity, give j us a most gratifying report of erons in that section. Miss Lizzje Long, of Tiding Ford, was. shopping in Spencer yesterday Xijid meeting acquaintances. Miss Long, is ''the daughter of G, W. Long, a prosperous farrnvr, always welcome in Spencer, . y. i- ' - Mr. W- P- Stafford, a worthy citizen, and employed in the S. Ry. carpenter shop, ha3 been confined to his" room, and under the care of a -physician, during the past "week, due to a bill ious condition. Mr. T. F. Hudson, of Hudson & Kluttz, gave us a pleasant call, on Monday, incidentally to subscribe for the' semi-weekly Crescen. The firm has moved into room five, (Wa chovia), with larger " and better quarters. They 'deserve, success. Miss Jennie Eagle, a teacher in the Lincoln top Graded School, and Miss Lottie Eagle, a tcacherhi the Salisbury Graded SchodI, arc visit ing. Mr. and Mrs, J,"M.iLonQanr for the summer. ,Ve trust , they will ndv'Sper,Jnterestingi;-an 'their. Lvacation pleasant. Mr. J. E. Kennerly, contractor of Spencer, has effected contract for the erection f a fine cotte 'for Stalling's residence on Salisbury-Avenue.- Mr. McGlamef ia a Souths em Railway, machinist; and believes in Spencer, . . '" - Eli ParJa, Salv' on the old Ml vilfe Wadt vtcd l. a Parts is heartily in' favor oir':eoottd'Qi&toaa&V Ke sfexarniiM by roads, and trades in penccf. , r a lirg'crh t wll6 found Q. fjacture of fices-a coodordz-rnlnv Eagle Jg'ill-fieribnbinl coliwder- bright sorl,' opdtdl who will make something of ihimself fo' a father to 1x3 proid Qf;;if .vill apply him- aolftatli(:;rv:- ' WatLi Crescent -"-ads, A bevy of proininen t ' laches' from Spencer spent' a prqn"tahtp.ialf hour Wed nesday morninvover them, and then -ix few mori? profitable hours buying bargains from our adver tisers. Others are, doing it. every .- day. . . ' " . Miss Heriname Quant?,- ;nieee of Mr.and Mrs.. E, MPattersoii oup .esteemed andcponular conductor on the Xovwood Brajich,;lef,... Sunday last,; i!or a tisit to Hertford ndO wood, and foe a trip toN6rfoJk, Vii, to be ahsentv week Tor .tcudav Mrs. . .Pajtefson also, has bceh spending sonic time at Norwood.' Mrs. E. M. Creswcll, of Philadel phia, arrived at The Thornton, on Saturday last, foiia' visit 'to licr sis ter, Mrs. Geo. .-West;" after an enjoy able visit since June 30, in Char- t-' - . wltv., Mi.viv-i. "wvuw ..,x . u.i CVesjycil, !,,. Mrs. Cres- - -v. ... woil i,ran. cntertining guest, and' a welcome one. " " : E. E. Pcv.las, W- U. operator at Spencer, has accepted the same po sition, with. promotion, at St. Au gU3tinc, Florida, for which delight ful .-and historic place he left on Wednesday; - .. , Wait a minute. Mr. P. requested all letters from -young ladies to be forwarded to him and needn't mind about, other kinds. Mrs.. Elsie Root Matthews, the aniaible wife of "a Southern Railway maehinist'until the closing of the shops," and ' how on a furlough in Washington', writes the" Crescent a compHiiientary letter, for which it retunis-'tlKurks. Mr. Matthews is a worthy "-and capable macinnist ,y'arid we' hope he will soon return to Spencer. " Mrs. C. m.. Thornton left" on. 36,. Wednesday for a. northern recrea tiou tour. A brief visit in Char lottesville, V., wh re she was joined by Mrs. M. m. Purycarfor part of the forward journey, and a visit in Wshington, D. C., tiienco to Wilkcsbjirre, Ply mouth, -and other points in 'Pennsylvania, constitute 1 1 he , entourage. We predict , that mis.. Thornton will return to us with a new fund of knowledge of the country, and many intcjiestiQg in cidents of her travels. i Wc desire to c.11 attention to the advertisement of thp State -Normal and Industrial Collbge which ap pears in this issue. Every year sees a steady growth in this great o . the higher institution devoted cducation-of the women Kof North Carolina. The McCvcr Memorial 11 77 111 Cf 1 lTr it'TOlAn TTTl-ilr-7A whiclV was4 made by the last Gei is now in. course of c cral Assembly, ection amd will be ready for occupadey at the open- ine of the fall term. The College kst ycbr had a total enrollment of 930 students. ' Nine ty-two counties were! . retH-Qsentcd Nine-tenths of! all the! graduates of this institution have might" in the schools of North Carolina. , The College domitorjes are furn ished by the State and board is pro vided at actual cost. Two hundred appointments ' to the .doniitoricsi ipportioned among the several counties according to population,' will be awarded to applicants about the middle of July. may wish to secure one of these ap- pointmcnts, should make application before July 15th. INCIDENTS INTERESTING TO ROWAN PEOPLE. -Mrs..Josey, threatened with par tial paralysis some time "ago, is not serjoujly sick, but suffering i&$xe pt less .from -nervojrss appteh&da,' which we trust is'unfoundorV ; Jlrs..V. .M. Walker, of Soence'r!. "veek received news from her mother, M,rs. Emily. Wiliiaijis;.: bf ecfcley V3t Va.v?tha-theter !:arid Mrs.Vili '-Josey, at the -time had fallen from the stcos oi herl'QTcr deatl 'aturaV,ri8trtf;inst::; dwelling, and broken her bib. Ad v.ces this week as to her condition; 'are encouraging. . last trttlrtvad suffeHnc f roiii'th'e cf- "fea ol a liea-VV' fall, WasfiibfeliedU Ablctaft in ihe sidej,,' i.'Br Brown ha$ beti hding the week at Tate Springs v -1 Advertise in the Ci'escent, aSQ Watc results from Spencer. - V i. Mifes Elisabeth Nicholsoahas been entertaining. Miss .Elsie. Lcckie,- of iJJy.hbUrgs Ya., during"! week. . M. F. Hatclierwas. in' A'sheville early .lus.we?fe $yi projesionel bus iness. ' - -' - irrs. C, W, -Pa,.4tth fr-ehjld-XcStf jis s'pendg -casori 3of.4'crc- atipn at ,Corier: Spjngs, ; jjC; thiiee weeks at Hiddenit? ftnd,-dnj-ityr Visiting and-paBtil'lilgs ltUrn inghonic TirosdaV, last, ' ; Mr. and Mrs. P. HTHompson have been entertaining, during the past week, their daughter, Mrs. Er nest Fetzer, of Baltimore, Md. 7- NTrs. Lee S, 0"., i -r"" , , , . J r-man has been entertain' i i - C3 " ' " - ' v. . Li.u.vjji irom itaieign.- Mrs. j. is. Kinr.cv t- - - - - . and Miss Maude Mcrriman. . Mrs. Charles A. Kluttz, with her children, is speeding a plea'sant seas on oi a few weeks at Rocky River, Springs. ' Miss Sallic. Feldntan ,is visiting delightful old Norfolk, ;as -the guest of her sister, "Mrs. " Spiegcd, of that city'. ' ' ' .'''"'.' ' ' ' ' A. B. Watson and family have moved to Charlotte, where he will engage in business.- Heas numer ous frieftds here. Mrs. W, F. Sides has leen enter taining her ipousin, jViss Lorena Hcdgepe'th, of Grecnsloi-or during this week. ' - : Whitehead Kluttz has been spend ing some time testing the virtues of .tho water and tonie air, at Davis Wirite Stilphu? Springs. , Empire Store Company Imrgains .are wort h a ride" f ro"m Dan to ''Beer She ba. Don't miss them. The Crescent tells about them. F. P, Beard attended the Elks' Convention, -and saw a Tcatv;deal of interesting country down in, ..Texas He is home again. i Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clement ex pect to spend a portion of the tor rid - ternT at Atlantic City, N J. .v any others Avould do the same art if they could. NoAvis the season to Ltyip treas ures in the nature of adornment,, by a visit to Belt-Harry Go's at-" tractive mid-summer sale. But "you'll have to hurry," as they said at the Buffalo Exposition gates. The - Misses Lizzie, and Mary Poole,, daughters of Dr, C, M. Poole, tiro popular physician whose residence-is'-On the B. F. road, are visiting their uncle, Dr. G. .M Poole, -at Fort Slocnm, N. Y. They expect to- be absent for several weeks. ' - Mrs. J. E. Carlin added tothe -4 pleasures of the season on Friday- evening, last, by giving -her guests, Misses Annie and Carrie ; Hankie, of Khoxvilie, Tenn., an opporttinity to meet more than a score? or two Of Salisbury's yoiing ladids. Light rs freshihents were EKTVed, and the oc casion was most en joyable. SPENCER BARACA CLASS, AT ; the m: e. cinjRcii. Lesson IV .'for Sndajr, 10 a. m., July 6,: ' K I Samuel, x'y,- 40 SO. . Memory verse, 23. (Read I Samuel, v.) Topical Outline: I. Saul rebuked by the Prophet. (VrsCs 10-21) . 11. The li ature of hiar sin. i ( Verses . 22 23); III. Said asks for mercy Verses 21-30),- ' Death )f Jbsey at Qescent ' : This venerable lady, was 74 years rof age.'and weU known, )ind respects edf . S&' was' a er"rr, idilas Josey.' n She wa -liying wirt ;Mr? "-. Funeral seri-ices Were held 'at Or- gan Cfiiftch, V ,her palter, ,Rer .Trexler f ongxizdvy ;f teiuoon ; . f . .... ! ..' i . .-.y . . ...... . rencers - ' What -Spencer Needs tNow. A QrsaKi' Tcrminaf OjdJy TW4 i'icjs vf rornSaUs fcry, Population 3,50Q.C- v . ' . ... :.'.. " ',.' :r - "... V'- X , . . gi-a :i955ice. - eyctj4v ref aii'ed. tach ffiontIi.'-l''Toifr Thousand Frelglit; Ct-vs-rioed' each tiiohtli;, One thousand Two' Hnndred MU o-lid iii 'Mlaw?l.'.l)ivisriefl; Avfernga Pay ov R,eV - Jvjp-f is "a fiali6a4'ra0: Three "Divisions. 1ST 33-1 s. rom WMpwi,;n:M 0f Southern. Railway:, ccsaible. to ev ery wetioni;;.: A11 trains stWipeneW; ,'; Spoccer, has two Banks Many Badincss..,.BAp.Ufbt?-etis Presbyterian, Kefoim, Episcopal'and CatjroliCSnirclFcS: A Gfc-IiighT way and Troll jy Car Liae: a nine- montfes; : Or StBooii Stone "Side walks: Attractive EesiC cafies ij ' Waterworks! tt4 evreraje Systems: Elec tric'ligliting: A Splendid Crfeenship; No DitiUericls- or Saloons: 1 Progixssive, Public .gpiritedr tnsative in Politics. , "' " Spencpr has-unezeellcd Industrial Sites,, and an abundance' of th very best labor at band; 'for factory, niill ind -pther plants, Speheer Needs A Fifty-room Hotel: A Wholesale Hardwafe Hoii3e : Lumber and Planing Mill : ' Overall Factory : Mattress Factory ' Ice Plant. And Cotton-Seed Oil Mill: Steam sLaan dry : Foiindxy: Pap:r Pntp Mill and many other Industries. - J " , ; Speneer's Climate is absolntely hcahby and temperate! Its Arfe Bian Water absolutely wholesome and delightful. Prospectors, Investors-,- Manufacturers, Business Men, FaVinfs are eordially invited to visit Spencer, -inspect our advantages, explore oar splendid and productive County and see Rowah County1' Farmcri at , home. : , Aeearate details' of inforraatio ehffcrfully' aad, promptly given, by HAT OH 02 CLEr.3: TOWN OF SpEKfcES. I .. . '!" -The Story f ... ana - r mur 'Fourteen Ycaw Ago a Waste of. Field cr.d Woodland. Twelve "Shears Ago Recommended by Southern Kuilway Engineers as'tlie Site for Its "Contemplated Shop Plaut which has been three times expanded, and now of giganticr proportions arm stui is lar bciow its prospeclrve tions. , A great Car-Baiidin 'Pla'n-iniist-'soonr-'or-la.tcr be--crecN-ed at .Spenper to meet exigencies certain to arise. A great Forindry will q necessity .; ana er&n now is a sound economic' proposition. : : -The steadily ,iner;easing volume of freight passing . t hi point will ere long dsmand fa? greater facilities than "now. This means other ai ind !hnge cer. . . ' ' .-. These inetable' additions irki eoasiructed and operated," will 'swell; the- industrial ptpuiatrR of Spencer to' twice itr present 'numericRV'st.i'eirtl ' - - ' . ' '.', v . , opencer Wdl thus becemfc "a great eeter:;.oY; indas:Viat acfi viticsf It will have an abundance of labor ready for employ-. , ment in factories, mills and 'other inlu9tries-rhra th youlh of tli e town can assist in the,general effort of -upbuilcKn? -w . - f . . . .-! ' ? Real Estate wilh advance : Investments- will, b'e.adV her without fear of decline in valtes: manufatore "vrUl scelc the eligible and available. sit3 reninin'g. : ... "!-.!. " " "" " '!,'"''." -','.' ' ' : ' ' " v u There are natisnal ,orportunitics' bereowt' "there shonld V- ' "a line of;-manufacturing 'cSfecens' stretching! froi Salisbury to the Yadkin-and in due ioiiW.of time tWrlvill be. . ( 'n.; '.. ', - ' - y- ' ' ... ....... - ; . . " There is an agricultnralfnfrytchviromny not excelled, in any other-section of the State. The- farmers - of Rowan are proverbial for thrift, in telligenee and hospitaKfy. They areprojperbus, they; are prOgrdsdve.; Farmers from th West 'aid-North and. East wbo.comg to this genial section T find better conditions -than tbey left behind and they x sue- i y ceed iere, -''. .. ""'' - - '. - ' . x . we :ask you t8 visit us ' we or ' ; "you . onr cordial co-operation ifi seeulinj liomss,. business, -or ' ipvestments. ' " :' ". '. ."'-' " - 4 - - - o - ? .- : v. ; v;';-'"' -.."'-Si .;-;, ; r , : TUSf MAYOR AKI) BOASD OF ALD3tiIEN. O? '--r ;:. . ' rr ; .' , .,-5, &3rwv;''g',K4v J-: ' - - - v'? ' iposted:. scfib fori keep 4 - aaVantag HE'--?' i' s;"Fr proxr- stiuctural' - devcIOpnaeats at Speiy- ii lie; Qdeiifc and! $1.50 vear 1 .. V I v. u i -J - ' . i V.' 4. r" - -i K 1 J Y . i !..- .- 1 St "f" I It , ..f..t",",';r- 1 41 'a - Hi 1 i f-v