?iD Ul JJUliU Ul-fl4 f I UULV' f lue-sias.suns-aaa suuuaea stood at D ' J a Cdtqpcessfid Air.' I. ' '.- t -T.fi" H T I W . V ' - 'C ' T FORTY R3H33DS PREKE - nbo 'W;y U Ferfla Whsai tho Valve Is . : ,Fif$t . Opened jand tfc Charnber Filte VWJt;. tho ilxftuswvg Air and F03. , Why You DoVt .Coltapse or Explods. r -ifcs the lockkeepw turns the valve. - "Rites' A. -W. RoJter . In t ipleten'a ilagazine, there S3 a scalp ratehrig screech s tit yovr ear Trete nert tlie f0c7 at3ve rot -.a lodoihotive blavtos tcam. .. iajfl- ;as the inrushlasr air ex ianR 'fills the tfnrv- chamber Tvife tfogt dense that yon cannot. ee yonr liana before jour eyes,. Wider .srad - wriiler the valve-t'etiP(Lctlje foS"Jje-K-omlnjr even denser a n ra'cl;et , Increasing until tl? air fairly drones in'd' yonryfr icd eardTTiTrw- aBxl yo-rtr ' ;X-ery s-a lp trom bk wf t1i tbtj nir thJci tfa vibrating abont you. trr tbe first, " '"trrne !n your life yon realize that' "Vsound nVajt in flirt' physi-ea arn and that fliS is a possibility tkzt it ciiy a: III. ooner 'is the Ms "val-re pejeJ. ihan yoii feel tlie preissaresaTasft your eardrnins. A big wacl -of ottoi sarins thrust -int eacti ar; ana trfi ri 8p gers seeiy to rrus!i the wads, -more and jnore timiljr "BHliljeaeii time yueyon wwaljaw r lilow -'jiita- yoiir nose the seusatiofti rtlapDefi.,.u?y., Umssui ajuew." Should you purposely delay , vrallnrix!.'W';twir eefid th. :iain ;, becomes intense smd finally ex--rucifttlnjj. h if a pair of ttfitftiis uee -.lies were'being pushed I'eejj iuti jrour" ars. ' XaU)!ns short V the f afth that, - 6th 'rs sneeessfuliy wit'litHfl these. sea-' rations prevents you fi'om becoruius r.udiily exuted. for tietually " you are Si the (Ill-ex's bf about as disagreeable f ix situation .as yon care to meef. For the teiuity of half, a minute the Tacbwt ami fog and esrr pains oontiuuc. Then the noise tvases-ns suddenly as it began. Of.t of the fos comes tlie voice jf your jiunIh: . all riht? Ears all right? No trpyble to breathe? Ou. you'll be i Jill rijjht!" Apr ii:i the "valve" 'screeches 1 jud the :fir tiroues. tue to of 'your lieod thi-obs. jmtl you are sliaken with in .".lid without. ' ' " ' (Jradually. after the lapse of ten jninutes, when the viressures n the fleadiajj' :uid the lock beeoaJe iTjpre '!ji:alied. the din begins tii slacken: then it falls more and ujgnt, a ntl fades to notlilus. after which the loekiuan iKns the heading tloolK 'tfWil "yo'tf fjazeicUiarish it not only".a& precious, but upon another length of 'tube" like that you left behind. . - .. '-..- IIo-.v docs it Teei t;rle tinder' forty pounds pressure? There is no sensation- to It none whatever which: 'is the .trouble, for in cas ypur bearf Is i g.:i-;r. to gie ont th?re is, no warning - " symptom until toq ,1a Vj j Against t'v - 'i y ipiiirc loyi 01 sri;:ci 01 yaur l);;;!y is a pressiire of ".71) poundsand the only thing that prevents you from leing Miuasbed, is the . TtT((J pounds Ier sijuafe foot iTfessu're inside of yoa, yet you do not feel this. Net a Question of firemmar. The green reporter turned to Editor McKe'.v.-ay. "Which should 1 say." he iiskcd hesitatingly. " "Aiy boy Heury laid an egg on the tableV " -Well." said Editor McKelway Im-)ntientlv-. "If vou Want something to crow over, anuses toat Kinu or a hot- r.cry. lot him lay it oh the table if he can. Otherwise have-hLai pat it. 1 he re. Judge. " . ' ' "r 7 His Dis'.inctwn. - A solemn fixieral procession, slowly wending its way up the slope from the church to the grave, was iutensepTed. by the old verger t who, pulling hls forelock in the usdal rastic style, wl dreswd the" clergyman. .A-hispBriug -ia -c confidential manner: "Please, sl? corpse's -brother wlstieft to speak to yei"i-oiidort tit-Bits. 1 A rv-'cuticaf Gccrst. Passenger Wliatv makes this " boat pitch so? Sailon That's a nautical se cret, ma'am, that we don't like to give away; but. seein' it's youM don't mind teliia' you that it's .the waves. Saa Francisco Call. He Vanted- to;;Know. The' Eiv.p(oye'r: (cordlyVV'h3' are yoii to late? Tbe'SutrtirOaflite (guiltilyV--There were tvvo1 wrecks ion " the?tracs this moniing.. and v, The Empfloycr (testily) Who was the other one? ,Colict(iM An old lady uuaccustom.e:i t IraveV b.:g Innocently seated herself tn a first class carriage, although she only had a.. third clirss ticket '1 he. fiuard. tiainK ing she had raade "a mistake pbltped his head into ttte'earrlage and lnOJrecU "Are you first class, ma'am?" . , "No. sir. not altogeier.' she replied, "but much brighter than -I was, thank you." Loadoa Scraps. Cawee For Worry. "D id you ha ve a good time at your musical?" " " ".-' '' - "No." answered Mr. Ccmros. "Ev ery trrr.e the band played anything T enjoyed I got worried or fjvr It wasn't classical 'enough to be the money's worth."- Washingtdri'-'SJai ; G;'.t3 lt,VVe3k. I?mks-Does strong coaee awake? .IlnkS llOW dO J kUOW. board. So'merv Hie journal. CSsEsical "Music. "What is your idea of classical rnrj - sic 7 ... ..r''n,.tv--writW.i. ' u7 T"' - the house and tie voice of the mistress 1 ,N , " . - 4 ... . :l "StirT md i 5ftb y?l called cat. "Leave -an tra quart this U ' f rSl? fW' S4r $ ? the 'trausfejr'statioit and atvaJed-,the" the iod? ,UarSaiaiQd loses ev tiaoeof sDrslctl.rrealiuessr'..- i i - 1 had the UBWt crowd of Uunlanjtj- and j TrJT' ' 7 - ' 4.yL . ' V. . ... t . ' IS a" r ' eW VCr" li 7 " r . . "s.vfv''" i d. aM fbe WMiaaa toafced' hopefully, fcJiniiq35!'in friend ot hfe as saying taere tfooia inside -w. - Fby don't fl,e 3adiwf of liseomfprt was addoa to the woniaa's cup of humilia j. . T. . "Ajv. whsjfs the use! Is'o sooner I'll get . "aw legs" istrhed . wnen . another :.tiidt' oia-&w ru have to liqp ikew York Tillies. '.. Oa soi into tlie rooms of One of h's friends who was nbscol Dr.. Alanse! 'savra fbe table thopenlhs , lines of a Toenl tbe following lofty style: ; The wn's peirpen'dlcutar heat Illumined the depths of the sea, Taltlns up a peu. lie completed the .taipa ia .thf tolllua' witty tray "Tfce ftehrs. besinloa-;t sweat. Cried. "Hang it. bow liot we-shal be!" ' Xn'.TTatsri1tiS'rdfessor of di vinity, bad at one time leen tutor of Trinity, and wTzeHjlie was made bishop of Uandaff air 1 honest ' ; publican: lii Cnnibrid.ire. was kept air Ian called the Bishop Blajsw. odt of respect to Dr. Watson changed. Lis sin and replaced tlrehead of Bishqp RJaise by that of Eisho Watson. This, transfer drew from Mansel. who prob'ably had some fcrnilgj? against the late tutor, the fol lovving. epigram : Two of a trarte can ne'er agree K& proverb re was juster. They've ta'en l awn Blaise, you see. And put p Bishop Bluster. London Chronicle. Whs U Pftrioim? T71iat 1:? patriotism? Ia it a narrow aCec.tiun for the jspot where a maj was born? -Are the very clods here we tread entitled tp this ardent prefer ence because they are greener? 'No, sir. This is not the character of the virtue, and it soars higher for its ob ject. It is an extended self love, miu .gl'ifcg. v.ith all the enjoyments of life and twisting Itself with .-the mhiutesr filaments of the lieart. it- bthus we ohey the laws of society, because they are the laws of virtue. ' fn their au thority we see not the arrayyof force aud terror, but the wenerable image of ,jour country's henor. Every good citizen "mates that: honor his own and as sacred. He is willing to rLk his life in; it3 defease and ij conscious that he gains protection while he gives it. Fisher Ames. Laziness ls the deadliest of nil dls - eases ror the disease itself prevents ne from taking the remedy. SAW HI3 OPPORTUNITY. The Reporter Soizetf It and Gt His S.Rcal Start in Life. V All the city traveling public loves a strap ' hanger because it" has a fellow feeliug for him. This is why the story of how Frank VandeHiy, the banker, got his start has an almost universal appeal. It happened when Vanderllp was a reporter on;a Chicago newspa per and writing finnncfal news. The traction situation then, as now. was al- acst im-jossible. 'Charles T. Ytsrkes wn3 traction dictator, and the stock- holders and the public never bad' a word to shy' fu the conduct of the road. Nor could they gst nuy definite iJca t.f the financial condition of the prpperties. ; v The time for the: anneal meeting of the stockholders of the prlticipal road came along At all the meetings Mr. Yerkes ha.l rattled tiff 'the reports in the usual r.ndecipberabie corporation way. and no me Unew what was do ing. So Vanderllp 'planned a coup. Lie bought a shafe of .stock, which, admitted ln:u to the meeting, ne hard been a stenographer before, be. liecauie a newspaper man. f When Mr. Yerkes sailed Into his breezy explanation of finance: the ytHing; reporter took down everything he saldl Mr.: .Yerkes used fpne striking phrase! and it was this: - 1 lie passengers nun unve seais pay the operating expenses, but the-straphangers pay your dividends." " The next day the sentence topped Vamlerllp's .acconijt of the meeting. If aroused a storm jof discussion, for It laiddiare some of the traction methods: also itigot VanderHp.a raise In salary vnd a pYomotitm.4-Saturday Evening Fotit. - : . ; . ' T. Nothing Like Thst Ip America. -"This Vas totd aie the -other day," 'sail! a man. "by n. friend who has just, made the tour of IJ-ehuid." lle; was at the lakes of Killailney. and a jarvey driving one Of those .side seated car was telling him of fa-visitor who was attempting to, masqiierade-as an Amer ican.-' but -bad alt tlie outward Signs of; being an Kuglhthmnu. , ' " You say."; Rorr. said the jarvey, 'that yon five in tbe United States. Were yez Iver In DulmtpieiTJa.?' " 'I irhs." said, the t travelers I was there for, a fortnight.' '. ; ' .. f "'Off wid ye" said the carman. Ye were nlver there. E-Ivil a fortnight do they have In America "Indianapolis News. . Gsttirtc ltRight. '. tvwas op a $treet car-lnlthe city of Wnchh.. Tirn.lnrul VimonHiv Washingtoif Two coiored women ! lnr cheaply, gorgeous splendor, werq talk1 lug and one chanced to mention a Mr. Jinks in her, conversation. j -Excuse lne.'saidHhetbp, woman. i "ont ms name is-nat rfinasi" iris air. oltory Are Hard' 9 Manage buS - a ,ipr thl Trlllllpf! - Af . ' T . least. iuJS,oas aiwai-'iHHaliu.v exnon-i -tbp .Vl.have tbrbuSht.viuoid, .antf srience witn mm 'Avas typieai or -toe vases or tneproression m general. "or k10" altoiietberloo .ch I thelrtW: peace ofjuted.. yyH see. . ..... Eacb new syiuptoiiMs lecofivlzwl. and If itis an nnf avomblt wv wby.-the patleat; . weakened7" coudithn rwjmi!y I leads him to I.ay jjreat jitresW nm it. Then, since Jie has sil ways Jeeii- in a L . V ....... t.,,- , ' i- .,-ju-i..i ' i iiv ... 1 1 JL.ii lit ft , tiuij 11- i iiinipfni ii critrelse.;.nhd Jake, exceptloo to treat ment which the, ordinary mtlent re-4 ceh"es as a -matter. f courew, - f' . - "But tierhaps the imst troulilesotne thinti of all Is the hiania wilch 'the doctoi hits for.tnUlHgiH mtrattire. If h,e; has a . moderately high fever and is ayowed jo , ise ;the tueriiiometer .as often . as he ' wishes lie carl .... frt and wflrt'y over the result enhgir to sead h1sVfeuiiefature' up uiaterralf. More 'than otu-ev rather than exasperate -.a. pbysiciau patient by refusal to let aim have the the.rmonieter und rather at the same thiie than let liini know. Just' how high his fever was I bare dropped the Instrument just as I was fu the act.; of handing it to him. Of course I apologize for my carelessness atsuch times, and" the regret really does not have, tojie s-,11 ussumed. for I am at the expense of buying, myself a new thermometer. ' "At one time I Bad ah Inaccnrate ih strument. which never registered hlH enough, and I used to call it my doer tor's thermometer.'. P.y. a tittle dexterV, ity I coOhl s)i!stirute this for -the one I actually used myself, and the en couragingly low temiierature It would show would gi-eatly please the patient." New York Times. .SHOWING OFF A GUEST. The Innkeoper Wsi Octermincd Fes senden Chould Appear. One night while ex-Secretary of the Treasury Fesseuden was on a political mission tohe northern part of Maine he stopped at" a small hotel. In the venter of the house was a big stove that warmed two rooms. In one of the apartments Judge Fesseuden established himself and prepared to take proper, comfort during the even ing. Just as -he had got v?e1l locajted tvith a book the landlord, a sis ! foot French Canadian, came in. . "Excuse ine. selr." said he. "but Mr. Ed Wlggone of Maysyllte. she be in de odder room, an she "wan to see Mr. Fessendeeu." "Teir-Mr. YIgg5n FU be In a little later." said Judge ifesseaden, turning anotlier leaf In his l)oolc . The landlord went out. Tie returned In a uioment. "Mr. Wiggene ibe send his compliments, an she -say chit he wan' Mr. Fessendeeu right away." Hie Interruption Just at that mo ment rather nettled the judge, who was In no wa.tj accustomed to dictator ship, lie sent back such a sharp-reply that it was easily seen that the landlord was cut by his asperity. In Just thirty seconds the landlord was back. Judge Fesseuden raised his eyes to find the man staring at him with ft look of desperate resolve. With suppressed excitement in his tones the tall landlord spoJcer "Mr. Wiggone say she wan see Mr. Fessendeeu qulck an' he gues o de bouse, an" I say she goif to see him." Forthwith the bifj landlord swooped down on the. astonished' sentheman. .seized him. tucked him under his arm and strode-across Into the rtxmvof the peremptory gentleman from Maysvllle. "Mr. Wiggoues," calmly said the landlord jib mnttur tt fwt k tlmnirhw be had just deliver! n pitcher of IcefF- Stevenson, P. M. Nussman. fater. "here be Mr. -I'essendeen." ne set the indignant" "caller" down on a chair and retired smilingly. Power of Irnaepnation. - IPrrtrathig the strange jroweir "of tb Imagination. E. F. Benson.1 author.of "Dodo."' tells this Incident: A doctor he knew had found It necessary to give a pa tje'.itx of many eveidngs an Injec tion of morphia to enable him to get some' sleep. Afternwhle the doctor thought It ndylsableto ston the mor. phia. and for two nights his, -patient was unable "to sleep.;'awlng to great pain.. On the third night' the doctor. iK'iugst lil mi willing tOiJ minister uior phia. Injected plain water - instead. The man slept perfectly, and awoke "In the nioniliig with what is known as a morpkipe mouth.: Inopportune Advice. Mm. AscuiivrAllsa Crabbe Is a mem ber of' your suffrage club. Isn't she? Mrs. (laddie N'o,we had tospel her We were dlscnsslng the servant -girt question the vt her day and shi'liad the Impudence to say that U We oriiy stay ed at home "ami attended to buslness the servant nestitML wouldn't bother us at alt rhiladelpbla Press. ". r e- Cencitivei '.. ' "Motorist Coon ley IV?g pdwdon. suh, but kin yo tnfohm me how many miles. it am teh Jay vlllc? JThe Farmer Waal, as th crow flies-- Motorist Coonley Doan' git pUssonal, sub, doan git pussbnall Fuck,-, "7 r. ' . Ono Advnntaga. "What do yoii think of this idea of having dogs for caddies?" asked the ord golfer. .. - ' "-"It's "a good' idea.'" replied the begin- tt(4- "Tlw drtTrs Vnn't l5inrh nt von!" . IiMdou Standard- . v.:r- :. C'--I A Bit. of Sarcasm - "A yonng man who had prolonged his call on" his sweetheart', a fewr nights ago was surprised when m - window f n tan tipper story -was raised as he left a A'Hin&ome'libraiyJs Ncy Installed PrivUcges Enjoyed By 4 " 9.1 S tt ha ' Trre'selections forthc Y. M.C. A., Library are now in their helves and ready for circulation. AU"YtM.' C.-A., member., and tAdieu-ry, arc in vitod to use, the ibraiyf;hpary cards issued to membrat ;he office, v The Ladies'. Auxiliary in embers can orsro cards by. applying to the treas- FRESH ! FRESH!! i i he country every mrarning. all kinrs of reget abl.es-arid Fruits; Country-' Butter and Ks. - Corn e and give mo your order Lt Groceries or phone -Kb'. 41 -h. - ' D. C. EAGLE ' SPEXCEll CITIZENS AND ' -' SI'rTN'CER TAXES. Just as we said to tlie Tax Col: lector Spencer citizens are coming in and paying their taxes. Do.u't let U3 have a public tax sale . ia Spencer, even in this, our hardest year of existence. SPENCER BOARD OF TRADE. OFFICERS, AND STANDING COMMITTEES. , The complete organization of this institution, intended to promote the best interests of Spencer and of Rowan County, was effected on Thursdj y night; 16th, through the harmonious action of a. large num ber of representative citizens pre; -ent. The Officer for the term end ing Dec. HI, prox., are(as follows: G. W. Cxjnnell, President: J. P. Crow-ell, 1st. V.: E. S. Burgess, 2nd. V. P.: B. O. Blalock, 3rd. V P. : A. W. Hicks, Scc'y :' J. It. Dor sett, Treasurer: Rev.J. M. Duna wajr, Chaplain: L. S. Allen, Coun sel, The Standing Committees are as follows : Com. on Constitution and By Laws J.'K. Dorsevt, M. L. Smoot, D. J. Mill. r. Membership Com . LP. Crowcll , M-'L. Smoot, J. M. Dunawhy,. W. L. Ray, J. D. Dorsett . Finance' Com. L. -Scott Allen, B. 0. Blalcck, J. K. Dai-sett: Railroad Com. L. Scott Allen, J. I). Dorset t, J. P. Crowell, P. M. Nussman, W. H. Burton. Press Com . L. Scott -.Allen, B V Real Estate Com. R. Crowell, ,W.G. Home, D. E. Kestcr, W. H. Burton, B. 'F. Stevojisiin. Industrial Com. D. J. Miller, 1. P. Crowell, W. H .'Burton, J. D. i Dorsett, J. R. -Thomas, (Mayor), 1 D. Smith. TAX NOTICE. Following described real -estate in the, town of Spencer, Rowan county, N. C, will be vs jld ,f .r delinquent taxes of 1907 on the seventh day of- August, 190S, at 12 o x-lock noon, at the court house in Salisbury , N. C. : R. G Chaney, hous? and lot,' No. 10, block 1, 2nd St, S11.81. - Jno. M. Freeman, 2 lots Nos. ! and 15, block 561, Sal. Ave, $2.10. G. AY. Minor, lot No. 17, bL7ck 34, Baldwin, street; 81.05. " C. M. Hoove, facing Depot street antl Southern Railway, So. 25. - C. B. Jordan, lots 21, ' 25, 26, block 503 , 7th St . , 64 .89. t;D . Ev Moore, (Col . ) block 541 on map of . Spencer $5 ."5 . " F. Z. Sharer, la: s 1, 2, block; 563, Yadkin Ave., $2.10. x ,.- : tiajj. . i iw jui tjjl.!:i-.'m. .n , szt . ag ,-To cure Cough; ' : -J-r' 9 ' :l. f W T'l -y ' - h- - i: it it ! Wcrtlion's HorcIiMd, Koney and " Tar, Memfcei-d". ' - V -is- f "c--a 1 . . t JiS ttrer Mrs. D. E. KePtcr. : -A catalogue, cont-onicntlr. ar rdnged,: W5ll': ibo . ptinted,! and' booklet form divert to 'each niemer" containing rtrTesjbf the library, and other useful information . .. TherTen; Bee. or his assistants will cheerfully se-:attendo'applieants for boolcs. day or night. ' ... OUR BOYS AT FULTON HEIGHTS . Spencer second team-pJaycd'Salis bury second tea:n Monday at Jul I tbii. Heights' before, interested -spec-Hhe tators. The game was hotly played Batteries : for Spencer, O Albright, Burton and Kizziah; for' Salisbury, Davidson and Sykes. Score 9 to 7 in-. --favor of Spencer. - Features, stick work of G . Al bright was fine , he having made five hits out of five times'up. -tyrnf of theiu being for two saeks. - ' - . , the SPENCER Y. LIBRARY M. C. A. The library books at the Y. M, C. A., are now classified and ready far use. Twenty one library cards were issued Monday. Several new members have bseii secured as a re sult of the splendid library being put into use. One book at a time can be t Jcen home for two weeks, where any member of the family can read same. Now is the time to. join the Y. M. C: A., to take d- vantage of the books, while 'they are j new. The membnrship is only, five dollars a year, which . in-, eludes the use of the library, and other privileges. Most bf the bookc .are late fiction such as the average person is anx ious to read. The reference bocks recently ad ded, are Rand MeNally's Standard Atlas bf the world, Funk and W'ag nalls Twentieth Century Standard Diction ry ; the Science of Railways by Kirkman, Encyclopaedia Britan nic, and Ridpatiis History of the woild. MOONLIGHT HIDE WITHOUT THE MOON. A STItAAV-AND-STCDE- BAKER-WAGON TOUR TO SOWERS' FERRY t ; Last evening at 6:15, by a Waterbury watch, a gay party, of ladies and gentle men, the pride of Spencer, disposed them selves as uncomfortably as the straw -strewn h-pacc in three praifie schooners wculdpocnit, and proceeded, hilariously,'" but decorously, to make two-inch tracks in the dust-laden streets and out 'in the .highway leading to tlie rippling; gurgling and spa'rkliug Yadkin. - The party con '"swtedbf the following ;vStarj ahd Satel- s, to-wit : - j . ,J ' .'- DrandK. II. Ljldonk, Mr. and plrs: A,- p. 'Smith, :Mr. and lira. J; 21 IPrcttymtm, Mrs. W?Cr Gatewopd &x&. J. JNv lioonc,' iliss Loouie Prettyipcan with D. B. Kizziah. Miss Patties Prince Tunibull with XI. M. Bwicegood;, Miss Mamie Ilatlcy witl' J. P. Lynch, Miss Irene ganford with ..N. Booker, Miss Ilattic Milker ;wiv:'j" M. Sink, Mfss Clara Kader'v wi'h J. K. Doraett, Miss Clyde Satt rfiild with T, P. Fowler, Miss Adaie Ferry with J. C. Kizziah, Miss Ejc Talbert vdth R. J. Goodc, Miss Mattie .Jenkins with T, C. Johnson, Miss Edith Kcr-vschncr with S. T. Dorset t. ' Ice cream, between f ecu nine screams, j tried ciucfcCA. and many other cdjrV gavezet and vitality to the part'Spants in the hovel affair. Qame3 wt; o played, cxcurdioiis acr 33d the unbriy deep were boldly, accomplished ; tson, "sentimental and comical, were sug -tunefully, and tlipn, when the' horn oj eleven struck; they all came homo, Mrs. Geo. West, her mother, and pprty, leave to-day for a; visit to A'jnevile, for 'a: day or two.' . ''Colas 'and. DL'eases 2 1, ' $J 3 . ' W' ' A - " 1 . 7C T. . -j- . ' UkAa ' f. t - Bajtlst ll a, ni; aad 8 p. m, S. S. 10 a. nu Key, X M. Duaaway ' . Ili5b"7tcrl3j., Services as' announc ed. S. S. 3 p.m. ': ' , Itefcrsied. Services 3 p. m.,Rev. Y7. B. Duttcra. - . EpiscopsJlFirst and Third Sunday 3 . p. m. . ir . ,i ,E?tail Herciants -Association,; J 5. a, Blalock, Sec, ' r s ' ' , lotrd c5 "AJdermMV First Jfon3ay fack -roonli. ' J. R, ,5uomM Havor j S. -F. Harris, Sec. U ' ' tf - North. Carpliaa, Rowan Cotfnty Know alt men by thee presents, that I, j. W. Young of Cunty aa4 SRte aforesaid, have this day made constituted and appointed-!?. P. Can non of the ecunty of Mecklenburf an-J State afoiesaid, my true and lawfuL attorneyjto act for me in my place and, stead, s'-l sratten coa-eeining- tho Mttlcscenfr.of any, and. all claims Si&t-I siay owo or ia the coir, lection and settlfaaeiat of all claims .and aecouaisv that may be due rue. This power carries .with k full aa thoiity to the sai-i K. P. Cannon to take charge of " all ray books, papers, accounts, ttc, . and "colleet by "suft compromise or otherwise -as to fcim' may sccia best aod .expotlient, r eia- ptoy a collector, or attorney to collect sam6 and inatitttte. shit in case of expediency cr settle in any way that re aim icaynsecra tec -beat and :c podient. The' saitt N. P. Cannon is hereby fully avikorked and empow ered to use the '..proceeds of all such collbclions as" may bo made on said accounts in paying off and - discharg ing auy and all claims ' that , my against mo in Pi c-wan comity or else where, aod be is fully empowered to settle all such clEircs in any mani'er ihat may seem best to Lim or refust. payiaet'L in easo he sboup deem th dasin unjsat and imisroper. And the said N. P. Cannon is hereby given ami jr?vjted fall power and author ity, to do and perform every aet and. J ?hunj whatsoever requisite and ncr assftry lo be dene in snd about tae premises, cs fully to ell intents and purposes, as I might or conld do if personally present, and I hereby, rati fy and confirm each- and every act that N. P. Cannon, my said attorney, shall lavfully do or cause to be done by virturo hereof. la witness whereof I have set my I' and and seal this June the 25th, 1903. . . . . DR. J. W. TOUNG, (Seal..) North Carolina. Rowan County. - I, P. S. Carlton, a Notary Public of County and State- aforesaid -do-hereby certify that. J". W. Young tiis dar personall appeared before xae nd acknowledged the dvra- exefention of the aforesaid instrxnnent or powei- P. S." ciriLTON, (Seal.) ' : Notary Public. My commission Jexpires Dee. 15, 190S. THE aiARLOTTE NEWS is the leading evening daily in the two Carolinas. Full market, Associated- Press and local' ne vs service. Subscription only $5.00 per year Try it and you will like it. News Publishing Co. Charlotte. N. C. 'King's Business College ( INCORPORATED) - CAPITAL STOCK "30,000 BUSINESS when yen think of going off to school write for ' College Jotirnal and Special Offer of the lead ing business and short -hitnd schools, Address, KING EBUSINESS COL LEGE, Raleigh, Ni C. , or Cha lotte, N L C. We also teach Book-keeping, Short hand, eto-Vbymail? !." ; THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Maintained by the State for the Ed ucation of the Women, of North. Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Scjial Courses offered in Teacher I raining, Music, Arts and Domestic Scensc and in the Commercial De partrnent. Free Tuition to those who agree to teaeh in the -schools -- qt North Carolina. '..",-' Board, laun"dr3;," tuition and all other expenses, imdudinguse ol textr hooks;. $170.00. aear: For free tu ition siiidentsi $125.00 a year. 1 Those desiring to enter should ap ply -as earlx. pis 'possible'.- The ca pacifv of tiiedomitories is limited . : Fall SesstotL bina September 15, For catalogue and other -information address V T' J. I. FOUSTPreaxdent, , ; ' ') GREENSBORO,-n; c. Phone 405 J.' 'Salisbury For ' ''a"- - Order" now andr,have it i delivered when you wantK. $3 per curd.- , rioODMAN LUMBER . COMPANY; A Complete Line Staple .7Fahcy -V' arriscS: : ' ..." ' " . i- . - -" ' " .ti-;-'' v '"' Clears, K Tobici05 f ' 1 ail d trockc ryi CounAy Produce Bought and - -. bold,' ' ' ' . FirfTH ST.. SPENCER. N. O. AT "TEE TEOIUfEON Large, pleasant rooms, wide ' cool ;orrido?s ; broad-galleries, front and dde; Jot?and. eokl;.water; bath" rooms and--rUTAtfiBna3L,ng roomjv 'all 70n?eiBj.trtB-; -'.suppliiMl o -table ; iceorrunod attoa si a t treasonable ra tcs. MilS. 0 M. THCHJfTplT, Prop. TOR SALS Fine farm of 331 acres, two 'hoars jide &uC. -&"0. frow Richmond, Vav Jn heart of silk sleaf tobacco district. Well timbeW 3 and watered. ' Good 'ioeighbor hOod. Gold pros7 icing. -Just the home site for a good farmer. A4 dreas th. Crereent office. TOE GALE OR RENT. 1- ' - 1 f The 'residence of Dr. J. W. Young, Spencer, N. C; - . : Any f ttrtke'r information wante call on. Mr A. W. Hicks,. Cashik Wachovia Loaai & Trust CoV Spencer, N. C, or .write N. P. Cannon, Trus tee, Charlotte, "N. C. ' s ' TEU9TEB:TTOTICE. All "persons" owning -and , in debt to Dr. J. W. Young, wilT;pIease, arrange to settle their account at once. ' . Yon eari pay a part or all you owe bim by depositing the same in- th Wachovia. Lean & Trust Co. to ni7 cjredit. and receive--a receipt for the amount paid from Mr, A'. Y. Hicks. N. P. CANNON. Trustee. Charlotte, N.' C rOS SALE 25,000 square feet, of beautiful building lots lir Alejcaji- ' der coiinty, Va., fronting tlfw street s, 800. feet from U. S. Mili tary ioa(and trplleyiine? 25 min utes "from Washington' postoffice, Oveih.okjng the Potomac, the war and navv offices, tire Whifc House, , capitol, ' CongresRional Library, -anU Georgetown -University. Ideal ia- ' vetmen t 'for homes or" f ubdividhif and silling. AddTess Crcsvnt of fice. With authority vested in pie un& acting as Trustee for Dn-J?:W Youm l have nnderraken the. arrangement of his affairS, "--vBd ' thopiynatfnt'' df uis derw?. . .. .- All persons holtYng claims again t Dr J. . W.' Young or bis wife, -Mrs. Ella Young, will please mail mo an itemized verified "statcmMit of their account, -which will receive th- attention doaifb, same. - - - - .N . P. CANNON, Trustee. ' , Charlotte. N..C. Subscribe fpr the Crescent semi- W3ekly; 150 for one year : 75" cts, for 6 months: -40 cts. for 3 mouth ts. It has the news. China Grove Lodge Knight of ' -Pythias. Officers for ensuing year: ; J. F, CooperT c.' C. ; J.. R. Bron, Y. s C; P. E. M'riglit, P.; W. C. Siflferd,.K'. S R. S. ; H. L. Efird, Vvr. M-; J. L Wfferar M. F. ;yJ. W.'rCook,,M..E.'; V. Ll Cor- rell, I. G. ; Y. B. Miller, 6. G. Death of Liitler Son of Dr. Ftamsaur at"" CHina Grove A sad death i-announeed in the family of Dr. :G. -A. Ramsuer, in the death froinHctamis, , of his little son, Alexander, ''Tuesday morning,, last. . Fun eialhvas held at Mt. Ziou Reform Church, ' ' Sunday .Service In Spencer PvCvrT H. Spencc, Woodleaf 'NV' C, , nvill preach: in the Spencer Press bytcrian Church,-;Sundpy, August 2nd, at 8 p. m.: 'All are cordially jnwi.eu;i.atLeucr-i,ms service; mem bers of the.; ehuich are urged "to come.: . ' ; - - , v . - -.-- , ' r , , - ' . i Sowers-Falconer Marriage Announce- " ; .- mentt 7 "r v Announcement is 'made ?of ' the marriage of CJydcrB5wers.of Salis bury, to Miss Maude-. Falponor, set forAugust 3; 'the: ceremariy to' le performctl'rat the -r-'Saered Heart Church at 9 a. ml ' wisslfalconer is a popular young lady of Spencer, , and Jtr. Sowers is a' jrisrng buii2ieav 'J - v.- - tman of gali'.-hury. tW.pi- K r.t" 1 - t - -rjHTJt f. , t' 'v. ;:"' "'-v-:i;, - , I s ' - ' . , - . : ' r " ."' :'"' '?"'' ' ' ' : w iw 11 "