4- -At ti THE SPENCER CRESCEN T pubjUahed Wednesday and Saturday at Spencer, Q. $IM A Year; 75o. G Months; 4Qc,3 Mouths Advertising Rates n?ode,rate., .a.r;d given tjpbn. Application Job Printing Pone t low prices., .and gxxi execution and prompt de livery made an inflexibfe rale. jnteroa as aecond-claaa matter iiay l, .1008, at the post office at Spencer, N. C, ' under the Act bf March 3. 1879. SpenoerN; a, Nov. J, 1908 53TIM4TING THE NATIONAL L ECTJONJN ADVANjCE The Kvs and' Observer, Mr,. Miaek, Clwi.ruaa" of the Rational Democratic Executive Committee, -and sundry other political organs and leaders, published .forecasts of the presidential vote as late as the ' 2d, giving Mr. Bryan 301, 323, cite., -yotes in the electoral oollege. Th-e I&f York Iirajd givingjiim 177 votes. All these prognostications were based upon political calculation, by political experts. "cast the probable vote, 10 days be fore tho. .elootion. n.rul dW nrr change its opinion afterwards. The Cresqen gaye Bryan 165 electoral ,- he yote .ftotuaJJy given him 1 'ft$?$$&o&l knowledge , of the wiYM large, .including an ac iddjc6 with .the people, indus- .-tMjaifti etmercial j well asi Vyja& Qajojmjc. .conditions, tf ieariy ever.one .of the states, led the editoil Crescent to believe that he Should he able to give d. reasoabacrate .estimate of the probable TOte -in each of those .gtates. -e jiesialt shows that ,one h,&v&gjx, pf8onal inowledfje of . jthe ejuiajtry has., an advantage over ii poetical, theorist SPENCER MARKET Prices paid to-day for produce, grain., etc. (Corrected by G. W. Cornell, grocer)-: . Eggs, per do?: Chickens, lens, per lb young,, per lb Patter, per lb Lurd, per lb Tallow, per lb Peas, white, per bu Peas, colored, per bu Beans, ,colored, per bu Beans, white, por bu Beaps, butter, per lb Potatoes, sweet, per bu Potatoes, Irish, per Lu Onions, per bu fiacon, per lb Wheat, per W Corn, new, per bu Flour, per bag Meal, per bag Oats, per bu 21 ' 9 12 20 11 to 12 4 '2.50 2.00 2.25 2.50 5 1-2 40 75 to 80 60 :' 11 o;:l2 75 $260; to $28Q ; 'lido G8 l5eath Of Mrs. :. At. Ritchie Mrs. J. A, Ritchie, wife of Julius Ritchie, the well known lumber man, of Richfield, died Monday morning November 2. encer ables Summersett , Suminersett Elegant Furniture ; SINGLE PIE :ES, AND IN SUITES . . FIRST CLASS LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE Trains Met For Baggage. Dravare. Furniture Moved Carefully Wood Hauled Complete Outfitting For A Home Popular Prices Household Specialties Inspection Solicited Undertaker's Parlors. Embalming A Specialty Calls At Any IJos , Day 'Phone 224: Night 'Phone 529 Summersett's SALISBURY, N. C. Passengers Aw SSSiSSSSS. 1 1 The Yadkin Pressing Club Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Very Best Service, At Reasonable Charges: : ... , Swicegood Bros.- SPENCER, N.-C,. Membership Solicited . $1.00 Per Month COATAND VEST . 50c -- PANTS- -. , :.25c . Wof i forbid liy(erejl promptly V.J. P. LYNCH W. P. YOUNG THE VETERAN MERCHANT Gives First-class Goods At Lowest Prices rRY GOODS ' GROCERIES - NOTIi KN'n MOVES FVIiXITUIiE CAKEFL'LLY DOES DRAYAGE AND . TRANSFER BUSINESS W., P. Young SPENCER , I I j '.- 1 I! V tVv' six ; 3 i ii We Will Give Every Farmer In this ccunty and adjoining comities a chance to get some "' thing they "want WITHOUT COST The Spencer Crescent AND The Southern Agriculturist -: Wri)i bewailed, rwjstage prepaid, for one year to each snb- nber of THE CRESCENT who sends us $4 J50 Cash. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY lend inoiieV''ty P. O. MonSy Order, directed to - riE SPENCER CRESCENT, Spacer, N. C. 4'- ...K-:-.i Spee&jf' Jtjb And ftys- J- pidemlfiBre 111 Spencer but things the past. 'The health of the cjbnmtvumty is now again almost if not qltijtenorrna, .and there is reason to believe that it willctn- tinue so.for a long period. Political agitation has ceased for want of fuel; and our people ai,e hopeful and full of energy. With .-almost Unlimited' natural resources, with 8383,000,000 raoe monyin circulation than a$ this dale two years ago; Mith the country at peace ; the prospect ahead is more -than encouraging,1-it'is brilliant. - So far as our local .affairs and in terests are -eoneftraed, we may con gratulate ourselves upon several very important facta: the tone of the community has greatly improv ed during :the past twelve months; the mora;Ls,of . the Shops are far better than ever before, and there ;is a steady -increase -in the force .employed. Let us work for indus trial development, for commercial .advantages., for the good of ithe whole; and the recompense will ;suraly ,come, jin :added ndustnesi numerical strength, a;nd prosper ous .times for us all. CON NELL THF. GROCER FREE. TO AUC, qiurcm Supper JOCIETYDIUNE T IMPvxTEP OAPAnciC WjfH'PURtHASESOF Mauley rJDoarsett Siler City, N. C, Nov. .5. On 'Tuesdas afternoon at the home of ,the bride, Miss Dotsett and Mr. .Jesse Marley, of this . place, vere married. There twere only a few intimate frjends and relatives pres- accomplishwl daughter jf Mr. AV. ,.T. 'Dorsett. of this place, and;the gro)m -is a young business man of the town, being. a mem. ber of and manager of the firm .of Welch-Mar-iley Co., furniture dealers. King's Bu4mes College (INCORPORATCD.) ' CAPITAL 5TQCK 30.000 BUSINESS .when 'you jthink ,qf going off to school write for .College ' Journal ;anl.p3iah0er ofrtlie lead-l jag businefii! apd hort -hand schools', Ad.kss, .KINO'-S BUSINESSiCOL LEE, Raleigh ,'-N. C, or Charlotte, C. T We also teach Book-keeping, hftJEt-Jwujl'J. ,t:te . , by mail, j A Si Carries Every thing " That Is.ofjThe' Bst In Dry Groceries. Fancy Groceries Fruits in Season Prime Cured M ea6 Baker's Products i - . ' High Grade Teas Coffees Full Values"; Full Weights G. W. CONNELL Silencer I ,t i : F. Crowiell HAS NOW IN STOCK A Full Line of ; VJ; Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries-Dry and . . . . r Fancy Produce Bought New Goods, Bedrock Prices, Courteous Service' Attention to Your Wjyts, and Square Dealing; are My Bids For Your Traie.' Call and See Me REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 55 Sixth St. & Yadkin Aye j: Phone 30 Spencer, N. C y ; E E. S. Burgess SPENCER'S PIONEER Hardware Store .. Coal And Wood Stoves - ,. Cookin': Stoves - V DWM HEATER3 'V ' ' i ' '" , 'r ' ' Twake , S'i'OVJO K EPA Ii ': '. ' Whips Nis' . - - Plumbers' Goods Ad First. Class Plumbing REPAIR WORK DONE WEpND CPLY EXPERT WORK CLEAN WORK E. S. B U R G ES S Spencer, N. C. m AG RICU LTtIS AJtt fTS BUY YOUR Coodsln Spencer THE SPENCER MERCANTILE CO. SPENCER'S ; BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Se Everyth First-classr market in connection with its business Sp encer N. C Flower Language Post Cards a Series of 12 Free to Yod Do you know the meaning' of the flowr language? Can you. read the message or the flowers? If you are a lovr of souvenir' post cards this series will appeal to you. You may have this set of beautiful flower cards; you may have them absolutely free and prepaid if you will send me only 10 cents for a four months' trial subscription to the Southern Agriculturist. These post cards are strictly high class. Each card represents a beautiful scenic view and has the meaning of the flower language worked out most beautifully in flower mottoes and floral designs.., To illustrate, In this series the popples spell out the words "I dream , of thee," the flHles "xeace," the enrysanthemums "i love you." the viojets "faitbfulness.T etc You won't be disaDDOintard because these' cards n r tobIIt rrtfTproTil5 from ttA MT-rltn a tv kind-And afe fcovel in Aeslrn and attractive In aocaaraiice.' 'These cards are'-taken from real nlntlnc-a. and are renroduced on pYrallent: coated paper tnat is waierproor ana no; easily, soiled. . Write to me personally to-day, and Til lose no time In sehdltig them to you charges prepaid. Remember this also; every one that answers promptly gets a pleasant surprise. Don't forget to ask about it. My supply of cards Is limited, eo do not delay. D. R. OSBORNE, Nashville, Tenn. 7hese cards the Std of J- -i-v:-r-.- "" and 1 Present and Future Fourteen Teara Ago a Waste of Field and Wolani Twelve years - Ago ..Recomin ended by Southern Railway Engineers as the Site for Its Contemplated Shop Plant, which bas been three times expanded, and govr of gigantio proportions and still is far below" it prospective propor tions, t , A great Car-Building Plant mnst sooner or later be erect ed at Spencer to meet exigencies certain to arise. A great Foundry will be a necessity - and . even now is a sound economic proposition.- . x The steadily increasing volume of freight passing this point will ere long demand far greater facilities than . now, This means other and huge ' structural developnients at Spen ter. . ,-ni These inevitable additions when eonstructed and dperated will swell the industrial population of Spencer to twice it present numerical strength. ( Spencer will thus beeome a great center of industrial acti vities. It will have an abundance of labor ready for. employ ment in factories, mills and other industries where .the youth of the town' can assist in the general effort of upbuilding. Real Estate will advance : Investments will be made her without fear of decline in values': manufacturers will seek the eligible and available sites remaining. There are unusual opportunities here now: there should bo a line of manufacturing concerns stretching from ' Salisbury te the Yadkin; and in due course of time there will be. There is an agricultural country environing Spencer not excelled in any other section of the State, The farmers of Rowan are proverbial for thrift, in telligence and hospitality. They are prosperous, they are progressive. Farmers from the West and North and East who conie to this genial section find better conditions than they left behind and they sue eeed here. "We invite investigation; we ask you to visit u3; we offer you our fiordial coroperatiop, in securing homes, business, or investments. V THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN, OT SPENOER. N. 0. Spencer's Advantages What Spencer Needs Now. A Great Terminal Only Two Miles from Salisbury, Population 3,500. " " ' - - 20,000 Population in & Four-Mile Area Largest, JSest Equipped Railroad Shops in the South. Over 200 Ed. .gines in service. Seyepty-flye repaired each month. Four Thousand Freight-Cars repaired, each month. On .thousand Two Hundred Mile of Road in Mechanical- Division. Average Pay of Railroad Employes, $G0 monthly. 7 ' ; Spencer is a Railroad Terminal . for Three Divisions. Is 334 s. w. from Washington, on Main Line of Southern Railway, Accessible to ev ery section of the country. All trains stop at Spencer. Spencer has two Banks Many Business Houses: baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Reform, Episcopal and Catholic 'Chur'cues : 'A Great Hi$ way and Trolley Car Line: a nine-, months ' Graded School :' Stone" Side walks: Attractive Residences:' Waterworks and SewerTgPSysTems :' Elec , trie Lighting: A Splendid dtixenskip1; 'Ko' IStlijerT'oy- Saloons i Is Progressive, Public Spirited, ConscrvSt' ld;Pbtitlcsf A ,.: Spencrr has unexcelled'-Industrial Sites, and an abundance of the vry best labor at hand for factory, mill "and other pfa'nts. " Spencer Needs A Fifty-tpom Hotel: A -Wholesale -.Hardware House: Lumber and Planing Mill: Overall Factory:' Mattress . Factory: Ice Plant and Cotton-Seed Oil Mill: Steam Laundry r "Foundry : Paper Pulp Mill and many other Industries. ' Spencer'e Climate is absolutely healthy and temperate. Its Arte sian 'Water absolutely wholesome and delightful. Prospectors, Investors, Manufacturers, Business Men,, Farmers are cordially invited to visit Spencer,; inspect our advantages, explore our splendid and productive County and see Rowan County Farmer at home. Accurate details of informatio cheerfully and promptly given, by MAYOR OR CLERK TOWN OF SPENCER. Subscribe for the "Crescent" and gt all the latest news. Subscription Price: f 14P FOR SALIl Fine , farm of 331 acrrs, two hours ride on C. & O. from Richmond, Va. In heart of silk leaf tobacco district.. Well timber- ' ed and "watered. Good neighbor hood. GoW-proVicing. Just the home site for a good farmer. Ad dress the Crcseeu in

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