rv - .. .. " -x-it.A-.-. .v-iC. . ! the: spencer crescen t Published Wednesday and Saturday at Sjx'iuvr, N. (!. SPENCER MARKET L. S. A I, KN, Prices paid to-day for produce, Managing Editor IS1". L'tc- (Corrected by Ci.W. Sl.oO A Year; Toe. G Months; 40c. 3 Months Advertising Kates moderate," and given upon Application Job Printing Done at low prices, ana jood execution and prompt de livery made an inflexible rule. Council, grocer) : 1 Ej's, per doz j Chickens, hens, j.or lb young, per lb Butter, per lb Uird, per lb Tallow, per lb Peas, white, per bu Pens, colored, per bu Entered as necond-class matter May 1, , uwuiti colored, per bu (08, at the post office at Sx'noer. X. C, I x.ler the Act of March S. 1S75). ,'rans whlte IM,r bu 21 9 12 20 11 to 12 4 2.50 2.00 2.25 encer ables 1908 under Bpjnoyr, N. C, Nov. 11, 1'. O S - J ieans, butter, per lb i I Potatoes, sweet, per bu ; Potatoes, Irish, per bu I Onions, per bu I B.icon, per lb I Wheat, per bn Corn, new, per bu I Flour, per bag Royvan Election Returns The sworn report filed by the re-; Meal, per bag turning board of elections in Row; n ' Oats; per bu c unty gives KitcMn a majority of i 1,1 bS over Cox. Kitelun is endu ed with 2,"0 votes and Cox 1,6(2, giving Kitchin a strong lead over all candidates in Rowan.' 2.o0 5 1-2 40 75 to SO GO 11 to 12 1.10 75 $200 to 1 0 S'2.05 68 FIRST CLASS LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLE Summersett Summersettj Elegant Furniture SINGLE PIECES, AND IN SUITES Household Specialties: C'cir.p'etc Outfitting For A Home Inspection Solicited - Popular Prices Undertaker's Parlors. Embalming A Specialty Calls At Any Hour Day 'Phone 224: Night Thor.o 520 C iJL? uuiiimerseii ,GI Salisbury's Fast Growing Store SLAUGHTER SAL SALISBURY, N. C. Of Do you believe it? A woman has been found in Maine who is not : afraid of a mouse. Incredible! Trains Met For Passengers And A rXnggagc. P ravage. Furniture Moved Carefully. Wood Hauled Very Best Service, At Reasonable Charges. Swicegood Bros. . SPENCER, N. C. Fhe Yadkin Pressing C lub Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Membership Solicited. $1.00 Per Month, Fine Voile and Panama Skirts, as well as Spencer Graded School Re-Opening The ro-openins of schcol, Mon- j S day a i a. in., sm.wcu ;m ;ini-i--ance of 225 scholars, and full staff of teachers. The appear;: me cf the assembly was interesting, extremely iso, aud equil'.y pleasing. Health and in-elligei.ee shone in the ranks that filed out at recess; an 1 our brief inspection convinced us that Spencc-'s school population has no superior anywhere, ft)!- all tl a counts f r future womanhood and , r manhood. We feel proud of Spen cers school, and of its juvenile citi zens. . P. YOUNG THE VETERAN MERCHANT Spencer Young Men's Christian Asso ci it on '!he management of this noble in stitution deserve especial commen dation at this tinu ;.b.ve ml other in its brief hist'iry. For nearly a year it has struggled, as we nil have, through a period f adv.. ue condition surrounded by iilicul- I ties, beset by obstacles at once cm brassing and disheartening. Rut, j lM:e our good citizens generally, the 1 Y. M. C. A. has emerged uncrip-j pVd, with a fine' record b.-hind it, and with so!den promise before it. The statistical report for the. month of October shows in st cre -itably in its favor: Attendance per day :127; baths' lie day '2'6; letters written per day : ::'. beds used per day :'(; meals ' served per day 1'60; totnl number' of library books read 20(5; total at-J t 'ndancc at religious meetings i,02o; attendance at Bible classes 1-1; number of members '621. Gires First-class Goods At Lowest Prices DUV GOODS (ilUKT.UIKS NOTIONS .Movr.s FruxiTn;:: cakefully DOKS )KAYA(ir2 AND TKANSFKIt BUSINESS COAT AND VEST PANTS 50c 25c Work called for and delivered promptly J. P. LYNCH I We Will Give Every Farmer V W. P. Young SPENCER 1 1 I i In this county and adjoining counties a chance to get some thing they want WITHOUT COST The Spencer Crescent AND The Southern Agriculturist Will he mailed, postage prepaid, for one year to each sub scriber of THE CRESCENT who sends us $1.50 Casli. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Send money by P. O. Money Order, directed to THE SPENCER CRESCENT, Spencer, N. C. Ladies9 Fine Cloaks. We Give One-fourth off the . Already Low Price. Dave Oestreicher. J REE TO ALU Churcm Suppers AND V St u hern Railway Officials In Spencer j The Spencer Shops and Yard were visited, Saturday 1; st, by 'a number of Southern officials, in a well-equipped sneclal train, pro ceeding, after a br.e.' in,-pe -t on cc cupying half an hour, tou.ird L'Juir lotte and other p'.-in'.s oil the sys tem. The party consisted, chiefly, of . rres. u. Jl. ackcix, uen. .Mgr. . ,,f Trans. K. II. Copen, n (Jen. Q. W. CON NELL upt. ;t Mouve Power A. 11. ble-; wart, Chief Surgeon W. A. Apple-1 - Kate, Chief Engineer 1) . Lain, and Cen. I upt. A. H. Westfail. WITH PURCHASES OF CONNELL THE GROCER C.irries Everything That is of The P st In Diy Groceries Fancy Groceries Fruits in Season Prime Cured Meats Baker's Products High Grade Teas & Coffees Full Values, Full Weights , I ani now running a woodyara at rear o" my re.-ndencc, and can supply dry oak and pine wood for cooking and heating, at panic prices ; in any quantity from o( ceats up. FOR SALE BY HAS NOW IN STOCK A Full Line of Shoes, Dry GooJs, Notions, Groceries-Dry arr Fancy Produce Bought New Goods, Bedrock Prices, Courteous Service Attention to Your Wants, and Square Dealirjr, are My Bids For Your Trade. Call and See Me REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE El Sixth St. 8l Yadkin Ave Phone 30 - - Spencer, N. C c Spencer Li'pe Witherspcon j Misr-- Neil Withcrspoon, one of! Salisbury s most popular and at-1 tractive young la.(Pcs, was wedded, Sunday, 7 p. in., at her reid n -e on Carr St ., llev. Dr. Clarke, jas- i t i-oi the First Presbyterian Church, j xiiiciating. The fortunate bride groom v.as r. Henry Tape, well' aisd gfmost fawi;;bly 1 n wii here. : The vediling itself was re'herche ; : fr iir, and ; r-;.t:y e: j yed by the; quests. The iiome w;.o b -autifuhy ( ht.( , rated. The couple hft, at; "t : lo. for Washington, 1 a 'a more, 1 Nt-w Yolk and Niagara a 1'. On j iii;!r ri'iiini, tliey . ill r,esine witli toe ui ide's sister, Mrs. John Mason, j 8 tSt 2 & Kirk's Business .College i (INCORPORATED ) . -I CAPITAL STOCK 30,000 BUSINESS when you think of j going off to school write for Collef e ! Journal and Special Offer of the lead ing busiiiess a.tul sliortdiand selax.l,-', ' Address, KIN(i'S Bl'SLNKBS COL- j UiCrK, Pa!cigh,N.C, v Cha lotto, i N. C. 'e also leach Book-kr eping, I .Short Lai;d. etc., by mail.j 1 E. S,, Burgess SPENCER'S PIONEER 1 C oaraware otore Coal And Wood Stoves Cook in:"; Stoves Dnt'M Heaters Bl-ildeks' Hardware Ac: kicultet.al Implements Tinware Stove Repairs Whips Nets Plumbet(s' Goods And First Class Plumbing REPAIR WORK DONE WELL AND CHEAPLY EXPERT WORK ' CLEAN WORK E. S. BURGESS Spencer, N. C. BUY YOUR oclsln pencer THE SPENCER MERCANTILE CO. t SPENCER'S t BIG DEPARTMENT STORE ells .Everything First-class market in connection with its business Sweets to the Sweet! 3S3 2 TONS OF SWEETNESS. FRESH, NO STALE CONFECTIONS. The Rush has Begun For this Delicious Cendy. Our Usual Sale, One Day Only. 0 ATU AY NOV . 14, A "Children's Day." We will sell all Candies at a Reduction oi 5 Cents per Pound. Remember the DATE and PLACE. Don't miss this Sweet Bargain and remember we will not sell more than 5 pounds to any one family, AH these crr.dk s are made at our place daily. Ccme early and avoid the iush at Can y Kitchen, Saturday, Nov. 14. Salisbury, N. C. Order Ol Rehekih At Hifh Point cd. 3 32 S9 pencer N. C This bei rrcam and lunch was served it,, I The Rebekah Order of Odd Fel s .me splendid speech v c e ni u lows met in convention Eigh ror the go'vl 0f the Order Afu PuintN. 0., on Saturday, Nov. 7. having st. t ;tics from otl-i-r i-s Grand Secretary B. If. Wooddl, ui a'rjut wliat the Reix-kalis' are do Raleigh, wart present, and cailea mg, the sisters of the Tar the meeting to order at '2: '60 p. m .State are resolved to come' to Vl after which District Supervisor, front and show too -u-1-..t ti,. ' i Miss Beck, of Winston-Salem, was do: for what they set !),.; L , ',i . manf iwmiKiu ji mituiig. vi uu, iiuist oo iloni' for vh( n thev Roll of lodges m this district was set their foot down its sure to stick called ami e;.ch representative an- The next n.nvvntm,.;!i , ', ..... mil ysy, jn;m r iiVm a. Flower Language Post Cards a Series ol 12 Free to You Do you know the meaning of the flofver languagre? Can you read the message ol the flowers? If you .Are a lver of souvenir post caras this series win appeal io you. You may have this set of beautiful, flower cards; you may have them aDsoiuteiy rree ana prepaia ir you win sena me oniy iu cents lor a four months' trial subscription to the Southern Agriculturist. These post cards are strictly high class. Each card represents a beautiful scenic view and has the meaning of the flower language worked out most beautifully in flower mottoes and floral designs. To illustrate, in this series the popples spell out the words "I dream of thee," the lilies "peace," the chrysanthemums "I love you," the violets, "faithfulness," etc. You won't be disappointed because these cards are really different from the ordinary kind and are novel in design and attractive in appearance. These cards are taken from real paintings, and are reproduced on excellent coated paper that Is waterproof and not easily soiled. WrUe to me personally to-day and I'll lose no time in sending them to you charges prepaid. Remember this also; every one that answers promptly gets a pleasant surprise. Don't forget to ask about it. My supply of cards is limited, so do not delay. D. R. OSBORNE, Nashville, Tenn. severed by giing repoit of general in Salisbury, in tin.- latter pnrt f conditions of each loue, which was March, 1909, r.n ! wu arc ah 1 ol - evnun-irg. ing lorward to a, o her grand mcct- iss Edith kerschncr represent-in of Friendship, JMX anti Truth aeobi No. oo, of Spciieer, m a when we will grasp the warm 1 a uis vcrv grntifyirg Miss ed J very ame way, oy mg .vme lacioi our new Inends, and retrr , fwi,- ahd figures ot the good tmngs done kind hospitality. by tLo Rebekah Order; also the Fraternally, following members attended as visi- : ' 'Rerkk vn tors: W. C. Ncrris and wife, J. W. . ' Crowell and wife, Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. " Pethcl. Miso Hatlcy, Miss Hunter, Subscribe for the "Crr Miss Thompson and M,iss Page. All ine recent , visitors and delegates were enter-a j . ij , , tained royally by the High Point aiKl geJ aI1 test news. Rebekah ladies and brothers. o l . n Atsr-m. the Hi,di Point j0-ub8cnplicn Pnce: $1.50 the gree team conferred the Rebekah degree, which was nicely perform year.