A $400 Player Piano to be given to some Alexander Girl. See our proposition on this pr., DEVOTED TO THE 8QCIAL, MORA L AND FINANCIAL INTERESTS OF THE CITIZENS OF ALEXANDER COUNTY AND WE8TERN CAROLINA. VOL. XIII NO. 683. Taylor sville, N. C. Wednesday, June 16, 1915. $1.00 PER ANNUL! THE MOUNTAIN SCOUT. Published every Wednesday, at Taylorsville, North Carolina. J. P. BABINGTON, Editor.and Publisher. Entered at the Post Office, in Taylorsville, N. C, as second class matter, Feb ruary 6th, 1902, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. 3 o o YOUR P0CKETB00K demands that you go where you can get the most for your money. YOUR BETTER JUDGMENT tells you to go where the goods are of the best quality. WE CAN meet both arguments with a specially select ed line of merchandise at prices that com mand your attention. GIVE US A CHANCE to prove it. THE BEE HIVE CLuLOJULUJLO Greensboro, June 11. A mild sensation occurrred in federal court yesterday when the grand jury came in to be discharged. Mr. A. B. Coltraine, .several times defeated for office in Ran dolph county on the republican ticket, had expected to present some of the democrats of his county, for alleged improper conduct in connection with the last 'election there. He found, however, that the foreman and some other members of the grand jury would ; not listen to him. He declared when the judge was about to discharge the jury, VYour honor, Ihave been trying to present certain parties to the grand jury and nave oeen pre- . i . : j l ii.. venreu irum uunig u uy trie district attorney." Mr,, Hammer then, arose and said Mr. Coltraine actuated by malice, had desired to present some of the people of Randolph and he had thought it improper and would not allow it. Judge Boyd had a few of the grand jury come to his room and discuss the matter : with him, after which he announced that it was a matter for them and the district attorney, and refused to interfere. Indigestion and Constipation. ' "I have tried various colic and diarrhoea remedies, but the only one that has given me - entire satisfaction and cured me when I was afflicted is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ' Remedy. . I recommed it to tnv f ' h 't at all times," writes S. N. ( '. t, S. C- v For sale by f ! . -'. - , Kinston, June 11.--The Sun day blue law that has had Kins ton "dry as as bone", for more than a year past on Sabbath days, has been modified with the result that resturants will be al lowed to remain open four hours at breakfast, three at dinner and three and one-half at supper on Sundays, instead of; only two hours for each meal. One drug store will be permitted to re main open except at church hours, the druggists alternating. Wholesale ice cream dealers will be permitted to be open during the sam e hours as the resturants and cafes. Now- when nearly every other town around is "dry," Kinston's aldermen are repenting." - 1 Asheville, June 11. -Dr! D. E. Sevier, the county physician, yesterday announced the dates , for the free - dispensaries which are to be conducted thoughout 'Buncombe county to vaccinate all 'persons who desire to be im munized against typhoid fever. , Every section of the county will be' visited by the health officer and the representatives of the state board of, health, who will be sent to Asheville to aid in the campaign against typhoid. At the present time th city of Asheville and Buncombe county are without a case of typhoid and it is the hope of the county V 'it' ri A $400 SELF PLAYER PIO will be given Absolutely Free to the young lady in Alexander County securing the greatest number of votes in our Voting Contest which began on Monday, June 14th, 1915. Here are the terms and conditions which make it possible for some young lady to secure this valuable prize: Each yearly subscription counts 100 votes. Persons not now taking The Scout may subscribe and pay for a term of one or two years, but no longer. , Present subscribers can renew or extend their subscrip tions for one or two years, but no longer. Subscriptions may be taken anywhere in the United States or "Canada. .. Every dollar paid on this contest must be accompanied by the name of some person to whom the Scout is to be sent for a term of one or two years. In other words, no money will be received without a subscription. Any one wishing to place a friend in the contest can do so by paying one dollar for a subscription to The Mountain Scout. This gives your candidate 100 votes to start with. Then bring in every subscription you can secure and watch the standing of the contestants in the Scout each week. A candidate can enter at any time and withdraw at any time; but one candidate will not be allowed to transfer her votes to another candidate. Every subscription taken in this contest will be enter ed in a book kept for this purpose, with the name of the candidate for whom the votes are. cast. This book will be kept open for examination by any of the candidates or their friends. The contest will be conducted with absolute , fairness to all. - we are going to give away is one of the best instruments made by the KreiterMfg. Co.' Arrangements have been made with the Adams Furniture Store, of this place, to order the Piano and have it on exibition as soon as the factory can deliver it. It will be the Most Appropriate Gift anyone could offer. Some young lady in Alexander County will receive it. Who it will be will depend on the interest the friends of the contestants take in the campaign. An early start will mean much, so let every one bring or send their subscriptions at once. For convenience the following blank may be used: ... ; 1915. Enclosed find.. :.. Dollar Send The Mountain Scout ." year to a.......: ..I.. V;. Count votes for Miss , Send all subscriptions to , THE FOUNTAIN EC OUT, . Tr.ybrzvflbf N. C. QUANTITY QUALITY and PRICE- are three things to consider. We keep the QUANTITY with us, you find THE QUALITY and we al ways make THE PRICE to suit the Quan tity and Quality. We buy all kinds of Produce and pay the highest price the market will afford. We are here for business. THE WATTS COMPANY AN OPPORTUNITY My stock of General Merchandise and Furniture is too large for the dull season. FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS I propose to offer to the people of Alexander Some Surprising Bargains and thereby clean up and reduceall lines. " Cash or Cooetry Prodmce will catch these bargains. I also want your Cross Tiesnd Lumber. - k Come and see me and youJwillbe sur prised at my prices on many staple goods. v 1 i ;L2cr.3y. Ox io mc nearest ming io j Jpetual motion ever die: ed. v When you have a ! '.account where inter paid on your depoc'i income is growing r.' well as day. If it i ambition to be r md independent lorld tfte short v w ) -rt a bank r.cc; The Bank of AI2: wmmC ( j -( ) O ) ( ) . O o o . o . o o -.o c O O o - o . o . o ( ) ( ; ( ) A ( ) ( ) ( ) ) - C $ ' ( ) c s - v c ) ( '( ) ( . ( :