Our Piano Voting Contest is DEVOTED TO THE SOCIAL, MORA L AND FINANCIAL INTERESTS OP THE CITIZENS OF ALEXANDER COUNTY ANC WESTERN CAROLINA. VOL. XV NO. 722. Taylorsville, N. C. Wednesday, Mar. 22, 1916. $1.00 PER ANNUM o o o THE MOUNTAIN SCOUT. Published every AVednesday, at Taylorsville, JJorth Carolina. J. P. BABINGTON, Editor and Publisher. ntered at the Post Office, in Taylorsville, N. C, as second class matter, Feb' ruary 6th, 1902, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. rmnr minnnnnnnnnr rrrrrrv Friday I Saturday March 24th & 25th are the days for the ARGEST IVIILUNERY OPENING ever seen in Taylorsville. Our stock, consisting of the latest styles of Hats and Gen eral Millinery Goods, is large, first class and up-to-date. We want every lady to remem ber the dates and come and see our goods and get prices. THE BEE HIVE TO MY FRIENDS: - ' FOR MONUMENTS & TOMBSTONES Remember I am at Mooresville, N. C Dav; moved my Statesville business to Mooresville, N. C, so as to fcivj the business my undivided attention and by doing this I am better prepared to protect your interest than ever and will give any business intrusted to me my personal attention. Remember I furnish nothing but the best material in Marble and Granite and guarantee first class work or NO. PAY, AND WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. ' Don't' buy until you get my prices. : Yours truly. Mooresville Marble & Granite Works ' " Z2S13 DTON.PBOP. : "COME LET US REASON TOGEfflER." We Receive Accounts that are flattering, frum the friends of this institution, accounts of complete satisfaction with our methods of doing business. You will understand what they mean if you are a depositor with ua. You will know the Dttr absence of anxiety from the minds of our depositors, and the implicit corfi dtends they hwo in this befc and o o History and records will prove that: Alexander is the best county in the State. Alexander people are the best and most law-abiding people in the State..' '' :.':;' , Alexander has the best water, best air and healthiest climate in the State. Alexander has, untold, natural resources that are awaiting de velopment. - With all these things to back us up we can make Alexander stand at the head of the column in progress and prosperity. We know what we have but the outside world has not been en lightened. A project is now on foot to organize a County Fair Association fjr the purpose of getting all our people together to exhibit what we have and consult together once a year and, at the same time bring in people, from other sections, to see what Alexander is and what we can do. '. This will be an advertisement for our county and one that will pay tenfold for what it will cost us. ;i Let every man make it a point to talk and work for the success of the proposition and it will be a good success. In another column will De found a list of all who have sub scribed for stock in the Fair Association. Read it over and, if your name is not in the list, come to the Scout office and put it down or fill in the following blank and send it to the Editor of the Scout who will enter it. Do it today and let us push the matter to a success. We can do it. ' '; : :- V 1916. Editor of The Mountain Scout. . - .; Please enter my name for shares of stock in The Alex ander County Fair Association, at $5 per share. My address is . . .' Sign here '.. County Fair. As announced, in these columns a subscription to stock for an Alexander County Fair Associa tion has been started and the re sults, so far, are encouraging. The following is a list of stock subscribed for The Alexander County Fair Association up to Tuesday evening March 21st: . Alexander Hardware Co. .$ 50 00 Geo. Watts 10 00 Hall ; Watts 10 00 R. L. Moose....... ... 10 00 Lydia Bumgarner - 5 00 Atwell Matheson ........ 5 00 Chas. Watts. 5 00 R. M. Herman... 5 00 R. F. Cobb 5 00 Frazier 5 00 R. B. Smith...... . W, T. Rowland... I A. C. Payne...... ' J. C. Wike........ i H. T. Campbell.... tW. C. Matheson... L. C. Hafer IT. T. Sharpe. ..... W. E. Bogle... . I. A. Barnes...... L. M. Brown...... C. G. Viele.. .... S. G. Earp T. P. Ray C. R. Zickler G. C. Echerd ..... W, L. Livingston... .' Total . - (Continued on L. S. L. $700 00 page 4.) ; Robinette.: ...... 5 CO D. L. Teague 5 CO Cha3. P. Matheson.: 100 00 J. P. Babington ..... .. 10 00 A. D. Kerley. .-....:. 5 CO C. M. Brookshire 10 CO W. A. Barnett.. 100 00 Thos. B. Smith 5 00 D. W. CorrelL... ....... 10 00 H. D. Lindsay.....'..... 5 00 H. J. Burke.'. 5 00 H. S. Deal.............. 10 00 G. W. Johnson 5 00 A. F. Sharpe 5 00 L. F. Klutz...... ' 5 00 J. A. Campbell.........". "5 00 J. R. Carson....:...... 5 00 SCHOOL TEACHER Wards off Hervotu Break Sown Alburtis, Pa. "I am a teacher in the public schools and I got into a very ner vous run-down condition. 1 could not leep and had no appetite. I was tired all the time. My sister asked me to try Vinol. I did so, and within a week my ap petite improved and I could sleep all night and now I feel well and strong. Rosa M. Keller, Alburtis, Pa. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all weakened run-down conditions and for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. muexvesson & diunuay, Druggists, , Tavlorsville. N. C. Millinery Opening Thursday and Friday, March 16-17 Every lady in the County is invited to attend our Spring MLLJNERY OPENING on the above dates. Hut linn vf Unin nnil vui unc ui iiaid ami Millinery Goods is complete and up-to-date. THE WATTS COMPANY - ... The Bank of Alexander. 25' A. M. Matheson... S. T. Crowson.... J. B. Robiriette.... W.'H. Carson....: R. W. Chatham:.. R. K. Moose.....; Jas. Watts. T. J. L. Gwaltney.... ; Robt V. Teague.... .... Ed C. Campbell C. H. Goodwin.... ...... jL. L. Moore.........J. C. C Rogers . . T .. . ...... (L. M. Warren ! J. H. Rogers....... iR.'R. Reed.:. 25 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 CO 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 J 5 00 Will Robinette:......;.. -10 00 3&&m38B2&&&6B828&S& a m oo No Fiction. A dispatch "early today carried the information that Secretary of War Baker had informed the president today that both jgjf umns of American soldiers now pressing into Mexice after Villa and his bandit horde were re ceiving the hearty co-jperation of Carranza troops, t This is good news. . It tends to dispel fears entertained ' in some quarters That there might be friction between ; the two armies now seeking out the ban dit gang. ' The hope of the people of this country is that the chase will be quickly rewarded by the capture of the bandit's and that United States troops, having accom plished their purpose, may be quickly withdrawa. Ex. Drop in and See my large and well selected line of Up-To-Date Goods SUCH AS , Silverware, Chinaware, Watches, Clocks, Pins and other jewelry Prices Low and Goods Guaranteed. I am also prepared to fit glasses and do all kinds of repair work. R. K. MOOSE Jeweler and Optician . JLOJLPJliLPJLPJLJL JUULSULJULJUL I fYou AreILooksnq Por ! Dry Goods and Groceries COME TO H. T. CAMPBELL'S FIND :-8