r'it Mm . ,- . ill s i e - 9 i t .1 1 f 4 -i 1 I-; - ' '.' 1 j THE EVENING TJASCOl DAILT EICErT SU3DAT. Sc 12S Cecrt Street. Xe2efbsse 53 President 1 Castro destra ees "the thusdei ings and aggressions of Roosevelt. " But suppose Ca trt rere Koc eevlt! .. THE MALAYS. VANCE NORWOOD, Publisher, A. HV GLLSIOBE, (Sty Editor. Tha? Lives Seers ts Ba Governed by -Their Siipersirtions- Ifsiajs will resort to any and ' , - ? everv eoriceivable pretext to avcrJl Th pocket Look tha Colonel mnex cn Fridav. Thev fce- Bryan lost in. the sleeping ear and j-Iieve.that if they pay their debts cn Sibscrrtfca Price, iscri;tS3 Price, 17. Ch. v- second-class msSl icagr. DESIOCBATIC TICKET. J4.CO Tear tj12 sha rp eyed porter found this csy tney will be overtaken by ItCextsaVesk contained $ 500 "in -$20 ,Uls hn f V0! - Tuesday and a.-PJ i ' I Saturday thej consider generally I IOI C NATIONAL. For President: ' VnLUAII JENNINGS BBYAN. For Viee President: JOHN WOKTH li The wtiather nan is trying to cet good again but it sill take the old felloTr a long time to get back into the good sraees o nremen. the IN. STATE. For Governor: W. KTTCHTH. For Lieutenant Governor. W. C. NEWLAND. Fcr Secretary of State : J. BBYAN GBEEES. For State Treasurer: B B. LACY. For State Auditor: B. P. DIXON. For Attorney General : T. W. BICKETT. For Commissioner of Agriculture : W. A. GBAHAH. For Corporation Commissioner: B. P. AYCOCS. For Superintendent of Education: J. Y. JOYNEB. For Insurance Commissioner: J. B. YOUNG. For Labor Commissioner: M. L. SHTPHAN. Electors at Large. . W. BAILEY. ' WALTEB MUBPHY. ., Speaker Camion has bet-n t eil intr the New England farmers alxKit the eora and oat erops in Illinois but "srhat he is really interested in. "whether in New England or Illinois, is the vote crop, -rhat is his specialty. nckv daTs, and if tier shave or est their nails ' on either of . these davs thereafter thev -will al-yavs be in trouble end "sill perhaps die soon. The Malay never sleeps in the after nocn because of the fear that to wsste the hoizrs cf dajlight tends to shorten life. If a Malay n-ds his clothes to have been bitten bj a rat he is sure that it signifies ' bad tuck, and if he can pc-ssibly anord it the clothes are gixen awaj in th name oi c There is a stones of bird called in the Malay conntry ro"5"k rork, "srhich lives in the Seids and does not btnld a rest. It is he lieved that "srhcerer obtains & rork rjwk's nest will -become invisible bv course neb e '' .' , . f placing it on hi head. Of eot bo the Japanese neetynH com j tve vTe out to meet our eet as it eomes nest hidden &wsy scme-irhere- within sight of Yokohoma-harbor. Then as . the two iieets approach The Malsvs slsv? abstain from b' food crazing an eclire cf the the Japanese squadron will snr-1 j nTtheir baths, so as to round the American, and ranging f prevent the attack of - esntazion 1 diseases. The crc is a. bird cf es- alongside, ship for ship. eort the ne bor. if it i , heard cawinz near a hsbits- f tion it 'means death to seme one of What a day of snspens? that inmates. In some other parts will be for Capt. Hobson ! I of the vorld if an q-z aiints on or I near a honse and ho:-ts it is said to DTD YOU EVEB? ea I honse n "death - cr desolation- ' v , : . i cet or iotner u Tor. saa a coiiar in vonr , , v i I Dlici cat CONGRESSIONAL. For Congress: COUNTY. : For Senator: ZEB V. LONG. For Eepresentativcs : N. D. TO?n,TN. Z. V. TUBUNGTON Snperintendent of Instruction : L 0. WHITE. For County Surveyor: B.P.BIVES. For Coroner: P. C. CARLTON. - For Sherin: JAHES M. DEATON. For Eegister of Deeds : JAHES E. BOYD. - For Treasurer: W. BEESE SLOAN. For County Commissioners : ,N. B. ftTTLLS H. C. SUITERS BP GATTHEB D.E.TUBNEB. J. W. HAGEB. For Eoartl of Education : DB. W. G. NICHOLSON. J. L. BBADLEY. PBOP. J. A. HELL. ioi Weather Porecatj- Washinzon, D. C August 31 For Xerth Carolina 'generally fair tonight and Tuesday. lias Comrade Debs been noti ced? As a Ions distance fighter Cas tro Las no equaL The reconciliation . of Senator tr t" - - - ix i tar. 4 Mr. Hearst's party seems to be losing every day, both in circula tion and adverts Tom Lawscn. the barker for Wall street, is at it again. Bet the lamb have heard Tom's bark before. There will be nothing to pre-. vent 3Ir. Taft from accompanying Mr. Eocsevelt on his African tour if he desires to do so. tot . Captain. Peter Hains changes his nniform several times a day, but he will stick to the nniform plea when he conies to trial. v be burned or sold foi tune. Ha crosses the road in front s.t once turn American. Si and were about to ois- I bsrx sna tursue hi 'oznc tv &n- 5smz o the nana, says Hearst s '.New. ier.p , MaIT he lor Tour pose oi it. to set the Now. when von have a vote in vonr hand, and -are about to dis pose of it. why vonr fron would b? i otner -say. i olacx cat siimires cancer mTQlTin i the less of life. In some other roun tries a- ibcct crcsf"" z rr ie roa: :e :znicanee. The dis- t it Kr -,-f it.rtt h 5 zr&e&zCe namr or Mtmz tne nnze rule: r is slm rt unk: m amcni: the . Milsv;. Thev belisTe that if m- dulred in the'hibit will surelr leal Did vou ever hear the like m that? I to reTTTV' What is a vote for Hisgsen but j ft is considered by the Malay to a vote thrown awav ! .c.. t " i- His gen's candidacy has-- not even created a ntt:'ie on tne sur-1 v: race ot the eamiaism- or a inmese mnerai Detore- tne rises.- Whatever he attempts cn mzn ce . sure to prosper. r-inz 2 br3iet as- I ITViZZZ Cf j THEREAT. ISSUE. t sur;s the creamer . thit ne 'siu. die j in a shcrt time. Then the faithful f Malar dre .er ciTes a. entlv and UNDERTAKER AND - EfflBALMER irost Modern end Up-To-Dat? EacjDment in Iredell County. My new eight coin ma Funeral Cart cannot oe exeeiieo in tne eoticiy. Prompt attention. Best or ser vice Terms reasonable. AVbtn in need of anything: in my line Tphone 71 ifcrongh the week and D151 at nbt and on Sundays. Prompt attention iven ?phone ordsis. 6. C. Critcher Funeral Director, 107 East Broad Street. RESTAURANT We are prepared to furnish as good table Board as can be had in the city. AT $12.50 PEK MONTH Open on Sunday. BRAWLEY & HcFARUND 538 CENTEB STEEE1 A MAN IS KNOWN BY THE CANDY HE SENDS. Of course its . . She wants . ALWAYS FRESH AT j W. F. HALL'S : Prescription ist zm. SEVERAL THINGS Areto bt3onsidered in electing yonrBank 5i I i ml . WOOD FIBEE PLASTER "SECOND TO NONE" EXPERIENCED PLASTERERS PRONOUNCE IT THE BEST PLASTER ON THE MARKET, THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. ASK FOR PRICE? I AND BOOKLET, IT WILL PAY ! YOU. StatKTille Plaster & Cement! r wmmm, Statesville. N.Ci rr : I 1ST- Strength-Financial Strength 2WD. ;The care with which the Bank is Managed. 3RD. The courtesy and spirit of of accomodation displayed by the! Officers and Em - ployees. 4TH. Thebanking experience of Officers. 5TH. The ability of the bank to Properly and Promptly ' Handle all Your Business To Those Desiring the Embodi ment of These Features" are Offered T h e Service of THE FIRST NATIONAL .RAM. OF STATESVILLE CAPITAL SIOO.OOO prr sue tnave The New York World is now racifv the zis 2nd rrsnide thea To- fee a mon- ke"!" in the nor: iz 15 an tlL oinsn, war Our U ;!y Ar;cstrr- enr anctcrs, : said a pnj? were r:kni3rkei. and snall- T2i s. rec a. were nrsnditicn if von ST Iwr "STOriL , iWhit I mean is that, va n!d not set a job if von hi n-3t hid srnailpoi. No cne granted a srr mt ?ho ins iiible &t anv moment to be stricken down vithv the loath seme di5as; henc he opened a ntf'wsLrr vclnme of 1?T4 "hence help vanted ad. reid Eke this: - " 'Wanted. - A - r?r.r? btireen tysntv and thirrr tsits of are to b ioctman and greet fi: Lerhntler nilv. Ke mnt have had Ipcr. in the natnral irsj; Ic a cnan, middle &ed to viit u.p?n a jmji.Tg ladj of great fortnag and pessicn. The voman mnst have hid the smaSpci in the natnrml WIT. doin good work for the Demo- the foflowisr indictment cainst j ioz tmde. AH "of" these the Roosevelt administration. t-:t rv;-.r;:-- an.'thewi 1 Wit ha.shAin PTtmrsnt rr! 1 JLlLit nsnallv tiies each cne as s 2. It has attempted to popu larize war. 3. It has gloriSed in Philippine imperialism. 4. It nas menaced the states with Federal asurpation bv meaas of constructive jurisprudence- " 5. It has wreeklessiv nnder- mined confidence in our business methods, causing panic, depress ion and snjcerinar. 6. It has profited bv the politi cal contributions of corporaticnsi seermg legislative favors. 7. It lias spo ken vodferocslv asainst, the malefactors of great wealth bat it has not bronsht one of them to justice. It has ballied Cocsress, threatening: to do as it pleased, law.or no law. 9. It has assailed the cocrts when their judgements were con trary to its wishes- 10 It has maintained the high est tarin ever known in a tree country and has made no move m favor of income and inherit ance taxes. 11. It has constantl v demand ed law and more law for the prosecution of trusts, al though fexistmg laws are held by it to be too ar&stzs ior enlorcement- 12. It is now attempting to round out a career of wilfulness, greed, ambition and tyranny by forcing the election of a personal ly excellent and amiable Proxy. There is not a change in that bill which cannot be sustained by the facts. It is a splended campaign doc ument for Mr. Bryan and his co harts. It gives them the cue for an aggressive campaign which will put Mrt Taft and his sup porters hopelessly on the defen site. And on top of it all is a period of depression, which came in the hey day of Eepublkaa TariiL TiTisre are the remits of Roos rrelt ntle, which Mr. Taft desires to perpetuate his time for a change. It is tiiw for the peo ple to ru!?. . A Filtering U-Su??t- ; Absorbent cottcn is hizhlT ommensicti es hitemnz rnecinrrL It acts rapidly and is therefore of great vaine in rHtering volinle ele ments. Fcr- ordinary household ns it is sTJCciallv recommended canse cf its inexpensiveness and eaa of management. A large fsa nel mnst be provided, and tne cat ton is pressed more or less nrmly into the neck, according to the 'ss itance to be passed1 thrcngh. Some liquids are mnch more dirncnlt to manage than others, and this msst of course be aUtnred fcr. A fittie WHEN A GUSTOMEBi Finds my Goods exceed his ex- f potations in quality or kngt h I of servke. f therecolectiok! remains loEg aire r the prfel is forgotten. j Things done bv halves are never I done right f REPAIR WORK j Given Special attention. Rerj of Loan and Trust Co. I Phone No, 55. j ii c Miixmvi PLUMBER. SonteD Railway Co. Great Highway Of Trade And Travel Through The Sonlhern States. ItThrough Pullman Sleeping Cars on palatial trains between principal Cities and Resorts of the south jHigh Class Dining Cars. a -r TpTtSz jr Safe Guarded By Financial Integrity the Merchants & Farmers Bank assures yon absolute protection for "all funds de positee, in its care. Court eous attention to the needs of our depositors isrequired from all employees; and eve ry facility demanded by commercial usages is placed at the disposal of all who will avail themselves of onr services. Si Lr--iVr-' ----- practice will shenr the housewife her cioselT the cotton mnst be TCSt packed to insnre snccess in nlterfng tha variens Eqirid? with which she hxs to deal. The foreign visitors to Ch had aaked to see & natrre eiecntion, and the goTemcr of the province for a consideration had consented to ohlixe them. "Have merer, tost Hrmess. wailed the wretched criminals as they cringed before the gorern LaTe we no chan?e? 5Tone whatever : responded Hi hfyhrrpq? cmeerfnllT. Ttra a case cf taelsl 'hemian. heads yon lose. ""-Bo- ERCHANTS & FARA1ERS B OF STATESVILLE . CAPITAl "25.000 OFFICERS: I T. STIMPSO , President. C. S. TOMUN, Vke Pres't F. B. BL3CH? Sec y Jc Tress. y J. A. KNOX, Asst. SecV'Jt Treas. - ... Directors: T. Stimpscn, J . L. Stevenson, C. S, Tomlin, R. R. Kek 4. A Knox. W . S. Page, Geo. B. Nicholson I- K I4enhy, G. Gaither, J. R. HOI. . B. Watts. IMany delhtfnl summer and winter resorts on and reached by Southern Raflwa v. "The Land of the Skv?r "The Sapphire Country y in scenic west em NorthCarolina.teautirul at all seasons-Hotels of the highest class. For dstaHtd information applv to nearest Ticket Agent, or B.L. Ternon.T.P. Chariotte.C. S.H.Hardwkjr,PT.M. Washington;D.C. aylce, G & A. Washington. D.C. S3 CHESTER BROS 108 SOUTH CENHER ST. For Groceries, Fresh Meats etc Jest Received a Fresh lot of Fwifts Premhiiii Hams. Statasrillfi, K. C. Phnne 110. Snccesscrs to P. A. Jcnss. Charles Hotel Building oooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOLDMAN g o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o O O O O o o o L. A. FCETETOE TO THE FEEFLE Don't forget to see the g This contest Three Beautiful Prem .'8' lunis 1 am o-oino- to n I give away to my cus1 tomers. will close November 1. See me! See them! -' - i" A Si "-4 - r . : ' : -4 I : 0 0 u 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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