" , State Lft wion V TT'TT- J - VoL 1. Statesville, N. C, Friday EveningOctober 23, 1908. No. 344 7 Mascot. MVENIKFG Federal Court 4 Has Adjourned WAS UNIMPORTANT TERM. Non Suit Was Entered in Case of . .Fry Against the Southern Rail road Judgment Changed in Case of Negro Convicted of Dis tillingJudge Has Gone Home. The October term of the Federal court which was held in this city adjourned yesterday afternoon and all of the court officers, except those that reside in Statesville left at once for their homes. The term was one of the least important that has been held here for some time. Most of the time yesterday was taken up with the case of J. C. Fry, administrator, of the estate of Emeline Fry, against the South- ROOSTER GAVE THE ALARM I ' And Mr. W. E. Anderson Did the Rest Armed Himself and Pro ceded to His' Chicken Coop Where He Captured the Intru der jingle Handed and he "Vill Pay the Penalty. Late last night, probably be tween the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock Mr. W. E. Anderson who lives on West Broad street was awakened by an unusual disturb ance in his hen house. . Mr. Anderson had retired for the night but got up quickly and hurriedly dressing, armed himself with a bic stick and started for the chicken coop. Firmlv belie viner that a chicken thief had entered his premises, Mr Anderson laid plans' to capture the rascal. "When near the door Mr. Ander son called out to Gilbert Said To Be Insane HE SHOT HIS SWEETHEART. And is Now on Trial at Norfolk- Conflicting Testimony of Insan ity Experts is Striking Feature of the Trial He Borrowed the Revolver. State Troops On The Scene THE ENTIRE STATE AROUSED PERSONAL NOTES. BOY STOLE BEEF HIDE. Some Happenings Among Those Sold it to Morrison Produce Com People You Enow and Others You Don't Know. Mr. P. C. Gray has returned from Mooresville where he spent Wednesday night. pany But Theft was Traced to Him and he Was Made to Re turn the Money Gained his En trance to Building by Force. A yourig lad named Cloaninger Mrs. P. F. Lancrenour and Miss is liable to be required to face the Mattie Lee Nicholson are visiting serious charge of breaking and en- Governor Determined to Break up -m t,al,sftury attending the lair, , Lawlessness by Night-Riders-1 , Mis TW MiUsThas retumed . mTf Is Keeping in Close Touch With from Moorwvffle wEerohe was bntcher had come to the city with v "& WiU,lt -i.wu.wj. fi, c ir: m. -m:ii snmo mpnt the hnv nriA1 n Inner Ritimtinn 'Will TTaan QWfl.JUIC Sucai Ui Wdl'tt Jims. " "w " I - 1 Annnn T T fl A 1 in Field Until Order is Restored. Norfolk, Va, Octo. 22. Con flictiner testimony by allecred insan ity experts was the striking fea ture of the trial yesterday of Ben Mamin Gilbert, who m duly last shot to death Miss Amanda Morse, his sweetheart, who had jilted him. Dr. h. I. Peter, once sunerinten- dent of the Virginia Insane Asy- might be inside the coop to come ium accredited to be an expert out and show himself or he would lipon brain nervous diseases, said be shot. ? he had been observing Gilbert for No one replied to his demand, a -month, and that the latter is a VSrtX except an old rooster that had first degencrat6) was sufferillg from rauroaa. .as statea yesierudy nTiniin i ir AnwA wLionnko , , .... . era this was a suit brought to recover $25,000 damages for causing the death of Emeline Fry, mother of the plaintiff, some years ago at Hickory. After the plaintiff had put in its evidence, Lawyer L. C. Cald well declared that he was ready to let the case go to the jury with out submitting any evidence for the defence. It was evident that no case had been made out against the railroad company; the court intimated as much and the plain tiff was allowed to take a non suit. The judgment of the court was changed in the case of ErwinGray, the negro convicted of distilling, etc., and sentenced toa year and one day in the Federal peniten tiary. He has been in jail four months and he will be given his aroused Mr. Anderson by his noise He continued to keep up a terrible racket and lighting a match, Mr. Anderson entered the hen house. He expetced to find a chicken thief there and indeed, he Hid. But in( stead of a two legged? villian, the intruder proved to be one of a four footed variety The cause of all the rumpus was a nice iat possum, xius taken in charge by Mr. Afaderson and is now confined in a barrel in that gentleman's back yard. He is a kind hearted man, is Mr. Anderson but he has no sympathy for a chicken thief, no matter how many legs he may possess and it is probable that -"a punishment to fit the crime" is m store ior iui. 'Possum. ' TOMORROW'S BABECUE. ) A nol. pros, was entered in the case against Quincy Privett, of Iredell, charged with destroying a rural mail box. Frank Brown was indicted for treedom. '. Wadv for the Bis: Event and e gnd Jury finished rtsw, Ml off Kain or ana was aiscnargeu vv cuixccv . nv.a nomino- From the Nearby Towns. It was announced late this af ternoon that all the arrange ments have been completed for acute transitory epileptic insanity and was not respesible for murder ing Miss Morse. . A number of witnesses told of acts committed by Gilbert which they said caused them to believe that he was not mentally sound. Incidentally, the fact that Gilbert cannot write his name was ad duced through the introduction of the roll of the Fourth Virginia Volunteers, to which he affixed his mark. He subsequently was dis f'harod from the militia "for the good of the service." Dr. 0. C. Brunk, present super intendent of the Williamsburg Insane Asylum, testified that in his opinion Gilbert was not epilepti cally insane ; that one so afflicted does not plan a crime, but if he commits one does so upon the im pulse of the moment. Gilbert, the evidence shows, premeditated the murder, borrowing the revolver used and seeking His victim. MADE HIM STOP. I - - nnH distilling, etc., in a case from the big barDecua, speaks uu Alexander county and a nol. pros, parade to take place tomorrow, was entered in this case and also- The ladies have done wonder in similar cases against T. E. Lip- fully well with .their part o the pard, Lawrence Little, D. L. Pox program and it is assured that and Millenlcenhour. aU of Alex- there will De pieu j andercountv The event will be pulled off 1: . I! Martin, of Burke conn- rain or.shine. The barbecue tv,a former storekeeper and gaug- be held in el wareh charged with permitting a and Senior Simmons will speak distiller to defraud, was also al- in the court house. lowed to go, a nol. pros, being en- The parade will form at IP tered in hi case. o'clock as all eady announced la the cases against Frank d he speaking w follow u - t xt i!v.v Maurice The barbacue will be servea m nmnken White Man Vho At a V - - tempted to Enter the Home of Mr. Matt Overman in itocKy Mount, Brought to a Standstill by Receiving a Load of Shot in His Shoulder. Wilson, N. C. Oct. 22 -Parties from Rocky Mount report a shooting in that town just be Union Gity, Tenn., Oct. 23. State troops are encamped in the lake region, where for months a state of teror has existed on ac count of acts committed by night- riders. governor Malcom R. Patterson is keeping in close touch with the situation, and says he will keep the soldiers in the field until or der is restored and fullest inves- vestigation is made regarding the assassination near Walnut Log on Monday night of Captain Quentin Rankin, a distinguished lawyer of Trenton, Gibson county. Governor Patterson expressed determination to break up lawless ness by) night-riders and will fill no more appointments for speeches in tne interest oi.ms canaiaacy ior re-election until the situation in the Rellfoot Lake country has im proved. The law and order league has offered a reward of $2,000 for the arrest and conviction of the night riders who killed Captain Rankin and attempted to kill Colonel Tay lor, in addition to the reward of $10,000 offered by Governor Pat terson. ( The authorities have decided to hold a special term of court for the trial of any night-rider cases that may come up. It is certain that the prosecution will be prompt and thoruogh. Attorney-General Caldwell has beeii threatened with assassination if he prosecuted night-riders, but he says he is determined to, do his I diit, regardless of threats. Messrs. W. W. Cooper, Albert board off from the slaughter house Cooper and Harry Gill spent last of M. P. Alexander & Brother, night at the Buford in Charlotte. whic his located west of the city Mis Sadie Poston went to near the Bloomfield cdtton mill Mooresville this morning to be the and gained an entrance. ' guest of Miss Clara Mills. Two fine cattle had just been Mrs R M TCnmr nrifV nln'lrlrPTi butchered for the barbecue to- have returned Mooresville. A. H. Price, Esq., of Salisbury from a visit to morrow and he proceeded to ap propriate one of the hides. He loaded the hide into a two Jurney, Artifus Rupard, Chas. Ireland, L. W. Parlier, Bud Shoe maker, DeWitt Redmond and Winston Rupafef, all of Iredell immediately after the speaking, ; With The Sick. iss Bess Hudson of Moores ville, is at the Long sanatorium for treatment. jtfrs. R. M. Mills was called to Wobdleaf yesterday because of the crtjcal illness of her father, LIr. who has been attending Federal wheel push cart and took it to the court in this city has returned to store of the Morrison Produce his home. Company where he sold It for Miss Theo. Terrill who is at- $2.90. tending school here has returned When the butcher returned he from a visit to her home in Coo- missed the hide andTlollowing the leemee. tracks made by the cart soon lo- Mrs. T. C. Eubanks who has cated it at the Morrison store, been the guest of Mr. H. M. Eu- The responsibility for the theft banks for some days left yesterday was soon placed on a 14-lear-old for her home at Monroe. son of a man named Cloaninger Mr. R. N. Shupling, of Shiloh and the father made the youngster was in the city this morning, mak- return the money to the Messrs. jing arrangements for the funeral Morrison. of Mrs. Nancy Norris who died at The Alexander Brothers then that place yesterday. came into possession of their pro Miss Addie Hallyburton of Mor- perty. ganton was a visitor in the city It is probable that the boy will yesterday. She has been visiting be prosecuted, in Charlotte and was en route to 0 . m Ytay ViATvio A NEW HATlOHAli BAH. turned to her home yesterday after A Meeting of the Stockholders of spending a week here at the statesville ioan ana itusv wm. home of her brother, liSland Har- CaJJd for Tomorow Af- xernoon ai u wows. Irs. D. M. Ausley and her At tnw ume me maiier oi or- charming little daughter, Miss ganizmg a new national bank Mary, went to Mt. Airy yesterday with a capital of $100,000 will be for a month's visit with Mr. considered. Thomas Fawcett, Mrs. Ausley's It is proposed to convert the father banking business of theLoan& Mr. f.rd Mrs. K. C. Conger who Trust Co. into a national bank, have been occupying the home of the business to be conducted at Mrs. D. M. Furchess on Walnut the.same place. street, since Mrs. Furches' depar- It is not proposed that the r, r,nv,tawn Trust company go out of business IUIC uxx a ovu.K"v,xij. -ijf I ... i . . , i nt if rooms with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. .V"""" t 1, TXTrtc-f HtaqH ctropt I , . . 1 . . ris. J. k Thompson who has been in fore the shoo-fly started south- ill health for some time and who ward. The facts as gleanea are ls aot expected to recover. onranpo nnH nthfir fpatnrps .an ftfc The Wilkesboro Chronicle says, : present. "Mrs. L. J. Holman lett Monday oi - I to. visit her old home at Cool An Old Soldier Dead. Spring. Mrs. F. G. Holman ac- Mr. R. Mint Evans died at his companied her to Statesville and home near Doolie Wednesday will visit the family of Mr. Brad- morning. He was aDout u years shaw ! at Hickory and her .uncle, of age and hag been enjoying very 7he condition of Mrs. J. D. Cox wha has been critcally ill for some time is much improved and her many friends now entertain much hope for her recovery. She is still at the Bilingsley hospital. Horse Droped Dead. i?Qj-w ihU morninc: a horse county, and all charged with dis- aroppe(j dead in front of the uiimg, etc., m viuiatiuiA i residence oi ivov. u.xv. ternal revenue laws a nol pros wab lfc wa8 being driven to tne city as follows: Mr. Matt Overman had just leit his residence, which is oppos ite the North Rocky Mount pass enger station, for his place of business, leaving no one at home but his wife and son h rank, ine father had not more than left thfi vard before a white man be- sotted with drink, stepped on TaylorSViue in a few days. the ironu porcii auu autcuiijucu to enter the door. Young Frank ' They Will Marry. Mr. J. F. Spainhour, and other relatives at Mor ganton before re turning home. good health until about ten days ago he was taken with pneumonia which resulted in his death. He was recognized as one of the best farmers in the Doolie section entered. V Rally at Coddle Creek. The Coddle Creek Democratic Club is making arrangements for a big rally on next Tuesday night when Dr. B. F. Dixon will be there and address the citizens on the issues of the day. There will be a torch light pro cession and the Taylorsville brass band will take part in the process ion and furnish music. Every one is invited.out to take part in the procession and to hear that eloquent old soldier's ad dress. He is a fine speaker and will furnish the voters with much valuable food for thought. Mr. and Mrs. 'A. M. Turner have MoriTftsville after a asked him what he wanted, but The engagement is anonunced in a t1tt TTo thpn nrrW- ArIipviIIa nf Miss Nancy Jane bv a man namedBaker who lives ed tbe ieiQW to leave the prem- Weaver and Mr. James Gudger in the country and ieii wiluuuu iges but instead tie drew a Knne stikeieatner. the slightest warning. ail(j again tried to enter the door. Mr. Stikeleather is a son oi At noon the animal lay wuere Qnce agam the fellow was order- Capt. J. A. JStikeieatner, oi umi, it, had fallen and some 01 tne ed from the premises, but paid this county, and is a promment no heed to the warning, and con- ' Mr. Loner at Mooresville. Hon. Zeb V. Loner addressed the n j ha had AP.p.nnmlated durinff voters of Coddle Creek township I u time Rome nronertv. He is It. is nrobable that Mr. E. C. Lt Mooresville last niffht. wn rnilf?rp.Tl. lIrS- w X , - " OUL i T vv J w w J Slcan who is at the sanatorium Owing to the inclement weatner Effie an yjt Evans, wiJl oe removed 10 ms nume m theaudience was not as iais oa he making his home with tne lar A Viqvo VPAn Tvnt. I . it uiiiciwiac nuuiuoiutv ter. the fair sized audience present The remains were interred gave Mr. Long the closest atten- Thursday in the burying ground tion and frequently interrupted at Vanderbefg church, of which the orator's remarks with their he was a member, applause. ' 0 ,0 - He' was introduced by Hon. Zeb Have Leased the Furches Home. V Turlineton I -air. ana airs. u. iucia auu neighbors were asking when the Jpsightly object was to moved. tinued to advance, men tne rniiTHr man. to save ms muiuei J ..r-l " . ' r i kt unrt himselt irom Dlirui, uauiiut up a gun and fired a load into rnfi inr.riiutJi o ouuuiuvi. last heard from the fellow was unconscious. voung business man of Asheville. Miss Weaver is a sister ot Mr. Zeb Weaver, a member of the leg islature from Buncombe, s The marriage will take place November 4th. -40 Seized Brandy Still. Last Wednesday Deputy Collec tor Davis seized the brandy distil leryof D. S. Uoble in -lexunuex , Qn a Deer Hunt COUniy. r nV T A PnrW nf tllP StfltPS- With the outht he also seizea - 1T. n, Uwn week, on a bridal trip return- Gf.t -ilp n f llMTir Vllie licaiij auu u.vow - - - iranuiio ui i , . e t I tn thPir wpstftrn nome vesier Ir Davis had the property pany leu yesicru nu . , . . .i x. A r.s.rt.l own v I LiaJ brought to tnis city uuu -y Coble was conducting his place There ne win join . Mr Lone- sava the democrats of Itwo daughters . of New Jersey, the Coddle Creek neighborhood have rented the handsome home of are thoroughly united and in fine Mrs. D. M. Furchess on Walnut shape for the coming battle of bal- street for the winter. M The family came here tor tne benefit of air. Myer's health which has been failing for some time. lots. Have Returned Home. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Eagle of Benld, 111., who have been here-for License to Marry. The register of deeds Has issued a marriage license to Mr. Charles W. Millsaps and Miss Mary L. Pool. Both are residents of North Mr. James Dixon who is criti Whn a Wa thftv were the guests cally ill at his home on Hills street . " I i . . i -T5-.- . Coble was conducting m i Easle. the 1 was reported to be tailing at noon Goble was conducting his place 1 ram and a party .nu , uu u : : on tntlav ' d it is feared that he will ; a ha hd not lived a deer hunt - Mr. regram nas oeen p u. -. , 11 is ciaiiucu. I . i . . , xi v V form nPftr tnwn . . - nui. recuvci. .. xi'-n wfln5rpmpnts. there since tne nrst oi-m i -. Never can tell when youll mash a finger or suCer a cuv bruise, burn or scald. Be pre pared Dr. Thomas ' Eclectrie Oil instantly relieves the pain quick ly cures the wound. 4 o IMr. W. McRee Anderson of Lit tle Rock, Ark., is expected here at an early date to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson visit in this city. a , i . up iu an iuu iv"v- X,

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