1 i ..ft S H 4" r 3 1 f 5 V 1 . f r,,; J i r, 4 tii m pi 5 a 4- p : ! if til 1-1 if i S THE EVENING MASCO! DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.- ffice 109 Court Street. Telephone S3 VANCE NORWOOD Publisher. A. H. GILMOEE, City Editor. Subscription Price, inscription Price, $4.00 a Year 10 Cents a Week jsiuiered at the Postoffice in Statetsvilt A, 0 a second-class mail matter, v Weather Forecasts. Washington, D. C, November 23 For North Carolina partly cloudy 'tonight, " showers in west portion. Tuesday showers. New Local Editor. Mr. A. H. Gilii;ore has resigned his position as local editor of th; J ascot: and. Is ;cpsaj ty Ralph Skan, of this city. Any cburtisies extended Mr. Sloan in the way of news etc. will be greatly appreciated by the management. o ROOSEVELT AND HEARST. The country was disgusted to read a few days ago that Mr. Hearst pair a social call disgust ed that Mr. Herast should call upon the President without a pub lic apology for the denunciation the President ordered Mr. Root to make of Mr. Hearst two years ago, and disgusted that Mr. Roose velt should receive a social call from a man as vile as Mr. Roose velt said Mr. Hearst was two years ago. Not in the history of the country has the prime minis ter of any administration been; directed to make so severe a casti gation of any man as the follow ing which Mr. Root delivered in a speech at Utica, New York, on the first of November. "I say to you with his (Roose velt's) authority that he rsgards Mr. Hearst as wholly unfit to be Governor, as an insincere, self- seeking demagogue who is trying to deceive the workingmen of Jsew York by false statements and false promise; I say to you with his authority that he considers that Mr. Hearst's election wouljl be an injury and a discredit alike to hon est labor and to honest capital and a serious injury to the work in which he is engaged of enforc ing just and equal laws against corporation wrong-doing. . "President Roosevelt and Mr. Hearst stand as far as the poles asunder. Listen to what Presi dent Roosevelt himself has said of Mr. Hearst and his kind. In President Roosevelt's first mes sage to Congress,, in speaking of the assassin of McKinley, he spoke of hfm as inflamed "bthe reckless utterance of those who, on the stump and in the publie press, appeal to the dark and evil spirits of malice and greed, envy and sullen hatred. The wind is sowed by. the man who preached such doctrines, and they cannot es cape their share of responsibility for. the whirlwind that is reaped. Thisi applies alike to the deliber ate demagogue, to tho txploiter ol sensationalism and to the crude and foolish visionary .who for whatever reason apologises for crime or excites airn'oss discon tent." 4 1, say, by the President's au thority; that in penning these words, with the horror of Presi dent -McKinley 's murder fresh be fore him, he had Mr. Hearst spec ially in his mind. And I say, by- his authority, that 1 what he thought of Mr. Hearst - then he - thinks . of Mr. Hearst now." The thoughtful American peopb thought Jhen .that - the denuncia tion v was undeserved bv Mr. Hearst i and it was unworthy of the president of the republic. The fact that Mr. Hearst called to see Mr. ;: Roosevelt without a public apology of the- above has almost donejmore to cause the-New York editor Fo lose the respect of the public than his joining hands with Roosevelt during the campaign to elect the candidate desired by Rockefeller, Carmgie and the other-trust magnates. r The people , have been suggesting reasons for the .present social - relations be tween Mr. Roosevelt s and Mr. Hearst. The ' following from the New" York World seems ihe best : "Possibly Mrr Hearst's -service in attacking Haskell, in exposing Poraker's . relations-with Standard Oil. arid in. opposing the election of the-IFejnocratinc national ticket in theV recent .campaign are now re garded by Mrr.Roosevelt -as ' full atonement .for . past offenses, and of . such a nature as to warrant 'social' relations r between Mr. Hearst ahd himself . : " After ;all,-vhy.should there be enmity between-two statesmen and journalists who have so much in common?" News and Observer. Did the Best He Knew. Oeordle Horn was a character well known among the country- folk of the Scotch highlands twenty-five years ago. He belonged to a class rather hard to classify, for he was neither a tramp nor a farm hand, although frequently following the habits of both. Wan dering from farm to farm, the greater part of the time he was kindly treated and hospitably entertained generally. While he was a man of unusual strength, he was mentally weak and exceedingly lady. 'He's a gle cute chiel, though slow in the uptack". (understanding), was the way a good many described him. One day he arrived at his friend the doctor's and complained of a severe pain In his breast The doctor handed him a plaster, with instructions to put it on his chest, without delay. Geordie gave him one of his knowing looks and took his departure. The doctor! met him a few days later and Inquired how he was feeling now. Geordie re plied, "Nae better.". ".Did you do as I told you with the plaster?" the doctor went on. , "Weel, no, not exactly. I done the best I could. I didn't have a chest, sae I stuck it on my bandbox" (hat box). An Expensive Dollar. Not long ago in this town a kind friend of-tbe family gave one of the kids a dollar. Of course it was too much to let the kid get out and spend for candy and gum, so It was reli giously put up on the sideboard or some other safe place to be kept just for what the deponent saith not. In about a week the juvenile owner of the big round coin , remarked at the breakfast table, "Pfipn, mamma spent my dollar yesterday The head of the house took the iht and fished up another dollar, whic like its prede- cessor, was placed in a good safe place to keep. During the next month by a careful ly tabulated record which he kept on his cuff he repaid this elusive dollar Just thirteen "times. So at the end of the month you will not be surprised to learn that our friend sent the donor of the original dollar this curt note: Dear Sir Inclosed you will find a check for $1. It's the dollar you gave our youngster. I return it simply to avoid bankruptcy. Already it has cost me some where between fifteen and twenty. Lamah (M 0.) Democrat. Dollar Fish. "Have you any dollar fish here?" a woman asked of one of the attendants at the aqirlum. While he question may seem curi ous, it us really very simple, for the dollar .sh is only a young moonfish. Tb moonfish Is a curious but beau tlfo creature, almost round in shape at v extremely thin and having the lorellest of pearly sides. It swims on edge, so that It always presents its sides of pearl to view. It takes Its name from Its. shape and because, further, In color it suggests the silvery moon. xoung moonnsn of tne size of a standard suver dollar and they are scarcely any thicker are called dollar fishes because of their resemblance to that coin in size and shape and color, and the woman making the inquiry about dollar fishes was duly Informed that there was none In the tanks at the present time, but that they did have them occasionally. New York Sun. Three Sabbaths Each Week In Tangier. Morocco is a country of many Sab baths. The first three days I spent in Tangier were all Sabbaths. Arriving on a Thursday night, the next day was Friday, the Mohammedan Sabbath, which was followed by the Jewish Sabbath the Hebrew element in Tan gier is considerable and strict In re ligious observance and that in turn by the-Christian Sunday. Subsequent comparison, however, revealed little difference between any days of the week: On the Mohammedan Sabbath a black flag is hoisted on the minarets at the prayer of dawn, instead of the white-flag that announces the time of devotions on other days. It remains up until the middle of the forenoon, by; which time- everybody is supposed to have found out what day it is. New York Post. The Word "Charlatan." "Charlatan," says a writer in the London Chronicle, "is companion to 'quack in our vocabulary,, and of this word the origin is certainly Italian It is 'clarlatano, merely a chatterer, and describes the traveling doctor In his cart who used to offer in an over whelming torrent of talk his pills to villagers, in the market place. He was a dentist as . well as a physician and wrenched out the tooth in public. The genus is not yet entirely extinct.1 A Word Breaker. Tine looking old gentleman." " ' t "Yes, but he was never . known to give a man his word that he did not break it." "Dishonest, eh r "Nope; he stutters.' Houston Post Dignity and Ignorance. "So you have decided to call In an other doctor?" "I have," was the reply. "The ab surdity of the man prescribing linseed tea and mustard plasters for people of our position r A Noble Parent. In writing a sketch of Washington a pupil ended her . essay by saying. "Washington : married a famous belle. Martha Custis, and In due time be came the Father of His Country Delineator. - , Kind words are benedictions. They are not only instruments of power, but of benevolence and courtesy, blessings both to -the - speaker and hearer - of them. Frederick Saunders. GERMAN MEN BLOSSOM OUT. In Berlin They Are Wearing Col ored Evening "Clothes. New York Sun. In Berlin a really serious effort is being made to introduce colored evening dressor men, and so far the favorite color seems to be the very deepest shade of violetj which is not obstrusive and is yet effective. In the .smart restaur rants in Berlin several efolored suits have been seen, some being of dark blue, one or two of brown, and at least one of maroon." "Englishmen" do not readily adopt fashions that come to them from the "continent, commn$s The Lady's Pistorial, "the Ham burg hat being the most notice able exception: to the rule. There seems to them a suggestion xxfl comic opera about them. But as wo have so- long discussed the? desirability of colored evening dress it may be that our men may adopt this mode, although it is made in Germany. One feels sure men will be warmly encour aged by our sex if they do break away from the conventional suit of solemn black. 'V - Stops earache in- two minutes; toothache or pain of burn or scald n five minutes; hoarseness, one hour; muscleache, two ' hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Tlolaiag Eclectric Oil, monarch over pain. - CASTOR fA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the .Signature of LOST Bunch of kevs on Front Street between Hall's store and Westmoreland 's stable last1 night. Finder will please re turn to Macsot office. Nov. 20 tf . North Carolina, ( Superior Court, Iredell County. J Nov. 13, 1908. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT Henkel Live Stock Company vs. J. E. Cornelius, alias "J. H." Cornelius. The defendant above named will take notice that a Summons in the above entitled action was , issued against said defendant on the 13th day of November, 1908, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell county, which summons is return able to the Superior Court of Iredell county on the fifth Monday before the first Monday in March, 1909. That plaintiff seeks to secure judg ment for the sum of Three Hundred and Teh Dollars and Thirty-five Cents, due said plain tiff by said de fendant by nbte and chattle mort gage. The said defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attach ment was issued by said Clerk of Superior Court' in said action on the 13th day of November, 1908, against the property of said defendant, which warrant is returnable before said Superior Court of Iredell county at the time and place above named for the retjurn of said Summons, when and where "the said defendant is re quired to appear and answer or de mur to said complaint, or the relief demanded therein will be granted. J. A. HARTNESS, Clerk Superiour Coart of Iredell County, N. C. , Grand Excursion to Rich mond, Va.,Nov. 25th. On account of J the Thankseiv ing Football Game between the Universities of North Carolina and Virginia, the Southern Rail way will operate a SDecial train ttcHeave Charlotte at 7:45 p. m.. Nov. 25th, and arrive at Rich mond about 6 a. m., Nov. 26th, 1908. Returning leaves Rich mond at mid-night, same date. Train -will consist of first-class Day Coaches and Pullman Cars. Tickets to be sold at points on branch lines to connect at junc tion points. Th 3 following is the round-trip rate from Statesville $4.50. For detailed informa tion see large flyers, or call on your depot agent. It. L. VERNON, Travelling Pass. Agent. Opera House Building Open from $ to 5 and 8 to l(Kp. m. No Children Admittedr tQ Floor at Night Sessions. Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pimp rashes, etc., are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters is a cleansing tonic. Makes you clear-eyed, clear-brained, clear skinned. BUY YOUR GASOLINE FROM A. W. Holler Plumbing. Co., Phone 61., 127 W. Broad St GrOOD Draughon gives contracts, backed by a chain of 30 Colleges, $300,000.00 capital, and 19 year's success, to se cure positions under reasonable con ditions or refunnd tuition. - I BOOKKEEPING Draughon's ccin netitors, by not accepting his proposition, concede that he teaches more Bookkeeping in THREE months than they do m SIXr Draughon can convince YOU . SHORTHAND theUnited States Court Reporters write the system of Shorthand Draughon teaches, oe cause thev know it is THE BEST. FOR FREE CATALOG and book let, ''Why Learn Telegraphy?" which explains all, call on or write J is u. . - . tt-.-t- -r- " J j DKAUUJHU1N, -resiaenii DRAUGHON'S - " O """ " ' PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE (We also Teach by Mail) Raleigh, Knoxville, Nashville, Cc lumbia or Washington, D. C. New Tables of the latest and best m akes have been in stalled under J. P. Phifer's grocery store. A full line of Fresh Meats, the best that money will buy, at 8 to 123 Cents Per Pound. We also carry a full line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries at Prices you can't afford to over look Call on or phone us your wants Phone No. 110. CHESTER BROS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO, Great Highway of Trade and Travel Through the Southern States Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on palatial trains between the principal Cities and Resorts, of the South. High-class Dining Cars. 31any delightful Summer and Winter Resorts oh and reached by t Southern Railwav. "The Land of the Sky," "The 1 Sapphire Country," in scenic Western North Carolina beau tiful at all seasonBr " Hotels of the highest class. For detailed information apply to nearest Ticket Agent, or R. L. VDRNON, T P. A., Charlotte, N. a F S. H. HARDW1CK, P. Tiid., . W.H. TAYLOE, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. Chas. Brincefield will ap ply lor a pardon Dec. 18. Get us five only five new yearly subscribers to the Evening Mascot and we will PRESENT you with a handsome 42-piece dinner set. See one of these sets in Sherrill ' & White's front windowr" (0 rosiT 0M lei fooliom We Solicit Your Patronage 10! To Cure a Cold QUIN - 25 cents - t W. r. HALL'S 0000 OO OOP O O O O o Shernll-White Xomp'ny g . . " - ,.: ' . 0 Wehave just received and put on sale a big lot of All 0 Vool Drees goodf 36 to 42 inches wide, your choice. V 27 12 cents yard. 2 I No such bargain ever offered to Statesville buyers be- 0 fore. One piece Tan Herringbone, rainproof, 58 inches wide, real value 1.25 yard, for Q 60 cents yard. o o q - House full of corresponding values. O O See our new line of COATS for Ladie Misses and Chil- 2 dren. We have the NEW DIRECTOIRE STYLES, rrice? O cheap. Come to see us. o Veryftruly y ours, o o Sherrill-White Company o o o 104 West Broad St., Statesville, N. C. 000000000000DOOOOO00 ABSOLUTE Hi ii VI) at to A. W. HOLLER PLUMBING COMPANY Phoie No. 61. is the oldest (41 years) and first Business College in Vtt., (ffcond iD the South) to own a. building erected for its use one of the finest m Richmond. Endorsed by its students, business men and the press. Philadelphia Stenographer says: "It is the leading Busi nsss College South of the Potomac River." ''When I reached Richmond, I inquired of several business men for the best Business Collegejn the city, and. without exception, they all recommended Smithdeal's as the best. Wm. E. Ross, Law stenographer, Bluefield, West Virginia. jingle, Double Entry and Joint-Stock Bookkeeping, Commei cial Arithmetic, Business Writing, Business Practice, Shorthand, lypewritmg, Telegraphy, Commercial Law. English Department. JLadies and gentlemen. Day and night sessions. No vacations, students enter at any time. By Mail. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, t enmanship, at home, to those who cannot come to-College. Special inducements to well educated young men, especially to teachers- W rite for catalog and full particulars to G. M. SMITHDEAL, Pres., Richmond, Va. 1 THE STATESVILLE LOAN AND TRUST CO. 1 Of Statesville, N. C. 1 IS EREPARET) - A . K J .... ccuuutB are solicited from firms, corporations and indiv - uals, who ma rely upon courteous consideration and the J very best terms that are consistent with good banking g metnods. Four per cent, paid on time and savings deposits f ;:7 ' . v - " I Capital Stock.. mw .40,000.00 f Shabeholdees xiABrLiTY............;.... ...... f 40,000.00 i Subplus anp Undivided Profits ......30,000.00 Total Resoubces Oveb.. ..........f 440,000.00 OFFICERS E. Steele, President, E. Morrison, Vice-Pres, D. M. Ausley,Sec tnd Treasurer, C. E. HUGHEY, Assistant Secy. and.Treaf- I TT rt nm m . m -.u.ouwuiTH,nanaaerSavlnfls Department in One Day Use I AC - ETOL per box at ' : Prescription ist O O 9 Q I 1 O 0 (IV (!) (P (P ify (fV 'fi (I) CLEANLINESS is a feature that imrrodi - ately recommends mod ern sanitary open plumb ing and its accessories to ail believers in household hygiene A bath room can be kept clean and sweet as your dining room. But all good sys tems can be made bad by inferior workmanship. So to.make assurance doub ly eure, see to it that your plumbing contracts are given to the 127 W. Broad St. IS ci LJx ouciii C5 Ji ur4jLt."r CT;