:f-" WEBSTER'S il'wiiWJWAKI III A T i bra rv in 0 n ftn.nL - j - fvun I . s I3o::id?3 a:i accurate, rrao- i i Lirv of English, on!c:'prjd with 5,000 112 W V OHl:.7, 'f V o T? i torn o nfi n 1 i History of tho Ens'dsh l ir I.in'cTiasc, Gmdo 'to Pre- jj !, ranciaticn, IDictioncLr; d h i Fiction, New Gazetteer c 7 ' .tho World, ITctv Bioah- I; 'i io.:l dictionary, Vocabulary j' il of S?riptur3 Hemes, Greek r l! :;i jia-i;n Jn.:n3, a r!'!,'-:-- TIanrc. TV-- !" ' ci-.i Quotations. Abbrcvia- 5' '! lions, Metric System, Eio. ! r;t-3iiLn voumot G'.vi sj:h a cr:;? v I '. . , i.v . n's C li:i.ia; !; Jjh- r.ixur. 1 In.-, j.i ,j f i " r nlirtiii.-n- 1 1 s. K r ! ar n ,1. '1 i i' i P. 'j. MEP.aiAH C3. iCl !'" il r I- NOTICE! I have reopened my Meat Market in the grocery store of R. F. Cashion on Center street and will sell the best -of Fresh Beef that can be bought at from 8 to 12 1-2c. a pound. I will be pleased to see all of my old customers and any others who desire the best of meats at the above prices. Phone 59 P. A. JONES J0 o o o o o o o o 0 o Til G en Hanrlcnmn loh 'With each cash purchase of 5 cents or over I will"criv vmi a coupon mat can be exchanged for thesefeifts. Q D - - wr Of N ir- 5 Sgsies-; it t. A. GOLDMAM : Purveyor to the People 9 4& V22X2?2!?2'2?2!2Pmv A how Down We are the only place in the city that receives best f Oysters Fresh Every Day We can accommodate a t few more boarders. Open till 12 at night and on Sunday. IREDELL CAFE A7. W. GAITHER, Prop. Get us five, only five new yearly subscribers to the Evening Mascot and we will PRESENT you with a handsome 42-piece dinner set. See one of these sets in Sherriil & In a sharp contest nothing but "quality" and appearance figure., "RUTH MADE" -Hosiery and the "WORLDS BEST' Black are the goods of 'Quality. Alter ah has been said, all your pursuasive argument exhausted, it is still a fact that " "QUALITY" IS THE ONLY TEST OF VALUE. To get best results you must have the best of everything best yarn, bet colors, best machiues and best help, with such a combination you can produce the best of what you are making. We have all of the above. Ask your dealer for the goods of "quality. THE BRADFORD KNITTING NULL. We Have for Special for Thanksgiving Dining Tables, Sideboards. Side Tables, Dining Chairs o41so Fine China Dinner Sets. This Sale lasts from Monday morning at 9 o'clock till Thursday night, 2 6. See our Big. WindowSpecial Prices. STATESVILLE HOUSEFURNISHING COMTY E? 5FE FREE UJIELlf BEAUTIFUL DINNER SET We want to increase our alrerdy large subscription list, knowing that if a person reads our paper for a few months he will always read it, we have purchased a limited number of these 42-piece sets and will give one to every person who secures five paid-in-advance yearly subscribers to M The Evening" ascot. This Set Consists of 6 Diuner Plates .6 Pie Plates ' 6 Cuns and P 6 Saucers b Oatmeals or Fruits 6 Butter Plates 1 Oblong Veg. . 1 Round Veg. 1 Meat Platter 1 Sugar 1 Cream 42 Pieces I . eu&rruKS . t'cqv.suoAR i. oblons v eg stable iTcfteAM J0'' ' ji EACH PIECE IS HANDSOMELY DECORATED with French De calcomania, rep resenting beauti ful violets in nat ural color and a solid gold filligree border. THE WARE IS THE HIGHEST CLASS PORCE LAIN CHINA.'. Price Never Changed. The Her. Simon Turpie was an elo quent speaker, but ho seemed to have a list of sermons which, when ho once began, he went right through to the end and then started at the first ser mon again, and so on. A young man in the congregation was about to leave for Semtn Africa, but the. Sunday before he departed he attended the church service. In the course of his lecture thtTmln ister used an illustration in which were the words, "A maa can easily purchase two sparrows for threepence." The young man, after being absent for about three yeurs, returned and agahKon the first opportunity attended divine service. Strange to say, he hetrrd the same narrative by the same minister, the phrase striking him most being about the "two sparrows for threepence." At the close of the service the minister,- in his courtesy, came and shook hands with the youth and. welcoming him back to his home, asked him if he noticed any changes about the place. The young man, evidently quite un concerned, replied, "Aye, man, there's two or three changes, but there's yiD thing I can see the price, o' sparrows aye at the same auld figger.' gow News. Sample Set on Display in SherriU-White Company's Show Window, Jiast lroaa btreet. -G las- New Use For Wheelbarrows. . Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, the archaeologist. was making some excavations in Mex- co. The Indians were removing the earth some distance from the point of excavation in the customary manner that is, on a piece of coarse cloth tied between two poles, stretcher fashion, carried by two Indians. This method seemed rather laborious to Mrs. Nut- tall, so she ordered several iron wheel barrows from the city. When they arrived she turned them over to the foreman after explaining to him what they were for and how to use thein. Next day when she visited the work the Indians had discarded their primi tive parihuelas and were using the bright new wheelbarrows. As each barrow was filled with earth it was picked up by two Indians, one using the handles and the other the wheel, and carried to the place where the earth was to be deposited. All efforts to get the Indians to use the wheel barrows properly failed, and they kept on carrying them until the work was finished. , Alphabet of the Playhouse. "We keep learning things all the time," said an infrequent theater goer. I stopped in front of a theater the other day to buy a ticket of a- specu- ator, and I asked him if he had a good single near the front. 14 'Here's one in O,' he said, 'thir teenth row, third seat from the aisle.' ''Now, you know, I don't carry the relative positions of the letters of the alphabet in my mind all the time. I have to work for a living and have other things to think of. But it struck me that O must be farther down the ine than thirteen, and so I just count ed up the letters on my finger tips, and I made O come fifteenth, and I said so to the ticket man, but that didn't wor ry him any. " 'There's no A In this theater,' he said, 'and there's no I in any orches tra in town.' "And, having my -finger tip figuring thus handily knocked out, I bought the ticket." Washington Post The Surprise of Sljivnitsa. "I have never quite made out," says a writer in "Near East," ' why the plain of Slivnitsa has come to be re garded as the scene of one of the great decisive battles of the world's his tory. It did not eveij decide the Server Bulgarian war In ISfeo. That was de cided by Austria , intervention. The battle of Slivnitsa is really only re markable for the " comical fact that both sides thought they were defeated, and while Milan of Servia was hurry ing -home in confusion Alexander of Bulgaria galloped all the way back to -his capital before he learned that the tide had turned. Nowaaays the vil lage looks sleepy enough, poor and dirty, like most Bulgarian villages, but almost gay when the sun shines upon its red roofs." Harsh Music. ' ' The politician caught with the goods was counseled by his friends to stay and face the music. For an Instant he listened to 'the clamor of denunciation. "Great Scott," he exclaimed impa tiently, "do you call that music?" A moment later he was out of hear ing. Philadelphia Ledger. How Rows. Begin. "Hubby, I dreamed last night that you didn't love me." -"How foolish you are!" "Foolish, am I? As if I could help whatl dream about!" And the fracas' was on. Louisville Courier-Journal. What KeDt Him. ; "Why couldn't you have come home at a reasonable hour?" remarked an 'angry wife to her spouse. "Could, m'dear, jes easy as not, but I hie was waitin f er you f go r shleep!" replied the delinquent. ,i'iii;nii-!i!in mm -2 -- mm. is 143 mm Eca.li' It El 12 mm B. ma ioj Tor Infants and Childroni 1 The Kind Yoii Have A LCO JT fll 4 Drn " -- tort 1 Aege(abIePreparationrAs. togflKSjffinailisandBbwiflf PmraofcsDigestionJCkcrf! ncssand RstrnnNfncnwW OpiunuMorphine norSfioEraL KOT NARCOTIC. Plimpkin Seed" jibcScruta Warm Seed -Clarified 'Sugar ' niatenpen flarer. ArjcrfectRemedv forConsflna tion . Sour StoTnach.Dtarrhoea Worms .ConvalsionsJcvcnsIi- ness andLoss of Sleep. racSimile-Sigiiatureof NEW YORK. Alway Bears the Signature of s Bought Am (fe in Use For Over Thirty Years f.:WllIli;iilil;rfyg i rf - U SIlliiiteuAranteea. undcrthe 1 1 fl f ed under 1 Exact Copy of Wrapper. it W u; THK CKNTAUR COMPANY. MEW YOMt CfTYi I - f If you have lost something: or want to buy or have any thing to sell try a want ad. in The Evening Mascot. Soon Gets Over It. "What is the honeymoon, pa?" "Well, the honeymoon is the only period in a man's life during which he considers it funny to come homeland find that ' his dear little wife hasn't dinner ready in time The Means to the End. Mrs. Benham Why does a man hate his mother-in-law? Benham Oh, he doesn't hate her; he simply hates to think of the way she got into his fam tly. Harper's Weekly. oaccccGcocwocooccooG S3 h n 55 k fi o c ?2 o cm o 2S c cm o o o u om mo 85 cm 1 nm cm mo ml cm mo 8S cm Is om a cm 9 1 N I Is Essential to the Up building of the Modern r.A Business Enterprise. To the publicity gained by the use of the advertising columns of the daily papers is at tributed the growth, and consequent success, of a very large percentage of great business enter prises of the present day. , ; : - -' Advertising is recognized as the prirne fac tor in increasing the sales of any class of goods or manufactured articles. , )' The space used in this paper is youri,busi ness message to the public. In this open letter you should tell them of the merits of what , you are offering, setting forth the reasons why your particular line is worthy of their attention. IIIII Miffl has increased its local circulation very materially during the past three months and the -.results obtained from the space used -by the advertisersj are gratifying to them and to the paper. It reaches into the homes of the best class of our people and your message will be placed in the hands of those with money to buy the. goods . you wish to sell. V : .' ! ;-V; .,' , The Space Rates in The Evening Mascot are not high. Your message is carried, each , day; to - those you wish to reach, in the ; most ' economical manner. ' 's' :. -:' ':- .,; :' For, information call us up on the phone and a representative of the paper will gladly visit you : : I The Mvenins L - 1. yiomr)rMQmy-jmrtti!jVm?m jmvm&mjmvmvmGmjmGmjimXjomjmx

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