THE EVENING MASCOT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Entered at the Postoffic in St&tccvtil S, O., aa eoond-dass mall natter - Oct l&r&mzSiaeti, TdspboasiS3: VANCDvByWJOD - Publisher. RAT, PIT SLOAN,. - - City Editor Setofrtloa Erice, - $4.00 a Year Weather Forecast3. . TO3gtoiiIElG For NortttiCoUirasifEiii andmarmer tonight. Wednesday increasing cloudiness. THE SOLID SOUTH. Instead of"; breaking the solid souh we had better, maintain, it as a rallying; point and nucleus for conservatism, and. real. democracy Instead: of going- over to the- Re publicans we should bring, the. lie- publicans and the great Demo cratic masses of the country to us. In a movement of this kind Vir ginia can take the lead - She has ions witH the strength and brains and gifts, but under the influence of forty years of repression and following.meekly the- leadership of others they have beeome thnid. Almost ;in any .condition.. and. in any department jo endeavor the bold, policy isthe.-best and the ad vantageis withthe attack. "We would like to sea some- Virginians go right to the front and announce that the south . intends to take charge of the. Democratic party $ to invigorate it back to strength and purpose. "We think that' to make the aim- of . such movement the nomination-of a southern man for president or. vice-president ' would be to belittle it to mere, politics ana squaDDies. rracycaiiy in will make no. difference where the Democratic nominees hail from. "Warprejudices have disappeared. With the increasing intelligence s and breadth of the people; even local and-state pride has disappeared as a political fac tor. Nebraska eight -: -years ago voted 'against : Mr. Bryan her fore most-citizen, and this year -Mr. Taft had to 'show Ohio-better Tea sons than - his mere birth and resi dencein thestate,' before he could carry -it even by a much' reduced majority. lO' THE BEST PEOTEE. There has never been a phrase more tfadlpabused than the abov. Among? certain element "the best people?' "imeans the people' who know least about life s real-mean- ing and, who contribute least olall to the f public : good. "The best people, -in the society, sense, are too trifling to make a living-and too ignarant, to. discuss a current question with. the smallest degree of intellignce-.They are those who sleep late,, advertise their weak ness in the loudness of their clothes, who are skillful in the use of cards, who adore. the dance and j who emphasize the.light things of life and jgnore the real things. Thejr grasp at the shadow and lose the, -substance, v They float like 15oanv on the -billows and sprawl on the - .8hore when the strong waves-they- rode rebound Into the deep. , Thy.are the chaff of human society-and glory in the fact tiiey ; are noi the solid grain. They imagine they . . are holding the earth; together, but the only respect of consideration they gain or hold is that of those like them selves Jwfio hope to reach, their realm. rt is a pitifully small' soul .that can tmas idle the days away on things that are not of the least consequence in the . world to a human being. ThV best people are the sensible people of a- com munity, uTtiey 'arethosdrwho -are neither s&aid'nor ashamed of hon est labor?: whb8ddr their part to e-aeaaei tiltitotttaujtatttaaitailati the fttrength'of thestate ; who hon or a man rather than , his money and who fear God and love their fellows;17e 1 are- glad that the froth psssearfor-just about itsrtrue worth in North Carolina; and that the light weights who imagine they are so importantua; factor in our society? amounttto little mare:than a hilllof tbeansr-JCfcarity anoTChil- dren. - o THE SOUTH 'S GREATEST ER RORS. The following is an extract frora a speech by EditorrPoe of vibe-Pro gressive Farmers "Of all the errors our greatest has been, the failure to recognize the fact i that :the prosperity of every-man 4 depends upon the pros perity of the average-man and in many eases- the-.actualr acceptance of the doctrine that the state is benefited by having cheap, un trained tlabor.-. We have seen on the contraryiUhafcsuch-labor is-a curse.. And our second i great - error has; beeriflike " unto it-the belief that even if prosperity' of - every man does depend upon the pros perity of the average man;-we: are top poor to: train; him, ; The truth is, that we are -too poor not-tondo so. ine xuiiest ana. tree s training of the average mamisrthe one: and only positive guarantees of south ern (prosperity and by his Lmean the prosperity, notonlyv of our sec tion and of our institutionsandof society.- as a whole but the- pros perity' of - everydndividual every farmer, every- laborer every mer chant; every manufacturer, every professional man, every inhabitant as I have said from the- boy who blacks boots to the master-mind that builds your railroad4 systems or governs your1 state. And hav ing once accepted ' this doctrine concerning the average man and the averageman in the south be ing a farmer we shall not be slow to put into effect that large and comprehensive program of rural development which earnest men and women, working in many dif ferent lines have gradually irought into shape a program which looks to the ultimate doub ling! of the output and" the more rthan quadrupling of the profits of that occupation which engages the attention of more, people in the South than all other occupations combined." ... WheTBBillletsewr - David Parker, ofFayette, N. J;, a: -veteran ofthe civil1--war, who lost a f dotBt Gettysburg, says, - "ThegooiElectricBittersi have done is worth-morethanr five hundred -dbliarsto me. I;,spnti much raoney doctoring for a bad case o stomach trotibley ta little purpose. I then tried: 3$l&stfrib-Bitters- and ? they ' cured' me. : I now i take' - thenvas a- tonie, and .they : keep me strong and- welL? 50c. sat- Statesvillev Drug -o.'s store. TO DUAL TTITHTEDDT. But fBothfHjsr? Williery InUnTOm Adjoom Their AnteiOhristxaajf ; V Session 'jJhis Week. Washington, -December H4:-Both houses, of eongress aimt o xronclui ' the anteGhristmasi) holiday worfc of thersession durrngftbe jpresent week. It is expected that bothJ houses-will ideal 'duringi the' week with . the secret servieeoseetidnof the president's jmessage. Jt is? not anticipated -that ithe uestwrnwill oe discussed otany considerable extentas? thermemb era: f eel .that a dignified-course ishouldn be purt sued. ( Senator Carter will press his- postal savingsbanktbillinthe up per house. Tf you harea't ther ttaar? Ux exercise regularly Doan's Eefftileta iwill? iffo vent constipation. JJIhbj. .lndnca a. mild, t easy, healthful" action of the bowefcr-itfthont Wtftng: " Ask your drugglst3ffor:thea.i 25c. The thing that canimake aman appreciate, a fat-girl ishow. nice andwarm sheisftoibe closer? to on arcoldsleightiride. , : - fother. do you . hear-thai. rat tling in yonr. babies throaU fBut a little lthers'by on itand stqp it' at once. Itesis From Faith. 3Ir. John; KuykendalT has re? tnmedfwith his bride from Ashe ville where ithey have been for two weeks. -Mr.: T. P.-; Gantriiasmoveob to Faith. P. Alex Peeler got the. contract to build Boyden Lefler's new res idence and has a force at work on it! this week. W. S. Earnhart received the con tract to . finish up Charles Mc- Combs? new residence and is at work on it. Rev. C. B. Heller has an extra fine strawberry patch coming on, in his garden. Peeler, Bame & Co., shipped their granite vault to High Point, N. C Dec: 12th. Milas;Bame moved on the old Enoch Phillips farm to raise cotton next year for Peeler Bros., who own the farm now. Mr.-and "Mrs. C. R. Shuping from Barron's, Ga., are visiting at Mr J. L. Shuping. ' There will be a lot of painting done here in the near future. ' Mr.'H.'W. Cauble is having his residence painted. M The Christmas tree at the Luth- teran church-here will be on Thurs day, Christmas eve at 1:30 p. m. The building stone for. the new statae building at Raleigh is being loaded, on the cars today, Decern ber 14th from the Phillips irnoun tain) quarries. J.' T. Wyatt, Faith, N. C, wants the address of some orphan chil dren so he can direct Santy Claus to go see them. The free school here is the larg est in . the county. . e o Would Mortgage The Farm. A farmer, on Rural Route No. 2, Empire, - Gai, "W. A. Ioyd by name, ;says : "Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cured . the two. worst sores I ever, saw; one on my hand and one on my leg. It is worth more than: its weight, in gold. I would not be.withonttit if I had to mort gage the. farm; to get it." . Only 25c. : at. Statesville Drug Co. 's Statesvilles model hostesses, store. Accident Report. "Washington, Dec. .14. Between 30,000 and- 35,000 people yearly are killed m accidents in this -country, according to a report by he bureau of , labor ikued today. In the anthracite mines of Penn sylvania therevis an average i an nually, of . 3.18: fatal t accidents for 'every 1000' meni employed. 4 o I Builds you up physically and mentally, keeps your digestion or gans? in condition, regulates the bowels, . cleanses the blood, gives you- perfect health. Hollister 's BockyAIountain Tea or Tablets, 3 cents. Statesville Drug Co. 4 40 j i Men concentrate- their minds so much on their stomachs they have no -thought left for i;heir souls. Writing Paper For Christmas. i If. there ever was a.delecateatten .tionJn the way of aristmas pres ent; it is a box of .that remarkably fihewtithigpapeirat aus ore; .-Every-time therreciiJlent: Whether wife, sistervdaughter prfsweetheart; u rug; vpvust ine dox, sue is going to re member you, and -naturally she -will write some of her letters to yoa upon thepaper. See our stock. W. F. HALL,: PrescTtphonisL MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION Mrs; Brady's Helpful Hint to Her Faithful "Micky." The Brady's used to drive sev- eral miles amass every Sunday in "the little thrap" with th' ould j gray mare." Micky, "the boy," a- eino- of many summers, wnom tus i , i torn and a conservative tradition had, in spite of his uncertain years always treated as the possessor of perpetual ' bd.lei ce, drov.. Next him sat Mrs. Brady, decorus in black, while scattered about the straw in the body of the vehicle, was a large assortment of "the childer" Bradys of all ages, sex es and sizes, bare-legged and other wjse each exuberant and articu late. It remains to this day a disputed point among the Bradys as to what memory of earlier and more frisky days induced " th' old gray mare 9 1 to behave as she did on this par ticular Sunday. Rounding a corner, she swerved into the ditch, and before Micky, the boy, could cope with the situa tion, a pile of Bradys, vertical and horrizontal, had had been dumped into the ditch, with the little trap turned over and resting on top of the struggling heap. Then, high above the babel of cries came Mrs. Brady's voice. "Pull 'me out Micky, for the love o ' hivin ! The black legs is mine ! ' ' Cleveland-Leader. M. P. Alexan der & Bro. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS Mim ALSO- Meat Don't Forget to 'Phone No. 241. LEADER IN CANDIES and FRUITS Oysters for- retail and serving. Quail on Toast. PHONE NO. 323 W..W. GAITHER Proprietor. STATES VILIiE Opera House Building .Open from 3 to 5 . and 8 to 10 p. m. No; Children Admitted to Floor at Night Sessions. i Chas. Brincefield will ap ply tor a pardon Dec. 18. THE IREDELL CAFF iiiiiii wood Sawed! See R. O, Harbin or Phone 132 or 46. 11-lm. HI m m 1 tfw Mi ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. Agetablfte)artoii& PromotesDitionkaftrl n(ssnndRestoiitainscci2)xl mi Opiuruforphine norHaecaLi Not nar c o tic. PLnupkia Sd yinistSeid Warm Sad lanOtd tta Aperfect Remedy fbrCOTsjN Worms jConvmsKmsjevensa- ness andLoss OF MEEP. rac Simile Signamreof NEW YORK. '(juaranteetl under too0i Exact Copy of Wrapper. nrt ill ooooooooooooooooo oooooooo o o These Handsome Dishes Given Away to My Customers O With each cash purchase of 5 cents or over I will give you a O O coupon that can be exchanged o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O L. A. GOLDMAM : VUUUUUUUOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'll u A Show In a sharp contest nothing but ''quality" and appearance BEST" Black are.the goods of. Quality; i After all has inaTactUatUr pur8ua8ive argument 6xfiautd; it is "QUALITY" IS THE ONLY TEST OFVALU E h0af e8Kreultf y have the best of everything a ,Kt.c-olor8' best machine8 and best help, with a mablnw"ln yu can produce the best of what you THE BRADFORD THE STATESVILLE LOAN AND TRUST CO. 5 Of Statesville, N..C. AcconL. 1 transact branches ol banking. I na? wht ,C,ted from firm8' corporations and indiv - Te'beit teSsrelUtP0RConrt?8 consideration and the I methods nr Mr Lt nn818nt eod bankin8 5 OM P6' v1 Paid on tune and savings deposits ru",WOT , bflAHElIOLDKIlS ' UABUjITY. iW t,NDtv TotilBesodbces dm OFFICERS SteC4nt,K Morrison, Vico-Prcs, D M. Ausloy, Soo na Treasurer. C. E. rninirrr i.. . For Infantsand Children. The Kind You Have Always Jought Bears the Signature of In Use Far Over The cchtaur com pant, new tohr emr. 3 for these gifts. O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o Purveyor to the People. 5 KWITTINCT R1ILL. - ........;...4o,ooo.oo 840.000.00 Pkorts 530,000.00 I I .r.u,wuu;uo w Thirty Years KIB1 Down

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