The Evening ' Mascot. : Vol L StatesviUe, N. CM ThuJsday Evening, December 17 1908. No. 377 1 . . - m I Snffnlk- V T... T I - . . . -. : I ' I Gives Roosevelt Tit For Tat Suffolk, Va., Votes Dry A special from Suffolk, Va., of 14, says: Suffolk, today voted "dry " by a majority of 247, the vote being 438 to 181. Though thA tAwn wont MAY HAVU - LYNCHING. MR. HUDSON RETURNS. Negro Who Asaultled Lady In Stanly I Farm Demonstrator Has Been Gone County May be Lynched If Leader for Mob is Found Salisbury, Dec. Dec. 16. A tele- wet" two years ago by a majority phone message tonight from Pen- of 11, today's result is no surprise, nington, in Stanly county, was to the enect tnat Mrs. John R. Moss, of that! tural department, returned this contended that place, -who was yesterday afternoon I morning from a six week's trip and except as to size The "wets' had Six Weeks and During That Time Visited Eight Different Counties. Farmers Are Taking Much Interest in the Work. Mr C. R. Hudson, of the agricul- Holten-Murdock. Mr. James Holton, son of Mrs. Sidney Holton, and Miss Gertrude Murdock, daughter of Mr. C. L. Mur dock, manager of the T. M. Mills Co.. were married this morning at the home of Rev. J. H. Pressly. Mr. Holton is now engaged in tho harness "business at Mocksville and wilt take his ' wife there to live. CANNOT MUZZLE THE WORLD, the vote would be close, and not even criminally assaulted in her home by I reports that he did demonstration Their many friends in the city and u0 mm oiuom ury lorecaster naa tne neerro Henrr Ynnn? la ntni in n Air i t,iQc, Qo precarious condition. During the! Cumberland. Pitt. Beaufort. Hert- Roasted and Abused by the President I so decisive. Governor Glenn' ad- day she rallied occasionally but re-iford. Warren and Johnson - . I 1 i. 1 A. ;. ,1. ... 1 in a Message to congress, The a Dig mass meet- lapses followed and she is not doing! Mr. Hu on says the farmers are New. York World Strikes Back lnS of men, appears to have been the as well tonight as last". I taking- an interest in the work and Vigorously and in Kind. turning point in sentiment. New York, Dec. 16. The World, in the courscTof its answer to Pres ident Roosevelt's references to that paper in his message to congress to day says: "Mr. Roosvelt is mistaken He cannot muzzle The World. "While no amount of billingsgate on his part can alter-our determina tion to treat him with judicial im partiality and scruplous fairness, we repeat what we have already said, that the congress of the United tne tide of public George Lefler, who had a finger 1 that much good will come of it. . . . i - bitten off by the negro in the fight I He has many requests from The result means that twelve sa- with him, is suffering a great deal I counties in which the work has not loons, some of which were large ship- and it is feared that blood noison I vet been started wanting him to get pers into 'dry territory, will bee losed may set in in his hand. There is I it under way in these counties but after ninety days. Some of the pro- considerable apprehension also that! he savs he has all he can take on for prietors wil go to Norfolk and open hydrophobia may result, as it is be-1 this season. Revolt Against Absent President "DOWN WITH THE DICTATOR." places. . Crushed Under Road Machine. Ashevlle. Dec. 16. Fred Wilkle, aged-'lO, was run over yesterday af ternoon by a road machine weigh ing about 500 pounds and died at 6 o'clock this morning as the result of lieved that the negro was rabid when! Mr. Hudson showed us some corn he bit Mr. Lefler. Chief of Police! at his office today raised in Iredell Crews, of Spencer, has suggested that I eountjPtm s,ome of the farms where it might be wise to send the head J dmonstra ; n work Is being carried of the "rabid animal" to the Pasteur j on that is", very fine. He also has fh In in Has rflMvAd- The road ma States should make a thorough In- had juat been taken from the vestigation of the whole - Panama transaction that the full truth may be known to the American people. "The World fully apreclates the compliment paid to it by Mr. Roose. velt in making it the subject of a special message to the congress of the United States. "The World likewise appreciates the importance of Mr. Roosevelt's statement when he declares to con gress that the proprietor of The Institute at Baltimore for examina tion. At Albemarle, where the negro is in jail, feeling Is more Intense to. night than it was last night, as the some specimens or corn grown Dy Mr. Jameg Lippard at Troutman's that averaged about 90 bushels to the acre, and when it is taken into consideration that 20 bushels is a Southern yards and was being taken to Grove Park for use in constructing matter has been fully discussed I good average for this county this is throughout that section and morel a mighty good argument for the roads there. The machine had been peopie know of the foul crime than I workbeing done byMr. Hudson. left on a very heavy grade, being scotched with some heavy blocks. The bov. .it seems, knocked the scotches out from behind the ma chine, whereupon it started down the grade and caught the boy before he could get out of its course. One of was the case 24 hours ago. It is I Mr. Hudson got the work started feared that if a leader for the mpblon 800 farms on his trip during the can be secured the negro will be dfs-jpast six' weeks in the eight counties posed of before morning 4 In Revenue Circles. TheGreensboro Dally Industrial World should be prosecuted for libel by the government authorities, and weight crushed the body in a terri- tuat tne Attorney General has under I Dje manner consideration the form under which the proceedings against Mr. Pulitizer shall be bronught The President's Arrogance.. "This is the first time a President ever asserted that doctrine of less majestic, or proposed, in the absence of special legislation, the criminal prosecution by the government of 1lM 11. . I tne wneeis ran aiagonany across me News has the following on the boy's body from his right shoulder j changes to be made in the revenue down to his left hip. The great affairs of thA atat.; visited. Mr. Hudson thinks it would be a good thing and urges that our farm ers raise more corn. He says even Mr. Hudson thinks all farmers could make' it profitable for farmers to raise enough corn to keep from hav- mother had gone to a neighbor s house for a few minutes, leaving the nhlld nlarincr in the yard. While she citizens who criticised the conduct of I ab?ent the mtle fellow went in the government or the conduct of individuals who may have had busi ness dealings with the government, Neither the King of Great Britain or the German Emperor would venture to arrogate such power to himself. John Adams attempted to enforce the sedition law and destroyed the Fed eralist party in America. Yet Roose velt in the absence of law officially Fatal Play With Matches Caroleen, Dec. 16. The 2-year for twenty years old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lilly- crop was fatally burned yesterday not supposed to maintain a force of by igniting matches when alone. The revenue officers in teritory where the government gets no revenue from li ense and stamp sales, but a force qf officers will be kept in the state sub ject to the orders of the revenue On January 1, the day that state MhS to buy corn at a dollar a bushei: prohibition goes into effect the office! With the improved methods being of the revenue agent will be "discon- l introduced by Mr. Hudson the ex- tinud, after having been located here Pense of raising corn can be reduced to 25 or 30 cents per bushel. witn county wish this young couple much happiness in their journey through life together. They left this morning on No. 11 for a bridal trip up the western road. ; m ioi - Business Change Messrs. P. A. Jones and R. A Cooper have bought the meat busi ness and restaurant conducted by Mr. M. E. Brawley heretofore. These gentlemen will make some changes and - improvements. The business will continue as heretofore with a full line of groceries added. The firm will be known as P. A. Jones & Co. Mr. Jones has been conducting his meat market in the store room with Mr. B. F. Cashlon up to last night, when he moved to his new place. 4 0 Good Times at Stony Point. "Mr. J. F. Moore, of Stony Point, was in this city this morning to re new his subscription to the Iredell Mascot and tells us that much buil ing Is being done at Ssony Point. There are several new residences go ing is being done at Stony1 Point. The bank at that place is now in working order and seems to be doing a good business. This institution is quite a convenience to the people at Stony Point and the farmers in that vicinity. PERSONAL NOTES. ''The United States government isJAn increase of five bushels per acre Mr Hudson thinks all farmers would ivoid buying outside corn. Mr. Hudson has promised to give Its anTntereting article on demon trat on work in a short time f ' 4 IOI to the room and found the matches, I agents. In order that this may beJ and soon the fatal flames enveloped I done without violating a custom of him. When the mother and others the government, North Carolina and reached the fearful scene little could Virginia will be divided Into two rev- be done for the child. The child died enue agent's districts, a part of each of the districts. Some Happenings Among Those People Yon Enow and Others You Don't Know. Misses Julia Patterson and Fannie Hines of Hiddenite, are spending a few days in the city with Mrs. Mc Kay, wife of Policeman McKay. Mr. T. J. Smith, of Lincolnton, is in the city today on business. Miss Sarah 'Howard has been add last night at 10 o'clock.. L 5ury state being in each The present and the second district Unable to Get Jury in the Mght- of Virginia will be consolidated into Rider Case. one district, with headquarters in Union City, Tenn., Dec. 16. After Ricnm0nd, Va., under Revenue A Barbecue. Messrs. R. V. Tharpe, C. R. Gaith er and B P. Young are preparing to treat their friends to an old fashion-1 ed to the sales force at R P. Allison's -.1 d barbecue on the 26th Inst. I to help through the holiday season. The affair will be pulled off at the I The ladies at the court house who Gaither Lumber Co's plant, near the I have the bazaar in hand are having depot. - la very good trade this afternoon and Barbecued opussum, chicken and I expect to serve many of bur business pig will be on the menu in the wayj men with meals this evening and to of meats, with other, refreshments on aight. the side. These gentlemen will invite quite a number of their friends to enjoy the day with them. A brother of Mr county will be here Young, of Davie and have charge E. W. Screven, revenue agent, whoL of barbecuing the meats, has been in charge here since Septem r he faag the reputation of be ber, 1907, win De transierrea io vu lumbia, S C, in charge of a district embracing South Carolina, southern Georgia and Florida." Ing a good hand at the business those decorations of the study room were who are invited to take part in the in jine with, the season of a holiday affair will have an opportunity of nature. White to Chain Gang. Marshall White, colored, eating meats. some first-class barbecued waa proposes to use an tne power or meian entire day devoted to an auemyi Agent W. H. Chapman. The present greatest government On earth to crip-1 to get a Jury to try eight alleged j flftn district of NGrth Carolina and pie the freedom of the press on the I might-riders on a charge of murder- the sixth district of Virginia, with a pretext that the government Itself hai I mg Capt. Quentin Rankin, coun aa- portion Gf the East Tennessee district been libelled and he is the govern-1 journed today with only two men m with headquarters at Asheville un ment. the iury box. Fifty-three talesmen - Revenue Agent R. B. Sams What Raised the Issue. I were examined The defens exhaust "It is true that The World printed a 26 of its 192 peremptory chal the public reports concerning the lengea. The court used 26 others Panama canal aflyir which resulted for causes. from William Nelson Cromwell's ap- -The "proceedings were marked by peal to the district attorney's office frequent tilti between attorneys. At during the recent campaign to pre- one time Judge Jones threatened to vent the publication of a story with fine Attorney Prince of the defense was said to be in the hands of the for contmpt. Democratic national committee. It " was Mr Cromwell's own action Inspected the Jail Before Commit- which raised the Issue in the cam- . ting the Crime. DaiK11 Newbern Journal. ''It-is true also that when Mr.I A young whit man named Grant terdays paper, and fined ten dollars Tharpe several days getting ac Roosevelt made his attack upon Del-land claiming Maine as his home, is a &nd the costs, which amounted 10!, wjth the- business and is avan Smith The World called atten. I prisoner at the Jail for the larceny U16 k). White was unable to pay now ready to take up his regular line tion to certain statements which Mr.I of a pocketbook. Saturday tne man the fine and goes to the chain gang o work. -Roosevelt must have known to be went to Jailer Williams and askea . or a t erm of thirty days. It is very false or misleading and appealed to tobe alolwed to go Into the Jail and likeiy that he will serve sixty days congress to end all scandal by a full inspect the cells and locks and th before he gets through, as his fine of and impartial investigation. If this whole place. His wish was granted U7 65 foy an affray yesterday morn- thi morning for their home in St - i nr. -nBo-croit m aVa I .n Tim ififtL Sunday he was arrest-lr, H hppn naid before he gotiTnia ThAv have been here for the most of it. i ed at Morehead City and brought int(J the tr0UDle. The gentleman about ten days at the home of Mr rrAi mLu rdMoW. I hnolr hra for th crime Which was I ctnnA fnr t,im the first case I Oron's father. Rev. R. G llOlJUlCa A 1 utu 1 " I ivuu w 1 iUl w "Mr Roosevelt's lamentable habit alleged to have been committed at a released himself from the obligation Green, where they were called on ac Book Club Meets. The Thursday Afternon Book Club met with Mrs. ,Wm. Morrison this morning and after the regular program was disposed of, which dealt with a study of Venice, refreshments were served by Mrs " Morrison. The Castro's End in Sight Believed That Castro, Venezuelan's Presi dent, Will not Return to His Conn try Caracas Under Military Law. Willemstad, Dec. 16. The end of President Castro's reign in Venezrela is clearly foreshadow ed in theriots that are occuring in all parts of the the country as a result of the Dutch reprisals against that country. Today's dispatches from Caracas show that the culmimated in an at tack on the fficialoconstruction ast Monday was far more seri ous than the early reports indi cated, and that since then an-; agonism in the capital has grown uDtil there is almost a state cf open revolt against Cas tro and Acting Presideut Gomez. Thousands of enraged Venezuel ans from alio ver the country are flocking into Caracas and the cry Down With the Dictator" is heard on all sides. Steps are already underway to confiscate the property of -Gas tro, the larger part of which' however, has been taken out of the country by the wily executive. tThe people are now convinced that Castro has fled with no in tention of returning and a revo lutionary proclamation is mom- men tarily expected. Caracas is in revolt. Castro's statues have been burned in the plaza. Great mobs have looted the public and private property, making a huge bonfire in Plara Bolivar of effigies of President Castro. The police are making no effort to restrain the revolutionists. Martial law has been declared here and something like order is 'restored in the city. Revolt has been purely against Castro and there has been no demonstration against Holland. Mr. A. W. Perkins, of Charlotte, ! given a hearing before mayor probas accepted a position with the Me- tem R R. Clark yesterday afternoon Uropolitan Life Insurance Company, on the charge of using profane lan-l unaer Superintendent R. V. Tharpe. euaee on the streets, as stated in yes-Kjr Perkins has been, with Mr. The hostess presented each guest with an appropriate souvenir when the meeting came to a close. Wilbur Wright Makes a Remarkftble Flight. Lemans, Dec. 16. Wilbur Wright the American aeroplanist, made a most Temarkable flight today. In stead of rising gradually the ma chine shot up like a rocket to a height of 240 feet. The - aeronaut then permitted it to drop about fifty feet at which autitude he stopped the engine. The machine glided down smoothly and gracefully, landing Big Fire at Golds bo ro Goldsboro, N. C, Dec. 16. The lamest fire Goldsboro has had for It is feared that the who!e , about threeuarter, ot a mile from the heart ofthe business section will lQe ""' . . of water is playing on the flames Salisbury Distillers May go to Florida .'v. Al-mni- ni-flconro artA fho Aid nf Mrs. H. C. Green and family left the fire engines, but so far is having little enect. 4 0 Gone to Oklahoma. Mr; M. F. Patterson and famuy, and Messrs. Bob and Emmit Smith' of inacccurate Statements makes iu boarding nouse on wuum tmHrv.JkU rtnAnf HVior Vila Indo v., a. .t,t. rnrrectly consrts, bulldoies Judges, aesaus in. even so simple a matter as the pre- Integrity ot court, .landers private ,'ia ....... . hi. Tha citizens, nd who has riiown himself World has nevt said that Charles P. the most rkless. J Tart, or Douglas Robinson made any agu5uo w-w - - - Indiana arrivd in the city last night Taft denied ver vrut . , , nQme at this not in angM but In Olln. to spend the holidays with hW . . . t I fattier Mr. W. . ilOliaUU. auu uiuci Hfneore sorrow. Tne worm nas im- when the negro got into the second count of Rev. Green's serious illnsss. and Will Hines, all of Hiddenite left trouble so he will Very probably re main with Mr Henry for about two months. Mr J. Rev. Greeu seems to do iiihtuvius, we areg lud to note. -m IOI At least two Salisbury distillers, who on the 31st instan will go out of business in this state by reason of the state-wide prohibition lav, contemplate going, to . Jacksonville, Fla., and operating tneir plants. Jacksonvillle i3 said to be an invlt ing field and already several North Carolina distillers have arranged to Here on Visit. F. Holland, of Alexandria, profits whatever.' Mr that he was concerned to. the authority. (i-n.iin 4 sntf wav. which denial I We say iiuuDavtiuu . , The World published and accepted. It would have been eaually glad to print Mr. Robinson's denial could it have succeeded in obtaining one from him, as it frequently attempted.' The World has no evidence that he was associated with Mr CromweJVt and would accept his. ward to that effect; for Mr. Robinson is an estim able gentleman of iigh character, whose reputation- fo veracity is in finitely better than that Of his dis tinguished brother-in-law. - Unscrupulous Demagogue. xt .tv.. itli0 man Af SO 1XU ULUCl 111 A44-t &uu ' Holland's first trip Tnoanrfthir more respect ror tne lfl"'ro f Prudent of the United This is Mr. ti x rnv. tAABvAlt has home for about seven years. .. ;;w;Tiii Mr. Holland visited The Mascot fled the honor and honesty Of both and ordered the paper sent to his public Officials and private citizens pome who opposed hi politics or thwarted him in his purposes. "So far as The World is concerned Ha nrnnrlfitof mar 0 tO jail, if Mr. Roosevelt succeeds, as he threatens; w ircn Tn ixi Th3 World will not newer, and in color cease to be a fearless champion of hrount is the first physician of the tjrxat, fro nrAss and a free eitv to use an auto in making his 11 eavwv, " - i New Automobile. Dr. E. M. Yount is now making his calls in a new automobile, and it is a nloe one It is a CadilHc gasoline black . Dr grossly libeled the United States M'ptopU' visits. Entertains XXth Century Club. Mrs. Geo. B. Nicholson entertain- ed the XXth -Century jiud hi ner home on Race street yesterday after. noon at 3:30 o'clock !11. C hour or two were spent wuu ain last night for Oklahoma. This is their first trip to the west. locate there. They intend to locate in -Oklahoma J 0 T but as yet nave not aeciaea on a io- VRer ot jfe shot, cation. jjurnam, uec. io. iu uuwen shot Halie Bowling, who is a fixture A pleasant Day after day te walked the in the county courts, this morning street, Mrs. Nicholson by the members of Looking for a presnt for Wiley the club. Notice. If you discard aU idea of getttigl something genuine for the cost of sojnething spurious then why ! can't we "get together" as to the nrice. See Bob Henry. sweet . I know what 11 please her most, said he; when attempted flight after having cut badly William Smith last night on Main street in a scrap. The fel low did not leave last night, and when the officers went after hint this morning he fled. They began "It's Hollister's Eocky Mountain firing and brought him down with a Tea." StatesriUe Drug Co. bullet through hia right shoulder. t ierl r He is not badly hurt. Smith is dangerously stabbed. Hd Marriage License. wag literally ripped open and anoth Marriage license were issued today er colored boy, Son Hopkins, receit t xr t r,,iv of the countv. and ed a vicious slashing. There was I 1 t.x , nAv that the wounded man can wAlurton. D C, Dee. 17. For Miss u. u. iiarr, - - - - M . 4ft jCorth Car-ollna Increasin, elondtaess HarHs ot thU c. , - .f abber as they Vould 'h.T. don. iUUUlV. IV UUU1C auu sissum. j f Weather Forecasts. with probably Friday. rain late tonight or Alexander county. i a successful murderer. i c