r H Vol. 1. Statesville, N. C. Thursday Evening, December 24, 1908. No. 377 BV ENING I V 7 K 1 l I VI 1 Death Makes Double Call AN UNUSUAL COINCIDENCE. SALISBURY WANTS BOOZE. Movement Being Started in the Interest of the "Sick and Afflicted When the Town Goes Dry Mr. James A. Tleeves Dies at Mor ganton. Salisbury, Dec. 23. Much in terest is beiog taken in a move ment just started here to have a whiskey depository in Salisbury early next year, when the saloons Gets $4,000,000 Labor Leaders In Her Stocking Get a Sentence SHE WILL BE GOOD NOW. I VIOLATED AN INJUNCTION. Mrs. G. Frank Burbank Succumbs to Heart Failure at Watt's Hos. piai ana nusoana is ueyona of the 8fcate r are closed by law. unman wuen oeuos a number of citizens have taken Message to Him at the Hotel a hand in the agitation and it Benbow No Funds Found - lO JlfkClJ VLlCkV IUU IXLOUUd Will UC With Which to Bury th Woman, brought before the next General r 1 ! et t 1 i,ivea ax pringnia. Assemblv of North Carolina. Theia has heen well nteh a whis- Durham, Dec. 23. Mrs. G. Frant 5uroanK, wne oi an op- the past ten days on account of tician, died at Watts Hospital Qf the large amount of the pro- this morning, her death being duct being shipped to other sudden and from heart trouble, points. Her husband was here until All of the distilleries in Salis last Saturday and went to bury are beingjrun to their ful' Greensboro, is also dead at the est capacity. x Benbow Hotel, in that city. 4 o The Story Of the death Of her Veils Please the Grocer. husband came when a message "These veils th- women folk was sent to him of the death "of are wearing, all nailed down un his wife here. The clerk stated der their chains, are a great that he was m his room and boon tor us alright, all ngnt," could not be aroused. A few said an Last grocer minutes later it was communca- " Women, you know are the ted here that he was also dead, greatest people on earth to come it beimr suDDOsed that his death in and sample things. They'll 4V , I - , was caused by an overdose of take a taste of this' and a taste morphene or some drug as he of that while you're wrapping doDedacreat deal. up something for them, and the The body of the wife is here in first thing you know they've an undertaker's establishment, eaten up about a nickel's worth awaitincr advices, from some- of stuff. where. There is no money with -'We can't say anything to a which to take care of her re- woman, particularly those that nra cnod customers. Now we 111 CO LID. I O Tf ia ft afi-anrro inniflflnt. hut it don't have to. I haven t seen Former Telephone Operator Re ceives Fine Gift From Her Hus bandMoney Wipes Stain of Scandal From the Family Record. Gompers, Mitchel and Morrison Adjudged in Contempt of the United States Supreme Court for Failing to Heed an Injunc tion and Are Given Prison Terms. PERSONAL NOTES. I Some Happenings Among Those Paople You Know and Others Ton Don't Know. Mr. Jeff Ingram of Taylorsville was in the city last night and to day. Mr. and Mrs M C Wiliams have gone to AtEensGa., to visit for a few days. .. ' Mr. W. K. Somerj and family went to Derita this morning to visit relatives. Mr. Joseph Poston came home from Sumter, S C, last night to 1000 Driven Into Storm MANY NARROW ESCAPES. Entire City Block of Apartment Houses ffurned to the Ground, Rendering Hundreds Homeless, j Many in the Streets HalTClad--Twenty Are Overcome by the Smoke. I " New Yore, Dec. 22. An entire Snn Prflnmflpn fa TIa 9.1 Rvl -m- 1 . ' -m on a I etqti1 Vi a "hnMAava receiving veftterrlav frfvm her hnsllnj j. t..i.' -crr- t.4. ,1 I "Rev TT TT. Rnhhins and familv o -j 1 ooun dusiiuo vv ngm iou.ay uccxu- . " . 111 -i-v. hana tranoffr nf nrnnprtv' mn. .3 . c .i " Lnf tn HharlnttA thia mnrnintr fft City blOCK, Cl08ely bUUt WltU ap- t v j I .Q. max oamuei uuiupcrs, pitsi- " w . , , , :a servatively valued at $4,000,OO.Lent s Prank Morrison, vioe cresi- visit friends for a week. partment houses, was wird out Mrs. David T.',' Sanfiury, once a dent. since relired. officers ct the Mr'Carlton Andrews came eany, loaay in CrooK.,a tAlAnn o T,o . 7 . , T hnTTVH-IW '-nioh. ffnTn Plum TrPA I aUU. OV6r J.UUU perSOUB WOrW 1,, xxa,a iw 1 American eaerauon oi uaDor, 6. ' ukcc on(i ,aM otia .,f th wpflitfew. wnmpn in i J NT n . to the liniidavs made homeless, and were driven v vw v u iuj rVI I 1 I tU III I I M H I I I I I 1. Ill I 11 V In. I ,-l f w w . . . California. ird Mr, Edward Parso-rT of North ir clad mtb the D.tter snow . x j' . i iiAiiai iia. tv 111 1 1111111,1 11111- v-v w -!-.-' v-i 1 j.An ri m t n 1 1 iro 1 1 1 iiivli u va u xi aoi uaaalt iiitj v vuv - . v-;;nr;.J Ui" 11A ;110 ; ,Ur. jL-dJ The Are was the most disast- uuuaire, ua uut -umy maue ner iuc stove & Kange case and sentenced "t x caium ij. - . Brooklvn rpmipnt nf th t-PPn niiristmiwL, i I . tvtv, Mrs AV. B. Blvte and children ro18 tnat na8 VWiueq urooKiya r - - iiruiiipei s lu a eai- iix jaix , iu- . vpar9 x ji 1 x i- l . , . I TTrt,'nA . r,a,i;. iTtyiqo 1 n many years. pimoi. uie.uuim uuiug eil to nine months, and Morrison Notuntil the f-V.e block was so uas cieauseu tue xaiuny recuru six mnnths ' tAlc iamiV Ui x,Xi- . . , . u . I I -r t u ir .v J I 111 rUlIiS U1U tut? lllCUiCU tiCViLi uu- of a stain of scandal that has dark- If the opinion which is extreme Mr.vKonald Matheson passed ened it since last spring, when he in length; Justice Wright charac- through thee ity this morning en Tenty per8on8 were overcome maae ner tne deienaant in a sen- terized the various utterances of irvuw 10 xus uumt . m xajriuviuc Bmoke and tne heat but sationai suit ior divorce. the' defendants in resDeet to the lvm oouui uruima. Lli:-; wa f - - 1 I I UU 11 V CO WCIO 1UD. liuuuiuuo v it was Mrs. mnoury s personal court as ' 4 Utter, rampant, inso- , - . . thousands of dollars worth of -, - - A -m property were destroyed. iv. wrecK on xne ooumern ran- - - . . , , A. j There were many thrilling nar- way, at axawoa auon yesier-i . acnQoa Tn fha nRfA of policeman ith ajchild clasped m in his arms, was dragged uncon cious from the hallway. The flre various nts in Utter, ranroant. inso charm, youth and beauty that led ient defiant, unrefined insult, to the estrangement a few months coarse affront and vulgar indig- ago. She was a mere girl whennity." Hanbury who had been an arctic! case prrew out of the Amer day delayed traffic on the Ashe- exDlorer and worid traveler, met nn in it.a "Unfair ville division for several hours. cars of freight train No. axivx mami-u uvi UUvu.u ii.vv MSI OI llie IlUIllt; Ji- IUC JJUCA-I ' Af nnfl Tr ago. desiring xo ieau xue quiei stove & Kange Company, ot ttt. - uuuuu vu"v v started in an amnsement nouse Hfp tf ATi "TTnffTTsn" ponntrv gentle-1 t. - rV,iir"iia tiiTi I duetor Henry lomlin leit tne life of an English country gentle- Louis, against which the union aucipr xieurjr lomuu icxt tuc : o man, he purchased a small island men had grievances. Counsel for ucjs. ou iue cuu wc . Noge Knccked Off. c? xrw.nn V.oxr VnilI.i i i i.: I f awlia frpicnt. vard. I '"" ""-. tne company secureaaumjuueuuu ------- M- . At Mooresvile w night about a handsome nome ana wok nisto prevent further such reference. " - , , ., 22 east bound until near 6 o'clock 8 o'clock Jim Gant and Bob h ollet, both white had a luss, wmcn re- It is a Strange incident;, DUD aonu nave w. 1111 .The luxury and the restraint after th,e sentence, gave notice of yesterday aixernoon. both white had a iuss, wmcn re- is not thought here that it was a woman taste anything in the . t much for the vivacious Lnnpni ft triP district court of Ad- Trains No. 11 and 21 west bound Lnlted in Gan't nose beine knock- suicide compact as the Wife was store for a month or so. Those irl of twentyone. A wide circle L. and were released under were also held until a late hour on : - ... a hr;Pvhat inlhe hands of ; I Tt . t 1 I V- r I ....... I ft" " getting along nicely until at- veils are put on so tight that 0f adm'irers formed around her tacked by heart trouble and she the only waythey can sample and there, were many gay esca- was talking with her husband anything would - be to take it pades in San Francisco which af- last night at 11 o'clock." Papers through a straw." Cleveland terward were exploited to the were found m xossession 01 tne plain Dealer. I full in the divorce proceedings woman, indicate that her home is at Springfield, Ohio. Every etfort is being made to locate her relatives. 4 ipeals and bonds. Amos White Stole Meat. DIES IN A SNOW STORMM. Mrs. Sarah Freedle, of Davidson Countv. Falls in Faint and Freezes to Death. Thomasville, N. C, , Dec. 23 Early this morning word was re-, ceived here that a woman was found dead about five miles west of this place. Coroner, Dr. J. W. Peacock, summoned a jury and wont. t.r invpnti crate the -facts in th para whiVh were as follows: vv, wwwy, . - The deceased was louna to oe the body of Mrs. Sarah Jb reedle. She was laso seen about dark Tuesday evening one mile from her son-in-law's, Phillip Eddm ger's homeland going toward his house. The investigation proved that she fell and unable a tnat. the snow had quit falling about 9:30 o'clock last niht, she crawled obout 1 Fin karris throncrh the snow ana finally froze to death. She was subject to attacks of vertigo and if tito a fhrmcrht. hflr falling WdS due to this as there was no proof of foul play. The deceasea was about seventy years om. 4 Q nponnnnt x trip wrpp.lr. - rUAnntnm .TAWilm wmn tn Hp I Pollet. I I n 1 il T. m TT..-U! J -D 4- rpQJ iUQ,rir, nQr lnlf with Tl fi train' tfant IS XUe mail WUU YV3 J.UJT- Hubbard Bennett who was ar- About 18 months ago a chicken Jmerly here, working as a punter 4.W, ioiaJtrflir, in phflro-P nflCTr Tomlin was for Mr. b. Johnson, ne nan a LUIS VV C CIV 1UA OtClXlXA u 0 v " I a. . ,r ttl. ttt,. - 1, tt. T7,Trr, v-, r, TTowom cnrpMprailp n Aar.Cat.awba. and onlv a scrap wixn two men m uua sity of California "College Wid- about two years ago, was tried this few weeks ago a west bound before he went to Mooresville and . 1 , , -J xi . -.r.rol ofn I Q V,llr KoFnrp .In?. I frpicrht in his CttarSTe Was WrCCKed uam. -vtr Un last Friday nignx some per- ow, auu me if ;w...-ruium8 - ,..r. AT.. ...... WA n.vt tPrm nf ftonrt. , - , I J x j:r ondnrlol t nn 7 VV "nrnop I Tl VP milRS DeiOW II11S U1LV. UlLCCil I v " son entered the home oi JNancy uems UxwA. uw.... ... , It k said that as the doctor was . ax a. nnr. riro-l Afn i,aonTiiv no Pvipnpp Mr. fiflra leavinff the track. 11 is saia xndt is iuc uutiui Davis, colored, on Tradd street reconciliation Turnr decided there was probable The wreckage Catawba yes- trying to replaeethe inose, that arirl stole a half of a hog, which ri I tprrlav was nlparpd nn bv a wreck-1 viant exclaimed, i?or uoa s su&-e - ' 1 itrn ZiTTirT3 1 MM I VA PK III I" r,Mll;ll T I I'M 1IVH I I I I I I Til 1 I Til Hi. XAXXXX Ur J I W w w r- . - had been Tilled and dressed. husband and his voung wife ' and 0f $100 Tor his apparance at court, ing crew and traffic was resumed doctor, it my nose won tne Dae. the suit was dismissed. Hanbury which has not yet ffeSn given. at a late hour yesterday. of my necK, let it stay, ior T?vi. onma. rlflVSJ nn fine COUld be J. VJ. CTVAAV v. I iil O u I found to lay any suspicion on, butt3eciared" that all is now happiness The principal witness against flalKr it Wlrpd out and Amos Lr, -i cprpnitv and the transfer of I him was Cant: J. E. Deitz, who tes- White was arrested on the charge, property is due soley to the love tified tha he nad bought the rifle, ... 1 1 - i? TV.4.fVnC TTi-n r onrl nnt J iiC J. ViX'VinQiw Viio wifp In OO o1!Vw fyrkm . VlP "RpnnPtt. Major Poote Tried. Major Foote, colored, was tried hurts. tried before Justice King, and put an(j affection he bears his wife. in iail in default of a $200 bond. EidSon.nd Wedding. " t0From tEe evi3b.ee introduced in Tonight atlhe home of Rev . J - .. .. . i rr r t1i npr Miss Callice I odd 11 . i z. hr artina CTD P 1.. the meat on May night, and St wj l become he e.fMH.U abouv trying to dispose of it on , of batUrday. , nr:l,. fl f Mow Pfnnp t.own- He first sold a ham to one . - . .- Hriin and for some months has Court Circles. DicFson 'ParrottVa young white I K-rx Inutifta Kinrv Thio WATOinff TOT a caliDre, irom xne oenueix - . - . nhrJ. wa-tp At t.liA-rfnot last S0, a -r " -rji f xi, T?wltlo h0tte White a colored woman liv- night by Deputy J. 1 51. Ward, for Mr. A. J. Evans of the Evans . -.- . . L T . - A , I me in East btatesvme. hoooing. 1 Uardwareuompany swore xnaxne Burgess White, He was tried before Justice Tut- had tnre nnes in nis store wm-i , v,iX x, .p ,;u. xne nusuana oi narioite aiiu ner mis moiuuig auu iwuuu buu. Clarence Bailey, a son of Char- of the charge. Judgment was lotte, were in a dispute" over the suspended on payment of costs, age of a dog. which was remitted. Burgees claimed that he knew It was produced on trial that ha dow, and that one of them was stolen, and identified the one in inuestion as the one which was stoln. Bennett put up a very pretty Claude rongrbut Claude had some snip, Tfte BMey m P VvXTJ the age of the dog7 and Clarence was an' ex-sailor, taring been in sospidon and immediately backed -P, JZ dniel it and a gLral row en- .tW servJee theNewEort, B. I, an is well liked bought he rifle from an unknown negro, 'and "kept it for a week, Licence Issued. Register of Deeds Boyd and his deputy, Mr. Chas. Armfield, have laid aside all work except issuing license. The fololwing couples obtained license after this paper went to Dress vesterday afternoon: Mr. Jno. Bennett and Mrs. Bell Haw kins : Mr. Ellis . Walton and Miss Bflsslp Homhs! Mr. W. B. Deaton and Mlrr Marv Cook. Today license were issued to Mr. Newton A. Head and Miss Kate Mnrtin i? "AIpY Aftf Af- COtUltV. Mt. Poster Moor.i and Hiss Busie Ben nett. Mr. Elzie Riddles and Miss Sallie Elliott and a colored couple, Ofile James and Dela Albea. . - r -r i nnsmxai. out; is out Ot tne traae. , , i. :.. u t. t. vonncr laay, anu lie SOla. a snouiuer tu xuu- - o . , , ucgiv, , aean colored For one dollar. among her mends ana shooting it several times before he - Mr.Eidsonis the son of Mr.. W. t to Mrf Deitz. . Mr. Dez x ' e 4 hA nlH B. Eidon, who lives just below the v ffun had not been shot the meat and Ke wis arrested on city, and is a popular young .- bought ft from the app cr-ninn farmer. . pearance of the barrell. . . . , vounff people will leave at The shoulder purchased by Dun- youngpopie. wj agan from Amos was identified by an early their frt ?f- t-T. nr nfl home in Lockwood, Mo, where the "xT .ZT eroom and' his family formerly meat ana nenee iue uac vr I , i uvea. i,,,i,tl They have t& lesT wishes of Amos aeciares uc "B"" - . - , . , OT. 11T,.i -, - x Itlipir manv friends in and arouna the ham from another negro, Jno. eir many xne Pat, but there Was no eveidence e Cliy f tQt r against John. v CookDeaton Wedding. Son Service Postponed. TonigETat TlSO o 'clock at the The Christmas song service that home ol Rev. J. H. Mitchmer l. it. TVKo- MfliiTnnk will wed Mr. V m A . l W fl-kM m IrBTl 11 lilt I i I ftV T - - was xo nave uccix i " . - - Methodist choir Sunday night has B. Deaton, Mr. Mitcnuier omciax- V .A At- I .been postponed on accounx w i w6. absence oi several members of the choir for the holidays. Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pimpleaf rashes, etc are due to imptife blood. Burdock Blood Bitters is a deansing tonic Maks yott clear-eTedV clear-brained, clear fklnned. Miss Cook is the daughter of M E. L. Cook andlives on Race street. - Mr. Deatonls the son of Ir. B C Deaton and is a well knon young man in South Statesville They have the best wishes of their large hosi off riends. sued. , navy yard. Charlotte went in as a peace- He had a fight with one of his maker, but only caused the fuss to I fellow workmen, and, was dishon grow worse. Major Foote, hear-jorably discharged, without a cent ing the noiset stepped in as a of money, borne persons m uai- peace maker, and all the others timore paid nis railroad fare to turned on him. Greensboro." From there he walk Maior immediatelv nroceeded to ed to Barber's Junction, where he O ,-M. . -... Tir mi, -AAot siao tinanotte in tne iace wixn nis ooaraea a ireignx xram last nigui,, VUelS alien timic wa.a oumi- - -. I . . . , -r ed today by Chief Conner for be- hands, and a general row ensued, trying to get to his home in Mur- ing drunk and down. DUl no md& uuuf' . , ra c"u" i ja:n .r He was in the Iredell cafe and Major swore uuiimriuiw vrx.u auere. ou was put out of there. He then cul mm wllu au aiC'. WU11C ".UA- igu.,, mai ,u. xutuu went to the home of a gentleman gess carae a"er mm witu uuu uu. near the eate and was run out of UI luls coula ue. i'ru,cu AffT. .. Driink and Down. there and arrested by Chief Con- they were not convicted. ner. Dave Hunt Arrested. Dave Hunt, colored, was arrest ed today on a warrant charging him with retailing. The state's witness against him says that he had bought a half gal lon of liquor from him. The case has not been tried yet. Mr. Thos. White of Lenoir, is at home for the holidays. AftAr hearing the evidence llr. Several little signs are toba King discharged Charlotte, Bur- placed onjEe eJurt house lawn, gess and Clarence, and fined Ma- hearing tile following notice i jor Foote 1 cent and costs, all "Please Keep on tne grass, amounting to $5.76. Mr. Henry CootETvery eln cient janitor of the court house holidays. Mr. Espey 'Holder went to Black says the tress have Been taken up, Stock", S. C, today to spend the and it is hiswpurpose to ) keep a nice lawn, and warns every person thatlTwill Be a violation of the law to walk on The grass, and that a fine will Be impoiebTori all peif sons violating this ordinance, j The latest report Is that President Roosevelt is looking the census re- Icord over to see if he has overlooked any one he has not called a liar 1 w i f 1

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