THE EVENING MASCOT DAILT EXCEPT SUHDAY. ' Entered at the Postofflce in St&tesviUe f . 0.,as second-class mail matter. (3w 109 Cwt Street. Telephone 53 VAJSCE .NORWOOD - Publisher. BAJttJSLOAN, - - City Editor. Subscription Price, V w - - - - $4.00 a Year - SO Cents a Week Weather Forecasts. ; .' . Washington, D. C, Jan. 4. For korth Carolina" probably rain tor night and Tuesday. Warmer in west and central portions tonight .Colder west.prtion Tuesday. The people in Atlanta surely do believe in -drinking. Under the new prohibition--law they had 74 arrest from drinking in one day last week. - -i o , ; ENFORCE THE LAW. 'Are the officers of the law gc ing to see that the prohibition law is tenforced, as they have sworn to -obey? Durham's blind tigers are a sample of what has been going on is prohibition territory. They are getting so bold, we are told, people occupying "rooms in tfteir neighborhood1 are talking of mov ing out, and securing more quiet nrifl ncrppahlA ioftattons . lilis IS a. Silent commentary upon contra .Vo-rl loolin era in fVllo tflU'n ' V . . Thft above from the Durham Sun shows what will happen in many towns of the state if officers ure aaofon the lookou for trans-' gressors of the law. Statesville was osce in nearly as bad shape as Durham is, with the exception of so many killing which we did not have." But by -the efforts of the offi ce of the city there Is now prac tically not a drop of whiskey sold in the city. - After this new prohibition law has. taiien effect the mayor and other officers of the city say they are determined that the blockade and" blind tiger business shall be w;atchedirmore .closely than ever, and, all violators f this law shall be dealt with to tthe full limit of the. law. a If the Durham officers would make an effort as the Statesville officers do, they might check to a a degree the lawlessness there. TO FIGHT COXSOIPTION. . WAltTB A MATE. The Greessbroro Industrial News of yesterday! contained the follow ing which was sent them from the "wild and wooly west,," to which we i call the attention of all the old maids and worn es folks, who were unsuccessful during leap year to land a mate. , .Hear him as follows : ."American 45 years old good character and health wishes to Correspo'' X with unincumbered maid c widow of means I have $200 m cash wil save all I can an I like a girl from 20 to 40 please rite and learn I am 5 feet 11 inches' weight 3.80 lbs light complexion blue eyes arbon hair very curly I am a .respectable is my ways so send jpho in your .first letter if pos. sible Iwttl send one J. II. white R. F. D .2 .topeka Kansas. ' 1 Qirjs please note the above care fully , and .see if there cani bfl something .doing. .Leap year is . gone,. and here is one, more chance left for you. And' he did noC leave out the widow either, but from the make up of the letter, it is possible to see that the maid is preferable. - - . i - x 4 0 Sees Mother .Grow Young. "If.1 hard to Qverstate-the wonderful, change in ,mj mother since fine beea.ii to hsa reiprtrin nmore ' writes Mrsc. W. L. Gilpatrick of Dan forth", JMe. "Although -past 70 she seems really to be growing young again. She suffered untold misery from dyspepsia fpr .20 years. At last she cquljfl' rieifner eat, drink, nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed mil"- Electric Bitters worked such wondersifor.her health." They invigorate all vital organs, induce sleep, impart strength and appetite. Only 50c at Statesvile Drug Co. Movement on Foot in Durham Coun-( to to Establish Anti-Tuberculosis Institution in Durham. , V Durham, Dec. 31.--The city health officer, Dr. T. A. Mann., has prepared his annual report to be submitted at the next regular meeting of the al dermen. This report shows the num ber of deaths and births for the year, the death rate, the average ages, causes and other things of tht char acter. The health officer has not made public ail his report. The re port will show, however, that there were 493 births in Durham last year, arid that there ere 411 deaths, the r-- births being eighty-two more than the deaths. There will be another hard fight made to establish a tuber culosis dispensary in Durham, this to be maintained jointly by the city and the county. The city has already said that it was willing to pay $6Q0 per year, but the county commission! ers were not certain as to the right to vote out this money. The matter will be takenupand presented again. Dr. Mann says that'tuberculosis is no worse here than elsewhere, but that in his opinion all toVns, cities and counties should get together and try to stamp out the disease. He wants Durham to do ! her part anyway. For that reason, the interest here. Next week there will be a state meet ing of the antituberculosis r associa tion of North Carolina to be held in Charlotte. There will be present a large, number of fighters of consump tion who reside in this state. It will be the first state meeting. o ' ! . Iiife 100,000 Years Ago. Scientists have found in - a cave in Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 years ago, when life was in constant danger from wild beasts. To day the danger as shown by A. W. Brown of Alexander, Me., is largely from deadly disease. ' 'If it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery, which cured me,' I could not have liv ed,' he writes, "suffering as I did frolm a severe lung trouble and stub morn cough." . To cure Sore Lungs, Colds, obstinate jCoughs, and prevent Pneumonia, its the best medicine on earth. 50c and; $1.00. Guaranteed by Statesville Drug Co. Trial bottle free. - York County Farmers Vho Know How to Make a Living. I - Yorkville (S. C.) Enquirer. The Enquirer knows of one York township farmer, who, eleven years ago bought a run down farm of over 200 acres on credit j and since that time has paid fdr the place, built a handsome residence, large barn;: and stables, tenant houses, etc., bought nearly i enough I additional land to make a total of 300 acres, and the first of JTanuary didn't owe a dollar and had $1,000 cash in bank. He did it all by hard work, sticking to business, raising his home ' supplies and making cotton a surplus crop. A year ago hef refused $50 an acre for his plantation. That is going some. We know of another who bought 110 acres of Bethel township land in 1901 at about, $15 an acre, who made five' and a half bales of cotton the first! year; who made several bales of cot ton and 700 1 bushels, of corn, this year, who has long since paid for his land and whoTebehtly refused $35 aid acre for it. .'. 4 0 ' Tortured on a Horse. "For ten years I couldn't ride, a horse without being in torture from piles, ' writes L. S. Napier, of Rug less, Ky., ' 'when all doctors and other remedies failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." Infallible for Piles Burns, Scalds, Boils, Fever-Sores, Ec zema, Salt Rheum, Corns. 2 5c. Guar anteed by Statesville Drug Co. . 0 " Volcano in , Vest Virginia? Richmond, Jan. 1. Anxiety is felt by1 the inhabitants of Greenbank, a small town just accross the border in West Virginia, over the steadily in creasing appearence of a burning crater, of seeming volcanic nature, on the side of a neighboring mountain. Flames are distinctly visible at times accompanied by rumbling noiseses as from internal distrubances. The air in the vicinty is gathering sulphur fumes. A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calomel, croton oil oraTbespills. They raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. King's ?Tew Life Fills. They never distress or inconvenience, but always cleanse the system, curing Colds, Headache, j Malaria, 2Uc at Statesville Drug Co. . .' : 4 OM Get us five, only five new yearly subscribers to the Evening Mascot and we will PRESENT you with a handsome 42-piece dinner set. See one of these sets in Sherrill & White's front window. PRICE 1 CENT! THE SUN i ,' - (Baltimore, Md.) Now sells for 1 cent, and can be had of every Dealer, Agent or News boy at that price. ALL SUBSCRIBRS IN ' District of Columbia, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Pennsyl vania, and Dele ware And througnout the United States can get The Siin by mail at 1 cent a! copy. The Sun's special correspondents throughout the United States, as well as in Europe, China; South Africaj the Philipines, Porto Rlico, Cuba and in every other part of the, world, make it the greatest newspaper that can be prmfed. Its Washington and New York bu reaus are among the best in the Uni ted States, and give The Sun's read ers the earliest information upon all important events in the legislative and financial centers of the country. THE FARMERS' PAPER. The Sun's market reports and com mercial columns are complete and re liable, and put the farmer, the mer chant and the broker in touch with the markets "of Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, New York, Chicago, Phil adelphia and all other important points in the United States and other countries. All of which the reader gets for one cent. THE WOMAN'S PAPER j The Sun is the best type of a news paper morally and intellectually. In addition to the news of the day, it publishes the best features that can be presented, such as fashion artic les and miscellaneous writings from men and women, of note and promi nence. It is an educator of the high est character, constantly stimulating to noble ideals in individual and na-, tional life, i The Sun Is published on Sunday as well as every other day of the week. . By mail the Daily Sun, $3 a year By mail the Daily Sun, $3 a year. Address A. S ABEIiL COMPANY. ' Publishers and Proprietors, BALTIMORE, MD. Personally Conducted Tour to Ha vana, Cuba, and Return, January 11, 1909, Via Southern Railway Souheraj Railway will sell round trip excursion . tickets to Havana, Cuba at following rates from points named: Asheville.... $39.10 Hickory ............. 42.40 Mariosn..,. ............. 40.45 Salisbury J.: ........ .....42.95 Shelby i. ...... 42.50 Statesville ............... 42.40 Approximately low rates from from other points. Tickes on sale January Uth, good returning to leave Havana, Cuba, on or before January 27th, 190. Tickets may be routed through Jacksonville thence either! through1 Knight's Key, or Port Tampa, j Good going and return ing same route. Stop-over will be allowed at . Jacksonville, St. Au gustine, Palm Beach, Miami, and other points south of Jacksonville, within final limit of ticket. A representaive will accompany movement, and will look after" the comfort and pleasure of the party. For further information as to side tours from Havana, sight see ing tours, hotel rates, leaving time a principal points, Pulllman and state room reservation, write J. H. Wood, D. P. A., Asheville, N. C; W. II. McGlamery, P. & T. A., Raleigh,. C. ; R. II. DeButts, P. & T. A., Greensboro, N. C.; or call on your repot agents, or write R. L. VERNON, T. P. A. ' Charlotte, N. c! 4 0 Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pimples rashes, etc., are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood a cleansing tonic. Makes eyed, clear-brained, clear Bitters is you clear skinned. 1 1 flBffEBTlIlHI Is Essential to the Up building of the Modern Business Enterprise. ::: To the publicity gained by the use of the advertising columns of the daily papers is at tributed the growth, and consequent success, of a very large percentage of great business enter prises of the;present day. ' lAdvertising is recognized as the prime fac tor in increasing the sales of any class of goods or manufactured articles. The space used in this paper is yourbusi ness message to the public. In this open letter yoii should tell them of the -merits of what you are offering, setting forth the reasons why your particular line is worthy of I their attention. mm Mm i s has increased its local circulation very materially during the past three months and the results obtained from the space used by the advertisers are gratifying to them and to the paper. It reaches into the homes of . the best class of our people and your .message will be placed in the hands of those with money to buy the goods you ,ish to sell. 1 ' The Space Bates in The Evening Mascot are not high. Your message is carried, each day, to those you wish to reach, in the most economical manner. For information call us up on the phone and a representative of the paper will g;ladly visit you xm I, n, A, m , Tin iwt. - --tnrtiwwiin , 1 Get us five yearly, subscribers to The Evening Mascot, paid in advance, and get one of the beautiful Cnuia Sets we are giving as premiums. SEVERAL THINGS Are to be' considered in selcrtiog your Bank Strength-Financial Strength 2ND- The care with which the Bank is Managed. 3RD-The courtesy and spirit of of-accomodationldisplayed by the Officers and Em ployees. 4TH- The banking experience of Officers. 5TH- The ability of the bank to Properly and Promptly Handle all Your Business TolThose Desiring the Embodi ment of These Features are Offered T h ej Service of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATESVILLE CAPITAL ks -I $100,000 1 A 'fw wrwwntio. .oym Show 3 r i I- ruarp content nothing: but "quality" and appearance liKure. "RUTH MADE" Hosiery and the "WORLDS DEST" Black are the goods of Quality. After ah has been eaid, all your pursuasive argument exhausted, it is still a fact that "QUALITY" IS THE ONLY TEST OF VALUE To get best results you must have the best of every thiDpjV best yarn, bet colors, best machines and best help, withr such a combination you can produce the best of what you are making. We have all of the above. Ask your dealer n for the goods of "quality." ; THE BRADFORD KNITTING MILL. THH SFFOINn fSiPAON I 4 ' X is again with us and have a car load; of the cele orated Superior Grain Drills the best and, lightest running drill made, if in need d adrill rt tJAciiuine laern ana eei our rr cps- wa irnnw wo nnn -rvionea? u i fJ? ' v T J VUU flVUOLx cy Also a TTnll T i n o ti TTa A t cvans naraware vomp y J n rt n i r n .. The Statesville Housefurnish ing Company has to close out 25 Rockers like the one shown here, at once. They will sell for $1.85 each. i - . -i See our line of Cook Stoves. The Statesville HousefurnishV ing Company. - ' " . 1 1 " If you have lost som ethtno- or want to buy or have any thing to sell try a want ad. in The Evening Mascot.