if it 1 1" m I lifli-. f - 'If!.: ;: i ; : f w mi: ( 1 Mr Ml Mi; ijl-li -ft Hi- fi I ! 1 : I'illl I .I'M! ! ! 1.4 ii--' 1: t'-i t 1 1 1 1 !1 II at: i i .... - : ; - . - . i THE EVENING niASCOf DAILY EXCEPT SUIDAT. Entered at the Postofflce in Statesville if. O., as second-cl&ss mail matter. fflce 109' Court Street. VACE NORWOOD -RALPH SLOAN, - - Subscription Price, nbicrtptloa Price, Telephone 53 PnblJsher. Oty Editor $4.00 a Tear 10 Cents a Week i Weather Forecasts. Washington,!). C., Jan. 5. For North Carolina threatening, with ram tonight and Dossiblv i n past portion Wednesday much cold er. ii you get dry some of the good water, sueh as Statesville Vfine water system furnishes. & v One North Carolina editor saya he did not vote for prohibi tion, but ; they cannot make the law too tight for him. iOl We wish it were possible to run the roads to suit eachman in the county. But such is an impossi bility. -m The girl who iook the $1,700 out the thief's pocket in a bank in Grand Bapids the other day needs to ne rewarded well for the act. o --J. How are you holding out with your nw year" resolution? There is no danger of your going into a aloon, land breaking that resolu tion, for there Js none for you to o in. In Minneappolis the street car conauctors let persons who do not happen to possess a 5 cent piece, sign up a promisory note for the amount. If they do not pay they are sued. Wonder if they can get their money by ssueing; for xney say it is hard to get blood out of a turnip. . o ; 1 . PBOGEESS IN THE SOUTH meht, .and it sands for a more sub stantial form of nroeress than that represented, by the industrial ex-! pansion over which-ro much un necessary noise is made. That this statement is true only a mom ent 9k reflection will suffice to show The fact that the book market in the South is widening and ex panding is. a sign of intellectual prpgress. In a smaller degree if stands for spiritual progress, and calls for more 'rejoicing than an1 increase in the number of cotton spindles in this section, which oft ten represent the number of traps uvi,j.i viLUii aim muiier me in tellectual activities ol thousands uj. ummren, wno are at least as im portant to the state 'as the amount ot capital (invested in the cotton mills. . This is progress in he best and highest sense, for the reason that it will inevitably lead to a keener i - -i i appreciation of the finer isues of litej borne of theHyjoks for which there is a demand may be indif ferently bad, but no matter; even an indifferently bad book contains some good, and7 human mind will instinctively assimilate the good. There is no more hopeful sign than mat ot an increased demand fr books among the people o ;tds section.j- Joel Chandler Harris. in Uncle Hemus's The Home Magazine for January." - Life 100,000 Years Ago. . Scientists have found in 'a pa vp in Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 years ago, when life was in constant danger from wild beasts. To day the danger; as shown by A. W. Brown of Alexander, Me., is largely from deadly disease. 'if it had not been for Dr. Kingfe New Discovery, which cured me, I could not have liv- cu- fle writes, "suffering, as I did from a severe lung trouble and stub morn cough." To cure Sore Lungs, Colds, obstinate Coughs, and prevent Pneumonia, its the best medicine on earth. 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by Statesville Drug Co. Trial bottle free. ; -mm :9m 2a "xl JAW fee! I urn ALCOHOL 3 Pro rJ'nl- .v - Vtll X. AVcgctableftEparatiQafris iiagaicmadisandBowcbflf Proraofes DigwtwnJCfceciMl ncssandRestContainsBeittari Opiuniforphine narMnEraLl UT NARCOTIC. a ul -il jUx.Sama jtniseSetd Peppermint -BtCiuboaakSeia uarmdeea IcrumSu vea Aperfect Remedy for Gonsflpa ii ii iiiii ii smww i war A y w v u wv uoiMitA uu a aM. VYorras.touyaisioiisJ'CYensfl ness andLoss Of5leR For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bears the Signature of Bought Am (iv In SEVERAL THINGS Are to be considered in selecting your Bank For Over Thirty Years Strength-Financial Strength 2ND. The care with which the Bank is Managed. 3RD. The courtesy and spirit of of accomodationdispIayed by the Officers and Em ployees. 4TH- The banking experience ofu Officers. u - 5TH- The ability of the bank to troperiy a n a r-romptly Handle all Your Business Tofrhose Desiring the Embodi- mem or i nese reatures are Offered T h e Service o f THE ; Exact Copy of Wrapper. IP uMM. FIRST MTI01L MI OF STATEiSVlLLE CAPITAL SIOO.OOO TNI CENTAUR eOMPANT. NEW YORK CITY. 3 A Show D m m mmmm irWrHim mhmbw WBMii own : We areln the midst' of a sordid and material era. Money is the main thing; it islhe hard cash that counts. The. risings genera tion seems to be hopelessly out of tune with the teachings of the New Testament : and it is said in some oHhe more4 thought ful periodicals that prosperity is to be looked for where there is ma terial prosperity, and the person who asserts to the contrarv has the bible knocked out of his hands by a misinterpretation of Brftler's Anology. So let it be for1 the present. ' V In spite of the attractions of the greed for gain, it mav be said tha the people of the South are reading more books than eVer be fore, and erery book read, wheth r er it be good, xr indifferently bad, ,it is a victory ore'r the financial pomp of the age. There was a time When the prosperous class in mis-section were the greatest read ers,-and be'fore the war some of I the best and completefet private libraries were to be found in the homes' of tiie'planters. But war is a great disturber of taste as well as a-destroyer of for .tunes. tony of these private li braries rent up in smoke 'from nrek .kindled by General Tecum sch'Sherman and most of the th. erswere dispersed; and for a time goodmany years in fact the Southern people have not been noted as-great' readers or, to put me matter m a different and tru er shape, they have not been greedy buyers of books. , We have been told in the pagt by more than one nnKi , JL A tuav the 'poorest took market in the eormtry was 'to be found in the South ted'even now some t,iT,v it a practical -waste of money to advertise their books in the outh. r?r tnere-has recently been a change so far as this section is concerned. The book-cellers in sist' that, therefore, they must be ACttumg'ioore. There is a greater demand for booksi of the hour as well as a re, newed interest in the volumes that aave stood the test of time. Now this is a very significant develop! In Prohibition's .Fierce Fight Tennessee. ! i , Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 4. The Tennessee legislature meets this' year with every-indication that. the fight for statewide prohibition will Je the chief issue of the seti sion. Both sides have lined nr fnr the fray and the struggle un doubtedly will be bitter one. Though large sections' of the state are now. 1 ' dry ' ' the Drohihi- tion element declares that it will not rest until Tennessee has join ed the ranks of-Georgia, Mississr ippi, North Carolina and other states in prohibition of ' th linnn traffic entirely. The Pendleton law now on the statue books gives local option to cities of less than 100,000 inhabi tants. The four-mile law is prac tically prohibitive in operated ter ritory. The Democratic 'Jnrtv platform pledges the party to "take no backward steps" in li enor organization, but to extend ana apply those' laws to all por tions f the State not now em braced in tlTeir opeitatio-n when ever the people of the commnm. ties to be affected thereby give m-eir consent. Is Essential to the Up buildino; of the Modern . Business Enterprise. In a sharnonntpsr, nnf.hi : it" r""ft"u- 4Utt,Jv fin u appearance LJ' UTH wlADE" Hosiery and the WORLDS SST",B1k are the good8 of Qlity. After ali hal etTaiact thaTUr pnrsuasive argument exhausted, it is "QUALITY" IS TH ONLY TEST OF VALUE I j To get best resultf you must have the best of evervthinV I 5 oesc yarn, best colors, host, such a combination y'ou can produce the best of what vou l are. making We hae all of the above. Ask your dealer I for the goods of "quality." j uur ueaier g To the nublicitv advertising columns of the daily papers is at tributed the growth, and consequent success, of a very large percentage of great business enter prises of the-present day. Advertising is recognized as the prime fac tor m increasing the sales of any class of goods or manufactured articles. The space used in this paper is your busi ness message to the public. In this open letter you should tell them of the merits of what you are offering, setting forth the reasons why your particular line is worthy of their attention. Sup mm Tortured on a Horse. "For ten years I couldn't ride a norse without being: in tortnro r piles,'' writes L. S. Nanir t t less, Ky. ,'when all doctors and other xeaies tailed, Bucklen's Arnica oaxve curea me." Infallible for Piles Durns' scalds, Boils, Fever-Sores Ec zema, Salt Rheum, Corns.2 5c. Guar anteed by Statesville Drug Co. . MO has increased its local circulation very materially during the past three months and the results obtained from the space used by the advertisers are gratifying, to them and to the paper. It reaches into the homes of the best class of our people and your .message will be placed in the hands of those with money to buy the '"mods"' you ffish to sell. The Space Rates in The Evening Mascot are not high. Tour message is carried, each day, to those you wish to reach, in the most economical manner. For information call us upon the phone and a representative oi the paper will gladly visit you President is Upheld by Court "Washington, Jan. A. The legal ty of the President's aetinn in missing the colored soldiers of the twenty-fifth infantry ;f0r partici pating in the lirownsville riots" on August 13, 1906 js upheld by the Supreme .Court. 1 4 0 . I ) lie Iveaing- lajscot. 1 1 - -1 I Get us five, only five new yearly subscribers to the Evenins- MaCAn and we will PRESENT you with a handsome 42-piece dinner set. See one of these sets in- Sherrill & White's front window. Fast Trains To Florida.1 New York, Jan. 4. The. Sea board Air Line railroad tomor row will inaugurate its fast sched ule between this city and the Flor ida resorts, including Jacksonville Oi. A . - ox. Augustine, JMiami and Palm- Beach. A schedule of twenty-six uxS uecrveen Jew York and St. Augustine has been arranged: The new trains will be solid Pullman vestibuleoT with dining and obser vation cars. Sees Mother Grow Yon It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters ' Mrsc.W. -L. Gilpatrick of Dan- .aie. "Although past 70 she again, she suffered untold misery llTJZ?10 20 ars. At last! uxu neimer eat, drink nor sleep. failed Ull Electric Bitters worked such wonders for her health' They invigorate all vital Jeep impart strength and appetite . , " . w u t r i , ' I - 1S agam Wlth us and have a car load of the celeorated v erior Grain Drills! the best and. lightest running drill made. It in need a drill examme them and get our prlces-we know we can please. , ; J Also a Full Line of Hardware, Stoves, Etc. I Evans Hardware Gomp y The Statesville Housefurnish ing Company j has to close, out 25 Kockers like the one shbwn-here, at once. They will sell for $1.85 each. See our line of Cook Stoves. i . The Statesville Housef urnish ing Company. -. -P, i. rfj If yOU have lost snmh.-rto- or want to buy or have any- LU try a want H. niy 50c at Statesvile Drug Co. i H 1 lie I.Vat-i-.. 7 . J - Vlascot