- . i .t-scu.V! : isi - -scjoK " I m , t - 7" II- ilCfiB-'"- rn : ' T ! ; i .. - THE EVENING MASCOT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. VERAL THINGS I Retail at 47 Cents a Dozen an5 Con-f, tiuued" Cold consi dered in Rele ting you Bank Raveled at the Postoffice in Statesvillt j tKHJJL.. K.rf 1 UU3 uuvrjxuLf iiuiu.i : , - . , , , ' . j . J I t. Ii i m n i 111 - - . , j j . - ! ' fr . ' j Weather Will Caus SSSQSSTO ' iT . , . Again. i v Chicago, Feb. 2. Aiibther ad- . .-V . t C s seoond-class mail matter. ! i . i fice 109 Court Street. VANCE NORWOOD 11ALPH SLOAN, - Subscription Price, abscription Price, Publisher. City Editor , $4.00 a Year 10 Cents a Week SAA Z-lfi t-'J C - - I ewia Sr-1 lr.3 . W5" : ot L' to U cents la tiie Telephone 35 i vance nriffi of all crr&de of-eirff8 nas I O ' ij lifted the v values far above the high points of "recent years. Re tailers are charging 45 to 47 cents a dozej, while wholesalers' prices varied around 47 and 38 Weather Forecasts. cents. Prices in the last three Washington, D. C, Feb. 3. For dav8 have scored an advance of i 1 8 cents, and dealers say that twJf-li il "pnniinnaTinn ni Cold u it X- urn v vy v v- - " weather sliil higher prices were in sight tomorrow. - '. IS 1T01 .KK'VEHAGE llOOZE? North Carolina fair and slightly warmer tonight. Thursday fair! . ; 0 THE H7JiK VINDICATED. Tho army mule has been placed upon trial and his abounding virtues and merits again achieve for him victory. The mule stands vindicat ed. An effort was recently made to supplant the aTmy mule with the traction engine. Experts were sum moned to testi?y as to the compara tive merits of the7engine and the mule, with the result above named. Science goes away limping. All the combined efforts of modern-day genius have failed completely and irretrievably to invent any sort of mechanism able to "cope with him. The hearing brought out' the fact that while "the traction engine would best the Patron of Perversity on good roads on level country, the mule had the engine beat to a frazzle in mountainous country, where army1 experts have spoken and Science must acept the answer. Again the mule carries off the blue ribbon. While the News does not profess any superabundant affection for him of the long ers and fleet heer it is willing to give the devil his due, and it canoti be gainsaid that when there is a difficult task to perform when the aristocratic horse tries and fails, when all human agencies are spent in vain, then it is that Balaam rises like a toweling Colossus and saves the day. .The mule is re nowned for the heftvy loads he is able1 to draw as well as the enemies he makes. Like a great many people, he -is insidious, illusive, hard to lo cate, butface to face with duty, he rarely ever shirks or implores quar ter. The mule is not much of a mix er. His greatest pleasure is found in silent communication with him self, and woe is the man who at tempts to disturb the reveries of a reminiscent mule. Neither is the mule of a sociable turn of mind. If he were a woman no one could ever' call her a coquette. As a snuggler she would-be a' dismal failure, and the last state of the man who at tempted to make advances would be worse than the first. Fiery, high strung bubbling over with the exhfl eratfon of robust health, the mule is, after, all, a pretty good exponent of originaity and substantial worth and while the mule has never had 'any special reason to exult over a proud ancestry, the unanimous opinion of the army experts must be flattering to his ears. Charlotte Ncrws. Maybe if you care to - learn any thing more about the mule, Wm. Bryan couul help-fou-out. NOIiMAN MACK rSSUMMONED. ' Will Appear as a ...Witness in Case of Government Against the New York World. " . Buffalo, Feb. 1. Norman Mack, Democratic national chair man, was served with a sub poena by a United States marshal commanding him to ap pear in the United States Court in New York to-morrow morning -in the action brought by the United States government again st The New York World in con- nection with the Panama Cana articles. Mack leaves-for New York to night in answer to the summons. c, o ". bees Daughter Wed and Dies. PottstowDj Pa., Feb., 1. Within fifteen minutes after Mrs. iElmira A. Egolf had witnessed the union of her daughter, Miss Martha A. Egolf, a belle and talented pianist, to J. Clyde Brown, of Williamsport, Pa., she died. The marriage was set for next summer, but the mother, as she lay on what she believed to be her deathbed, requested that it take place while she lived, and arrangements were made for it. Mrs. Egolf had scarctly uttered the last syllall! of the bbseinz on the marriage when death came to her. Test Case Goes up From W inston Salem to Supreme Court. Winston-Salem, Feb. 1. A test case of what is know as hop beVerdge in order to get the Supreme Court ultimately to pass upon whether its sale is a violation of the prohibition law j was tried here to day in the re corder's court,, the defendant being J. Dannenberg ros , wholesale dealers of Goldsboro. The recorder imposed a fine of 50 and the costs upon Mr. Dan nenberg, who promptly took an appeal through Lis attorneys, Watson, Buxton & Watson. One witness, Policeman -Clarke? expressed t he opinion that ten bottles of the beverage would make a man "slag." Tie de fendant testified that the liquor contained only one and oue-t alt per cent, alcohol, and was there fore not barn d by the prohibi tion law. Youns Roosevelt Weaving Caiet Now. Wins ted, Conn., Feb. 1. Theo dore Roosevelt jr., who .-started at the foot of the. lad der in Thompsonvilie a fe-v months ago to learn carpet mak ing, has been advanced to the loom where, uuder the instruc tions of Ted Connors, he is 'mak ing good." He has not met with a weaver's smash ,j et. Th ThompsonvMe Carpet Mills are rushed with orders and are run ning until p. 30 at night. Young Roosevelt does not work ! at night, his hours bein from 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. RED RAN DANA HIS WEAPON. If you hafen't the time to exercise regularly, Doan's Regulets will pre vent constipation. Thby induce a mild, easy, healthful action of the bowels without .griping. Ask your druggists for them. 25c Trapper iSrowii, of South Norwalk, Chased Rear IntoTiher With It .... ; : Soutn Norwalk, Conn., Fep 1 A genuine brown bear hunt right on the outskirts bt the city is at present causing more excitement in South Norwalk than would a Presidental wild west show. A posse of fifty men is hot on the trail of ; bruin, and everything from flintlocks to Gatling gurs havebeen brought out to take part in the hunt. Harry Brown, the best known hunter and trapper in these parts, .while going the rounde of his traps this morning, walk ed right up on a brown bear that was making a breakfast of a muskrat that was caught in one of Brown's steel traps. The bear paid no attention to the hunter uipitil Brown, by throw ing sticks and stones and shaki ing a red bandana at him drove him to the Saugatuck River. The bear plunged in and swam to the other bank. Brown got a poss9 and they have chased bruin to Kellogg's swamp, an almost inaccessible retreat back of Westport. WTILL. PUSH TI1FI FlGnT. Anti-Saloon Xeagu Jubilant Over Success" in Six States, Plans to Dry Up the South. ' " Birmingham, Ala,, Feb. 2. Jubilant at having driven the "rum demon" from Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Mississ ippi and Tennessee, the workers of the Anti-Sallon League are gathering here today for a con ference at "which vthey will agrr e upon plans fofc carrying the war fare into the? rremhiting ; "wet" States of Dixie.-:-The Alabama State 'Anti-Saloon League will hold a jubilee meeting here , the latter part of this week. Tlie Kin in us 9 ind Yon Have Always Bonglit, ami t S3 for over SO years, has borne thl -lifcli I;c3ts. i sI.srar.taro of ti7ider nis p and has been maa. sonal supervision eibco Hi infancy Allow no one to tic-jt-i .) ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as jsooa" arc WiU Experiments that triflo with and endanger the lieaU.i oL Infants and Cliildren Hixperience ag3iiic x..vi - a A Castoria is a harmless substitute Tor Cantor OiI,j Pare- -rx J ,1 CT.S. C2...s:? it. 1S . HVlSailt J-U contains neither Opium, Morphine nor o 1 . J- TJ. i ci i4-ct ninnlfnA P T. . and allays Feverlsnness, It cures Colic. It relieves Teething- Trouliles, cure and Flatulency. It assimilated the Foofl, Stomach and Kowels, I giving healthy.. and The Children's Panacea Tho Mother Fr: 3 otic ;s troys yw Grille cn, and Wind $ Coastipaiioii "'i j Lite;; the CCNU3r r tne signature cx sleep. -. StrengtK-Financial Strength rhe care with which the Bank is Managed. The courtesy and spirit of of acccmodation displayed by the Officers and Em ployees. The banking experience of Officers. The ability of the bank to Properly a n d Promptly Handle all Your Business ment of These Features are Offered T he Service of THE 8 I i 8 4 i ir I I H. 5 I 11141? Sears m M You Hie iliajs BoiigM i -it NATIONAL BAM in Use For Oyer SO Years. HE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEWKORSCiTY. g OF STATESVILLE CAP SIOO.OOQ - i . sasaiSflffli. .id So i p. ( 9 i 0 it WiviJ-' iJ.u.uw.u-w"t. .v---" S! 1 Of S3 c o fi o. BO o o r. o cm ) o. o c c c eo c r 90 ct 1 I c .") n mo cm mo K cm S3 o c. o cm I '1 T P Tlfll? 1 i .to toe up r- to '0- -4 i ll GO TO THE L t i BARBER P FOR UP-TO-DATE WORK f ! Is Essentia ; i 1 i! building oif the Mode usiness Enterprise. 0.1 tne 7 a To the publicity gained by tlie use advertising columns of the daily papers tributed the growth, and consequent success, of a very large percentage of great business enter prises of the present day.' Advertising is recognized as the prime tor in increasing the sales of any class ox g or manufactured articles.' The space . ness message to iac- oods e... t K 1 8 3 ! si H. L. in up-to-date barber from Salisbury is her. and another barber will arrive tomorrow. A LADY BARBER will be here from; ra'timore next, week, frotiipt service witnout waiting. Hotel Iredell Buldi SI jf-5 used in this paper is your busi- the public. In t his open lette what you ing forth the reasons why your you should tell them of the merit are offering, seti particular line is 3a worthy of their attention. MMlm I . I : -I I I I 4ii iCV iTY irrrs K . e Mil 5 S E lis??' local circulation very materially has increased its during the past three months aijid the results obtained from the space used by the advertisers ;o them and to the paper. It homes of the best class of our message;. wUl be with money to buy the placed in the goods are gratifying reaches into the people and your hands of those you wish to sell. The Space Rates in The Evening Mascot are not high. Your message is carried, each day, to those yon wish to reach, in the most economical manner. H I For information call us up on the phone and a representative oi the paper will gladly visit you if - 0 & 1 n li I R l ... r oc NEW TUHIIO MayDard & Ellis, Professional Photographers, in N. B. Mills New j. g Building,; ad joining Stimson Drug Store, States ville, N. C.1 'i High Grade! Photos at a Low Price. I U 'Jenny Picturps. the best that can be-made 24 for 25c. t Post Cards, per dozen, Ql 25 Per half dozen 75c. t 0. .tabineve, in folders dozen. 3S2.00. Half dozen Si 50 j 1 lctures of your home, Post Card size, and up to '8x10 inches, J asd out-door groups, in one of our specialties at a moder- ate price. Give us a trial and be conv:nced that we are trying to please you. We are now ready to serve you. . S fi s Will ftlso Develop and Finish Kodak Work. V V s AS THE SEASON fi advan9esyour wants change, so we are prepared with, the . GOODS All u: 3 p .i-i. . . xii iiuu!. oi mniamg material, consisting of Lune, Cement, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints and all kinds of Roofing, Terra Cotto, Etc1 l We Have Some Special Bargains, so get our prices and we know you I will be pleased. .a H " ardware Compy .4Hijj! m "' s If you have lost Cometh In r or want to buy or have nv g to sell try a watit ad. I in The Evening Mascot. thin 4- i'l 1 1 y tlCS til r . ; rTnn ! i ' . Are the Collars that make regular trips to the Statesville Steam Laundry. WHERE imEM LASTS" i STA LAUNDRY aESVILLE STEASVI U- C. HAPvWr.T.T. Pr " t, TIo.122 W KT - 1 11 UiiV