n ii r m ' , mm m ADMISSION DAILY 'Office 109 Court St. Phone 33. THE EVENING MAS COT , ud n .wn d.wn l0"n b,;1,AV ! Tim ch.in Hare . Nova a aon EXCEPT SUNDAY, I ,rr.,I.T-( 0 f lmnfi nixnaTr - .,1 and put the arjrns into the clean; sleeves, life the head and slip the garment under the patient's shoulders; then, by raising the lower part of the body, the soiled gown is to be drawn off, and the clean one "cirawn into place. Subscription PricoK. . !j?.(0 a Year S ul. script ion Price, 10 Cents a Week 'AXCE NORWOOD K A LP II SLOAN', - Publisher. City Editor Here -is a gootl story from life told in a Louisville, Ky.. dispatch to the Nashville (Tenn.) Banner: "A special from New Orleans says that John Bellis of that city, who" is heir to a $'100,000 estate, left by his aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Wat son of Louisville, has announced that he will surrender any claim he might have on the estate in favorr of his two foster cousins. Mrs. Thomas Swan, wife of the as sistant general passnger agent of he Rio Grande railroad at Den ver, and Mrs. George Venus, wife of a New Orleans business man. Mrs. Swan and Mrs. Venus had been railed as daughters by i Mrs. AVatson, and it was not until after her death that they learned that they had been adopted by her when infants, Mrs. Watson whs a sisteiofT:ellis' father. Bellis says he has a good business and is comfortably .fixed 'and believes it right and Mrs. Watson's estate should go to the children she adopted, tlibugh he is really next of kin-and the legal heir." ' rr' BELATED PRAISE. President Ta ft is quoted as pay ing a tribute To ex-President Cleveland in a speech made in New York on the latter 's birth day. The belated praise which is now heaped upon Mr. ClewlaiiuJ by republicans would have been -very much .appreciated - by. him' hiring his life. In 1S!H the re publican leaders bkimed-the dem ocratic administration for the panic of '!)'. aiklf ever since tJial time the republicans have called it a "democratic panic" because it occurred under the administra tion of one who 'was elected as a democrat. Mr. Cleveland was de nounced by the republicans foi the issuiiifc of bonds in the time of peace, -although the republicans are preparing to do the same thing now. The tariff which Mr. Cleve land favored was denounced as a menace to the country and as dis astrous to our industry and as a concession to . the f oreigners. Nothing that Mr. Cleveland did was supported by the republicans -except what he did on the money question, and that was endorsed only because he adopted the pol icy of the .republican leaders on that subject. Mr. Taft says that it was a re lief to 'fie republican party when the leadership in the party passed from Mr. Cleveland, and this in forgetfulness of the fact that the republicans had a larger majority in congress during the second half of Mr. TTTevelandV administration than they have ever had since. It was not necessary in that con grjess to secure the support of a few democrats-in order to carry out v the policies speaker. 1 44 An Ideal Cough Medicine. , "As au ideal cough medicine 1 re gard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In f, class by itself," says Ir. R. A. -Wiltshire, of Gyneville, Ind, 'l take great pleasure in testifying to .he' "results of Chamberlain's Cough Medicine. In fact, I know of no othei preparation that meets so fully the expectations of the most exact ing in cases of croup and coughs of children. As it contains no opium, cblorolorm or morphine it certainly makes a most safe, pleasant and offi caciojs rerriedy for the ills it is in tended." For sale by all druggists. : -m D "Wets" Egg "Dry" Advocate. Chillicothe, Ohio, April 16. Rev. C. AV. Eldridge, of Cincin nati, while, delivering a speech in favor of the "drys" at Adelphi, a small town near here, last night, was showered with rotten eggs by a crowd of "wet" bystanders. IJoss county, in which Chililco the is located, has been in the throes ofa hot local-option cam paign for several months, and a vote (Vfi the liquor question will be taken Tn a few days. Rev. Mr. Eldridge is superin tendent of t lie Cincinnati district of the Antisaloon League which cojnprises a tier of counties in the southwestern part of Ohio. The man wh- plays the races is. naturally not in it with the m-iii who works them. of a republican For the Sick Room. To change the sheets on a sick person's bed is a very simple mat ter, if understood. Loosen the soiled sheet on one side of the bed and roll it up lengthwise against the pafienfs" back, who must lie on his side ; over the stripped mat tress ipread the clean sheet, tuck ing down tlie. outer edge, and the half left unspread must be in a roll which" is laid alongside of the soiled sheet ; when half of the bed is thus stripped and covered, the patient must" turn, or be turned on the otherf side, with his face to the clean slieet, and this will bring hirifovr o nthe clean side of.jthe bet! ; tHeiTLoth sheets are to be drawn from under Elm, the soiled one to be' removed from the bed, and the "clean one put in place on the mattress and tucked in under the side of the b"e3 ' To change the night gown with out making the patient sit up, the arms are slipped out of the sleeves NOTICE 'Having qualified as administrati ix f the estate ot J. V. Uobb, deceased bite of Iredell county, N. C. This is 'o notify all persons having- claims ;t gainst said estate to - exhibit them So the undersigned on or before the 2'ith day of March 1910 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov Ory. All persons indebted to said esta'te will please make immediate settlement. This March 2oth, 1909. ' MISS UNA ROBB, - Administratrix, . ZED. V. LONG, Attorney . ANY TIME Yuu like to have some tbiog good to eat try StatcBville BUSY BEE CAFE and you wfll find it'. Anything" you like. Ice Ci earn, Hot Cakes, a 111 kindn of Lunches, Hot or Cold. BUSY BEE QUICK LUNCH AND RESTAURANT ?I0 Ceprer Street. KEEP TIIE KIDNEYS WELL. Health is Worth Saving, and Soma StatesriLle People Know How to Save It. Many Statesvllle people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kidneys when they know these organs need help. Sick kidneys are responsible for a vast amount of sufle ring and ill health, but there is no need to suffer nor to remain in danger when all diseases and aches and pains due to weak kidneys can be quickly and permanently cured by the use of Doan's Kid nePills. Here is a Statesvlile cvtize n recommen dation. Mrs, S. Revis, living at 212 Sev enth St,, Statesville, N. C, says : "l ean recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as a remedy that acts up to its representations. I sent to Hall's Drug store, and procured them while suffering from pains through the low er part of my hack and frequent headaches which had caused me great distress. Their use improved my condition in every way. Doan's Kidney Pills proved so satisfactory in my cise that I do not hesitate to recommend them toother sufferers." 'For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents; Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United eattd. ti . t mm ml if Era 22u .;: ma CO II wo; - : i ' - " PfiWflPI ALCOHOL 3 PER CEffT. AVegefablePreparaltonfcrAs similating iteFootfandKegula tirtg tlic Stomachs andBcwelsof Ill Kas!s' Promotes DigesfionJCkerfiiri ncss and RestrontalnsBcittw Opiuni.Morphinc norMtteraL Not Narcotic. Jfecipeof07dlkSMjtJ?nWi& Flimpkin Seed" jwcicnna Jtochelte Salts- Anise Seed r. Vj t i v IH UUVOHWMta nurmSeed- rnrifter .'rmr , Viatenpeeu t'larsr. Aperfect Remedy forConsfipa-1 tion , Sour Storaach,DtarrlH)ci Worms ,CoiTVulsions,FevErisfr ness andLoss OF SLEEP. rncSimile Signature of i'i i i . c'l NJSW xOKJv. rail HIJ : H$32Q; buaranteed underthe oodarl Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature AW f In Use For Over Thirty Years Km U mJLiiili ft THE OCNTAUH COMMNT, HI ..ill CITY. A BUSHEL OF POTATOES A few v. ords to the wise ht'iipwif It has been 8iid that tbe-PotHtoes' was nut what thpy uRed to be. Those who trade. lure 'would never have ( aut-e to suv that' for-we k 1 1 o r h o w and w hen to purehufr to the best ad vantage and fine mealy wholesome potatoes are always in stock Yet our prices kep do wo. TURNER BROTHERS. 30 8 Center St J. P. Phifer,s old nd PHOME NO. 88. THE urn COMMERCIAL WATIONL ' Of Statesville,- N. C ' " CAPITAL .. $100,000 00 SURPLUS....... . .$25,000,60 State' County and iCity Depository Accpunts Solicited Interest paid on Time Deposits. M. K. STEELE, President, M AUSLEY Cashier, E. MORRISON, Vice Pres., G. E. Hugh(y, Asst. Cashier M. K. STEELE, N. B. MILLS, W. D TURNER, W.F.HALL, D. P. SARTIN, W. J. HIIL, H. ATOUNT, E. MORRISON, EMILE CLARKE, J. E KING, C. M. STEELE, D. M. AUSLEY. n nojtne a&5SSa SPRIG We have a complete stock of Mens, Women and Cbild rens Oxfurds in the different Leathers and Styles. They are as good as money can buy, all new stock. Also nice new Underwear and Hoeeiry- Call and Bee what we have to show. Everything as represented. . S, M. I H. SHOE CO. Opposite Court House. P. S. Water Proof Shoes in stock, try them. The Evening sbo4:JO 5 AND 10 CENTS SEVERAL THINGS Are to be considered in sele ting yon Wank 3RD 1ST- Strength-Financial Strength 2ND. The care with which the Bank is Managed. The courtesy and spirit of of accorriodatioh.displayed by the Officers and i Em ployees. The banking experience of Officers. The ability of the bank to Properly a n d Promptly Handle all Your Business To Those Desiring the Embodi ment of These Features are Offered T h e Service of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATESVILLE 4TH 5TH CAPITAL $100,000 rKefc iotoiK monof icooiicf )etto)iGjGie4;o;re)0(esra isfthe best form of receipt to show that your bills are paid. There's no way of getting over that. You have all the proof that the law requires or that is necessary. There is no conven ience for the business man that he appreciates like the service of a good bank. It give a standing in business that he can acquire in no other way. It is a. recommendation when you banb in the 9 L THE MERCHANTS AND FARMERS BANK o 0 YARDS CHINA MATTING Best Grade at 30 cents per yard. Put Down Your Floor Free of Charge. Only 10 Days at This Price. See Our Line of Curtain Poles, Brass Knobs and Window Shades. STATESVILLE HOUSEF URNISHING CO. A BIG SHIPMENT of American Hog and Cattle Fence also Eliwooti Poultry and Rabbit Fence Dise Harrows, Spike Tooth Harrows. The eel abrated Sunny South Corn -and Cotton Planter. Weeders, Cultdrvators etc. Overstocked on Poultry Netting and attractive prices awaits you. Be sure to see us if in need of any thing in our line and we will please you with goods and prices. " Evans Hardware ComP y

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