THE EVENING MASCOT DAILY EXCEPT SUHDAY. Office 109 Court St. Phone 85. Entered at the Postoffice in Statesville, N. C, as'second-class matter. VANCE NORWOOD, Publisher. L. 0. WHITE, - - - Editor. Weather Forecasts. Washington, D. C, June 9. For North Carolina showers to night or Thursday. 4 0 We noticed in the Ansonian that-tfietax listers'of Anson coun ty got together and agreed upon a basis of valuation for the property of the county. The best grade of mules and horses was fixed at $250, catle $50, corn 80c bushel, wheat $1.00 per bushel and other things in proportion. If property were valued at that rate in this county the rate .of the tax levy could be greatly reduced and enough and more money would be A raised than at the present rate. We think the idea of arranging for a uniform Basis of valuation is a good one. The property in many townships of Iredell co is not valued at much more than one half of the valuation of other townships. A uniform valuation should be given for the property throughout the county; untyj The devotion of the old Con federate soldier to the Lost Cause is something sublime! As the time since thaterrTble struggle length ens, the chord that binds his hear to the cause and to his fellow com rades grows stronger. No mat ter what the difference in politics or religion or in the vocation of life the old soldiers have a tender affection for each other. Year by year their numbers grow less and year by year their devotion grows stronger. Every year they love to gather at their annual reunions and discuss those stirring times. Those brave hearts that once knew no fear are now row ing old and feeble. May the God of battles grant them many more happy reunions and as one toy one they pass over the river may they meet in thegreat reunion beyond and may the land they, fought to protect blossom as the rose and their value and devotion be trans mitted to succeeding generations. POWDED MAGAZINE IS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Three Soldiers Killed, 500 Persons Wounded, Forty Houses Wreck ed. London, June 7. A dispat:h received here from Cracow in Aus train Poland says thut five hun dred persons were wounded by the explosion of an aamy pow der magazine ther Saturday night. Three soldiers ere killed forty houses damaged. The m8g azine' which was situated near the railroad station, was struck by lkhtning. The bolt exploded several thovsand pounds of pow der and 1,500 projectiles were scattered among a big crowd of people who had assemblep a sta tion uwaitiug a train. Rich Men's Gifts Are Poor beside this: "I want to go on re cord as saying that I regard Elec tric Bittersasjne of the greatest gifts that God has made to woman, writes Mrs. O.JRhinevault, of Ves tal Center, N. Y., "l ean never forget what it has done for me." This glorious medicine gives a wo man buoyant spirits, vigor of body and jubilant health. It quickly cures Nervousness, Sleeplessnes, Melancholy, Headache, Backache, aintinw and Dizzy Spells; soon builds up the weak, ailing and sickly. Try them. 50c at States ville Drug Co. USED ADDER TO ROB BANK Of Interest to Farmers and Me chanics. Farmers and mechanics fre quentlyjneet with slight accidents and injuries which cause them much annoyance and loss of time. A cut or bruise may be cured in about onethird the time usually required by applying Chamber lain's Liniment as soon as the in jury is received. This liniment is also valuable for sprains, soreness of tEe muscles and rheumatic pains There is no danger of blood poison resulting i'roni an injury when Chamberlain's Liniment is applied before the parts become inflamed and swollen. For sale by all drug gists. 4 0 Ntf Arrests Yet, But Directors Make Defalcation Good. Lewinston, Idaho, June 7. An embezlement effected by man ipulating the adding machine in computing daily balances is an nounced by National Band Ex aminer Claude Gatch, as having been discovered in the iunds of the Lewiston National Band. The alleged embezzlement has, it i3 said,-extended over a period of the last five years. The stock holders have made the intire defalcation good. The casa has beea placed in the hands of the . comptoller of the currency. THE HUMORIST. First Imp Was that spirit im pressed by thejemperature? Second Imp No ; he said he supposed the nights would be cool. New York Sun. "Who's that a-hollerin' down yander in the branch?" That's the prodigal son. The old man's a-whalin' thunder out o' him fer runriin' away." Atlanta Constitution. Father Do I understand you to say you wish to be my son-in-law? H SuitorNo, sir! I want to Vmarry your daughter. New York Sun. -. '. '-;! , ; . 4 Read.This. v This wil not interest you if you are worth fifty thousand dollars, but if you are a man of moderate means and cannot afford to employ a physician when you have an at tack of dioarrhoea, you will be pleased, to know that one or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea liemedy will cure it. This remedy has been in use for many years and is thor oughly -reliable. Price 2o cents For sale by all druggists; Statesville Produce Market. (Corrected weekly by Morrison Produce & Provision Co.) Young Chickens, per . .... 16c Ola hens, per lb. 10c Old roosters, per . 3c Eggs, per doz . .. . .. 16c Butter, per lb . . ........ 13c Beeswax, per . . . 25c Tallow, per n 5c Corn, per bushel. .......... 95c Peas, per bushel . . . . $1.40 Oats, per bushel. 60c Dried apples, per lb . . . 3c Wool washed, per lb. . ... . . 25c Wool unwasEed, per a ' 20c Wool, burry, per lb ........ . 15c Green hides, per lb 7c Dry hides, per ........ . . . 12o -408' t Tne Kind Ton Have Always Bonght, and which 1ms been in use for over 30 years, lias borno tho signature of and lias been made under bis per- Allow no one to deceive yeu in this All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are but; Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORI A Castoria is a Jiarmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syiiips. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor. other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. ALWAYS A GENUINE CASTG Bears the Signature of If The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. C THf CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY BTRrtT. NfW VORK CITY. """' i ......... i- r wa W ajLa iERRY WIDOW UND'A K t 5- Z i i AT THE STORE OF QUALITY. STATESVILLE DRUG CO. Prescriptionists. Statesville Housefurnishinn Stung for 15 Years by Indigestion , pangs trying many doctors and $200.00 worth of medicine in vain, B. F. Ayscue, of Ingleside, N. C., at last used Dr King's New Life Pills, and writes they wholly cured him. They cure Constipation, Billiousness, Sick Headache, Stomach, Liver, Kidney v and BoweTEroubles. 25c at States ville Drug Co. A special from Williston says that Mr. Cleveland Fanning, a young man about 27 years old, was waylaid las night about three miles from Willist ton and shot from his buggy and in stantly killed. The Barnwell county dogs chased the assassin to the Edis to river, where he escaped !n a boat. Suspicion points to Addie Boylstion, a brother-in-law of the dead man. Posses have been scouring the coun try all day.' It is thought the murder er will be captured. o Looking One's Best. It's a woman's delight to look her best but pimples, skin erup tions, sores and boils rob life of joy. Listen! 'BucklenV Arnica Salve cures' them; makes the skin soft and velvety. It-glorifies the face. Cures Pimples, Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Cracked Lips, Chapped Hands. Try it. Infallible for Piles. 25c atStatesville Drug Co, rators And Ice Chests PRICES FROM 5- $3.50 Tu $35.00 I Statesville Housefurnishiny Co. I 0 3 THE COMMERCIAL NATIONL BANK Of Statesville NJC. CAPITAL... SURPLUS $100,00000 $25,000,60 State' County and City Depository Accounts Solicited Interest paid on Time Deposits. M. K. STEELE, President, i). M. AUSLEY Cashier, E. MORRISON, Vice Preo., G. E.Hughey, Asst. Cashier M. K. STEELE, W. F. HALL, H. A.TODNT, J. E. KING, d oa!lLLS' W- D TURNER, I). P..SAHT1N, Hit I.. E. MORRISON,. EMILE CLARKE, C M. STEELE, D. M. AUSI.EY. OPERA HOUSE PROGRAM FOR TONIGHT Big Program Tonignt. All New Pictures. A 5 AND 10 CENTS 3 Is Essential to the Up building of the Modern Business Enterprise. To the publicity gained by the use of the advertising columns of the daily papers is at tributed the growth, and consequent success, of a very large percentage of great business enter prises of the present day. Advertising is recognized asthe prime fac tor in increasing the sales of any class of goods or manufactured articles. The space used in this paper is your busi ness message to the public, in this open letter you should tell them of the merits of what you are offering, setting forth the reasons why your particular line is worthy of their attention. E?E1I Ml has increased its local circulation very materially during the past three months and the results obtained from the space used by the advertisers are gratifying to them and to the paper. It reaches into the homes of the best class of our people and your message will be placed in the hands of those with money to buy the goods you wish to sell. The Space Rates in The Evening Mascot are not high. Your message is carried, each day, to those you wish to reach, in the most economical manner. For information call us up on the phone and a representative ot the paper will gladly visit you FOR STiy mvNm v 1 : , - - J - " - " Service Ifou an 5o 5o better an alt 3V UMMER APPARE M. & H. SHOE CO.'S TORE Full Line of -Fancy Soft Shirts, Attached and Detached Cuffs, Silk and Wash Ties, Underwear in the Different Styles, Hosiery Different colors, Complete Stock of Oxfords in the Different Leathers and Styles for Men v omen and Children. All New Goods and as Represented. Yours to Serve, S. M. CS, H. SHOE GO. ajr