i i ( : , h H -1 ' ; ' - ' ; ' : 1 P i ' ' ? ' k; (i; if. I I -: 1 If t i. j , - . i ' i ' - fi il r.. !; i H in y 5 H h "I i t. 1 F , - ; l If it J i I i i : 1 : I I- r :r f ' i ! .1. THE EVENING MASCOT DAILV EXCEPT SUNDAY. Office 109 Court St. Phone 35. Entered at the Postoffice in Jtatesville, N. C, as second-class matter. - VANCE NORWOOD, Publisher. Xi. 0. WHITE, - - - Editor. Weatner Forecasts. Washington, D. C, June For North Carolina cloudv with showers tonight or Sunday. Everywhere the good roads 'problem is being studied. Let it .continue and gjod roads will be the result. The colored residents of a cer tain district of Asheville are plan ing for a park of their own. The white people who live near thi: place are, and rightly so, object ing to the building of such. a place. Only fifty per cent of the white applicants who went ' before tin State Pharmaceutical board passed successfully. Heretofore the aver age has been CO per cent. Three out of eleven . colored applicants passed . AVe already have the ''Unwritten Law" "Emotional Insanity," etc., but the lawyers in the Diggers case at Charlotte have certainly sprung a new one on us "Confu sional Insanity." What next? . o The Biggers trial at Charlotte is Hearing a close. 'The progress of the trial has been watched with interest: Several very able speeches have been made 'in Big" gers' behalf aricl it is uncertain what the verdict will be. Accord ing to the "opinion" of many Big gers is guiltjr of nothing less than premeditated murder. If he is, nc matter what his standing is, he should be punished as any other criminal. The MascoT wishes to add a word of commendation for the po sition taken by the colored W. C. T, U. which met in Statesville the first of the week. The colored people as a racevill never accom plish anything until they practice the sound doctrine :lad down bj this convention, a report of which was published in yesterday's Mas cot. They wrere advised to be in. dustrious, sober and honest and fill their oAvn sphere in the social life of the community. Thev should engage in some profitable and suitable business, and dea honestly ancnfrankly with all and they will not only elevate their owTn race, but will avoid friction with the whiteraee. : In diseussiiig the long delaped Breese case at Asheville the Char lotte News calls attention to some technical "defects in the drawing up of bills of indictment which of ten prevent justice and brings our courts into 'disrepute. The News says : "Breese is prominent. He ha at hiscommmand the influence ol innieirFial men. He is able to em ploy learned counsel. The result is, that so' far he has escaped trial on a flimsy technicality in the bill of indictment, the statute of limi tatfon TioTcTuig and preventing the nalangofanother.bill. "Breese is either guilty or inno- ent. He should be given a trial for the crime charged in open court, and if guilty, convicted; il innocent, free'd. This persistent frivoling wTtTT justice is becoming useous to the public mind. "The defecfln our judicial sys- em winch makes it possible foi 1 riminalsjo hide behind the mask of some petty technicality or 'Other, should be corrected if the Public may be expected to retain hat high-respect for the fairness f the courts which is necessarv ior their existence. " Recently" ap rominet case wras tried in another state and the de- fendant let go because the word "the" was omitted in the bill of indicTment, the bill reading. peace and tngnity ot state, m sfea'd p''peac and 'dignity; of j the state." . MOM- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best in the Market. '"I. have used Chamberlain's Cough .Remedy and find it to be the 'best on -the market," says E. Vv. Tardy, editor of The Sentinel, Gaiusboro, Tenn. -"Onrbaby had scleral colds the past winter and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy al ways gave it relief at once and im red il in a short time. J al ways, recommend it when oppor tunity 'presents itself." For sale bvyall druggists. . 4i Statesville Produce Market. (Corrected weekly by Morrison Produce & Provision Co.) Young Chickens, per lr. Ola hens, per m . ......... Old roosters, per ...... . Eggs, per do?. . Butter,- per lb Beeswax, per . . ... Tallow, per . . . . . ....... Corn, per bushel Peas, per bushel. Oats, per bushel. Dried apples, per 1b..... W'ool -washed, per lb Wool unwashed, per n... Wool, burry, per lb. ...... Green hides, per lb ....... Orv hides, per . .. . 16c . 10c . 3c . IGc . l?,c. . 25c . 5c . 95c Mao . 60c . 20c . 15c . 7c . 12o GOO Drauguon gives contracts, Ducked by a chain of 80 Colleges, $300,000.00 capital, and 19 year's success, to se cure positions under reasonable con ditions or r3fimnd tuition BOOKKEEPING Praughon's com petitors, by iot accepting his proposition, concede that he teaches more .Bookkeeping m THREE months, than- tWj do SIX Draughon can convine YOU SHORTHAND 75 per cent, of theUnued States Court Reporters write the syst ;m of Shorthand Draughon teaches, be cause they know it is THE BEST. FOR FREE CATALOG and book let. 4Wny Learn Telegraphy ?" which explains all, -.call on or write JNO. F. DRAUG.HON, President DRAUCHOrrS PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE (Wo also Teach by Mail) lumbia or Washington. D. C. This remedy C2Q ahvays be depended upon and Is pleasant to take.. St contains no ophira or tther harmful drug and may be given as cenA dentiy to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. THE Guarantee Pressing Club WILL PLEASE YOU Ws have moved to G17 N. Center street one half block north of the square and if it's sanitary clean ing or the latest style of preB8irjp: and prompt de liveries that you want, give us . your work. We call for and deliver your proods anywhere in the city. For further infor mation call on us at 617 N. Center St. or ppone 350. roprs; Phone 3 50 D P CoiighsGolds; i r you one of lEo lEousan'ds ol "women Eo suffer from female ailments! If so, don't be discour aged, go to your druggist and get a bottl of Wine of Cardui. On the wrapper ara full directions for use. During the last half century, Cardui has been established in thousands of homes, as a safe remedy for pain which only women endure. It is reliable, contains no harmf iu ingredients and can be depend ed on in almost any ease. f An $ Ett WiH Help Yoii j !Earles Bragg, of Bweetser, Ind., tried Cardui. She writes: "Tongue cannot tell how much Cardui hrs done for me. Befora I began taking Cardui I could nof do a day's work. I srould work awhile and lie down. memoes. " u.17 luaiuat. AT ALE DEUG STOBES 3 ft AT OPERAHOUBR large Moving Picture Program Tonignt l After 35 Years," "Moonlight on The Ocean," Down f With Urn," arm uThe Picture," .5 ASIDIO CENTS 111 Vd(. NEXT 4- Try one 4- 4- EXO Nut Sundae 4- i M 1 l k Chocolate I At The Fountain of Ourlity. t STATESVILLE DRUG CO. 4- Prescriptionists. 4- -. 4- 4-4-4- ? 4- $ 4- We Have Received a Full Line of Li SAMPLE We will sell $5.00 Hammocks for $4.00 for Choice. We have 6 Hammocks you can get at $3.50 Each, Worth $4.50. Statesville tious t A, 4,444,4W444'44H'4,4,HM,4,4" -TBF COMMERCIAL Ot Statesville NX. CAPITAL... $100,000.00 SURPLUS. ...............v.. $25,000,00 State County and City Depository Accounts! Solicited Interest paid on Time Deposits, M. K. STEELE, Presidenf., i). M. AUSLEY Cashier, E. MORIUSOxX, Vice Free, G E.jHughey, Asst. Cashier M. K. STEELE, N. B. MILLS, W. D TURNER, VV. F.HALL, D. P. SARTIN, W. J. HIT L, H. AMOUNT, E. MORRISON, EMILE CLARKE, J.E.KING, C.M.STEELE, D. M. AUSLEY. & fi. 12J J34 I shall aays give praise to your TIME of These NAM. vrr J is yvi-avii y to in y t & Ummjm ft Reasona&f Prices, (wJt5 Pro pt Service )Jou an aV 3o better an aW &fc 1 3re M t TURNER BR O Headquarters for all kinds of Country Produce, - Such as Beans, Cabbage and Potatoes. We are gents for Young's Steam Bakery of Char lotte and can give you Nice, Fresh BREAD AT B CENTS A LOAF equal to the 6 cent loaf now on the market. Fresh, shipment- of Cantaloupes on hand. Fresh Fish every Friday and Saturday. Call and give as your order. TURNER BROTHERS. PHONE NO. 88. SEE f B; WE For The Stanton Adjustable Buggy Nut This nut takes up all loss motion in any bujsrgy wheel and keeps it from making any nois ?. Saves washers and oiling and can be fit on any buggy. I will fit them on any buggy and let you - try them to your own satisfaction, if you find them to be as represented, pay for them. If not return same to owner. Call and let me show you what they will do. You will find me at Livery Stable next to Post Office. Yourrt Truly, Wm. WESTMORELAND SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO net- . lireat Highway of Trade and Travel Through the Southern States Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on palatial trains between the principal Cities and Resorts of the South. High-class Dining Cars. Many delightful Summer and Winter Resorts cn and reached by Southern-Railway. "The Land or the Sky' "The Sapphire Country," in scenic Western North Carolina; beau tiful at all seasons. Hotels of the highest class. For detailed information apply to nearest Ticket Agent, or R. L. VDRNON, T. P. A., v Charlotte, N. C. S. H . HARD WICK, P. T. M., W.H. TAYLOE,(j. P. A., Washihgton,;DC TO MY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS Having recently enlarged my buildingr, also installed an un.tn. rigerator, I am now m to noble ldeals in mdividuai anda shape to furnish my cuetomers 1 m,L JN ice, Fresh Meat at any. time. ah oraers leceive prompt atten tion. Meats delivered for break fase each morning. EO.NASH H 1 1 . S fV -flkk i 11 " '. ' GROCERSCw TI0HIL1 PRICE 1 CENT! T H E SUN ALL SUBSCFJEESIS District of Columbia, Virginia, Portl and South Carolina, Pennsyl vania, and Deleware And througnout the United States can get The Sun by mail atr 1 cent a copy. - . TLe Sun's epecial correspondent throughout the United States, as wen aa In Europe, China, South Africa . the Phllipines, Porto Rico, Cuba and In every other part of the world make it the greatest newspaper tea can be printed. Its Washington and New York bu reaus are among the best in the UnK ted States, and give The Sun's read ers the earliest Information upou all Charleston, New York, Chicago, PM adlphia and all other important points in the United States and other countries. All o: which the reader gets for one cent. THE FARMERS' VAPEIU The Sun's market reports and com mercial columns are complete and re liable, and put the farmer, the mer chant and the broker in touch with the markets of Baltimore, Norfolk, important events In the legislative and financial centers f the country. A THE WOMAN'S PAPER. The Sun is the Dsst type of a news paper morally and intellectually- W addition to the news of the day. r publishes the best features that can be presented., such as fashion art les and miscellaneous writings r0 " men and women of note and pr ; nence. It is an educator of the &ig " est character, constantly stimulates I T. 1 . nn Suuday aa well as every - other day of week. By mail the Daily Sun, S a year ddre1 ' A. S ABELIi Publishers and Proprietors 116 Boulevard St. Pnoiu