I TI E MASCOT I T HUSH KM W HKKM - AT 0'L HOLLA K A Yl-.Ah. i MAI i iWjuA. Five r the Durham county bonds, ay; in" J-;it'JU. are imping. -UTB-UKRIBUAL M1S. ALEXINDE I Hy e. ouhrui.es All now Advertisements and those 1o bp I tree changed must be in the office by noon n Wednesday. A. toss mrk opposite your name mean that on must renew your subscription at once ir the paper will be discontinued and your vKimint niaen in narns rr 'ion. iavui- lian-ii of Mt. Olive inhered iruin ;i single 20 tiiftii"i! 01 )tiit a n 'ce ! D Watts f 'imur. N. C. Oft 14. 1S97. Isuac It. Julian. a"in,iv.i..eut fa nmc oi Rowan vouiiTy; r. aged 47 years. So low f re tin" i-t rerun that salt water ha. : further than ie.V,ii n. S;tf. !imvei uf .j. r. Atii!!--. hiv iiih' . :m. Unon? 111 Pnlil if m. It is said that the boltinL' Popu lists will hold a meeting in Ralei:rh, October 21st. The President Friday appointed Geo. II. Bridgeman. of New York, minister to Bolivia.- It is said that Senator Pritehard desires to succeed Judge Dick as Federal judge, when he retires. The Democr atic conventions now being held in New York State, gen erally endorse the Chicago plat form. Jonas W. -Mullen has beenappoint ed postmaster at Charlotte. He was the fusion candidate for sheriff of .Mecklenburg county last year. A great row among the support ers of Senator Pritchard and of Gov ernor Russell for- the control of the Republican State committee is in progress. James II. Ramsay has been ap pointed postmaster at Salisbury. He is a son of Dr. J. G. Ramsay and has been postmaster of Salisbury before. The President made the following appointments last Thursday: Rufus Fleming, of Ohio,consul at Edin burg, Scotland, and Samuel McAl lister, of Delaware, at Barbadoes West Indies. D.vCam. Pearson, Esq., has been appointed postmaster at Morgan ton. Pearson generally ."gets there" when his party has pie to hand around. He was a general storekeeper and ."auger in Harri son's administrati m. Indianapolis, Ind . elects a Demo cratic mayor by .5,000 majority; and Chattanooga, Tenn., goes the same way by 99.0. These mayors were elected on silver platforms and the majorities which they received are great Democsatic gains. Governor McLaurin, of .Mississip pi', has appointed Senator-elect Money to. succeed the late Senator George, whose term would have ex: pared March 4th, 1809. Senator Money had already been elected for the full term, beginning then, Sena tor George having declined a re election. President McKinley made the fol lowing appointments Monday: H. in,. iHcurew, jnoenix, Ariz., regis ter of land office, Salt Lake City Utah; Fred B. Spriggs, New York, agent for Indians at Nevada Agency in Nevada; Edward Goldberg, Wichita, Kans., agent for Indians in Indian Territory. EVesident MoKinley made the fol lowing appointments Saturday: John C. Ingersoll, of Illinois, consul at Copenhagen, Denmark; J. T. Hoke, of W. Va. , consul at Winds ox, Nova Scotia; W. Irvin Shaw, Pa. consul at Barranquilla, Columbia Wm. II. Smith, postmaster at At lanta, Ga. ; Julia Fleming, postmas ter at Athens, Ga. New Stirling New. Iforthe Mascot: I he long wanted rain came at last, ine larmers are preparing for wheat. (Jotton ginning is in full blast. The yield, is, better than was expected in this section,.. Bradford & Sons were stepped from ginning & few; hour& b.y the press rope breaking but; aft is right now. J. A. Hall, whp. has, been Brad fords driver for so long, has left their employ and T. B, Lindsay has charge of their team now. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Thorn burg Uave been, very sick with fever, but a,re. improving. Mrs. Hefner, of Catawba, Mrs. Thornburg's mother, is staying with them. iur. ia,. ueai s ntue inrl i? very low. Dr. Long, of Catawba, is the physician. Miss Mattie White is spending this week in Statesville. Mr. W. P. Hammond and family will leave soon for Winston, whte he expects to work for Mr. Nissu The ceiling of Mt. Herman Luth eran church is being finished. The meeting there will embrace ifte 4th Sunday. W. & E. Oct. 12th, '97. .Ml".-. 1 : la.;: i. n Y viuL iiJi,. i c- v. 11.: t ii ,)i i- lear ii hat K vi !' . a!:i nl ?:i:0 ii-r L -the Twin-City. . 11 ii. lit! In the cist ;. tr.em Cit'S. safe :: ... ttun- t 100. Liev m. . er home ...; even- ebOrtei eceived labor in .. f vir o Co. Tv IT. Raleigh, " be ro i mid J. Hp. ford Ho- lv He men is raid Um'. i which fai'e i 'ust 'viy. oi'can'z: (i '.v T. W. L Ft1, mi.!. Burglars enter-h!. 1 he tel' at Charlotte en1 morninir. but 'vciv before lliey ; Licceede anything. ' Charles Harris, a n: ed to uutruire a -uhiti Newbern Sunday afternoon. was arrested bv armed white md placed in jail. The State has chartered the Wilkesboro Telephone. Electric Light and Electric Railwny compa ny, with power io operate lines in nine adjacent counties. I?x -Judge George V. Strong, of Raleigh. .died there Sunday. ; aged i!t years. He was chosen judge ot the Criminal court o.: Wake county in 187(5 and was a lawyer of ability and character. The gin and mill plant of J. D. Taylor, at Conoho, Halifax county. was destroyed bv an accidental fire Saturday. Thirty )ales of cotton and half a car load of cotton seed were also burned. Baltimore has won the Temple cup from Boston. A case of yellow fever, a , sailor, has developed in Baltimore. A death has occurred from yellow fever in San Antonia, Texas. ' There are several cases of yellow fever in Houston, Texas. Senator Tillman is ill with catar rhal jaundice in olumbia, S. C. Miss Cisneros, the escaped Cuban prisoner, has arrived in New York. The Simmons Company, merchant, of Chicago, has failed for $100,000 Discrepancies have txen found in the accounts of the city of Brookly n amounting to 5,000,000.. Mrs. J. G.Harmison, of Anderson, S C . suic ided there Sunday by shooting herself in the head. A great labor strike is on in London, England, and it is said that 400,000 laborers have quit work. Yellow fever has broken out in Galveston, Texas. There were eight well defined cases there Satur day. Hon Y. T Tiwan made the first . -hlehed 'if j 0f hi.s. series of Kentucky speeches n raKing at q lasgow Saturday. Mrs. Bryan ' I is with him. ro. attempt-1 The finance committee of the Ar wman atmmt:n. i.i,nmhpv of dermties has approved a bill imposing a retalia tory tariff on American products. A large part of the business por tion of ' Henne.tt.sville. S. C, was burned Saturday night. Loss, $15, 000; insurance, $2,800. A neirro employe of W. R. Pruitt, a prosperous farmer of Anderson cnuntv. S. C.i assaulted Pruitt in his own lot with rocks Monday Pruitt shot and killed the negro. A Paris youn; woman was licked on the face by a bull terrier pup two months ayo. Last week she took hydrophobia and died in convulsions, though the dog had never bitten her, Dr. J. T. Monroe, of Union, S. C., commit ted suicide in the Hotel Alvin, Atlanta, Ga., Sunday night by cut- i i a v;. Dr. E. W Moo. Monday. Dr. White, of here last week. Mrs W. B. ' Statesville last week. Capt. J. P. Millnei- ivlnii.t South Carolina last wee!-. There will be a pu '.!:; the College to-innn-u v i i'.i. The new livery si a '!' :iu. traders have tlee i;-.- i.. ,. t. yet. Mr. Thos. A. liiui.-.it . ;; V TA Til oi ueeas, nas in-en aip. i.i. i tax collector. at Ij m w a at- ' n-J. i t isy7. MIMUV I A mnnB-rin. -tt ,, I . I fl 1 I I If, ,! VU.l UJLJ11JL1 L :)- e i ei n Pastor Brower. of church, has been eon ing nere me past the '1 ilO :i l:t. vee :t!ie:-- al- -soeiat ion. Tuesday Rev. Prof. White at tended Brier Creek Wilkes count v, last weeV. Mrs. Dr. Stevenson au.l ii-- . -e Sharpe visited relatives an 1 ; s uls at Iredell Station last week. air. jno. blowers, ot Durham, .-i n of Col. Flowers, returned here last week to'assist in the stove Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moore, of Moore's Cotton Mill near town. were at Statesville last week-. IT.. Tl TT li t mr. is. v . uorreu movoa irora TT ! -1 T Tl. t . i . i tainiana last week to lus inotiier s dwelling, vacated by Fireman c- Lam. ' . Postmaster Matheson has appoint ed Miss .Mamie Moose, daughter of Mr. C. M. Moose, assistant post master. Mr. J L. Ramsey, of the Progres sive Farmer, and Secretary of the Agricultural Deoartment, was here Tuesday. Mrs. W. M. Morrison has moved tier store and household goous to Scotts. iredell county, where she will continue the store with her brother, ...r. Moose. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE the WorJd. or 14 years mis sr, iy alone, has distanced all competitors, w r. r.iirina ami KSo.ww hnfa ar the uroihii-li.ll of skilled wciiim-u. ! fnm the host material possible at these jTice. Also ga.5 and s snoes ior men. ga.OO au.l for boys and youths. W . L. loul.Ld sooes are iuu"Kn. by over 1,0 0,HO wearers as t be l.est In style, (it and durability of any shoe ever offered at ;i.e prices. Thev are made In all the latest shapes and styles, and of every vari ety of leather. If dealer cannot sunidy you, write for cata logue to W. L. Douglas, Droekton, Mass. Sold by P A- SHERILL & CO Seed For 'Fail' Sowing. We Have A good stock of Turnip Seed, Crimson Clover, Red Cl v ver, Lucerne or A 1 al ia, Orchard Grass, Red Top or Herds Grass, Tall Meadow Oat Grass, Extra clean Ken tucky Blue Grass, Timothy, &c, &c. We would Urge our Farmers to sow more clover and Grass Seed and the Fall Sowing always insures the best stand and most satisfact ory results. Sow Alfalfa. !tattvill esVilic. N. C St U'i G-.od M idd-inir li-xl :i('Hin in-' nut! iaiii. Alai kt" w ak. - a i i-vii.L,fc; nioiiiii i; vu. ConiltCTrD bEHLV ISY MOORE AND MILLER. I'utt. r. :-.nd egK ' inmt. Chick i t; 11 ; v.GK. ift lt. - i-, i. A F 1 1 1 i - ;u:k. ,j tM lt.dU !;'S P l.OSll. ! Ui'ix'l.fd, 4X iiis " new A S 32 tSs. . r. . t v . r:,xeit. : -1 A TOES - li i!i 1 1 n 1 N -. s 1. c. i" r iiti-ii-1 AI,0V. r,.-Ks..X. ii i". I 1 . )' S i I5R, per ib: KEXS -.piiuti sma 1 per P TI'fiK KV-v- per Ib. DU'Ks. GLT1NKAS. lit; 1 I EU ! i : ello v Fair. HONEY st - tind, per lb. ' comb, per lb. E-US i en. " cuinea UUEai. 1CVE. r EA I HEKS nw. HIDES dry, t er lb. green " WOOL-washed. I'PEE -drii d-'quarters. briglit. - bri e h, sliced, ' ' fancy bright sliced .' eXtra . green per bushel. l'KACH t peeled, bright. . ' ' fancy. ' " extra liACON Hog; mt 1 Hani. " Sides. ' Shoulders. y v m TRY HeDO H3 Greeix Front Store, i 00 . . ' '- 1 More Yea Buy or M ki&. sr. to 4"i W W 11' :0 . : W Orders taken seed wheat. for Woods HnptUl Mews. For the Mascot . . Farmer,& have finished curing fro bacQO.arnd are now sowing -cAeftt. ir. N. R. Holciombe and n irifa, of Missouri, are visiting in old Yadkin. Mr. C. M. .Hooper, t,Ve popular salesman for the Odei Hardware Co., of Greensboro, w in town a Jew days ago talking bardware to our merchants. Hamptonville. vicinity needs, a good physician., A good, opening for the righjj 5aans Mr. Fv. rj, Jenkins, of Lynchlyteg,', ga,v Qir merchants a call FrsJay. M'sss tAura Huff closed her school Wre Friday and has returned to,her home in East Bend. Mr. J. B. Groen and -wife, of Statesville, came up s$ttP visited friends in this place Sssfcurday. Mr. David F. Gougkbas returned from the Southern Business College. Ilk. mi-s. E. P. Huntman was killed by a bolt, of lightning while! ahght iug from a wagon at Union Ridge church, two miles from Winston. Sunday night about " o'clock. :uany others were injured. Sol Robertson, colored, who lives at Sugar Springs. Rowan county, shot at his wite Sunaay morning and indicted a flesh wound on his wil'e'h brother. Joe Miller. The wound is not dangerous. The Cherry ville Dispatch says that P. R. Flam, has discovered coal in Gaston county on Crowder's creek, about IS miles from Cherry ville. Mr. Flam has had a piece of it anal yzed, and itf proves to be all right. Warren Chambers, a well-known negro of Charlotte, was found lying ! by the railroad track near Harris burg, Cabari ah county, Sunday with a ball in -..he side of his bead and paralyzed. He has since cJied. It is not known how he was hurt. Charles Miller, of Salisbury, was shot at near Sugar Springs. Rowan county, Saturday by the owner of a dog which he had rocked. Several shot went through his hat and qne struck him on the finger, causin.g a slight wound. MlHer does not know his assailant. 'Albert Watson, a discharged rail road employe of Raleigh, while cra zy drunk, Monday morning shot- liLs wife, whom he had married on July 18th last, and then sent "a ball into his own brain. He died instaiatly. His wife is daugerously hurt but may recover. Charlotte News: Probably the oldest set of harness still in use is owned by Mike. Rjssell, of Union county. The harness is in use to day the News is informed; it was made 43 years afro by S. ' m. Howell in this city and was bought by Mr Russell's tather. ' The Camnoiik coal mining proper ty was. sold ou Friday under an or der of court, .for $40,000, the bid,der being Geo. Pendleton, of Baltimore, the bici being made by C. F. Pen- die toa. .mv, Pendleton, the purch aser. 5y. is understood, represents thtitir.it mortgage bondnolders. Inc. Blade n county, A. J. Perry Thr.il. G. "Perrv were out ou trial sfiai- mnvoVrrinir a ferrvman. Solicit or SeaweJd introduced affidavits that the jury box had been tampered with by -putting the names of per sons intoit ot her man t..iose re corded. The State moves vhe trial to- Sampson county. Tom Peters, colored, exhibited his hand with a bullet in it in Salis bury Eiunday night and claimed that he was held up in the suburbs ana shot. Br. -Whitehead dressed the wound. Many people do not believe his story and think that he received his wound while attemminsr some crime. 7 Onf Hoor Snntli of l?nnU Mrs. Alice Mcintosh, mother of Mail Agent Jas. S. Mcintosh, went ting his jugular vein with a pocket to Davidson College last week to Alllic. 1 I r vv tx.-i ia linyi miiiiv uiii " -. ' I - - v..v.. I . J key habitue. vi,. n A T.;ti,,i,oc.Unn ,i;:KyOOPJljR rv. LtHjJL- The u'jeeiv reirent of Spain has nated by the Collector to act as ordered that assistance be given to storekeeper and ganger and assign the families of the anarchists exe- ed to a distillery in Iredell count v. cuieu at-iiarceioiia some time uM at,. t P. l)nnli.,,l uhnuH tvnH tlvit thoir chihlrpn h fH llf.il ted -i-m n , ' iMKi-m. l v. v I ,i r H. A)U n 11 tAU'llL-Ill Uf h uronn at ncr expense. rocked bv a crowd of ne-roes at Uob Carter, a negro, Kiiieu james onariotre, passeu neve Tuesday re- Burch in a saloon at Brenham, Tex., turning home. i Messrs. Jno. M. Watts, of Ellen 1.. 1 ,1 T T TT e jl ' uaie, auu jno. u. rierman, oi inis place, have been designated bv Col lector Harkins to act as storekeep ers and gaugers. Fresh Saturday night and then went to jail and surrendered, bunday his body was found riddled with bullets, ly ing about 100 yards back of the jail. A mob had killed him. r v r -y (r -j,r -f "V; "-r jc --r r Wilkesboro has organized and in- A ear on the electric road between euar runs tiuu naienuu Juu,u L,..ot,i n Tlanl,n .. l ctr. the track on a bridge near Waterloo T.1, l , Sunday and rolled down an embank ment. The 14 passengers were more or less injured, one of them fatally. Detective William Pinkerton, chief of the famous Pinkerton de- ective airencv of Chicasro, had his pocket picked of 250 while attend ug the Rocky Mountain Carnival, at Denver, Colo , Saturday. He went to Denver to advise the police of the presence of several notorious pick-1 pockets there, and got his own picked. Chatham Citizen: W. F. Wynne tells a good; story which was jpven turi by a doctor at Apex. The doc tor called on a sick man and left t plaster with instructions to his wife to put it on his chest at a cer tain hour. When he returned he asked how the plaster worked. She replied, "Very well, I think. We did not have a chest here, but I put It on the trunk. asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In Size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man 1 LnJ Said : You never know you have taken a plU till it is all tftrer." 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., rroprletors, Lowell, Mass Pills Mrs. .ary Wortham Thomas, mother-in-law of Congressman Kich otuI learson. fed down a stair- wav at the residence of her son in law. J. K. Connally, in Asheville, last Th.ursdav. fractured her skui and arm and'died the same after- ternocii. She lived in Richmond Va. - iOTTON 1 AT11S(t ) A C ATE.V 3 M I LPS T Ot Statesville on the 'J aylorsvi.le road. am exdv with a l ew outfit, m tun jour cotton, "i miarajitee - eoo I auip;e. jeedjand a nicwhaie with lh ! ""; hiig- gina;. 1 luy cotton ni ihe eell auu ia highest cash prices lor same. 1 will gm cottuit umnediately fo those w ho wiu ttivk their rotto'i to inaruet uie fiiuie day. I wilv li respoiisilt for cotton till it lsgitonea ii a. jiuk; inu:. Spt. no, :&-7. Ml III I HW Willi II I ill I J i tT?A - T7-Tfc I" TVT',' A GOOD rVJti, rLFN Ir.sidt.nce in Stat vulrf. Couvwnient; e.asv terms Ani.lv to MAm;0'J' OFFK. rJ Sept. asth. 1897. DR. P. F. LAIJGKNOUII, Dentist, CAKES. nThev pay the highest prices for your produce' and Sell all you want at the Lowest Possible Price. 3 20 ;? 1 2 5 5 4 10 2o 10 X 8 8 10 9 85 50 H 7 5 2.1 i 2 , 2 1-2 i 1-2 40 6 4 2 8 7 A Nice new stock of Dry Goods, Shoesl&c. Just received. ! l ATliVir-LE iOBACcO MAHKET. CORRECTED BT COLVEK l1 & UOLVERT. Traill. I 100 Lug-, common, $ 2 00 to 3 5o LuiiS, good, 3 80 to 00 iMuokeis, coinniou, t 00 to 8 00 Suiok. rs, go d, 8 00 to 12 00 Cutters, 12 00 to 16 00 Cutters, good 17 0 to 20 00 Cutters, flue, 25 00 to 30 00 Leaf, common 5 00 to 7 00 .eaf, good, 7 00 to U- 00 i appi rs, common, 12 50 to 16 00 Wrappers, good, lCOO'o 25 00 VViai.pers.fine, 26 0oto 0 00 Wiapp. rs, extra, 45 00 to 60 00 Some Beautiful Goods JUST STEP IN AND TAKE A LOOK At the new things lam getting in. A part of lnvClihm and imported Glass Ware is just in. I would he ir;u to have the ladies, especially, to come in and s.v i se iroids. IF YOU ARE IN . j Need of Specks, T CAN FIT YOU CORRECTLY, With best quality of glasses. R H. Rickert, THE JEWELER AND OPTICIk Clothing. Hats. Shoes. ;o io io i : io ;o ;o DO YOU WANT A NICE SCIT OF CLOTHES Til A f WILL FIT WEAR WELL AND A T THE IMA EST PRICE YOl' EVER SAVi Insure YOUR PROPERTY o J5c p o a o o o o c o o 1 mm Keep Up Your Scott's Emulsion in Summer-time j What arc your resources for the sumntar ? Have you an abundance of health stowed jail in default of iiond. ii away for the long, hot, deplet ing days, at does summer find you low in vitality, run down. losing flesh, and weak? Scott's Emulsion oi Cod-liver Oil will - . 4 give you the proper reserve force, because it bu&ds up the system on a solid foundation, A tonic may stimulate; Scott's Emulsion1 not only "boosts,' It sustains. nauway company. iow let some action be taken to build and connect vvilkesboro and Tavlorsville with both a telephone and electric car line. lien. Jere rmith returned last Saturday tvom his western trip to Missouri, Kansas and Territory of Oklahoma. He met man void friends and former citizens of this sect ion. He spent a day or two with Mr. Lee Herman, son of .Mr. L Herman, of this place. The Raleigh News and Observer has the following to say of our Con gressman: The Bull of the Brush- ies cviuenuy ininKs mat u lie can gore to death the civil service laws. that he can bellow himself back to Conressr" ihe Western Carolina- uank. at Asheville, has closed its doors. The break seems complete. Dr. C. E. Insher lost all he had in the bank and threatened io shoot President iwauuex on si";ni. i warrant was issued anil ihe doctor committed to e is a con firmed invalid. -W-J-. Jfc-- 4-Ji. jt- J- J Such as Lady Fingers, Graham Wafers, Hone3' Jumbles &c, Ouly "l i Througu 'I he Insurance Agency ot" Brown & Guy, STATESVILLE, N. C. AT, Tb fvr lf ll.-iUmiy nn l ourorii T 'l. , ' Kor the Miisr.it ilr. Charles Privett's horses be came frightened at some dogs chas ing a colt near r Hiram Hartness' last Sunday morning, and started to run. Thev were reined into ome bushes to check their speed. One of them came in contact with a thorn bush, which caused it to begin to kick furiously. Mrs. Privet t' was sitting near the front pan of the wagon and she was struck a glancing blow in the breast which caused a painful bruise. She was seriously hurt, but not dangerously. Aliss Maggie Howard's school at Trinity has suspended for a time. It is understood that she will teach the public school there this winter. The Concord township school committee has made several changes in the location of schools. The Bethany commit lee found it negro has been making myster- Th n,.f.,i onkni k,.., .... ious attacks upon white women in k , , will be taught at the old school houses. The committee' has em ployed the following teachers: Miss Mary Lizzie Hall, at Bethany, No 1; W C. Wooten. at 'the Moore school house, No, 2; J. C. Keever. at the Duffy school house. No. 4 No teacher has been employed in No. H. The rew school law is not meeting with the approval or Dis people generally. Wheat sowing began la ;t, i.k A large crop will be sown. Cct.Mi is nearly allojien aud the bulk : the crop picked.. It .is ubo.jj one "o u ih short of what was expi-ted ou .ier in the season. Tobai-co -n.s ail u-en housed. C. Armtieid,-N. C O.-.i. i.; k b trie oraoftuOoa ftlvavi to toy at lout a amal Dottk ot Scotf Emulsion ia tha fcouttu I kiopcncd, it trill kcp indaiib ttcty Tigt .y corked, after using, kept ia a cool place, U -will femaia swet ior wekx. Ear aalft by all drugs8" rr ' OU Ceota and SU0 Athens, Ga. , for some weeks. Sun- day night AJrs. Hatie Thomas was leaving cliurch, when she was at tacked. Sne succeeded in warding off his blows with her umbrella. Will Colelnan, a negro 18 years old, was arrestee, Ktentmea ana is in great danger of being lynched. THE WONDKRs OF SCIENCE Lung 1 roubii-s aud IohmiIiijkiou i an be tu.td An I'.mineii: ew York Chemist Scientist Makes Free Oiler to Our Headers. and Just Received MOORE & MILLERS. A FULL LINE OF Graded Public School Books aud School supplies of all kinds. Respectfully, Moore & Miller, East Broad St., STATFSVII X.V.. N, C ' '-II " M .- 9IOKTG4GK SAI.K By aut'uKity centainerf ii nnllsit, !-! exeeutt d by Alfred Grnbam uid wife Beb cc-i , o 1.. Ilariill, trutf' on Hie 14 h lay f May, 1894, and record' d In b-ok 14, pae 15 di lault liavi: g ben miide in t:.e !ay ::.tnt therein (-tipuiated, I will expow to publitr !-ale to th lushest bidd-i lor cash ntili--' iurt IIouseri'r in statesville N. C -T Monday, , NOVKMBER 81 Ii 18jf, th foliowii.g described real estate: Me ginnini! at -. take on the !S utb hide of Monnie str. et George Kilpntrifk's t-orner, rum iiiu Mfiilliwitb Mou n .e stn et 87 east HO fut-i t a slake, thence Miuth 3 west 140 feel to a sUke, thei.ee north 7 west 60 fe. t to a stake, '-eone Kilpatrick's ci m r, i lieijce wii li his line north a east 140 feet to the bevinning, containing one third of an acre more or less. I,. IIAHRl! L . tat. t-v.lle N.C., Oct, 5 '97. Tiustee. L. ( !. ('aluwkl.Ii, Att'y, r-arn fcMaaHWMwao Bawaaa ' iEtna Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn. ; Home lnsuiauce Co of New York City. i Phoenix Insurauce Co. of Hartford, onn.; tjt. Faiil f ire & Marine Insurance Co. or bt. Paul, Minn.; Phoenix Assurance Co. of Loudon. Ene.: Palatine Insurance Co. of Manchester, Eng ; American Kire ln suiauce Co. Oi Philadelphia., Virginia State Insurance Co. of Kichniond, Va Northern Assurance Co. ot London, Eng.-; Phenix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn, N, Y.: Morth British & Mercantile; Ins. Co. of L)ndon, Eng. ; Norwich Unio . Fire In surance Society of Norwick, Eng ; Man chester Fire Insurance Co. of Manchester, Eu.; Fireman's Fund Insurance Co, of rtan r raucisco, l al. ; LiTerpool & Indon & Globe Insuiance Co. THEN YOU WANT TO SEK .MY EKE ! f? H sf .loir n.t.. 4 .1 . ..1. . 5 simeres, etc., for men, boys and - cliil,! All new styles and at prices to please the closest buyer. I have a lara .. ..,, 1 . nn ct e l 4 1 . n i oiamjb anu nun ui. any one irom a uuy, years oiu, up to a man s jNo. 4! ' 1 rrti.iti w-r 1 , II . . ,i I I J I A 1 I . a x puaiuvcijf win unuerjseit city inerciiants as l nave no town taxes orrcnti io pay. my XjUNUi Ur Shoes and Hats IS COMPLETE and my prices are right. Ikeep the largest line of home made and Northern shoes of any general merchant in the county. A nice line of cashmeres, outings, print s, pant cloths, domestics, waterproof, etc. Also a line of guns, cutlorv. saddles! pridies; also jewelry, watches, etc. ; and. m fact, most things kept in a nrst-class, up-to-date store. I buy all kinds of farm product and pay cash for cotton in seed or bale I have the biggest stock in the county, outside of Statesville, and will save vou money i! you will give me an opportunity. Yours to please. Wanted. New Stirling, Sept. 14-97. H. A. YOUNT. WE ARE BETTER PRE PARED THAN EVER BE FORE TO.... Test Iiiii ft Moore & Mclain OPPOSITE WALLACE BROS. CO. We carry a full line of Fresh. :-: Groceries which are selling at Rock Bottom Prices. Scientifically Fit Them.AVi;Tffl We have two Graduate Opticians and two of the latest ami most complete testing outfits with which we caii accurately test your eyes free and fit them with glasses for an v optical defect. We have a large assortment of all kinds of Specta cles and eye glasses at prices that will save vou monev and WHAT'SIS , ;n o Tr...n. MORE IMPORTANT. Will Oct VC I OUI IjjvS Don:t fail to call and see us for anything in spectacles:. AVatcb es, clocks, jewelry, silverware, opal ware, etc. Also any kind of watch, clock, and jewelry repairing. Only first class work done which is guaranteed one year. Your friends. HOBT. L. MOORE & CO. W ATCH HI AKFR! 1 oPTItlAJS. We call special attention to our full line of the best Flour - and - Feed, another carload of nhpmr,inn nna xuMrutiuu UlOiJiU ASi. XXL J W8 COWN Ai THE try Mills KAY MEK. lulIil.KK . Ml, Anil lKfn, 13T. We also pay the highest prices for country pro duce. Respectfully, Moore & McXiain. Just arrived. world- New Goods. Our FALL, and WINTSR STOCK is now open AND READY FOR INSPECTION. for Dress Goods and Wraps, . Don't fail to see oar line. We will save you money. yre,ARE SOLE AGENTS tooths Oliver Chilled Plows, are the best in the Anchor and Babcock Buggies, "None Better. " One and two Horse wagons of various Brands. We have a very handsome line of Coal Grates, ook Stoves and Heaters. This is a good time to repaint your house. We offer the best material. Sewing machi Complete Stock of General Hardware. W,A.TSOMASAO0. otatesvtlle, N. C. a V. I r The only pills to take with Hood's SarsapariUa. , I M"rT wunU. " r. P. F. I,RUgenour will try mighty hail t please h11 who patronize h'm. Mnd knewinsi that most people plce. their pat rnai?e where 't. i- tor their ler-t inten jt he will do his verj b.tti make it to the inteieM-f wi-rytxxlv who neeils the serv ices of a dentint l alf on birn (id work, tw-st iifHtenalf;, low prices ami lion est treatment. Mav lv found in hi rfne the week l ginning ith fir -t Monday in Th' d tn KUiMred New Yoik che.i.ist T. A Sioeum iieiii..i strating Ins dis'overy ofarehalil- mn aiolu-e cnr ior Cou- Piimpt on ( lu nniry Tulrouli Ls) ami all -. nchai.. i- real .nun and ciier. d t-aM-. -ht'-ntM-ii i- ugn-, cuiniiai H'C- t'lOllS. Ufll iai M .-lllieHlld .i. hklieSM. loaa t f fltab. aud ad conuitions of wastine awa , will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all differ, ut) of his New Discover ies to any afflicted reader of The Mascot writing or them. His New Scientific Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its time ly use, and he considers it a simple pro fessional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his inf ali ble care. Science daily develops new wonders, ani this great chemist, patiently experi menting tor years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and consumption are curable in any climate is proven by '"heartfelt let ters of gratitude," filed in his .American and European laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts or the world. Medical experts concede that bronchial, chest and lung troubles lead to Consump tion, which, uni-.turrupted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum M . C. , 98 Pine street, New York, giving pustoffice and express address, and the free u edicine will be promptly sent. Sufferer should take instant advantage of his generous, proposition. Please tell the Doctor that you saw his offer in the Mascot A COM ()V F.X PKl'IF vi -p;. S'.ix- I. Mr .vhii on w ul.'i ,-,1 tn iri' lir ttiiik. r-'ii::t:ll !! ! h . - mii 1 lilk Catp Ol ll Ilis- if mi a -coui.t : :i t'leaii ful SCl' fllia -oreini up. .tT 'hub.'. Scei.e II. --Mi .Miumoii r-d- te.stiiiuHi:ii wliioh teils of x-iiiiufoiis tiuiiblesciir-ri by Ilooii's S.ti np n il.ii. He h.h-lvt-. t lrj it, ends 'or a K.ttle a- d t-egii taking it Sc. ne IH.--Mr. Johnson has taken six Iwittles of I1''IV .arsHpsii! h His scroful sore is ruri i Hi i- fn-linu stronger. bs a j.ocd app-tie hih! Ms able to alien I io his wnrb. He writ-s ji testimonial telling of hit cx, Mcc wilh Hood's S;irpariila, and recem-ro- nd-. u to ottiers FALL OFEIII. OUR FALL STOCK OF Furniture S NOW C')MeLETEl FfJilNITURE WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. " ora nasi sTYUsn-LowEsrRRias-Blgm Walton & Gage. DR. W. H wakekIELI), of Char lotte, N . C , will In S-atevilie, at the Cooper Unti l, on V idnesd , November 3rd, this on day onlv. His practice is limited to Hie Eje, Er. Nie, and Throat. The doctor will t viit t is town again until th- su mer of IK98 FOR SALE-h n kx- A.'-ii for any kind i M rf ii'iiuir LiVf -iw i Veliie.li; i o TV. et 2' an I o h "..N-k 2! in Stl -v iilr Devt-'opni lit t. ad'ii ti'tn AOiir.-s j JwtiKi'H l"'WM.i, j Tioiit, N c. There Are Shows and Shows. showing continuously New fall goods AT ALLISON'S VARIETY STORE. Among the latest arrivals is a stylish liiie of Ladies Capes from a $5.00 one down to an insignificant figure. In Dry goods would call your attention to our line oi Outings and Fancy wool Flan . nels 5c. yd. to 40c. Before buying anywhere you should see what we are offering in Men's, Children's and Ladies Shoes All grades Men's, Childrens and Ladies Underwear. Cheapest to the best in Men's and Childrens Hats and Caps 19c. up. Men's Boys and Children's Suits 65c. up. Just opened up 250 pairs Men's and Children's odd pants, extra values, from 20c. perpr. up 300 Vols. Cloth bound, 12 mo. Books in History, Fiction, Poetry and other Subjects 10c. vol., and up. See us for anything in school books or stationery at lowest prices. Respt. A nd v.-e are placing fine bi:t the whole vpar arnnnrl W.i moL- ..ni.nawl f before in the history of furniture. The reliability of our-goinls. udd ed lo our methods of business, gives us a eontinuallv im reus ing business. J Poplar Bedsteads r.r.- -nt 1: hioh burhl panels in head and ' fo.t is sold eier.v- . hen-f -., $2.. ",0 our price $1.90. Oak beds well finish.'.!. f,-,,,n ;)-' s double -urt. chairs 3 slvt i-V; ,.5.t' wt "i mi :i . Tl;i- :k 1 he I .s1 il.j.ii for thei. OI evev.'rliro :vM lo .S! ;i -.-. i J . L. Schiller, 4 . HEADQUARTERS FOR r:JNjTURE" N. !. Cull and examine our great Sanitary Mattress, made uf-Soutb W. H. ALLISON. XTowTo'rls B.ao3ot O.otlilng Sous. Corsek op Cooper House, next to St. Charles Hotki- To bo Given away. on the 31st. day of Der. 1897, ' A Fine Suit! of Clothe, To the nerson guessing nearest the number of chiii'iuepins i" a half gallon jar. No joke, no humbug. Come and see for your self. : Res. SMOLINSKY & ADELSON Statesville, N. C.

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