Pit WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OP ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED i VI. STATESY1LLE, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 29, 1898. no; 5. r..; , A y$yk CANDY $ cathartic d " tliis our lieiids will find us in our new quarters. and see -v ,---' . t 3 Wlllielm -A.T The Big VL'VW S 3 rt- J "I'-. K 1 11! 6 M .i m ! Gr T.iic aud Material, First - me C-EWEBS. v c. Set '";!;. 1iir till Ul blObAlIlg. Largest and Best Selected Stock ing ior ark ot i .Men Youths, Rows -1 now in my -tore. ATEST STYLES ana it Hats and Gents" lese fall goods have 1 will sell them at 'The stock is entirely up to date, and will go at prices 1 lie times. .Customers will sta.)d in their own light if ;:rci;r.se their fall clothing. Tiats or iurnishing goods bet-it -g mine. No trouble to show goods. Very Res. First & "-J fr it I F STATE-S VI id'ar B.tnkin- Business. Deposits received subject to 'heck on si"sh 1 -.K.a tb'po-itx Money i'wuied on good collateral and personal security i vil to co.lectioD-ou ail peints,an1 credited or remitted at lowest rates. " ra!JoiiS , Merchants, 2-Iannlactnrers and individual solie'ted and ffrni!? OFFIG , Fiesident, ilo. il Ti States 1 rABIER'8 WAREHOUSE and ready Tor business. Good accommodations - '.-r.-mpt ut tent ion assured, and ABLLM G. MATLOCK, of In Tort & Golvert, Proprietors, Fright Christmas. ' . vi. I ! .V'i J;' rv. M BIOKERT,'. TTl E J FAVELER AN I J O PTJCTAN Look After the Home. "iikf it a point to treat yourself at Christmas. One of i ' most sensible customswe know of is that of a wife and i-buud instead of making individual gifts, putting the two neys together and buying something for the home. something both can enjoy, and the home looks the better it. For Just such People c have a fine Jine of ex-tension tables, well made and po ued prices from fc rf tr S , Dining' Room Chairs l-Voin si,oo to $13.-00 a set as handsomer a line'as ever was 7, !v UK)Qy- it-huodred and one other appropriate presents to beautify the home. L, Schiller, us. & Mills store. Mnrldc fen own to thr tree Class work and Lowest Prices and Children ever brought All the. . furnishing goods are com plet been bought at rock bottom the lowest prices ever offer- N. HARRISON. National Bank LLE, M. C. i 111 ITS. "Vice Pre siden B?8U IV. Caliier the highest prices obtained Alexander Co. Auctioneer. rpHE MAIN' OBJECT AND DESIRE of at J- yule-lide giving is to convey KEAI, 1'UEASURE. To this cud we should select with an object to every day usefulness. The costliest prceuts often afford the least plea- sure because not wisely chosen. There are handreds of Sisters, Brothers, Father?, Mothers and Grandparents with dimmed and htrai;eir vision, whose sight could al most instantly be restored to normal con ditions by the application of proper glasses. .WHY NOT GIVE YOURS NEW EYES FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT? Could you give them more pleasnre or hap piness? Ko wiser course could be pursued unless it be the course that leads to us for l';e sjl.isses. All kinds, all prices. An ac curate 111 guarautged. ENGINES, THIU'SilERS and COTTON GINS, 1 am agent for the Frick, Traction and ""arm Engines and Saw Mills, Landis' I 75clips Th-eiher and Wind Stackers of Taynesrxro, Pa., also for the KE1ST )E THHESiiEIl. Vor all small crops it is the best suit d for his section. For large crops and fast also agent for cotton gins, passes rnd ! COTTON ELEVATING MACHINERY for lifting cotton from wacon to pin. liepairs for tbe Winsliip a'id Vim Winkle as well as otht-r gins, Estimates niad'i on large 6teani plants. A SAW MILL TO CUT 5,000 FEET OF LUMBER PER DAY FOR $160. . From 25 to 50 per cent, saved by placing your oiders with me Write or see uie at my ofticrf near tbe depot in the Van Pelt brick bubdins. VV. E. TURNER. Mortgage Sale of Real Estate BY" -VIRTUE OV THE POWERS CON t.inei3 in a mortgage deed xcuted by n Stewart and wife. E. L. Stewart, to Ramsey tVc Maxwell, and by them assign d to me for value, I will sell at public luctlon to the highest bidder lor cash, at the court house door in Statesville, N. C, on AT I'RDAY,. DECEMBER 3 'ST, 1898, it 12 o'cl M k. mM the following lands, sit tate in Sh loh township, Iredell c unty, nd described and defiued as follows, to it: Adjoining , ih- lands of William tioseman, Hamilton Byers, and others, be diming iii the north line at a small pine hence Nortli 69 East 104 poles to a whit jak, corner of the church land, thence ?outh 16 poles to a Spanish oak. thence Ea&t lti iules to a red oak thence South ,0 West 9t poles to a stake, thence Wortn 5 West y- p, 1 s to a stake, side of the ue wts Ferry 1 oad, thence North 23 West ,0 the beginning, containing 5 acres more jr less. T is December 1st, 1898. MRS M.L. RAMSEY, Assignee. i:amsey& Maxwell, Mortgagees. RB. Mclaughlin, Atfy. Sale of Land in and Near Sta'tesfille. BY VIRTUE OE A TOWER OF SALE COX '.ained in a mortgage deed executed by j. T. Webb and wife, t.mily Webb, to Annie A. Tur ner, and registered in the ofliee of the Register of Deeds Ot Iredell county, book 15 page 25, the andersigned mortgagees and assjarnee will sell st the Court House door in Statesville 011 MONDAY, JANUARY THE 9TH, 1899, it public auction to the highest bidder for cash, he following real estate, to-wit; Beginning at i stake, Y. D. Turner's corner, thence Nortli ,2 East 31 poles to a stake, thence North 360 Vest9i2 poles to a stake in Turner's line, whence North 4.2 East 27 poles to a stake, Tur ner's corner on the public road, thence North ;8 West 41 i poles with the road to a stake, hence South 490 Wgst 17 poles to a stake, hence South 360 East 3 poles to a stake, thence kuth 550 West9j poles to a stake, thence South t West .70 poles with the road to a stake, thence south 40 East 15 poles to a stake, thence East 12 xles to a stake, thence South 40 East 2! poles o atake, thence South S70 East 2& poles to a itake, thence to the beginning, containing 36 acres. 2. Also one vacant lot on Kelly street in the City of Statesville fronting 90 feet on said street .ind running back 200 feet, adjoining New street n the South and J. T. Webb lot on the North, containing y3 acre more or less. 3. Also one other lot adjoiniug the last above nention6d lot fronting 55 feet on said New : treet and running back 190 feet to Mrs. Mac CaUs line, 011 this lot is a new live room dwell ing. The tract of land aforesaid will be sold in separate lots ar.d then as a whole. A plot of same will be exhibited on dav of sale. Jcc. 6th ANNIE A. OWEN (nee Turner), OWEN, Mortgagees. . C. S. HOLLAND, Assignee. Arm field it Turner. Attorliev. "Worth of Goods goin at and below cost, at D- Levy's, Proprietor of Cheap :-: John's Store and New York Bar gain House. We mean strict ly business. Ko bluff. We can show you better than we can tell you. Down with high Prices! len's line, hard-finish Suits, $1.48 md up. Aden's black Cork Screw Suits, $2. HO and up. Yout us hne, .ill wool Suits- $1.40 and up. Child ren's all wool Suits, 50c. and up. vJackinto.shes. $1.00. Ladies' Fur Japes, 50c. and up. 3,500 pair )ants, going at 20c. and up 3,000 pair Shoes at "smiling" prices. It will ,make 3 0U think we stole them f 10 cts. per pair and up. Bn't miss this chance at these slaughtering prices as long as the armers have to sell their produce o cheap. Yours to please, I. LEVY, Note the location; Next door to the Marble Hall Saloon. P. S. Don't pay any attention to '"Fakirs" and "Bluffers," in trying to imitate us at selling at cost. They mean what it costs You: not what it costs them. Come to see the "Old Reliable"" he is vour friend! D, LEVY, Ihe poor man's friend BUCIiLEVS AKMCA SALVE, The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruges, Sores, Salt Rheum, Fever sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and allSki'n Erup, tious, and positively cures Piles ornopay required. It is guaran, teed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. F. Hall, Ja. Three Ileuses and Land Near Town For Sale. I OFFER FOR SALE h AURES OF land lying on the W. N. !. Railroad near the Statesville fotton Mill. 'Jbere are three dwelling houses a six-room, three-room and two-room on the lar d, also an acre of orchard now just beginning to bear fruit. All well fenced. I will sell for cash or prt cash and balance on time. Apply to THE MASCOT or to.the undersigned for further information. Respectfully, JOHN U. FRY. O"too-r 20th. 1RS8. Doolie .N Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can alwajs b epended upon and is pleasant and afe to take Sold by Drusrgists. , Ifub't lo-acto Slt and Smoke four l.i!'e ATa. To quit tobacco easily aud forever. I an 4 netic. full of life. nerv. jud vigor, take No-To j H:c. the wnncler-worker, that rualses weak met strong. A ii druggists 50c or!. Cure guaran ! teed. Bocfclet and eamnte free. Address stCTiitra K3nmrj Ctrf Cimratfo or YoT B5000 THE MAS Miss Gertrude Phillips is. im proving. The cotton market has been closed this week, but business will be re- sumed Monday J"T George Long, son of Post mas was so sick lat week, is now much better. The Gitv Roller Mill shut down Sat urday night for Christmas and resumed business this morning. Mr. L. Pinkus and his' sou, Mr. Allie Pinkus, who have been sick for several months, do not improve much. Messrs Wilhelm & Mills will move their stock from their present stand to 1 heir new store building to-morrow and Saturday. The recept ICQ S. t Mrs. Helen T. Carlton's in honor of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Carlton last Thursday evening was largely attended. Messrs. Russell & Nicholson are building the depots on the Moores-ville-Mocksville Railroad, and active work is in progress. - The county commissioners will mt-et Monday. The jury for Feb vua'ry term , . of Iredell Superior Court will be drawn, then. A bracelet and a pair of gold rimmed spectacles have been " lost Suitable rewards ' will, be given on their delivery at this office, tee ads. Recently Mr. Sol L. Clarke, while preparing sealing wax for use, se verely burned his hand. He still wears it in a it. sling and cannot use There will be a reception at the Church this evening Presbyterian from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. All mem- be to rs of the congregation attend. are invited Mr. C. V. Renkel went to High Point Tuesday night, where he had an auction sale of stock yesterday. He returned last evening and reports a successful sale. Messrs. Smolinskv & Adeln sold out. the remainder of their stock of goods at auction at their store in the Hotel Iredell building Saturday.' The goods brought good prices. Mr. R. N. West, of Catawba, who has been the rectifier at Lowensteln & Go's, has given up his iob and rei urned home. Mr. A. E. Good man takes his place at Lowestein's. Mr. W. L. Ben field, of Fallstown township, showed us a leaf of sun cured tobacco which measured 38 inches, long and 20 inches wide. This strikes us as a big tobacco leaf. The count v has paid to Messrs. Ru-ell & ; Nicholson $100,313, the amount of their judgment against the county in the bridge suit The costs,, exclusive of attorneys' fees, amount to $139.18. Misses Fannie and Mary White and Messrs. Jno. P. Flunigan and J. U. Nesbit attended a Christmas dinner and party at Mr. T. C. Gray's in Be'hany township Monday. They report a pleasant time. Mondavi Mr. John Hatchett, of Belhany" township, and a negro, wh'i lived on Mr. W. W. Houpe's land, got into a difficulty in which Mr. Hatchett cut the negro on the face and neck rendering a severe wound. The negro will recover. Dr. J, R. McLelland, of Moores- ville, a member of the Democratic Stale Committee, attended the meet ing ' of the committee in Raleigh Tuesday night. 1 here was a lree discussion of political matters but no recommendations were made to the Legislature. Andy King, colored, handled 1.500 bhgs of fertilizer for M r. J. W. Heath; 1,000 bags for Messrs. J. Y. Perry '& Son.; 4.350 bags for Messrs. J. K. Morrison & Sons; 1.024 bar. for W. B. Gibson & Co.,. and 810 bags for H, L. Stevenson. This was wheat fertilizer. The Charlot'e News got out a special G4-page edition last Friday.. It contained a write-up ot 1 harlot te and surrounding, towns in western North c arolma and was the largest paper ever issued in the State. It was profusely illustrated and does Editor Dowd and his progressive papijr much credit. The Legislature meets r.ext Wed nesday, the 4th. Senator Butler and Representatives Holman and Williams will go down Monday eve ning or Tuesday morning. Capt. P. C. Carlton and M. W. White. Era., who are candidates for posi tions in the enate. will also go down. Master Joseph Young. Jr , son 01 ex-Coroner J. P. Young, desires'the am ointment as one of the pages oi t.hh State Senate, and he and his father will 00 down to Raleigh next week to see after it. We hooe he will get it. He is a bright by. and his father is one of the best Democratic workers in the county. The board of education meets Mon day. It is expected that Supervisor Butler will then resign. ve hear that Messrs. E, S. Millsaps, of Sharpesburg; A; D. Kestler and J. E. Watts, of Statesville, and proba bly others are candidates for the va cancy. The clerk of the Superior Court, the register of deeds and the board of education will elect. Mr. Lestef Summers Hurt. Tuesday about 1 o'clock Mr. Les ter Summers, son of W- H H. Sum mers, Esq., or Bethany township, was running a uuro 1 uai 'Squire R. A. Stone's in Concord township with a neighbor boy, when the mule which Mr. Summers was riding threw bim off. He was thrown violently against a tree, his head striking the tree Hb was rendered unconscious by the shock. Dr. T. E. Anderson, who attended bim, tells us that he was still un pnn.ifHis at 5 o'clock Tuesday af- ternoou, but that he does not'eon ,.. i . f..Al A 4-T.r. tsider h.is injuries fatal and that PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. S. L Parks spent Tuesday in Charlotte. Mr. Arthur from Catawba. Corpening is here Col. H7C. Cowles spent in Charlotte on business. Mondav Dr. J. R. McLelland, of Meores- ville, was here Monday. Mr. Isidore Stephany is visiting relatives in Baltimore. Mrs. R. L. Poston and little sou are visiting relatives in Charlotte. Misses Ella and Antionette Bur well spent the holidays in Ashe ville. Miss Gertrude ton, is visiting Davis, of Morgan Miss Katie Re-id Carlton. Dr. J. W. Faucett,of Asheville, is here on a visit to his mother, Mrs J. P. Burke. Mr. Laxton Crowson, of Char lotte, spent the holidays here with his people. Capt. J. B. Burwell spent Christ mas in. Charlotte with his brother, Judge A. Burwell. Mr. Charles Cutting, of Lexing ton, is here on a visit tohis brother, Mr. W. L. Cutting. Mr. Neil Garrison left last even ing for Huntsville, Ala., where he has secured a. position. Miss Gertrude Robbins will leave next Tuesday for New York to com plete a course in music. Miss Jessie Fowler is spending the holidays at the home of her par ents at South River, Rowan county. Mr. Charles Parker, of Marion, is here on- a visit to his mother, Mrs. Ellen Parker, of Statesville town -ship. I - - . t Mr. 'Hugh S. Patterson, of Green si boro, is here on a visit to his moth er. He is accompanied by two of his children. Mr. Wm. Leutz, of Hillsboro, Ills., is here on a visit to his father, J. C. Lentz, Esq., of Statesville township. Mr. m F. Nesbit and family of Coddle, Cabarrus county, are visit ing Mr. T. D. Miller and family. Misses Minnie and Virgie Gouger, who spent Christmas here with their mother, returned to Charlotte Tues day evening 1 Miss Katie Patterson, I of Trout mans, was here Tuesday, 'returning home from1 a visit to the Misses Knox at Cleveland. m Miss Celeste Anderson left Tues day for Decatur, Ills., to speud sev eral weeks with her cousin, Miss Jessie Montgomery. -. Messrs. D. H. and M. P. Ander son, of Charlotte, visited their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Anderson, this week. Mr. J. D. Troutman, of Colum bus. Ohio, is in Fallstown township visiting relatives.- He is a son . of the late J. Sidney Troutman. Miss Bert Eliason is home from IHlmington, where she is bend nurse in the city hospital. She will return to Wilmington next week, . Mr. S. B. Miller left Monday eve- t i i l ; ,1 nmg tor Mimter, conmium aim other South Carolina points to visit. relatives. He will return next week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sherrill and Mrs. Hosea Sherrill, ot Max, In diana, returned home l riday trom a visit to relatives in bluloii town ship. Mrs. N. L. Cathey, of Sheva, Mecklenburg county, who spent Christmas with her son, Mr. J. P. Cathev. returned home 1 uesday eve ning. Mrs. W. C. McAuley and chil dren, of Mecklenburg county, are visiting Mrs. McAuley s mother, Mrs. M. E. Watts, in bhuon town ship Messrs. R. C. Eliason, Henry Fowler, E. P. Carlton aud AlcKee Anderson, Statesville boys now living in Charlotte, came home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. J.'H. Gray and little son, or v asiiiiigton, u. ., am i itingMr. Gray's father and mother. Mr. aud Mrs. J . W . urav, at tne Hotel Iredell. Mr. and Mrs.'J. H. McLelland, of Newton, came down Saturday on n visit to Mr. McLelland's brother. Rev. "W. R McLelland, and returned home Tuesday. Mr. W. P. Sicelotf, of Gatesville, Texas, arrived here last Friday on his way to Oliu township to speud the holidays with his lather. J. Sicelotf, Esq. Mr. R. G. Green, Jr. of Rocky Mount, spent Von day night her.! with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. R G Greene, and went to Richmond. Ya., Tuesday morning. Mrs. C. P. Morrison and children and Miss Octavia Morrison returned here last Thursday from Okalona, Miss., where the' had been for sev eral weeks on a visit to relatives. Mr. J. L. Kimball, of Hillsboro, Ills., and Mrs. R. L. Snyder, of Knoxville, Tenn., are visiting their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs J C, Kimball, of Statesville town ship. Profs. Holland Thompson, ot Con cord, and Walter Thompson, of the Greensboro graded school, spent the holidays here with their father and mother. Prof, and Mrs. D. Matt Thompson. . Messrs. C. H. ( oodin, of Gates ville, Texas, and N. P. Stout, o TTotipv Grove. Texas, arrived here last Friday on their way to Sharpes burg township to spend the holiday season with their relatives. Messrs. James and John Mott, who have positions at the peniten tiary, Raleigh, came home to spend the holidays. Tbe latter has re- - fturned to RaleigTi, while the former . - .iTCin rtifiirn thf. last, of t.hi week or ' the first of next; Bride But Her. Did Not Get Saturday a Statesville man applied jicisici .ui uix'us lurner lor license lor the marriage of a ;'ves tern"' storekeeper aud gauger, who had been on duty in this county, and the daughter of a prominent citizen of north Iredell, saying that the expectant groom would be in town Sunday evening with the bride-to-be and that the marriage would take place then. 1 Register Turner was uot. satisfied 'about the age of the young lady and he requested theyoung man to whom he delivered the license not to" deliver it to the "western" man until the proper affidavits were made. We understand that the would-be Benedict went to the home of the young lady after her Sunday or Monday, bat that he wes met by the father of the girl, who convinced him that the. marriage would- not take place. They do say that the irate father drove the "westerner" off with a double barreled shot gun and locked his daughter in a room of the house. However th is m:n' 1 ie the "western' man came into town a.one Mondav evening, nrmpjirimr anything else than the happy bride groom. So great was his dejection that not even the wedding supper, which his friend at this end of the line had prepared for him, woald tempt his appetite. The man who got the license mis understood the register's instruct ions and delivered it to the "western' " man, who, it is given out, has re turned to his home beyond the "ridge. " Register Turner is just a little anxious about the license as he has found out that the girl is only about 10 years old. Her father is one of the best citizens of north Iredell: Clarke---Pinkus. Mr. Solomon Clarke, of Atlanta. Ga. , and MissHattie Pinkus, daugh ter of Mr. L. Pinkus, were married Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the residence of the bride's father, corner of Walnut and Race streets. Rabbi Marx, of Atlanta, officiating Qn account of sickness in the family the ceremony was a very quiet one, only members of the two families and a few friends being present. Mr. Wm. Pinkus, of New York, a brother of the bride, came home to attend the marriage. Mrs. Morris Clarke, her little daughter and son, Mr. Louis Clarke, of At lanta, mother, sister and brother of the groom, respectively, also at tended, j Mr. and Mrs. Clarke left on the 0:30 train for Asheyille Monday evening, and will spend a week or ten days there and ! at other points in western North Carolina and East Tennessee, They will return here and make.the-r home in Statesville for the present. ihe br.da grew up in our town and is held in high esteem by ail our peonle. She is attractive in ai pearance and has been one of th most admired of our vounr ladies. , The groom, while a stranger to most of our people, is vouched for by his friends as being worthy in every way of his estimable bride. The Mascot extends congratulations. Sloan Lovan. Mr. Robert Sloan, son of Mr. Jer emiah Sloan, and Miss Jane Levan. laughter of Mr. J. J. Levan, all oi Sharpesburg township, were mar- led Wednesday of last week at 12 o'clock at the residence of the bride. ev. J. P. Gwaltney officiating. These are popular young people of thmr neighborhood and we join iu with their friends in hearty con gratulations. Williams-Saville. Mr. Wm. Lee Williams and Miss Mary Saville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Saville, were married at the bride's residence in South Statesville Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, Rev. G. H. Church officia ting- We extend congratulations to the-e young people and hope that they may live long and happily. Marriage Permits Given. Since our last issue Register of Deeds Turner has issued license for the marriage of the following: Mr. Wm S. Chappell and Miss Magtrte Wilson. Mr. John E. Jenkins and liss Emma J Pierce, Mr. J. Baxter Brown aud Miss Minnie L. Chester, Mr. Lharles 4.. Weuaington ana miss Elva V. Brawlev, Mr. Robert M. Porter and miss Mattie J. Goodman. lentz---Llppa.-d. Mr. Frank W. Lentz. son of J. C. Lentz. Esq., of Statesville township, and Miss Fannie Lippard, daughter of John M. Lippard, E-o., of states ville township, were married Tues dav afterno'tri at the residence of the bride. Rev- W . L. Darr olliciat ing. A runner in tneir nouor was riven yesterday at the home of the 'room's. lather. These are popular and d serving young people and we hearti ly congratulate, them upon their happy marriage, hoping that life has nothing but good fortune in store for them. Mr. Clarence Daniels Call. Has a Close Tuesday night Mr. Clarence Dan iels. who was suffering from his hand which was injured by a fire cracker baturday mgnt, toot an overdose ot morpnine, ana lor a timcille was in great danger of los ing his life. The drug had been prescribed bv a physician, but Mr Daniels took.it too often. About 11 o'clock Drs. H. F. Long and J. F Carlton were sent for and they found the patient in a serious condi tion. Several times during the night it was thought that the end was near, but by heroic, work on the part of the physicians he was pulled through. He was sick all day yesterday, but is now much better and all danger is thought to have passed. -The overdose was ac cidental ami not intentional Went For a fittlfea V7rriftr mm B 11 11 Harmless, yet efficient ?9 costs so little the npuof tnirrarl Large THE Chicago. N. K. FAIROANK 8t Louis. New York. Boston - Bed Room Slippers. ' Wli HAVE J VST K1.C1-IVt-D A FVLL I.lNi; OF IIOVSH AND COM FORT SUITKRS For Christmas and if you are undecided as to what to give for a Christmas pre sent, allow us to suggest a pair of NICE WARM SLIPPERS, Something useful as well as ornomental. The ladies find the most substantial comfort in a pair of our Felt "Romeo's. In men's slippers we have them em'ii'Ji ure : l si lpper at uc, and NOW COMES THE LITTLE ONES. j You of course won't slight them. We have a nice line of infants soft sole shoes and slippers in all the latest styles and colors, White, Black, Green, Blue, Pink and Tan. Prfces ;( and T.'ie. Give us a Call. We will be glad to show you our Christmas goods. Wishing every reader of this ad. a merry Christinas. .Very truly, PERSONAL MENTION Mr. W. P. Tunstall is visiting in Baltimore. Mr. O. F. Crowson, editor of the Milton Herald, is here on a visit to his people. Mrs. WT. II. II. Gregory left last evening for Philadelphia, having been called there by 1he intelligence that her daughter, Miss Marie, who is visiting Mrs. Meredith, has ty phoid fever. Messrs. Hamilton and Chamber lain, of East Palestine, Ohio, nephews of Mrs. A. S. BiUingsley, are here on a visit to their auut. They return to school at Danville, Va. , to-day. Mr. B. P. Youmr went down to Churchland. Davidson county. Sat- I .,.!,-. i ,iA .-.-.t -n..-". , 7 .17 VI - Young and the childreJ, who had been visiting Mrs. Young's parents, returned home- with him. . Mr J. Henry Hail, who has been in the drug business at Jacksonville, Fla., returned home-Tuesday even ing. He will uot return to Jackson ville, but will take Mr. Ernest H. Miller's place in Mr. W. F. Halls drug store here. Mr. J. TJ. Nesbit, a former resi dent, late of the Second Volunteer. Caalrv, is here on a visit to rela tives. His regiment has been mus tered out and he will remain here for a month or two, after which he will return West. Messrs. V. A and J. G. Brawley, sons of the late Neal S. Brawley, "f Statesville township, who have been living in Texas for several vears, are in the co'inty on a visit to relatives. Tney will return to Texas in the near future. Mr. J. E. Sloop returned last Fri day from a visit to his old home at Miranda, Rowan county, where he lttended the marriage of his sister. Miss Jennie Sloop, and Mr. Win. P. Jarrigan, wtiicn occurrea at noon last Thursday. Aessrs. L. C. and C. L. McIIargue, ovr T 1 4YT i' -ons ot JYir. jonn victiargue, or Oliu township, who have been living in Cook county, Texas, for several years, arrived here last Friday -on ' . 1 i rr 1 i . a visit to relatives, iney wm ie turn to Texas in a few weeks. Mr. E. B. Rimmer, of Blu' Mound, Ills , a- son of Mr. John W Rimmer, of Fallstown township, ar rived here last Thursday on a vis'r to his father and other relatives He had been in Illinois for tw years and win return mere in in.- spring. Mr. A. S. Adelson, who has been in business here for two or three years, has closed out He left yes terday for (Jolumbus ana Cleveland. Ohio," and New York city to visit relatives. He will probably return here in about sixty days, when h vill verv probably-open up business . '. w I f .1 airain. He mane many irienos nere who will welcome him back.. Christmas Presents from Hobson. Lieutenant Richmond Peaion Hobson, whois just now receiving so much attention from the press, sent $"." to his aunt, Mrs. Mary Pearson Davis,' and $23 to his cous in, Mrs. Jarv Davis Boydes, of Statesville township, as Christmas presents. - A Blockade Distillery Seized And . Other Revenue News. Last Friday afternoon Deputy Col lector Davis and Officers Britt and Bradshaw seized an illicit distillery in union urove townsnip, near Jennings postoffice. The houe was a fair one and the ouitfit was in good condition. The offipers cut un the copper still and destroyed about fA II Unn. rrt, owl "iiiiuns ui ucki. lucic was a man at the distillery when the officers got in sight, but he had ur gent business elsewhere and was not present to welcome them when they arrived at his place of business. Mr.W. P. Sharpe, Williamsburg, has suspended his distillery, and Mr. J. Es Tatum, Olin, has resumed 5fr5urnew "western' storekeep ers and gaugers have been assigned to duty at distilleries in this county fsrnctt our last lbsue The woman who has a heavy task before her dishes to wash or a floor to , scrub has a friend M in this I great I cleaner y :he mite is f PMfe- est package- - jjf Greutesi economy. & . COMPANY, ' :5Hfe toston. l'iilladelphla. I 'itfe..!! PCrtdCTj.) 1 $ 1 51 Price $1 50, from 50c. to $2.00. A nfcc velvet Sloop, & Miller. Dr. Long Summoned to Marion, ' Dr H. F.- Long was summoned to Marion Monday- by the county commissioders of. McDoweircounty aud the town "comniissiotiers of J7arion'tosee a susiHeted snuilljiox patient. He went up Mondav night and saw the man, Thomas ' Craig, who was at his father's, four miles from Marion. He had recently come there from California and Drl Long found him to ' have confluent smallpox. The young man says that he contracted the disease from a party of soldiers whom he met in St Louis, Mo. There have" been many persons exposed to the dis ease from coming in contact with Craig in the country near Marion. The citizens of Marion met yesterday and adopted a system of ritjid quar-v antineand by this titne it-isl in-efb ot. The patient and all person'sLsu-ii e -t-ed of having Iconic- in con,a . twith him will be thoroughly- guarded, and vaccination is progressing at a lively rate, iu .Marion and vicinity. Dr. Long returned home Tuesday evening. , Christmas Accidents. The city authorities suspended the ordinance against (ire works Saturday and Monday nights from tsix till eleven o'clock, baturdav night three right, serious accidents occurred in front of Mr. V. Tharpe's store. Mr. C. E Daniels had a fire cracker to explode in his right hand, tearing the flesh and mangling the hand badly. About the sametime Mr. Ernest Tatum, of Olin, had his right ear considerably used up by a cracker which -explod'-ed near the ear. A son-of Mr. P. R. Lazenby. of Harmony, also had his I hand right badly hurt in .much the same way as Mr, Daniels and about the same time. None' of these ac cidents were of such a serious nature as to cause the loss of limb or mem ber. W t: 3 mm 1 Ja tho Back? Then probably the kiJneys. Ja tho Ghost? ! Then probably the luxs. Then probably rheumatism. 3 No matter where it is, nor what kind; you need have it no longer. It may be an hour, a day, or a year old ; it must yield to Immediately after applying it you feel its soothing, warming, strength ening power. It qaiets congestion; draws on inflammation. It is a new rfasterv A new combination of new remedies. Mado after new methods. Entirely unlike any other plaster. . ' The Triumph of Modern lledical Science. The Perfected Product of years of Patient Toil. ' Placed over the chest it is a powerful aid to Ayer"s Cherry4 Pec toral in the treatment of all throat and lung affections. Placed over the stomach, it atops nausea and vomiting ; "over the bowels, it controls cramps and colic Placed over the small of the back, it removes all congestion from tha kidneys jand greatly strengthens weakness... For sale by all Druggists. , . J. C Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. 1H.I y Q Mia or new fnn mm m pu O 1 u o i tv FURNITURE & CARPETS.