' 5 . . J" . .... ,'-..-' 'j! r-Xt-l if WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISH EP. J STATE SVILLE, N. C, THURSDAYT JANUARY 3, 1931. NO, 5, VOL. VIII. 1 iascoto - Elfff! LIE MAE a:- I handle all kinds of Granite and Marble known o the trade and ' - the best quality. Best Material, First-Glass work and. Lowest Prices Stntpsville. N. C The First National Bank OF STATESViLLEM. C Transacts a Uvular Banki sin, chi-ckon sight. In'eiTsV;;Vuv anention aidto collection's on collateral and persona - te. Accounts of Corpor- on 'ii-: hi st favorable terms. T 5 Eclipse Portable With simultaneous racket setting head blo-:s uid cable rope feed, 1 h m.)4-.i'i,sUivi'imi'M:i p".- Mill Trick Company's ENGINES AND BOILERS. ;r'!V;)le oti -vti.-. ls dr sills. .. S;a .Li., .....v ...vines' and t der, an size, a:l he g'eat hill cI..nbin.- Boli'ds" l-'ictioo engine. A tew Cot.ton ;: s at 'low prices- i "... .1 ......r. .,llt lT) 'A Sili" Statesvilie, N "." Sloan Olotlimg Co., We wii-h to attention to Holiday Neckwear, Mufflers, Etc. f r.e newest and iuds up to date thi.s. 1. rs , This brisk weather' suggests yood heavy .underwear.- Let 11s "tit vou up: ' We have some jjood things left in -Suits and Over . eoa'ts that we are offering special inducements on to close out. Thanking you for your liberal pat rouage,. we are, 1 Very truly, Sloan Clothing: Co. "'"'"''3. - - 4.-. tone up the Attractive Prmtixigv The Mascot. Printing. Co,- is-better prepared than ever before to turn out attractive upto-da'te priut ing. and f at prices that, etonish thosi? who have nbf favored n with orders. 100 Cards, 50c With a" handsome Card Case with your name - engravtd on the case. Any style printed on card. - ENVELOPES, AT CO'.V PRICES. . Tetter Elea'df. Note Fluids, Bill. Heads, -Statements, . . Pamphlets, Circulars, Etc' r. at low, prices, Seud for priees and sample. -. THE MASCOT PRINTING CO. CROV?OS & gRONCK, rROIT S Is Tastelsss ont3 OuaranJecd to Cure Chol Fever and all E3a3aria! Troubles. nop "Kot Contain Quinine Nor Other Poison. Does r.ox onwn x Do14 Not lnjare the Stociacli Nor Effect t!e ne3r,ir.s. Wr A McLarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex., hrct or. hive ever handled.!. My son tl-e only Chill Tonic which a child can Price 502. KliOW.N llr ti. CO.. iron Help Home Enterprises. . Statesville-Made Furniture. Handsomest designs.' best made, best finished goods on the market for the money a little better yoods'at a little lower price than you can get elsewhere You -SAVE' FREIGHT, that's the reason. A full line on exhibition at our store. We .are sale agents for this vicinity. j - " Barron Nicholson EAST BROAD STREhT. North Carolina, Iredell Gounty. Superior Court. G H. Nelson and wife, gillie ") r ' J Dm rcen ana wile. Caroline Green, J. M. Gross and wife, Idi Oros3, and T a Ste venson NOTICE. r t c. The defendant above named will take nctice menced in the Superior Court of Iredell countv for partition of the S. L, Sevenson lands b2 tween his heirs, the above named parties to this action. And: the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear . n the asth day of January, 190, , at the courthouse m SUtesville, Iredell county. North Carolina, t.nd answer or demur to the petition in said action or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court foi the relief demanded in said petition December i5th, iqoo. J. A. HARTNESS. Clerk Superior Court. 4 T: --if ; Circular Saw Mill W.B.Turner. Ovpr Postoc Bras call our -ur line of 5 f : 1 " ' ' ; -m buy Raox's liver pills & j. . or-. '; : Pu-LLETS you dp not buy a mcd- :.;. a. Complete Treatment for Bilious - Cont-Ration and Headacb.es. It is two c ,;i'nct medicines, but sold for one price 2 ;c. Tiie Pill bring immediate relief; the Pellets- nervous system and invigorate J 1000 Circulars 75c, Size 5 x 8. Advertise -what you have to "sell with a cir cuisr; Small one easier re:vi han a large onj. I m a Pepsin 's say: -Kamon-s repsm yaxu ior.icis.ins presennes inn n-.s praciicr, ana sr.yn u i- taSe without injury to the stomach.- rs. ir mtu-. u.c. icn. liTiiJlxf !- L - - STATESVILTTC. N. C Renter Wanted. I WANT a good renter. Apply to Dec. 20th, 1900. W. E MAWNE. New Stirling. N. C. Renter Wanted. A RENTER WANTED to work, a two-horse crop. Good land and stock furnished. Ap ply to i E. K. WATTS. December 20, I900. , Shiloh Township. Notice to -Creditops. HAVING qualified as administrator of the estate of Peter Hampton, deceased, the un dersigned hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said estate to preent them to him for payment within twelve (12) months from date of this notice, or it will be plead in This December 14th, i$oo. G. W CX,EGG, J.B. Connelly, AUy. Administrator. Marriages in South Iredell. Mo oresville Enterprise. ! Monday evening at early twilight ; at-the-home'of Mr. A. G. Meleh'-r, j Mr. Ernest Ayers, of bratesville, and.Miss Fannie becnler, 01 rnoa Grove, were married, Rev. 1. L Triplett officiating After the cere mony a reception was given the wedded couple arc! merriment rriyn ed supreme wilh the few' hivii.d guests. Miss Ida Elder: of Tayloi s-vil'e,-was present for the otjeasii-n. The g ooiri and his hridev left Tu. -dav morning for their future home at Statesville. The t.ride is a sister of 3 Mrs Melchor, and has a host of friends here. Mr. Lester TrOutman and Mi-s Clara Fleminr, da. i;Lter of Mr. John Pemin. hoi'. of this place, were maifried yesterday evening hv Rev. J. W. Jones. he groom's unc le assisted by Rev. W P McGhee, a' the bride's home. The best wishes of the Enterprise are extended tn i his young coup'e as they go out up 'ii life's spa' May their pathway oe strewn witl rare' flowers, and may the rats never leave their flour iiarrel with tears in their eyes. Oh Christmas day, at 4 o'clock ,p. ui . at t'he home of Mr. Marcus Bax ter, his daughter, Miss Fannie L. Baxter aud Mr. J. Ed, Poston were married, Rev. J.L. Shin n officiating. An elegant supper was served to a large number of invited friends. On last Sunday morning at the home-of Mr. James Brown, of Ran dall, his daughter, Jiss Mattie Brown and Mr. Harrison Myres, of Rowan county, were married. Rev. David Brown, the bride's grand father, performing the ceremony. Mr. James E. Mayhew and Jiss Annie D. Cornelius of Davidson township, were married Sunday last. ; : ' North Carolina's Twelve Greatest Men. Col. WT. S. Pearson in Raleigh News and Obser ver. If the test of greatness be of ser vice to the State I would name the following twelve as our greatest men in reply to your request for opinions on that subject: Caswell, Mason, Morehead, Swain, Pearson, Ciingman, Graham, Gatling, W. L Saunders, Vance, E. M. Holt, T. J Jarvis. Of course, if brilliancy of brain and 'accomplishment were made the test men like W. w. Cher "ry. Johnston Pettigrew,Mr. Badger. Dr. Hawks. Judy:e Schenek, Heurv W, Miller, Edwin G. Reade, Judge Gaston, W. R. Davie, B. F. Moore. Governor Bragg and others would necessarily have to be gone through and the list made to include more or less of such names. Sticking t service and omitting 'sense Gover nor Casweil seems more than any other one to have thrown North Carolina into the whig rather than the tory columu in the early days and to have been rewarded accord ingly. Our cnief debt to Macon lies in the fact. that he was Jefferson's right arm in this State when the young republic tottered on the brink of oh garchy. Governor Jorehead was our business man among the leaders of his time and marshalled us the way to such internal improvements as the short sightedntss and strin gency of Eastern slaveholders would permit the State to engage in. Swain formed the legal mind , of more than one generation of the State's best and wisest men, a ser vice unmeasured this side of the stars. To Ciingman we largely owe it that western JNorth Carolina kept in line with the South and did not follow East Tennessee in the great schism. No man ever sent bv 'he State to "Washington wielded a larger influence than he, no man eyer more adroitly used that influ ence in moulding a stubborn whig constituency into secessionists. Governor Graham was -the voice of the State from 1862 to his death, in 1875. No move was made in that time unless with his silent or open approval. - Parnell was never stronger in Ireland. R. C. Gatling is a world famous . inventor whom we claim with pride. Saunders served in letters to our great good, an able editor, but as the brains of the opposition to re construction his place is beytmd question in the highest niche Vance, the elder Holt, and Jarvis, who un locked Western North Carolina are men known to every one as entitled to an upper seat. W. S. Pearson. ' Morgan ton, N. C, Dec. 26 .liicyclist's Head lllown Off Scotland Neck Special to Raleigh News and Ob server, 28th. A most shocking tragedy occur red late yesterday, afternoon in Martin county, near Palmyra A white man named Hale was riding a bicycle along the public road when hewas shot from ambush and killed. Persons in a dwelling near by saw the soioke from the gun and saw a man run into the wools from the scene of the tragedv. The top of the murdered man's head was shot off. There is no clue as to the cuse or who the assassin was. Persons came here for blood hounds to track the assassin, but no news has been received of success as yet. ABig Bear Killed in Onslow. Wilmington Star. Among' the curiosities on Market street Sunday afternoon, was a 196 pound bear which a farmer killed Saturday on his farm in Onslow county. The farmer who 'brought the bear here to sell, said he was out squirrel hunting, his dogs treed, and when he came up to the tree ex pected to find a squirrel, but he was surprised to see a bear instead. His gun failed to .fire twice and about that time the animal descended from his position in the tree and en gaged'in a fierce fight with his dogs. The bear then climbed another tree nearby and he brought him down with a load of bird shot ' from, his muzzle-loading guD. The experience ! was rather an interesting one for j the farrier and his dogs. - . De Witt's Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleans 3 the liver, remove ob structions and invifrnrat.A t.hp rvs- ftem. W. F.. Hall, Jr. 1 ' -ri j KIDNAPPED HER OWN SON. Mrs Miller,- AVil'e of a Son of Former Attorney General W H.H Miller, Causes a Sensation in In dianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind., Dispatch, 28th. A sensational kidnapping, involv ing the family of ex-United States Attorney General W. H. H. Miller occurred this afternoon and led to a hot chase a few minutes later across the State to overtake the wiff of Samuel D. Miller, son of W. H. H. Mider. who was supposed to be flying to New York wilh her sto! en son. Samuel D. Miller and wife have lived in New York for several years, and last summer he came Wes' n go into bis father's office, his wife staying in New York. Last Friday sh came here to ueiuand possession. ' of. her 7 year-old son, whom the father had brought" West with him and who w Jiving with him at his grandfather's house, W. H. H' Miller, at ., ,1027 North Delaware-street. TboJ husband and wife had a consultation at the wife's npartments in the Denison and she s said to have agreed that if the hoy was allowed to be sent to her daily with the nurse she would not attempt to kidnap him. This after neon the boy. and nu'se called on Mrs. Miller at the Denison, she sent the nurse out to get a check cashed and while the governess was gone ordered a carriage and made ar t alignments to leave When th governess returned Mrs. Miller an nounced that they were going for a drve. They started ;n a closed car r;age down South Meridian street toward the depot. The nurse, -sus pecting foul play, jumped out of the carriage while it was on a run, rat; to a telephme aud notified the fa thcr and grandfather ' Mrs. Miller immediately ordered the carriage driven to Briyhtweod and when .the two Millers arrived at the union, station three was no trace of !he woman and 'xn . T-;vo ho'irs later they.' reeeive-.l information which lechthem to orlieve that Mrs Miller intended to take the Rir Four accommcdatio.i train to Bright wood, and then- take the Knickerbocker train at -Anderson or M uncle. At 6:20 o'clock the two Millers started on the Knickerbocker to overtake Mrs. Miller before ..she' gt out of the State. Mrs. .Miller was Mi-s Helen Kar cher, of Pottstowu. Pa. Samu i Miller met her nine vears ago at Washington when bis father was President Harrison's Attorney General. They were married a year later and their son Sydney is now 7 vears o'd. Samuel Miller re'umed r.o Indianapolis with his father and subsequently became a member of the lav firm of Hbro. Perkins & Miller. Five years ago he went to New York. Last Sum me" when he returned to Indianapolis, Mrs. vil ler refused to go with him. There has been no divorce and Mr. Miller has been sending her au allowance. Last Friday Mrs Miller suddenly appeared in the city with the an nouncement that she had come ,to tret her son and take him home with her. There were conferences be tween the father and mother and her counsel. A compromise seemed nearly accomplished till the inci dent of this afternoon. The nurse, after telephoning was joined by W H. H. and-Samuel Miiler, who sent her home to announce that the t wo had gone in pursuit ,of idnev, the boy. Finding that she would be overtaken, at the union station, through the nurse's action, Mrs. Miller started at Once for Bright wood in the carriage evidently in tending to take the 4.50 train r It is supposed she intended jroing to some point along the road and then take 'he Knickerbocker for the East W. H II. Miller and son returned to night from points a'ong the Big Four. No trace of-Mrs. Miller and i the stolen boy could be found. Mrs Miller did not buy a ticket or take a train at Brightwood. The hackman who drove Mrs. Miller has disap peared The entire police and . de tecuve force of the city was employ ed to search the city for the woman and boy and every officer in the city is now at work. CHILD RESCUED The child was rescued early next day bv his father. Mrs Miller and the child were found at Lawrence, six miles east of the city, asleep in the home of a man named Marshall, where they bad obtained lodging for the night. The poce reached the place at "daylight. Mrs. Miller gave up the child and was not placed un der arrest. K, O. Burton, One Qf the State's Ab lest Liawj ers, Dead. Raleigh Dispatch, 28th. Early this morning it became known that Robert O. Burton, Eq., one of the best known lawyers in this city, was dead. The news was a surprise and a shock ;jr. Burton had a long and severe at tack of ty phoid fever last summer. He never fully recovered from its effects, and 29 days ago malarial fever set in. On Christmas eve he was taken to thehospital." Last night about 1 o'clock he asked the attendant to leave as he thought he could sleep. Some lime later he was found dead The physician said a congestive chill was the cause of death. Mr. Burton was 49 years of age add was the son of the late Rav. Robert O. Burt in, a noted Metho dist preacher. Mr. Burton was born and reared in Halifax county. He was educated at Randoph-Macon College, through which he worked his way, and at which he graduated with high honors. He studied law under the late Edward Craighead, Esq., of Halifax county; and became the latter's partner.. " He went to Richmond and practiced law a year or two, living at Ashland, and- from there came here, in 1891. He had a large ptactice and was considered to be one of the very ablest all round lawyers in North Carolina. He has been for several years attorney for the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail road. . The funeral services will be held from Edenton. Street Methodis. church here tomorrow morning. The burial will be in the family ' bu; rial ground near Roanokb Rapids. : 'Lost" Negro in Hickory. Hickory Special to Raleigh News and Observer, 2hth. A most mysterious sffair recurred in Bobtown, the negro quarters of this place, Saturday night. Some negvoes had grown boisterous in consequence of Christmas convivi ality. Policeman J. W. Nichols un dertook to quiet them, when he was ass vulted by four negropc. The eo:ntatauts fought with "o advantage for a liitle while, the ne groes circling around the policeman who kept them off with hi club Finally one of his assaiiau's dished in and struck NichoU on the shoul der with a pit ce of scantling. The- polieeraau drew his pistol and fired point blank at the neylro from a di taucf of rot more thno two feet Th1- ; egro fell in a hf-ao and his companions fl -d The policeman, however, i ver'ook and arrested ope of them. He took his prisoner io th major's office and after locking hitu up, gathered a posse ; r.d slartcd back for the. who had been shot. But when the paty reached the spot", not . trace of the negro couid he found. He had vanished. . A colored boy named Tom Hoke stated that he passed the spot and found a negro lying in the diieh. Supposing him to be -'drunk- Tom proceeded to shake and Ca.ll Lire. Hoke soon ascertained, however to his own satistaction at least hat he was alone in a dark alley at two o'clock in the monmg' with a dead man. Thom3s then marie a hasty trek from H e scene of use late com bet. Later a colored man living uear saw two men drive up to the spot, put the body in a wagon and drive off with it. The supposition is that the negro's companions returned for-lam-- ilu ,' dead or alive, he has dis appeared and search has so far failed 'o reveal any trace at him. Safe Crackers Use Electricity. Kansas City, Mq , Dispatch, 28th. ' Burglars niade an unsuccessful au ieu.pt. to open a large sate in the office of Tower Bros., live stock commission merchants, at the stock yards early this mooning.. Electric hv wa3 employed for the purpose of drilling holes in the- safe To ob t;.ii the power the burglars went intoihe yarda, cut down 700 feet or telephone wire and tapped the pri mary wires running from the pri va u elec: ric power plant, situated abDut eight hundred feet from Tow er Bros. ' office. . The wires were theu run into ihe office through a window. One wire was attached to a hinge on the safe and the other to a crude instrument made of woud and containing a stick vt carbon iz one -jud fastened with a brass thutnb screw. When :he rob oers touched the safe with the , car Ooa the current was too sirong and a short circuit was established This blew out the safety fuse and switch board in the power house and thus foiled the robbers.1 It is evident that the intruders wtre frightened away, for a complete bet of burglar tools were found about the floor this morning. These are now in the pos session of the Kansas Cityr people. Among the articles found near the safe was a wooden box. 6 inches square and 3 inches deep, lined with iiree layers of asbestos, which was to have been used with the carbon applied to the safe to- prevent the molten metal from Jailing on the floor, and to protect the eyes of the operator from the powerful blue light that is thrown-out. 'Electri cians say that with a curreut of 1,100 volts properly applied it would nave jequired less ihau fifteen, min utes to get into the sate. The First National Bank main tains a branch in Tower Bros. 'of I flees, which no doubt attracted the. burglars, but the bank officials say ihey keep no money there. A Dispensary Robbed Columbia.- S. C, Dispatch, 28th. The Williamsburg county liquor dispensary, at Kingstree.is reported to have been robbed of 1,800 in cash Wednesday night. F. M. Piayer, the dispenser, is alleged to have dis covered the; loss this morring This is 1 he largest loss by robbery in curred by a county dispensary sine. the inauguration of the dispensary, Mr, H.H Crura, liquor comtnis.iTon er, dispa'ched an inspector -to Kings tree. It is remarkable that the indem nity bonds of the dispenser expired December 1, and the State may suf fer a total ioss. The rather large amou' t of cash on hand represents the CLi f.simas sales. A special o The Stale from iuugst.retv says teat theJptopje there demand the resig nation of the county board of con trol, 'be dispenser and all others connected with the dispensary at Kingstrea. A number of cuutry scores and railroad depo's have oeeu visited by ourglars this1 winter, and the taf-- cracking looks like the work of ex perts. Dicks & Sal ley, of Salley's Station, have increased to $1,000 their offer of a reward for the cap ture of the burglars who robbed their.store of $7,500 in gold last Fri day night. Cot. Cuningham to Governor Ayoock. Goldsboro Argus, I No man in North Carolina has fin er impulses, loves his friends better, and in the most graceful ways shows his appreciation of them than Colo nel John S. Cuningham. On Christ mas day, the express brought from Col Cuuingham to Governor Aycock a beautiful gold headed cane, toge'h er with a letter of friendship and good w'ishes. It was a graceful act on the part of "John Cuningham," as his friends Jlove to call him, a-id there was something of a tremor in our own "Charlie Ai'cock's" voice, and a little bit of a raindrop in the eye', as he spoke of "the beautiful gift from my friend, Coh Cuning ham." When you need a soothing and healing anti-septic application for any purpose, use the original De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and -skin dis eases. It heals sor'es without leav ing a scar. Beware ofGpunterfeits. W. F.Hall, Jr, . . A Mineral Found Which Gives Light. Boise Cit y, Idaho, Dispatch, 29' h. George F. Ay es, a well-known miner, h.vs unearthed u mineral sub stance that has illuminating power. He found the stuff at a depth of 300 feet from the urfac". He had been running acro-s-eut' Mionel to tao his ledge, .at considerable depth and t-an ac; oss a deposit that give . ff enoug! J.jht . tbat .r ;iH '--. ceed w a t ut th.- ai.i hi .-. i; He brougit some pieces in tt;- . Ef face and exririiiieiitei .v.iih h-.n i--. his cabin that nigh, out !..v ' Only a ph'.s.h-rere;ii gl- iij, i,.. sufficient to e by. hi lh - mine howeve-,; he light was almost -ght'. , Heiuipirted the inform i i. n t. Fdward Levev. a local us.-av- . --h . has sine' been making i naviga tions. "I - has found thit, t , - i a large d. .sit of th s ' miner:.! .u.a that th- peculiarity of tht--j..:i juc j heric e -dittous undergr- u .d aid iu produeiug the light, 'wii',.: ) ac counts for the difference wVn-.-se.l on the surface. Levey has ly e j ab'o to, reproduce in water the .vtmos pheric c nditions that prevai l wi.ere 'bemin.ral is found. Last n;..:!) : he ligh:-; the room so one c. uid read a p i.er readily. He h ul ev eral fruit jars partially filif d wi- ;i the mineral, which was covered with a fluid preparation. The mineral does not need to be kept Unticl . vV.t ter like Vnospborous, although the glow in i he atmosphere at (he var face wiin nit the addition of th fluid is 'i .ich the same as 'ph-pb rous. 'i ne fluid preparation secret. Mr. L-v ey says the depo-dt will make foe, self and the discover.-;-rich. While it w;ll not supphint other ru'-aiis ot illumination it. large places, ii Tan oe used in thousand.-01' miningiCLinps where coal .-oil is v-inexpensive ;-nd electricity and as UEobtaii..; 1 e. :rj . . Murdered His Wile and Killed linn self. l,os Angeles Cal Dispatch, 23t,h. John W. Tinsh y in and kiied his wife. a:-i3 P.. Tinsiey,- on "i.h" street tod iv. and then (iVd a budet. io o his 1 nead, dyiug ins'arily. The coupif- Ai-i-e married at Van Bu rea, Ark , , January 2, this car finsley represented himself as ios -cssed o! in --'purt , in Helena, "out.. o the va he- of $75 000. 11 - wife hal $-100 arid a hou--e and in- ii Jacks, n, . n.i.v valued tit $2,500 This iutt.i ;-er n us hand iuduevd he: to sae.riti -- tor-af 1,800, at.d rive day.'; after mar i Li.e they came to L : A ngele.s 1 .1. b meymoi'ii 'rip, t ie expen-.e- -i which were defrayed b Mrs. Tins- ev. From he t".1 . hey went to Mine;;); el is. Tex., aud on Aug ust 16, n ;v. ru-d Excelsior Springs Mo , Hi i'inslev" induced in- wile to transfer to him the, $700 that remained i.f' her money. a:;d told het he must g" to Helena tt; settle u his affair?. After biy departure she found tha he had also taken a diamond ring and stud va ued at $400. She re ceived a tt-iegram from him later, dated Los Angeles, in which he ;ic knowledgrd that he had deceived her in reg-ard t. nis wealth ynd that she wou'd see hm no more. She follow ed bun her-", but iu the meantime he had left f.w Monnett, ?.iu Two weeks latHJ- lie returned to L--.'s An geles, and an arrangement was 'made thereby he gave hr a draft on an Arkansas l.v.wk f-.-r $325, and promis ed to mak'- ,t,i,.r repara-ion. She sent the dr.; fj ior collection and it was retuv. id wi ll the stalemect 'that the ueuiey to Tiasley's credit had been wit hdrawn by telegraph. On the 21st- oflhis month Mrs Tiu-slf-y filed si. '(, against her husband in the Superior court to " recover $1,100 frauduiemly obtained from her and-bu it -mess over thissuit and the troubhs leading up to P evi dently caus i the double tragedy today. - A Race Riot in Florida. MacChuney, Ha.. Dispatch, 2Sth. There w:,s a race riot here yester day afternoon. At 4 o'clock a num ber of your fajies visited a photo graph gal n' v- and a negro -o man who, was al-o ir the gallery is alleg ed to have u -ed obscene language. She was c -m-nnnded to keep q ret by a white--man. ores-nt! A negt'o na-i, eccoiii ; ;ij y i ng the negro wo man took ' !.: -'matter up and, it1 is a! leg 'd. ued ir.sulnng language to the "ung I 'd es The negroes re tired and a few minutes afterward a mob of neg"''es, armed with pistols and rifljs, as embl' d. One of them nam d Wasre ( gtoi opened fire on T. M: Hern! :! with a Winchester rifle. By 1 his time a crowd of whites had assembled and opened fire on Washington, who ran, firing back at'the crowd He was pursu-Tj to a swamp nearby and disappeared The exe't'-ment increased I)-. there was to fun her .firing until 0 o'clock last u'ght. when several shits in quick sue -e-.-ion were fired in the business sec';.n of the to w, When the smoke ( i t cleared John Hunter, a negro,, wa found dead si. the street, f hi coroner's j jry returned a ver dict of killed oy a gunshot wound inflicted by p r les "nknown. The town is well guarded by officers to prevent any recurrence of the trou ble ..''' Went to Africa tQ be Married. New York Dispitcli, aSth. From New York to South Africa is the distance Miss Johanna Loe wenthal traveled to be married. Her safe art ival and marriage on November 15 to William Stern, a prosperous farmer at Gootdriuk, South Africa, is affirmed by her brother in 'his city. Mr. Stern has beeu in Soutti Africa for the last six years. He stud Miss Loewenthal had been acquainted but a short time before he left this city to seek his fortune on a South African ranch. The courtship was carried on by mail, and last July Mr. Stern proposed and was accepted His fiancee starte l for South Africa last September, stopping at Amsterd am to buy her trousseau. From Am sterdam she took a steamerfor Carle Town, arriving there November 13 .The most effective little liver pills made are De vVitt's Little il-ir-ly Risers. They 'never gripe. W. F Hail, Jr. .. . .. , A - Killed in an Hour After Marriage1. Bttuidji, Minn , Dispatch jSth Thomas Hoy, a lumberman of this place, was stabbed to death last night, inside of an hour after he had married Miss Clara Bagley. A rejected suitor is suspected - Immediately after the wedding Hoy was summoned down town by a messenger, who said his presence was needed in a business deal. He left, saying he would be back in half in hour. Half an hour later his body was found in the street, two blocks from the residence where be v as married "The assassin had re peatedly plunged a long knife iuto II y's back. Ho3r made a desperate fight for his life, as was demonstra ted by the evidences of a scuffle in the snow. An Unique Clalin for-Pension. Washington Dispatch, 2Sth. Representative Henry C. Smith, of Michigan, has introduced "4n the House of Representatives a bill pro r aing to pay .a pension to Miss Francis A. M. Pattie. of New Bos ton, ,1ich., on accountof injuries re ot-ived before she was born. The basis of this claim which is u i;que in the history of the Pension Bureau, is that John A. P;i !. tho fatherof the claimant, vv;i.s a-Mier in the civil war. Some tin.e Tie fore he birth of the claimant her mother received a telegram announcing t hit her husband bad been sevetelv unded. The shock caused bv this new ,1 tt'j ct.d rr- P:1,:( v-. -frious!v 'lii ' i." t'-n r-iiil J ivi h i"tv she Ir-id 1 o l. 1,.-.-. ;n h.r :ivn bidow her i-lb-V '!' i.i her legs iie'rr.j her k'he-s - Sb--' has been : h.elp'ess crip !e f.:r life.- ' A linital Murder in I'itt " ' Greenville KeHector. Sa'nrd.-"". morning John Parker s sworn -in si's a spefinl police 'dli .' r :it. Falkland: During.- the da re heard an 'seln Ni(-h'ls' , bar -and fce lit in to tell the. p:irtie inside t() m ike less h-)!m.v Alex Little " as in there quietly settling some bills Parker said to Little, '"'You are the v jry man I have. Uvn ,U'.ki'ig for. I nnders'sind vou aid no Falkland policeman could arrest vou " Tc this Lit-le replied. - I have made no -uch remark and 'had no occasion. to .-...ike i (,. foi I have done nothing.-t-o '- arrested for " "Come and take II drink with. me. then," said Parker. Li '( agreed to take. the drirsk "'ith Park. v. They went up to the coun ter and the drinks were poured -out. -vhen Parker stepped back and said, " Before ive take the drink 1 want, to ki'vi'v if you t;:k5 back what ou said?" Little again replied. "I have s no uothi ug, to take ti ck What is the, mauer Ail)) vou?" Q nek as a flash Parker, drew his pis. 'oi aed emptied it into Little, kill oig him instantly." ParkerOnade his escape. Seven Children at Two Births. Wilkesboro Chronicle. . . .- . Mrs. Newton McCan, of It iring Gap, Edwards townshi.o, .-a i'kes countv, a couple of weeks ago, in the year 1900 A D . gave birth to a quartette of children, ' wo girls and two boys. (W,e are not referring m I hem in a musical sense, bur just t the number. you see) Not q.urtp ' vpjyears ago, this good lady gave eirtli to triplets, ali. hree boys, thus making in all seven children at two births. All the seven children are alive and doiog well. This certain ly beats all the. records. from ihe beginning to the present time" .Ve challenge the world to bea It goes without saying that with tho "basso profundo trio" -of the three boys mingled -i-h f -origi-:o quarto" of the tV.u a-rivals ihe holidays w'dj oe kep trt.'y lively in the, neighborhood -f that flomicile. ' An Express Robbery in South Caro lina , : Charlotte News, 23th. -"" - A 'phone message from, Columbia S. C, aj 2:30 o'clock this morning states that a man named Myer.s. an employe of the. So-jtbern Express Company in this city, is supposed to have robbed the . Southern Ex press Company and is vi'tudly a prisoner at the Columbia lloM. Myers, the message stated, came o Columbia a few days ago, began irinking heavilv. ud s na;,d to have ios $700 rn one. 'noker game. , Ye eniiy he !'ed : om't;dr. suicide oy taking lair.lvi.ro'm. He was given uedic.il :i"eii n. and was carried a the p';ii-e s-;tt ion, b'.it, upon hi arnesr. se:i :-o o ion, was taken back fj the hotel. IIh showed much con "irn about some checks -that were ."a- ten ed bet een bis trousers and his underclothing. The police searched him a r.d found three checks in ide payable by cotton mills at Union, S. C , to the Southern Rail way. Th amounts were: $2,200. $.1,000 .'and $-S77. It is understood in CdumuU -.' the. 'checks were given to the South rn Express Company uy the Southern Railway and that it had been previously be lieved that the checks bad been de posited in a bank in this city to he credit of the express company In Myers' room is a heavy Valise.. No key to this was found, and the valise had hot been opened up to 3 o'clock this morning Jyers is suffering from delirium and is under p-diee surveillance A meeting of Southern Express Company oSicials was held in Colum bia last night. The only Vyers mentioned in the city director- as an employe of tbe Southern Express Company i Joel J. Mye?s', who rooms at 305 West Fourth street. Geo. Fuller, colored, was lynched In Perry county, Ala , one night last week, for barn burning. . Ten-Year-Old InUiKention. vV. H. Peters, Nhanton. Ky., writes. I have suffered u ntoid' mis ery for ten years with I idiges ion aad Biliousness. I ya treated by Qvo physieams but: u'tain'd odly teuipor;?rv eiief I bgau -to use j Ram iti's Live-- l'dir- aud J.tmct Pel 1 lets and have been constantly i;ii 1 proving, and have a fairpr,9ptt."i-l being permanently cured. For sale by N. R. Tunstall, Druggist. .V Kinjc Cotton. Boston Tran.ript. . King Cotton has resumed his sceptre. It has neen a great year forthe South, as well as for'tho whole country. It was eot loug ago not more than two years "that the cotton growing industry was d. pressed so much that urgent cries went up through the Sout h U v "di versifying the planting and reduc ing the acreage of th staple Now cotton has come un ng mi with, em phasis, ard s'i'n.ls ns h mo.t dn portant factor i'eour too mini of ic ed export - i f- T.lOd In rN,n eiuber. alone w exported' $41.500,(i0; w .1 th tff cottoa, aedi'i U moil r h-$27i inti), 000. Thee to; il -sh'Vv- i.-u r.Ms -s of f 15. 000,000 fur the moe.lh ioid $PC) -000,000 for 1 1 mou t hs,,ver 1 SO'.I. la thetnontb the t.il f .l,i,.x;),,ri jn. creased bu $l:,0(i,.ij),i , r. f , the 11 months ?h0 hOO.000. ne itpi. ,r tanci of cotton to h"e whole is s en plainly by these figures. - A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for ' the widow of the brieve General Burn-" hamrof lachias. Me., when the doc tors said she could not live till mor ning," writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. AM thought she must soon die fi- in Pne.imou-ia, but r-he be -ged for l)r King's N-w Disco very, '"say ing ii h;id more "t Ivtn ouee saved. he lif.-. and h id cured her of Cousumo. tiou . Alter three sm til doses she -l--'p e.isiU -ill t'ieht.. aiul is fur-tl'"- use c-eui.iet,. v eurcd her." '"hi uKfw'KMis 1:1. -'Vine is guaran teed to - lire, ril,-1 'eroat, Chest and Lung Di"iie ; Or.lyTiOe. and $1. Trial hot 1 les free at u F. HalJr.'s, drug store Arthur Fains.fi.' I :ire,J nKn.O Ot y.srs. ivac shot a- d 4cM.m1 bv Tom IT .A 1 :.! 1 .. n' . pj.- -t.- vu.ie iiiiu-'ii!' in liiincomoo rvuntv, ni! iinv :S' w-vk The killing w-iw pnfir-' 1 eeideet'vl. tttet Ion A .1 u ir-il . Yes; uust. Flower P ill hA ihe 'argesr - ..ie of H-iv medicin- 'in ihe. , civiliz d world. Y"ur mot hers and. grandmothers 1 ever ihonoht of us ini' anything els: for indigpstion or" B 'onsness Doctors 'ere sciree, j)..d' t'-ey s(;'(t-in heard of Append! ciU" 'ervous Prostration c.j. M.eart, failure, etc. They usotL August Flower to e'eau out the svstem and sto, 1 .fermentation of uriM (.'n-.l foi d. regulate the nd ion of the Uy.-r. s' --mulate the nfivr.iis sud orua, ;e -f" 'ion of the system, and that U.l they took when feeling dull and t"d - ith headaches and other "lurhs. You onlv need a Tew doses of Green's August Fio'wer." in Tiquhl. form, '.to m-ake you sat -istfed thern is nptlii "ir eriOHs t,'erm,atter. vvilli .vcm. p.f . s te by 'A' F' lI.di-r.Tr.; Dniggf .' i An unknown negro," who. was 1 r--r. ;ng J to break into Ben Wbi tier's h"'iie. In Edgecombe countv .nU -slo- and probably fa tall v -o-j-ed by -ti negro boy. named Frank Ship ley. " ho wasinthe house, one night , lat 'Vr'i-lt. The negro will prob.iS'y die: ' - ' .. . . . ' A Monster Devil Fish" " De-Hoying its vict-bri-, is a tvpe' f "ons'' oil iorw The power of tt. is t urderotis rrialad v 'is f-'lt on orjrfj. and nerves nnd tn ue'es and b-a;r.. Them's no h alth till it's overc'en Bui Dr Kin-r's Ne-y.L'f' Pills A'wt ;i safe and cert-i in cure B s"i. in 'he. world . for' StO'tiach, . L-tv-r.-1 Kine s ind Rowels. Onlv 25 cfMits .a-. V.T. i' Hall, Jr. 's, drug store ...1 jhn M. Murray, a-' ttv-c-f 't. of. Wade.boro. was shot. ixC 'f' i-i o e ' -dav 'last weerf by P. it 1 ".' . a 17 v'iir nl '1 white : bo of lie imor'd our.ly Murray a j C.t rii b. ami involved in a qu-irr-I, e4vlv i-. t h i .'. but Cagle left afo.' ar.is returned aud renewed this - q i irrel. r He then sh';t Murrav twic ' 0agH was arrested,, also B R Bitth- who '; is charged with boin 4 ar a -s'ry.. "ArmA :: ' with- fi -&jm out help, a fj m baId sppt r .n, e v e r M ypjfo g r o w s 1 A smaller. It keeps until at last your friends say, " How bald he is getting." , Not . easy to cure an old baldness, but f J 4 easy to stop the hrst f thinning, easy to A cnecK tne nrst railing k out. Used in time, bald ness is made i b 1 e with It stops falling, M promotes grovlh, and N tnlop r. 1 oil rl i r A r i FP w A iaav uui ah uaiiuiuin It always restores color to faded or gray hair, all the dark, rich color" of, early life. You may depend upon it every time. It brings health toithe hair. SI .00 bottle. AU Druggists. - " I haTO used yonr Hair Vigor and an greatly j.leased with it. I have only used one bottle of it, and yet my hair has stopped falling out and 4 lias btartca to grow again nicely, cliuh Witt. March 23.1S09. tanova, S. jmmu Wrtto tha Doctor. If yon An rot obtatti alt the benefits too expected from the nse of the Vigor, write the Doctor about it. ddresi. Da. J. C.AIER. joweu. mass. SAO flXI 2f I t rV. . Mm K -A L ' - . .. VA A- A " j 'An, k i -1

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