X . : : ; 1 I . I TES MASCOT Governor Ay cock to be Inaugurated on the loth. ? PCHLISHKD WEELY AT ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Raleigh News and Observer, 29th. Governor Aveock will be inaugu rated on January 15th. The prep arations for the occasion are rapidly Cost of Ktlucation. The Southern States Advancing Some Figures Washington Dispatch, 27th, T iThe report of the National Bureau of Education contains some interest ing statements on nuhlio. prlnnntinn. Massachusetts. Nevada. California heins berfected. Raleigh will do and New York, in the order ' named, herself proud and no pains will be still lead the other States in the a- spared.to matte it possioie aim easy A. D. Watts, Editor & Proprietob yj. ytlZfi th tied condition of Nevada makes pub- are here. lie schools in that State expensive. The inaugural Executive Commit- Massachusetts is : credited with tee met at the mayor's office yester- spending $5.07 per capita; Nevada, day afternoon. Mr. 'Jos. E. Pogue $4.00, and New York $4.03. South is chairman of this committee and Carolina is credited with $3.9f. : Mr. John Wilbur Jenkins- is secre- Howevgr, the growth of public ed- tary. . neat ion pxnenTlit.nr as' in th Smith The. chief orrDOSe of the meeting has been much greater proportion- was to settle finally the date upon day ately than in the JNouth. This is which the inauguration snoaiu lc m ; L4. ne snown oy tne touowing comparisons place, ineiaws 01 1 1 1 W JVUl.. TAYLiOBSVILiIiEJ NEWS Same- Entered at the Postofflceat Statesville at second class mail matter. 'Phone No. 35. " Statesville, N. C, Jan. 3,. 1901. CliOSE OF THE NINETEENTH CEN-TL'KY. At 12 q clock Monday ni Nineteenth Century ended and the Twentieth Century, with all its un told possibilities for weal or woe, dawned. The century just closed has been one of wondrous progress, and no where has that progress been more marked than in our own country. In 1H00 the United States had but 5.000,000 inhabitants, now it has 76,000,000. A hundred years 2.10 the inhabitants, a- simple, 1 bucolic folk, lived along the Atlantic slope. There were no large cities, no rail roads now there arc nearly 250,000 Rev. J. S. Bridges, of Catawba1, was here last week. Congressman Linney returned to "Washington last night. W. C. Feimster, Esq., of Newton, was here Tuesday afternoon . School at the Collegiate Institute opened Tuesday, January 1st, Jas. N. Norton and family moved to Elkin the first of the week. . Miss May Thompson was at States ville visiting the first of the week. Mr. Aaron Deal, an aged citizen of Little Kiver township, died Mon- that the inauguration of a new gov- 3.091 13.50 1870 North Atlantic Sates. .....$2.3S South Atlantic States. .04 South Central States...... .73 North Central Staies...... 2.14 Western States..;....... 2.45 Iri Delaware, Maryland, the Dis trict of Columbia, West Virginia and Florida a decrease is shown in the number of public school children be tween the ages of T) and 18 to each 1. 000 of population, compared with 30 year ago. A 11 of the North Atlantic 1 States .show a decrease. In the Southern Central States, with the exception of Kentucky, there are more school children than there muse no icieiapu Ul lclcu,J"v tants. month for 1 11 1 1 4hn TlTOT I inf.fi ornnr.tna riiki iiia.ee uu lug uu 1 'Hill I tliWI" ijuw.. r 3 70 Tuesday after the Legislature meets. V'ot Thi will nlace the date, as stated ' r- - , 1 oil above, on January urn. nr the Kauwav LOinuiiLiec.Mi' N. W West reported that he had received letters fr6m the Seaboard Air L;r.e Railway, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Atlantic and North Carolina, and the Southern Railway, stating that they would give special rates for the occasion and do all in their power for its success. They asked to be notified of the ,date of the inauguration as soon as possible. Capt. West was directed to thank them and to give the desired infor mation lines. It took almost a a letter to go from Maine to Geor gia, and the lowest rate of postage was 8 cents for 40 miles or less1. The farms furnished the food and the mothers and daughters spun, wove .and made the cloth, for which the plants of the forest furnished dye stuffs.'.. But all this is changed. .Papulation is now trending toward the cities -and towns. -Railroads and telegraphs have made the whole nation one great neighborhood. The inventions of the century" are wonderful and countless. Some of the most beneficent are the use of steam, as a motive power, the tele graph, the telephone, the sewing machine, the cotton gin, the harvest ing and threshing machines, the 1 improved printing press, and hun dreds of others of greater or less value in fact the home of even the humblest citizen is made more com- - fortable by the century's improve ments. Every art and science, has advanced. Knowledge has become more widely diffused, and ignorauce is being driven away. There is much in the past to reflect on, but the present generation Capt. J. J. Bernard made a report during me last year the various fnr their r. . - - - . .- .- . I I I V ' I. r (IIIIIIULJ L iVYJ-l.V- " ' btates expended l'.h,000,000 for " nc, ni :,.; mrtipnlircrp. it i t- mi L ,i 1 I purposes, and giving particulars re public education. Thirtv-three mil- r ,. A J? lions of this went for buildings and parmanent plant, ?1 28,000,000 for salaries and the balance for main tenance. ' , Mr. W. E. Elliott is moving1 his store, harness and shoe shop to Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. White, of Avilla, returned to Troutman's Monday. Mr. A. M. Herman and Mrs. C.T Herman left Tuesday for Ohio and Minnesota. Mr. Burette Moose is home from the west on a visit to his mother near town. 1 Mr. O. G. Lefler has returned to Hickory where he has "a job building a roller flour mill. C. H. , Goodin and family moved yesterday . from W. P. Injram's to a farm near Hiddenite. Mr. A. J. Blankenship, from near town, visited relatives in Mecklen- rarding the proposed entertainment. TT. .,knh it 1 I II II I mO- T n SXJhw. ihat wUh but burB county last week of that AVar Anions Gainlilers. New York Dispattfi, 2'jth. . One of the fiercest and bloodiest fights that has. taken place in this city in a long time took place in Harlem, early to-day. Four men were shot. One died and another is tntP and will be the most promi dying. Two wounded men escaped nent feature of the occasion. ind the police are looking for them. An effort will be made to . secure One man is under arrest and the the nresence of cadets from the va- lead man's brother has sworn to rious military schools of the State. kill the prisoner, who is accused of little" effort, the presence manv mav be obtained. Companies that intend taking part in the-celebration should noti fy the committee on or Deiore Satur day, January 12th. : The military feature will be more prominent than in any inauguration that has ever taken place in this Rev. and Mrs. W. F, Turnersburg. Iredell county, were here on a visit last wee. Chier Justice FairelotffDies. thing of His Career. A , .Lawyer- ' Goldsboro Dispatch, 29th. 1 , Chief Justice- William T. Fair cloth died suddenly at his home in this city tonight about ten o'clock. He had taken a bath, and the attack came on him just as he'had put on his night robe preparatory to L'oiutr to bed. He hastened tc lie down up on the lounge and his wife saw that his condition was critical. The V I 1 . . neinoors ana nis pnysician were hastily summoned, but" he was dead! before they arrived. In fact he ex pired in a moment or two after reaching the lounge. His neighbors came in quickly. aDDlied-' restora tives and did what they could, but if was too late for human assistance, and it was soon apparent that life j was extinct. There is a deep regret in, this com-1 munitv at the sudden death of the Ch"ff Justice He has lived her many years and. long been identified with its professional and business j life. He was one of the wealthiest! men in the place, a director in the I Bank of Wayne, interested in other! enterprises, and the qwner of live blocks Af real estate in the city. He i was a consistent and leading, mem ber of the Baptist Church, and was a liberal contributor to all its'-us1 itu tions and enterprises Judge Faircloth was born in Greene county. He was a graduate of Wake Forest College, of which 1h was a trustee at the time of his death. He, volunteered in the Con federate" sen-vice and was Quarter Master of the Second North Carolina regiment , when Gen. Lee,surrender ed. After the war he settled at Goldsboro, where he alwavs had a larjre and lucrative practice. , He was asafeatul studious lawyer. Elliott, of and had that deliberation and re search that befits the judicial offi cers. His funeral was held from his late residence in George street at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. Carey Newton, his pas tor, in the presence of a large num Iri! S With out help, a bald spot never grows smaller. It keeps s d r e a d- p lng, unin at last your friends say, " How bald he is getting." Not easy to cure an old baldness, but easy to stop the first thinning, easy to check the first falling out. Used in time, bald ness is ma d e e with H A M u ltitude of 3 E IB L E OI F'l S Nothing is better apprecia-ed as a holiday t'ift tha--s'-ium '.' article of furniture for the hoasH. It i hl wny in u-e ; and always u remembrartc of thn i.n-rs'tnouhtfulnss. A visit to our vidie will show a muiit wile nf diT-r-r.r Arti cles that are at once ai)propri;itf-. beautiful., dui-iihl.. and " reasonably priced. The expense can be-limited to'auv " amount desired From One Dollar and Upward There are pretty Ru-kers in oak. map).', mahojanx and reed, from $i:(0 to $10 00; fancy tables f,,r hall, sitlinvr " roomJand parlor, from $1.00 up to $10.00, a beauti-ful line of Loungt s and Couches, Ladies' Dsks; from 5 50 to $12 00-; combination boo!. ises from $12.00 to $:.10. m. L. SCHILLER, New Cooper Block. Furniture and Carpets Dr. J. P. Matheson, JrP, of Da vidson College, came up last week to spend a few days at home. Rev. W. J. Tidball was at Newton last Sunday assisting to install Pas- ber of friends of the family. "The.re- 4- , A. I' XT 1 -I . 1 I , Tie preacneu tne mains left the eitv at. 'A-:Q n m. v a . . . . . - the Atlantic x North L arolina train Miss Lula Norton name, in Tups for La Oange, and were interred in day, New Year's day, to visit her the cemetery there. It stops falling, M promotes growth, and Y4 takes out all danarun. I't always restores A color to faded or gray hair, all the dark, rich color of early life. You may depend upon it L every time. It brings health to the hair. $1.00 a bottls. AH Druggists. " I linvo usrd your ITrur Vigor and am gri'atly viasfl ssi Ax it. 1 hao onlv used oiio bottle of it, and yet my "iviir has stopj-ed falling out and has started to grow again nicely." Julius Witt, Marcli 28, 1S99. Canova, S. Dk. Christmas ! Christmas! JOL YOU realize its nearness?' The question S,M, ' 'be uppernio.t as to what you shall buy for presents W you will inspect, the following lini which we ar- now dis playing it will h.Mp to solve the problem:"..' Books of all- kinds. 15c. to $5 per vol.; Fine Stationery, handsomely boxed l.d'o-'ii' Pens, Pencils and Fountain Pens; Art Novelties ; Sioriin.' Silver Articles; Toilet and Manicure Sets; Celluloid Cootlsl China and Opal Ware; Fancy . Lamps aud Vases; Work and Wastepaper Baskets; Large Hoe of Dolls aud Toys; Crun.bi na tion Game Boards-and-. Games of all kinds. Whcnli;)t)pin" call and see. ." .. ' The commanding officer has not : ugrain, ana ner iatner, shooting him. The men engaged in been chosen yet. near town. From the State Treasurer's lieport. the tight are for the most- part The committee on arrangements The Junior Order A. At. tovr kr 1 he reoort of th Stato Treasure gamblers. -The dead man was suggest that should the weather ad- oyster supper last Saturday night will show an enormous increase of I ueurge rrice, a printer ana . oar- mit, the inauguration tae piace to the members and a lot of friends expenditures in the past 2.1 years. VZriYc the Doctor. If tou do rot hain all the benefits tou "expected frin tiie mo of the Viaor. write the 1'm-tor jihout it. A.adreiS, Da. J. C. AVER. Lowtll, Mass. V V"V "v - 1 9 . W. H. ALLISON. VARIETY STORK STATKSV1L1J- 0. JACKETS AND CGiTs; Fifteen to twenty percent, saved Jackets or Coats if bought of us. ' ;' : We are showing a large and varied line :?f on your. tender. The wounded are Edward f mm a Platform built on the east Courtney, alias ''Slats," shot in the side pf the capitol. If the weather abdomen: Thos. Kennedy, alleged should be unfavorable, the inaugu oroprietor of a pool-room, shot in ration will take Place in the Acade- one leg; Edward McGinncs, alias my of Music. , PMward McJ.lullen, sporting man. On motion of Mr. Josephus Dan- shpt in the left arm. Kennedy and iels,-Chairman Pogue was instruct- McGinnis cannot be found. ed to invite the Merchants' Associ- ..The prisoner is Miles .McDonneli, ation, and the iLabor and Trades' .")! years old, of City Island. He is TTninns nf the citv to aDDOint a com- well known as a gambler. He has a mittee of five each, to, be a general record, the police say. The parties reception committee; the names to "'v viiiuiMij- tiiin a ijuai ici, wwivui Qg SeUL 1U LO iiil . O . u liuui. ncuamo, started when in the Masonic hall. . Hf- J -. m . iur. auu iurs. muse, irom near Charlotte, moved to 'this county last week, having bought a farm in Little River township. Mr. C. K. Gould, of Kina-'s Moun- rt - uuring nve years oeginning in the average was only $G04.000 an- nuallyv while during five year's be ginning lb'Jo the average was 400,000, or two and a third times more. The State debt at" present is $3. tain, spent a dayor twohere Christ- 57,000 at 4 per cent., and 8720,000 mas seeing the Dlace and friends at o per cent. Bonds not vet, sent in Mr. Gould lived here some five years tor exchange can lor lS.uuu in 4 ajo. TTMf wnpn : . 1 1 1 in n li i , onn kd. i . , should grasp the possionuies iU'-M l3edy were partners in a recently A oommittee on Public Comfort the new-born century is holding out to them. The future has secrets yet to unfold more strange than any the past has revealed. Co-equal with, and oftimes preceeding, the great material progress of the century Mr. Cyps Moose sold his interest in the Robnett livery stable to his partner, Mr. Lester Ingram, and per cents., but it is hardly probable many of these will ever be sent in. has been the spread of the gospel of couples aud fired at short distance the Nazarene. The Bible has beeu carried into every land, and has with stood every attack from without and from within the fold of the Christian church. The Twentieth. Century is full of promise to those who believe that the God of the fa thers controls and directs the affairs of men and nations and J.hat the Prince of Peace will one day rule in the hearts of all men. The State has lost two of its fore most legal lights in the deaths of E. O. Burton, Esq,, and of Chief Jus tice Faircloth. The former wa comparatively a young man, but he was generally acknowledged to be losedramblin? house, was renewed, rcne arm noWl whose, datv it shall "eui, to oaasoury last wee'i on a Kennedy threw -McDonnell to the be to establish at bureau of general visir- noor. Instantly friends of both information in regard to Raleigh men rushed into the tight with drawn and the inauguration, and to attena to the matters usually delegated to a committee on hotels and enter tainment. I .. When the Century Dawned. revolvers and and a fusilade began. Fifty shots were fired. It was like a duel, thtf crowd separated into Courtney 'dropped first. The others then began to separate. Kennedy ran out and McGinnes tried to fol low. He was shot in the arm. The police. arrived aud arrested McDon nell and took Courtney to a hospital. The Counties Interested. Raleigh News and Observer. If the Simonton assessment stands Wake, county will lose in taxes about t wo thousand dollars per year. John ston about xue thousand, Durham nearly one thousand dollars, aad other-counties will proportionately lose taxes that are justly due them under the assessment made by the "Corporation Commission. This tax, -.vhich is just and ought to be paid, means better schools, better roads, pette'r-care of the poor, andprev'tnts heavy-burdens u'poa those property Ttie .Ao.jut.ant. General's lieport. Adjutant General Royster in his report urges that efforts be made to get 'a large appropriation from and also Ihe new century dawnad away out in the Pacific at 20 minutes be- Messrs. Jno. and Isaac Connelly, fore 7 o'clock yesterday morning.bv oi Aiaoama, brothers of Mrs. , Jno, iSew York time. L. Gwaltney, arrived last week jtol Thence, it travelled across Asia, spend a month or two in Alexander Europe and the Atlantic Ocean. county among relatives and friends, reaching New York at midnight,. 'af ter a tourney of seventeen hours and twenty minutes. Flying swiftly past New York, the new century reached first Chicago, then St. Louis, ihen Denver, then San Fran- education. Answer! Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of anv medicine in th civilized-world. Your mothers and grandmothers, never thought of us iny -anything else for indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and tHey "seldom heard of Appecdi. it-'s. Nervous Prostration ov Heart fi'dure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system anc too fermentation of - undige.st.eo food, regulate the action of the liver. timulate the nervous ana organic action of thersystem, and ,that is ali they took when feeling' dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquifl form, to make vou satisfied there is nothing .erimis the matter with VOU. 1 or ;ale by W. F. Hall, Jr., Druggist. one of the best furnished and most owners, ho have no "pud gifted lawyers in the State. Judge Faircloth was a learned lawyer and of that caste of character that fitted him for judicial duties. Both were men- of singular purity of life and character. the companies of tne State and rec om mends an appropriation for an ar senal and an appropriation for an annual encampment of at least ten days, with pay and rations and the organisation of two more light ar tillery detachments, one in the east and one in the west. A grand summary of the report shows that the strength of the guard, including the Naval Brigade, is 1,903, 09 -less than a "year ago. During the year three companies of infautry, at Reidsville. Plymouth and Ma's ton, "and two divisions of Three Men Killed at Abbeville, S. C. Charleston. S. C , Dispatch, Dec. 30th. lhreemen were killed in Abbe Vllle, this .State, last night, as the mc. nassini offinto the blue water. malice. Two of them were the sher iff of the county, and NOTICE. A U- rERSONS indeblea to us oy noe or and seuie ai once. January 1st. 1901. We need the money. Kespecttullv. BAR RON & . NICHOLSON .1 -nt.: 1 ri that the services of ao army officer "d of the Pacific at 3 A. M. be secured to do special work among '" l-...u, ui i iy ic Cut in Price. spected Northerner Wm. Kyle, of "n-iear-um ma.sest.on. Massachusetts, who has beeu suner- W. II. Peters. Nathanton. kv.. intending the building of a cotton writes, I have suffered untold inis mill in Abbeville. They were play-jerv for ten years with Indigestion ing cards for pinders at the hotel, and Biliousness. I was treated bv il:r a cut of 2 o on all grade waTOiis Come eariv and YOUNT V WHITE, Stonv l'oitit, N. C. January 3rd, 190; . WE WILL make of J. I. Ni.ssen get one. Lost Drg W1 $5 Reward. when John Dansby, a notorious gambler and ex-United States mar shal, threw $2 on the table and said, "play for this." Ihis was refused and an altercation ensued. Dansby suddenly drew a 45 calibre revolver and shot Kyle in the abdomen to -he amazement of all present. He then backed out of the room deelar- r a. . i it i ing inaic ne wouia snoot auv man five physicians but obtained ovA temporary reiier; l oegan to ur- Ramon's Liver Pills ar.d'Tonic P lets anct nave oeen constantly im proving, and have a fair prospect ol being permanently cured. For sale by N R. Tunstall, Druggist. - cive l:vc'!:4.ars tor ms trou.).e. iiiif iriihm'.f ihiksn-i o:i msiacK. a ou stiot over lit-i lei't'eve (.n'oiil the size of a Vmst- - M Wioi: ri.-lu par. Is a setter ot itseunnii ; ' w ill '"'ve c2S'oo to convict the thit v. ii -t'o'.e Tii.n " ' W. H. CoKHHY,-. ' .,' Care J, C. Sotuers ft Co. .i nuary ;rd, iooi. There has been much speculation as to whom Governor Russell would appoint as Chief Justice Faircloth's successor. It was hoped that he might promote our townsman, Judge Furches, to the vacancy but the Governor has given it out that he will appoint an eastern man, (and the indications now point to Chas. A. Cook Esq., of Warrenton, as the next Chief Justice. Birth of the New Year. Henry Blount in Raleigh Post - When the eyes of Post readers rest upon these lines the old year, 1900, with its raging storms and peaceful calms, its lowering clouds and beaming sunlight, its sorrows and its joys, will have passed into the Eternal By Gone. To some it will be fondly treasured in sweetest memory, for the flowers of hope blossomed beautifully, and sweeten ed life with the perfume of ripest fruition; to. others the fateful weeds ofdisa'ppointmentcame and the heart grewsick at their noxious exhala tions. Some have roamed amid the tropical flowers of brightest success, where every breeze was threaded with the odors of thrift, and where the warm gulf-waves of prosperity broke in shimmering radiance o'er the heart; others have been exiled to the Siberian wastes of iciest disap pointment, and there amid the des olation of despair they have gazed in shivering anguish upon the snow wrapped skeletons of hopes that per ished and dreams that died. And so, the old year has had its sunlight and its shadows, itsioys and its sorrows, its smiles and its tears. 5And while some will feel sad at its death, others will be glad that it is gone, and will hail with gladdest joy the new year that has just been born. Supreme Court Cost, Raleif?h Correspondent Atlanta Constitution. Most people haye an idea that taking cases to the supreme court is an expensive luxury. This is cer tainly not the case iniSTorthCarolina. The average cost of cases in the su preme court is $12 for printing and $7 for clerk's fees. The court here is strictly a court of error now. Not sjnce 1887.has it been a court of final judgment. In former times the clerks of the court had not infre ATJentliy to ( sell lands unSer jtrdg -non ton.- it toe railroads esca taxation, what they escape m paid by others or the schools and roads must suffer. In the pending litigation to dodge rn v. t l.i itT . i r- 1 - a. O . 4. J I pe just Mount .Olive., were disbanded, who attempted to stdphim.. USt be Tl, ,n,llo.tinnd tr nrtrnn- - USDy Was IOllOWeCl by t I The most effective little pills made are DeVYitt's Little ly Risers. They nevdr gripe. F. Hail, Jr. m-er Far W Notice to Oreditora, vir. rnmiif-etl as administratrix o "j- t st ale of L C. William-:. i1eoeael. this i Male to present Me sim to tne ir.i lersigua wo po 1 - . 1 - . iiLcuini . lull. m u .1 Hi) :ir riLr mirn i7o nnmninios wore li en niiT, r.wn . . . ' " "j were accepted, one at Greenville and " " y ' tv ltt's Little Eaplv Risers aro nnat Maxtor.', the comnanv at the S.. n"m?r ,.of, . citizens arrived, dainty little nills. but Vhev never taxation by the three great railroad iatt.p.r nlane heinr reorauiz-d, 1 ae s.ne.rm. callect fansby to come faii to cleariSe the liver, remove oh- i .. -i . i i n r ai it or Thn h-MK t t-, ; i i . ----- - - - systems, tne counties nave a aeep in- There are 22 companies with 1,516 mJTi, T w n 1 structions and .'invigorate the sys- terest it Simonton s assessment officers and enlisted men: five divis- K;"1 uc uciU 7',"? surrenuw. tem. W. F. Hall, Jr. preyaus, tney uo noi get tne tax sions of the that justly belongs to them. ine223 and State is wisely standing un for'thele- r.v.I.,v, o gal and moderate assessment made by ten efTmnanie the See.ond h:is elev- commenced firing. Dansby vas shot i 4. 1. .. -"t.T r t.I r -j . i r rTlP.e in tho ai oni full Ir, 4V,n .ur,- oy me uui uuinuuu commission, in Pn. the th rd has twelve. Thev are , .1"" 'v6 u u """w") . -, r.r- u,.f,,-r i ltJ. fir finv of laiuarv. or. iViis notice vilt be plead in -;tar of recc.very tii:ue pavn-.ent. Tiiis the 29th of Decnst.cr, Kyoo.- MkS IL. O WILLIAMS. Adminiptratrix of 1,. C- Williams, deceased Arinfiekl & Turner, Alty's. Naval Brigade, strength r . Yu- L"OL"p luc one artillery section, K win ni i u n remar q rru Bt ,a.r.mt i,oc "Well, we 11 all go to hell together," Sal- of Valuable Real In Troutman's GOODS. Men's, ladies' and children's Underwear, Ilosieni WooU-ji ai d Cotton Blankets, Comforts. Trunks, Rugs 'and. .a big variety of. seasonable goods which we have not space to' mention. " John J. Cljvk's two hundred yard 4 cord, soft: 7 finish maeoine Thread bought by the barrel and sold two spools for .Vcents.. Kamsey,- Tomlin & Bowles We Tliank our Friends ! Heartily for their very liberal patronage : during t he-year 1900, and trust to merita continuance of the same during the year l!Xfl. . " ' . - Wishing our customers one and all a '' 'Happy and Prosperous New Yearj we are ' Very Truly, h - ' Barron & Nicl)lsop r R AST BROAD STREET. . STATIKVILLE. X We ;iv" Trading Stamps For CASSiiSNn'cImU. This Space will be Filled BY P. Allison v. , .,. llnnlc ctntiAfiP'nr "i ond KIp Dmk : liUUUUi VJCltlJlliliVl It U Itllll 1UW VUUW' r ' ml ' Jan. 1, 1001. A t'tw Fe hrua r y Vivs t - W. V. Hall s Iruir Store. -Xext door' U Rac-kirigj the Cradle. ,-. i ij vv iv. r: in i . i some of the counties the county of- Qn HetK., enrt n,,! mnhiia.- ttie shentr was struck once in the r i.:. r a i a i I 1 ucers are oo-opera,Lin witn T,ne tion is easy. State to prevent the success of the Large supplies have been issued, Simonton assessment. In this they at least 40 rilles to each company, are doing a public service, - for they it wni require under the present have really more interest in winning quota about two years to fully equip the suit than the State for the coun- the entire force. The government's ty and schools get twice as much of allotment to North Carolina this me tax as ss. mtu otatt; xreas- pvear in suDDlies amounts to S18,y77 ury. The evidence in Pender and John ston counties shows beyond cavil that the railroads are wrong in their con tention. This evidence had no weak chain in it largely because Mr. John T. Bland, county attorney of Pender, and Mr. John A. Narron, connty at torney of Johnston, did their duty to their counties and presented the evidence fully and in a way. that clinched the truth of the State's con tention. Wherever the county at torney has done his duty the evidence has reonfounded the tax-dodgers. The county commissioners owe it to those tax-payers who cannot rush to Simonton to have their taxes re duced below what is fair and moder ate, to direct their attorney; to co operate with the State's attorneys in securing the evidence to prevent the loss thai will follow if Simon ton assessment stands. The Legislature will soon be in session. It can settle this matter for the future very readily by impos ing a tax on the franchise as well as on the property, and the counties can aid the State to win in the con test for the 1899 and 1900 , assess ment, j A Negro Jew. Goldsboro Dispatch, 30th. - Goldsboro has had a monstrosity in the shape of a negro Jew, who put in his appearance here yesterday, and as he was fully acquainted with Masonic and Odd Fellows grips he was taken in charge by colored Ma sons and Odd Fellows and beings of the Jewish faith, he did not fail to have the attention of all Israelites. The surprise to the Jews was that he could write and speak the Hebrew language fluently and that he was fully up in the faith of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob. He was from Af rica, that part bordering on Abys sinia. He is a sailor and came heije irom .Newport News, having desert efl his ship there because of the aDase of ip captain. , : and is preliminary, as about $5,000 more is due. It is desired to issue new rifles. The State Guard was called on four times during the year to. aid the civil authorities. Rifle practice is greatly needed. No encampment was held this year, owing to the lack of fund . Much improvement was made in equip ment, interest and discip'iue. An officer of the regular army is need ed at headquarters. Mail Sack Robbed of $100,000. Detroit, Mich,, Dispatch 29th. A mail pouch containing $100,000 in negotiable paper and an unknown amount of money, was stolen from the Wyandotte, Mich., Michigan Central Railroad passenger station some time last night. The last mail for Wyandotte arrives at 10:28 and owing to the lateness of thehour it is left in the station until morning. Last night, Operator Richard threw the pouches under a seat in the cor ner of the waiting room and then went to his home in Detroit. Today Mail Carrier McClear miss ed the sack and George Bessey, a driver of an oil wagon, also reported at the station that . a pouch, ripped open and empty, was be hind an oil tank close by. Two em ployes of the J. B. Ford Alkali Works brought in a number of cnecks and opened envelopes they had found strewn along the railroad track. Postmaster Johnson, of Wyandotte, immediately investigated. . The trail of the thief was marked along the railroad track by strewn letters, checks and drafts. Most of the mail was intended for the Ford Com pany and a force of clerks was sent out to collect the strewn letters. J. B. Ford, Jr., said a draft for $40,000 he expected was missing left breast near the heart and fell as" soon as hit. Dansby walked some ou steps and was reloading his Dis- tol when he was shot again, some say by the dying sheriff.be sher iff and his slayer died within a few minutes. Kyle lingered until 2 o clock today. It is estimated that $175,000,000 was disbursed the first days of this year bv threat financial concerns tnrtragttout tnecoaatryinaiviaenas. . wood, ttwaukegafii ill STATE NEWS. A fire in Rutherfordton Monday morning destroyed a number of buildings and the entire outfit of the Vindicator. During last week Mr. John Green wood and his two daughters, of El kin, became violently insane. The trouble is said to be caused' by re ligious excitement. A serious cutting affray occurred at Black Mountaiu Sunday evening, in which Andy Powers was perhaps fatallycutbyaman who.se name is supposed to be Collier. Collier was not arrested. The distinguished law firm of Simmons, Pou & Ward, .which has existed for several years in Raleigh between Hod. F. M. Simmons. James A. Pou and A. D. Ward, was dissolved Monday. Mr. Simmons as is well known, has been selected by his party to represent in cart the State in the Ucited States Senate, and will be formally elected by the J-iegisiature this month. Lieutenant Governor C. A. Rey nolds will be appointed postmaster of Winston-Salem in a fe w days. He is to succeed Col. P. H. Lybrook, who is forced to resign on occount of continued ill health. The latter is still in a hospital in Philadelphia and his condition is reported to be not very hopeful to relatives and friends. By request of Congress man Linney, Mr. Reynolds has for warded his papers, making former application for the office. The sa e ry of this post office is $3,100. Though lost and forgotten for nearly a quarter of a century, an authentic portrait of Chief Justice John Marshall, of the United States Supreme Court, has been discover ed. For 20 years the portriat has huog n the home of H. M. TJnder- Jr -D'elaughter, Sparkman. Ark ' says: fc or, the pa,t fifteen years have consulted phvsicians and ued patent medicines, but Ramon's Liv er Pills and Tonic Pellets excelled them all. I could get no relief for constipation, and after using one box I was as sound as a dollar. Af ter tailing a .number of my good friends, they tried the medicine and were cured, and now, we are all rocWiog the cradle of life away in perfect health and enjoyment. My advice to all is never let your hou'se be clear of Ramon "s Pills. For sale by N. R TuDstall, Druggist. IJIvUDOUN MU3UN is made c: a wliicla buys the cotton Crzzt irom the planter and sells tli 2 mujliii direct to the retail , Ii n handled only three times. Ic escapes the profits of commission men, jobbers and speculators. That is why it can ' be sold so cheaply. It has double wearing value, double comfort. Washes better and bleaches whiter than any other goods made. All pure cotton, thor oughly cleaned and carded, hard twisted, closely woven, calen dered to a soft, smooth, downy finish. The name, is lightly stamped on each yard. The first wash ing washes it out. milE vuM'.ersiiir.ed as conrnis.-ionor of the Su- perior Court of Iredell county, by virtue of 3 iiirliriiient of saitl court iir a sjiecial proceeding 1 herein pending, wilt sell at the cuurt house door 111 Statesvine 011 .MONDAY, 'FEBRUARV 4TII, 1901, that valuable lot in Troutman's N. C, known astheJ..C. Stefl and T. M Patterson store htn-.se lot. There is 1 frame (two-s'ory) store house 011 t lot and the kvatiou is good for a rmsiness lions'-. The property is sold lor parti tion between the owners Tsrm of sale Cash . C. II. AKM1IKUI', Thisjau 1st, 1901.. Commissioner. Sale of Land. Y VIRTUE of a decree of Iredell Superior ourt made 111 the special proceeding enti tled II. t,. Pierce, No-ih Pierce ana o'liers against Fred Jenkins and wife, Roxanna M ienkins, the undersigned as commsssioncr of s?id court will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 4TH, 1901, a. the court house door in Statesville, N. C, set a: public auction to the highest bidder two val" uabie tracts of land belonging to the estate oi L,. XV. Pierce, deceased. One tract adjoining R. V. Holland and others, in Oliu township, in fald cniiitv, containing forty -one- (41) acres, more or less. Also one other tract adjoining R, W, Holland. J T Perry aud others, containing one hundred ( 100) acres more or less, Tern.s oi sale 0 i:e halt cash en day of sale, and tl.e other halt payable in six months from date of Mle, with 'note and approved security with i.i'erest iroiii date. Title retained by the comt till all the purchase money is paid. This January 1st, 1901. Commissioner. Thank; My friends, one ar d all, for their geperous 'pat ronage during the past "year, and asking tbem Tf Tonr Healer doem't fell it we will hip diiect from tne milts ia fiftj-yard & t or more, carriage pain. I. iied on n but. tou bag tree. Write for one. 9$0RE COTTOS MILLS, .TayioriTlllft, I. C ;r lot to forget That one good . turn de serves another. I am, with best wishes for the New Year, Yours Tr ujy , RICKE RT. The Jeweler and Optician . ... ...... t ' A Happy : J New Year) To all our Friends and Customers we send greeting, " i ii rur be wishes for their health and prosperity. New YrurV :'V'y are the mile posts in life's journey and as we pass tV m , by year, we see the circle of our friends and patron rcat. ( enlarged: This is as it should be and the fact yiTufda K pleasure. We would, at this time suggest-- ". '' I Two Resolutions. . .. " On the part of our friendswe suggest, that every oi to continue favoring us with their patronage, as (jj of their appreciation of pur efforts to please. For Our Own Part, A' -V, de- ' We Will reSolv'H tf! rpdnnhlA nni- nnonrn nnfl Strit'0 . t3. serve that patronage more than evpr during the ctnv.lvg' Both good resolutions, aren't they ? DrFn't -forget tu cfcV yourdates. Begin now to write it "1001." Faithfully Your's, F. A. Sherrill & Co. 9 ASP 3 We call your attention to our. ...... . Xiine of Gloves and Handkercbi The very best values and daintiest patterns .''.'. you can find in our city. See our line of Rugs and a thousand otter things. j Dress Goods, Jackets and OapeS- -..-'; -'.. - v . Going at Great Bargains, - , : ''''. " .;. ' . 1 . : Yours to'Please, . f( I. S. IZviy a DPair bfNew Ladies boe?' ' .... -- . .- .- r f hi tc 1 Y 11 a; 11 ti 1 fee le -ev loJ ilnl WW ml Aiai 3i:aE Still i'v : sta 111V ' hai' lac Po of dor Jim I . Mo ,aey neal jail meii to v arrt nam! itrlei