;' 1 j J.T1LL' iijuliw j,jjwj4aaawwggi , 1 TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED. WE' GUARANTEE STATE SVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1901. KO."9. VOL. VIII. , g 1 ft.? f Mmnxrv Be ' T handle all kinds of Granite aud Marble the best quality. f IVTo.AVIfl ' jle known .o tne trade and FiiBt-Glass worK; . Lowest Prices 5 r-ip-.S fVS " Tb First ; national Bank nr received I i. 4 , Deposits receivea suujtuo i oney loaned on paid lo collections, on Accounts of Corpor- ...... 'i.-i..,r Rankicir Rusincs? . e t d f11 time deposits. n: ('vnu security. Special attentlo "on 'ho 'most favorable teems. ' - , Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill Willi-lie:.-!. -.nultaneous raci.e! scAtng Us inu cable rop" f l (l, fa s;tvfeed ever put, 00 a saw a1-- Company s ENGINES ND BOILERS, vrines. and nailers, any 1 i.liR irt-cat bill, "iimbin tfa'J'i a tn;riiie. ;i at. b;w prlc s 1 . i e w w-ilu.T'u.nier. i:niTOKiAi ybrES. npTor Oaav, who bas recently THE LEGISLATURE. !Si a t Sloan A- . , Over P-Trton liros tb-iiig Uo.-, . ' e w r. 1 n l It ion o oar line 0' oiiaav - CKwear, A le il. . est line u; to ( a.s 1 ai 1 i t, l! O. 1 V.'C U iaauivinu' you 10 .her u ftros ts '00a beavv i ive soiue 'oo ti'ins oiVerit) special 1 uiira. :de'rear. Let us in Suits and Ovcr- roui- liberal p uducetaeiit.s'.'sr. to e:o$e. out. Very tvui v, Sloan C lothing Go. kn rrlnrtpA- tf) the befUite Pennsylvania, may be a corrupt po itical boss and an expert raanipuia- , I 1 A 1 A'. A V.r Q-.llth 5J. tor OI CafeD, O'UL UU um - friendly turn ip opposing tbe force bill, o.nd we are ratlier glad he won hiscar. If men of his stamp musi be in the Senate, we prefer those who oar friends when we needed them., 1 . The Goldsboro correspondent of thi Raleigh Post lays himself haole to tbe scjrn ofThe progressive edu cators of bis town by writing as fol lows, recently: There is complaint here that too little attention is paid to the impor tant studies of English grammar, English composition, mathematics and spelling by our graded schools. L nese stuaies ure piauuouy u. uy;-. ... beginning with the seventh gra-ie And, too much, stress laid on the im- nortance of the study of botany, butterflies, grasbboppers and Latin to too neglect or tuese umei luvr essential studies" You mustn't say such things, for ii is an evidence that you are oe- i the times. Those old fashioned studies are ail right in their way, but the modern child must get be yond the three "Rs."; and know all about bug;grasshoppers, butterflies, etc. They must be entertained and taught to study nature, you know. The very fountain head of Chris tian civilization aDd society is the home; and one of the lamentable evi dence of the decay of the home is found in the frequency with which divorces are grunted in our courts. The law makes it too easy to obtain a divorce and society is tar too lenieut m us estimate of the evils following divorces. Anvthintr that tends to b-sn-n the sacredness and bitdirg forc2 of the marriage vow is a men ace to the stability cf the home and, trercfore, to tbe virtue and integrity of our f-ocial. life. The legislature has :':veral bills before' it lcokitg to changes in" the divorce laws of the State; .'and. it. should' be sure that every change, made in trie, present law's should be cf such character, as to render tbe obtaining of divorces more. difficult. One of these bills introduced by Hon. Jno. S. Hendcr- son, oi Kowc-n. u passea. wouia al low the divorced woman alimony t i t under certain circumstances; out whatever law is passed it should give added protection to the1 homes Of the State. No bills of general importance were passed. What is Being Done. v ann, oi tnowaii, movea xnai me ivr.ox :turdiv 19tb. In tbe House a anti cigarette mil be reterea to t petition was introduced from citi- judiciary . committee. Brown saia nhihit. manufac- there was a legal question involved, so as introducer he would not ob ject to the bill going to the judiciary zens of Yancey to prohibit manufac turing of whiskey un county. Bills i introduced-i To erect a mon ument to Junaluski, the Indian chief, for services in the war of 1812. Bills passed: To allow a stenog- rnr.Kap ( ry v,,ihlir rp.fl? f'.nmffi i t tee fit . r.oSt. not to exceed $25. Of the for support of the University Ui;,Ccm At tMo hi r,n . () ds 10 M-xunu iirunuu,. ruictuoc.uu uij - i . . . . i his correspondence says: uumoee memoers -exp.ampu "Mr. Ebbs opposed this expendi- their opposition to Dr. Curry s tnM ..ntii n.0-nnrnrr!aiion for nub- speaking, and expressed regret for !:!ui mnKin m.. iTjt.t.c the same. Mr. Craig moved that committee. Thursday, 24th In the How" bills were introduced:, To incorpo rate New River Development Co.: of STATE, NEWS. Tie; legislature , will be asked to authorize the building of a turnpike road from Sparta to Elkm. The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce is opposed to any movement looking to an extension of tbe city limits, R. v. W. P. MeGb.ee ha- tendered his ) ..ination as pas-or f the Methodist church at Mooresvilio. Tbe Panther Creek correspondent of tbe Yadkin Rippie says: A peti tion h-iri been circulated to nave Lit tle Yadkin annexed to Forsyth coun- 3 1. l jS-J Pepsin blU 19 liuiwdu - Fqvsp and e:! EiSiarsaj a rcu. fiat "Ramon's rcprin. 1 Docs Net Contain UJ" ft PoLn. . .i t. Qnn nimdlini. Tel.. sa?: W wa have ever handled. My soa prescribes it in h!3 vrrc-v.c ; tb-oiOv Chill Tonic which a child can take widct irury V. nt IMceDdc. liROWN MF'G. CO.. Pro? ra. l.r'cv:!;;-. iv- Attractive ivT' cistincr mfJj.inbiit tor ; The P.iH-'rhr; :cSc' :; 4' tore up t!:c ne::vo;rj sysiwf-vA nxmsr ty- Mr,, J. S. McNeil, who conducts a mercantile business about three miles from Red priugs, was shot twice by negroes and his store rob bed last Jonday. Governor Aycock has anpoiuled James R. Young Insurance Commis sioner Mr. Young has ben tilling this ofiiee since its creation t wo years ago-in most satisfactory maimer. There is in Greensboro a lady who was born the same year, and near the same dav. as was Queen. Vieto- Bills introduced: To authorize ria. She and the dead Queen- were persons who nave been lunatics or married during the same vear and confined in asylums to manage their both ave birth to the same number . l4- U 1 f 1 .1-1 , . To prevent pools, trusts and mo- , , property, iu regmaio tuo js m enwon-n, even as to sex. - I j-vr I A I n VIH rl Iff 1 C T ii T T . Tti f iT"l 1 n fx noDolies: to tax DistoL dealers; to U.L WC,,B- . b- denne the liability of insurance com panies in certain instauces. A bill passed to repeal the hawk scalp law ii Davidson county'. In the Senate: A bill was intro duced for the erection of an addi tional building at A. and M. college; tb provide for the support of the A. and M, college. A bill to amend said he was glad .Mr. Ebbs had at last waked up lo the needs of edu cation. Watts said he was not at tacking Ebbs, but) congratulating his parry on the improvement indi cated by his remarks from the rec ord made by bis party in the past." The House adjourned until Monday at 12 o'clock in honor of the memo ry of General R. E. Lee. In the Senate the only oui ot gen eral importance introduced was: By Foushee, to regulate the holding of primary, elections. The Senate adjourned at 12 o clock in memory of Lee: Monday 2ist Bills introduced the hour of 12 o'clock be set to bear Dr. , Curry on the subject of educa tion. Mr. Graham moved that the governor and other State officers be' invited. Adopted. The speaker appointed !essrs Craig, Grahnm and Wright to wait ba Dr. Curry and the State officers. In the Senate: The chair announc ed .s committee on senatorial d:s tricts: Morton, Alexander, Lou don, Smith, Glenn, Calvert, McAl- ister, jytii'er Panuico, and Candler. charter of Concord passed. Gover nor Aycock sent his first message to the Senate through his private sec chattel mortgages; to protect policy Mt. v ernon Koiler Mill, one mio holders. this side of High Point, own. J. .by Senator Mclntyre stated that Dr. Mr. I mgau Davis, was burned oue J. L. M Curry would speak at noon day last , wee. it was vaiuea at and he moved that the Senate ad- from $4,001) to o,(!Ul). lusurance, jouru at 12 o'clock in order to hear $2,500. It is thought the tire origm him TTnanimftnslv o.nrrtoA. ated from a spark from tho engine Senator TFoadard for judiciary room. committee submitted two reports on 4a kio t.oan- Henderson bill to allow alimony in obtah3e;i against Wilmington for the death of tha late W. H.. Strauss, who divorce a vinculo matrimonii one a majority favorable to the bill aud a retary, P. M. Pearsall", "nominating minority against it. 7 ' I vnof a Kill tr James R. Young for insurance com missioner. he nomination was confirmed. Tuesday, 22nd. In the House bills were introduced: To raise addition al revenue by a tax on the gross earnings of railroads; to punish the offense of assault with deadly weap ons with intent to kill. A resolution inviting Dr. Curry, agent of the Peabody fund... to ad dress the House was passed after a suarp debate by a vote ot bo to 13. Some Democrats opposed Dr..Curry because he was charged with lobby- lntr in 1-ue interest' ot icicnmono Pearson ayai est Crawford. In the Senate bills were introduc ed: Bv Henderson, o collect and arrange a display of North Carolina roquets for the Pan-American Ex 6sitioc; for the relief and govern moot ot tne JNorta uaronna institu tions for the deaf aud dumb and blind. House bill to make the first Mon Senate bill to graduate tax on charters of corporations. -Hendcr son moved to amend, making it in force 60 days after ratification. This was adopted and the bill passed third reading.. 100 Th- ever ' I": Cards, Mscor Printing Co. and i. vi r- e to turn out a! try :it. -.;,.-.; tl- . nl :-. wi-th or , better ! i 'i ;o"-h t -tb.te li'ri ?.'5iO h 1000 Circulars 75c, With a hn-.u'. nr.-. Cnrcl Case wiili . y.v-.r ii.u-.e ener'iv.d u" thr- c-f. Aliy style pri: card ENVELOPES, ,0"A' PRICKS Size 5-x-8. ttise vrnai you hr.ve to f : !'i v. ith a cir .cu'ar. Small fiic easieiv -rad than a one. A Fire at Davidson. Davidson, Oispatoh to the Observer, 24. Thio morning, between 5 and 6 o'- ciocic, rviri r.juiiroe l'otts nvery s able was found to be on fire. The flames bad made such head way t be fore being discovered, that by the tune the alarm was given Car o ford s three-story brick store house, on one side, and Sawyer's grocery on tbe other, were burning. The citizens of the town and the college 003's quickly collected and a desperate stand was made against seemingly hopeless odds at tbe Brady board ing house. Here a hose from the Ljnden Cotton Mills was brought into plav, and although the building repeatedly caught fire, the flames were (in ally checked. The following buildings were completely destroyed Crawford's store, fully insured, and stock, partially insured; livery str. bl'i belonging to Mrs. S. II. Brady, no insurance; three horses .- and a 'iUiui'rby of roughness, belonging to Munrre Potts, no insurance; V!r. v L-Saw ver's stock of groceries and the building, owned by Mrs. Brady neither insured; barber shop and beef market, belonging to Latterly millinery store, owned by F. J. Knox, uo insurance; Miss Lafferty saved her stock of goods. The loss is esti mated at $1 0.000. ' J. A.. White & Co., H..M. Sloan & Co. ar.d J. P. Munroe' & Co. all sua tainod considerable loss by removing their stocks. The origin cf the fire is ur.Knowti. i.eUe i'a-n. JOS, Statement ;Cni": CRO'.VON" s o T-:ds Note H?ads,BiU IL li'et-t. Circulars. Etc rat low - prices. U ll' TKfif MASCOT PRINTING CO. .0- A'- :fl".l V.ltC2C rllOttS t.'vs:e:u owcrs.-- cucil unow that all clean work is -1 AO ?3 Washing Powder 1 ns 'e:ood as an extra "pair of hands in houschyiu. it saves time and worry. Larct packngc greatest economy, liifi II. FA I RU AN I COMPANY, (..irri). t-L. IjOlllM. tw 1U' Philadelphia. 1- - frrrPh - ' II I I I I WW V - atnigr-t, stumbled into an excavation that Wr-s not marked by lisbls receive i imuries that caust-u ms death. The suit was brought for $25,000 The Lenoir Topic sys: A little 18 mon lbs-old boy, son of Mr. Will Rpsoliitinn for Senate committee Knight, who lives lust across tne on apportionment of representatives line in Alexander, died Sunday from nisspfl ' , the enet pt-ourns recesveu last a r r ' - I -. ma -ll 1 . 1 f 4 1 1J Dr. J. L. M. Curry addressed the uraay. i ne cnua ana a iiii.e oiuer ioint session at 12 o'clock on educa- one. were left m the house alone and t nn t,-i anio, Prn if.iMv that, he m some way toe -.ciOuiiDg w . me -i e j .1 "jiilWlUIU. , 1 VT."1. , r via ed: Toptict timber in WUkes; t - P?P orovide a permanent reaistration of - - - all persons entitled o v6te under sec- ay co:npany, and havnig seen ml -House: Bills introduc' complete independence of that crm pany,i- renewing us preparations to widen lis gaugt aiid extend, the line from Lenoir to Tennessee. It is said i :it within sixty days work will be go:ng on all along the line. Th' G vernor has appointed Gen eral B. S Royster, of Oxford, the present, incumbent, Adjutant Gen eral. i uts upuoiuuueui was eipvot- I r- , i . . . . 1 I ) . : r .- . . . . . 1 .. .. ... , . . Wednesday 23rd la the Houst- u ora mitiee report was uuauimuusiy eo, as vjiii-iai rvobtci u mauc , coed to rtro- lu liiV"r 1 urceu, ttau ctuci suiuc mbi tiai-itun ju,uiii um.. tion 4 of tbe constitution. Bills passed: to repeal the act of 13S9 prohibiting 'he incorporatin of companies exceeding $1,000,000 of capital stock; to allow Concord to sutf bonds. The report of the committee on privileges and elections m the ot The K"ay Teaching Fad Will Old Time Mthod ComejBack? In the last number of the Saturday ETeningPp;t, there is an article by E. Benjamin Andrews on "The Pub-licSchool-of the Twentieth Century" that is full of cemmon-seuse as the following extract will show. "One result of too much dependence upon involuntary attention is to keep pupils from paying close attention to the logical elements., of knowledge, training their minds to incoherence, discontinuity', the avoidance of de tails aud the disuse of the reason ing power. Ljogical continuity in mental work at last becomes impos sible, though in the way-of fact j knowledge the pupil may veritably heap Pelion on Ossa, figuring as a walking encyclopedia, equally ludi crous and useless. In studying gen eral nature- animal life, the mineral world, or the vegetable kingdom, he uses only his eyes, jumbling togeth-. er masses of observations. Think ing, he does not learn. We need a return to tho methods of the school in the wilderness forty years ago, when the book and the pupil's hard study of it made him a man. ,: ''Not alone light but strenuous reading should be urged essays, history, science, philosophy, books that test aud bdoks that drill. No table passages should be memorized, and the most cardinal dates of human history learned ouce for a l This sort of study requires will-powr, but it is indispensable, aud should' be insisted tipon. . A pupil should on graduation have not only an' open mind and a beautiful nature, but a resolute will and an amount of abso lutely correct information in detail. "Teo many boys and girls, after leaving school, show evident disin clination to irake strenuous effort of any kind. They luck the power of strong exertion, courage, resolution, grit 'sand.' They are afraid to take the initiative. The school teaching of the next century, will correct this, developing the .stren uous qualities m children, me pu- pil-wiil cease to feel that be must bo cxtraneously interested before he can act. Instead of looking' to his teacher for interc-sr.as the pedagogy of gush has taught him, hewill learn to find that.quahty within himself ; wiii no longer be beaten into his mind that his teacher, must amuse him, keep him attentive. A sug gested task may be never so dull or hard, he will still be able to think of it'ns required, as having claims up- on inm. iJie:ity oi ine tonic ot driv ing the will to perform unpleasant duties will continually be given him." ' ur8tIonJ.i)8vereI. - ' Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of. any medicine in tho civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of us inr anything else for indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendi- citis, Nervous Prostration ov Heart failure, etc. They used August . Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation' of indigested food, regulate the action of th' liver,, stimulate the nervous and orgaaio jyction of the system, and that is all" they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need ajfe' doses of Green's August Fiower, in liquid .form, to make you satisfied thero is nothing serious the matter with you: For U by W. F. Hill, Jr., Dra rist. 1 day in September Labor Day passed case of McNeill against Greene of final reading Wilkes, was at 10 o clock taken up. A petition was introduced to pro hibit the sale of liquor within two mues of a church m Unity- town ship, Rowan county.i A resolution expressing the sym pathy of the people of North Caro ina with the people of England was passed and the flag on the capitoi placed at half mast for three dsys Bills were introduced by Wright, of Rowan: To appoint certain jus tices of the pc;ace in Rowan,, to pro hibit sale cf bquor in Unity town ship, Rowan county A bill was passed giving deputy registers of deeds the right to cancel a mortgage on payment. , Thp hmir r-.f 1 V havimr rtrnvfxl ih cnppitil pr.-lpi- hpirxr thp inint. eocslnn SOiiat propel ty Oy of the Senate and '-House for the passed third reading election of a Uqit.ed States Senator, the sergeant at arms ap.Douuced th1 approach of the Senate; The senate aad House-being in joint session, Lieutenant Governor t urner presiding, the report of the action of tno Houe and Senate Thursday was read. The tellers on the part of the Senate taenannounc ed that F. XJ. Simmons was duly elected United States Senator fov North Carolina for a term of six years. j The president appointed Senators Glenn and Representatives Jones discussion it. was adopted by a vote He was appointed by Governor Rus- I of 86 to 12. sell to succeed a K-puoiican. tie is Senate-Bills were introduced: To a staunch Democrat, a prominent at- amend section 721 of the coda re- tornev oc Oxford, and chairman of. ' - j warding the lien of laborers and me- tho Democratic executive committee chanics; to prohibit tbe manufacture for Granville county. The Abbeville Citizen of the 23rd says: 'i ne marriage oi auss jxai.a- . . . (i , 1 .... 1 enne .falter. son, or .saevme, uu James A.. Logan, of Greensboro, as m " t i c i .1 Vi 11 f i I i r r . ; i I n : 1 VI : t. Si : 1. vacancy as commissioner ot agric- - r., nlture if such vacancy occurs. The wat su r prise to t he relatives of tae u-n .... f.i ,;h0 onmmittPA co'Mile, and to ail except a very rev oa agriculture of their f r ienaS Vw r. is ch: C nm,lolU cnlo n npr. OePUlV 10 iiarsnai xUllllu.au a uuivo uumiiiiaiiaiijis : . , .- v his oraciai capacity.; A report comes from Freedman's and sale of liquor in two miles of cer tain churches in Rowan county. Senate bill, providing that no one but practical farmers shall serve oa f'nn .lnfn rvf O 'YY5 Oil 1 1. 1 1 T-O fnd orovidin .for the governor to fill the which to-k place January io, h the VTenezuela Trouble. Pbiladelph'a Record. township, says the Louisburg Times, that a school house in which a color- It was dawned upon the adminis- . . .., . JO cWtp. fKonn wa tration that. the out ying o. our teax;hinir was burned one" night last weaker sister venezue.a m me in, k . Ic is said tbat the -b -, terestof tne Asphalt rust would hesdi. . the negroes wer, not be a very mce ousmess 101 u is ni'pavi with the fact that this 1 i1- I , 1 1 ,1 1 4. rtt,rtwirn 'ov. -1 LfSiCIlHr U.lU i-i'zll uui iii v-uai u i--. great Republic to engage in orders to the gunboat Scorpion to h: tut.tr;;r rumored that this proceed to the asphalt country have th ' been canceled, and there will be no show of teeth by our naval squadron in Venezuela waters. Let the trust oivvia! tr tba courts of Venezuela. mm I UUULMl - ' ill. Olffi- I nrr: TllfliTA-i it"! was cause of tne burning. The Norfolk and Western Railway Company have 'announced" th 'ir in- tention of extending their hue from Gossan, in Grayson county, Va , 'frrto Alleghany and Ashe. This, we are informed, is to be done at once, work probably commencing early in tho spring. This road does nothnvo'tn climb the Blue Ridge, but simply goes up. the beautiful New River, which" flows throogh the above-mentioned comities. Governor Avcock tnakes the U tr-?.. lowing a; stati. all int-rnen Is on !5is. military it h the rank of colonel: ijiiraccas. mqns and inform him of his election ,f the ase of t'ue t.ru?fc. be '.as V-ildi5!?s in Fal'stown. Co: iL-r- -i.leuce of The Mascot. Ah no one else writes to The iVas v. r f :;::) ii.e I thought I would ;:ivo you a few dots from our litth l o rrg. Ihe health of the community generally good. We have ba h veral wed.l'ngs in our neighbor hood. 7" . Mr. Ransom Overcash and Miss Emma Nan tz were married at the. residence of the biide's sister in Davidson last Thursday. They were married at 8 o'clock. A reception "Uis given them at the home of the ! groom's parents Friday ntght. Ali ! bad n very nice lime. )(-. Clinton Lrvm and Miss ian- ! nl;? Page will -be married at the res- idonc-f of tbe bride's mother next umcuuv imi iii':j oii' h'ai j wii.il, c w 11 o'clock. Rev. W. J. Wyatt otSci- "We wish these young coup the happiness in store for v. lale of Property. T5Y VIRTt'1 of a decree of the Superior Court -f Iredell county, North Carolina, in the cause entitled J A White, Administrator of Ira Wootfcn, deceased, vs. Thomas Kenegar. et als., I will sell at public auction for cash at Harmony, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY liTH, 1901, at 12 o'clock, noon, the Following: described laud situated in the county of Iredell, aud -bounded as follows: Beginning at a black oak in Mar tha Gaither's line, thence North 25 chauis 7 poles to a post cak. John Currant's corner in ' William Gaither's hue. now Asbury Ilu-.-e.s' line thence North 69 degrees, Ka.st with said 'cailb er's line formerly bat now Hayes', 10 chains to a black eum. thence South 30 chains to a black -'-oak in Hiram Campbell's line, thence West to thebeginutng, containing 25 acre3 more or less. J. A. WHITE, " 1 This January 7th. 1901. Commissioner. W. C. ieww, Attorney. Sale of Land. ! i:. a tin 1 j them Tiie store o: Mr. F. K. Ostwalt, at Perfh, was broken into last Fri day night but not" much was taken. Tbe accused party was tried and convicted and sent to jail. Success to The "M ascot. j E. H. Penh, N. C, Jan. 22, 1901. , BY VIRTUE of a decree of Iredell Superior Court made in the special proceeding enti tled H- I,.-"fierce, Noah Pierce and others against Fred Jenkius and wife. Roxanna M Jenkins, the undersigned as cornmsssioner of spid court will on MONDAY. FE3RUARY 4TH, 1901, at the court houe door in Statesville, N.- C sel at public auction to the highest bidder two val uable tracts of land belonging to the estate, of Holland -and others, in oiiu township, ia and Liiliousuess. I was treat ed by said county, containing fori :y-one (41) acres, rVfl"nhvsicians but obtained onl' Tcn-Year-Old Indigestion. w: II. Peters, Nalhanton, Ky., writes, I have suffered untold mis ery for ten years with Indigestion . 1 ... . 'ilo, nnt r.tl.pr trdrf arlirtiniiKT R W. Holland, J. T. Perry aud others, containing temporary reiiel. one hunarea uooj acres more or ess, ; Terms of sale one half cash on day of sale, and the other half payable in six months from date of sale, with note and approved security with interest from date, l'itle retained by the couit tiltall tbe purchase money is paid, J. B. CONNELLY, This January 1st, 1901. Commissioner. I begau to use Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pel lets and have been constantly inl and ask his presence lhe House was crowded with peo ple v.'heu the committee returned and Mr. Simmons ascended tho speaker's stand to signify his ac ceptance of the honor. "I have not the gift of language to express to 3rou my v earnest long ing desire to serve my State and my country as becomes the high station you have called me- to. Tbe genius of even Shakespeare was never eaual to express the feel heart overflowing with I can simply say thatT am profound iy, sincerely grateful. I stand ba ,f ore you today and have stood since November, helpless to uiter words expressing the plentitude of my ob ligation. "I shall try to make my term six years of study,, work and watchf ul ness that I may better promote tbe nterestsofmy State and country I cannot remember the time when imy earliest and highest ambition was not to serve well my people and ray country. Today the mantle which has fallen from the broad shoulders of Vance and Ransom and Jarvis has been cast upon me. It has been my fortune before to bear grave public responsibilities and while to day this is one of the sweetest mo ments of mv life it is also one of tb- most solemn. I accept the honor with joy; I accept the responsibility with a" resolution to face them bravely. I here pledge t hat while, like ail men I have my personal am bitions, I shall always try to serve alone tbe interests of ray State and I here invoke the aid of the Almighty to enable me to keep this solemn pledge." 'i Senator r immous was greeted with an ovation that would have warmed the heart of any man. At the open ing and all through his speech, he was generously, applauded. Senate Bills introduced: To amend the charter of Methodist Or phanage; and by' Henderson, to al low alimony in cases of divorce a good as its agents preteua, it shova not be difficult for them to maintain the rights of toe principle io wut Kb- time enough for the United Inspector general T. H, Baiu or Goldsboro Quartermaster general Francis A. -Macon of Henderson. Surgeon g;-aerai Robert S.: Young of Concord. Inspector of small arms practice . u. vjoous ..vi uumuci States 10 lniervuuu ui w wichm 1.11.. : n v., ? chats smnwr itn.t 1 here, has W i ban J . Hannah or -aynesvi.e u noni-ii of "-incfiPA Assistant aaiutant general All red UCVU ttucuiui v.. jj.sviw... 1 J . " liiiatiis rtaieign. . . t- 11 (1. TT l.nnwtantJfeasaran. UaViaiOii blspaiCtl ImIVb 1.11. r-.l I UP V I J. Iltlrt Ul IU1 l'juuri, .1.- . Ex-Attoroey General F. I- Os- ceatly mveateu a. machine in.t m.w . , ? i ...... l. i. i . i ... .-. y r, . i. - . i r in t T-1 . iii), i . , - i in irs of a Dome, wao reueuLiy acui ALi irratitude. Raleigh, is or tte opinion uui iuo niuusu j.. e the chair bottomii g eck says his much rrrt. itn nnrt3nt matters that will me will en: ircsy ao a a ay v.nu ..- corna before the Legislature are: (1) the school book bill; (2). a bill toa bolish the Criminal Courts and in crease the Superior Courts from 12. 'a if:- (o hill to crt-dte The Code commission; (-1) tbe continuation of split the wood, dress it and prepare tho 4100 000 appropriation " . for it ready for oottoming cna-irs . and i, . -a tr - hill fn inr.rpasR the will do tho work of ten men OOLiU'13, OUU " " I subjects of taxat ion witnout mcreas ingVne general rate of taxes, -' present m.dc of maiiiag white oa splits. At present these splits are made whoby by band at-d it is a very slow and tedious business. Mr. Reek claims' that his mao'iino will McKinley's Mess3ge Sympathy V.'ashinetou Dipatch, 22ad. The President, at 3:30 oclock. seot this message: "His Majesty the King. Osborne House, isle ot vvig-ai.. -Wednesday of la'-t week Bessie Li- .m t T n!li bass, dau"'er oi Mr. ana Mrs win Libass. wh: live on Southside Wins ton was burned to death, She was standing cir an open fire place en deavoring to take something from a stew pan wh in her dress caught lire and before the flames could beextln ...,;v..,i n-oi ivirripd so sp.verelv that have read with profound sor- dealu ensupd within three hours, row. the lamentable tidings or the w body were terribly death ef Her Majesty the Queen. -, d blistered. At the time Allow me, sir, to offer my sincere oF tboacejaut she was in the house sympathy and that of the American : but h.-r screams attracted those nl kAvtnn a m atii. ' . . i a people in your persuuaiutr;--"- outside who came, hue too iate to and in the loss Great rntian has hpr lifo ner arre was Gve years, suffered in the death of its venerable " ' . . ... d strious sovere . rhejy memorial bbrary a ble life and beneficent influence nave iree gu . ' Dromoted the peace and won tne ai- was lormuny uireu UUUJ Fectfon of the world. evening, with appropriate exercises X ne norary a imcc jiuiiiuuvh"" Por-enne whn suffer from indiges- nt tov.Up. hrir-k. with roof of red tiles tinn oan not exnGCt to live long, be- fini is one of the most beautiful cause they cannot eat the food re- structures, within and without, in quirpd to nourish the ooay ana me tne State. 'J he Horary proper is uu products of the undigested foods the secoaa floor. There are now a- they do eat poison tne blood, it. is bout 5500 bfoks, pf which ouuu are important to cure indigestion as the gift of Mr. Raney. On the third cnn a nnssible. and the best meth- fl(,nr is an assembly room, with nd r.f dninr this is to use the prepa,- statre. to be used for readings, a.ma- Thi;i;a very i ration known as Kodol Dyspepsia teur theatricals,- dances, concerts. Practical farmers to Direct." News and Observer, 24th. None but practical farmers, those who are actively engaged in agricul tural pursuits, can hereafter be ap pointed or elected to the position as a member of the State Board of Ag riculture, at least the Senate Com mittee on Agriculture nas unani mously decided to report Senator Scott's bill to this effect, favorably. This decision was reached yester day afternoon and today Senator Rurrouj'hs. who is chairman of the committee, will report the bill to the Senate. - Senator Scott is a practical farmer himself and deeply interested in" all matters pertaining to agricultural pursuits. The bill that he introduc ed in the Senate has two features. First, it provides tliat for all va cancies which -shall occur, on the State Board of Agriculture by tbe expiratiou of the term of the present Encumbent the General Assembly shall elect as practical farmer. The bill stipulates that the same rule shall apply for such membership on the board as for the Commissioner of Agriculture, who must be a prac tical farmer according to tho law al ready in force. A vacancy by death or resignation on the board is rilled by the board. 'Second, this bill of Senator Scott provides t hat if the office of Commis sioner of Agriculture becomes vacant by either d-iath or resigr.at ion, th; n ihe Governor shad appoint to fill the vacancy.- As the law now stands tue Board of Agriculture shall fill such a vacancy if it occurs. Senator Scott's bill changes this so that the Governor shall appoint. Senator Vest Talks Washington Pisp.-itcli. T.ast Thursday inr discussing the Subsidy bill, which is ayain before :.- sin vptt, said Livat tne u;e ocua v., . '1 r's of wl-Atls known as the A moriRiin Line (The 'International Navigation Company) in the course of the twenty years the suosioy wus tn T..,r, wruiid receive at least $42,- 000,000 of the total which would be paidout. . Thp Pacific Mail Steamship torn mm he. said, would bo the next oeneficiary under the bill. With its present ships and tne two vessels it chmiiimmris it would -receive $550,000 a year of the subsidy. "Thn lioxt noor. traac dowinff rorooraliori which would 'r.a-a" hsidv under this bill, said Mr. Vest, sarcastically, Ms the otanuaru wn -o.o..... - tot- ""'J . -- . 111 t..m- He believed a trust v.-uutu uc iu. n- ed for control ;t an mis .vuittrn-iiu cinninjr-a trust that would get every dollar of the subsidy. "T.vprvthiu'jr in the country is un der a trust," said the Missouri Sen ator, "from thecrauie to uwgiuvc, ThP Ranublicans, be asserted, dared not raise t he black flag against the trusts before tt-e last campaign ni n. in orratitude for their bnan , toi occwtfinr.o thev would not raise tl.. Vianfls atrainst thein. "This bill, "continued wr. vw., "will pass tbe Senate. It is a pan of the protective system sacred to the Republican party, especially in Tew England. Drunk with vicory, -.he Republican party now will stop at nothing." V lli)hleil tj. Grave. t A start ling incident, of which Mr. , John Olive of Philndeiphin, was ' t ho subject, is narrated by him as fol lows: "I was in a most drvadtul condition, ly sk)n was almost yel low, eyes sunken, tongue r-oatcd, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given nvi up. Fortunately, a friend advist d trying El-xdric Bit- , ters; and to ray great joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided . improvement!..' I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well marTI I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another vic tim." No one should fail to try them. Oi.ly oOcts., guaranteed, at W. F. Hull, Jr., Drug Store. Tha legislature, has bi'cn :isko 1 to x-haractcr the New River Develop ment company, headqnartcr.s in Ashe county. The minimum eipi- talis $50,00t); maximum $5,000v0il0. U is the purpose to bJ'.Hi a railway fo the great Ballou iron ore li, l is, in Ashe county. If tho Norfolk fc West ern railway will build this roud. tho development company will not do so; but otherwise the development com-, pany will construct it. Toe Penn sylvania Steel company, whicliowns the Paris Point steel rollirg mills,. has leased 15 square miles, com pris ing tho Ballou ore bed. ' y lutu.u ' " , , . .., OT,H t lV ,5r hvo a f?. nrnmP.t nf I imnnrtant! hill and p vps the Wife Cure. It algesia wow jfuu c etc xnecosbui iuS peine permanently cured. For sale alimony io some cases of absolute ; restores all the digestive organs to primates 140,000 by. ft . R. Tunstall, DruggiBt, 1 divorce, perfect health. W. F. Hall, J r, A Thousand Tongue. Could not express the rapture of Aunio E. Springer, of 1125 Ho ward st, Philadelphia,' Pa., w'a-iv she' found that Dr. King's N'tw . Discov ery for Consumption had completely cured her of a backing 'cough that for raa:iy years had "made lifo a bur den. Ail other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she tays of this Royal Cure "It soon remov ed t he pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely rcmcu ;?r d . og - before. I feel like snuudui r r, praise t hrouga- out the Universii, So wilt fv:-ry ci e who tries rr- I-'rig s N-.m; Dis covery for any tv 'ii ;-o id too luroat, Chest or Lungs, i r;.-.e.0c. ?rid ti.W. Fri.ii bottles free at VV. F. tla!t Jr.- Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. Lieutenant Steele, with ten men of the Tuirteenta Regiment and sev en native soldiers, fought a fierce half hour's engagement with a large force of Filipinos, at Tcnaguaa, is land of Leyte, Ja.iuary Oih, which resulted in the Uniing ot ov.-r itu insurgents. Private Ed-vard Mo- Gugle, of Company M, was kil,. d. The situation in the island of Simar since the arrival of troops Ikis b en quiet. mmm The warning cough is the faith ful sentinel. It tells of the epprcach of consumption; whichhnskiiled -a more oeoDle than war and pestilence com' bined. It tells f . painful chests, sore 1 unes, weak chitis, and pneu- lmmomz. Do not suffer another ! day Jt's useless 1 Ul . lilbll A cure. It is That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills, thousands of sufferers have proved th'Mr matchless mtrit foi Sick, and Nervous ": Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to tae. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured- - Sold by W. F. Hall, Jr Druggist. which cures fresh colds and coushs in a single night and masters chronic f J WUUllS iillU UlUllVllltli 1U V JO. OliUl L iiuiw. vyuiiouuip- tion i3 surely and cer tainly prevented, and L curea, too, u iafi.cn in time. A 2Sc. bottle for a fresh cold; 50c. size for. older colds; $1 size for chronic coughsand consumption. " I always keep a bqttlo of Aver's Cherry 1'ectoral on band. Then every time 1 get cold I take c little of it and I am better 1 1 once." James O. Hcqcou, Oct. 19, 1833. Eiraso.TeJcaa. " TTrite the Poptor. If yon JiTe any complaint -whatever ar.a iestr th bst medical advice, wiita Cie PecUW frely. Address .... . Stfi v . Mt, v v. . m.-. m .