WJii WUAKAWiM xwioi!i AO u.a.Ktfi; A U LiATlUIS. IN IKJSDEL.L. ANI AL.J1IXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED vol. vin. STATE3VILLE, N. Q THURSDAY, MARCH 7. 1901. m i4. TTT TT S TT ft k -Trl TTT mTTTTtTI A '-' - a a a n-p-n. . . . . WILLI MAEBL THE L.KGISL Al UKE. -?o: I handle all kinds of Granite and Marble .known o the trade and the best quality. Best Material First-Glass work and Lowest Prices Statesville.'N. C. The First Nationa O T tTATBSVlLLE.tlV. -C. i Bank Transacts a Keg u.ir Eanlsirg Business. Deposits ifceivtd s Vi onb nn ci irtit. 1 1-1 PT est T)f id f 11 t i IT.P dptH i t S. Mf 1;PV If ft rid V u i, .- y ...... x i - - - . - - r- collateral and personal 'security. Special attention paid I to edit ctirr s o a at lowest rates. Ac-courts f r rjipt rm ?.nd Monday, 25th: Senate Bills in troduced: To incorporate the South ern Trust Co,; to protect pupils iu public and private schools from coo . tagious diseases. Bills passed. To incorporate State's- prison aad pro , Tide for the government thereof; ' (This bill was amended so no real estate can be sold except by a unau imousvote of directors, approved ' by Governor). ! The Senate then took up and acted on the rules governing the impeach ment and at 12:30 the board .f man. .. agers for The House appeared ad .the judges being represented by , counsel, March llth was agreed on as date for impeachment trial. 1 House, bills introduced: To dis ; charge drunken solicitors; to a'.loa divorced persons to re marry. Bills i passed: To allow Rowan to isbut. bonds; to incorporate Charlotte and i Monroe railroaojto amend insurance ' laws of 181)9: (The House struck out. ' the $500 appropriation for cletk hire) i to allow Yadktn county to sell o.a ! jail lot; 1o prohibit the sale aod man ufucture of liquor io Yancey county. OFFICERS: f OOrtK, Fres.dert. J.G. .IrYIW, Vice President BO. D. RKOW IV, Cashier. all nrsints. and credited or remitted ations, Merchants, at.ufsetuj.n? Bid IrOucu.s solic-i.W.o ar-d received! Tuesday. 2tith- Senate Rill in on the most favorable terms. troduced: To re-enact and eonsoli iCidiice scnool law. Bills pas-ed: I i:o establish graded schools at High i'f'iut; to regulate pay of treasurer jof Mecklenburg; in reference to neg j he ted and abandoned children. Divorce bill came up and was amended by 'allowing divorce for j three years abandonment prior to ; January 1, 19U1, provided the guilty party shall not re marry, and pass 'ed. Alexander's road law passed second reading after an amendnieut ;had beeu adopted excepting all coun ties where the bill was not adopted : by county commissioners, i House: To prohibit the sale of ; liquor in parts of Burke and Mc ;.!. well counties; to provide for workit-g the reads in Catawba coun mjM - aw i rr m m mmm e m m." . m - wr- - m m m m m jr n m -mm w - , , - i : Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill With iimiilt,anpf:ii 'rackftt Sfittintr A, most sensitive feed ever put on a sa ill. also Frick Company's ENGINES AND BOILERS, , P rt.ole on wheels or sills. Sta tioaery engines and boilers, any size, aa 1 the great, hill climbih Selipsrt tractioa engine. A few Cotton Gins at low prices. The New Judicial District. Rtleigh Times, 28th. The final report of the committee oa re-apportionment of judicial cms tricts is as follows: First district ; Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank. Chowan, Perquimans Washiogton. Gates, Tyrrell, Dare, Hyde, Beaufort. Second: Hertford, Bertie, North- amoton. Hahfax, Warren. Third: Craven. Pamlico. Carter et, Jor.es, Pitt, Greene Fourth: Vance, WUsod.' Edsr? combe. Martin. Nash. Franklin.--'" Tifth: Lenoir. Dunlin. Samnson. Pender, Onslow, New II an over. Sixth: Wayne, Johnson, Wake, Harnett. - ' Seventh: Robsou, vumherland, Columbus, Bladep. " , , Eighth: Unon, Anson, Richuaond Ninth: Guilford. Alamance. Or I ange, Durham, Granvi'le. Parson. Caswell, Moore, Scot!aud,Chatbam. Tenth: Yadkin, .Davie, Rowan, Iredell, Davidson, Randolph. Mont gomery, Stanlv. Eieventh: 'Aiikes, Surry, Stokes, Forsyth, Rockingha,m, Twelfth: Cabarrus, Cleveland, Lincoln, Gaston, Mecklenburg. Thirteenth: .Mitchell, Watauga, Ashe, Alleghany. Caldwell, Alexan der, Catawba ' Fourteenth:- Yancey, McDowell, Burke, Rutherford, Polk, Henderson. Fifteenth: - Madison. Buacombe. Transylvania. Sixteenth: Cherokee, Graham, Clay, Swain, Macon, Jackson, 'Haywood. Foar Months' Schools in Many Counties. StAtesville,- N. vv .Jii. Turner. Over Post-on Bros We Take this Method Of informing our many friends and customers that we are now occupying the new Mills Building, corner Broad and Center streets. As has been our custom we w;ll keep an up-to-date line of Clothing, Hats and Men's Furnishings ; 1 at prices lower than the lowest. We have the best lighted store in the city, which is much ia favor of purchasers. , ThankiDg you for past favors and hoping to have a con- . e i iinuauce oi same, we are, 5th, 1901. Very Truly, Sloan Clothing Co. We give Trading Stamps. Feb'y. P. S : I , I UP - TO - DATS STUB The' Mascot Printing Co DM -TO -BATE ..fSICEi Let'Talklt Over. EVERY business man who exports to increase his business and be in the push must have printing clone and ho wants the best printing that 'is at tractive. : : : : : ; ; YOU WILL lIvJ XJS prepared io ao vour ir latest, up-to-date styles xoo tow to mention. We do printing that wiil help your business aod you'll be pleased with our work and prices ; : . I . iious riot? n; in the V certain and at .irices X st-ck U Ring us up 'Phone, 35. Prop v. Postal Card. Printing that pleases tpgea that please. 3 t&i Pepsin bill lOlSil Tastolass aad Guarantaad to Cure CS?i!f 3 ani Favar aad all Balarla! Troubles. Does Not Coutaia Quialae Kor Other Poison. Does Not Injure the Stomacb Nor Effect the nec-ics-I W. A. McLarty tc Son, Dime Boxx Tex., Bay: "Ramon's Pepsin Chill Tonic ia the th7?r?,ViVTfr bv.ntled- vff J ,an VT&KTibea itin his practice, nd says it is 1 nD.rhvic5, chUd can take without injury to the stomach." it It- I r 1 i I ; - o allow Mooresville to issue oohds for improvements. i,. Bills passed: To protect mocking birds and blue birds in Cabarrus;- to establish graied schools in Selma; to ameiid stock" law- in Wilkes, Ashe aud Caldwell counties; to provide a short form of crop lien and chattel : mortgage and regulate fees on same; , to proLibit sale and-maniifacture ot i liquor, in Duplin county At the night session the following biils passed: To prevent the sale of li quor in Bladen, Sampson and Ashe counties; to compel attendance on public schools in Mitchell counties ;"o regulate public Drintiny: to nwn.ni j sale of iiquor near Thomasville; to .iiucci! teiepuone lines. ! Wednesday, 27th: Senate Bills ; introduced: To establish a hormal school at Wilson; to regulate the I manufacture and sale of whiskey in 10 wan county. Biils passed: To allow Hickory to issue bonds; to Drovide for ronrt , - ..u V v' l4 11 o 1 LI j Mitchell county; to authorize Salis- uuty iu issue Donus. Much time was, spent discussing the bill to re peal the Fayetteville dispensary, but no vote was taken. Trustees of the University were elected. House Cills introdtiepfl- TV im J prove roads in McDowell, county ; to piouiuu -sine 01 liquor m Pender county. Bills passed: To increase j numoer of commissioners in Gaston ; county; to appoint a board of fJchool : directors for Wilkes. - The pension j bill carrying an increase cf about $100,000 passed unanimously. 1 Thursday. 2Sth: Senate Bills in . trodueed: To regulate employment ; of counsel by State institutions; to ; incorporate Salisbury Loan aad ; Trust Co. Bills passed: To provide : short form of crop lien and fix fees f for registering the same; to estab- lish a State prison parole commis ; sion ; to establish . a dispensary at j Wirstou; to establish graded schools . at Manon; relating to State library (Givej $300 for an assfstaat); to pro . vide for Soldiers' Home; to repeal dispensary at Fayetteville. mile ;nin,l.j. m ""10 luiiuuuucu; IO as those who pay poll tax; ".for in .wcDoweli enuntv- in restore the boutidarv lint hn5w.n Ath? aud Wilkes; to raise revenue for roads in flickory township, Ca taw Da county; to prevent merchants , 1 n iu ncmiuf! iu iruuing stamps. K 1 Biils passed: To amend law re- 5 liUng to Caldwell and WTatauTa 4 i urn pise road; to incorporate the .French Broad Power Co. Stubbs' bill to'give taxes' from whites to , vhite schools, etc., came up but was j re-referred to the committee. At ;oclock House took up the revenue ! bill and four sections were adopted ' ) At the afternoon session bills were passed as follows: To i 1 aoKin v aney institute; to estab ilish tate association of emb&lmers, to inorpia e' Rutherford' oa ana' I Hickory Nut Gap Railroad; to jra fpfove road-; of Catawba county to remove county seat uf Jackson coun ; ty.frt;ai Vvebster to Sylva. . News and Observer. General Thomas F. Toon, Super intended of Public Instruction, has been examining into the matter of the length of the school terms of tht. different count ic l the Stare.- The cons'itutiou provides that, the school term shall be at least four months each ye;i r. It, is commonly supposed thai very few counties iu the State come up to this constHu tional requirement, but investiga tion shows that there are twenty eiirht whose bchool terms pnnal ,.r exceed four months. This is verv irrat ifvin? to tlmn interested in the sur.j .ct, the cum oer rar exceedirg the esiimates of those we!l posted in regard to edu cational attairs uu the subiect: Among those counties having over four months scnooi. New Hanover leads with, twenty-eight and one ha;f weeKS to its credit. Durham is next witb tweuty-seveu and three quar- ter weeKs; iuQcomoe has tweuty seven weeks; Wake couity has an averrge of seventeen weeks; Staoly county makes the poorest dhowiog with only ei2ht week's a vnar Rot- eral of the twenty eight have a bare iour montns, ana several which do noi nave tour months lack less than a week. those having the required four luonins are: , Johnston, 16 weeeks;Mecklenburg, 18; 'New Hanover, 28; Northamp ton, 17; Pasquotank, 20; Surry, 17); umun, -to ; v ance, l, Alamauc ti; Kockingham, 17: Rowan, ISA; Buncombe, 27; t'aldweii. 16; Dur ham. 27; Camden, 16; ,Cumberlaud, 16; Forsyth, 19; Fraukiiu, 16 2 5; wruuam, sa, uranviHe, 18; Greece 161; Guilford, 16i; Halifax 17 ; Hav- wju.ii; waKe, i'i; Washington. 112, vayCp, lb; Wilson, 17. BiTal -y for tie Democratic Jjeatler Wm. E. Curtis in Chicago Record. There is an earnest rivalry b -tween Senator Jones, of Arkansas, and Senator Bacon, of Georgia, f ;r leardershlD on the Demoerat.ie n'Aa of the Senate, and it is becom'etr almost as bitter as that between Richardson and Railfvin the nmuu of Representatives Because of1 nts position as chairman of the ..- Revenue f i 'fie Commit bor e's Ii- GKXEKAL NEWS. Raleigh Post. The Revenue bill is before the Leer- immure, xt contains many new features, and comprehends many uew subjects of taxation, aod is cooiea much after the Pennsylvania a tne subject, of taxation, in old State i "expanding," i.u -e people must expect to meet r "'"" I T . - .. . - XT' nouai ueraoerai c pomnn t lar,.,.,. k,,.i m, . . Tr,o. u ji j , . ' uuiubus. 1 ue inicriinerv re- -r-x. uw,..,,,. irouwsuip d'uUrI CUCpUlCDQGQ for tbA 1 stinir anrt tne retirement of Mr. flnrman -a has attemDted to d of his party on the floor of the Sen ate. Unfortunately, he nnsspcecc few of the -oualifieations nwwtcrr rx . . - , He is not Quick of nereentinn nr alert : ia action. On the contrary, he never seems to know what is ing on untit after it is over unless somebody wakes him un. and h; judgment has erred so often as to weaken confidence in it. The younger Democrats in the Senaie wm cot follow Jones at all. Thev 1. . .0 a vijr K'Ciil cnange oyer any measures for like puruosps heretofnrA if oi or tne woru of the committee be un satisfactory to any, and no doubt it Will ' jg Ua mmhera -Mvaj K.J say tney have labored wiih unusual zjal ahd sincerity of purpose to irani'-a measure that while proluc- t revenue actually needed by the or..it,ir demand"? nf the K.Qfa at ?h-snraHtime would av id serious injunee upon or discrimination a uain. any class A numr of tl-,Q A nei?ro was hantred and VSio Kr?T, riddled with buiiets inBryanca coun ty Georgia by white caps because he ten toe iarmer he was working for. An order was issued at. tho Wo uenartmnt Thurs,dar nlanimr Uri,,. adier G a.ls James H. Wil snn and Pitzhujij Lee on the retired liot rf the arm v. Thp 'Nebraska Denitent.i.irv wno burnei Friday. The 200 nnnrir-ta conhfed in it ereremoved m i.lmoo u!. aiiiety. inn penitentiary was located at Lincoln. OCT ill not o vrt.-.! 1 .. J 1 I r . " ... T '. ...uir., i;iiuB8 irrigation. uenecl him Onen V on varuinc nno-j mid..K ... 4.u ' , . " " Uv UW..U,,. uui - me measure as a : Z J1 facon .wno,. 18 so Pu?h better than a cer- uuuuuire wuu trormao, 1am class of demao-oues have in wnci ioouci l iju pioiru UUOn mat the rtotr.rwr Jnnp Ra.n ieiilr n-ntV.r.,1 . I I .,U1- . , J '"- vvu a, namui auu puuiu; fflay reel more encouraged - - " j , uuu 1 cacuiuina nubi unait- icerwise cavalry iu action, where Jones can t j oe comparea to a neavv sieve, en n ' ri,A . . . . - - -1- i- I in- viiuiuiu -HBUIie. Bacon is not without rivals, how Newsat,dobserTPr J. - O I O V'l I l'-.l IAln M,-- T L . - :ea.ue. Mr. Clav. of Georgia hn ic . V" JwlV"muj,"ee m insane entitled to the credit of defeating fl"?3neia, a, ' Jesterday h, c,,i,k;ii d .1 "vruunx ana aecided to reoort -"'oiu v win. uacuu anu ' .1 jiihs i f. - i r w . wprPhnth willina foiw th (.;h a:"'r"J Vr- urpny sbili to es r- i i. ri 1 1 1 isn J.T. ina to pass, and let the Repub icans inn i'.- the responsibility, but Clav I -vv, . v.:.,J. . - - ' . I fit' II I M r rT e TXT 1 I " - - ta'-e rsOt but a Treatment. ;s ' ; -ipN you buy RAMON'S LlVER FILLS i i UMC I'liLLETS you do not buy a moo 'n: jj: 1 .-'pl-te Treatment for Bi.ious - Con -t; pation and Headaches. Ii is two '"-' i.?rdicines, but sold for one price .x I-;::? brSr-n; immediate relief; the Pel lets 'it t'i' the nefv-'jus. system and invigorate.- Should Never ba Brought Forward Again. A Washington special says futher effort to decrease the representation of the Srutb will be made by this or the next Cohgf-ess. In all probabil ity, the question is dead foreverr- "The South will be allowed to regulate its own election laws, and prescribe the right of suffrage. This was finally settled by the House just oi tore adjournment this evenmtr. Chairman Hopkins, of theCensus C mmittee, called up for considera tion the Olmsted resolution, which din cts the director of the census to furnish the House with th mimhor i-- . .. w of male residents in each State, and ! the number of whites and blacks Seed Oats for Sale, HAVE a fine lot of Black Spring and Red Rt pr0r,f Oats for ? Rcsp-Hrt fully, , J. L. COWAN. ebruary 7th, 1901. Jotice to Credit VING qjialifled as administrator of A M Ltppard, this i to nv.ify all pcrn's i,v V plead in bar of recovery. i Jsftitiary 35th. 1901. c. w. CLEGG aba . TlSSSSSm NOTICE. that are p.liowed In vote i Tbe measure was aimed directly , at tne South. As soon as Mr. Hop ! kins called up the resolution a mo I tk-u vcas made to lay it on the table, acd this was done, by an almost the last. ':ai-imous vote. The action kills all - wills and testaraentsof Asa Summ.rs and further invpst irat-;r.r. " Etniline Summers, his wife, rir.tice is herehv - Q eStlgatiOU. nirn r all n.r0AnB 1 1.11 1 : - . - . ; . r - " kii -lujumg i.-iLiin.H agaiTisi saia estates, or either of them, to prsent said claims tome OM Oflyforp Pphrnarv Tfli i.-v.-, r.r notice will be plead in bnr of recovery.' Tersons indebted to -'thrr of sad estates are "required to make imtu.diite settlement. This Fcb'y 14th. 1901. P.. A. STONE, Executorof As.. Sumraersand EmcSiiie Summers oricr -.our. Attorneys. ut in Pi ice. TTTE WILtmake a cut of $ 50 on all grades V of J. I. Nifcsen wasrons. Come early atid get one.. YOU NT Ht IVKIT'B, . -. , Btbrfy ettnt; ft-. C. 'J't)'...5.tomach controls the situa ti-o 1 tio.-e who are hearty and htr ;-.: are those who can eat and di gest pler.ty of food, Kodol Dyspep Cure aigesta what you eat and !!.. v sou to eat all the good food .vo , s.(.t. If vou suffer from indi s-.sion, .'eartburr-, belching or any o.her s oirach 'rouble, this prepa-r.-ori can't help but do you good. j The in i.- sensi-ive stomachs can , takbit. W. F. HftU, Jr, The Answer of the Judges. Greensboro Telegram. The attorneys for Judges Furches and Douglas, who are impeached b's fore the Senate for "high crimes aud misdemeacors" are now busy pre paring their aus-ers to the Articles 01 impeach meet, says the News and uuserver. . - mi j-uis-answer will be filed next Wednesday, and wi . it. is n n r I ? stood, admit, for the most part, the facts set forth in the Ar.icles of Im peach men t touching issuance of the wra 01 manaamus it will be plead ed in excuse for this mandamus how ever that it was in violation of neith er the law nor the Constitution; that the Oyster Fund, out of which vvnue was ordered oaid. w. nn an propriation set aside for payment of i-..- .! n . . iu .-ueu-iisa commissioner: that tne fund was simply 111 the Treasur er s hand s and trust, and that the court, in ordering him to pay the U--U-J, , nca siuipi.j compelling a puoiic servant to discharge his duty vy ooedieuce to a legislative enact- mect inis, it 13 said, wi!l be THE de feuce of (he iudp-s m the iriM 'The hfihArticle, charging that the juus-suiu, oy .Qtiir decisions in the ouicd. no UiDi? easfi sot-V -, a. m j. --.. - v. n , 1 siroy the acts of ;-the General As ssmoly and bring the' legUlaiive . . 1 p.i " ! r-ineu 01 tnegoveromei t mto disre pute and contempt, is ..f onr-fiii.. uied. These decisions are defended, arm tue answer sets torth at some e'jyth the learniny from VfnUo i?c Henclersch down to Vhit vs . A in-.i. tor, on which it in claimed they were uitueu. xc wiu oe argued that u-.i aer rormer decisions of the court these cases coald not have been de cided otherwise without overruling all precedents " there is a possibility that the de fence may not nut on anv tAstimnnv as the material facts th" indisputed though the interferences drawu from some of them of course are. If the iudtres present nn pvi dence, their attorneys will bavn the opening and conclusion of the argument. Will ItBe Judge Lin ev? Washington Corespondence News and Observer, It was stated tonight that as soon as the Armv v ADoronriatmn Will with the Philioniue amendment .riv ing the President full military and civil powers becomes a law. lift will appoint Representative Linney to a judgeship in Manila. The place will pay go uud. there is a story in North Carolina circles today that ex-Congressman tiarry t.muner wni succeed Her:iard as district attorney for the eastern uisiner.. . was not, and. with Turner, of Wash ingtou, and Caffery, of Louisiana, and several other?, succeeded in forcing the odiousmeasure off the Republican prpgrame. If Senator Vest were in good health he would be the leader 'on the Democratic side, but he is too feeble to undertake the task. London's Bill to Amend Constitution. Post, a8th. The most io-Dortant bill in trod nn. ed in the Senate yesterday, and or,e of the nirst important of the session. - . 1 .1 . r 1 ' vd iimi ny oenaior nonann to a mend the Cor.stitution. The object of the bill is to makn ii. lecal for the white oronertv own.ir to tax themselves (by a cuppletafv.t arv) for the education of whi nhil dren alone, and thereby lengthen the present school terms of any town, township or county, without beinjj com pelled to devote a nronor- tionof'he extra tax towards the maintecance of longer terms for yro schools. . The text of the bill is as follows- ''An Act to Amend Article IX. Section 2. of the Conatitiir.ion of North Carolina: " " The General Assembly of Nr.r'h Carolina do enact: 'Sec. 1. That section 2. act 9. of the Constitution of North Carolina. be amended by addinir thereto the following: "'But nothing contained herein shall prohibit the peop'e of any race, living in any county, cit". town, township, or territory, from lev vin era social txx for education al purposes of that race, if a roniori- y oi ine quanneo voters ot th.it race shall, at any election duly he'd for that purnose. decide to Iaw sa.u tax, which tax shall be levied upon the pronertv and oolls of th u race alone." "Sec. 2. That this amendment shail be submitted to the Qualified penitenitary a new es a (nrnnrHmi ..- - vi ... ; un U..T in- nane ot the "State FJospi tai ror ne uangerous Insan , " and rt 1 o n. - . . -. .3 . . t . h 1 tne airection and mana. ment of the peniter, Uarv uireuio--. it provides further tht tne suui hospital stoall be hx-au-d in the --Mrds of the. State Prison wnere t.ie dangerous insane are now cared r( r and treated, ia which hos puai snail. De admitted cared for and treated, the dangerous insan C --.n ..-...; -.J I I . -v- u prunueu oy iaw. , ir is -- i :. uuiy oi ine directors, "as soon as practicable,' to fit up the part of t he penitentiary to he used forhoi'i'al ourioses " Tlmi- cV.n advise v ;h the superintendents of Un tl - 1 m iuc Lur." eospua s tor, the insane, before mk-;ng sueh cbanir-s, as to whatis f.'cessary for the safety, comfort .-...i welfareof the patients. ion.) this -an appropriation of J.OUO i , made. Senator Butler hassdven notion e.t an amendment he will . offer toJ the sundry civil bill, increasing the' sal aris of Senators and msmhsrs rt Oongress u $i,00 per year. Genera! Chaffee now fifiinmaniiinir troops in cruna, win prooably re lieve uer.erai MacArthur of com mand in the Philionines and the latter be given an important com mand in the United States. Hon. Wra. M. Evarts died at.- hie home in New York city Thursday a. me age cr Mr. ttvarts had been the head of the law firm of .B-varts. Choate & Barmar. for ma. ny j ears, out for some vears was too t . i - . . leeoie to pract ice The coroner's iurv of itmuest. on tne steamer Kio de Janeiro accident. has returned a verdict r-h .-. s ' "ft uaptain ward and. Pilot Jordan .vii n criminal negligence and cen surinsrthe Pacific Mail Steamsh'm t--mpany lor the emplovment of the v.ninese crew- Wabash uassentrer train from Dn troi for Chicago, was wrecked near uenton, lad., last ednesd.v morn inir bv a broken rail. Thirrv oft sengers were injured, three prt.ba blv fatally. Tne train was rnnin about thirty three miles an hiur wnen tnen tne accident occurred G)od Adrlos, T.ie most miserable beino-a in ttio world are those suffering from -rin. pepia and Liver 'Coniplaiuti. More than seventy five per cent, ot the people in the United St afflicted with these two diseases and their effects; such a-. Snur Stomach, Sick Headache, Habit ual Ooti veness, Palpitation of the He ir-, Hearburn, Waterbrash, Gnawing and- Burning Pains at the Pit. f tt. Str.'m .. ' - .' ..I-' ' J I MJl.U. YaIIood 51.;-. ".--..,. Ti Dis3rreeabe TasitP in tv, v..-..i. Coming up of - Food after EatiDg, Low Spirits, etc. frO to vniiv rpiiiT. gist and get a bottle of A u'gust Flow-, er for 75 cents. Two do.,es will re lieve you. Try -it.'' Get Gri?en'sv Prize Almanac. W. E Hath -Jr: . A Winston ilisnatnl- nf Ua. OT on rt i ----. v. - .ajo. irarticulars rfanHp.. hn-.. t, . - the murder in Wilkes county' of Alonzo John SOn. who C5l cl.nt three times bv John Shei.t.-ird n,.th men were drinking, t man leaves a wife and three child ren. Shftr.i.ard has ni it. h o , henaed. and it is hfiKvc(t i,, .k-,. i - - " -i . ia9 left the county. ' He Fooled the Surgeons. ? All doctors told Ren in. If fTamlUni- of West Jefferson, O , after suffering 1 O l l m n , t io munrns rrom Kectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Rinl.ln'c A Salve, the surest Pile niirAnn -.r-t. aad the best Salve in the Worhl 9 cents a box Sold bv W. F. TTall Jr , Druggist. In the recently trradnatprl 'n.iaeo West Point. Norlh f-arolir'-. AA well. Of the 72 m-n. four were from this. State, one f these, graduated fifth and one. v.larpnn.p n horriii Newton, seeoi.-i ' - searching for' General Green's Re- IU&.1US Savannah. r.a Dispatch, 28. The s.-irch for the remains of Gen ni.nl XT . , 1 .. : I "1 . iaw.iiuiei vrreene win oeinn in savannah tomorrow morning. Colo nel Asa Uird Gardiner, who h been sent. o Savannah by'the Rhode j-siarm n icety ot thi Uincirhnati f ir .1- uu. V1 unaing tne remains or tne revolutionary soldier, the inend ot Washington and the firt president of the Rhode Island So ciety of t he Cincinnati, arrived in the c-itv today. Thi f?-. .:-, win be to examine the vaults of the old cohMii.il cemetery, where Gen eral Urne Jwa buried. If the body is not found there, an examin ation ff a spot in the cerneterv, where it may have been buried after the i"ntei-ie:it in the vault, wiil be maae Colonel Gardiner thinks tW should be no trouble in identifying the remains of General Greene snouid t'mV. be found. The name piate 00 the coffin will tell if it is be. - EES- The New Education Law. News and Obeiver, Feb., 28. The sub committee that has beeD preparms. the new Election T.aw has now completed its workan5 the out win this week be introduced id the House. In view of the fact that the amend ment.. elimicatiDi? the ignorant mi gro vote, goes into effect before the next election, the committen has t 1 m 1 . enueavoreo to trame such a law as will not only be absolutely fair, but such a law that it cannot even be charged that it( is otherwise. The bill, as now druwn, provide for a State of Elections composed of three men, of whom not mo e than two shall be of the samepoliti cal party. The county boards. likewise, shall be composed of three persons, only two of whom can r, of the same party. , I he re-istrirs must ba men - n good repute and standing in tie community in which they live. yji the Hur judges of election, noi more than two can be of the same poliMeal party and these two must be selected from lists of five" f irt -hed by the county chairmen 'of their party. the clause in the present election law taking away the right. of a writ of mandamus is stricken out. These, in brief, are the niain feat ures of the new law. . as drawn bv the sub-com'inittee ' Rumor of Botha's Surrender. London Dispatch, 28th It was announced this afternoon that General Lewis' Botha, com mander -in-chief the the Ronr armv- surrendered to General'Lord Kitch ener at Middleburg, in the Trans vaal this morni ag. It is believed that this marks the end of organized Boer res;s?ance. A placard announcing that Botha had given uo the fight and that tie news' was official Created a sens in.. in London. The Evening News ah o states that it has information th;t General Botha surrendered this morning- IFar Office officials sw they have no confirmation of toe re port. - .:- Independence with a String. Baltimore Si'n, There is little difference bei-ween revising the. Cuban Constitution and serving notice upon the Cubans that before United States tronns arp . 1. u in- 11 ij vu iijuu auu t. LI 1 " -' - -- v I LUC salUC llwapil.ai people are given control of the island with those who. have committed no i ri - - y w- - 1-. n m w ..n. mh4.-. 1 nf! m n - 4- .. -.- -.! .l . m' a . 1 n t- f ..! f -- 1 A rt ----. ah-. I T1 t k " 1 nfini-, 4-Kn. I 1- Bj- ?I Mcuuis rAa It. Raleigh Times. Mr Zacharv's bill to discharge drunken solicitors ou-ht to nass It may save impeachment-proceedings n tne mture. JNenrifr rirnnkoM judges nor drunken solicitors should be tolerated for a moment. In the past drunken j idges have disgrace ! the bench in North Carolina, and in one well kno vu instance a judge was intoxicated -mi the bench during a murder triar?,-i which a man's H'e was at staki-t. It was a mistake no. to. impeach Judge Norwood, No man charged with the admiristra tion of justice should ever he allowed to Be. under the influence ,f liquor or .m y druj. during th time his ser vices are required by the State. The Correot Viw. Times-Visitor.- It is not right for the criminal in itn.u you aie bilious, use tdo.e fa t.cus liot.e pills knowa as De-Wi-t s L'.ttie Early Risers to clem the iivtr and boweif. Thay lbvbp gripeVf. W. Hall, Jr.. into certain ironclad . agreements with the United States. The result that wiil be accomplished is the same in either ea Yesterday an amendment was reported in the Senate to tho Army Appropria tion bill, in wh;ch specific demands are made upon the Cubans This amendment is intended to obviate the necesity of an extra session of . . r j ' the relatives of those whn.P minrta are diseased would be properly in censed if the State were to send those now in the department of criminal insane back to the hosp: tals. . A Life ami Death Fight. Mr, W, A. Hines, of Manchester, T r tt:iitirii of hin n 1 -. ! voi i-jF tu rAtia ocosLUii 1 I --' 1 w t lj n un alULlUSt Iliirai'U' Congress, and it serves notice upon loos escape fro.n death, says; 4tEt- a. i n ' i .i. . i i 1 1 i - I . t - . . me tiuuaos mat tney wm oe given potsure artcr missies induced serious nnepecdence only upon conditions lung trouhle, which ended in Cou l. i ii TT f i fi . . m I j : gre a le to tneuniteu oia'es. inree years ago Congress was of the opin ion, as stated in the resolution it then adopted, that the Cubans ae and of right ought to be independ en'.. Now, as proposed in the a mend m -"fit presented in the ''euae yes'erdav, the United States . is vh ' u kHy to exercise suzerainty o ver the islai-d Adrr iral Dewav who has Critically ill is imprttarig; oecn sumption. I had frequent hemor rhages and coughed night and tday. 1 my doctors, said I must soou die. Then I beg.n to use Dr. King'.. New Discovery for Consumption, which cbmpbtely cured me. I wou'd not be without it even if i? cost $5 a bottle. Hundreds have used it oa mv recommendation .and all say it. never fails to cure throat, chest and. in eg troubles." Regular hita fid pants nnrl 41 TV-al K. fl.- j free at W F. Hall, Jri utug Store. f rank A. Fanderlio. oue of the thre assissant secretaries of t he treasury, anounced his resignation this afternoon to take effect ui on the qualification of his successor, not la'er than March 8th. He will be succeeded by Milton E Ailes, at present private secretary to the Secretary of the Traasury. Seua or Pritchard iiiuuced ihf committee to accept his amendment auorouriatintr a ouarter of a million dollars to improve the Cape Fear river trom Wilmington to layette ville. The nrosoect is favorable for its suoitantiai incorporation in tin act and it will be the beginning of a scheme of permaueLt increasing vaiue to eastern iNortn uarolina A special from Omaha savs: ward A. Cudahv has rpnpivf.fl a ltr. ter from the men who kidnapped bis son, offering to return 520.000 f thr- ransom money on condition that all detectives be 'withdrawn! and that no attempt be made to prosecutcj'he abductors, should their identity be discovered. It is understood" the letter was mailed at Council Bluffs. W F. Aiken, a leading specialist shot and killed bis wile tn their bed room at an early hour last Wednes day morning m avacaah. Ihe re port of the pistol awakened their little.son aged 8 years. In his niyht clothes and barefooted, the child ran in the street to call a po liceman. When the ofheer entered the house he found Mrs. Airmen dead in the bed with a bullet hole throutrh her head, and Dr. AiHAn with a pistol in his hand, lvini? on a 1 n -l i tne ncor oeau. General Kitchener, .tele-rrant-.5rr - - -1 - - - - - from Middleburg, on the railroad be tween Pretoria and Portuguese East Africa, under date, of Februarv 27th, says: Three hundred Boers surrendered a 19 pounder Krupp. one howitzer, a Maxim. 20 0011 rounds of small arms ammunition; lod rmes, dba horses, b4 oxen, o, 600 cattle, 9,800 sheep and 287 wasr ons and parts. The Hoer .auia1tip were four killed and five wounded. " Mrs. Buchanan who residp in trip very heart of Atlanta, was compelled II 1 : U ... r i uuisuajr lu.ruuig, ai me point oi a nistol. held bv a burlv reirro to f 7 . - J "- give him all the money in the house and cook oreaKiast ior nim. The nptrro then bound Mrs. Buchanan to a bed and set fire to her clothe Her screams brought assistance and -.he was rescued before bc-inj badly burned About noon M rs Buchan an rplansed inin a comatose state nd has b'-en unable to identify the assailant or recognize her friends. The attending physicians consider her condition critical. Intense ex- citemeot exists throughout the city. A Ricbni uid, Va., dispatch says: The details of a terriflc explosion at at a saw.-mill in brrayson county have just reached here. D. F. Ad- ama t hp. nwncr. and Thomas FTiitr.h. las, the sa"f.. er, we re killed, and the eyes of 1 h.i.mas H"ghtower, who was at woik ue ir the ennne. were scalded out, and bis son was knock- erl senselps The clothintr nf Art ams was torn from hi3 person and was fouDd hanging in a tree thirty or forty yards from the mill. Both leas were blown from his bodv. nriA i j . , teg oeing lounu aoout iorty yaros a way and his hodv was found in a meadow seventy-tive or a hundred rards from the en.ine. The other c - le? has not vet been found. The ton r . r r-r . , ,1 . i oi tiutcnins neau was torn on oy a piece of the nying boiler, and High tower is so badly scalded that there s little hope ot his recovery. Prof Ivison of r.onaconincr VTrt suffered terrih'., frort, nMir. I.'ia of the Morcacb aud indigestion for thirteen years : d afii r .v... a oof m VJVjLWI O faned cure him the fi-A Kim morphine. A friend advwed the use i f Kodol D VS.Pns.ia Pnro ti. fer taking a few bottles of it' he ays, 'It has cured ntirnlv T can't say too much for Kodol Dys pppsi a Cur -.' Itduresl.s wKnt. eat. W. F.JIall, Jr. The L?e R;fls. 50 str.iny. of Char. lotte, attended the inauguration this week. The Mt. HoMv ha nil ar compared them. Like Oliver Twist, children aL- for more when L'iven Oi-ip Vtinnto Coui;h Cure. Mothers er.r.nr- it Lhlt'hly for croup. It 'quickly cures allcouirhs and eo.d aiil twn ili.n.. . p -v.j flUUttl and lung trouble It is a spr-cific for grippe and asthma and has long -een a wen knowu remedy for whooping cojgb.-t-'V. F. Hall, Jr. A gentleman in Rutherford on hxn h id a letter from Mrs. CarHe Na tion in which she savs. as h-r irial c mes off in Aoril. she can't nlan for the future now: and that she never had any idea of attack in or sa- . loons where thev were Hcencprl anrl so entitled to protection. - Counterfeits of De Witt's Witr-h Hazpl Salve are liable to caus-? blood poisoionir. Leave them alone. The original has the ham D .Witt's un- or, the b.-!x and wrapper. It is a harmlessind healinrr salve for skin diseases. Unea-ialled for niles W. F, Flail, Jr. A Great Greensboro last ViTpflnPs- day night destroyed $1,500 wortlji of yi ijjjci I jr. Cures Blood Poison snd Cancer. Eating sores, swelling?, fallin;? hair, mucous patches, ulcers, scrofula, achinsr bones and joints, itching skin, boils, pimolet. etc.. bv talc ing Botanic Blood Balm ( 3 B.B.) made especi ally to cure malignant b:ood and skin troubles, B. B, B, heals every sore and makes the blood pure and rich. Over 3,000 cures of worst and most obstinate cases by taking B. B. B. Drue- gists, $r. Describe trouble and trial bottle sent free by writing to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. mm -M ' 1 - - T 4 4 Gloriou New Comes from D. B. Cargile, of Wa shita. I. T. He writes: "Four bot ties of Electric Bitters has cured v1i-q Rrptrpr of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would nrea out on her head and face, and the best doc tors could gie no H lp but her euro nomn etc ana tit-r nAitn is excH- .. r - lent." This shows hat thousands h nrnrw: that T I ? r i t . BittptS is the best blood purifier known. It's the soD't'm remedy for.ecz m i, j tetter, salt, rheum, ulcers. toiis aud l - - T . : . . I.. t : . running ores it ? i-r:ut:e. (tmr, kidfieys ad bowels, tspels poisons." help-; digestion.- builds up the strength' Onlv 50 cents.-' Sold bv ! V. , Halli Jr.; DLrugist. Gairaa-. teed. y ' . . ' A man with thin head M ui nair 1 s a marked man. But the big bald spot is not the kind of a mark most men like. Too many men in their twenties are bald. This is absurd and all unnecessary. Healthy hair shows man's strength. To build up the hair from the roots, to prevent use- .OIF 4 It always restores color to faded or gray hair. Notice that word, " always." And it cures dandruff. , $1.00 a bottle. AH druggists. " My business calls me out among. strangers a great deal. I would actually feel ashamed every time was so thin and the bald rf showed sr plainly. I began tbe use vi jour iuiir igor less loan inree months ago. Today I find I have as line a head of hair as I ever had. 1 ten eTeryDody what I used, and they say it must be a wonderful remedy" Ceo.Yeael, , Dec.11,1808. Chicago, 111. We have a book on The litis and Scalp which vo .win--send- free-npon request. If you do not obtr.n all the bem'fita you expected, from the nse oS "fh Tfnr.' rr. -:tij. JW.r uKin i k 1 ik. Aouress, . . . 1 .. - . Jweu, Mas. . 1 A A A A A A Ai,

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