.m. lire. in rn iUMKHf.I WEEKLY AT ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. A . D. Watts, Editoe & Pkopkiitob Snared at tte retcff.ce at SUtetvilW second class mail matter. 'Phone No. 35. y. C.rAvo. 8, 3 SOI. Stalf svilie. The Republican State convention or Maryland mot Tuesday in Balti more TLS. Piatt, of. Baltimore. was nominated for Sta.o Corr.pt rot ;1 Thomas Parr on, of Calvert i I P . f . . er, aut count.y, forcers oi mewun-ui pea's. T'ro ol at form -endorses Mc Kinley :r. l denounces Gorman. The Democratic Issue of whIte suPreroa ey is ridiculed The Maryland Eet publicans staed up for the cegro just &s their brethren farther South. Tuesday Senator MaLaurin, of South Carolina, gave out his reply to the request of the Democratic State committee for his resignation. Of course he declines to resign, and claims that he. will appeal to the people. His letter is very long and I i3 filled with abuse of Senator Till man, every old exploded charge against the senior Senator be- hoinir hrnuht forward again. The it ' ' State committee did right. Mc- Laurin has betrayed the party which elected him and deserves to be kicked out All for Overman. Watauga Democrat. On Mondav morning seven gentle men were sitting in front of the Coffey Hotel the same representing some two or three' counties in the western tart of the State, when the subject of a United States Senator tt succeed Pritchard was sprung. The names of Craig, Osborne, Glenn and Overman v ere discussed by those present, when a poll was pro posed, the same resulting in a unaB- itnou3 vote for the Hon. Lee S. Over man of Rowan. One of the above nmtd wiU doubtless be United States Senator, and the peerless Overman has a trood chaflce to-be the winning candidate, and if he'is, the Democracy may well be proud o iU choice. He B?t a C3od lx'ampie. Rateigli News and Observer. Col. Barrows, president of the Welsbach Company, who died last week, was a man who ought to be remembered. In addition to giving crood iiirht to consumers of gas, the Philadelphia Record says that it was in his cotton mill "thai milk oread acd boui'lon were hr-st issued gratuitously to the growingj girls employed about it; that all employes were required to know how to read and write; that the firemen was paid more than the engineer; that stor age batteries were first successfully used in connection with electric lighting, and many other improve ments made, all prmarny because it was believed to be profitable to the mill company. " tie recognized tnat n growing inrls are employed in mills, they - ought to have nourishing food. In t-.auy of the smaller mills in this btate, the younger girls have been givrn more time for dinner and easi er c ork than is possible in the-great concerns where thousands are em ployed in one mill ITavs) OfHcer Murdered by Brutal N'e gro Gambler. Shf Special to Charlatta New, jtlt. T3terday morning at 2 o clock vuiei 01 police u, 0. Jones was shot and instantly killed by Jim Lowry, a negro, who, with two oth er negroes, was playing cards. It Len Mr. 'Jones pushed open window and told all three to consid er vhemselves urder arrest, Lowry juvapr-d up and tried to get out an other window, but failing ran to the 000 r and as he opened it he threw Lis piatol in .Mr. Jones' breast and fired, the ball rangiugr downward if.toh's stomach. As Lowry jumo edjaut the door he fired again, the ball this time taking effect just aNve 1 ue heart. The chief of po lice then fell and died. The negro ran and bloodhounds vere soon in pursuit and several hundred citizens scoured the whole county but as yet the negro has not yet bern caught. The whole town atid county are saddened by his death. Mc. Jones was one of the vry btt police officers of the State. Tx hundred dollars reward was quickly offered for the negro's -aD-ptth i.noD and he will hardly stay as lrg.j long, though he has gone in the direc tion of Souih Carolina. I ho KiRht Kind of Will. Raleigh News and Observer. There died a few days ago in Un ion county, a farmer, Mr. R.B. "Wed dington, who, in his will, showed a d?bire to make his money bless man kind. He gave three tracts cf land to th ree of his faithful colored ser vants, and gaye money to others. There was never any "race issue" in Mr. Weddington's neighborhood. He was kind to the negroes and, thonah dead, his kindness and good ness to them still lives. The kindly relations that exist between most Southern whites and the colored rctti and women in their employ is understood only ia the South. Mr. Weddington's will is one indicalkm of it. Aside from the small personal gifts to a namesake and a few others Air. Weddingtoj, who had never married, gave his entire estate to his church. He was a Methodist and ,'ave $1,000 to Sandy Ridge church, of which he was a member; $500 each to the Methodist church at Matthews and-Trinity church in Charlotte. "All the rest of his property," says the Charlotte Ob server, "of every kind was given to R. S. Webb, L.. W. Crawford and other trustees of the Western North Carolina Conference to be applied and expended for the promotion of its various interests and enterpris es.' His personal estate is worth between $6,000 and $8,000, acd there are also 1,000 acres of land, which will go to the church. us ireupic ui r ranee are usinsr me auiomoojie ior agricultural-pur puses plowing ana reaping, it is saia ine experiment is a Success.' A lance or i " - McKeesport, Dispatch, 2'id. , . j o." Mrs. Anna BruMowiez, ageu w; venrs a bride of 24 hours, danced erself to death at ner weuuiu ' . . . . , a.i: feast here today. Mrs. liruaowicz was married yesterday morning to r 1 - 1 4- U i-k lAOlarD onn tsruaowicz, oub ui mo iwucio n the Polish settlement of McKees- tiort. The wedding was a most elaborate one as the participants are fairly well to do, and a large num ber of wedding guests attended the festivities. The celebration of a foliih wedding usually lasts several days. This was scheduled to occupy the balance of this week. It is customary at these celebra tions for every male guest to dance with the bride, wbien nonor cosis he guests a dollar. In this way everal hundred dollars are usually aised to pay for the expenses of the wcudmffs.no. ecaDie tne newiy mar- ed cair to start housekeeping. The dance is a wild, delirious whirl about the ball in which the festivi- ics are held, and the bride is passed rom one man to another as rapidly as the round of the room is effected. irs. Brudowiez bad finished the ainetv-fourth round of the room with as many different guests, wnen j - the company was called to supper. The bride complained of feeling sick, ind almost immediately dropped iver in a faint and died before med cal assistance could reach her, . Phvsicians stated that death was due to heart prostration caused by over exertion. The young husband of the woman is almost crazy over the bereavement and is being closely watched to prevent him from com mitting suicide. ' Death b of Mr. and Mrs. Overcash Correspondence of The Mascot. Died at her home near Enochville, Rowan county, August 1st. Mrs. Martha Overcash, wife of wr. EDhraim Overcash, aged 61 years Nearlv Zi hours atter her death her beloved husband for nearly fort 3 years. ira jL.pnraim uvercasn, T -w-i t . s 1 aered 73 years, loined her. The two were together jn lire and in death were not separated. The remains of this aged couple were laid ts rest io one grave in th cemeterv at iit. Moriah Liutheran church, Rowan county. Thefunera' service was conducted by their uas torVRjev. Leroy Beaton, assisted by Revs. W. A. Lutz and V. A. Deaton. Thev leave one son, Mr. C. D. Over cash. v uwe relatives ana irienas mourn tbeir departure, they mourn not as those without hope. A. L. Stony Point, N. C.,.Aug. 6th. Two Deaths Near Mooresarille Other News. From our Reguar Correspondent. Mr. Jeptha A. Jones, of Linker's, died last Thursday morning aged 62. The funeral services were held at the late residence of the deceased on Friday morning at '8 o'clock, aud were conducted by Rev. R. C. David son. The interment in the town cemetery. MKJones was an honest, uprightand truly good man, and an excellent neighbor. He leaves a wife , two sons, both of whom are married, and six daughters, three of whom are married. Mr. Jones was twice married, his first wife being a Miss Rankin, and his second Miss Face- Barkleya sister of Mr. D. A. Barkiey of Charlotte. Minnie Brown, the 10 year old daughter nf John M. Brown of Pros pect neighborhood died very sudden ly Monday morning. She got up apparently as well usual, and while washing her face, was seized with a violent pain in her head and died in a Jew minutes, .before a physician could reach her. The picnic for the Barium Spring Orphanage held here last Thursday was a .success. The gross receipts amounting to about $375. There was a large of people in at tendance estimated at between two ind three thousand. The day was fine aDd the music good, the dinner excellent. Hon. W, D. Turner, in fvpuced by Mr. Z. V. Turlington, made an interesting speech, much appreciated bv those who heard him. ' A merry go round, with its fasi nation for you rig and old, paid our towdathree days visit last week and scooped in s. rn? two hundred dollars. Rev. .J. W Jom-s. of Moranton, socot a few davs ia -town and preached in tho . Methodist church bunds v morning .Miss Dale Kimmons, of Oxford, miss , arrived hereon last Saturday on a visit to relatives. Thomas M. Toi renee, of this place . died last evening at '7 o'clock, aged 44 years. He leaves a wife and five children. The deceased moved here from Davidson township over a year ago. iiooresville, N- O, Aug. 6, 1901, Lackey Xetvs, Correspondence of Mascot. Mrs. Carolina Rufty died Sunda morning after an illness of three years. The camp meelmg jit South Rivr-r Methodist church, a.L ihis place, wiil embrace next Sunday. 0. U. Laciiey, who feil and got badly hurt some time ago, is able to be out again. R. D. L. Lackey, 2J. C, Aug. 5th. The citizens of Tamoa. Fla.. can tured the leaders of the strike there Tuesday night and sent them out of the city. It is thought they were sent to sea in an unknown vessel. All labor agitators will be' driven from the city by the citizens. Consul H. A. Gudger.'at Panama. has asked the State Department fot a warship owing to the revolution in L-oiombia and the probability of one in Venezuela. . A Minister's Good Work, "I had a severe attack of biliou colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain'. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy, tooK two doses and was nntirelr cured," says Rev. A. A. Power, ni Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across the stieet was sick for over a week had two or throe bottles of medi cine from the doctor. He used them for three or for days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him, I went over to see him ihe next morn ing. He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been run ning off so long that it was almost bloody flax. I asked aim if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said, 'No. ' I went home and brought him my Dottle and gave him one dose: inu mm to ia&e another dose in fif teen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief, but he took no more and was entirely cured." For sale by Stimson & Anderson. . . SMTIi NKWS. Addie Daivsn. olort d. H in own creek in Charlotte Tue.u;iy and was drowned. -Wm. Smilhdeal. a well known Salisbury merchant, died Saturday of ty phoid fever. - - Th fiattis Kiltro damage suit at Oxford has been continued until the fall term of court. J. B. Ross has resigned as chair- mam or tne .ueciueuuuiK commissioners. J. -u. vveuuiutuu succeeds him. Tn a ouarrel over a dog Henry Langley, colored, shot and killed Reuben White, also colored, in w 11- son county Sunday. The slayer is in jail. Inf. Jordan, colored, shot and killed Lewis Williams, also colored, in Edgecombe county, Sunday morn ing A woman was at the bottom of the trouble. Jim. Baldwin was killed at Ellerbe . - - 1 TTT 4- nrinL's. Uicbmond county, oy vtit Ingram Saturday. Ingram escaped Both white boys about 20 yeaas of a r?. No one saw the shooting. The East Carolina Railway has been completed from Tarboro to Farmville, Pitt county, opening up r rich country. The first rua over the new road was made baturday. -Mrs. Ephraim Overcash, of Enoch yille. Rowan county, died last Thursday night of typhoid fever, and her husband died Friday night of heart disease. They were burie J irr the same grave Saturday. W. J. Estridge, a tough character of Charlotte, who neglected his chil dren, was whipped by white cappers in that city Saturday flight. He was roughly dealt with. Two men named Austin have been arrested. A soda water tank exploded at Dunn, Harnett county, Tuesday, and D. R. Shaw, a clerk, was injur ed. A colored boy had his legs bad ly mangled and they will probably have to be amputated. The top of the tank was blown through the side of the house. Ben Snipes, colored, was killed by the train near Hillsboro Tuesday. He and his wife were walking one on each side of the track. As the whistle blew he attempted to cross the track to her side when the en gine struck him aud killed hfm in stantly. The four year-old daughter of Charles Campbell, of Winston, was drowned Sunday ia Danbury creek in Stokes county. The child was returning with her grandparents from church. The stream was swollen and the wagon was carried d-wn stream. The child was drown ed, but the grandparents and team were rescued. The most destructive rain in forty rears fell in and around Albemarle, Stanly county, Monday night. A lilion therailroad was washed away, together with 200 feet of the track Trains were tied up for 12 hours. Great damage to crops was done. Several bridges and water mills were washed away. The rainfall was 15 inches. A passenger train rau away Sat urday night near Pilot Mountain. The air breaks refused to work and the train passed the town at the rate of 50 miles an hour. The train was stopped a mile and a half be yond the station. Excitement ran high for awhile, the aisles of the cars were crowded with men, wo men and children, who were tossed to acd fro. Wm. Fowler, who lives near the meeting place of the negro Baptist Association m Durham, has some fine melons. The negro delegates tried to buy some and were refosed. Late Sunday afternoon Fowler saw one of the negroes enter the water melon patch, when he tired at the negro and wounded him very pain fully, although not serious! v Tbf aegroes let Fowler and his melons Beverely alone afterwards. Saturday a white man, afterwards identified as Newton Lanier.fif Fort Mill, S. C, was f-mnd on ihe - York ville road three miles from Ch itlotte in an unconse'us condition. He was suffering from an nver-ie cf morphine. He was taken ? th hospital ano soon aieo. i. nov turns out. that Lanier and a man who called himself Charles ited several houses of ill L. vis-to- gether and that Lyle aunouru-d hi; determination to drug and r.h La nier, who had about $80 on lv per son. He only had 5 'cents when found. It is thought Lyle drugged and robbed him. Lyle has dlsap peared. - Private Louis Ilaggerty. Tenth Artillery, killed his wife, ar.d then blew out bis own braies in his quar ters at the government barracks on bullivan s Island. Charleston, S. C. Saturday. Jealousy was the cause Thfl exposition buildtSg a -Kinsas v.ity was burned iuesday it cost $200,000. A careless boy caused the are. - The laws of health' require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law 's piles- Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of Chamoei lam s Stomach and Liver Tablets when necessary and you will never have that severe punishment inflicted up on jrou. Price, 2o cents. For sale by Stimson & Anderson. Miss Carrie Jones, the 20-jvar-old daughter of ex Governor Thomas G Jones, was run over and killed by 1 street car in Montgomery, - Ala- 1 uesaay. j. ne accident occut d in tront of the Jones residence and the girl s father saw her killed. nri . 1 v Dar most, peopie want is some thing mild and gentle, when in need of a physic. Chamberlain's Stem aeh and Liver Tablets fill the bill to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect For sale bv stimson & iinoerson. Warden Lewis, a well-known New York sporting man, jumped from a -4. t 1 m m.-r sieameruouna rrom rsiew York to frovidence, K. I., Saturday m'o-ht. md was drowned. No cause for the suicide is known. ' Through the months of J un and luiy our baby was teething and took a running off of the bowu and sickness of the stomach," savsO. P. 51. uouiday, or Deming. Ind. His bowels would move from fivp. to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in th house and gave him four drops in a teaspoon im 01 water ana ne got better at once. bold by Stimson & Ander spn, . 'UUDEliL SUPKKIOK OOLMt. uas lneaanuvnerw.Wup0!,eUo, The August term of Iredell Supe rior Court opened Monday with Judge A. Li. Coble presiding and Solicitor Wiley Rustr prosecuting for the State. Sheriff IFycoff is as sisted by Deputies Scroggs, Thomp son, Deaton, Ward and Wooten. J. A. Bradford, of Shiloh township, is foreman of the grand jury and Deputy Sheriff J. C. Thorn psor, of Davidson township, the officer in charge. Judge Coble's charge to the grand jury was elaborate and an elegant piece of Erglish which he read from manuscript. The following cases have been dis posed of: . W. M. Cooper; maintaining a nui sance; nol. pros. James Jordan; disturbing relig ious worship; nol. pros. Capiases were ordered issued for defendants not taken and the cases continued. Gus Davis, carrying concealed weapons; pleads guilty; judgment suspended on payment of cost. Geo. Ayres; carrying concealed weapons; pleads guilty; judgment suspended on payment of cost. . Ella Denny: larceny: not guilty. Jerrv Cansler: larceny, ffuilty; 5 months on chain gang. L. W. Melchor; assault; not guilty. Win. Sherrill; disclosing of mort gaged property; plead guilty; judg ment .suspended on payment of cost C. H. Tav lor, the prosecuting wit ness in the case nf State vs. Ella Dennv. was served with a rule to show cause why he should not be made to pay th cost, but after hear ing the mot ion the Court discharged the rule Ed Young carrying concealed weapons; plead guilty ;.a nee anu 1 :-. ... - i" J cost. Bill McKee, carrying concealed weapons; guilty; called and failed; judgment nisi, sci. fa. and capias to issue. G. A. Shinn and G, I. Shinn; dis posing of mortgaged property. G. A. Shinn guilty; G. A- bhinn tn pay a fine of 125 and cost; appealed to Supreme Court. G. I. Shinn not guilty. In this case there was a big fight. The mortgage was given to Rankin & Rankin, of Mooresville. The solicitor was assisted in" the prosecutien by Long & Nicholson and Turlington. ArmSeld & Turn er, Caldwell and L'iwis appeared for the defendants. The case consumed a little over a t'av. Jane McLain; retailing; plead guil ty; judgment suspended. ' Levi Steele; called and failed; judgment nisi, sci. fa and capias to issue. Sam Bailey; resisting officer ;guilty; Robert Johnson alias Carl May nard; assault; plead guilty; judg ment suspended. In this case the defendant was a young white boy who had drawn his knife when made get off a train at the depot. The judge read a letter from his mother at High Point. The members of the bar made up money to buy a ticket for him to High Point. C. J. West; called and failed; judg ment nisi, sei. fa. and capias to is sue. - F. H. Conger and Bob Newsom; forcible trespass; continued. " John Bridges; carrying concealed weapons: plead guilty; judgment suspended on payment of cost. James Gaither; (3 case) assault; plead guilty; ?20 fine and cost. Joe Bost and James Jenkins; af fray; guilty; judgment suspended on payment of cost. Time was allowed to file pleadings in several cases on the civil docket. The grand jury has about complet ed its work and will report and be discharged this morning. Old Folk's Singing at S tony Point Correspondence of Mascot. The seventh annualold folk's sing ing and reunion will come off Fri day, August 30, 190k No pains will be spared to make this the best one. All art-cordially invited. Progratq will appear later. committkb. Stony Point, Aug, 7th. "My baby was terribly pick with the diarrhoea," says J. H." Doak of Williams, ureiron. we were una ble tocu-e nun witn tne doctor s as- 5istaiic, ani as a last resort we ried Chamberlain's Colic. . Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am hao- py to sny it gays inirnt-diate relief and a complete cure. " For sale by Stimso!i & Anderson. MEDICAL EXAMINER Of tha JJ. S. Treasur j Recomni8iida Percma. Dr. UeWellyn Jordan. Dr.Iie wellyn Jordan, Medical Examl aer of TJ. S. Treasury Department, grad uate of Columbia College, and wha leryed threo years at "West Poirt, has the following to say of Pertma : ' ''Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. One short month has brought forth a vast ciianga und I now consider myself a welt man Bfter months cf suffering. Fellow sufferers, Psruna will cure you." Catarrh la a systemic disease urable only by systemic treatment. A remedy that cures catarrh must aim directly ci the depressed nerve centers. This i3 what Per una does. Pemna immediately Invigorates the nerve-centera which give vitality to the mucous membranes. Then eatarrh disappears. Then catarrh U permanently cured. Pemna cures catarrh wherever locat ed. Pertma 13 not a guess nor an experi ment; it is an aosomto Bctentinc ccr-i tainty. Peruna has no substitutes no tivals. Insist upon having Peruna. A free book written by Dr. Hart man, on the subject of catarrh in its different phases and stages, will be sent free to tny address by The Peruna Medicint Co., Columbus, Ohio. -- . - - i John Fiowcisreturcd to nurham Monday afternoon. Sheriff J. C. Herman was at Statesville last Friday. Miss Nellie Mcintosh came home from WashingtonC:ty lust week. William Robinet, of Statesville, is spending the week at home on a visit. James Drum, of Miller's township, was placed in jail last week on a peace warrant. ., ' Rev. G. R. White, from near Char lotte, visited his sister, Mrs. Love, here this week. Ex-Congressman Linnev is at tending Watauga Superior court at Boone this week. M rs. Robt. Ingram and daughters, of Catawba county, visited Lester Ingram the past week. Dr. E. W. Moose, is away this week on a mountain trip to Lenoir, Blowing Rock and Boone. J. H. Burke, of the Taylorsville lawyers, went to Statesville the first of the week to attend court. he postoffice fight or contest has been settled, and we learn that. Post master Matheson will continue to cancel stamps another term. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hudson, of Washington City, are here spending their annual vacation with srr. Hud son's father, T. A. Hudson, Esq. Campbell & Williams, of Vashti, have moved their pin mill here from Rockv creek. W. P. Carson is their foreman and he has moved his fami ly here, occupying one of Mr. Lin ney's houses, north of the depot. The pin mill will be- in the rock buiidicg near the depot. The -.following jury was drawn Monday by the board of county com raiioers for the fall term of Alex ander c mntv Superior court, Sep tember 30th, 1901: Millers township S. H. Waugh, C D. Johnson, J. S. Moore, B. C. Lentz STiarpes township J. A. Eeck hara. H. A. Miller, H. C. Patterson, T. P. Murdock. Gwaltneys township A. May berry, J. M. May berry, J. C. Mo Lain. Sr., J. D. Campbell, W. H. Woodfin.Sr. Sugar Loaf towuship J.J.Bowles, P. A. Black welder, Cobum Harring ton. Alexander Mitchell. Little River township Jno. W. dividers, J. W. Childers, D. F. Row man, B. C. Deal. Ellendale township W. C. Stin, W. J. Reese. G. C. Kellar. W. F. Millstead, J. A. Munday. Wittenburg township A. A. Deal, D. P. Deal, M. L. Bowman, J. P. Hefner. Taylorsville township A. Y. Burke, R. J. Marshall. T. A. Hud son. 13. v. Correll. C. J. Deal. C. G. Teague. It is estimated that the Sampson Schley court of inquiry will cost tbe government $23,000 L. Caslanaoo, an Italian, shot and killed his wi!n p.t Tampa, Fla., Sat- J 1 1 . uruay, oecaue sne wanted to go calling and he objected. The mur derer escaped. An explosion, supposed to l ave been a barrel of gasoline, in a blot k of.six buildings in Philadelphia Tues day night wrecked fiye buildings caused the deata of from 10 to 20 persons and injured over 40 others The Dowager Empress Frederick of Germany died at Ci'onberg Mon day. Her son, the Empfiror, was wni.il uer wnen sne oied. sne was the eldest daughter of the late Queen V ictoria of .Lnglana. P. T. Thomas, Sumter viiie, Al l.. "I vjf. suffering from dvspepsir wheu I commenced takiiig Kodo Dysp'-r -'a Cure. I took several bottitU!.d. can digest anything Ji.oa..-: Dypep.sia Cure is iha only preparation containing 4! th nat ural digestive fluids. U gives weak stomachs entire rest, restoring theii natural condition. Stimson & An derso'i. ff you haven't a roeular, healthy movement of tna bowels every day, you're 111 or wiil be. Keop your bowel open, and bo well. Force, In the shape of vio .entphysicorpill poison, Is danfreroc. Tbe smooth, est, easiest, mozt icrfect way of keeplag th boweia eie&r ana cicaa u to taice CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleacant. Talatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10, 5, and 60 eenta per dox. write lor I ree s&wpie, ana booklet on ne&ua. Auares - .43 ITIRU.XQ EEBECT C03PAST, CHIfACO ar KIW TOEK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAU Notice Dentistry . T WILL BE AT ' A . Sloan's, Wedncscay. August Uth. Scotts, ThiirsUay, August ith, Iredell, FridBy, Ai:gust i6ih, to practice dentist; y. Respctfu11v AiiRurt 8th, 1901. K. W . Moose, D. D. S. Wagon for Sfile. T HAVE a new Vi.ssen wajcn. which has heen A mn otslv a week, for sale fr cash or on time Apply at the Iascoi cface. or to me. August Sin, 1901. Respectfullv, A. M. BRAft'LEY. i-.ov: is the uiuo to sow Turnip Seed, Ck owr, live, i Vf k of t i e o a n:ce srnip vJ va sell bv the 011 nco. n- 1 r t :v to i'-rkf t or p"ud h! Bpst and oio-t satisfactory results oo'ained by sowing our brands f sf c-d. All Kinds Seed ...rroR. Fall Sowing. Bluestoce for sa'. MASON'S FRUIT JARS Piut, Quarts and 'Half OallouW Tin Top Jelly Glasses. Respectfully, - COOPER & GILL. "-T,v;.-.;)-.;?ti.i tirfoi'iu ( "'' t n-H 'till M to fl Hi 0 t m t tt wnrmtt MUSLIN is perfect . , - mill ft Ar w 11 CXI it proud of its quality. Every yard is guaranteed. r- 1 s T TT Si lt you snu m uacv.". DOUN MUSLIN that impairs ity, we wast the good back, l We want to give you pertect goods for it. LILBDOUN MUSLIN makes underwear, sheets, pillow cases, linings, &c, that wash easier, wear longer and bleach whiter than any otter goods made. Tbe rum jfll!n n1 ttie brt. m h T.ii.inorTK MtJSIJw jm nt. it 1 " - lOUSt.', Ail para cotw, tberngniy i c -at.hI and carded, bard twtoed, cicely I woven and caleadurcd to a soft, ameotbt downy finish. , Insist on bavtag ULEDOTTK. II your deaier hasn't it and wont get tt we will send it rrom ice nim in j. Knit, Ynnrtf- c&rri&ae b repaid. Tiirmn Muslin b ui ton bag free. - Writ for one. MOORH COTToir MILLS, TaylorsTills, 2f. C. The Laundry I WH,I, continue to operate the Statesville Steam laundry leased by my husband, the late E B Willis. I understand the business thorougly and will make every effort to do first class work Give me your work and help m earn ray living. ... August 1st, 1901. Respectfully. MRS. K. B. WU.US. Tn-- 'Don-A GOOD two-horse farm I? Oi XVtJIlU near River Hill. Apply to R S. ANDERSON, August 1st, 1901. Calahan, N, C. North Oarolian Alexander County. In the Superior Court. . 1.. A. . CHILDERS JAMES W. CHII43EK; EKS. ) NOTICE The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as aboye has been com menced in the Superior court of Alexander county to obtain a divorce f.om the bonds of matrimony, anu the saia aelenaant will tur ther take notice that he is required o appear at the next term of the Superior court of said countv to be held 011 the 4th Monday after the 1st Monday in beptemoer, 1901, at tne court house of said county in Taylorsville, N. C and answerer demur to the complaint in said action or the plalntiS will apply to the court for the This July 29th, iqoi. A. 1,. WATTS, Clerk Superior Court. J. H. Eu, Attorney, Livery Rates. OW1MO to the high price o feed. we. the dersigned. are compelled to advance price of liverv as follows: an Sinc'-e horse and bngsry, per day, $2.50 and $3. 1'ole team, per day. $3 ana J5. Surry team, per day, $4 and 6. ' Carriage and driver, per hour. Si aud $1 50. Single team for evening drives, per hour. Si and 50 cents each additional hour. Hack te?ms, per day, 53 to 55. The above uamci prices come into elTect August 1st. . WHITE & DANIEL, MILLER& CONNELLY, KEKR Kc KARCHER, July 30, 1901. SL'LLIYAN it DANIEL- RHEUMATISM and CATARRH CURED Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLS8. IM TBE SHADOW C?. DEATH. A t&'hoM 7BKUy Cnnd. JTrs. C. H. Eiflgatury, who keeps a tniil'merv and fafie irood store at St. Jvouis. Uratiot Co., Hidu, and "wh "TO wll w(mwt t&art X efcoiald have to settle down into a ehrtAlp inj&lid, nd lire in the 4iyi(3ow el death- I bad JOHNSTON'S 8AKSAPARILX.A re ommended to me. I TOOK FOO BOTTLES AND IT CURED ME. and cured my family both. I an rery glad that I heard oi H. I weuld cheerfully re 00 ram end it to ererr one. I hare taSen natly other kinds of medicine. I prefer JOffiKSTOii'S to H of themv" aucfaeAJf obcs co., jetrit, aub. PlUETiCAL EDUCATION IN Agriculture, Engineering, Mechanic Arts, andCottsn Manufacturing; a combination of theory and practice, of study aud manu al training. Tuition $20 a year. Total ex pense, iccluaing clothing aud lard. $115.' Thirty teachers, 302 students. Next bc's sion logins September 4th. For catalogue address Geo. T. Winston, President N". C, COLLEGE RALEIGH. N, C. STATESVIULE;PRODUCE MARKET CCRKKCTED COOPER. GILL COStMENTSOF THE WEEK. All produce in good demand. Buyik .Prices basis no. i quality. Cabbage-. 16 ........... . Extra flour sack Faniilv ' sack Meal--holted 41frs. pef bushell . .' ." " snboltecl, 4S Cs ' " " new -....."".".. Com old 5&Bs. per bushel-. ."." " new . . . Oats 32lbs. " I I Pens clay. ...... " " uns.ed ....... Potatoes Irisii J " J " Sweet -.....'.11'' Onions select, per bushel Iird N. C Tallow .... Beeswax ......'..'; Hens per tt 1-' Roosters per S ""."" Chicten Spring small per B " " ,. " larS " . . " " Turkeys per tt. . . . , Ducks " Guinas each.. .." ."..".""""" Oeese ........".""" " Butter Choice yellow Fair ...... ..." " " " Honey strained, per fi". " " comb, per lb ...... Egs-hen. I '. guinea ...... Wheat ' Rye ......... I '. 1 " " ' ' " ' Feathers new Hides dry, per fi..IIII""" " green- ..?'.''''' Wool washed ...."."''" Apples dried quarters, brieht " " I I! bright sliced . . . . faiJcy bright sliced . ." " extra ". . gi een per bushel Peaches peeled, bright. . . . . ' ' fancy. . extrs .... Eacau Hog round, per lb ' ' - Shoulders . . ..... 1 Ji-75 2.00 60 55 (So 60 60 40 80 75 75 75 75 8 3 6 x 6 7 4 to 10 IS 10 . 7 7 13 8 75 6) 35 10 7 5 3 4 K 4 1. 00 o 6 7 8 fi STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET strict f-r- JU,y- 2S" 9 a. ftood Middling . " MiddliBB, . . . ' Tinsrea . . Stains MarketW:" WATCH THIS PAINTS, OILS, ETC That will Evans Hardware Go., , who are now opening a full line of new, up-to date goods in the room recently occupied by the Sloan Clothing Co. ' WE HANDLE Heating and Cook Stoves. A full line Agricultural ;m plements. JiyeryiuiaK usui u" OUiV w as to Salj ly all customers. " Evans Tlie First S Of Statesville, . N. O. Will opm Its 30th Serts on Saturday The Association has been in existence fourteen years, jy ( continue to assist in building homes for its Shareholders. Noneh.." holders need apply for loans. If sociauon, suoscnoe 'or snares anu It is a good investment; (1) Because it is the best way to sated!. dollars. (2) Because it is the easiest and cheapest way to b ii,) , ; (3) Because all profits are divided been the means of securing homes for persons wno never could btv home without assistance. From some homes it has liftei rmrti'ip..' otherwise could uot have been paid. rate of lnterf-st on all the money they have invested in it. It ' Savings Baiik. In its Savings Department any sum from a n't oeaeposiita. ine weeKiy payment, ou regular 5lu,i;k is j centj r,n snare, r unner miormation can , ,i ,, r N. B. Mills WlIOLESALi: AND RETAIL GENERAL MERCHANDISE. To day we will show Largest and Best Stock of Cat in the city. 3,000 yards good quality, 5c. yard. Now is your time to buy, they are all new 'and good wash colors. Complete stock of Gingham and Domestics anL wool goods. Our Shoe Stock : . d never contained more soli values than at this tim We only seil solid leather goods and the price is right If you want to travel acd need a TRUNK see us be fore you go and we will sell you your trunk. - Yours truly, N. the Statesville Female Colleg The Collegiate Department taught by six teachers. The departments of Alusic, Art and Business are es pecially ood. The Session Opens Sept. 9th, 193 J. A. SCOTT, President. Statesville, - . - - Nortii Carol WELL! We want everybody to take a look at the "Godman" shoe. We were going to say that tlere'e this About "OaWiM is avj uiatLCL w iiiAA Tiiu atnftr anri thP ha ivery pair of ' God man's" shoes is warranted to b? solid throughput, and you run no risk when trading here far a ery shoe we sell must give the wearer satisfaction. A Jfew SHIRTS and SHIRT WAISTS Just received. Why not keep cool by getting otre f ' shirtwaists. We have the Celebrated Geo P; Ide & Coi Waists and also S. & S Tourist Waists these are given up tt be the best on the market. A new line of Windsor & Kit' Ed ward - - , Ties in the Popular Grenadine Effe To arrive. Als. for-c- rnfort try one of our Serge Coats. We 1 are making red jctijas in suits to reduce stock. Se us for Bargains;- Sloan Clothing ft ies. Pliaetoiic ant! Is now offered Ycrasortmt. ,s unbroken, having the cheapest to bjst made the world. S.ivh as Co umhiu Tmnn e. t,.T. n.. ,; N'etr 6 . in Seeh sehler RocU Liui and many other kinds rtr t h0 -r,a st manufse- in the TJohed rate Grad e for Grade these goods. .-rervtrnlBw.,D v - --- vol ui ni v w ill iriRa J - J All kinds of, . . Musical fo?inS,uIO,Tn' P.. Mandolins, Autoharpes. Strings ior aii tins I have th ronia - 8 8 Edison 775 7.70 7.65 ?.6o 750 in. at &tlndard and Records for same. A new line SPACE FOR Bargain -IN Hardwari be offered by the . . Hardware Comp August a, you hopa to receive beniit, from t: nip otuera. among the Shareholders, (4 (5) It .has pail Sharoh iidV l L . J I . , - ''. ue ooiaioeu oy caning ai tbe offi. L. HARRILL, Secreti' & Company, B. Mills & Compai; Bga.gm in 1,111 k-j-jb wupy WELL! WELL! nmv rrsw 1 mr . - ki vAyWrn.Ai - .7 SLOOP & SV1ILLER, tm People's Shoe SW- I.INB Of" A BIG LINE- at very low figures. we won't b 3 unde -old, iA - . i .. ... urn . i J wv i ot Association, Barron & Nicholson Instruments. Phonograph, B. P. ALLISONS