j j i ! i : .1 i II 7 ' 'j i TBS MASCOT PCBLISUr.K WEKKLT - AT :OL-LA.ri A itiAtt. D. Watts. Editor & Proprietor necond class mall matter. 'Phone No 35. Statesville, N. C, A. 22. 1901. JO.NKS GI EX AN OFFICE. An Asbeviile" special of the 20ih rays.'- "H. F. Join. f Sparta, has beto t.p pointed to a position as brand deputy collector uner Collector, liarkiub. Four deputies of this class lave recently been appointed by Collector llarkin. The plums were nueh sought after, as there is a tilary attached of 1C0 per montn, ith a liberal allowance for ex penses." This is the same IL F. Joaes who -as convicted at Wilkesboro a week or two ago of perjury, the circura fttances of which were. "The charge against Joues was this: - la 1892 a county claim of 4:15.44 was issued to Joues. In 1893, .Tnnpa rr-nresented that he bad lost ihfi claim in Rock river and was iriv en a duplicate. In 1898 Jones asked for a second duplicate, and made af fidavit that the original claim was inct and that he mistake he hid torn ud the duDlicateand that neith er had been Daid. It developed that t-ht nriirinal had not been lost and that the duplicate had been paid ir. 1893, showing the affidavit was uu ifue in every respect. The question i of'' the jury was to ascertain wheth 1 t the affidavit was wilful and with intent to defraud or was it made honestly by mistake. The' jury found the former view and returned u verdict of guilty of perjury." Jones had his case removed from Alleghany to "Wilkes for the alleged reason that there, was political prejudice against him in his own . caunty. He was tried by a Republi can judge and a jury, nearly all of whose members were Republicans, and convicted. Judge Starbuck suspended judgment on payment of the cost, and inNJais the judge erred Jones should have received the full penalty of the law. Now Collector fj&rkins appoints Jones to a good ofUce. This new recruit to the Re publican party is convicted of om of the most dangerous and despica ble crimes known to the law, let off ' with the costs by a Republican judge, and in less than half a month appointed to a lucrative office by a Republican collector of revenue Republican officials do these things, and yet we have pretended Demo cratic papers preaching -'indepen dence in politics" and trying to aid the Republican party by" ridicule of .Dem&Uat forms ar'd abuse f Tho Virginia Democratic platform deals principally with State issues, r'eaity is affirmed to the National organization, and the leaders of the narty, from Jefferson to Bryan, are lauded. The two most striking fea tures cf the platform are the planks declaring for primaries for the nomi ..ution of United States Senators -cd for a State railroad commissiop ith powers to tlx rates. The plat . Q-iii is a strong declaration of Dem ocratic principles and a disappoint ment to those who hoped for a back track movement. The nominee for Governor, Hon. Andrew J. "Mon tague, the president attorney gen rai of the State, is probably the ablest, young leader of the State and a Democrat in whom there is nc guile. His nomination is a protest 'litiit corporate interference ic the' politics of Virginia. The re sult, of the convention is a big defeat -and re Luke to Senator Martin, who i regarded as under railroad influences. Can't He I.ilteil Iron: Fir " j Hi If M- - Chirigo Chronicle. Avoung man at Cleveland ' fco a eU'hs ouly 120 pounds and wnrv.u nu stroig man can lift unless be '.-booses to be lifted, is furnishing en tertainment just now. This bard-to-lift man is named Mack. The strongest men have tried It and iahlv Tailed to raise Mack from the floor against his will, although they can do it easily when he consents to be lifted. This pe- culliar power, which fear possess, is very much of a mystery. Some say it is a trick which can be learned from an instructor and acquired by practice. But this is not consistent yciih thft fact that only five .or -six persons are known to have practiced, it. The performance i so .meiest that more would undoubtedly iive exhibitions if they were able to iru how. Larsons who make themselves un fta ble invariable profess ignorance of how thev do it,, and physicians ii-.1 fint!sts have been unao'.e to ecount fortbsir power. Psjs arned men will be acne to tspiaii t tf..no t.init' nut as vet it. Nr-ems come under some law of nature that has thus far eluded the searchbgnt of-iavestigation. " fll r. Bryant's Trouble ith a Negro Tl ( Pennsylvania Democrats be Here in the doctrine of putting out the fire which is burning their own Mouse before they run to the assis tance of their neighbors, In their platform adopted last week there is nt a word as to national affairs, but the roten condition of iheir State government under Republican r ule is held up to the gaze theoijpeo--ple-of i he State. Bribery of the "Leg islature and its shameless grants cf fabulously valuable franchises to the bribe givers fo. mere songs is thun dered to the voters of the Keystone State; and, unless the people have made upaheir minds' to submit to robbery by political plunderers, something will be heard to Crop in the land of Quay and "Holy" John Wanamaker this fall. The Demo crats really have a good chance to elect their State ticket this year. iSarned Her Son's Tongue as a Cure For LiDg. Eteltimore Dispatch, 20th. Elizabeth Blizzard, colored, was convicted here today of having thrust a red hot iron poker into the mouth other seven-year-old "son- Daniel because the little fellow had been' guilty of telliDg a falsehood. According to her own admission the womap deliberately heated the 1 mplement over a coal-oil lamp and forcing the boy's mouth open," held it against his tongue for several sec- -onds, burning him frightfully She -as sent toiailfor six months and lined $50. The boy will probably recover. . J The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law 13 piles- Keep your bowels regular by taking a dose of ChamDerlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when necessary and you will never have that severe punishment inflicted up on you. Price, 23 cents. For sale by Sttmson & Anderson. ' Chirlolte News, 20th. Mr. II. E: C. Bryant, traveling representative o'flhe Charlotte Oo erver,' had aa" alteration at the Seaboard Air Lice pasecger sta tion this morning. -Mr. Bryant was at' tho station awaiting the arrival of th train go ing to Lincolntou. While be was seated reading a bool', he noticed that Eaamett Rollins and a negro boy were about to come to blows, As the negro boy was larger than Rol !ki Mr. Bryant walked out to vvTiere the two" were and asked wb?.it wrs the trouble. While he was .standing near the boys tempting o quiet the trouble between tnem, Guston Plunkett,co!t)red, a truckman vt the Seaboard station, wa.Ked up ;ud aski-d Mr. Bryant what he had io do with the bovs trouble. Mr. Crvant promptly replied that he had nothing to do with the affair and propounded the .-amo queseion to Piunktt. .Is soon as Wr. uryani had aiked Plunkett this question, he ncro addressed some very in sont remarks to Mr. Bryaut and advanced toward him. As soon as Plunkett came in arms length of Mr. Bryant, he was dealt a stuuning blow ou the utck. This infuriated the negro and' he made for Mr. Bryant's throat atrd succeeded in ulacing his light hand in the news paper man's collar. As soon as Mr. Bryant could free himself from the stroDgrrasp of the powerful negro, he pulled his gun and lircd one shot. At the report of the pistol, Plunkett went into the air and he hit the ground running. Mr. Bryant at. tempted to shoot the second time but before he could get his gun iu a position to lire, Mr. H. L. Guthrie and Judge Hoke ran up and caught his arm.. In the meantime Plunkett 's wife was yelling at the top of her voice for uer husband to get out of tne way.' Pluckett needed no encour agement along this line. Box cars, mail wagons and shifting engines 1 uKi not abstruct his night, it was indeed a lively pace h"e bandit was oh nr -"fa vt r v ils he Ure he passed cm -r sigbr. After the trouble Mr. Bryant got aboard his train and left for Lincoln ton. Plunkett returned to his work portly afterwards. The bullet tired by Mr. Bryant went wide of the oajjj. It only served to fright en Plunkett in an inch of his life. FiOm the Hcspual by a Faith Curist Mother. Asheville Dispatch, iSth. ihe hospital authorities to daV gave the name of the .young weinan 'wn has .been ill tnere, and whose mother strenuously objected to the use ot medicines. She 13 Miss Mia rue Piumraer, who has been teaching icnooi at liia- u Mountain, and was orougnt to the Mission Hospital here oa account of her iilLess. The mother cams here from Missouri to attend her daughter, and immediate ly objected to the-use of medicine?. Yesterday morning she took her daughter from the hospital iu a rain storm, and while the ' condition of the young woman was critical. She informed the as tonished hespit;;! attendants that she had gray ed from midnighb'until 2 o'clock, and that a voice frcrn the spiiitral world bad 'told her to re move her-daughter at once from the hospital, where there was too mucb mediciue-. and materiality. The mother and daughter are now four miles out of the city, and ij will be a source of -surprise to a number of physicians if rhe young wpman does not die in a day or so. 4 a. A ... ..I.-.' 1 1 - Asheville Pispatch, ic'Vi.' A murder, which f..-r brutality "has, fjwifany equaU, iu Buncombe's criminal record, occurred hee this morning a fchoit time before day break. Willie Scborn, a colored woman, was the victim, aud circum stances point with almost unering force to John Miller, colored, as the na,m.rai.nr. Thfi murderecl woman lived ia the CrippU Creek section of the city. This morning a netguuoi ing colored woman went to hf-r home to borrow a hhawl or wrap of some kind, and failing to nna t-e occuDant of the house at home, be gan to look about for tne wrap any way. In one corner of the room was a t runk the lid of which was open, and about the trunk was a pile of wv,irwr "Maturallv she went to iUllUlU,. ' - io' of clothiner t3 look for the desired garment. On raising the tray of the trunk she was confronted was a sight which for a few minutes rendered herspeechless with horror, although she lives in a section which irrnwr. hardened to crime in v led forms. The Seborn woman lay :diu' n the bottom of the trunk Tii-h?ad had beea almost severea from the body, presumably with an n v p '"""k. Tho.dp.ad woman and Miller had nnnrvr.d durinL' the night, and the woman had, expressed her ear of enterin" ure sani3 room wnti rnni Miller sbowe-d cnbounded nervo-. Af tar UUlintr the woman, and after ois pot'icg of the body in the way m tioned. he lay down and wont PDinn trie same room. muum. hov went to call him this m-ruir tfuro to work, he was sound usjeep h.rtlv after beinv called Miller j' . 1 i-. . went to two or three uuuses ntai oy and asked if any bue had teen th? woman. He said he would loo tor , j 1 . u -, -; . , ' . t nor 11 tne am not rsiuiu ujr ', r.nd iben he took his dinner bucket and went to work on the mountain. But he did cot st-'P there, and all el forts to locate him have been unsuc cessful ShcrilT Leo and all h-'ra depu ties spent the day iu looking for the nego. The coocer he'd an inquctt ovtr the remains of the woman this morning. The verdict held John Miller responsible for her 'leath. G H N K" II M X y- . The Bi ifclsji PrliumviLit was pro rogued Saturday., Geheral MacArthur has arrived in this country from the Philippines. Soutb Carolina's first, bale of new cotton was sold in Charleston Satur day at 10 cents a pouiJ. Fire destroyed a tobacco factory in Richmond, Va., Tu s-day, casmg a loss of about $200,0u0. Two negroe?, who murdered a white girl, were lrrc .f l at fierce City, Mo , Tuesday r.ight. The Virginia Republicans have riominated Col. J. Hampton Hoge, of Roatioke, for Governor. Thrpff workmen were killed at Youngstowr, Ohio, Saturday by the explosion of ten tons of moiten metal. The fcicamer Isi&nder, runa ng from Victoria 10 Shiigway, strueii an iceberg last wee Li aud 65 lives were lost. . Five persons w.n-e uiiied aod ten injured by a street coiildig wit ft a passenger train '.0 vjmcEgo-oaiiii day nigbt. There are now 1)07,735 Federal pensioners a net gvin of 4 20G over last year. They ccut 't he government. $140,000,137 a year. , A Spaniard at . Il.vvana allowed hmt.if to hf hitic.'' uv -a infected mo qui'o a-J a mt-d.:-, and Mir-tUy . be- died fever. A Bi-ookiyi si-t fiitn a lii.ii'' ii'i - Miss fJa Eider is vikitrng-irisuds in Statesville this week. W. A. Steverscn, of Iredell,, came up Monday to spend a faw days here this week. dossn'i c Mrs. T. R. Hudson wmttoSiojiii -Monday al-.efr.oon to visit hr par ents. Br. J. P. Matheson, Jr , came Up i &Vin jtreni Monday from Davidson College to spend a short vacation with his father. W. B. Matheson. The cemetery is to be worked Sat urday aud the citizens who feel an interest are requested tojneet that morning with tools and do some badly neec'.-d work. n Gi6d-iv.. of Winnsboro, 5. to his father, C, is v-v on a visit fcj. J Giudec. Ch board of town commissuoro hpdii. it ?etir.g Monday and mat3e the taot-vy 50 -nts oo the $100 and $1 50 pii the poll. A. H, Aifcihesf n is now in the store of I.-A. . Barnos. thre mile's north of town. Tavlorsvilie Colioglate In-tit'ute, Rcv. Prcf. J A. IVhi'.eand Prof O. F Pod, August bicS. ,.i tors free samflfc.. f. VLTto BOW!., lcl-y,v X'-C """" ' ' ' . 1 ri RLLaWWCM msft p nw They I r Wood Wanted. mwKKev Furniture Company wants to bur Totine wood within hanhng d.stancc Stat ewille and haul H with the company s team. See A. K. Klingender at s ctory. August 22, 1901. j 0 Guaranteed to 'be Lightest iw Draft, iiiuU.l, m Construction and l ao int- w,)S K r,i r!v Plow on the marker t ..a.v. We also have the Ijb proved CbH'ianov&.t;,.l Beam Moldboard Plows at"1 a full linr of v.-v. ?,. See us before buying. Am Year K.I4BCT Dr. Hobbs' SRrnu Fills eoreatl WWllj g Ciaie. Add. Sierniifi Bemew - Horses and Mules for Sale- horses asd mul"S are Rood stock "d persti Seshing them car. get rt.e t tbergl.t prices Angust d. 19a.. w-jnTRECrDANlEt. experiment rom yeilow ear collided !!. .Sat in day. Wilt ?0:h. f -Charlotte npxt Monoay, ins uora tue.iD, Commercial College. open ftrarried the rostmistress and Seem ed the Office. VVeshinstoB Dispatch, loth. Representative Boreing, of Ken tucky, bad a ca:e involving the re- mova! OI a wmuw utisiuiaau-i which- nromis,ed for awhile to-be as embarrassicy; to him as that of Mrs. pders, postmistress at iSew Las-Kv-, was to Senator DeBoe. but fortunately jir. BorPin escptct by e . T . . a luflKV turn 01 mnune. in .r, Boreing s district is a postcfijce named Monticello, Wayne county. There Mrs. Mary Tiggle was the postmistress, a widow and an efti cient worker. As in the launders case, .Mrs. 'z.ge had a rival, a man named.J. Li lvenneor, ari aspirant for the postm3stership. Mr. Ken nedy was a faithful party worker, a fctauuch Republican aud a man of unimpeachable record, sir. Bora ing was anxious to oblige nr. Ken nedy, but he was mindful of the and the in"' t t'm 20 to 25 yuac- . the tu iuluilv. Five persoiis weic ex lesion of a bi V ' oil works at P Philadel phia, Tu-is.u-eral otli'jFs vere iv-.'y John T. Havdejr, treasurer ot ,p a -y Swift & c'o.,. t-ie has 1 uu away with 000 of -the comp-iU"'.- The Pennsylvi. have nomiualed Wv Pittsburg, for Sutr. and State l:?pree ; Harris, of C!-i". 1' treasurer. The steamer CiU struck hy a squall o.i near Paducuh, K and she turned c-v-m water. SixU-eo ported urowr'cd. The pilot boat nett was run flow n German steamc persons were dro .v ent occurred aA .-.t k:i;.d jurtd. i U: will leach bteoograpby and type writing. The business course will be t -I'jyht by Prof. White. Inaprcve mrts "have been made on f ho br.ilc ing and a go.d. attendance is expect ed The Oxford O'rphan Asylum sing ing elas ga-ve & concert in the court v.i h.-.iiii h;rn lat Fnd.iV nik'ht. a;:U ki ltd by the ne lank at an Jim zc, uea'r ut ;ht. f;v- -creiary aa5 York cBicft ol '.:;-.gt packer--, 10 0t;0 to 50, money. RepubUcdii. P. Potter, of re Court judge ve Frank G. ;j. for State f Golconda was 1 he Ohio river .Monday night. m- la ten feet o; per. -on 5 are re- al:s Gordon Ben r. id sunk by the A.cce, and four . Theaccid- vC w near oinuv , , , . - i ,i . .. : i-v -receipts and collection catuiuay ami x:w '! ro21. L-Tit:k A. L'nney, Esq., of Boone, h- ' -: ' 12 - ii. Ir. i l..f: Hook, New York hu, bor. Miss Ola NcfT, daughter of the r Rural Rstreat, V- elbaum, a Slacor., G -. er, in the left bvoi:r-' cause he accosted her er proposals. vc(I, charged with t.ho murder of the wife of a farmer named C;.l -v 1. was captur ed acd turned at ok3 at -xNel exas. L'l-m 'c t n - n T1.- -'. 1 Vi C J iit'-V'Ma ti e usual "inrnnv The murdered wotr. trarried six month; Got Her I 'ace Slapped. Utica. N. Y., Dispatch, 20th. Mrs. Carrie Nation tobk in the Island Ramble excursion on the St" Lawrence river to day, and as a re suit of her efforts to suppress the nicotine habit among the susokert aboard he boat, had her face severe ly slappod. On getting aboard the excursion steamer she began a tirade, accost ing every one who- was smokrn with the cc-ntmand to throw th' weed away. Some complied and some did not. Some she relieved ol their cigars by force of arms and some by force of eloquence. To all individually and -collectively, she delivered her diatribe against the evil of smoking. Going up to Eugene Foley, ol Claytotvrepraseutative of a Utica shoe house, she demanded that he throw his cigar into, the river. He refused, and the made a shrtt, arm jab for the weed. Foley side-steoned and countered with his open hand upon the robust cheek of the reform er. This encounter endedlfor a time her cleaning-up process, and she turned her attention to the hpantic of the scenery. j j : ... t.hlanstnr DflRnp wn hnvi n a iacu niauc 1 in 1. 1 ; over 'the Saunders case, and he j wound is EOt "aL- pointed out to 3ir. Kenneoy that he i Abe "Wilder, did net wish to get tang.ed up inai similar dispute. -' '; The matt'er drifted along for a time, unH Jir. Boreing was surpris-' I?? VTcg TtnaV the widow 'had I changed her mind and would be! pleased to reli squish the oGice, and' in view of that tact he wanttd to be : appointed her successor. Although he did not doubt Mr. Kennedy Mr. Boreing thought it well to hear from , the widow, and he wrote her what Mr. Kennedy bad said regard; rig her willingness to leave the service of the government. The answer came back tiiat she wished to surrender' the office acd had ne object; ous to ; Mr. Keneedy's appointmeut, but the' letter was signed "Mrs. Kesnedy'.j The enterprising candidate for the' ofhee had married the postmistress, j and he has been rewarded by the Postofiice Department for he bus1 been appointed post-taster u1..m 'jnti cello, vice Mrs. Mary Kenr.tdy, re signed. . v - nm o ; O.d Fo Its' Si!iK' and Troutman i ) -- IS year-o c 1 j.roprietor at -itot J. J. VTax- rrouuee buy i.h a rifle, be en the street The i u Dr. Louis Kfispy hus separated ble at 1 children aru w ed from the world "; r lper. Tije doc?'' ; leave of his family ::'!. h;s patient. lie v- 1 to ;i study of lepro-v five other appilcai Ivr iipp's job. ,'sclay nigtit ' of horror. ad.ouly been t f St. Louis from Vis wife I 'become isolat r.ia'se a Chinese i as takeu final i d will live witb cevote h's t ime There wen s fjr Dr 11 bile at target praciic on Fort: 'Riley reservation, mi'e. north 'of Jure a 7 inch, 107 p(. as it- was being p ':t of u section gun O . Sovnth Arti 1 1 esday, I'ersonals, Cone. ? ndence of 1 fce Mascot. Don't forget the date, S-. .-ember can, fdt.a.liv i j un, ior ine annual oiu totKfe buitrinir serious v "n.i. by .Captain 1 iv wc'-e: I John J Ki -: S y'kt'. f.it;.. i in' D ;i , James Brady, S'i. at the Lutheran church. . Bring j injured; R?cruit.-L your Cnristian harmonies, s outnern harmon:es and fa sol la bot expecting a delightful t ime and you'll have it. That's whr every body is saying around here Tell all your readers and let them come too. An interestirg meeting is being held at the ' et hod ist church here by Rev. iavener. He has iwa as sisted by Statesville's papular 3r. Pressly'and by R?v. Griffith. These are a trio of Strang men. Next Sunday Rev. S. D Stetfey, of Concord, fills tiie pulpit here of RevT, Ridenhour at 11 a. m, iu.u.S p. m , Miss Carrie Little, who bus been visiting Mrs. J. lit . ea to tier nome in uatawoa ye; uay. Augustus Soiith and famil y leave tomorrow for a trip to Virginia r. U. IjemI e-it a i City, Kan i ex u' ni' 1 : i t hx ' 1 Ti -' 'f :-.ee lia'.tt-ry . c -ir.inuuacn . "I It-1 Cf.SU.-il ; i ; . killei .:vd: MUm.1V " Cp.s Dan .ry Loc.irs'und IJogil'l. , .-eriou-iiy in ;it!y injured; red .- V'.r rrr l l f ru-iay trom w iiKes fv.r htme Saturday. i s i:;u;ciie, accorapa- K-.vou'p.-i visited s T:'tk- a.vl are j k iit.tne of St itei c .'ae.;o ies and for r ladles. afand Excursion to NorfblkjVa, September 10, 1901, MnnTWifBN RAILWAY will ooerate its OODU- i, Annual Kxcursion to Norfc k, Va Ser- ,r,.n Tom. leaviner Charlotte at 6:20 p. m -inir xt Norfolk r:io a. m.. September nth; reti-.-ninj; leave Norfolk at r;co p. m..Sept. 12th t.x-n flairs and one niait in Nc.-folk. " i-jCf win hp sol.l on branch lines to connect .M Auction point. Kound trip ra,.e from States ville N. C. f .00. Approximately low ra'e n -m ether points.-' Forfuither information call oa t M Coint Ticket Agent, or write H. HARWVICK. G, P. A., Washington. D. C, R. L. VERNON. T.P A. Charlotte, N. C. Evans Hardware Compa SPECIAL AUGUST Shoe Sale for 0 As we have a great variety of Me 's, VComen s ir.-V C hdreaj J hand, and want to make room, for ott.er voocs, off? NEXT 10 Mio inis line oi u.-u ;it a LI: IT s visit 1 iiiz .it tpeK t.-r of Deedii Hell is busy 1 l.e tyx books. cf CharloM-e, irent P. L. rrenco. Raleigh voted down a proposed L-isMte for street improvements jtojoa ' C jarles LyTe hats been held with ... 1 -r-r ? : cui Diu lurttie muroer o; Li.iier iu Chariu .to. Rjv. J.'l?'. Austin,' who his been injnl in Salisbury charged with theft, has been reloasidjjn bond. Ilehrv Joiu-:. colored, has been jiiie.1 at Salisbury crlrnirsliy ssLaulting General Convenlion, Episcopal Church, San Francisco, Cal October 2? 1901. - n.mi- rf tn aMivp orrasicn the Sonthm W Railway will ..;lt round tnptirtts from all stations on.'jts lines in North Carolina to San Frnnci'co. ral.. and return September lith to -6'h inclusive, tickets to be validated by joint Agent Tei.ninal Lines 1:1 sail rranciscu au i-.)on payment ot a lec ol nuy cents, vhe final return limit cvemner 14m, igoi. Rales fr-r the ronnift'-ip fn-.m principal pomrs in North rj-rolinrjAiU be .' 5 " or tur.ner iuroruiitio" caon voi.r Dcjwt Agent or write S H. HASnWICK, --P. A', Vashititon. D. C. K. L. l-.KMJA, 1 . r. a., Charlotte, N. C. Sale of Land. T Y aiithoi itv of au order of the Snperior Court i-t cf Iredt-'.l cou-ity to me (ii-ected in a special prroee.ii.'? er.titie.l ii. V, . c.t jr r, aninmisiraiui of 1' P.. WaMen. r-jains; C. C V.'a.den and otn- ers.for the pu'rpoMi of ni.' Viiii?2?sets with whten y dvhts and cbaiees 01 fxisr.'.nist ration. I wilt fvt!' to tublic sale to u.e merest omutr nt the court house door in Raes.-ille. N. C, on MONDAY, SEPTE .13 R 25RD, IQOI, ou acres of the Walden lnd, known as part of the Noble Mills p!io. a joimtiE the lands 01 Gay and others, A fuU descuption of the same wAt be s'ven ou lav 01 sale and a plat turmsueo. the purchaser after sale. Terms of sale: One third cash on day of sale one third in three months and the remaining one th'ra s -c months after ua'e of sale. ARjst 2'iid. fgoi. G W. CLKGG, J, C. Caldwell, At i'y. Administrator. with a 11-vcar-old : rear Woodside, Rowan nro gri county. Wili Karaiet, a sober, indastriotn and highly respected young man of Asheb--ro, committed suicide Sunday mornioi: by thootini: himself. He was in iil health.. Section Msler Robinson was at wtrk at a caveia iu Swaunaoi tun nel, near Round Krjob, Saturday v.he;i a wreckintr tr;v:n ran into the -nuuci aua I'uii uifi" iir u'iliv, Ki t in him instaitlv. lie was from Danville, Va A rcLTo attempted to asiauit .Mrs'. Barney ilerroy ia Charlotte Satur day nuht. The nero caught her by it h. tr "out wit a one hand and .by the h --i r- with the other, but ran when her screaks had attracted the notice of some white men. i'ue youag Joaufeto:i coiPf v white couple, who have Ween in j.-.r! in Ri le.'u iKcaube t'lioy aved us tnaa wife. ws;re "married Fridav in-'h ineir ijao!., finally, ijiive. then cot.-' . 0 iu." taarriage e-nd a Ra o co art aud mar J- Du? Hit Owaan;! i! Pelletonte, bliio, Dispalci:. John Ris-hei. n tzr; township, th'- cu . iirtwes du for hir.v--.-the Union Cerrit-.tery ther ke nor Mrs. R; a' condition of he:;l -i may live nr.iy a:c;' about 70 vear-. old. I he conceived the 1- j like to know for , , , . . ; -wnere ne cua tiisv-;; - : -. . i ; . B. Ltppard. return- j , . auu us n l" v in Catawba' yester-1 !ot' i,e sh.- cut 1 : '! . ins? ruciea mm to . i thereon. j. The sexton s ! Risbel told Lira th. v. and wife. . Ij ."h . Voile's Craves '.iftl. of Benner . ''is jst had aud wife in .I'lhoutjh nfti i are in such bat that the y years. He is Sjmetime ayo ! s that he wcu!d 3 eertainty just -lid wo'j'd be bu- sor of a sexton find lae &jrivo. ifiTr. T.MrlQir tA'i i hie J - i. V W V V t f i Ul, , l famil v fnr P.nnpfir1 whaFo V? ii- ! Sell rnaL-o hr hr,ir UrSt lOU'lU IU A Suppote 1 Tar Heel Murderer Saved by His Teeth. Suffolk, Va., Dispatch 20th. Chief of Police BriDklev last nio-M weut to Chesapp&ke, N.C., and near there arrested a man supposed to beJirxi Lowry, a North Carolina murderer, for whom there is $500 reward. The officer and assistants had handcuffed the prisoner, when they ordered him to open his mouth. His teeth were not like Lowry's and the accused, who said his name was jimurowo, was released. The scription tallied otherwise. de- Free carriage will take everybody to the auction sale of residence lots, Friday, August 33rd., at 9:30 a raj Mrs. D. P. Day vault and eiUdren, of Concord, are visiting W. si. Day vault, at Barium. Last niLt iliss Marie Dayvault entertained a few friends complimentary to her ueices, Misses Nina and .Myrtle Dayvault. This indeed was a pleasant- evening to those in attendance. Young & Eluttz are remodeling the Patterson-Steele building recen tly purchased b, them, and when completed they will put in an up-to-date line of drugs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parks have returned from a two weeks visit taChadotte and Huntersville. Our sick people are about all well now we are glad to say, with the ex ceptiori.of a few who are suffering with sensitive teeth, sore finders and that very conventional head ache. Evergreen. Iroutman's, N. 0 Aug. 21st, 1 but this was e.'-e; (graves, or, more c ... : .1..U1 i. uuuoic giaye, was cu : feet square, ami v-j When tinishi d ife r. i -i '-Through the months of JLne and July our baby was teething and took a running off of the bowels and sickness of the stomach, " say s 6, P. m. Holliday, of Deming, Ind. ''His bowels would move from five to eight times a day. I had a hot tie of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D'arrhoea Remedy in the house and ave hina four drops in a teabpoon ful of water and he got better at once." Sold by StimSon & Ander son. Somebody ill get the free lot at iue auction Baie or residence Jots j: ruay, Atigusi zra., at dt'ifd when re hire permits, A, and tie ' ly put, the l is beven t.!e' deep. !iVf4 bv a large tiat stons ai3d this covered by a thin layer of sod, so that no visi tor to the cemetery may, without investigation, know that unused graves are there. T. Z, M-eCubbins, ofalk-bury, has sued that town, foe ij.OOO on ac count of an ir jury nc .( d bv his 'ife on the. night ci tl..? 11th. While returning from churea sha stepped on a loose plark on the sidewalk aud suffered a broken arm. Shuford Elliott, aed S2 vearsV was drowned hi Buffalo creek," ueat Chnll,n Tl 1 IT ' . 1 uuciuj, Aucuay. ne was swim ming and strtick "deep water. His bcoy was" recovered after several hours' search. Daniel H. Young, a Raleigh Re pubhcan.tbas resigned a $1,500 po sition in the collector's office there. What most people v ans issome thing mild and gentle, when !n need of a physic. Chamberlain's ' Stom ach and Liver Tablets fill the bill to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect For.. sole by Stimson & Anderson. The easy terms will enable any uuk vu receive one oi i&ose beautiful atfT JOiwewjeiot8at.th8 auction sale, rrr-m?T o rr y . .."'.- ,'"''- " '.---. ' ' ' f-r--t ,. .'. -. - riais c.pons'-s into his aCiivi or land, six miles from S,lis -:.-, - j a ouicago .syndicate I.r tfiio. ihe syndicojt" v.-:.Il deve) it iii;iiv;tliatelv. n it. .v y erjunty coper mine ana dirj, op ui oi-i. L . !i , sttng vm.n Dm- ... s ,jr.; , :-! -um!. udd" ' - ; c. Wo',. L-t.rtor.. lit pa;i r N ': , 1 Dur' :in Tsie.-day a!1 - '' '.1 litfWcu is way. th;. t.-. i: : .to.v's cheek at.d io- t 111-. '. k." '' i- l-i-'i - -.I JTr. to'ii wi!' -1 (...-. , - - - - - ; .- - -- f '' haven't a re sculur, healthy itiOTempnt ot th bowels efery d,iv, j.ju re 111 or vilt he. keep your bowels opvii, tind ho wfi1. Frp,iii the eluieof vii .cntphy:eir pilliKj9i,l.i ianireoufL. The Br.ioorh est, iciest, linwt ppiTort way ot keying tte bevels Livui cuts v " . -1 as t-w Ia. i.u CANDY CATHA DR. t. !1. -WAKEFIELD. OF Charlotte. N. C", will be in States-ille. at Hotel Iredell, o.i Thursday. Aucti't 29th, for this mi- cnlv. His rr?c'.ice i United to ttoe EVK, K.V-i.'KOSE anJ TIUIOAT. Male Academy. Statesville, N. C. Tl';5 scl-.ool v.-i'il ooen Seiitembr 16th aatl co!?tiim q months, closir May 2.;th, 1902. Tuiti-ja j per month, miiabfi limited. J. H. Hill. RBEliMATlSU Sid CATARRH CURES Jcdinstoh'5 Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLEt. W TEfi SmSW CP 5ZATB A "WkaJo -gmwStw Ct. tfti&Catrj jc fecy jTds ctere f& liver core nlntAad ts-ttorrTsilioulfc -I as in a tp&d condikiqn; -ofery day I h- gTtiv to lear tn i anouid mever be a well vromaa; that I thpnld have lp BetHe dow intJ ft ehro&ie invalid, am live in the shadow of duith. I ba& emmended to kjc , I TOOK POD BOTTLES AKD IT CUBED ME, an! curesd iny family both. I am verr srla that I heard of it. tsroalii cKeerftiili- 1 prefer JOHNSTON'S to all of thnJ SiXCUIQAK BHCQ CO., Detroit, Weft. 'PfiMTlflli EiSliiriON Agric;rture. Engincerrnsr, Mfchahic Arts, androttoa Manufacturiac: a combination of theory and practice, of study and manu al training. Tuition x a vef,r. Total t -lH.:tse, inciHP.instclethinsr aud board. $125. Thirtv tcchers. sei studeots. Nest se.s f icm begius St'.entbv 4th. For catalogue address tiKO. T. Wixsioil, President J. C. PtiLLEKE kmmi ass HKfflai! t RALiEICmlt, X. C. SPECIAL-- BARGAIN - PRIQ?! $2 25 Ladies' fine shoe, -in lace and bitUr.. for 1 .73 .oOla nrA t.iAa siW.ial nrice. 12.00: $2 00 ladies hoe Oxford ti '. nriee. $1.65: $2.75 and $3.00 ladies' (ia- ,-.?-?es button ard 1 price, $2.25; $2 00 ladies' tine snoes, oat toe um iace, Fwc-,a! p., $1.40 and $1.25 ladies' rina shoe, lace, special price, $1.0u Some $1.15 shoes (button only) lor yu cents. $2 25 and $1.75 ladies' Oxfords for $1.00 to close out the lo. One lot ladies' $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 and $3 00 shoes for f .50. s Small sizes, only. - If-you wear shrf-s ,-.-see, us before buying, vvecarry int sold. Call cany if you want to .get a pair oi snoea xni.- :-&KV.-j$ Yours truly, N. B. Mills & Compai The First BUILDING AND LOAN Association Will open Its 30th Series en Saturday August 3,1 Of Statesville, N. O. The Association has been in existence-Jourteen years, it tj i manv citizens of Statesville iu becoming owners of their homos. aBd ;; continue to assist in building homes forits Shareholders. None but ; holders need apply for loans. If you hope to receive beneut irooai sociation, subscribe for shares and help others. It is a good inyestment; (1) Lsecause it is tne best way to ?a?e dim ; dollars. (2) Because it is ihe easiest and cheapest way to buim a (3) Because all profits arc- divided among the Shareholders. , (4i I. bee-n the means of securing h -mes for persons wno never cou't; tar, : home without assistance. From some homes it has lifted mnrtgaj , i otherwise could not havebeeu paid. (5) It has paid Shareholders e A rate of interest on all the money they have invested in it. It iseqi-J Savings Bank. IoJts Savings Department any sum from a nickel v;i be deposited. The weekly payment on regular stock is cents o i share. Further information can be obtained by oalling at throffio 1 i L. HARRILL, Secred 3 .1 Statesville Female Cblle i The Collegiate Department taught by six teaehprs. The departments of Music, Art and Business are es pecially ?ood. The Session Orens Sert. 9th, W J. A SCOTT, President: utaicaviuy, - - - JNortri Uar 1 UNLESS YO U WANT TO BUY A ?AIR OXfORDA " 1 "'ti iuulu iur uur i6,u stocic wq naye deciaad to offer ore: of low shoes at tka follow! 9 pri : . Ladies' Tan Oxfords, , ; . . Hf ul prim . i Ladies' Tan Oxfords, . . . . .. ... ft " : Ladies' Tan Oxfords, . . . n . " ; Ladies' Tan Oxords,' . . . " 3) ' ; Ladies I Patent Leather Oxfords, pointed- toa, " " .TOO " Ladies' Black Kid Oxfords, pointed toe, iegular price $2.50 ii 00 ' Ladies Hlack' Kid Oxfords, medium toe, " " 1.25- 1.50 ' Misses' and Chiidreo's Oxford Ties and Sandals reduced in prop:':;: Tii 3 : . 1 , . : . . 1 L-ese gooos must go and it will be to your interest to see us befc - ing. ine above goods are good and solid and. are worth t? .a P-e- - . - Truly, Sloop & Mille', EAT JEM LIKE CANDY Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Dn Oood, Nevor Sicken , Weakaa, or Uripe. 19, 3, ml t oen3 pe bo cito tor free wuuple, ana botl en heal Mi. Adtlress , " jr. srEnLfsa eeheby cowaky, cn:noo or sm -oh. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GIBB !tls tO SO'.V rurriip eed,i niee- ll'C e'e J 'Wn'hav t ! ..." : ..' , r-vt'iPi to se'.i ty the otitico, ra!;vt or pi.und 13tst and rnot satisfactory ' results obiaiucd by sowinjr ' our brands f seed All Kinds Seed FOR....V. Pall Sowing. Bluestoce for salo. . MASON'S FRUIT JARS Pii.i s, Quarts and Ilaif Gailo s.. Tin Top Jelly Glasses. V Fiesieet folly, . STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET COKBECTED BV COOPEF?: GILL COMMENTS OF THE WEEK. All irouuc in good demand. Be visa F ices basis no. i ov Ai.fr Cabbairt, ;-,er Is . . Extra flour sack . . . .' ' .' " Fmnilv " 5r.ck ..... Meal-'botte.i 44.. jr bushel-." ' " unboitc.t, 48 lbs " ... " new Gora old j6ibs. per bushel " " new ....... Oats 38s.. ' '-. Be clay .... .'."..". " " niivcJ .-. - Potatoes. Irish . " - Sweet ... Onions select, per bushel L&ra r.c. . . . Mt Wemffnes Geo fa A New I,inb riii SHIRTS and SHIRT WAISTS J ust received. Whv not keen rnnl shirt waists. We have the Celebrated Geo. P. Ide k irist Waists these are civen i A new line of Windsor & VinzU KeeFax Hens B .,..,. . . ' RooBlera-'t'r 1 Clikkea Spring smaU-lpai- fo " large " Turkeys uer ft). . . . Ducks " Ouinas each .."..",.".""""" Geese .'". ' ' Butter ChoTce yellow " ."" ... " " P'air "."."." lloneyrvstraine'1, per D.".".7". " comb, per B . . . Rssrs lien. ......." "" " Ruinea Wheat- Kre '. '. '. ; ; ' Heathers new Hides dry, per " green ...."'" Wool washed Apples dried quarters, bright ' " bright sliced". ' fancy bright sliced ', t extra " . green per bushel . . . . Peaches-peeled, bright. 1; fay ' ' '. v ! - extra . . .. Bacon--Hog round, per lb " ' " flam .... . . . . . ' sides Shonlders . LOG f-0 55 ( 6e o 40 IS 7f 75 75 8 3 .i 6 6 6 7 4 10 3 IS 10 7 7 " to S 75 51 iS 10 1 5 3 4 4 1. 00 o 6 7 8 It 8 ft '- ff" Waists and also S. & S. Tourist Wiotc hoc ..M ion tc X .1 1 . . wuvoc i t; t; 1 ' -f' vij i-uo uiQi r c. u ward '- . . Ties in the Popular Grenadine Effect To"arriver A 'so fr e nfort try one of our Serge Coats. v e are making , o-M,vas ia suits to redueestock. Sea. us for Bargains. Sloan Clothing A BSC LINE- Buggies , -Fbastons and Sniffi Is now offered at very low figure STATESVILLE COTTON MARKET STATESVH.LE, w. c. July. rool ' 7 1: Sechr P Ii, rr ? aI Goluxbs Tyson & Jones, ColumW'a. Ne t he UntS "ate 10(1 otr kinds of the very st manuf--' - Grarle for Grade we won't be undeprold, thesotheMSCtrary tU1 give lower Prices than you usually M tbese ooGa. Very truly yours, . Barron & Nicholso1 Box Papers, 10c. up 1.50 Also Pound Paper-with- All kinds of uuvwiupss lo match i !, r Blank Book of i Kinds Strict Good Middlino Good Middling . . Middling . . -Ties. . ' fctains. . " " Market firm." S '' a. to. 7-75 7-70 7.65 7.Bo. 7-y Schco! p'EmlnZd Staffsi ft? Staadai School Books aud pues. Lamps, Crockery and Glassware? at . - R. P. ALLISON'S