$SS MASCOT i'rrvi laiivii WEEKLY - . j . AT ; ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. I : -i D Wattsditor & Pkophietoh . l C L. ...... ', B8Coad class mail matter. 'Phone No. 35 Statesville, X. C, Ar?. 22, 1901 L'NKOUNOi:i COMPMIXT9-' The Atheviiio Cit'tz-n iu a recetl issue 8ivfc: "The next govriK' of North Car olina will o.i "a western man No western North Carolinian since Vance has enjoyed gubernatorial non,.rc Ja.-vis. Scales. Fowle. Carr, Uussell abd Aycock were all eastern North Carolinians, except ocaies, bee:i expeeted Irom the conscienti who came from Greensboro. Not a God-fearing man that he is. A "overnor within a quarter or a ccn r.. r.-amlv that, nart of North Carolina west of the main line of the Southern Railwav, running from Charlotte to Danville,-will demano L. ffriL .rJDr t ?s an ODen secret that the west bae served notice on the east that tbey will no longer submit tamely to thb treatment. There ae man, and there is manhood in the west. The recognition of the merits of our pub l c men will be demanded atthe.handt of the State conventions pf both po litical parties in 1904. ."It is doubtful if there is a mac or set of men that . will dare denv tae right of the western people to name the next governor of ISortt. Carolina. " The next Governor of North Car olina will be from the west, and we western Democrats will not be ttronyer ad vocates of his nomina tion thai will be our brethren of tht; cast. Is not The citizen inaccurate ind a little unjust? It should b remembered that the-west lines cf Granville, Wake, Harnett, Cumber land and Robeson form the dividing line between the east and the west. Since the w ar the Democratic party has regularly alternated its candi dates for Governor east and west cf that line, as follows: In 1803, Jona than Worth, of Randolph; 137;, Augustus'!!. Merrimcn, of U'akt ; 1870. Zibulou D. Vauetvof Mecklcn- burg; 1SS0, Thomas J. Jarvis,of Pit; 18S4, Alfred M. Scales, of Guilforc ; 1883, Daulel G. Fowle, of Wakt i892, Elias Carr, of Edgecomb( 1896, Cyrus B. Watson, of ForsytL; 1900, Charles B, Aycockvof Waym Thus vesee with one exceptioa a western and then an eastern ma;i has been chosen without a breaK for more than 30 years. It 'wilL.be tLe west's time in 1904, and eastern Democrats will be as quick to cou- cede as we of the west , will be to demand it- Oar western candidate was dc feated in 1390, and there might have been justice in a- western demaLd for the nomination in 1900. Two eminent western Democrats, one of them'a resident of The Citizen's or n town, announced themselves eandi- dates for ihe nomination, hut wes- tern county after western county f - i r instructs for Charles B. Ayccc.;, the gated orator or tne east, wnoue burning words and convincing ar- I ir,,mpntc V,arl rWp cr. mnnh fnr- H o ... . c. . . . rt-ueuipiiuu ui tee otaie irom iuwcd anu negro ruie in lOito, ana tuete western candidates withdrew. A y cock was the west's candidate as well as the east's. Are not we western Democra just a little disposed to compla n w'liiout reason of our treatment the (.iistribution ol the omcesr jo- ernor Aycock has been severe y criticised for sectionalism in his ao poiLtments, and vet he has appoint eo as many western men to office ns eastern men. The west has its fi ll Bhare of the offices and patronage under the present Democratic State . . : . ? a : n ii r j ttjuiiPiisirutmu. rretnren oi lue west, let S Ston nur unfonndpd frm. , r plain. s oi our eastern brethren, and enter into a fr'endly rivalry wi .h them far thp. hitrorpct. DomnprnCn majorities. A SILLY LIE OCI OP THE WHOLE CLOTH. - .c icucu iuc luiiuwia letter from one of the best citizens or Alexander couDty, a former r.ep- resentative in the Legislature Fiease answer the charge which the Reps-Pops, are making for the purpose of damaging Governor A y cock and the Democratic party 'That the Goyernor has allowt.d himself to be used as a tool by the Roma 1 Catholics for the purpose of saving the life -of that negro rapist oouncu at uayetteviiie. The Reo .fops, are making this charge in rr y section, stating that we need expe it nothing but lynching for sui h crimes when the Governor ofagre.it State thus allows himself to be use 1. Please give the people through your paper a ciear statement of.the- Goy ernor s connection with this casi. anu inns aeiend a great man and great cause." We see from yesterday's Raleigh News and Observer that our correspondent made the same r3 questofthat paper. Our Raleigh 'contemporary prints an admirable statement of the whole case, which we regret we cannot print for want of space As we understand the. case, many people in Cumberland county e.; 1 t . . t pressea to tne Governor doubts of Councill's guilt, and Governor Ay cock respited him twice in order that the case might be investigated." Governor Aycock sent ex-Judge Womack to Cumberland county "to make an examination into the who?e matter. When Judge Womack ro portedhis findings, the Governor announced that he waSvatisGed ct the negro's gmhf ant! that he woyld not again iuttriert' tion which as set f,r August J. Ox August 9th, -however, Associate Justice Douglas, df the State bu- prfctna Court, issuea an oruer A-ji re-hearing of the case by that cpurti which did not meet until August 2tth, and GoverLor Aycock, as" was bis plain duty, .again respited the negro until the State's highest court . . , - 1 could again pass upon his guilt or innocence. This is Governor Aycock 's con nection with the case. He has been painstaking in his desire to get at the truth, and finally he cama to the i conclusion that the negro was-guilty, yvhan he hnnounced that he would a iowthc law to take.tts course. In the Loeaatimea member of the Supreme Court issued an older for a re-bear- icg,and oj course the Gov ernor gave the court time to re hear the case. T irough it all Governor Acock s course has been such as might have ' , consistent, devoted member of the Baptist church, Charies B. Aycock ;s the last man in North Carolina .bims'ef- lQ be usedas a tool by the Catholics,or any other sect, for any evil purpose. We might retaliate on these Alex ander county Republicans and Rop ulists bv calnnir tfceir atieution to the fact that Justice Douglas, who issued the order for a re-hearing, is both a Republican and a Catholic, but we do not believe he was influ enced by either his politics or hi reliirion. although the condemned negro is both a Republican and Catholic. This Alexander Republi can and Populist charge against Governor. Aycock is one of the very silliest of the many silly stories cir culated by members of those parties for political effect; and, in making this assertion, we are not unmind ful of thut, promise of "forty acres and a mule" made to the negroes just after the war, nor of that Radi cal bugaboo of the amendment cam paign, ' The Democratic party wants to disfranchise poor white men," its own most loyal members. Four Men Killed in Columbia cciumb" a, s. c, Dispatch, 6th. In an accident at the. new bridge which the Southern Railway is buildir.g across the Congaree river. hear Columbia, four men were killed and three injured, one. fatally and two seriously. The accident oc curred at 8 ;J0 o'clock this morning and was caused by the fal'ingof two steel girders about 70 feet long. weigl ing fourteen tons each. The tfro girders were hoisted about mid way of the river above the bridge. The. rains of the night previous bad prooaoiv caused tte ropes .holding them in place 'o slip. The crash came without the slightest warning ana at tne time wneu mere were io People on the bridge, spectators and workmen Three of the men were pinned to the bridge and killed instantly, four more were knocked into the river. two of whom were rescued by a gov j eminent .tug, which came up from the Congaree locks, a quarter of a mile aVay. The names o' the dead and wounded are: S. J. Castleberrv. killed; Reuben Aliston, killed; Job DeJjVas, billed: Jim iieese, drowned ine .wounoea arp: wavm otues, a- ta"'; A- - Thornton, seriously; Sam WiDifred, seriously. All of the injured live in Columbia Ins river is considerably swollen A . . I . "It 1 J I T ' PreieDl DJl WUi De QreOgeQ XO- muiiu iui iue ouuv ui jiui cheese LReese would orobablv have - escaned hut ha. became te.rr h-d ani ' i:mnPH to save himself, and was drowned before the tug could reach him. The bridge is bein.;. built by the Phoenix bridge Company, of Philadelphia. ihe prmge was not damaged mate- nalt.v rv mp. accident, thouirh.it is !eanl feom! rt th? iron work has br--eti r-..nsuira?!y strained bythe railing of tne girders. ine ?eaoo:rd Air jume s traces were used by the Southern until the wreckage could be cleared. ' Vihniuton Lawyers t'ight. Wilmingto l Dispatch, 25th. Iredell Meares, a well icnown law I yer cf this c'u v, was attacked on the ct w t,i , k f t rn I. . . .... . J , - , J c tv aanrnev. ana tor a rimp ihoro was a lively encounter, until by standers interfered and stopped the E?t11- iusaics reutueu a severe blow on the siae of the head from the. bjtt end of a whip in the hands of Be"a my and a black eye, said to huvp. been mtiieted by one o: Bellamy's was alleared offensive statpmprtc made by Meares. Further develop eights are awaited. A Probable Mrrdarin Buncombe Asheville Dispatch, 26th. Another tragedy has probably i1, 1 r . . ,J ttiticu piuuu in ouncomoe. i as time Jblbert Buckner, about 24 years uiuj au inonecsive white man, wao lived about l-i miles north cf Ashe viue, was the victim supposed to nave met tus death by foul nl i t..t,;v : . i. v' J J iciuriiiiij .u uis nome irom this city. The man's hat was found yesterday afternoon in the French Broad river, about three quarters of a mile below where be was sup posed to have forded tffe river at bandy Mush and today the river is oemg araggea tor the body. Foot F""" ui luieu mea. wnien wptp plainly discernible at the ford to gether wit B matted places on the ground where the - man had bwn sitting, and bits of . paoer strewn around near the river's brink, poiat out this spot as the scene of a trage- Millions Giren Away.. T .... xu is ueriamiv- irrailivint?' tn tho public to know of one concern in the iana wno are not alraid to be gener ous to the need y an 1 suffering. The proprietors of D. King's New Di. covery ior consume tion. coughs a: H coids, have given away over ten md nya tnai bottles of this great medi cine; and have tho Kt.if,5t;rt - - , ... -.w.MklWU - UI auuwiug u nas absolutely curc'i thousands of hopelessv cases. 4sth ma, bronchitis. diseases of the throat, chest an i lungs are surely cured hv it. on W. P. Hall, druggist, and get a free trial bottle, liecular ssiA nn cents and $1. Every bottle guar anteed, or price refunded. - ' The Yeltow Fv t Ii.xpfn.urm - . . .IT ?n ronnectioa with exDeriments conducted by the . . 1 U 4Vr. fdirar tiPO pr- I Oiuers vuu iw ;"-. v- pented to recover. One has not de (jc.icu w v.v- y , I?. L! low fever,' although it is too early V,Qf roMl himipn in t hat ca3. I lu aoj ? 4 j A nnnnii the investigations. Mai "r Georga, chief sanitary officer, says w to sumect to mosouito mieciioD T ... v!.ntppr si- teen persons had been bitten and all " 1 , , ., , I had recovered; and tne ineor-oi me 7 r , board was that, if sime hundred of continuously, were completely pros more persons could have been bitten trated by the verdict. After pro with similar results, a report couia have been published showing how apparently safe and easy it was to pr" J ... , l - .1 become immune. Alter idis niu been nublished, the entire popula- tion might have been immunized. Pour Persons Drowned in Knther- fordton. Rutherfordton Special to C iarlotte News, 27th. William Mills, fifty y ears old and his daughter in law, thirty years of a"e and her two nine and eleven vpsir old hovs were drowned in a j - " . small stream in this town last night at 9 o'clock. Mr. Mills attempted to cross a swift branch which was about four feet deeo when the watron struct a a lou turning it over. He carried the two vountrest children, a boy and a girl three or four years old, to a fence, went back to get hisdaugn ter and tvo children when t hey were all drowned. The bodies of the old oentleman and daughter were recov ed about two miles down tne creerc at 9 o'clock this morning. Th( bodies of the two boys have not been found. A Suit for a Diamond Itng Asheville Dispatch, 26th. For some time William Jackson, a lineman of the Asheville Electric Company, has been showing atten tsnti io a Miss t'enland. Jacxson o-p thfi vouni woman a diamond rinr. an act which is supposed or- dinarily to carry some significance with it, but Miss Penland recently surprised the giver 01 the ring oy --,.1 vi ,r n man n fpar Have aero in Mn;..v. A -tt IfinfeAn hoc toL'Dn I out claim and delivery papers for the recevery of the ring, declaring that he only loaned it to the youDglH. F. Jones, of Alleghauy countv, woman,. The case was taken up be- fore a lustice of the peace, who de-1 cidedin favor of the plaintiff. The voung woman appealed from this decision, gave bond, aud still has the ring in her possession. She con-1 tends that Jackson told her to keep the ring, at a time when he thought things were coming his way, and that it would aii be m the family. ASensation in Granville County The Defendant Probably Not Gnilty. F.ankli-iton Spe al to Raleigh Post, 2Sth. In the case of State vs. Thomas Rogers for rape, alleged to have been committed upon Miss Myrtle Harris, daughter of J. W. Harris, at Wilton, Granville county, trie justices sitting upon the case found Rogers guilty of rape, and sent him up ponding the next term of Gran ville Superior Court. It seems that on Friday afternoon week before last Rogers took Miss ZZarrisout driving, and while out threatened her life and that of her father unless she consented to his demands. She protested, but, it is alleged, hat he drove into the woods, and, taking her out, accomplished his purpose. The trial today did not awaUen mueu feeling. About 300 people at- tenaea. r opuiar opiniou is uiviut?u us m ma uui. i uc ucrcuuauu v.iciiii3 that Miss Hams came to his room at night, ana met mm eise vnere at different times. Muchd not is ex- (jicascu as lu lug uciui; fua tained in the Superior Court. The Boers Will Continue t.je Fight. London Dispatch, 26t'i. A dispatch from Lord Kitchener, dated from Petoria to i iy. say: "Three officers and C5 me s who were sect north of Ladybrai.d, Orang River Colony, op the righr. of Elii ott s column, were suvro-in ied on unfavorable ground and captured by asuijerior force, August 2i One man was kil'ed and f ur were wounded. The prisoners were re leased. Am holding an inquiry "Have received a long report from Steyn containing an argumentative statement of the Boer case, and he says he will continue to fiht; also a short letter from Devvet to the sam effect. Botha writes acknowledging the receipt of my proclamation and protesting against it, and stating that the Boers intend to go on fight ing. On the other hand, the sur renders lately have increased con siderablyJ Another dispatch from Lord Kitchener says: "Since August 19 d'Z Boers have been killed, 139 been made prisoners and 185 have surrendered, including Kruger, nephew of tne ex-President. The columns are meeting with no ap preeiably opposition in Cape Colony ihe rebels and armed bauds are hid ing and avoiding our columns with some success, General Beiitson alone having been in contact with the command of Scheeper, whom he is driving north. Brare Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles as well as women, and all reel the resnlts in loss of appetite. poisons in the blood, baekache, ner vousness, headache and tired, listless, i uu.'iuwa leeiing. xsut iere s no need to feel like that. Listen to J. Vv. Gardner, Idaville. Ind. He save "Electric Bitters are just the thing xor a man when he is all run dowD, and aon't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and-good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have new lease on life." Only 50 cents at W. F. Hall's drug store- Cardinal-Gibbons arrivnd at "hie home in Baltimore Tuesday from a xour oi Jvaropa. I en thoutacd peo p!e met him at. the depot. Working Night and Day The busiest and mightiest IMtlo thing that ever was made is Dr. .1. ... 1 A.mg s iSew Life Pills. Everr oil! is a sugar-coated globule cf health that changes weakness into Strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wnrT- derfulm building up the health. Only 25 cents per box.' fold bv W. F, HalL trf7r I) iro Greensboro Dispatch, 241!.. The sensational trial which has eogaged the time of the Superior i Court for the past three days came IU au flJU lUUitv, nucu iuc iui r i a turned a verdict of guilty and Judge ,itl, t,-,..i,w. -s . -wuK Kaon mt.ima .p with irirl hpfnrA shp. reached the age of consent, to seven years on the county roads la pro- "uuuuj.l.s """ foolino - lir an.i svmnafTiflt.ip.a v nf thfi preu" Ul uc. "M-. ",u:" " He stated that it was the saddest case he had seen -K was me sauucbi case ue uau seeu iu any court Young M urro w s mot h- ai - onrl nrifrt or hr alt pnn An thp trial - "j ed that if the defendant would pay mto the office of the clerk of the bu- i.ni-in- P.rinrt. thp (.urn nf SI r0(l ffV - the maintenance of the proSecutinK witness ana ner miant ana ouu lor Lue scuooi iuuu ue wuuiu icluil lae sentence as to imprisonment. I'he defendant's father declined to accede to this, proposition. Notice of ap peal to the Supreme Court. was then given, appearance bond being fixed at $4,000. Before court adjourned, however, the notice of appeal was withdrawn and the young man re manded to jail to serve out his sen tence. The parting of young M ur ro w and his relatives was indeed pa thetic The prominence of the fam ily acd the circumstances connected with the case mado the trial one cf the most interesting ever wUcess'd in Guilford count v. Mr. ami Mr- Joshua M urroxv, the parents the defendant" are. of the highest order of intelligence and respectability. They are leadiny members of ihe Quaker Courch and are held in the highest esteem throughout the coun ty. The ruined girl, who was taken into then Ifamilv wnen onlv nr.e years old, was given every advan tage and tee most careful, rei'giois training. The eor.victed son is also a m ember of the church and has been rjgarded as a young ms a of the highest character. Some months before the erand iur'v presented c bill of indictment charging liim with the ruin of his adopted sister he was married to the young womm who 1 now cruoneu uy me great surruw "Case. J WlIkesboro Chronicle The case of oerjury against Esq was settled fiually last week by a compromise. By agreement, tr e verdict of guilty was set aside and Mr, Jones gave bond to pay all cost?. lawyers fees and all, in the case. In this way Mr. Jones saves his citizea- ship aud right to vote. About the time this agreement j was perfected, Mr. Jones received la revenue appointment from ilarkins. A leading Republican re marked that it was rather peculiar that a fellow had to be convicted of perjury before Harkins would tec ognize him. But such is Southern ttepuoncan politics every ooce in a while. Of course the office was giv en Mr. Jones because of the awful "Democratic persecution" indicted upon him by a Republican judge, Republican jury, Republican solici tor, nepuoncan court cthcers, in a Republican county. Sensaiiunal Case iu Gu ford. Greensboro DUpatch, 23rd A sensational case was taken up in the Suoerior-Court t.h is mfirnin'r. Roscoe ivi urro w. a vounor married man. and a member of a nrnmirpnT family in the southern part of tho county, is ithe defendant and the charge under which he stands in dieted is ruining an orphan mrl be- lore she reached the age of consent tm iS aiso inaictea in another case. charged with beinthe fathpr of thp girl s child. The girlmade her hme with the family of young Murrow's i mmtr uutii a iew iflociQS alter tne birth of her child, wh?n she was thrown out, upon the world. Th trial oi the tirst ca--e will prooativ consume tne remainder of the fcrtk -T-!. . . . . LUiiu an: .j or ,yj Tituesse.s. I wo at foriifM .s are en paired in the rnv- euh-m auu live ia the df.-mse. May and December, .Beauty and Wealth United. Keuansvilie. Duplin Countv, Special to Ra!e:eh iews and Observer, 25th. The marriage of Miss Mary Lily Kenau, of this city, to Mr. Henry Morrriscn Fiagler, the Florida mul-ti-millioGaire, occurrtd here this morning at half past eleven o'clock at the old home of the Kenan fami ly. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Peyton H. Hoge, D. D now of Louisville, Ky.but formerly paslor ofthe bride. .Only immedi ate friends and relatives were pres ent. The bride was very pretty in a costume of white and the groom wore a black Prince Albert ooat, wit light trousers. Representatives of the press were refused admission to the home whi;e the ceremony was in progress and and immediately upon its conclusion Mr. and Mrs. Flagic-r left by private conveyance for Warsaw, the nearest Jailroad station, eiyht miles distant. At that point Mr. Flagler's car was wailing, and was attached to a special train which left immediarely over the Atlantic Coast line f. Mamoroneck on-the Hudson, N. Y. wnere Mr. i'lagler has a beautiiLl residence. AmQng those in attendance upon me ueieuiony wereuaptain and Mrs W. R. Kenan, parents of the bride iHiss 5arah Kenan, Mrs. J. Clisby Wise, Macon, Ca.. and Mr. W p Kenan, Jr., sister and brother of the Dride; ioi. and Mrs Thos. S. Ken an, of Raleigh;" Mr. and Mrs. W. A Dick, Captain and Mrs. E. W. Van . j-iucas, aiiss Hannah Boiles. all ci iviimmgton; Mr. Harry Waiters of Baltimore, Md.; and Mr. Ashley, ii icw iutii, jir. riagier s attor ney; Ur. and Mrs. James MflU ,.f rxkciifcigo. d.i 1 . ire coiomai residence in which the ceremony was performed has re rrl ... . cently been removated and remoc- euec, out the picturesque old man son with its iony: whiles arched roof, and oak fro VP in trm-.t had lost cone of the charms nf i v old style architect 11 r The bride received man? pnttiu and handsome presents and thert stories of rich gifts of the groom to the bride and to memhprs nf famby. . Music was furnished bv-an omhp tra from Raleigh: ' BnrANTrafSMunt Dr. Hobbs' Spirwrns Pillscnte ah kidney tfii. Kafi Ms Iree. AJd. Sierluis Bemedj Oa, Caicao or tT. X . Mnrruw ConvSfjtfd a t a m k s v i LiiB jews.'- , 'ilisses Naaoie and Lucy Millner are home from Virginia on a visit Rev. J. E. Summers and family, of Iredell, were here " the first of t e week visiting at Mr. Janes F. !ln- ster s. - W. B. Gibsaa, Esq , f I-ede1!, was here Monday afteroopu f- Dr. VV. J. Hill and ilr.- D. ' M. Ausley, cf Statesville, were here Monday afternoon. Mr. M. G. Campbell is building an additional room to his boarding house. - - - CampbeU & WillTams are opening un t heir kt ck .-if n-w troods in the Rock sto'-e, o i.u .f the railroad and some uue remarked that they were gosng o run it by steam, see ing that they had an engine and boiler. , H. C. Phillips and Geo. M. Steel, of Little River township, left Mon day for Atlanta,Ga.,to work for Rail road Contractors Elliott & klnou. Dr. O-L. Holler, of New Stirling, Iredell county, was here last Friday. The Telephone Company had a meeting of the stockholders hera last Friday- Dr. T. F. Stevenson was elected president, and the rates were increased to about double what they were the past year. - Mr. J. G. Sheltoo, of the States ville Furniture Co., Statesville, was here last Friday afternoon. Caot. C. S. Morrison had a rery young passenger from Statesville ionday A colored woman placed ri rhiiri about one vear old on the train and left it. ii-. Charles P. Matheson went to Letoir Monday to look after a build ir.g contract. , Mrs. Watts and sister, of States' vui". visited Mrs Watts' brothe;, J P. iliompsoa, 'his week. C. M Mousiv Jr- f Hidden; . m.id. aa assignment Monday ol hs stuck ;f goous and lot. Jno. Jj G.valtney, Eq., is assignee. 2-i: iiuose rescrvts his homestead :-: empiinn. Frank Pool, of Illinois, arrived here Monday on a visit to relatives and friends. He reft here, severa years ago acd has been doing veiy well ia the West. Carl Deal, of Bealsville, went to Winston Tuesday. A Famous Bear Killed. Bristol, Va., Dispatch, 35th Old Kettiefooiv a mammoth baar , thar wrought great havoc amot.g caltie, sheep aud hogs in the Pcud Mountain section, o0 miles southeast of Bristol," has -at last been slain. Nat Willis and othir noted hunters and trappers cf that section had been after this bear for two years, but the animal seemed too shy to be overtaken. The hunt ers set a trap for the bear last week aud news comes that the great ar i mal walked into the trap only to break the chaims that bound him and take his departure. The pesse of determined men followed his tri by the marks of his mighty foottto d-scover that he had been disabled and was fastened in some timbers he undertook to cross. The trap wa still banging to his foot aud had caught in a log. With fiye well directed shots from a heavy repeat ing rifle "Oid Kettlefoot" felldyinr. The dead bear was dragged by ta use of horses to the nearest public road where he was placed on a wsg oa to be hauled to the home of on of his captors. ihe bear was tee largest ever known to roam the mountainsof that seciion, being larger - nan an ordinary cow. He weighed revrly 90') pounds. His head was 24 ict;h across and his feet were 12 iic t across. From bead to tad he me -, urt-t; fef-veu feet. ' Old Kettlefoot" is credited with having stood lh- storms of the 1 winters. During the l itt spring aud summer he killed 4jJ sheep, t vo sixers, one cow, a horse and sevc-i a hogs Givinghim .cjrtdit b.r eqt Jam ige in former years, it cant 'asuy predicted wVt .: bad record hi made A Ii'i Ix oktiil at Columbia. Columbia, o. 0. Dispatch 26th r we liuti-i..-i r.-ptiatives at lb Olvmpia. Gran by. Richland sa Cap; al Ciiv Mdls.v-ho reiused to makf- up ti t-nie ha. will bo i..-st on iat'tr ia v w.t King tix hours over t late i-.:-' :i u 1 d.y , were de nied 'MlmiM .-u ;o be mills ihi morning u;.-.; re notified of the! fcuspetisii i; rr a !;. the opera tives leil iu ih-e-ji d paraded throug i ne v-i .tt- .vi Si much caeerirg lextiie Ui-iu-.i ao 11 15 meetm M-nigot 10 icKe ac-ton ana is recen lag hua-iitds of j w members, sir.ee the sueuy u ol the uciun has been divulgtxi Preu.dcut Smith-Whale, said to day: "We uo not propose t have uuI.-iiisTTiu our business. TLe muls in J?ouih Carolina have agreed to employ no mion labor, whatho ever. I wiL cIo&h down every nsi'l before 1 wiii t-m;'ioy a union man All of my operatives will be required to sign an at'ree&jent ihat ihe wii not belong to a union." The union ytreuiith is estimated at 900 old meoj!)er. aou hat increas d by '-jjfverai hundrtd. rtvut:y. Tfceunioa-is xp; c t d to dtx-lare "a strike a?. is Ui-.;n!g to mglit, hieh wiU iitlVct 3 o,...rativti. t'ltSldiUt VVii.js.y will isbue h;.o j ultimatum to morrow, it is undcr-i jtio.ju, riquinng an employes to j.igu his aj-e;ujeat to leave the uu ion, aca .wiii not, moreover, re-n--stai e the 500 sbui. oui. until tfi- ir climes are also te?n d io the pltde. The police at e guarding the mills to night to prevent dynamiting. Red Hot prom the Gun Was the ball hat Lit G h. Stead mac, of Newark, Mich , iu the civil war. It caused horrible uicers that no 'reatment helped for 20 years. Thtii Bucklen's Arnic i Salve curtd hirn- Cures cuts, bruises, bu-rs- uoiife, leiocs, corns, skin eruutiuLs ieit Pile curt' oo oartb. 25 cenls. a box. uure uarantefci- tioid W. P. 'Hall, L.ruickist; 0V Despondent and desperate over & 'eve affair, Alien G'sz;, au Atlauia negro barber, committed suit idy Tuesday by cuttinur his thrr i :h a razor, in the presence of his i tt bfarfc. The Southern's train from Dan ville to Richmond, Va , ran into a ed over and rollw", rfrtWn an a,r.t.-. ed over and rolled down an embank ment. len passeutrs wprp ut none serious if. i. 7 Just Received! Car Load of the Celebrated Dan Valley Flour In 24, 49 and 98 pounds Mags. Dan Valley is known and recognized as the leading brand of FLOUR. It never fails to nvjke perfect hm.-ifl and fikes. and kTive entira atisfaction. Feed ! Feed ! WhPAt, Bran. Sh'iD Stuff. Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls, Cotton oeea Meal. Feed the cows. They will ra- turn same with interest. COOPER & GILT . Than ih: "i. a b -' i s niost I i ko nerytv-z, J fretful, and e3n't a-asa " ia weight. ; 3 sr i Is the best icod and medicine for teething babies. They 'i gain from the start. Serd fcr a free sample. SCOTT & EOWNg, Chemists, co-4i'V Vcirl 8'reet, ew orx. : - 1 - - ,.11 A Tn.ri e tc Horses and Mules for Sals- Wr, HAVE about five horses and five ran es for sale for cash or on time. Tht .-e horses nd mules are gocxl stock and perstns desiring them ca-: get them at the right prices. August 22na, 1901. Kespecnuiiv. WHITE & DANIEt. Twentieth Century Medicine. Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as far ahead of ancient pill poisons and liquid physic as the electric light of the tallow candle. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Sale of Land. BY authority of an order of the Superior Court of Iredell county to me directed in a spec al proceeding entitled G. W. Cleg, adminUtrat jr of E. B. Waldeu. againsi C. C Walden and o'h ers.for the purpose of makingessets with wh:'"h pay debts aud charges of administration, I v ill expose to public sale to the highest bidder at the court honse door in Ptatesville. N. O., on MONDAY, SEPTE JEER 23RD. 1901. 100 acres of the Walden land, known as tart of the Noble Mills place, adjoinine the lands of Gay and others, A fu'l description of the sauie will be given ou day of sale and a plat furnisl ed Terms of sale: One third cash on day of sr!e. one third in three months and the remaining one third six months after date of sale. A'igust 22nd, 1901. G. W. CXEGC, 1, C. Caldwell, Ati'y, - Administrator. Male Academy. Statesville, WC. This schocl will open September 16th End contiuiteo months, closing May 24th, 1902. Tuition f4 per month', numbti limited. J. H. Hill. RHEUMATISM and CATARRH CUBED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilia QUART BOTTLES. 13 TKE SHADOW 0? DEATH, A WWt faisllx Oin& Itrs. C. H. Kicgstrrrj-, wlto keepa mimirery mcriancy goods &tore at s Louis, Ctxatiot C., filch- and vvhf b wat kaowtt tnrottnoav the eoutr, I was badly trembled with rhev tiica, catiwh and neuralgia. I la liver complaint aad tvas very bilioxrs 1 was i a bad Condition; every day i, be gurT to fear that I should never to a well woman; that I should have to 6etue down into a chronic Invalid, t nd live m the shadow of death. I had JOHNSTON'S SAESAPAEILLA jbc omthended to me. I TOOK FD-JJi isuiiLus ainu n uusblJ jjiu, ind cured my family both. I am very g '.ad that I heard of it. 1 wpnld dreerft lly recommend lb to every one. I b ;ve taken many other kinds of medic, ae. 1 prefer JOHNSTON'S to all of the V HIOHIOAS Sara CO., Detroit, PRACTICAL CDCCATEO x IN Agriculture, Er-gineering, Mechanic Arts, audCotton Manufacturing: a combination cf theory and practice, of study and man i al training. Tuition ?2o a vear. Tottl ei pense, including coining aLvl board. i2 Thirty teachers. 302 students. Kext 'ses sion begius September 4th. For catalogue address Geo. T. Winstoj---. Presnlect X. C COLLEGE UALEKJH, C. STATESVILLE PRODUCE MARKET COHRKC1ID BT COOPERT& GiLL COMMESTSOF T8E SfgEX, At! rroduce in good demand. Buying Prices-b.sis ko. t qualjty. Cabbage, per K) Kxtra flour sack .... J Family " sack .'."11.""""" Meal- -bolted 44lbs. pi bi'si el ' unbolted, 4a ibs " " . . " " t'-75 J.oo Co 55 to 6o 6o o So 75 Cornold sclfcs. per bushel . " " new Oats 32 lbs. ' . " Pes clay ... .. . .".". " mixed ..... Potatoes Irish . .-.."""."""" -"T Sweet ....""" Onions seiect, per bushel 1 Iard N. C . . . . " " ' Tallow.. ... ..."""'"'"' Beeswax". ." . , 1 11 1 1 ' Hens per R...1 111"""" " Roosters tier lb ."'""."" " Chicken Spring srcail- per S large " " Turteys-por a. . . ' " ' 24 6 5 i io - TO 15 10 7 7 , co s 75 So 15 tL JJUCtS ". - ' G uin as each. ." " " " " " " Geese .... . -... Butter Choice yellow " Fair ..... Honey strained, per '&".. ., " " Ejrs5s hen. .... ' guinea .... " " . .Vheat . . -Kye .... 1 1 " " Feathers n-w ". . " " " " " Hides dry, per 21 1 " ' " " jreea ' -..... Wool washed " . "''" J Apples dried cuift("r', "bri l-K " " fbribc fancy br:Xht sUced . extra . green per bashel . Peaches-peeled, bright . . . ' r.oo Bacon Hog round.'ir'flj ' " ' - Ham Sides". 1 ". ' ' Shondfri "' s 8 fcSVILLE COTTON u.r S- C. AiZ. .ion. 901. 9 a fod wid)1Jinir hm-t'Tinn. ' Middlinz . . - e to biams Market $riu. f Cliattaaooga - DISC Guaranteed to be Lightest in Draft, Simplest in Construction and to do the best work of any Dlj Plow on the market to day. ' We also have the Improved Chattanoojra Sled Beam MoldboardTPlows ".rd a ull line of repairs. See us before buying. - Evans Hardware Compv TROUSERS. We are the exclusive selling sees, rlvery pair warranted.. Vi 5U cpnts if they rip at waistband a pair. All Summer Weight Goods at Cost. Fall and winter stock arriving. Thanking you for past favo are, very truly, We Want to Buy Yenr. Dried Apple and Blackberrifs a I Wot Will pay the highest market price for same. We are offering great bargains in all departments of our store iow lor cash. We expect to go North in a few days and must make ootafor fall and winter goods, so come aad see us. GOOD CALICO, 5c. GOOD DOMESTIC, 5c. - . (Bleached or Brown). Still a few pairs of the shoes left 'em quick. Beautiful line of Skirting for rainy day wear and full dress. Elegant line of Shirt Waist rratsrials. All of the above goods w: soli cheap.- ' ' Yours truiy, N. B. Mills & Comp my. M. K. Stbele, President, Statesville JLoan & Trust Comp iy, "1KfctTORS; . K- sifele, Eug-ne Morrison. Dr. W. J. Hill, J. H. WrcofT a corooratinn. Srmo ..jT1.J, " w chariff wcMii , - ouu tuumuuais No . -., . j wu. wuaia iju small IO res-Pll-c rnnriKn o.3?3T.5EPARTMENT-We are .ntho vmamidn a ITU KfCdVer INSURANCK DEPARTMENT Policies UXI.ESS YOU WANT In order to make room for oar fall ww snoes at tne following prices : Ladies' Tan Oxfords, r0 , . Lades' Tan Oxfords ' ' ' .Xlr price $ l.aO Ladies' Tan Oxfords 27 9J Ladies; Tan Oxfords,' . .ft Ladies Patent Leather Oxfords, pointed toe " t J L&SalkSf l8' Pd toe, tegular Price,f2.50 $fn uauies liuc. ixid Oxfords, medium toe, " 1.25-1 50 Misses' and Children's Oxford These pods must go and i t will price. Is now offered 75 i 75 75 S 3 ao 6 Qrade for Grade thDt Bos Papers, ? lso Pound Paper with ! Envelopes to match si t ens nnrl r.. pli. , . - - m. BuffiiB,' Fkete and :'Snif f inYh vvorld to best m; SecMe Rock Sit? 1 Columb,l3' TW & Jones, Columbia. Ne in the UoIrS 4a te kinds of -rj best mar. - pUes. Lamps. Crrndsrool Scpks and o slP, . T j wuu uiaisware, ; at " ' R. p. Allisons PLOW TROUsE. is. agents for he Famous Tjrrtnt Teoc CHtton Get 1 l pay iijcis. lor eacn sus jci u and ii 00 if tusy rip any where . Sloan O lotting 0o that we offered at a speenl r . Aran ice res. OTATB3VILLB, N. C. SKb-ectie count! a! . iting wit-tnSca.T- vis. etc uucpicasoQ io near irom those eoire-r tui u aaic ana pruaent banktij ic ,.1,m. - ' i ed " -, rtaaiiiiii L written in fi.-stcUss fi insurance cue: TO BUY A PAIR OXFORDS stock we haye decided to Offer urs jw $1.00 ' 1.50 ' 1.50 ' 1.50 ' 1.00 1.00 ' 1.00 ortion. ore buy wice the Ties and Sandals reduced i m Di'- be to your interest to see us h T.1S " - - .uv ounu uu are worm . Truly, Sloop & MiU ir, TheSL jMen. at very low figure: goods South, ictured we wofcbe unde'soV than you usual" find 08 Barron & Nichols )n 10c. up 1.50 ' ' Ali kinds of Suppl: )fflce -Qfrk ntriUovelt Store See or, :ocl

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