jrf" S II I I ' llf II WE GUARANTEE TWICE A3 LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES AS THAT OF ANY OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED VOL. VIII. STATESVILLE, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1901. V NO, 4B. States! ir li . ASTH MA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Case. . y-ENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL WRITK VOUK NAME AD ADDRESS PLAINLY. IRUDELLi'S PKNSIOXKRS. CBA F0J3 ML 3 Mi 4 There is nothing like Asthmalene. Tt. hrintrs instant relief. 'even in the worst eases. It cures when all else f Second class $200, third class $360 Soldiers 84-Wtdowi 63 Ft ret Claaa ! $63, Sacoa $30, Third aUO, Koarth and Widow $20, Total Pa n si on Moaejr For ConVy$4,363. Below we give the Iredell County pensioners whose applica tions were allowed by the State board. The first class get $62, sec ond class $50, third class $40, fourth class and widows 20. Tbre it only one first class pensioner in the coun ty, four second class, nine third class and 70 soldiers and 62 widows fourth class.- First class gfc $62, A Murder Mania in Alabama Sclma, Ala., Dispatch. , A mania for murdering each other seems to have broken out among the negroes wiho live in the immediate counties surrounding Selma, and while they have not all been com mitted in this county, they are close by. Within the last two weeks not ess than twenty negroes have . been killed by other negroes in the coun ty adjacent to Seima. Three are re ported today, one being near Brown s station, where a negro man met a negro woman in the cotton field,pulled out a knife and stabbed 'Cdl ural Building, it being composed fails. The Rev. C, F. WKU.S. of Villa Ridge; 111., .'Vn.T trial hntilf nf Asthmalene recely- ed iii Rood condition, I cannot tell vou how thankful I (eel for the good derived from it. 1 was a slave, chained wit n puma sore uuii nd Asthma for ten years, despaired of ejer mg cnied. I saw your adnertiement for the ,re of this dreadful and tormenting disease, thrna. and thought you had overspoken ourselves, but resolved to give H a trial. To y astonishment, the trial act-d like a charm, ind ine a full size bottle." 1 1 u o i h '. - RfT Dr. Merris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. New York, Jan. 3, 1901. DRS. TA.FT BROS." MEDICINE CO. Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent nd wonderful, After tatethat iViitif ohtoroform or ether. REV. DK.MORWS WKCHSLW. Avon Springs. N. T.. February 1, iqoi. sense of dutv. having tested the wonderfu a Mvwife has' been afflicted with spasmodic ( my own still as weli-as many others. I chanced eet. New York. I at once obtained a tottle of tthe first of November. I very soon noticed a r Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely tree llv recommend the medicine to all who are ai Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D, KORXH CAROLINA STATE FArl- MERS' ASSOCIATION- Coatitutioh and Bylaws Adopted in Raleigh Last Week. Raleigh Post, 25th. " - The Cotton Growers' Association of North Carolina and the Cotton Growers' Protective Association of North Carolina were consolidated last nght under the name of "The North Carolina Farmers' State As sociation " The meeting during which the "oaso'idation was perf ived "was hi id in the auditorium of ha Agi'i T.vft Pkos Medicine Co i;;i;:!c:iicti:i 1 wai trout) but ihtv have all failed !t'.:c'.i race, I have since r ,.f ( ur cfiilJreii. and for six Wm h;iine everv da v. T "Home address' 33d Rivi lion street. 5 was unable to work Trial Bottle Sent Absolstely Free ou Reeeipt of Postal. and fourth class $2,640, total $3,262 in pension "money, for Iredell s sol diers and widows. The first clas "pensioner is Milas Holtshouser. Second Class E. Y. Ball, R. A. Deal. J. R. Moor and T. a Whit. Third Class J. R. Beam, R K Dillion, J. F Foster, J. A. Feimster, John Pbarr, R. N. Rhyn, Noah Rash, N. J. Smith, J. W. M. Speace Fourth Class (soldiers) R. L. All man, J..W Bolin, W. S. Bsrnett, E C. Beam, Tobias Beaver. W. M. Brewer, R S Bowers, T. N Craig Jacob Crater, T. M. Carter, B. Col vart. J.M. Crawford. A W. Cook " .j.. Tf. a Hav Fever, and its K. A. UiOOK. J.T VyOrueuu, CT imposition alleviates all troubles which com- QampDei J fi Dallinger, W ,ine wun Asuuua. -it rk;n,. fil ae n ctman Wm ni- aderful -"- u i.om.u, . , having' it carefully analyzed e Can Jer Q L. D. Eilr, L. M. Elliot, Z. KoretChT1U M. Foard, J. H. Cation, J. L Good- in, J. R. Godfray, A. i. Hicfes, S. IS. Hoover, W. C Houston, W. S. Hol land, J. Jf. Hobbs. G. W. Hollar, D. W. Honycutt, Hial Hair, B. F. Johnson, C. L. Johnson, R B Joy ner, F. Kylss, Columbus Kerr, W. A. Kestler, J. F. Lindley, J. F. Lip P. M. Little, Christopher lloost, J. F. Moore, T. A. JcIntyr, Reutn Morgan, Thomas Myres, U. a. Moore, James Mitchell, J. L. Mill saps, j. m. icjOwan, jonuiuu Morris, E. W.Ovs-cash, m l. rope, Solomon IPethel, Cader Prirett, Thomas Renegar, Wm. Sale, E L. bpeaks, Thomas bummers, J. f. Shoemaker, John B. . Turner, J H. Thomas, J W. Thompson, Wm. Wal ker. A. F. Walliv JT. m wmson, W. P. Whitley andD. B. Welch. her through the heart. The other two occurred on the south side. where a negro man got into a fuss with a negro preacher at a protract ed meeting and both pulled their pis tols and began shooting at each otb er. When the pistols were emptied btflh lay - on the ground mortally wounded and died a few hours later. of (i'-iegates from the various co-ton gr-- ving counties ainxniiifd m ac C't-iiiuce with rp-"'u!i n ;,.-pi at r ii j:t!limiuary majt-t ; sij i f : hp eiitoii farmers held here on September 25' h vtd several represent atives t f 'be Citon Growers' Protective Associ ation thich is a branc'Li of th: Oct. ton Sti',v . oraiiizir-on ivcentij ! pcrfe'Med in A'iaita. - I 4-30 o'clock held iv ihe d-'egaies to u. adjourned m"et;ng of the Cott' n Fariii-cs' Association The on y buH'"!jS iran-acted during this meeting wns; rue appointnaeni of a committee to confer with represent aiives of the Cotton Growers' Pro tectiye Association with reTerece to the uierying of the two orgniz ttODs. The presiding officers wer Dr. R II. Sp"Hfht. president, at.j T. B. Pcirker, stCret.ary. The committee consisted of Hon Bryan Grimes, D. Stewart, of Scot land; J IV. B. Battle, of Tarboro; VV. H. Clarke, of Halifax; J. W. A' water, of Rialto; b H.t 'T'nompson, of Rialto; H. McLean, of Louisburg; J. A. Stevens,of Goldsboro. This committee had not been abi' to confer with any of the . ott v Growers' ProtectiyeAssociation a 8 30 o'clock when the second mr-et- Buraed at The Stake For The Usual ing was called to order. This -va- Crimft. really to 03 a meeting or i ne coixon Growers Protective Association Ki.fr 1 1 . i ,- (DOva t' .j i V foo of 1 t : M ' , i The negro BUI Morris, who s-LNnP(,.nt.inH nnitpa number of saultedMrs. John Ball, at Balltown, the members uf the Cotton Farmers L.a , was burned at trie state toaay. 5S,ciatioo were in attendance. Mr. J. P. Allison, secretary of the Cotton Growers' Protective Asso ciation, presided jointly with Presi dent Speight, of the Cotton Farmers Association, over a oreiimin.-try meeting during which the matter of consolidation was discussed. A committee on the par; Cotton Growers' Protective ivtion was ufter c,tiisde''.1 sion. appotnied t t:.;r.f-r Cotton Farmers' commit' e- view to the couso-idittiou. i Feb. 5, 1901- . d with Asth.ua for yea, s. I ha- Ink remedy I ram . ross your advertisement r u - -y- j have a fami,T ) ascQVOuriuu-si . I am now in tnc dci 01 nw.tu e Oniony you can make such use of as you seefi 67 East 129th bt, liy. r , .,.f Aa t v Write at once. 1C1NR CO., East 130th St., N. . City addr.-sing DR. TAFTBROS. aie and Granite Co., A Voma Goes Over Niagara and Live Niagara Falls Dispatch. ath, 'Minnie E.idison Taylor, 50 years o!d, went over Niagara Falis 011 the Canadian si-la Ibis afterajoa and survived, n .feat never before aeeom plished. and never attempted except in the commission of suicide. She made the trip in a barrel. Not only did she survive, but s'he escaped without a broken bone, her only ap parent injuries being a scalp wound one a a half inches long, a slight, contusion of the brain, some shock to her nervous svstem and bruises about the body. She was cooscious when taken out Of the barrel. The doctors in attendance upon her to night said that though she was somewhat hysterical," her condition is not at all serious, and that she probably will be out of bed within a few days. Columbia, Miss., Dispatch, 24th, tion, and that we shall be considered members until we shall have paid up all dues and have our name stricken from the roll. - 8 The dues shall be fifty cents per annum. rmabV in advance, thirty five e-nts.o hi- able to the State Association and fifteen cents'retain ed in the home association.' 9 The county "and township as sociations shall havo the sam offi cers. The township associations shall hold monthly meetimrs, and county associations shall meet everv three months, and may have called meetings' oft ner 10. The S ate meeting shall be held annually in tie city of Raleigh, and adjourneH or called meetings may b-? held at any time or place that the association or executive committee may determine. 11 E vb county organization shall b-? entitled to one delegate" to the Sla'e.meetiny for each fifty members or fractional nirt themof. fn coun- li?s where thnre are !ownhio or--.-- z v' W;s, hut no c "isnty orjahiza ti .tt "rteh to nshio shall be entitled to ooedAlvgiite to the State tneet- ! ilJ- ' 12, County organizations shall fee formed when there.aro three or more township associations in the county bv representation from -the town ti ' u . one delegate for every ten n"!H rn npT-j?. or STATE NEWS. A Raging, Roaring Fiooo Washed down a t-e!?'7i,ii h Asueviue peonie are luDiiant over waico uaas u. Ji.nis, ox LMrm, Seaboard Air Line from Rutherford- deep in icv water,' ton to Ashevule. Geo. Price, an infiueHtial neirro Republican, was run over and killed by an enine-in the railroad yards at Wilmington last week, i I rr li me a terrible cold grew worse d-.il v. Fi; doctors in Oiklaad. N 'b , City and Omah'v taid :; sumption and cou'1 not H I began using Dr. iviKg'.-li covery ana was wholly cu bottles Positivelv tru-u The oil mill at Davidson sold out last week to the Cotton Seed Oil trust. The mill will be ooerated at Coughs. Colds au:l tU present under the ame manage- Lunr troubles by ment. I Prlrw 50 cents. - joun Jennes, or .leveianci county, Thm are -43$ ITS is () years old He has been mar ch !t-n in the -State ried twice, has 20 children the boy- n-id 210.235 gi jrau mi .uu. i,uo juuujjrsi i auvaiee urures irorn cn "bea i)iv - .1 ! .V.V.I one vear old. ing report of the Stit Pub' Ins' ru.-ti'Vi C ro-o in 1 n ' i i ! i ?; ! i Sta't- i.s 1 852, u::d ' 1,737 live iu R v.si-n r-ifi-mal Dart thereof I'. i'ion iaM be strictly ! I'i.u-al i r neither a ,t for mem- Krship. 14 This ContiMjtion can he :ii,or"f oc j mended at anv Regular AH.'' in if of the association ty J h - rpajority vote TJie B Minie ' iS'ue I-lag. Capt. Carl ton's Recollections of It- Am ir.qairv was made recently in th Chariotte Ooserver as to the U vVroe Bl i 'F!a"" about which 1 Dealers All Kind of MarWc and Granite For Cemetery and Building Purposes. ir,v a portion to quote the very lowest prices on Monuments, Tab lets, Headstones, and all kinds of cemetery work. Mat After being captured he made an ef fort to implicate others, but they Fourth Class (widows) Haabel proved their innocence, .uorris Albea S C. Bocer. M. A. Burton, wa6 taksn to the scene of his crime A. C Byers, Nancy Brawley, Sirah and chained to a pine sapling. His Bumgarner, Maty E. Ballard, Sarah hands and feet were bound to his A. Brown. Nancy Brown, Mary A. body. Pine knots and pine straw Bass. Sylvia Blank'yiship, Dovty A. were piled about the body andsatur Combs, Srah E. Cranfill, M. L. ated with coal oil and the match ap Christie, Sarah McC ran fill, M. A. plied. The negro made no outcry Eidson, Annie Ervin, Catherine Fos- when the flames first reached him ter, Frances. E. Faulkner, E. L. and only when he wai'' partly con Fisher Vlarv A. Garrison. Mary A. sumed did the spectators notice any J . . I , . . r-w . I Gaither. M. K. Goodman, b. A. movement on his part, tie maae no 11-30 o'clock whr-n thev Gardner, Sarah Hoover, Mary B. resistence when being bound to the favor of consolidation Hair, Nancy A. Heath, M. A. Hr- stake and said that he deserved his inend,ld lhe uame uf ris, Amanda Jordan, E L. Jsnkins, fate. ,, Mary Jurney, Maggie M. Kimball, Morris beat his victim on the head Amanda Lipe, Margaret A. Lips, with a pine knot and thought he had Sarah M. Levao, R. S. Litton, M. killed her. Going back to Bali's "R MnP.orkla. M. C. Misenheimer. xj. stor he toot all the change in tne E. Nantz, Polly Nanie, E. F. Neigh- cash drawer... He then put coal oil h d en a(iopted in the mean- im?: bors, Mary iii. VjverCASQ, Ot. J r-tsr- uu ms icet uu ais,m ins ry, Sarah Reddick, Elix Shores, M. when leaving the stoie. rs. Ball M. Speck. Sarah Sprinkle, Louisa however, recovered consciousnes and Sharpe, Mary J. Sherrill, Susan B craw-ed to her father-in law's H. Smith, Julia A. Snider; Eiiz Shaver, at once gave the alarm and the M. P. Summers, M. A. Tharpe, Nan- aeighborhood commenced a search M Tr,omr.nn. Marcraret rriv- lor tne negro tie was iouuu at uis ' .. k . 1 O I L L Ktrth I,. Wi 8no. wrtna o. noaie auuu. of the Associ- li'st-.a . i; T jte vi;.h a It wa reported in ana .recom- Thd North Carolina Sta'e Farti-ers' As-ucia-tion " This was a majority -report of the Committee, th.y beini; u-iioie to agree This was adopied and the following constitution and by-iiws utbern i:voie i5atflrd:!-:ng the r.ir 'att Criri'.iT. rf thi? answered 'he Inosiir-' 1:1 the g inter '-t.in;; c "mniuic"i'i on i answer 'to the inquirv, I ne ,e -ny rec mecti n o! tr Bon (1 four miies from the V. -v Vv ett Sarah T,. Wi pHm! and WorkmailStl IT) LrUaranTvtJCU -w iratts. N. E. Wagonsr, Ellen S. E. scene of the tragedy and in tryicg I ' - - . . T II. 1 .1 . f . U . . Wilson Nancv c . Yorli and oaran to escape was sdol uy uue ui iue yu -First CI? ss Write for our catalogue and prices. YARDS AT STATESVILLE, SALISBURY AND NORTH WILKESBORD, irst National Bank A. York. The pension warrants have not yet been received by the register of deeds. When they are receivad no tice will be given in th:s paper. she Southern Damocrata 3annat . geared by Thraata. News and Observer. Be ,se and wounded in the hip. Free Spectacles f it Voters- Chicago Tribune, Spectacles will play an important part in the approaching election un der the new ballot law bearing illit erates. PREAMBLE. . (Vhereas, The association a , ; r gauization of farmers has prov-- j he desirable in silmuiaticg th u i greater efforts and r-. s.vmv.; in bringing nut and deve-opSog. i leus and plans for advaicoir 1 hei r in'er ests oy dhcussios;. expfrijaents, o operation and unity of action in things pertaining toth'jir succe-sful operation, demoostra'ing . tb.it "in union there is strength,'' nrom !;cg i-oufidence among themselves ad :u interest iu each other'-. v!far- iu advancing and protecting t.hir in terests when endangered bv any untoward circumstances, encourag U krv.i.kt K - 4Ka T-JarMihtinan a tt ri And now the Republican papers r,.,. Q,ctilk imitt f- of the north - make the threat us, in the .oiling booths. The Re that if the Southern Democrats re-l , , mn . uvo Arc ,. T- .:i. nAcitc rerpivpn suuiccl w nsni koosbtoi i ouut,j t..,inn...I.-- Tha V.roinr Hanging DUfciiittc. .rr. - , i.nr ltiri t i mo.t ufforfs in rlr ve; in i n ADOut 23,uw pairs 01 glasses wu their reg0urces that will inure to the CF STATESVILLE. IM. Money loaned on good collections on s of Corpor and received l Lj H 1 LILV- ,( VtOCFIP, Piesicert. .f.O. IrTl, Vice President ' KOGC BWOWW.rasliier,. .. rr 1 ran: T ..rott -nnio oil iiuic vj u'-j"'-- cbfcK on signt. . xu. eof;oi nt.tehtion Daid to collateral and personal - Bt ACC0Unt all points, andcreaiieuu ,r solicited alii r,s. -y eictar.is, 8buiu".- Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill With simultaneous racket setniy head blocks and -ah. rope fee t most sensitive feed ever pu ot, a -mill also Frick Companv's ENGINES ANDBOTT 1 aS, Portable ou v.h ' - ' " r- tiocery t 1 t- 1 .' ize. and the great I t Eclipse tractioji ei f ; . Oottoh Gins at low pr:its Statcsville, N. C. equality, the Republican Congress will cut down aoumern reprienva tion in the House and in the Electoral- College. If the South must accept social e quality, orexclusion from the na- tionai uuuocua, 11 wm x mompint a.t accenting no voice in national affairs. It prefers to pre serve its civilisation rather than to sit at the table with men who thin that the strict line of social separa tion ougfet to be blotted out. After tbe war the threat was uv-ide that unless the South acoepted government by negroes and carpet . of thg w baggers, some ternoie ining wou-a v wi)1 for 100 jross. The glasses will -t-e of different ;rdes of strength, tes-; ed by oculists The politicians have made the discovery both in the ; cit ies and county districts, that hun dreds of vo-ers of the poorer classes can read sufficiently to cast a ballot but their sight is so defective that thev will bb unable to reaa the long lists of candidates on the ballot in the dimly lighted booths. Several thousand pairs of specta clc are now in use in the schools for illiterates. The sight of the negroes has been found more generally defective than hite The voter. whte be enabled on election happen. Some men or ppsiuon ana charac er advised acquiescence in that government, hoping tn'. u vonld te be'tr thn the charae'er of the men in power woui'l indicate. But the true men or the bou'-h repli ed tha they never would acqu'esee tin such unfit rule and that they ouM fight it to he de&'h. I hav did fiizht and they wen the victory driving most of those erpe Dagglitf WW Appoint a Democrat to Vacant dav to scrutinize this ballot throutjh either Repub'ican or Demo-at-ic specfacles Both parties vr'ul hive large supplies of these a'ds to voer in the polling booths and alsocaoao le mc o aojijt hem on theeT-s of beuefit of the farmer, and to enable them to resist the epcroachmeuts of trusts, monopolies or other "evnbi". nations whose purpose is to deprive farmer by arbitrary or other methods, of his rightful earnings or profits that should arise from his industry. Therefore this association sets forth the following as i's GENERAL PURPOSES. 1st. We hereby resolve that we will labor for the good of our fallow farmers, ad 'o this end invite the co-operation of ail farmers and r.th ers interested in this desiraoie un dertaking. 2d. We will meet together in council, confer and co-operate with each other for our mutual protection and advancement as occasion may require. 'Xs Rplievinir that the valu.'of cotton beed and their products hav not tieen fuliy realized, -we espjciaii invite exoerimentai and scieiitilic research to briug out their mi ues and to add unheir value, com fvr' iii sue r rag, anu us auitsor, iue g:iU'it little Iri-htEa-i, Harry Mc arttiv Memory carries me back to Octo her 1861. when I was in Richmond It full of troops hurrying to the front. I uttet.d' d a theatre. The house was' full, packed from floor t L'ai ery. Har-v McCathv appeared on ho'stoge.aceomoaoied by a young la'lv, who bore a flag of dark blue si:k with a whiiesiar in ;he center He commenced singiugthe "Bonuie Blue Flag.' and before the first verse was ended the vast audience was wild with excitement He sang: "When our Northern brothers at tempt our rights to mar, We wili hoist ou high the Bonnie ll'iu'1 Piag that bears asingle star. " (At this -point '-the young lady waved the tl ig ) Hurrah, hurrah for the Southern rights, hurrah, " Hurrah for i he Bonnie Blue Flag ' n '. bears a single star." i '! n the boys rose and yelled hemselves hoarso, and waen he any the second verseaod commenced he chorus the audience joined and sang it over ana over, it iva caught un ou the streets, and in a few days it was sung by every one. ihis is my recollection of the Bon me Blue Flag in the first year of the war. Most ot the gallant '"boys' who were present on that memorable niirht, now "sleep their last sleep.' I wonder if those now "old boys' remember that night aud bright gallant. Harry VcUarthv lie was killed at, Chickamauga, The State Historical Society at its meeting last week in Raleigh decid ed to erect a monument to the mem vrv of Sir Walter Raleiyh in the capitol square at Ra'e'gh. r;h:ir;e- C ark, Jr . , has been apv . eo aeout v coilec ' and in . . . 1 L . I "XT I 1 T , 0 '" m ui ivwuero, UYii you can Go I'ju.s JtlCvVedlRff VV. & t. ark. WtlO Was a. nrnfacwionnr i.ii 'l.i,v - i-rnet! some months ago. Anderson. 10c per 1 1 he huVdijr of the N5?.s n;c Hall cho ! for giris at Greenvil'e was b-3--'.'d last Fridav The gii' escaped saflv. Loss about td.floo r- $100 in-i:--1 e v i' IHo !0!jvcts- passed throuyh " - ;o- '; . - Wednesday on their rav ' vl tc !!e mnty to work on ib'1 new railro'-.-d bt,; ng built from ,, v,., .. 1WU. w ,. rve.snn. IjnOlSO- W. A. Jones and his eleven vear Idruist. wri'es: "Yo v O oldsrjn, Arthur, of Pink Hill. Lenoir ute Cough Cure gi county, were shot from ambush last faction My cu-om- week. The wounds are dangerous best remedy for coughs, c and may prove fatal especially that and lung troubk or the bov. Two boys, who were hunting opossums near Durham one night last week, were fired on by four! wnite men. une or the boys was shot in the right arm. Their as sailants are unknown. Giles Mebane, a son of Jno. , R. Gentry, broke. tbe trotting record ;uv " vn- : t Of vr ci" What i- the u- vio , . cne to do yoar ct vt i -, I you use PUTNA A-' During a perforin.:! .' sonic Tem ple'Theat re day in Louis v iii?, Kv , i ! . used in showing vk--v! : acts, ex p'odtd . -A sto:o ed in wujch twenty !' -persons were injured. i"i a serious condition Va, Min- son. -rrsu pnt ! : . v L L. D-. bv the U . last week. Bookei was also given ' 'it- Mothers everv .vr Minute Cough via ings it ha relieved at for tha Raleigh track last Wednes- -their little ones it b-:r-- day, making the mile in U:lfit. This at the root of lha t r young stallion was bred bv his own er, L Banks HoM of Alamance. A the annual meeting of the Con federate Veterans in Raleigh last week Geo. Julian S Carr was re-vf-d , p'-e-ident iy acclamation; V - P. W -od. v;.-:? DsifUnt. and C lirJr.' o.V .-ocretary and treasurer: out the inflammation favorite cough cure. Anderson. The report of -Gon D Advocate General of iV cords 'six hundred f-' - r court martial t'v;n 'h year. Nineteen hvin-lr and three hurdrod a 1 volunteers v;ere seaten honorable discharge. Si: tenced to death for niu--'i for desertion Piv"- f commuted todishonorab'-- G;n T. F. Davidson, of 4sheville, nd Col. H C Jones, of rharlutte. ave been mentioned as fcandidates or the vacancy on the Court of Land laims. caused by the death of Judge Filler President Roosevelt ap points his successor. Fhe thre vear-old daughter of Do vou suffer from pi Jesse Wilhel in, of Providence Town- not turn to surgery for ' ship. Rowan county was burned to I Witt's Witch Haz i Sal"--death last ThursdaT- The little more quickly, surely U 5 '" rl got" bold of some matches and ling you 'the expense a-'-o. ' set fire to her clothing while her an operation. titr .'v lc ' mother was temporarily out of the I room. The Supreme-'' our-. -. i: affirmed tne decisv-'i . court in the Chicago -1 " case in which 1 hey inis1 '. capital stock f eorio;-.; be assessed. The ruho.g hundred million tothetix erty of Chicago. - FRIGHTFUL-LOSS OF LIFE Lewis Ockeimao(i- "DeWitt's Little Eirly. ai 'O'ci issa I forgot to sav when he waved tha fiai during -the chorus at the words "the ing'e starM the Bonni 3 iue Flag hid grown toxha eleven . 1 i i 1 - a ne snootc tne tolas ana tne. nag open i. aisejosinsj tne single siar sur rounded by ten sisters. The song -was very popular and was the Aiarseuiaise or tne ., r. - Tl .1 - 1 outtj. Uiiring ait tcose iour lung, , -1 r T . 1, OUJoav years 01 war sav. uu auuu iltg carrid by any brigade, regiment or company.' Isuopose the gallant -ikl t-i'" -f Sou. - f,or -a 1-re s 'ib;e, or is o , v -iv of the si.- stion ( f t'. i:i-a ' th - poet PC 0 A.RLTOX, C .. ' 7'h R 'g't, N C . Geo gia Officers in Trouble for Ar resting a Man in North Carolina. Constitution. 25th. Nine Lives Loat In a Philadelphia Fire Many Seriously Injured. Philadelphia Dispatch, 25I1. Nineteen known, dead and a prop erty loss amounting to upwards of $500.00') is the awful result of a are wriir-h oeonrred tnriav in the husinp.ss . j 1 . . , - - - - section of this eitv. The number of er Dena m? UOJ)iC ; V ni irn",n ii;n;ioin k,. I but do their work tea fully a score of victims were treated mse "JB iet;i - at various hospitals. Police and thorough, gentle timsvo & firemen are tonight delving into the derson. ruins in search of bodies supposed to have been buried beneath the debris and it is feared that others besides the known dead may have lost their lives in the flames. The buildings destroyed were the eight story structure,, 1219 and 1221 Mar ket street, occupied by Hunt, Wil kinson & Co, upholsterers aud furni ture dealers, and three story build ings occupied by small mercnants. At 10:20 o clocij the blaze broke forth in the building occupied by Hunt, Wilkinson & Co. The origin of tl;-. fire is unkuown It is said that an exploMOu of naptha '-or gaso line in the basement was the cause, -uld 00- The census bureau has bulletin on the p r. s of : males of miiitln uul o;ja: foreign born rnalos 21 :- and over in Virginia. A follows: Virginia, school 771: militia age', 346, 04-': v 447,815; foreign born raui. ie. VfS 1.- Ing f -V , 11,126. A newjemcdy for bi!!oan-s is now on sale at Stimson..fc Ann.1.-- n's drugstore It is ' c-Jd Ch'im.oer-. Iain's Stomach acd Liver i io -'.- . It gives quick roiief aru iv vr .ViUt." the attack if given as s ;o the first, indicati-iu . of th f-' 1 nears. Prica 2o cc-ats on' :-''-' but this is denied by Mr. Wilkinson, sampies free. who says there never was a sufficient quantity of either explosive about A company with acipuai stoc-c cf the building to be responsible for to- $40,000,000 is being organize day's terrible disaster. Rumor has fight the recently fornix i oit it, also, that an elevator constructor of Virginia at work in the basement permitted to rut B-eau tbv arrest an alleged tne name oi ots..,n . rn.um nminal in' Nor-h baroUaa and cate with sme of the gaseous l.qutd . 1 .1 1 the voter-. Tne. glasses will be ot mercraiiy, an a io -u a-.u rl nniitv tet. in the (!nrtaos-1 zer, H . -i- J . kind of frames. brought him back to Georgia to an swer to the court, two Georgia of Ik-vr. it be surrendered to the North Carolina au horities tO Of 4th We purpose to advauca ana promote our own interests with u- E i iu ii-r, ;ver Poston Bros thieves hack to their homes or into the penitentiary. Anotner isie is presentee: v w he South, by roasoo of threats, ac cjuiesce in tne social equauij pro claimed and practiced, or will it, through persecution ir need oe, Judgeship, Washington Disptch. 25th. The North Carolina Republicans are after selecting a successor to I Judge Thomas C Fuller, of the Court of Private Land Claims, and today through Senator Pritcbard, C m PRINTING! THE art f printing is ac old one but the arti-t ii- st les in which which we dis- iV?V t v lyo on ii.e n'.C lire 01 sim . which we have recent ! y put in makes one think it a late invt ntion IF WE QUOTE PRICES AND SHOW SAMPLES WE - .- -. WILL GET YOUR WORK : . : : : . : Better 'w-rkniT-:' Ift1er material to work wiih.a b.-tiVr hre of stfttionery. etc., en ables so do bftft-r '-? 6 than ever. Work guaranteed, end u you-- text order, we will appreciate ir- : : - : : THE MASCOT jPRITIISra CO., 'PH0XE35 . . .... STATESVILLE. N- C stand true to the tradition and pressman Moody acd ex-Congress principle that there can be no toler man Skinner, presented to the Pres- ation ana pnn i pe luai moir vu lueot ius uluc t -. " be no toleration of social equality Adams, of Greensboro, for the place, that tbe line of demarka'ion must be Mr Fuller wa classed as a Deno drawn and kept drawn rigid'y it crat. and the President to'.d the dele must be a chasm so deep that it can gation that while he would consider not oe spanned. Sir. Adams' nam he would probably The men who advocated acquies- select a Democrat for the place, cence in 1868 Q found that thir ad- This would keep the political corn vice, if taken, would have degraded plexion of the court as it was before .i. . c- ,u TUa. man nmF whu Rim- Tn.iro Fuller's death, it does not iue ouuiu. . "v " " f-. - , port an administration that wipes mean, however, that the appointee nut the color line at the dining room must come from North Carolina, but ;o nnrct.npmv to Southern civi still, if the State presents a strong to w" v - j I .... . , r-. ;j . :n ...nW lization. candidate, xne i-resiueai win Hi us ably give JNortn uaronnaine preier ence. ire on Raleigh Midway Boy Horn ed to Death- j Raleigh Dispatch, 6tb. making aggressive attacks on other industries, oui will oppose any an- rterprise that tries to oppress "ur people and deprive them of their judt profits. COXSTITUTION. 1. This association shall be known as the XMortn tjaroiina rarmers State Association 2. It shall have the power to make its own constitution and by law, and have all the powers of similar organizations. 3 Its omcers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and Executive Com mittee of three. The Presideut &hall be chairman ex officio of the Execu tive Com nitteer- 4. These officers shall be elected by ballot and shall hold office for one year Or until their successors shall havr! been elected and installed. 5. The duties of these officers shall b- -imilar to the duties of the same officers to like associations. - 6 All white farmers, ginners and tried on acaafge fl daappvog. This is perhais' Tie of tne most interesting and uoique. cases that hasc im to the atteuiioa of Govern or handier in m n.h and it was ul v veterday th i h- decided to comoiv with th- leuu st of was the cause of th conflagration LitM1 or no'hing remains of th . . i . j i.r.-I victims booies. ana u i aounnui iiaiiv pire in of ..heir b-die- vfiH be recovered Seventy uine of the 100 persons in the Runt. Wilkinson & o. s building when the lire startea were employes and the remainder were customersand outside workmen the who were engaged ia putting - the DaWitt's Little Early R:srs-o3, erdisappoint. i heyar?ja;.;.pri gentle, effective in r-- a purities from th'? live u- ' ' S'aiall atid easy to ake.- gripe or distress. SUm-7n derson. . :1 0- Three men were ning, N, Y., las' were thought o postoffice robbers. C. M. Phelp- be re - . L'hu:- ; 1-, dio North Carolina governor a;jd send the men to tnat state for trial. Sheriff W. B Lvingwood, of Fannin count v and one of his depu ties, are the men wanted in X..rth Carolina. Some months ago thny went over to Murphy. N. C , waich is just across he s a'.e une, ind rr reslec turi ..-;ury ou ; iarge m seduction. There is a dispute as to tbe manner in which -th a rest was made and-hereby hangs the tale According to the sheriff, Henry was arrested by the marshal of Mur- thv. N . and put in inl He and his d-iiu: ihen went to Murphy af -er him. and he agreed to come, they state, without a requisition from Georgia Seren Years in Bad. "Will wonders ever cease?" in m : - 4 a. 'a a r i Ah n ijt.ti ic Tnu rTitniiu in if r j. t raar. I ms morning at uu.-uu mu, .... - -- - ?.,.0 rt,,.,.n..a ..thai. hn(.fite REB 17 rears of ae. a negro boy of Lawrence, Ivan, l ney anew fcDe , w r.r .. .r",. Zl 71 sleeping in a restaurant booth on tbe had been unable lo leave ner ofo id midway at the State Fair, was burn Uevpn tears on account of.kidnsy edodeath His legs and arms were ai d liver trouble, nervous prostra completely burned off. He went to j tion and general debility; bat, sleep in the booth and the d or had ! 'Three bottles ot Jieci-nc u ibrl mitsuip. He hat fran-! enabled me to walk.' she ticallyon the door, M)ut the fierce j - and in tnree months 1 lelt i.k flames drove the midway people ' new person." Women suffe r.r. ' ! from headache, backache; nerv UaCK. - ! 1 moliniiKMir TWo nthpr booths were destrov f a. nss, sieepieucB, "'u'u,'7t finishing touches on the new eighth says his child. wa corao- fioor. More than half of the arm s of a bad eie ! vx2j:c-i h employes were ou the upper five J De Witt's Witch i'l-izl floors and it was among mese mat. i ware ot an counterfeit, the greatest number were killed and jly relieves piles M-ims injured.. With the possible exception j son of the engineer, wno is missing, an persons on the first three floors got out of the building sareiy. ine members of the hrm had their offices on the third floor, and their famil iarity with the exits is all that saved them from suffocation. Most of those killed were at work on the sixth floor, where women were en gaged in sewing. Th-y were at work in the rear of -h . ouiidmg dose to the fire escip-ea, but became confused bv the great quantity o ; Ch'iCgl -:-f-l i -.1- ..f '".llv;:. ;.-WW- -.l ir t n vu i- st Bitters writes, l-.ke a fering nervous- others interested in farming and in securing better j.r oes for farm ' tne iarmer ar. eugioie 10 mem- rership ia this aisocu'.tioc, acd are invited to u';iif ilh us. 7. There a hah be a roll of the membership ubocribed to by each member, cs follows: We. the uudejr signed m-mors of the North Caro lina Farmers' S-ate Association, hereby obligate ; urselves to conform to the rules a-d requirements of According to the other side of .he smoke that rushed up tnrougb .he J ory.L.vingwood and his deputy building It waa .'ep., .rted tha t ' n.n,Vo g.oods were stored against, the wm , WeUl lUtLilU UUU1B Ul JJ.CUIT 3 l a I - , - u .1 , ,r.rr. r T tr ri K?m A ffi from 'ettmg out on the Sre escape jftor hacintr hAnnnuffpn him A rn-1 l"-'LL . - . . . ,r . j , TtUT. inhi WiiS IUSIIOCO U ! '13 davits to mis enrect maae oy mem- r ' i-.-,i ,.n. UC1'1 . J . marie thft terrible leo . . r-in n At anv rate, whenldenry was ar rented he was brought to lannm c. in i v. - ri..-re hi gave bond aoL-earanoe. returned to Murphy, N. C, and Loving wood, and riniey indicted for kidnapping 5 weeks and could--' v .. -j I until I triad AVer's v J . I ral. -Only 6n.-fo:v: vi . ... ' ! I cured rne.'1 ! o L. Ha?n, N : ' ' .'. O "--. A upper floors to the sid ak aoi were. crushed, while others ran h 4 uu -.r:-, ; .n, win find it I this association, ana to taithtully ""J"1"""- -. ed scrub woman aiso irom Ml'Ll. h'robiUor t.l?r 8al!obsMilasa.dbJ.,awSso!o?J;: PresHeat Boosevelt is not o.I, this floor aud was crushed la the Another Case ot Defective Eyesight? Atlanta Jonmau q?n Thpra is evidence of foul play, isfaction guaranteed. Only 50c. as we are members of the associa-' nearsighted but color blind. guantlet of smoke and fire dowD th- rear fire escapes. Among those on the eigh'h floor who jumped and were killed w?re H- A. Sparrow, an expert electncil contractor, and Cha3. E Sparrow, his neDhew and assistant. A color this flo street. Neglected ccd: :v . :.y;: lead to some: hi r: ;u . They run into ch:.i:e bronchitis, p nc-ur."' c i-1 , asthma, or - cons Don't wait, bvt i;:ko Ayer's Chern Pcc-tural just as soon asyenr ccn begins A -few doses will cure you then. - Tfarcasizei: VcSScSl. All i-fii. 1 1 Consult your doctor. If I s snrs se I thert do ai he TJ- If l'e t..; rmi crt J to take It. tien Ion't ak'e it. i;i kj.c?. i Leave it with liira. We a' wiir.T.p. i V it - i! . -