s V 7 OTltl WE CKJAT?Arppi, TVV1CJE i - 7 -JJ A OIREI IN IREDELL AND aI?IT VOL, VIII. : -101y0m -VA n,R 7------- oiAXiBVjiE, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1901. i Inie. Stated """"MTir i VVO rs r t-i u k k at 9 ft a n , . NO. 49. s-ue c Go: - w a f a - U7 mB 111 B ItBBKI i Asthma,eneBPermanent SENT A B8GLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OP POSTAL WBITK YOCH NAME AW-.ADDRBS8 PUWIT. . It I. ContUnallj Orowll., and Showing U Tlh gna tTW..,haeDonn Q( tt pJea8 ai - Tcrnor. Aycock'a Speech to Ihl erroes. There is nothing like Asthmalene. it brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else laws. ri, d , jY. '' wuic oi Astnmaiene recir -5,??!?- cannot tell you how was a l?e derived frem it. 1 Tnd A. - Shned with putrid .ore throat : . . - auucru'emeni tor the i'w ' thlsd"adfl and. tormenting dkease. .. 1". V' i . ln"usnl ycu had overspoken j.c.vca, out resolved to give it atrial. To ZJ I,,,- , tr,a! acted Hke charm end me a full size bottle." Charlotte News. Stt..n."T j the 7-- xjnaMrnr It leemi to luein oota a kiek issue, it The Wlneton Good v ' tlon. Roada' Conyen- Raleifh special to Charlotte News agth In onflnin o t K rni-.i ct... -m- ? '""Vi governor Aycock de liver en & imrK t-. ' . i n Mutuhuu U1IX- ner incident the CrOTernor said: in a recent I 7 Bot bt inappropriate to 7 growling I t"-oa ju ine nope, mat recent ( w r ruos. n: 1 IUy Dr Morris Wechsler, Kabbi of the Cong. Bnai IiraeL New York, Jan. 3, 1901. rRS. TAFT BRO.' MEDICIXRCO Gentlemen: Your Aathmalene is an exceReat remedy for Asthma and Har Fever and itj composition alleviates all troubles wMch com cine with" Asthma. Its success is astonisaine and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmalene contains no opium, mor phine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours. Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, a vox Springs, N. Y.. February 1, iqoi. t la Mnt....n. teXnrPUn tn nnlt U 1L.1 . ana snofrincr its 1 j . 6 emit nerxtrK m . i n 9t tL- --r, necwu ooa mapping 17 v,v.lllUK m ,UOMillon may at thinss tht rW . not undnlv .,J. TT- - ; .7 " Please 11, I . ;,, , "juu, UU jr.u Will 'cmcmwr your oesi irienas are T " u io Please It. . j juu, ana j thB wa u roifl. at tht f111 "member your best fri btate D-jiiocracy: "ose who lire in your State 7 L i uo Prety well under-1 "" J"u "'so, woat you need, stood that Judre Clark was nroni more'than .wognition by the Presi- r,,.f7eiOCr?tlc nmination for Chief 7?al or ther PeoPle authority ,s Z 7 the macQine for his Tal- Te estblsbment amoirg yourselrfes jant efforts ita seeure the impeach- ?f society founded uPn eulture, in- ment of Judffffs Piirrt,o t-w telfii?enc. Tirtn j- ias. An atemnt i nnw k-.: ? pendant udob thno ..f : r- uun uci uiaue f , uiucicu 1 Winston .pedal to Raleigh New, and Obs.ryer, other candidata, .vT'if rxru . 1 -uuicu oil. Whetner or not this effort will meet With SUCCM wo .ill 1 year hence' It IS a bad nicrn wV.. . , i,; . . . "ucu m LU0 WHO ,!fns,totbe Party man begin, to th eonndence of the Air PS,? thi8 s?-cd machiHe? u L whicn separates you from tbe white people in the State, social ly, always has been and always will be maintained, and it need not con- violated elsewhere; it will never be Tioiaiea in tde Sonth. Its violation would be to your de- triiAfin. 11 . . "..uuunsweu as tome injury o IDG WniteS. No thniirrtstf.,1 . Jen A-- -.r. Uc ;n iio:! your - )!;u;iciu I .Ye! th- OTll 3 En rf lI., 1 . n ..... . . . . , r . 7 . . ' "awuK icmcu ine wonaeriui nect ... ,' - i"racawnn;spaimoaic asthma , "'v-1 ououio igt m trot him nnt v . v own skill as well a, m.ny others, I chanced to see and the DeOnla will a.ttl. ! ' ; - .', Ntw ork. I at on-eobtained a bottleof Asthmalene Tf 5 u pePJ? Settle tht matter. !i s, oi .November I very soon noticed a radical improve- 11 l nas DOt It Ought for its Own . .. . , ', ...... . . . lice 1IU111 Hll SVOTU- rs-.onimend . the medicine to ill chn ar..ffl;n.,i .i.i,u - - -. 'vk nun mis O. D. PHELPS, M. D. nd who be!i. !, - T-"u7e! the promised Judge Clark any nomma- T ve uPriht Southerner, has for 1U"B 03 laTc-ed impeach- i ,. uuQt out tbe kindest "Jeuir hueh mnntafi Meetings and wa ar al ;ilim a u usiipft to Tnrir m.i - j , .. 1 anxious to -a ... i . . "ugo vii uu iatbe k' . v. jwm kww iuio ine uiocrauc party, and is without Ula" citizenship of which you are oUbluu m raci ir tbe rn(m,pi. -Ktc, uu wming to eire our en- iics auu oesr, tnougnt to aid you f ,r r- tUx r maa thaa Jude Clark lor l.hmf Tiirt:- ii , .P. ls. T.w Br.' M;:!tiXE Cc Feb. 5, 1 901 . tried numerous remedle 1 ' ' 1 1 V Uf tTf 1 1 ,. . ,.1 r ' i -1 c r e (r , t . . .. . ----- - ' u iCU uiimerous r, - i e f at'o,, -o 1 :a;e ,j ' "ch ! 'tYf V se ;"1 "daned with a trial bottle. I f ootid f : otn; ir-;,. hp,1 for six' , i' '' j!0" and a.-er grateful. I have a family . busuies-eVervdiv t V.. -" uuw nme oen health and am .CL1 xf lP befouling its own nest uo democratic party and the I goocVname of Judge Clark. Again tha r,nmi.i, -w T: . u""8 1U Dlu ine ionowing: '"Mr. ClfiYalanrl .av. k- : 1. . . " uo ia ifoing --FHUl VUB democratic candidate II 'liie address". 55 J r.iv: '.oil street. S RAPHAFI. 67 East 129th St. . aiu yuu in the great TOU What Ton aro nonoKl. - j . assist you in that elevation of char- fefV aaa . f T A a a ouu "l Tinue wnich tends to tue ..rengtnening of the State. "But to do this it is absolutely necessary that each race shouid remain distinct o.u uave a society of its own. Insidft of -wriiir nwtr, . grow as large and broad and. high as Ood permits with the aid, the svm- .0! City. Trial Dcttl? Sent Absolutely Fre? 0n-ReeelptefP99.nl.' ;i v. Write at ot:cr, CO., East i:-iOtb Sr. addrw-sing DR. TAFT BROS. N. . City. 1 aa.L -mxz3 - - : fef iaa Mario and teaite to., iorGoTprrnr nfWoT . Ood Dermi he (Cleveland) is a Democrat and has path7 ,and thfr encouragement supported that party This t uclKQ"ors, calls for more tali, as the people are I-7u caQ e3ual tho white race in adr tke iapFtasisv that rv.r achieT8ments. ln scholarship, in lit- fn1"' tht i)oraey ia 1891 and la rt. 1 Industry and eom- lyQt) Danvilln R d.:u. wi merce you will find no --r,0... , .. -"aiuis me m:j- l.-..- .. r .. v-"t,UU3 rBsmeni oidn't have the ooDor- ucu Ulie men wno Wl11 stand in tunity to vote for a Democrat in '96 Uuf.wa7' but Al1 of them in the anaiyuu" ooum wui insist that you shall ac ompiisnthis high end without so ciai intermingiang and this is well The State Good Roads Congress qpened m the court hous this morn ing, the court ro.Tm Kijiij " uciuy ujiea with citizens and visitors, the latter rPn resenting thisnnri . t L S p m, lhrouKhout the State. The convention was called to order TZnAtu 1 "aauuereaoy tiishop w1 aAd .,eartV addresses o? v """.uuiv.reu oy Mayors Eaton and W. A. RKir a -tr:s ... u otiinuir responsn use rrA 1 , Koads Association. In the ahspnoA O f fl,ir A COCk. Who will mat J mo auuress 11 morrow, Senator Simmons opened the congress with a formal address t u wiron auo. sensible Perhaps the most hearty applause thMetTd WaS Wheu te declared that thfi stato rT- . . -T . barolmaouirht to r-; a?d devote ,,urei;giaK 01 its convicts to th hoi , public road8 of the State, this work to b9 supplemented by the aid-of cities, counties, townships, coinmu mnes andUndividuals. At the conclusion of Senator Sim mons time v addrpec 4 . . , " ICUJ UUl til V organization wao r,Qrnt.j 1. election of P. EiffnL i and W.UBiair, secreUrv, ' 1 ostmaster RomnU Senator Simmons and represented eatu,r rUctard- wh was una VOldablV detainpfl ai ii.j; f t T, "u uoui!uu court iir, Uevnolns ma.o o o. cal speech. He endorsed the views expressed bv Sonata q;, ... . - -jr -vw ujuiuiuu!) anu esDeciallv nm ctntomot convicts should be worked on t h! roads instead of on farms. -Captain W. A n.nc . iDg the Southfirn Rilmn 1 i a y , hvp a. practical talk on the great advan tage to a p,nmmiin;T t COSt Of freightimr nmrl,.to : thft reason railroads were making vc.Ler earnings now than formerly was hir!-iir. ti,... i j -1 . . J . wj uvi uuuaiea lug! r earmnara f tU. . r. ,uo Pa5t nye years to Changed BrideerooiB nt . . "'""'"nicer of Either Raleigh News and Observer, ist. Ypsterdar tnornihg Miss Leta ?ft of Durhanit was married to ? r!.d:.lJPcb-cb,of Raleigh "r;i "ref) ne f grooms. viT w:i 8T u l..e Prram for o wV,ri":Iu', of Durham, Mr. tt iT UJ iasc nignt W w tt u 0 luclua or Mr. W, W. Upchureh, of this city, and 'tu7 u'ul.ine costal Cabl tiZ" Pu LcmPany here. Some time ago he went to Durham and was employed it, tbe company's i e tiving there he SwhqunAanC9 of Miss Leta nW:Cl I"? l "en year 1"; fULC.1 : 1.Jjrs- James B. Stan- , w 7 e 1 10 love And this re thi WMVeSrterdav's carriage here, u- llyn expected it to v ?urjlamwith himself as groom Yesterday morning Mr. Upchureh secured the marr,. 1 u",cu and telegraphed for Miss Stanley oVwlrrUed, 1hortl' after Eleven o clock on a delayed train and the liOOD at thfi hnmo nf M tti t , parents. 804, Oakwood avenue.being performed hv RQ tt tt . 7 P ,,f m u xiuooara, the rabernnolo Rn.v. i y,member of the groom's lamny who knew of t1, JT. was bis mother, tb- others not knowing of ,t UDtjl the ch d liume for dinner. The news-of the marriage soon sureau and vwtprHaw f .. U ... .v.u.jr ounUUUQ .nr. oconrea --vas visifl nt tua r...i Side Liying. Spartanburg Herald. Good Advice. - The most miserable beings in th world are thosa l" lQ? none;, x " ""'jrom uys- WhentheCDBfe...... . . thT coPlaint. More cabinet Robert t" " tne two deases and try 01 treasury: T. r ttt.,, Da mtatinn . vemess, If f trea; L. Pope Walker secretaru of o r-K .V?. cr -- j i . o. tt. jifallorv secretary of the navy; J. H. Reagan' postmaster co..i ' j V , f"' fnJtm,n' ' attorDe wneruL Be' lore the vear Pnr?Q r ' m ter had suceftprlpH Tnnmk " tar, of st,te. a05 rp.: HID had SUCCflpdprl Woll, .. , '.mnci ,a secre tary of war. In 1862 Rpriinmir. K., t.aw tj ." &ecre- U1 James a. Seddon sec K'yii.arion or tha k . 1 ' watorhn T. ueartourn, low sirir. . j ie sinrflach, yel- t n-er eating, ow solrits r - icueve you. Try GetGreen's Prize Almace -W. it. F. retary of war, and Thomas H. Watts k oeveut3;five . families lust their ty was destroyed in a 6h cKfl u - , i-uu.uuui..n, watt! oecameattorne.tr 1 . j 1 . v j fecial, 10 oe sue ceeded in 1863 by George Davis. In rXe a. rronholm succeeded Vlemminger as secretary of tha reasurv. and in.Tmnoi.,r iocx. -. ohn 0." BreckinHHo-r X ' "en- - - h ui.vqujc secre tary of war. RpoHor. .7 ..... T r" '"'Suiug oe- """ -iiiii;ibm oy leysJature. of these cabinet nffi Sti?'-RieQ0r-an,TTare dead- Toombs died in I880. Hunter in 1887. Mem- ffiioger in lSSS.-Breckinridge in 1875. 1 the cabinet nffip.rc . m one niyht. ioCr were fairly well ance. 1 lie by lueses insur- Saves Two From Death. 'r. i.-.i , when all other remedies -fa(led.-saved her he with Dr. Kk .r'c Discovery. Our ueiee. Tho " Telegraph office hi- raany friends. bo congratulated him on the happy finale of his love romance. owering grades of thsir track and 1900 Ob. Vep he Hirl snrl m AIA - uiu me eai- .uu UttUUIllurPT HOT h hH . - I I . u.u, opnortnnitir t tn. I for vour: it is wpII fnr no- r Vj wu ,utc ,ur a ijemocrat 1 ' - " o uei;- of Democrats, a man -v,e ,1 essary for the peace of our snt.;nn. racy was endorsed by 6.000 000 of 18 e,s?,e,ntial to the. education of j uwUot uuaii mere acouia De Dealers ill. Kind of Marble and (Jninitc 'or Cemetery and Building Purposes, w Ma s. 11- and quote the very lowest prices on Monuments, Tab-i-Jstones, and all. kinds of cemetery work.: WorkmansbiD Guaranteed to be First Gi?vs. . 'to f ir our catalogue and prices. IfL AND NORTH WLKESBOBO b 3 tj r 5 r F VTase3ii 8TATESVILLE. F. C. a 1 oank nis fellow countrymen, a man almost unammAm . . , . . .. c , x uuuiiushju ior ine 01- nce Of nrpsiHant K k;- - . , J "i3iriry on two different -occasions. iue 1 jann mart- . j 7: sour ana dyspeptic It shows its ill temper. VVhV Should it nnni. t .f , - uu ita wrtn on - itiu party: uoe? it wish tu 8ee me success or defeat of that party m future campaigns? Ita Democracy la Thia. Wiikesboro Chronicla. The Landmark has discovered that somebody has read it out of the t-V V F 1 1" anQ 11 uon t care. v hen Linasy headed for the radical camp he sain1 tK t i. . , , "Quumir ana lopichad read him out of the partv tv r 1 uul,er ana ait crowd. 0 feel sorry for aay eie whe De mocracy is so thin as to permit him being "read out of the party. Ours is made of truer, sterner stuff, and -u0n we get ready to leave the par ty. we 11 do the reading out act our- ri .ea, no one else can do that for us. UU mi6unOfrtanrlirvrr .,r . ULHJU LUIS point. I am sure you Cagree with me in what I have said, and In a spirit of one who is governor of the whole PCULUe Wlinnilt rnrrsrH T u:j you God speed in the great work of upbuilding of our State and of multi- H'J'Ut UUI IIlll IISLT1 O nomma ,1 education. -I find no little encouragement in the friendly co operation of men and WOmpn rif w..m . r . 7- l jui ruo id task wmuo we nave undertaken today that of educating all children, and I pray yoa in this great work we 6hall not tie retard h rr,i.. standing." -u- .u-i t " ""en ua. o ud,t me expense of hauling would Ti ,p?r mile. He said he had just left Buffalo where his mission orth that in the South was their hope for the solution of the aricuP turai problem; that with as rich a soil as New York, a better climax I0r all CronsnPilrViae-,,. . i. - boutn was tne garden spot of the HeSDOkfloflho firct ; , those people being about the condi tion of our roads. Good the WOrk OI macAHamJn-, V, r:u erty street road. This afternoon is the presence of a large crowd, de monstrations of road building were y i-resiaent Moore and Sec retary Richardson of the Xatiora' Association; Mr. A..0 Eldrie -over n men t road expert; State" G gist, J A. Holmes and others. At ice n:g:t s sessrioa of the con gress stirring and practical ajdre--es were made by President W H Moore and others. Prof. J. A Hoi mes spoke and his address was map. oiGciently illustrated with stereoo iicon views. Nurse Arrested for Alurder. Nashua, N. H., Dispatch, ist. ( Miss Jaoe Topnan. snsnpr.te.ri taring murdered Mrs. Jarv Gihhs at sjournt. v)acc- 1.1 a .. - 1 ' -.w .uu-sl, nas o -arrested and taken to , , i- ibbs died under su-ipicious cireum5t5.moc t -r'u -V-'-Oc-t. 30 -Mrs. dary Gibbs, forwhose alleged mur der .miss Jane Toppan is under, ar rest, was a daughter of Mr. and rs. P. DaviSi of ths. place, and a sistpr nf m-., u Gordon, of I.. hie?. cm Rnth at- j -Virs. Davis llrl net -.juju.j OUU wiiam the next few weeks Mrc Who had COmp from P.!-,;n.-. . - --"v-au iu see her motner m hoi- u -.-, , r. ""lms, ana viioos, aieu. ? 1 the Davis family, attended each per- 1 . . 1 ? t : ( 1 1 h 1 pr 7 h '1 1 L. r am mat me iuur persons died within one monthcame to oe noted by the neighbors, par ticularly as-t he official cause of tbe deaths was cot given out, the rnatfpr was called to the attention of the district attorney mtin nr, a OU-, we ew Davis fro -i first tn i. r-onsumptiooin an at h-annnH inlST, He,jimirinPSXtst T'K ;84 and Reagan, .he sole survivor Desperatp V Pfr,fectl-V eil." Z?? -,-P-ted bythedaHy ySJs t- woj 1.1 u'ii t,i 11 ir rue Qot K,.Ui . .'"ft c i-icvv j; s nvpru o . J ii: u l 1 1.11 n n - i faiirRiI ... cu cuie f!n earth.- In- uir 1 1 1 r nnmrh .a ,1 a-. i -1 and SinnwH: ni(i--- P. Wan r,i!."a,a?iePa 0v 111a nr r f f..io - 'l V. . hiSe?efsDS inured in ,u,"uu,uls at t'uruandiro, Mexico-' 1LWZ- Acor" 'amine. haS eS ,sl n lDat section nf Mexico for months as speculates had conieS the grain. The s'arvi. . -,1" tacked th Bh,J " , ,)"'it' down by the guards. Moie blood shed is feared. against death at t ho Qnn oo Benjamin was the only one of the Davis cabinet who AanKnA uv-wiuru iu ac cept the situation after the war. He wem aoroaa in 18b5 and lived abroad until nis death ,Hnntn the Democratic party, and just before his death was appointed to a federal office hv Pr-peirinnt m 1 auu. Reagan was the only member of the cabinet' captured with Mr. Davis but soon after his capture be wrote an open letter to the people of Texas '0uuH jaws wnicn should grant negroes civi) rirrht !: .. rights with an educational qualifica non This letter greatly excited the Demon.ratc of Tqvo : o-J they elected Mr. Reagap to congress - uc utuctuje conspicuous in in 'erstate commerce legislation. In 18 . he took his seat in the United -aies senate, and since that 50c. A Physician Testifies, , "I havp talfon T.".,li r Cure and have never used an?th. S" in my hfe that did me the good that did, says County Physician G,0. Scroggs of Hall county. Ga. Being a physician I hae prescrib ed it and found it to give tbe b-t results." Ifthefoodou eat ,4 mains unrlitrocrol in .r... 1 b 1 -aics oeuaie, ana since that t mp r 1 , . '"5 iJiuuuuncea 1 c.ajs mere and nnisnnc ti-. ana a friend of naMnnaHcto o...iT u foisotii, the ' 1 -iuuiio 111 1 iir 111 1111 ri 1 v a 1 1 1 1 ni 1 - .. All of Mr. Lincoln's two cabinets dieting but that means stvatim are dead, so that Mr. Reagan is the Kodol Dyspepsia Cure' di" ts SOIfi survivor of oil rth u:. m vnn . v... - -to lat ' U'uc tauiuetom cers of the great war period. Eleven Children Ola of Lockjaw. St. I,ouis Pispatch, ist. tvlw r.i 1 y nn n w . , . -r . ' ., ; "ecu fcuuer tr-'m neither dyspepsia nor starvation Ihe worst cases quick'v curcj.' ever fails.-Stimson & Anders-, . 30, gave ortko-s for thVbodies to be "j The list of deaths attributed MLiRnU,liDe0a!1 named Th3- disinterred for examination. It was loekiaw as a . f:t0 Boot on the farm of Hon I. .? ----------vi -.. i,uc auuiiui.-1 ureorge JJauhtrv sonincr tration of d nthpr a anfi.tA.;, r J-"luMuiry, A Negro Shoota an Offlcer.-Poetoilioe - Kobbed. RUtieerVferrdisT SpCiaI l RaleiSh Nw and Ob- chtck ou C(.liatf 1 , 'pOlLt: t r. Ik sight. l!i,-'r lnk'.cg Business. Deposits received subject to Intrrost paid-op time deposits. Money loaned on P-non a. and peronn seeuntv. Sneciai.ttention nniri tnn!w,v aru crttiittd r-v remitted at lowest rates. Acconntc of r li ens- Mefclart?, snufecturers ard Individuals solicited and .rft. . v. V L ? OFFICERS: A- C OOPfi, Preaident. J.O. IrVI W, Vice President The Cbronloleeer Jetar. t,enoir Topic, A .1 1 1.1-... rj.u oenoiait came to pass GOMPiLSTT'S With .s'-mnltar.gou? head Mocks in'i -ah mot i-eus'i iv. fi-:u; t-v, miii..;. s-v 1 .- c ;b ENGT a DB Oil Portable ou v. L f i t ' 1 1 1 j . s Eclipse Portable Circular Saw Mill racket i roo 1 fe : i.u: (.1 a r c pse tl e t:ic:it L t . pr c, tract ion S 'atesvilie, N. C. V'V -Jti"S.5ISI5.r i."i!lTI it , E lllr u:; - ver Poston Bros F r 1 F J art nf ;!rit:!irf ! V'y type the nice - iiue which we have ice ,tly put thinK- it a Ja!c invnlion : old one but tbe w hich we dis- f stationery in makes one October Stare Crap aieport. alelgh Post. lit. The October crop report for North Carolina was issued from the aTt aultural department last night " A general estimate of the cotton crop this year indicates tbaftbe yield in t n 1 a .taiA : 1 1 1 . -... ' 1 nuia ula tri wi 1 1 n rt K.rn 1 11 r ,. - . .uuu i,.( oai- trroiessiona safe-crackpr hin. fast ye"?81 7leW f 513'51 bales open the safe in the toffiee he" Tn Snpau;n., nf .v.. .., f wmD "7' aa.v ""s mornin i5r. nT.C -1uo Ku?ra' condt- ana secured something over ri0u . . . r " aowuci r4l "unuuisi.mns Wirt ra . h T"!, t-. r"53 mat 1 terson said last nicrh th,f u. . u.. , - J-Uy wuec tne son or MntPhorri c:.i. 1 . -. ., vuo cruu ocicuu ureasing two ,irb-c n a, weolmto the land includimrBIn ""L", S a'e " """".'K .,".?. mormc and obtain eMa for bU SSS nohVaTanTn't.Jt'r"' T-fc i -- s. nur t ii, iw runn rr. ed 9 onlJ 37 per cent of an average And the best report is from Carbar rus where the report is 98 per cent.' ikjwjuu, one ot the very best 15 tuar traces of no sonin., was toumi in all the bodies. Then triet-a police began, the investi '''.u wbit-'5i has led to the arrest oi .Mis Toppan. who left here at the c.oso oi the summer season. Secret Marriage in Yadkin. Winston Sentinel. It was learned this morning that r. Charles Williams, of this city, anu Miss Eva Patt-rnr t x .. Bend, were united in letxung m high rim- R,i thmt. thp roods came tidings of the death Cf :v'iias. lurDimtu tr.,n.. -i j , unci , anu J'-- ' :ked the odor of th nia parted into .Wwhin,, 1.7 V, V1 Per cent DQigb lok t,r,oo the facs of Teddy, the streauous. once more before he died. And behold James the ,,n of Moody, ..nd Butler the w-azei fared were a!.- ub tum. !ikewie Adacos. whoform.n? hri ..,,..v.. j j - iu wi nce, but feu ad it uot. thoiit'h l.;. ssarch was "tb rrt?:at tr?ai ine general crop report for the entire State makes the following bowmg for all crops: vvo.,aiuono: cotton compared wih last year, government report 70 concition of. cotton ';.v,' an arerage, gove-nnaent report 1.2 niwer, 64; yield of tobacco compa' d with an average, government re port; 2; answer, 70; quality of to banco sr,tc. 77. . . - " "1 wuuinon or corn. aeoarted government, rprvirt o. taat ai leoaditmn of rn. n.' near the huilrlintr ti;c ; ,, . - s o uiur 1 here is no c!u to the thieves iNear the show crmnno .u- - --- -- '"uuu3 mlS lafternooon Deputy Sheriff Rnan , id ban v snot through the head bv a drunken no. gro. Bud Logan. Logan and his partner, another negro nampri T.n. gan. were abnsintr nrhfrn ' j had knocked three nr frm- rlotx-r. when Dpmitv Riifiai. . them but Louan wpnt nfTo,-i . auu secur ed t WO DlStO 8. COmp harL- nA uuu Lure.'.- ened several hyes. Deputy Bntier seeing tht ni-vtolc oltmi7i.. ' TJA61-0' whe? he open- me mm mts aoove results Both negroes ran under fire of a shower of bullets. They were soon captured umniurad. anl iaiied. Shft.,M n,.' .' ty Butler dip a 'Wn,.,;,. : . 1:1. ' aniess the negroes are removed froni "- jaii uere and Roose Her Trip OTer Niagara. Niagara Falls, N.Y., Pispatch, ist. - nuud ii.asoa Tavior, who jcoiciuij uoue tne trip over ara rails in a parrel and survived thaf perilous performance, is in a u.i,uu too ay irom thp bruiSes and cuts she received. It L' IF WE QUOTE PRICES AND SHOW SAMPLES WE : : : : WILL GET YOUR WORK : : : n,.ier w.-okm-r, i,.-t mr nateriai to work Ob' in1 'rr fi,ii y etc.. en- 'u-'.,T ' ! ""k over Work ;o . .... . . . ' ,"'' r. i. oroer. we wiii appi-fci.itp iv. o'dS MASCOT POINTING CO., tTATER-LLE, N C. anguish But it came ?ii ni tk.i veil said "nil." and Jt.r in k-reat hast, for he saw ena was at hand, and ha waa wmti. -; V " and rent his armor h.T" .ro' CODdltIon of sw,et potatoes, govern had armed him plf ' r'r,11? me.Dl reP?r?? awer, 84. Shirts ami cairl rk i5T . wea As an 1Qdcation of the probable S e7er' toat SDe will re- eSndrti? i?l?ehpi reporU? Lf ut ber purpose to theCnmmiiV.rrriT"0" "j'" is nearly the samelas XTn J?10 raise a ful and rn,K - " ineiwin' isued by the United StatP.5 r 'l-K.a Aexas cattle raceh L tfVirr thnl Wcrtturil'DevlnmlntlorSi &.?xhlS.tinK at museums. Chief of d?s, hoDest pon.ieTanr'a.d cleaary be SSle M fT ' te S'" wa! n'ggers and thAamhitior, n i.-l n A , MUie. simuar. hrwholim lt was . . . , , " uij in. r or instance, the TTm'tori Qtt 7 0 J -u uai precaution th-vt has been rudely set aside bv thp die- ,nnr "e .UDltfid States she was not kiilprl lJ3t S3 it in..t.. t-... .... '"o"te; jrieiaof tobacco. 72. and , :hey buried utaeTceeg SS'!? M'fe0' aDd heaped stonps ,mnr, h,7 i.A L.j.V- ' V... Dv tQe tate, w Fu uiui itfi I Liifi in? nnniittnn . I WUU1LMI I I II VVl-2r F - T- r .-v . o . - v. v p tci t jtrr. TY1 IMlInira ' - i-uti i icfcf : ul eptemDer l,.h and the keot tfap wt;doing a secret until ou Tuesday ot announced to take place. -i relative of tae bride, who was lue ""me of ..Ir. and Mrs. Patter oc, in jast Bpd, on Tuesday (to witness the num ihU't roiie a c;. I . f , ' ' LUC ocu- tinei thai tuere wasgenuinesurprice "vu lk-y,Wr. sorrows, of Boon vine, arose and announced that hp married the couple at the home of bneriff A. P. Woodruff r-f Von,; -" UU I!U wiuuiy at aoonville, on September witnesses to the marriage. it appears that during Mr. Wil liams' visit to East Bend last month ba aed Miss Patterson drove out to twu,'e to visit a frr-nd of tho lat ter. After arriving ;here Mr Wil- iiam j welded to tr ,. t,, yLn,;- i'.tance of sevea miles and l-cer-- Upon his return to iue preucherj '.vas secured ceremony folio wed, the -r and A-itcesses promising itr-' maft?r a sec rot until th-.-ou .ccd for the wedding. Mr. ration of dintheria utactured by the city chemist, now numbers eleven, two more deaths oemg reported today. Eleven other children are reported at the health department as suffering from lock jaw with slight chances of -recovery, fhe eases of lockjaw in each case is airl tn I-. . : ; puisuaiug irom the City s diptheria anti-toxin. The tiaitn aepartment has now begun the free distribution of tetanus anti toxin for the injection into the blood .HLiciiti patients wno have been innoculated with the infected serum iud thus exposed to Iockja-v, the health department has an n unced that no more diptheria anti- f (1 -1 n w:ll u r -y. m uc ujanuiacturea by the city of St Louis. The investigation uv me city coroner to deter iW M . r. - 1 4. 1 1 a I -u.uc uusitivei tne. eaiisp of Hon. 1' n, .-'',u iiKjn-on J:uTVyi 1- packed Mrs. Daugn try Thursday afternoon. He. threw her down but she escatw H-r cries aroused the neighbors and negro was pursued to thn s-.var-t'r He. was caught the same .ni-'ht aVd by of aeath of eight children who are al egea to have died of loekiaw follow ing the administration of the city's anti-toxin, is being pushed and it is expected it will b rumnlotori : o few days. Drs. Boloton, Fish and Waldron, three of the most exoeri enced bacteriologists in St. Louis, White Man Turned Yello Great consternation was felt the friends of M . - A. Hogarty, "CA'uLU!Ji -y-, wnen they saw Hp was turning yellow. 'His skin W, y changed color, also his eves a-d he suffered terribly . His" malady was .Yflllow Jaundice. He Vas treated by the best doctors k.o without benefit Then-he. was ad vised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Lirer rem, dv. and hp n-. . . . ' , . i . -"res. vlltr ts.r'j .u uoiues i was wholly cured: trial proves its matchless merit for ail Sstoraach. Livpr nnri v b'.es. Onlv 50n. s-d - Hall, Druggist. . V' -V.A- Silas Easters, a negro, ca.-.-cd with forcing a 15 vear -old irenialrincrVoctT-iTi. Vh commit acrime, was taken fmm ti ' Vllic. get uu Bcogc and : preaci to kee ay an ami A EiiSt-Bend a t Winston id tae groofla returned Iteorganizers Not Ooin;? a Land Office uu3iut;A($. I.exington nispatch The reorganizers are not uoing a of late will be until le that, at anv limn kA i . j - uiit;ut come a gain to vex the earth with Mc. .u. " UUJlti ical fakes, - AOd Whpn tho nannln kn.- .1 "h uciiru Luere- Of thev WiTS ornaoUn.r ,,1., J oamed a feast day -which is known as the feast of Jpt . , . - - wUbU UUIU this day Whafs Your Face Worth? o . oometime a fortunp hut : LH.IC1 , 11 you nave a sallow wmniu.u- jaundiced look, mo.h patches and Jadge Walter H Xeal. Wadesboro Courier. -A Suggestion llr,r,orl W . . na way into theatate nresc thot if 1. . .- . niuuKs naiiertL iNeal would re vive me nomination for election in INovemberof judge for this district Mrs. Taylor said- '"I would mdhondo ,rs. Iwas whirled like oml to pour r . .... " 7ve7 sia- lknew 1 ,ebMW" 'ower riyer, but tha K . r. x weDt over vuu u: iLH. i i. coc if -..- t been launched into eternity Tt Dears likp a. hnr;Ki.. xt aP" Q - "'": uigoimare to me now T m.i. -...- l that m Hf h " "UC1 Prayer . uaa Lr"tiU Slr.i1 hnrro ct..,i, ... , . iue vm. a O L 1 U V. K. I1M " 4 V-o L t U - - and each shw-t i . : -"ee umes P. .;UV pieces HeM tirrht brotcheso'.the skin-ail signs nf thronirW ti-Ut lJli Aust.,c.e .ver trouble. But Dr. TfW. w - "-J UBS .met wltb 'le Pills criTp sar n . ! . r . . . . luc mem- , , . , " ontu, .u3jr wis ui me oar and th Arttioo cheeks, rich comn esion Hnlt, m u ine efl.tire Pe- ccutsa:, w. f. Hall s drui? stor C7 iu bucceea nimself. Whv f-."r.. V X."C4'-, doubt should rise we cann see! of VTenUntihought His administration nf ?, f P.reventing my head from strit-ir., i t vrcsn. Lttii hi ina r,4. .i " r udt rci. Job Jouldn t Mare stood It, His comoetennv and &hK,f Jla.fi."? d f 5g piles. ThV canno. be questioned, and Ma r,n.: . -fJn Bucklen'a r:.,i r.' ..7" hu 1 arnica iaive vvd; .v. " 7 -i laririo L ", r; Pa Arnica Salve oweat or fruit fir.ida orid no, a;0 t.v ,c '- ne win receive r.ano.i, .. . ,c. lue worst color gosdved with PuTNAM fT88i) Anson county in pre thousands For ir i " baS Cured FAnFr.rr,Vpc olTJ .5i fference to any one else. i1nlr. Un7,.7Qas- .tor "Juries, pains nr very satisfactory bu.-iness The Kansas City platform the Democratic n'atform ga.iy selected delegates meet in na w.tcutmu auu .aopt a plat form for the next presidential pW- tion. Those Democrats nri-u rf,j -. ' l ci ucu to support thp tir-l-ot i. , , ..v.. lu.- laoi election should not ask to dictate terms to that vas t a"r mtrnFm -- tiitpLi y-uu stood loyal to their party and'aainst iWeed, SeilishnP.S nnn'pncem,," combinations which hav powerful by virtue of discriciipating laws enacted "for meir oenent, and a their request. Ll a - . ruunu a Diimona and Then Lost It Ixington Dispatch. A young ui Ja fron tje country picked uj ,t .mall diamoud on our columns of tbe dead children. Dr U3,oo.d. city bacteriologist, who fnade the anti-toxin complained of, from serum taken from a horse which ueveiopea tetanus on October 1st, and was shot, declares that if the animal's system contained tetanus paceilii on August 24th, when the iasf serum was taken from it, it was m possible to detect it by and in -uection of the horse. At the Baptist HosDial an indp. oendent investiyation hasconvinced Drs. A. B. Nichols, R. C. Hartis v& C C. Morris that the presence if tetanus germs in the anti loxio is iiioir.reputable " A guinea pig was inoculated with the anti-toxin weanesday night, developed symp uouse steps. He got away but wc suuu uown and his body huno- to th ! steps. " The Children's Friend. You'll have a cold this wint. Maybe you have one now. Yo- 'r children will suffer too. For coughs croup, bronchitis, grip and othrr "iuter complaints One Minte vuugn iure never L-iomptiy. n is,-Prv ulea.ant to t? taste and perfpctk-hn. to r 1 George, Winchester, kv WfitP. Our litMe girl was attack- "wii hoarse she could hard! y SiV gave ner a few doses of O- toms of loiaVThndT'ntoT . M relieved he: and died today. ' T elJ . She Went to- signs of hoarseness o"r croub otimson & Anderson. -Acfs fas to '.' We -' : r; 1 e aiifcts nere one day last week. He was not aware of the value of, the stone and carelessly placed the bau biem one of his pockets. Later when he learned that a Lexington lady naa lost the spttirtr m,r t - . jl a valuable nni ho thn..v,f- .u- stone he had found and -felt in hu uoco,ets TOr It. but it arae on.o CT ttiauj a Uil'LTpnT. s. couldn't be-found new.i irom tne rino- re ierrea to above . Shot While Kissing JHis WiTe- New York Dispatoh, ist. John Charirand, manager of a skating rick at Hoboken, is dead from the ejects of a pistol wound m thehad, and his wife is under arrpstipr-nding investigation, Mrs unarirana s story is that her hus odu nau oeen unable to rent apart ments f.ir their accommodation WM (VU J X late, and for that reason she went to uve wna ner mother. She visited her husband at the rink last night aud remained with h;m. all that night She says that when"she was auouw to leave xne rink this morn ing, her husband took out a revolver Charlraad had arranged to go on a huntmg trip river to be gone ten dairs Charirand was to have taken care oi io-. riDK aunng his absence. Ho tec the revolver. Kh she says. to Tom's and Mrs. said. stay to at gav: kectb propel herself during .her ut it was gone, tie luc"- "rs. Anarirand savs that scared but the jewel Puc oer arm around her hus d. It .was undoubt-1 band 's neck to kiss him g?Kd bye. from tho rinir rn. I and that, thp rpvolcor in . . I .w.w... i cuius - rr ay y was discharged. The bullet entered onanrana s head behind the left ear, and he expired before be could be taken to a hospital. H. C. Cox. city marshal of Prp The Boers have about 11 000 rnVn Art., -was aho and killed Fri under, arms. The ratio is 19 to 1 day Charles .Levy, colored. Cox except when it comes to fiohtintr-1 a1.103?1 to arrest the negro on a then love of liberty and home evfns 1?!!!, s,h0 Lot of Home Evens .Bo. The Commoner. Great Britain has 214.000 troona pn u-r. Lrnri in tk c . i . . " A Washington dispatch ays that President Roa-upIi i v,., a . . In .-n-i-.... . 1 ., ' amae uorses thatne hv? tr;( several without getting suited t;: 1 'wiucut is ewuentiy b -a -displease in horses'than in psrso-is invite to dinner. d e to to air "I havff ticpd A iie.'e tJ:-': ii for great many years, and al- y tnough I am past eighty years of ge yet I have not a gray hair in i my head." H Geo. Yellott, Towson, NLi. a 7 We mean all that rich, si dark color your hair used 3 to have. If it's grayjiow, no matter; for Ayer's g Hair Vigor always re-1 stores color to gray hsir. t Sometimes it makes the f hair Prow Verv hpjvv ahrl M o . - j w ta 1uii.i M 1 . . p it. p vug , aim it stops railing le hair, too. SLN a Mtl. An 4njzjrti. eml na one douar and wa will axprasi ll - I -i tae imng up. , . 1 xuc iu us jyncneu 11 - . t - w ati. i n? niw iaa ci yonr nw.r?t c""k r'7 "?. j --.