. . 1 v :- "Mi.p,,...,.,. mim mm j ,,, ' IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER nOTTTVTTTT?R a o mrr , - . ' ..x..i-..u ajn i OTHER PAPER PUBLISHED 7ol. vrn. STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901. - - ASTHIA CURE FREE! RECENT POLITICAL HISTORY , ur T , , IX1--W-. j publicans to make the same ripe last Tho uc. ." i0"!1 tr -p" the camoaign for j The Reasons for the Present Attacks PrUchard and Renuhlicanism Tn Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent lure in All Case. . SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON-RECEIPT OF POSTAL. WHITE y(ir NA31E AND ADDRESS PLMWT mn tew . YEARS f&EL ' There is nothing like Asthroafene. It brings instant relief, evea in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. . The Rev. C. F WPXLS. of Villa Ridge. 111., savs: "Your trial bottle of Asthmafene receiv ed in good condi'ion. I cannot tell vou how thankful I feel for the good derived from it 1 was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat an' Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever be-ng ciied. I saw your adnerti ement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting ait-ease. Asthma, ami thought vu had overspoken y.ji.rs-elves. ljut resolved to'eive it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size hottle." ' .kI.-'US Uy. Dr 3Irris Wfchsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Unai Israel. New York. Jan. 3, 1901. PRS. TAFT BROS ' MEDICINE O. Gentlemen: Ycuf sthmalene is an excellent retnedv for Asthma and Hay Kever, and its composition alleviates all troubles wHch com cine with As'hraa. Its success isastonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed we can staje that Asthmalene coutains no opium, mot phine, chloroform orether Very truly vours. Rev. Dr. Morris Wecbsler. Avon Springs. N. Y.. February 1, iqoi. t Kros. Medioiveco. ' r,e:'.-.'.e:uen: 1 write this testimonial from a sense of Sutv. having tested the wonderful effect 0: y ; r A-Lhnnlene. for the cure of -sthma. My w:tV ha-s been afflicted with .spasmodic asthma forth? past t-years utivinsj exhausted my own skill as we'i as mny others. I chanced to see v.r.:r upon your win.! uvs on Hath street. New York, I at on -e obtained a bottle of s'hmalene My ::t n'lnmenced'lakitig it about the first of November I very soon noticfd a radical improve ment .A'lrr umiik one ixaile her -V sterna has liisapneared and she is entirely free from all symp toms I tcelth.u Ira 1 eouM-.teatly recommend the mediineto all who "are afflicted with this disease. Yours respectf ullv. O. D. PHEI.PS, M. D. RELiEr. Dr. T- Feb. 5. loci. Dr. T:"tI1ros Medicine Cc t 1 1 r 11 1 t ! ii 1 1 1 A with Asthma for yeais I have tr'ed numerous remedie hit tit 1 r-vt a'l fpi'td I tpnfcross jour adverti-emri.t and started with a trial bcttle. I fonud 'rdie! at t,ru-e I have since purchased vour tull-Mz- lotile, and air.ever giateful I have a familv ci fcur cfiOdren. and tor sis e:T- wns unable to work. I am now in the k't "f health and am doing b'.;iacs every day. Tin- testimony you can make such use of as vou see fit ' 11 ::;e address. 33d Riviugtoa street. " S RAPHAEL, 67 East 129th St., City. Trial Bollle Sent Absolutely Free on. Receipt of Postal. Do not delav. Write at once, addr. MEDICINE '0., East 130h St., N ,S r. - tinsf DR. TAFT BROS. ' Citv - . kirn mm ai Qiuite Co., Dealers ill Kind of Marble and Granite For Cemetery and Building Purposes. We are in a position to quote the verv lowest prices en Monuments, Tab lets, Headstones, and all kiads of cemetery work.. Material and Workmanship Guaranteed to be First Cliis. Write for our catalogue and prices. YARDS AT STATESVIUE, SALISBURY AND MF.TK WHIESECFC on the Democratic State Organiza. tion and State Administration by Professedly Democratic Newspa pers. ' Raleigh News and Observer. The Democratic party in North Carolina has never found it difficult to meet its open enemies .and win a victory over then, It has uo fear of men who fight under the black flag: of Republicanism, or of men who openly join hands with them whether they call themselves "Lib erals," "Populists" or "Commercial Democrats " It is only when thesB three classes proclaim themselves "straight Democrats" on the stump cr in the press, while secretly con triving with the enemy to compass the defeat of the Democratic party that they are dangerous or effective in their opposition tothe party. There have always been men in the Democratic party in the South who have not been in entire sympathy with it on the tariff, finance or some other question, but thev have ben loyal in submitting their" individual opinion to "the arbitrament of the national -convention," and have therefore b?.en regarded as true Democrats entitled to every confi dence of the party. Thpre were those who in 1892 or In 1896 whodid not vote the national nmnnnt; ticket, but who now returned in good xaitn ot tbe Democratic parte, who worked earnestly to redeem the btate in 1893 or 1900. Thev are en titled to every confidence of the par ty, xcere is no man in .North Caro lina, no matter what his past politi cal affiliations, who is loyal to the party today who is not welcomed by all true Democrats. 1 here is a small class of former Democrats in North Carolina, led by a handful of former politi'dl manip ulators who,' having forfeited the confidence of Democrats, have been earnestly at work for months to pave the way for going into the Re publican party as soon as they could carry enough men with them to make the jump "respectable." The day after the constitutional amend meut was adopted this class of do litical tricksters, prating of libertv. uoegan systematically an attempt to organize an element in -the Demo cratic party that bad been dissatis tied with some plank in the emo cratic platforms. into a band of as sistant Repuolicans. Their on gramme was to create ... a string sentiment in favor of everything for which McKirley stood and for vvich Rjostvelt stands, aDd -to oppo-e every measure which is Democratic. This element controlled three mora tog dailies the Asheville Gazette, the dirty sheet that sold its editorial columns as it would sell 'shinnies: the Char, Ouserver, the owner of which hold? a -$2,600 job under nsm. -ouisburg "Buies Men's Republi can League," the first nf aeries to be organized by the McLaurinites of North Carolina, was to be the oc sion for the demonstration that would precede the organization of the forces hostile to Democracy in North Caro lina just as MeLaurin had organized them in South Carolina A League had been-organized at Henderson and the plaa was for Senator Pritch ard to be invited by various so called "Kusinss Mer' sLeagues" all the State i he over The First Nationa S Bank ratMit ts p. Kefuiar i'aDtnrg business. Ufpcsns received suoiect to caeck oc ilit. Interest ifid on time oeposns-. iviorev loarivd on good 'ollateral and personal 'securit v. Special attention paid to collections or u ro;Et?. acd credited or remitted at lowest rates. Accounts of Corpor atiotj. t ulat is. at ufccturtis atd Ii.diviouals solicited and received ca the most favorable terms. oirirxoii iO A (0(1)1 P, President. .1 O. Vice Fresiden GEO. il BltOW.rashier FRC COMF-i-Tlf'S Eclipse Portable C; "-ular Saw Mill With simultaneous racket settirg bead b'or ks 3cd cable rope feed, the mostebsii ve feed ever put on a sat Bltl'.'also Frirk Ci mtinnv's.' ENGINES ANDBOILFRS; 1 tctt c tn whcfi.1 si i ; ) It tbe oreat bi ticcticn ertru e G;rs at low prices l- l! SUtesville, x. W.E'Xur.r Over Poston Bros P RI M TIN G! IF PHE art of printing is an old one but the artistic sty lts in which which we dis play type on the nice line of stationery which we have recently put in makes one think it a late invention : .: : : v;& QUOTE PRICES AND SHOW SAMPLES WE : WILL GET YOUR WORK . : : : : : Better workmen, better mat?r4lxto work with, a better Hce of stationery, etc.. en aWes us to do better work than ever. Work guaranteed. end us your next order, we will appreciate it. : : : : : STATEmLLE, N. C. .civiniey; ana tuc corning Post, owned and controlled by a Southern Railway politicil boss" who distri outes Federal patronage, All these three papers, each in its own way. have been working like miners ana tappers to destroy faith in the Dem ocratic party. The Gazette came jut in the open, after leading all it couid deceive by pretending to be Democratic, and has endorsed every thing the Republicans have don iromgiying one tnousana negroe offices in North Carolina to Roose. velt's practice of social equality 'he White House. The Charlott Ooserver (its chief owner and bos gets $3 600 a year from the nationa administration for doing nothing has sought to get the manufacturers and prosperous business men to be 1? t T- neve mat tne uemocratie party would destroy their husmess, and starting out as a traducer of the national Democracy and it has come to be a traducer also of the State Democracy. The Jorning Poat. slow coach on a railroad sidetrack tiasought to convince all corpora tion men that the State and nation a! Democratic party was in th hands of a set of dishonest agitators and anarchists. All three conspired together to damn the Legislature ia the eyes of all tax payers by mis rep resentations of the character of tax laws pjfssed by the Legislature ihe day after the constitution amendment was ratified these three papers, aided by Blanche, Tray and Sweetheart, set up a mighty barking upon the arrival of what they called a new day in North Carolina Thev not only expressed rejoicing tha tue iime naa come wnen a man might ola as he p! ased. but thev bent every euvrgv to make th-i vet ers thik that it -.as tneir dv t advocate pricipls upheld by 'h tir-puoncau part rf by siej tnis element ci K .pubi-cans, mas qtierading as Democrats, has dav after day, here a little and there little sought to build up a large class of voters who would be ready when they gave the word to go over otien iy into ine rcepuoacan party, inese agitators, who were preaching Re publicanism, had no idea of going into the Republican party unless they could carry with 'hem enough former Democrats to make the Re publican party stand a good chacc? f securing victory. All their efforts have been directed toward getting a large crowd of voters reconciled to oe known as Republicans, and tbev hoped to carry the State for ilcKin- tey in November, 1900. And so, mm tne day tne amendment was ratified at the polls, they-denounced as "agitators'" and "demagogues" all who intimated that the negm nad i,ot been fully eliminated, and they raided at the mou-h whenev r a uew&paper declared that, while the amendment after it went into ef feet would .eliminate a large number of negroes, it would notrbe wise for white voters in the South to divide They hecame almost wild at thesug estion that the time never wouid come when, fn one form or another. the negnjquestion would not have to be reconed with in politics. They were more than beside themselves. when reminded that if the Republi cans obtained power they- would do everything in their power to secure a repeal of the amendment and re store the ballot to every egro in j the State, - They thought the seed they haa planted had germinated and thm. they bad succeeded" in. converting 6ouVb foYcrer Democrats mtb Re- history of the Louisbure meeting is known of all men Oo thenight before Senator Pritchard spoke in Louisburghe held a confer euee in Raleigh with the boss of tha Morning Post, As a result after' he hud made his speech to the iisuai Tuesday of court crowd at L uis burg, the Post did its part in the conspiracy to make it a mighty rev olution to .Republicanism in Frank lin county. It not only printed the syeech in full and gave a glowiny interview from Pritchard that would have made the reader think that there were uo Democrats .left in Franklin county, but it suppressed the truthful account of the meeting sent by its own correspondent be ejuse that report was favorable to tut; iuiocrauc party ana m aireci conflict with the statement in the interview printed with Senator Pritchard IFlien all tho facts came out about the Louivburg meoting, the macipu lators, who expected it to, be the be ginning of a .mighty exodus from tbe U-mocrivtic party, 'could not escape the conclusion 'that it was barren of the results they had pre dieted, They saw the - hand writ tog" on the wall aud read their doom in the 'Mene, Meno. Tekel Upharsin" that was seen by th whole State. And then, when the President on too .fthe L uisbur fiasco, invited Bo-.ker T. Washing ton to dine with him at the White House, the whole t)f campaign the McLaurinitoc h been working on fur months fell with a dull thud, and those so called Democrats wbo.had been making teauv io neip organ'z a "respecta oie tvepublican piny in Norjh Carolina sa' ia ground slip out irom unaer their teet. They had nothing upon wnicu io stand. ihe best laid plans of mice and men Uang art a!t-e. wnen they had recovered from these stunning blows, the vIcLiurin disciples in -North Carolina began to pun tnemsetves together to see where they were-"at. " They real "-K.it- ..: -Licku ik jjuum,visin was so odious in JNortn v arohnu that if ihv called themselves R-puoiicins thpv wotd went from the McLaurin head quarters ro an tne sell out audthe railroad organs to concerted, ana vic-iuu SENATOR SIMMONS ON SOUm DAKOTA SUIT. papers mase a attach iinnn the Democratic S'ate adiiiistra tion, the Democratic oriranizitiosi and every Democrat that stood for real Deouocracy. Thayaryued after this fashion: "If we cinuot hIn tha Republicans bv organizmtr and en couraging '-Republ can Business Men's Leagues" and ia like ways, A-e will do all we can to help them by abusing the Democratic leaders aud making them odious. We will charge tha- the Governor and the ci-cruc oenaior are in wuu s.jrry poiiticiaus to the of th peopis ieagu suppress e Wl'l as sert that ttey have rn;.u-3 a "slate" and by the use of machine-.' methods are determined to kili.all Democrats who do not bow down to them. We will falsely declare that the men from the West are discriminated against and that party is an oligar chy of Eastern politicians from "the nigger counties And we will fill our columns fuil, day after day, of abuses of the raachice and call upon the people to follow us in our pur pose to overthrow it and put us in charge, By that, means, if we suc ceed, we will Republicaniza the Democratic party in North Carolina and cirry our ova seifi-h ends, since the L ui-burg meeting and the Booker Washington dining have pre vented our helping tbe Republican party through its organs ition " And with one accord, the railroad organ, the Federal office holding or gan, tL-e reveou- doodie organ," the Caucasian, the ll'ioston Republican, ihe. negro organs, the Hecd'rsoa' vtile Times, aad the iittle echoes f the pie eating aad s-Ml out papers nae lieu cu-.i n.ir - veral days of f rociousand malignant and mHc He Thinks That State ia Not tbe Real Party D Interest, and That it Al low Use of Its Name to Give Court Jurisdiction. Raleigh Post, .15th. There has been much discussion and much speculation as to the real status and the ultimate outcome of the suit reeentry- brought by the tate of South Dakota against the State of North Carolina to enforce the payment of certain bonds issued ny this btate in aid of the (Festern North Carolina Railroad, and which the State, 187??, repudiated. Senator Simmons was asked yes terday for his views with reference to this suit. He said he had not had time to make a thorough investia tion of the matter, but that it seem ed to him that the proceeding was an unusuat one, aad was evidently an attempt on the part of the hold ers of these bonds to evade the oro- visions of the Constitution with rer?ron ins by, individuals agaio-t. a. St.. The bill in the South Dnotd su t. he said have bei framed after the bill in the case of -li-s )uri vs. Illinois dppid- d by the Suoreme Court, nf th United Stains ia January of the ores entyear. That case, however, is iot an authority in this case, ex cept in so. far as it affirms the juris uiuiiou 01 iuo oupreme t- ourt oyer controversies between two States ihe Uakota case is more like the case of New Hampshire vs. Louisi ana, reported in the 103 U. . Rs A- - ' T . t 1 . . pons, in tne latter case, the Court looked behind the bill or comolaint and, finding that, the complaining tate was not the real party in ia terest, but was prosecuting the ac tion in the interest of certain of its citizens who were creditors of the tate of Louisiana dismissed the oill for want of jurisdiction. In the case brought by South Da tsota against this State, i is appar entthatbouth Dakota is not the real party in interest, and that it is simply allowing the use of its name to give the CDurt jurisdiction. It i true, tne bill hied denies this, but, as in the case of New Hamnshire i . .. i against misiana, the Court will look behind the bill and enouire iu to the truth of this matter as onees- en'ial to its jurisdiction. He said it seemed to him thut up on tne tace ot the -bill two facts were disclosed, which sho w, or at least strongly tend, to show, that tne pretence on the part of South uak-ota ot absolute ownership of inese bonds is uctrua. In tho first place, the bill alleges that these oonds were given to the Snate of south Dakota by oae Shaffer, and mat, in nis aonation ha requests th state to giye to the University of souiD asoia tne Deneht of what ever might b3 realized from the oonds by suit or compromise When south Dakota accepted this donation wita tnis request, it accepted the bonds with the implied agreement to hold ihe recovery for the benefit of its University. - The University is, therefore, tha beneficial owaer of the bonds, and the action is brought by the State to recover them forlts benefit. Although the University may be supported by the State, yet it is presumed it is a corporation; a distinct entry, with entity, with the right to sue and hold property in its own name. and. therefore. South Dakota can no" more maintain t his action as its agent or trustee than it ou!d maintain a State as the agent or trustee of a nrivatp. inrli vidua!. It is clear, if this could ba done, that the provision of Consti ttition prohibiting a citizen from suing a state could be easily evaded and this constiiutional knmunitv made of no effort. In the second place, Mr. Simmons said, the relief asked in the South Dakota case shows that the obiect of suit is not s6 much to recover the ten bonds alleged to have been iv en to the State of South Dakota for the benefit of its University as it is to collect the bods still held bv Shaffer, the-donee, for the complain ing State is not content to have these ten bonds paid, or to have the one hundred shares of North Caro lina Railroad stock, mortgaged to pay them, condemued, but it asks iu- cuuuu ui tue oiate stocK in the North Carolina Railroad Com pany be impounded and sold to pay ail the outstanding' bonds issued ia aid ol" ihe Western North Carolina Railroad, ail. or practically ail, of wa.cn it is said Mian, 1- - : NO, 52, THE NEXT E-ECTION, The,. sate STATB W T Good Advioe. SomeofTheCandidsVor Th:"" . .U Long, colored. did in Ra. wnrTri u- ' . oeings m thp Raleieh Kew.d .-- ... Friday at the am if ?0 i -o: "r ou,Ltc' ,rnm us ...J3., I 1 Oft x " 7n-, - oaiu, ui kouoio auu veP eomn a nr Tl - ""JWS. - lthQn . .... e t i'ioto xuvuu ine next general elentinn - ovut,y nve per cent of tWo, 13 uub year aistant the contest for wnT 1 very PleQtiiul near Lin- Sf'1? lu. e, u niled States are at uuuiiu.nons nas begun in earnest, i' ,. li uave Deen billed near the Z inese two diseases and -uu rs receiving much attention 13 oca5n- cubi'.is, such as sour 'nnm 1 Oii VJL1 1 I Lnn1 1 . ... sl t.t- oiate press. Dr J M Rnoini,. . . " uu";ue, naoitua costivpmp t)f course interest will center in physida &mE fl01 the heartrtbu"a; the election of a successor to Senator died last Thursday ' lr' waa.terbsh, gnawing and burning J C Pritchard. whose term of office Tn. -a .u . I' ' Paiaa,at Pt-of the stomch, yel- expires V arch 4th, 1903, but just P 11 ls said at General Julian S. low sIfln. coated tongue and disa- aow toere is more discussion of the o1 uluuIiaD1. win be a candidate p .,ie iaste ln tDe mouth, Judgeships, three Supreme Court which must be filled. " . -a gentleman here from Elizabeth City yesterday stated that aan Julian S. Carr, of Durham, would be uanaiaaie tor the United States euaiorsmp. ie announced that he had received the information from a reliable source. There will be otner candidates and among those wuo will mike the. rar fni. thn. C i"' "tuoiiur ubxi. year. There is a fresh outbreak of small. among the negroes of Charlotte iere are tour cases there. Ooncord. was scalded to dath TKiio. day by overturning a vessel of hot wajer. jonn relmet. an aged ex-CnnfAd. erate soldier, was run over and Trv itv W. F. her son in law. 1 ! 1.1 " . . .'J atorship are Hons. Le R nl ed bv a tr.in tV IT. :utoisni s wife and chid ,n -r i - -. -j uv iuu. uui;uuti iso, out inev Ot KOWan TjOPiro r'oi- t O ,. . lnnnt TS j ' I . . ' . "uc , - - ig, ui nuuvomoe, w"vj, iuursuay. l n H l ' u m . . 7 I xv. . vxienn. nr H'nrcnth i av,e, moria uaronna ana tt. k. (i pnn nf .u Others spoken of in connection with iue oenatorship are Mr. C. B. Wat son, of Forsyth, and Judge IF. A. nose, oi incln. The Senatorial campaign is a long way off and there Charles negro, was shot and killed at Hun ier s kud, last Thursday night wuue trying lo oreaif into a house is in jail. ran awav. R it Hi .fa The dead woman, wlm was quite wealthv. had willed her property to Ritelifl -w; NlghtW..H.r ler,ur. I WOnM rm,irK , 1 .. u - -3T Henry B. Adams, Esq., of Monroe long," writes Mrs. Chas ddU--V hard- umo- I coughed frightfully and spit- blood. Z J vu""6ra- 'u luo snua- . " vuu ludic ior t ne emocrat-1 oi Alexandria, Ind and c mUl tion between now and th tim tt, ic nomioation 'nr iudrra in ti.a a;..t4u Im o- t i. , . . Wl A luuuaru successor i-'xi'vyu ogamsi, j uuge waiter 1. 1 O-so oad that if I waiu-pd Kcucrauv Known whn will I 1 ha imtflrl f i I Tr Ah tue general election Thfl Npwtr.n F.mn ;M u. next year, and al st of the. nmao f r . .rv"f"ro be filled bv the neonlp J;n r feifi vms.a.U0M convert, has a oiui auuut I. wo mi as irom JNewton and work will soon be gin on a Mormon church, just people will be now. " They " are of as A, in'erest follows: Chief Justice of the Supremo Court to succeed Judge D. M. Furches, for d if r ui oi eigat years associate j ustice of the Supreme Court to succeed Judge Walter -iaru, ior a term of eight years associate Justice of the Supreme -uui t io succeea judge Chas Ccok for a term of eight vpars Member of the Corporation Com mission to succeed Dr. D. H. Abbott ior a term of six years Successors to the Sunerinr Pnn Judges for terms of eight years are to us votea ior also. Those whose terms expire are: second district, Judge F. D. Win ston. Fourth district, Judge E, W. Tim- oeriaKe. Sixth district, Judge W. S. O'B. Kobinson. Eighth district. Judge W.H NTpr Tenth district, Judge A. L. Coble. ieventh district, Judge H. R. Starbuck. . mirteenth district, Judge W. B. v.ouncii, but, when all other med cines failed' XT "T-, ----- . .u-o iewuiscovery wholly cured me and T fTQiAil RO . .1 t. K"'"cv io uounus. t. arun iit i. ly guaranteed to cure Coughs. Cuids, iUary Slagle. Who shot vnnnu d hnnir t"nklnn -a. i iiimuuaii asubvi b WRPif nomroin.uii - 'rial Kn-i ... it t-. - " .(1.4 UWLLir I I HH V . Lb ' " 1QO knr. 1 1 J . , , I IT 1, , . " - J- '""'i Liao ucbu reieasea on a nnnn nt i nan s nrncr cfmu $300. Merrimon is imnrnvl nor anil I ' . -i . . :.. ' "S ""-I T-l , . . . it is thought he will get well. . -rresiaent Koosevelt has app ointt d It ismvpn nt. th.t .nQrl&l? Mcowell, of Big stone S?..'??! 3.." orfTheWeS district Judge McDowell is a great ,mnf- fm, will be a candidate for the uemocratic Congressional nomina- non m tne irst district next year. The Lexington Dispatch has out iu uew cyanaer press to be run with a gasoline engine and having a capacity of 2.000 papers an hour. Editor Varner will soon enlarge his paper to an o page paper Wm. Gibbs, a r tt , . oum i nenry iay and a promineut Republican lawyer. The Children's Friend. You'll have a cold thf W l r f Maybe you have on nnw . v., children will suffer too. Fnr croup, bronchitisr grio and oth-r winter comolaints Ono mi., - prominent Burke Coutrh C JSft!? ft -ry pleasant to Ue . . j.iov.cij icautieu i rum i taste ana nerfppt v hid.min.-o an accident. While making a wood en maul he received a severe blow in his abdomen which caused nis death in a few days. b. L. Laughter, the Henderson county storekeeper and gauger and prominent Kepublican politician who was convicted in AshpvillA nf r. fourteenth district. Judce M TT Justice. liteenth district. Judsre FrpdprinLr 'ulinviDs nquor to oe lemoved from Moore , a government warehouse, has been Sixteenth district. Judo-P fiporo-p sentenced to jail for six months and A. Jones. is now servmg his sentence in Hen- The Solicitors in all sixteen of the dersonville jail, itvi r ii'i u ur i i nA . . . i . --' in yulcu iur as tnp i i-f a hi t i Wake county, -vas shot in the fore George, Winchester, Ky., "writes": "Our little girl was attacked whh croup late one night and was o hoarse she could hardly SDeak-. W gave her a few doses of Oae Minute Cough Cure. It relievprl hpr diately and she went to sleep. When she awoke next mrning she had no Cinnn I oigua ui uoarseness or cr btimson & Anderson. roup: The Northern Securit ties Cmiti nin v t. i -1 . . . J wrui raiiroan wimh nm nr..- ,, - fiii was organized under the. i .f iNew Jersey last week with acanital a. 1 0 A M " V 1 y - n . tWO Ot the Sunrpmo I Vioorl or,? c-;..i j mi j I : j , J "iau s, whose terms do not n trht at ,; k t : U; 0fin , . ' fJ Jr 1 exoire unt 19rt5 Thca ta 7J. -a -ww ana uorgaa . vjv, i uu ca i i.i i if rn f i ju n r innnfThT Moef nw i- n ir-.ni-i -.it- iz f - W J. Montcnmpri; anrl Tt i n ... " r. . ,s. . ... 1 "aa I " iue osaLeoi xew Jer . vCi UCillU liC WUULKII 111 Kill Hncrap KHV. was walking from his cotton gin to nis nome when shot. Hinton is in xoret may retuver, coming election There are Court Justices, whose terms do not lass. Of the siiteen Suuerior finnrt, juages, six are not disturbed at this election. The terms nf t.Pn ovr.;, V 1 l the lour newly created Judf?e.shins are to be filled by election before the people. "here are a number of candidate to nil the three Supreme Court va cancies Judge Clark will ha jai Modern Surgery Surpassed. While suffering from a hiri of nilfla T pmiiltol n l ihe INewton Entemrise learnsladvisoH motn i n.nr:... that it is pretty generally conceded Witch Hazel Salve." savs G v tnatrank A. Linney, Esq., of Carter. Atlanta, Ga. "I procured a tsoone, a son ot x-Congressman I hor T i .. t ..i -i. -Ti , . . I . -. "" U'CIJ' vTuieu- U1 aayiorsvuie, win aeieat Witts Witch Hazel SalvP is didarp fri Phinf T. tt . . . I Solicitor Moses N. Harshaar nf T .a- AiA -r,- r :i , ,. r .' - .w. wuici iiuni, 1.. nM n-ic I v. w ulc iur n hs u i-inir ceiinf . . . -i i -. .. I t il. T ti? "... I . r.. if'""n .ii'3i iij- tne neio to himself. It was stated YU. luo tvepuoncan nomination stantly. and I heartil n.ftimm.n,i : .i . i f c ti - x m i . . . " yesceraay tnat uoi. H. C. Jones ouut"'ur Ul tUB AOta uisinct next it to all sufferers." 5i would be a candidate for Chief Jus- year- The distriot is Republican. tics, but that gentleman, who was in the city yesterday, failed to con- nrm tne report. Col. Jones and Mr r-iutt waiter, oi Charlotte, ar . L . . t - 1 w uotu urgea oy tneir iriends for va- SuitsThem Exactly. Apex News. Ihe Winston Republican and Asheville Gazette, both Renublican cancies on the Supreme Lourt bench, papers, anounce that thev will stand uui. ins saia mat they will not let Y -teddy, social equality or hot,' Of i-ueir interests conflict. Amnno tho course thev will. Who evpr hparrl utu.r caouiaates tor the Sunrpmp. ot jn orth Carolina Kadicals firettintr irgery :s un necessary to cure piles. DiWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all other wounds are also qu ckly cared oy ic. lieware of iunt.prfh.it- Stirhson & Anderson. Harry E. Coroe't, paving tellers f a savings bank at William, our" N. x , who died on the 2nd wa nn uU1uai lur me supreme U1 unu aroiina ivaaicais getting fuvj , . ,t- . , -Court Judgeshios are Messrs. Chas sitk over social equality, when they k m.1D hu's accouots with th H. Armfieid, Chas. A. Moore, J. A have been wallowing with negroes a . Ae sortae discovered r now osvr, The suit seems to have baan brouhi attacks uoon uat thv call ' thp ' i . utfueuioa tnrough it mach:i 'ii - tne Ra :."ih cUn,, i hese,fs et a decfSe that will di ' - , . , r . T,nnn - ... .r .1 .1 . , . t ju.v! on mc wuus C Eas'ern taanipulato s aofi 'the ana tae In sadden, and in a pper& so simultaneously as to mak? ! ! still hold, as well as those he has' rhp. t. r r.:;"" -Vea to. the University of South it clear 'ha' it cam-3 as the result of a o icert o action, if not insnirbrl Oy the cetTtr.il mauipu'atot- of R iosp- veitism and Pritehardism iu North Carolina. Tha editors. p.iiHntr themselves D-mocrats rho are the! louda-st in denunciation of th? m came nave always-been known their counties as nngsters and are m id now oniv oecause thp a. thus It Will hfl SPPn that. though Thaller or the other bond holders (if he does not hold them all) are not made parlies to the suit A judgment iu their behalf is aked : both fixing their demand and enforc ing their alleged lien. - . Lock hart, and F. D. Sondley in the west, and ex JU-tge H. C. Hnnnnr Judge Gea. H, Brown, and ex-Judge Ti V TT: 1 1 . i " xm. nui in ine east. T ne election will be Held next No- vemoer, the Legislature havin changed rom ihe Democratic State E JtPC'it.ir-p commifee will choose the place for uommg tne convention, and Greens boro is maiug a strong bid for it for thirty" six years, McLaurin Swallows Nigger and All Charlotte News. Col. Leroy Springs was in Char lotte this morning and in a brief in- after his death. A Firemn Close 3ei. j I stuck to my engine, aitho every joint ached and every nerve- was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of vuy.mc.ui otaie sections terview with a News reporter, be DuruDlon ow&, "i was weak and V!r A-'oyemoer stated that it looked as if Senator Pale Wlt" McLaurin had gone over body and soul, to the ReDubhcan nartv. Th appointment of the negro Murray as aDd after taking it, I felt as well as deputy collector under Koester, 1 ever did ia my life." Weak, sick- without any aDDetite and n l rundown. As I was about to criva up, I got a bottle of Elec ric Bitters in they peo ple roii up in thair wrath and "bust The Charlotte Observer's Ravings Wjdesboro Messenger Intelligences iheCnarlotte Observer savs s it v. j lit r k nVTnwf a Af ir their little macames Tic nen-1 imrWtafcin,, t Xs. i " . p!e may be trusted to put an end to ' 71 1UJ rings and machines wnen tne leaders ' norr.?ntinnC w cuu ,:,.i.fie e the parry organsz . thini,,,,,. r, , " uwpiuicu. -reeasDoro no-ninatiois Bur : Tpipo-ram u mere is no saaaow 01 ro mdatson for the slanderous statements that Gov- or the party u; tion to o on trol. The Messenger-Intelligencer -would resnftCtfullv snenroct fn T.l. ernor Aycock makes aopoicments ; that it wiuld be more to the point to omy frmoae element of tne nartv. la.-ir tnrrart. :.!. " or that Senator Simmons, as " t.t ' Tt 5 " V 1 ZTK 11 - . . , . . "' luauci ,iur malicious chairman, is using his position to land mi.-,hi-c.,. further the amoiiioas of -any candi- to t IXrJZ"?' date for judge or Senator. The hue ; Democracy bv .Ht.t.l flin.r If uf cry is raised to enable" the sort, but wp Knhmit 1 ' ! rule-or ruin manipulators to dictate; nothing to disprove until their rauroaa woib ana wisny washy 1 j charges are made more definite It Democrats as nominees, and for no is a almm? niht ;- C other purpose. If the manipulators print shop when its editor is so in fail to dictate nominations, they hope capacitated that he cannot manufac v lsu ui'iaiuu iu iu uar- . tuffi Romp, snrt.nf a ty to enable them to bjlt aad carry fDemocratic oart- h.,t. ... iu 7: J.r" the con ff enough ; Dun oerats to heio thV-fass'-i thaVi .,r rx Republicans, Bad -particulariv to i such ai Editor Ha.wn ' s- k helping hand to Senator Prit- f dinifv his ri.,: , , .1. L j- ius . mat There is no doubt that the coa- - ' 1 ' 1 pirators have been moved as above PFTTVA 1 dictated. The peoule understand nr easipf FADELESS DYES heir game, and now that is ex jos- ' i-aoda hri.htA ni) , t iXL JTTe fed will sec that tbey do not domin- Than anv J,a I.OT3 atd thd Dempcratid CjnvtntioB, than any other dypf. Sold.br. StimJ Thf Supreme Court Nominations. Fayettev ille Cserver. We oresum Judge Clarksno-nina tion for the Chief Jtceship will b by acclamation, as it should be laere is far less certainty about taeo'hertwo justiceships. In the ast ex Judge Connor and Judge Brown share the favors of press and people. In the West. Charles FT Armfieid, of Statesville, a son of the late Judge Armfieid, appears to be receiving stronger support than otners so tar. What Will Those Who Endorse ic Say? cigu atws ana u oserver. - 11 .. 1 -. '"'w reugiousi and missionary suujchcs, wuicu uave oeen passing ics'huhuus auproving tne course of rresiuent riioseve t in nv tin- confirms this belief. Burglary In Davidson Township. Mooresv lie Enterprise. On last Thursday night a burglar. or ourgiars visited the home of Mr j. . twell. a few miles west nf town, and entered the rooms of Messrs Decs and Ben Atwell and nUtvAj 1 tk 1 a i uuum luemoi eacn. wnich- was contained in purses stored in their pants pockets. The total amount of cash taken was about 50. Mr. ty a 11 , . cu acwea was awakened by a noise, but thought his slumbers were disturbed by a cat and paid no f ur- tner attention to the intruders. More Like Him Wanted. Kicston Free Press. Judge Winston 5 nnnr,,r,T;r, Dl, TTTl.: . " I , " . , T wu .aci rumijwn io aine at t.ho nere not oniv with ahi itv s . tttu:.. rr -n . . I .. .. r j uu uilc nuuse, win regret to rpad th oartiaiitv. hut nHnctnAn.1. - - . , . . I 1 . . . - ' .vy udii . c lumiwiutj irom xne pen ot Mr. Wal-fshirs no responsibility or hard ttfr.neumin, tne Washington cor- work, With so many cases to be respnuueutoi tne cmcago Record -1 disposed of. the rfmntv ia indppri ri 11. - 1 - . ' j .v neraiu. 1 tcrtunitp. in hiuinir TiH ur; .... I - rS 10 II IU3HIU Alter ail trie discussion and flrul I to hold this form TTa cone Via ;ii . w - - u uu wo uc n 111 ot opinions concerning the question be here until Saturday nfghtof next 8141 cqjauiy.sxarteo oy a recent weex n necessary to clear up the iiiuueat, n is semi omcially an nounced that no more negroes will oe invited to dine al the White riouse. The Rough Rider rode on tha Mil of Social Equality .and will now ride aown again. rhe conservative. Luuuxuuui psopie 01 tne country 4 YourHar dockets, If we had more like Judge w msion on tne aanerior court bench there would be less delay ia the application of the law. A Phyloln Testifies, 1 have taken Kodol Dvsnensia Cure and have never used anvthino- will be glad to know that th Pci. I in my life that did me the coorl that dent has decided to retreat. did," says County Physician Geo. ut what will the Christiau Mis- w roszs, of Hall county, Ga. sionary Society and other "Being a physician I have nrescrib- tioo3 that rejoiced so much at thai6 found it to give the best uioicauufjuraaeoiis ana Chris-I u meiuw you eat re- tian action' of the President n I mins undigested in rour stomach now think that he haji beat a retreat? I il decaJ8 there and poisons the Will they denounce hia systeml You can prevent this bv cowardly,or will they withdraw their dietin but that means' starvation. vumjs 01 approvair i Maine man -UUUi dyspepsia -ure digests what who wired that "Rod imt-hJ I you eat. You need suffer from bates a quitter" wijl now condemn elther dyspepsia na starVatibm Mr. Eoosevelt's recdnsiStitm bt i.he .r.st .cases, quickly t cured. tLT' . two years ago my nsir was a railing out badly. I purchased a A bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and 4 soon my hair stepped corr-ing out." t Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your, mother harl thin hair hut thit ic e no reason why you must n go through life with half- jj starved hair. If you want j long, thick hair, feed it with-Ayer's Hair Vigor, j and make it rich, dark, I and heavy. ) tLM a taHte. AO rjttt. I 1 11 Tour oramji cannot snnolT run. end 08 one dolr and we will express ymi ft bottle. Be anre and fire tne name X year neamt ofLc. AiWrew. un nf fWl ..Tr" , w at vn . ' eating, ;ow spirits, u , . ? your d"uggist and gPt. a bOttle Of AUS-ust. Flnarof.- r wu uoses win relieve you Get Green's Prize Almanac. a all. At Rural Retreat, Va , Friday, Mrs. Louise Huddle, an a-ed - and respectable widow, was killed bv Henry R itciute, who ly, run down people always gaii new me, strength and vigor froia their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by W. F. Hail- Price 50 cents. j In a fire in a coal mir e At Pn. f.- hontas, Va., Thursday, five persor s were burned to death. Manymoie were rescued after bein- rn ir nr less burned. Working 24 Hours a Day. There's no rest for th ' n.ir.-ioa little workers-Dr. Km' x Life Pills. Millions are always busy, curing torpid liver, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague.'- They banish sick headache,drive out mala ria. Never gripe or weaken. Smali, ' taste nice, work wonders. Trvthrm. 25c. at W. F. .flail's. I i if - v fu bj iuc, per paeirg. a'a hawl3 RtftVcb. 0. V. 1j V l.U.,JUJW?.l,

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