m A' - ' ' " .. . . JX. : ..v.r.ai "TUiSK PAPER PUBLISHED - . - VOL STATESVJLLE, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1901: ASTHMA CU FRFF! AsthmaleneB ritent Relief and Permanent M NT APSOI.UTELVri;EE ON RECEIPT OFFO-T..VL WH1TK HT11 XA.1IE AD A.DDIIESS PLilM Y. 0.R TEN- Iff There is nothing like Asthmalene It brings instant relief, evoo in the worst eases. It cures when a fails. else rheRev. C, F. Wtrtis. of Villa Ridse III savs: -Your trial bottle of Astlimnleiie rect-iv-ed ni Rood condition. I cannot tell von how tnanktul I feel for the good derived from it 1 was a slave, chained with putri.i sr.re throat ani Asthma for ten. years. I despaired of ever be-ngcMied I saw your adiwiti ement fur the cure of tlusdreadfnl and tcrmer-Uri; disease Asthma, and thought von h: over-spoken y jnrselves. but nesolved to'give it a . trisi To :nv astonishment, the trial act-d like a charm tend mt a ft.ll size bot'.le." Rev. -DrJHorris W chIer, Rabbi of the Cong. Rnai Israel.- New York, Jan. 3. 1901. rRS. TAFT BROS.' MEDICInK . O. Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hav 1'ever. and its composition ailevfates all troubles vi-n:h eom cine with As'hma. Its success is astonir.hins? and wonderful. . - After having it carefully analyzed we can slate that Asthmalene contains no opium, mot phine, chloroform or ether. Very truly vonrs. Rev. Dr. Morris Wfciislek. Avon SrRiS-os. N. Y.. February 1, iqoi An lredel! Man if M i Illinois K.iials from Toat:ians ueter red from last week. ' Correspondence of Th s M hc-t. Mr. Robert Hartline, who was icrmeriy a cmzea of Iredell and a 'l9,i"-"1 , '.luls Piace, died at his UIUB ill, VV lit, Some two week 1 n 1 r U7 4"- n - .- m " puny 01 iriends Mr. liiirtline accidentally received a se w.re gunshot wound in thethih wmch necesbilated amputation "of the leg and his death was due to the ttfeets of this wound. Deceased was a son of our esteemed citizen, lMvidHartiiue, and was a straiht- iorwara, industrious He leaves a wife a:id children Per- SpeikKiniDj or Mr- Watts' Appoint- tie.t- i News and Observer. ' Mr. Perri;i Bubee has tendered to Senator Simmons. his resignation as secretary to take oifct nn th , I"., last Saturday. "nrs,to1 ??cember, Mr: A- D. Watts eksago while out hunt- u r '.. thi btat(?sviile Mascot, will MM"iiiiuu secretary to Senator Simmons and will trn to Wi,;ni Friday iv Kusbee's law prae ti.ce claim all his time. The selec tion of Mr. Watts is a most excel lent one. us be is sp'endidly qualifi c-d for the dunes of the office. In speaking of Mr. Watts appoint i ivi , . , alts as a member of the House from Iredell county in the last Jeisla' ure, and is a most worthy wr 't vir. Husoes. Senato Simmons is to be congratulated in securing ins services. The Jiead quarters of -r. Simmo is in Wash loutoD win beat the Rigs House.- AW h Vh LOSS OF LIFE. Over IOO People Killed and Scores Ir- Juwd m a Railroad Wrect Detroit Mich., Dispatch. 27 JXO. 2. yoang several mao. small A party of irls leave here next vionday for a visit to Texas, They wiil doubtless be away six months" Missts Vance and liertie Clark go to Davidson today to s; end ' Thanks M'lviiig . ith friends. Miss Lottie Shelton has returned frum a visit to relatives in States vilk. ' Mr. Blackburn's Gclf Suit, Washington Dispatch. rtmoDfr Speaker Henderson's call Black Capt Patterson sold nn nf Lit uigoiu I oanksgivirg gobblers today. e,'s tt?day was Co'ngressman tie says be got 14 cents per 'pound barn. An afternoon wen. maype hedid but that's up wtuu ui a ritjnt smart for with the breath in it. EVBRGltEEN. Trour man's, Nov. Ml. l'JUl. turkey Oftleeliotders 3iust Jiesign from Com mittees. Haleigl- News and Observer. The Attorney General of the Unit ed btates, Mr P. C. Knox, hurled a u !:, 1 wr,te t!is testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect '.miieiie. ur cure of Asthma. My ) has been afflicted with s-..asm die asthma . ve.irt - viuS exhausted my owfl-skill as w-e'l as many others. I chanced o see ; .1 yoar w.ii.l w on 150th street. New York, I at on-e obtained a bott le of A s-hmaiene nnienced Hiking it about the first of November I very soon noticed a radical iint.rove- 1 ic .ic-i i'u t nas nisaDDeared and she is entirelv tree from k svmn. n,, . .. si,te itly recom.ue:iU the trieduineto all who 'are afflicted with this -7 ra Yours respectfully. . lo an official, communication ucnpr save -vir. utiaoKOuru has not vet recover ed trom the supriso of his election terrain it -is that Mr. Blackburn wou d surprise some of his back "i-uu i-uujHtut-uisi cuuiu x.nev see turn in his nw golf suit which b wears evenirg's in tte lobby of the Kalemh hotel It is a dream H attracts much attention by his hand some bparinw nnrl nftiro " rin as the hest r., : 1u.11- to upcome lamous ! tli.it I can c.i lisease. ad aressea to officeholders here Mr. ivuox caned their attention -o the iact that Uovernraent officials are prohibited from service nn mil it ini 1 l tenb.mco .: .. ... . . ... . ... . -. - . . i'mvai . .....r,v,j. juui ouciucmrui anu sianeu wiin a trial di-.it ie. 1 iotnui nn m 1 1 1 pp; i nrl th-it t !-m c-..i,.;v bomb in the camp t.f the Federal dossed man in the House. rivallinLr t rncenoiders and revenue doodles rt !"ulat:on attained by Mr. Lew is, 01 Washington, m the House iP the fifty-fifth congress, who dressed in the most immaculate fashion. 1 i;KDs Medicine Co' 1 v : i 11 1 1 1 1 d with Asthma for -.- -, Feb. 5, 1901. tr'ed numerous reniedie T nave 1 ::e aiiiamti !H-e - 1 nave -.luce purchased your tull-size bottle, and am ever grateful I h ive a familv 1 eu. ami lor six ear. was unable to work. I am now in the hen of health and am ines-every day. Thi- testimony vou can make such use of as you see fit. ;e adurcss, 33d Rivington street. " S KAVH Al-X, 67 East Atjth St., City. Trial B ollle Sent Absolutely Free on Reeeipt of Postal. D not deiav. M KOI ("INK CO. Write at-onee, addrrrsmg DR. TAFT UROS. East iaOth-St.. N.-Y. Civ 1 1 9 em mi ma w nan mm' larble mt Granite to..,! Dealers All Kind of Marble and Granite. For Cemetery and Building Purposes. Wear.- i-i a position to quote the very lowest. prices on Monumeiits, Tab- et s, Headstones, and all kinds of cemetery work. Material and Workmansbio Guaranteed to be First Clc?-s. ! Wr : ; f r our catalogue a .d pri -ts. YARDS ' AT STATESYIU E, SALISBURY AND NORTH WILKESBORO j 'Civil service laws renders it hihlv undesirable for Federal officeholders and employes to take an active part in the direction of political machin ery. The order means that Republican officeholders and revenue doodles must come down off the State Re publican committee. The Attorue1' I Ueuerai's lettercreated a stir a-nong j the doodles hero vesterdav i:h the letter were instructions that the orders of the dep-i tmpnt be posted son.-picuously in 1 hy offices Of thosso t.-uictats Wiio lecsivta thorn. Ditnc Attorney Bernard received hia c m munication from the Attorney G-n eral early in the dy, and he ioit 1 o time in hailing it at- the most cou spicuou's place in his office "Rejsigration or scalps" was" the iiltimilum that the Hon. J C. Logan Harria directed at ;he memhprs of the Republican State committee who hold tederal ofnees. some four weeKs it; ii an interview in the New a.' .t (... Republicans luua d at Loge and not a resignation came forth After the arrival of the Attorney General";- instruction Radial cfficeholdess -vre conferring and it is said that several of them now have their res n...iriaSe Afar Town. Ltxiking Forward to Christina Correspondence of The Mascot. A much needed rain visited us la-t Saturday. Sorre farmers had stop ped wheat sowing on. account of the ground being so dry and hard. Cot ton picking is about finished. Mr Thomas Kerr began school last Monday at Duck Creek school housp Mr. Lawrence Howard betran n't trie Wagner se.nool house this morn ing. Mr. W. N.JVaugh and Miss last week to 'voik i the cotton mill 'here - Tha. matrimonial ice "a brolrm in this n-aijhborh'o d last Wednesday morning for the.fir.,t time in two or three years, wh"tv Ur. J. M . ' Hoover, of .Barringer's township and Miss Lottie B .isf, of Statesviiie town.shii) drove to re sidenco Mr. J. O Overeash of SlStesvdie wilh a few reia'ives wnorv From 100 to 150 ersons wprp nil ed or injured to night in the most uisascrio'is railroad wreck in thp history of Michigan railroads. Two neavui- ., uassenger trains on the Wdbv:. Railroad collided head -u a; iuh p eu one mile east of Seneca, thrt s-co-d station wes o Adrain. ""K;. H-.-,t "bound train o! two cars loaded with immigrarts ,ii u ny -i -r eocenes, was smashed aod '"tr... d with the result of awful lo- of life, and fearful injuries to a majority of , its passengers. The past hound train,..' the Continental limited, suffered in scarcely less de grot'. The t r. ck 'in the vicinity of the w-ii V is ss-u it.hd?adand dying -' Maay p!n i.;ians from Detroit "hav KJ gone to in- -c-ne. mi .... j n? Tiacm at the point "vhere the collision of-c-urred was s'Tiight, and 11 ticLt ii- , .. t ij nn- rjuciais uuuiu nor. under (I !.- y,0 accident could havi A IS which ordinarlv flrc- ur- right by .the conductor. Mv man will tell von tht ' derstood that we were tn ,ULt ' ku trains at Sand Creek instead of at JC.JCv,c. it x maoa an error I was not alone to blame. The othVr three members of the crew must uuuersiona as 1 dk1 they would have corrected me. ! eii-e Judge Clark's Good Work. u,b;,ce Claris, says the Wiimincrrf 'wur, nas --performed al nost a miracle of la hnr fnr tVrn Cit in his completing the editing and oubhshing of some five or si of the oonderous volumes of the 'Colonial Kecords, and having nhtnir.o,! published the 'Historv of tha Carolina regiments, battalions and artillery companies in the. mr ' quiring him to write some 5.000 let- erb) ana au the labor vast nciudmg proof readiu t hap i t is (! 11 at4:2i. ; Uit. tl.f , therefore. engineer of i- s The train No 4 at .0:43 ac'ordino' K-'.vo Detroit at. 2:30 ' 'o hours late, ltavino n t wo trains meet a ' ecordintr to sched . t i oruers to wait .for mi . ii ca. ine oiame i; don the conductor or N 4 wasdueat'Seneci to he chan in ;C"': U f. t! i vai t fi i i so be v fd b;litie-s .iv,. ; hat t'ru' whv will t'f-ver h. t ws i'n4ou'o'( div d-a:'h - Advices from i h night tat- th mill's ari'U'id ::- i''"ntorl j.urning cars w-.n a-vriiiy o ders t ir.d the proba true siory of d, as the train met. instant uld no proper a:i licked u o farmers iv vrepx at mid tn;; c luntry i')r up hy thr ti- the flames i" us Tr( 'I f- ' j U.rr iiriiniiimpprl then irnt! a-;u wife. They then drove back to the home of the brid- ip riti tn f . .i 1 t! .... a. ' . lutiijiuuieut omner was awai-mg them.. After ail had enjnv tne groom wh-.-re a supper was serv ed and ail partook of tbo good c ik.-s etc., which Mrs. Hjover ha 1 pre pared for the occasion. Mr. Hoover and his bride are most i r lack of !i;es were i g the trek by the e the sp cial train sent rom .ififui arrive.) on the scene n some in stance the bodies wp4 ingled beyond all recognition. The dies which the rescu rs managed ' 1uH from the burning ruins of h" immigrant cars v. en1 s- badlv :a-ned that their identity -.v ill proo aoly- rever be ascertained. Trahi N KJ was a regular train carr . irg ' wo ears of 5'nn3irran5 irolng vv(.s. .nd -vas b. hind tim? No -C e,.st und, was made no of an fngine.-; oagage c-!". c-mb1na ion eo n h j -!-tiier The tralf's came tog-h-.-ofjp mi;e cast' of S-npc: under t'ti neaa-o: .rp-jr. All bif- 1 nH , , e.o;!-'h:-s of No K the ivts! . AIM!. '.-d -ri;i:.!h- ti ;",! ih . X 4 V-.:-s S as it is. ua n . without nlv of nr k&A U.C06 tt ue me thanks and grati , tude of the men and women wholove Nfrr,h, Carolina and are proud of its -p.enuiu soldiery its slandered and ucglectcd heroes. " . THE SOUTH DAKOTA SUIT uuS AVerv xir,w8 uKht onthe oni Issuo. News and Observer. thearliciebyJudgeAvervinSun d ty morning s nauer. rivin . t.:" r-ry of the bonds upon which South " v 'V ift , lue oecoy duck that 'usinfi the suit, throws more lio-ht ,as,iluf oi oe bonds and ujpromise in i7y than anv feathls.aPPeared.n addition ""Ki'iu" a n srorir nf i i " cat :rv ir vm. -i r. . th:i., .,u.9,Ki. into vu cnuai, actuated the leo-isia -"S lOIJ IU acrppintr trt r. 1 "-UJ""1 at twenty-five cent " upul inat matter t Elfsha Holland,' of Wayne county ned last week. He was over 100 years old. Th3 High Point But-rv ComnanTr ou.t ov-t-u iucui porared wnh of $125 000. be i "The bonds issuer in isc: in tK . . " aiu L::i n ..1.?1 tne Western ."iiu vyjiuiina liftl ro'irl mnr... ,ii: .JA . 4u . u.cll-uc:iv- lLi3 president of the com f-'.T certificate that --uuu.Bao,V0. n'ty thousand ia tock had been subscribed bvsoiwnt individuals, and nnon hie k; i u ' n-.if t ., i. . ' 1 J ue- " .i companvof the f;ip-. vni,,a to b? paid to the State in certificates OI StoOif. his wne on -tiou at of the charter, which re quired the State Treasurer toad vr iue tor sealed proposals for each oolh.f bonds sold, and to accept, the highest oifer, being not less than par! put as! whir provision in thecLr team ae- Raletgh tn store I 00 7'he A ,ar.d -fotii.l t-a'ed the DavJvison in t lutik: gi vidlt iav rtr-ti In C-bx. : n ti , . . 'ciii in vv. u. UtidcOn S asttriday caused a 'losscf insurance JG0O. Mrs. Elizabeth Gaither. who fur. meriy lived in Davie oua-ty, dud bt ihe. age of SO in Newton last week'. F. ; yers tued in veek. a capital oomu-ivh l l( in wmroad . k uompuiiy h-o previously liasn n,ln. ruediind,,. do,,;, the same way JQe.b0D;;s! -' y the presi den, in l,. I ree ,c, the Many of the estimates on iHp construction rlonf. k c.,h;i f.. ., r ".r -vuuus ,ur tne one third pay ment of the stock in the capacity of r 1 were so large that that two inuos or the estimate covered .. ct-u pi gracung and. cross ties teaun was. tnat. iar. work of A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special - pre scription of Dr. ,i Boschee,.a cele brated German phys.cian, tand ia acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in medicine. It quickly cure pni,n u. .. j -all lung troubles of the severest na- of th er?!Ic :ls ifc docs the eause pf the affection and leaving the parts j.n a strong and healthy coddition. It is not an exnerimpnt'ii mo:n:nA out has stood the test of vp.-,rs .rir ing satisfacfion.in every case, 'which its ramalv inrpeasim. c.,i ' oaic every easoti coi,firm5 Tivnmtnu. - ties sold annually,. D st-hee's Gpr man Syrrpwas introducid in the United States in ISfiS "H.nrt . so:d in every town and village in the civilized world. Three dnVes will relieve any ordinary 'cnu'.rh pr;Ce t o cen hac VV F. flail. One little animal scarcely twelve uches long caused' the entire wmf supply of the city of Winchester: a., to be arawn-oir and. for" several iuurs mere toreated a water f Ami re oabout.6,000 customers. 'on tast .wes-k. The wntov KMn..,,n-' i": reeable in odor and uiit fo.. -f , t . , ., . v.-aa learned thai a n . : --.t ,rt t. its wav into i i.n. ,...,.,, u overflow pipe. O'.l in many in laat week Strauyhan Tor ovpr thictn jiuitor o; the State ca'oitol stfuc?s ' hemoney. realized from' the Riieigh Wednesday uf last sai of State bonds built sections -i i-ue roau, yielded a money profit to a contractor, who subscribed to tuu capital stock-, and in addition "t- r sli;CK' lce race value of 'u:iu"" ,,ue miroot the estimated Health and Beant. A poor complexion is .usualiu t' r. result of a torpid liver or irreo-n! ,v action of it he bo-wel TTnl.r r ire's refuse is carried oJT it will are.y cause imoure blood ' Pirnnl boils and other emotions follow this is nature's method of t.lir.iajin.r off the poisons which the bowels faii- ea 10 romove. DeWitt's Little r.arly Risers are world famous for remedying this conditio They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action" of the bowels but never cause 'ripin' cramps or distress. Safe pilK "Unison & Anderson. i'hc annual exhibit nf th Mf.rtii Carolina Poultry Association v.Ul Oe held in High Point on January 14 17. . A (ire in Atbemane last Wedces ay night destroyed the Masonic ouiiuiug caUsiuir a loss of morp than $13,000 Forsyth county has olfered to sell Winston to the $150,000 for a ?ii cars i: . iO i; ignations written, addressed and !,UII!J .people,- ootti being stamped. "If there is any laughing deservet.lv popular m their neignT going on today among Republicans orhouaa,!?',d 9: vf1: 11 ' J 5S 1 . it will be confined to the legal shop .pa r?l,Z3 u:'lv br,Qtest of -the Hon. J. C. L. Harris. Charlotte is to have a new opera house to cost over $30,000. 711-31 DTE rM 000T0RS raiL 3Irs. 31. A. Close, of Nebraska, Was Cured of Incipient Consumption After All Medical Aid Had Failed Read Her Letter. , . . : .. fs& i i- . - ' i I : MRS. M. A. CLOSE. . AN OLD COLD Kearney, Neb., July S, 1909. Or. s. B. Hartmao, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Doctor desire to express to you ay sincere thanks for the in terest you have shown in my case, and for the timely aid and advice which has effected a curs of as bad a case of consumption as could be well imagined. "Pemna and Msnalin have done what thirteen of toe best physicians In the country have failed to do. For mere than three years I doctored for consumption, and spent thirteen weeks in a Pulmonary Sanitarium at Milwaukee, Wis.; but finding myself growing worse, as a last resort, Id came West where I was bedfast for many wees, 2nd the physicians which my husband called gave no hope but said, 'She cannot possibly live more than a few days But ftanks to Penina, I fooled them all. In an incredibly short time sfisr I bsgan to take Psruna the hemorrhages stopped. I began to mend slowly ci first, but 'Ae Improvement became more marked, and now I oan truthfully, say that n'ere is not the slightest trace of my old cotpplalat. "1 would have written you a long time ego, bat have parpcssFy rraiisd ta ee if ths effect was lasting; and in conclusion I would say, God bless yon and keep you vKh us that you may go on with your work of mercy for many years to come."... MRS. M. A. CLOSE. P. S. am going to visit friends in Wisconsin who never expsoted to ee me alive again, ec please ferwerd mail to mtatifS Pasiiia street, AfpUioa, IV1..M.A.G. Is Catarrh, and Catarrh Leads to Consumption. The tendency of catarrh of the head i? to pass downward through the bron chial tubes to the lnngs. Any one who has had catarrh of the head for a 3-ear or more finds the disease gradually pro-. gre?smg downward. Tn eome cases tf. pi-ogress is rapid, and in other case3 it is slow; but sooner or later if "catarrh is allowed to run, it will go to the lnnga and pet up the disease known as con sumption. It is donlstf ul if consumption is cvcr-i caused by cny thing except ca tarrh. -.--.'7? Th3 catarrh usually begins as a cold in llie head -or throat, and is neglected until it b('.'oni"3 chronic; then it begins to uavr:: en the victim that he has catarrh. Unl . i l'.i is very foolish indeed he will not rest easy until the catarrh is entirely cured. Thousands pay no attention to it until it is too late. Mrs. J. Priest, Lee, Mich., writes: "I think there is no medicine on earth that escells reruna. My husband won't take any other. We have tested it and it worked a great chancre in mv eon's j health last spring when we thought he j was going into consumption. We gave j him only one bottle and he was all right, j I tell everybody about how much gocd j it has done us. "My husband says he can't do without it. As for myself it jr-.Ted me seven years ago from going ; Hind. I could not see to read one word for six weeks. I thought I should surely lose iny sight. I commenced taking Pc rtma and by the time I had taken ono bottle I could sea to read as well as ever." We think it is a grand medicme."7-Mr?. J. Priest. . . Use ns Much as Xeedcd. If Peruna is used a cold never be comes chronic, and hence cajarrh is pre vented. P.ut after catarrh has be-1 r-stahlished Peru- VVv ri -rc-m nrp it. T KyiVy's! t in tneir new life toorpt hpr 'The Union Sunday school at Duck Oreek- bchoot house is preoari.ur r .-ti . . tor a vnris mas rree. A committee was appointed on iast Sunday a wees ago to tate subscriptions and some tS.UUor 10,0U have already oreu suosurioeu. Alter Christmas the school will .close for tha winter, 'o be opened again in April. Mr. vv ' A, Wnecoff has -grippe. Mrs L C Hoover was cadt-d to the. bedside of her br ther Layfayett Kimbali at Statesviiie vesterdav. Mr P i Raymer, who has been confined to her room with :heuu.atism, is again able to be out. Mr. Ivy Guy moved last T. eek to Alexander county. Success to The Mascot and its many readers Kid. Duck Creek, Nov. 25. 1001. At- IV r,g I 100 n N-. 4 SS tr C.t ,..;h . . Th- lo,s on this train. is -a-i Oti 13 o fr-.i r cc ten i ive of tire a.'iri of life is "e 1 to -.;-; 25 ext'l'iued r st .:r- ost iimttd ioss (,f iif, E'i.vine. N "'i ptigir.o GOO No. 4 turned o 'd: 'eh. i' vo ;ii -eiufMi and ' m . pniiinpr-r on No- 13 were killed nn-i th- lirt-mn :tnd enfi'.-eor on No. 4'-en-ine j'imrf..l-ar:d oscapi'il. t i v' 10:45 o'e' ek th:- first tra:n lo'id.'d with wf-.unded ie'! th - scene of fh wrrek for Adrian- Tae d.:ad wpi-c U f r 0 c-hird. to oe carried in on a later train, i wrecn-inL train, ordered from Montpr'aer. 30 milps i' ay ar-ived shortly af'.er 9 ; 'clock. bn- the heavy ve-r ibu:.-d cars of N 4 lav betw-fen ir. and thp hor United States for poatufhee. Lonnie Davis, colored, was kilkd in Rileiyh last Thursday night by George Freeman, colored, ih a drunken row. There has been a.big storm on the New York ajid Jerseycoasts. M uch property has been destroyed and five oostofthe radintr 9nn r. 7i cuiowueo ai.i.ong Uram.h iNommaoy a suhscrihi. f,- i . . JL Olil V I r wo thu ds of the stock, tha SimJ Donf.Let The oneupau OUT, of tne lrrroPP rf OftP.n fhihlron r,,.0 ,,.. :.i.' n ,nr ,,lri .. u v- - . -7 . V. wi u v- ouva ,.i lut. lnuiVlUUS snhsor h' Pr kin i kmcm h,o ,.Mrtl, ' a- ' 7 . . , a;5 ,or Pwu shares. ca Salve hea'ls the raw SOres. exn's il i t .'US' was, passed inflammation, leaves the skin with- J?fr,h? ') ai:ucoinPy was not out a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, ui tu in ree dollars on th h nen n 11 nn vctri I I ni'i o k; I " 1 1 ci I i n . . , . ...... t I . . . . i en Ilia KHLS. fhfl hziv.Hr. .i . -. . - -- vuua ia - , 'V0"' ana upon some of which cents at W. F. Hall's. -South Dakota brings suit were cm cured by a statutory lien nnon tt,n planter of Red River county. Ark.. stock of the Statp in -tha rr-t - I was killed bv netrroes Tophiv Ti.a ine continental Furniture Fuc- North Carolina Rilmarf negroes also robbed him. Tf th , -wm. Vyl.Mll L t. I I V u. u ital as well as oy a statutory second lie. roes are-can Edward Rjchells, a prominen A. .Tate and others have agaa- F izd Lory at High Puiut with stock of $30,000. I'll I I .1 I I ;s VP UC It; ri - ..4- , , " ' t If ft 1C a rCk rVJ n,hr .-. -v . 1 ' . t- v . u a otmuLUrv RPfionn hpn vu-uu,. tutic win uu on an equivalent amount of the lyh chln- '1" . . . . , . OLJLK S SI( fLT in Ihrt Y..L f I ierry v-cooven, cnammoa fpath- n .n.. . T vul i,UI,u Carolina An EvanEeisr. stnr 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 j : . i i : . vi nr. . -, i "I suffered for years with a bron- oo). Hut in 1ST!) Hip etnnt- ; .u.J caiai or lung trouble and tried van- latter company was not worth mr.ro oa3 'remedtes but did not obtain per- and kilhd than thirty cnts on tha ,iniiar . anent relief until ' I commenced wright, was knocked out in the sec- .o.ompa"I PGe Charter, Youn-Cor- , e(i aws of 1854 ono rouna last week bv oett," of Denver. A negro girl was shot HiR,ueson, county last - Friday by while that in the torwer ommanded u?l.n" Oao "Minute Cough Cure," net jtiteti lover to keep her from only ths nominal Dric alrparirr rr,Q writes nev. j as. Ivirkman, evau i iiT'.-n.w ii-rrTi-f.-iti.ii...,. 11 toucu. me state was justified J, iic uivei, m A railroad will be built next vear T V lu .'ring in bonds, as it w did. more than (in T I liave i.v hesitation in recommending it to ad e than it received in stock Sl l8erei'5 from maladies of this kind." 1S79) worthless U rcf. ne -Minute Cough Cure affords lm- fling Mil give dis FOUND HERSELF WORSE. I t it, I JU-A but it wUl take f CvL Xl " mujh longer.! 3f Even in cases i j4 - . T attacked the lnags and the; ' symptoms of con-i" sumution h a v e i ' X J t shown them- Miss Corinne Gil- t selves, the P-ru- f more, 1S3 Vance St., na -will cure. A Memphis, T enn.,j great many cases I PeUf of genuine c o n- colds fcpd catsrrh; f sumption have' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' been cured with Peruna after the patient had been giren up to die, as in the case of Mrs. Close. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your easo and ho will bo pleased to give you his raluabla ad vice gratia. . Adclr33 Dr. Hartman, Presidor.t of The Qartman Sanitarium, CelumVuu, O, Chas ges Made Against ''District tney Hoitou, Washington Dispatch, 2$th. ' ' : ("harges affecting the integrity and official character of A. E- Hoi ton, United States district attorney i- 1 TIT . -v . " ior me western uistrict of North Carolina, were today referred to the president by W. B." E lis, of New York city. Mr. Ellis was formerly a rt sidfe-nt of Winston, N. C, and was ergai'td in. the manufacture -u t batco ir. that city. Several yeais fcgo be removed frcm Win-ton to Vw York at d is now engaged ' fccre on. a large 'scale iu manufac turing c-igar. He aiso'pubiisbes a tradd papt-r. 'Ihe charges now preferrtd are made by Mr. Eilis for i he purpose i f influencing him not to reappoint Air. Holton United States district attorney. It has teen understood here thst Mr. Hdltrn y. as entirely acceptable to Senator Prit chard and that he t asaheady formerly recommended Mr "ojton for reappointment. As there have been up to this time uo avowed candidates against him it has been assumed he would sjeceed himself. The charges made by Mr. Eiiis may put a new phase on the situation. The exact nature o"the nharirpv nthpi' than thuv -fTor.t. V! r Hoitun's f ffijiai character have not 1 et wh"! 1 the station lights jet leaked out. They refer, how- c uid be rei dered to tne rescuer Whpu the specie' I train bearing the wounded reach-d Adrian, the ir-ibr rd were carried in atnbuiaue . drays and ';ther w ago .- s t o t h e hn pi'als uutii they were ulleu, v. hen orivate rexit!ecc?s in the np;.'hn:!r ood were plac'-d in'-e'rvicj The responsibility tiirothe accident ! now on the crew of No. 4 It is .-aid t:;at tins train passed its meeting order with the rpo-ulnr west bound train No. 13, The trains vi re to have met at Seneca, but No. 4 ran by and struck the west bound train. At this hour, owing to imperfect acilities for getting news, it - 'does not seem likely that a comnle'e list of the dead and injured, or anv nf he details of the wreck, will be at land before to moirow morning. It is estimated that un wards' of .r00 persons were on the two trains. - It is thought that all the immi grants were Italians gointr West from New y. rk. t he cOiiducior and engineer of iio 4 were not ko ea and they the following- -i const in a late L-at-ch of the i-pck' Ccnductor C J Martin of Wabash train No. 4 whi-hc d.i?d-:d with train No. 13. at S;ieca Wednt-sday u'gbt causing ih-. loss of about eight v. lives said, today "that the orders given him at Mon tpelit f were to pass No. 13 at Seneca. 'vSy orders sa'd he. which I tok to E'-ifinper Strong and read vcr to hi to. and n greed 'with his or ders. re,id -No. 4 engine GOD, will meel No 13. o.jgir-eSS and 101 at Seatca, atd No 3, etgine G23 at Sand -Cr.ck. ' After reesiving those orders I remember asking the agent t Montiiclier whether rhe new sid ing at Seneca would contain my train. I was toward the rear of the ' 1 1 . ri -t r. . . . . . . . ,. i -" 1 3., uAiii up n pasaduirer s from RlOUnt UnimtV T.Minac.cu tr. of the Southern at. R.n.i: oliection is, that the Swazev suit, in m?a!at relief for coughs, colds and v-uicu tne noioer of the construction 1MUUri5U1 lUf.uai, trou- iuoc; ui oouin Carolina oonas ior the payment of which the -tor croup it is unequaiied. me -university .-ot iorth siocic ol the State in the TMnrth Po, -.usoiuieiy sare. Very pleas tase, never tails and-is really a fa vorite with the children. They like it. olimsOQiE Anderson. Clemso defeated the 'rhe Lubin Schiller - Furniture Company at Asheviile has been in corporated. The incorporators are J. Lubin. S. Witkowsky, L. Schiller and J. V. Ramsey. Salem f emale Academy will cele brate its 100th aniversarv in 1002. Alexander Anderson. a wpII-- known lawyer, of Washington, D. C. .committed suicide bv drowning himself in the Potomac river Sunday Thousands Sentlnto Exile. Every year a large number of paor. State in thp TMortK fo. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant to i v , -. t : : . - r . , . . . i -i. . - vat - u. , ... - lU1,IUd m u i.QiDan game in Uhar- oiina Kaiiroad was pledged had e iorte Thanksgiving div bv a score of ouesterprl th a;.r;,-i,-,r,,t. " -iu.'c iioiu. stock, nnel nrnc cnai,; , " t .j occamy I I s inipor the stock itself was still r,0n,t; t he litigation was com promist?d af terwards. ? The stock of the State is now pledged for the payment of the new construction bonds, but a suf ficient sinking fund is hpino- cot aside to pay these bond: 'at mar r,-t . . T ' I , , ' ' I J ' - v. u Ulll ygi ui UUU1 tne present holders of thf honrlc I KnrfprpTR.a.'li . - i , -.. juiico ai c owiis i f i i i a meeting was held last week at the ' question doubtless bought them racked with coughs are ured to en Acanpmu tn taL-o c to,.o tr. i, i, fnr luce t li a t t . . , I . , , . . J j ".-"v- 0.1.10 vk uiaac ilb --- "-"Lii-y-uveueucs on r.np to anotnpr c ima o it.n h c i. oKrotinn n 'It. -l.l o.. 0(.L. . r . " 13 wiaLiuu.uue. wttiie seventeen hundred costly and not alwavs KnrPi n,.n't I tr, . 1 : .in.-... . I . " . . J v' " v C. M. McLean, solicitor of the ..u .aUeu au' Du tbirt-V thou- bo an exue when Dr. King's New Seventh Judicial district died of erv- tl j, . , b Jrrei3ered tor new discovery for Consumption will , . . mi f ills i n . . . . . . , . i i ... . . , . stnn acct ii' -i fat i ... TM a w - ic ui Liveniv nvft curu vou ;il nnmo it c ihn .r.r i u 1 1 . l' i ii.i; last i Ll u IMld V .... .. , ... , i . ,. j i u . - - i-v. uj ua l u-;, i . . . cents.on the dol nr of tha tnn ol nf mi;: ( i. remains were tasen to Eliza- r .- 13.,,, vaiuc . .u.ui.c m-uitmc iur cougns, ccids, bethfor intermpnt...- o tneir oid bjnds. ' and all throat and lumr diseases on earth, rne-first dose brings relief.' Astounding cures result from per sistent, use. lnal bott ps frPA nt. W. F. Hall's. Price 50 ceTits and 1.00. Lverv bottle amarantppd A white woman was killed at Sn- lem, S. C Tuesday night, after her uouse had almost been torn to niecps. Til . r 1 uree wnue men nave been arrested. Food Changed to Poison Putrefying food in the intestines arsenic, Is exnel the poisonV from clogged bowels. gently, easily but surelv , curing j constipation, biliousness, sick heao- tevers. ail liver, krdnev and Only -2o. cents at a. - 1 telenet Jno. W. Moore, a prosperous far mer i Honewetl, Aiecklenburg county. ha5 bought a. house and lot in Tay:'.-'"-v !;: atij will move there on Jai ---irV '1st. - Col. R L. 'tberne'hy, who has b?en m -r-ji't-r of Col J. S Carr's Ovtone c'hee Farm this year, will re turn to his old home. Open View Farm, in Gaston, next -year. During a recent raid in the north ern part of Stokes county' Revenue OfBcprs Pet ree and Pi edd y were tired upon from ambush by moon shiners. Petree was hit in the right hip and Preddy in the leg. An . unknown man thought to be a negro pntered the house of Mrs, Jan Flow, of Mecklenburg countv. list week and attacked hr His t ojeet was robbery, but he only so cured 33 cents. Mrs. Flow is 72 years old and has goi property. ever, it is saio. to certain transac tions between Mr. Holton and Mr Eliis. at he time Mr, Ellis was a rp.-idetit r-f Winston and which Mr. Eliis alleges are of such a character as 'u. unlit Mr. Ho. ton to hold the rtspousibie position of Uni'ed States district attorney. It is on this ground that Mr. Ellis, who now has no political or property inter ests in North Carolina, comes to the front with the charges. In afreignt' reck near Georgiana, Ala.,-Tuesday, the fireman and a neyro trump were killed. . . Of Benefit to Ail. D. S. Mitchell, Fulford. Md.: ' Dnrice a Ir-ng iliressl ws trouble! wi-h bed sores, was advised to try DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve acd so with wonderful result?. I was per fectiv cured It is the best sa've on of Seneca li isii by, and imnlediately j urdiy. The boy was hunting rab bits around the house and his sister weut out to see how he was geniug on. Just as she got near him the L'CUKIC1V , . , . ... fplt the.airW.a ,..; ii iui no raised nis gUM to snoot, bun the .... .......j Li.yij-i .a, I'-i, U U j t . e . , a arm. suo .o- n. t unjii,flW t "uw w oib u w.i reauy vrj for theeasA switch, it 'h number $if 13 s en I vi'ppoeJ't id cleared Vliss Etfie Harrington, ol: Rich mond county, was accidentally shot by her 12 vear o'd brother last Sat- defeae,i tha hill to dUfrdnohica th Almost Drowned in The Yadkin. AUxmarle Dispatch 29th. Messrs. James and Wilbur Neal and Lse Fesperman had a thrilling experience yesterday morniug that they will not soon forget, while crossing the Yadkin river in a boat just below the falls ten miles from ti: re the boat struck a rock in mid stream and. was upset, throwing all iuicc im;u uui tutu toe river, r es per man is au expert man a on a ri James ien could not swim and sank twice before he was pulled ashore The weather was bitin r-nld 7h'on nBf - a i'tttretyinarfoodin the intesi ?1 t. J,p& tSu 'mTer aDd Pces effeetslikethoseof-ars wh tl 3 th-3r meA Dlit De-KioK's New Life Pills c rocrf whsre they were rescued, the noisonV tVnm irt,.ro,i a:h 11 in t 1 -1 cut.- iiieu sunerea considerable towel troubles. exposure, uue ot tne party s W. F- Hall's v.tuiuiug was irozen stilt on him Tne elder Npai was unconscious for Tne mine officers were found dead two' hours after is to-day map Tt. is ,K.f u . A,n ucknown nro wa? lynched, in . ...ucwHiiuuiau icu, Aauersyn countv. S ( TV.a n,...,-,r. T 1 I . .it v-.., u-j(isiaiiire uas again . uutuj,iuu3 iui tuiuc uuiucij Ht-re luuau ueau r being rescued and ia the burning mine at Pocahontas, reearious condition. WJ. Va. Sunday., mm. He murdered a Saturday hite wo- si 'winir d order t - s yn.e:. : Just beet into ti:- ch'dr COt'd' ' A' 'Whit and the entire load of No. 7 shot j struck the iprl in the body, rang'ng rom the m i n d own. she was tak- n gr s ;s. F. E. Kilback, a prominent citi zen (f Savannah, Ga.. comrnittel suicide by jumping overboard whi e en route, from Savannah to Ntw York. Asth ma I ! i ".'ikpmart n-fn Karl iiL"u. camfe hurrying cir and pulled the Tone ?"T ci"cd. We ? going through Sececa,' h answered a nl in an instant later the! e.nrxn n K-.-naia ana pavidass fh.,.r c..?.4 c; yh-r - ;.,c..pbsho, ..i .-f ner body son. I0e. t.-rV-ackagp. l- p..inru"y. O j? i.--t sariously : . injured-. I-UTN A '1 FADELESS DYEare fast to sL'-riirhf. wash'ntr and rub- & Ardir 4 Ci-sii- cwi This bears ou. Burn's sttmiit Str-ng,-of No. 4. S io 'rinterfdent stood nr forgot his orders and ran through Seneca where he was to pass 13 ffhan Cocdi c or Martin's state ment w , 'a:ed to Engineer Strong Lit pnineer said; "I hi v.- f or. , lie Kept His l-.R : vsiv- vpvs ago J. v. Siunsvan. ! of Hartford, Conn., scratched bis! leg with a rusty wire Inflimma- i tion and blood poisoning set in. For Frtd Krist. who murdered a worn an, was cIpc r.-'cuted at Auburn. N. "One of" my daughters had a terrible case of asthma. We tried almost everything, but w'thout re lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral . and three and one-half g bottles cured her." Emma Jane Entsminger, Langsville, O. Y., last week. nit i.nvnneer . . 1 A- 1 Ct 1 !. p ner misunder-1 twu ycais ub auuereu iniensety. 1 nen tne best doctors urged ampu tation, -but." he writes, "I ued one bottle of Fieotric Bitters acd 1J ooxes of BucklenV Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and we'll as ever." For eruptions, eez.sma. ret- -r "- 5 Pc iff IF IT FAILs 1 at any time 1 ter 8alt rneum, sores ind au blocu miiftpmifi) Ayer's herry Pectoral certainly cures many cases of asthma. I A 1 .. 1 L 8 anu it cures Druncmiis, a 1 hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping - cough, croup, winter coufths. ntoht i, coushs, and hard colds, i that n-s' 'v- d hp market." Sure cure for Diie-. lonly sav that if wttifl sro.t sno.h or, rival on earth. Try them W F isote-. urns. rseware oi ounter i oruer i m'sraa an 4 mtsuucerstooa "ttM 41 f"0""1 -ismc iuu ur feits. Stimson & Anderson. , it, and that I should hare been set refuDti money. Oniy 50 cents. eij-in24ta48 rhoul. For Sal b W. F. Hall. 'Three tlen: 2V., entnch for n ordinary 3 TJ hiih, hard cold, etc; gl. tnat ecnnonleal