- , IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTTFS ac mn . : . AJX wr ajn x UTtilJR PAPER PUBLISHED VOL. I. STATESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, DFCEMBER 12, 1901. hi ' (L V A A O tl li ttv'- r - ; rV - "T1 11 1 NO. 3. MARSHALL FIELD Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys Peruna. HON. JOIIX T. SIIEAHAN, OF CHICAGO. u,n Jonn l Sheahan, who has been for seventeen years manager of Marshall Field & Co.'s whole.alo warehouse, and is corporal 2d Regiment Infant A- i v r write, the following letter from 3753 Indiana ayenue, ria"chiea"o ill f' ' Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. ' " GfntIemen...Last summer I caught a cold which seemed to set. tie m my kidneys and affected them badly. I tried a couple of kid ney remedies largely advertised, but they did not help me any. One of my foremen told me of the great help he had. received in uine Peruna m a similar case, and I at once procured some -iiyvas indeed a blessing to me, as I am on my feeta large part of the day, and trouble such as I had affected me seriously, but four bottles of Peruna cured me entirely and I would not be without it for three months salary.'...JOHN T. SHEAHAN. ouiii- ni-r rt-h--"?, Brooklyn, N. "Y am row a new man at the aze of seemy-nve years, thanks to your wonderful remedy Peruna." Jacob Fleiz. Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous lining of the kidneys, also called "Bright'a disease," may be either acute or chronic! The acute form produces symptoms of such prominence that the serious nature of the disease is at once j ASTHMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Perm Lure m bu kiiq. SENT ABSOLUTELY I I EE ON RECEIPT OF YOlA WIIITI-- V UK xajif AD ADDRESS PU1MY, m "1 ' FOR TEH IV mm - 4 r. CVEFtV RELIEF. - . Avon Springs. N. Y.. Kebrnary 1, iqoi Ur. Takt Bros Medicine CO. Otutle'iieu; I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wondernil effect of ur A.sthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My w:l bus been afflicted with spaMTV .lic asthma for the just w years Having exhausted my own slcil! as we'l as many others. I cba:" cd to see '''"r sii-ti upon vour windows on 130th street. New York. I at on-e obtained a bottle of biiialene My wii't: commenced taking it about the first of November I very soon noticed a r.fdii ri! in.orove rtieiit After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she i entirely free fr a M symp toms f feel that I can consistently recommend the tuedit ine to all who are afdicitd with this O'stresAiiig disease, Yeurs respectfully. O. U. PHKIyPS, M, D Dr. T.ft Bros Medicine Cc l eb. 5. (nl'tliii: ivi! lint 1 d with Asthma for 12 yeais I nave tf'ed numerous k ! tl t 1 a t all failed I if 1 : cr ss ; our advertisemei t and sta'ted with a trial bi l i ii. r !it! at one e I have since iiurrhasKi'voiiriull-z- bottle, and aiiLtver e'ateful I hav o: 1 ur clii4dren. and for six year- whs iniabie to work. I am now in the bet of 1-esl.h doini; business every day. This teiimon y y. -i ctn make uch use vt as vou see fic. Home address. 33d Riviuglon sti eel S KAPK'M:; - 67 East i2y! ii .- Trial Bottle Sent ib-olutelj Donotdelav. Write, at once, addr.' sing DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., East 130h St., N City Carolina Mari an Dealers III Kind (if Marble' and Granite For Cemetery and in a p siton to quote the very lowest prices on Morurm ' Jets, Headstones, and all kinds of cemetery work. Material and Workaiaiisbio Guarantee First Chis r'te for our catalogue a'-d prices. x. . TAJOS AT STATFSVIL'E SALISBURY AND NORTH WHESBORQ iiimii - " - " - "C" With a Tail. The "C" with a tail is the trade Jiark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. ok for it on the light blue enameled "jetai box! Each tablet stamped C. C. TOj,,- i W,,tl. AD All suspected, out the chronic variety mav come oh so gradually aiid iiv idiously that its presence is not suspected until after it has fastened itself thoroughly upon its victim. At the appearance of the first torn Peruna should be tekpn. ymp- T!ia remedy strikes at once at the very root of the disease. - . A book on catarrh sent free oy The Parana Medicine Co., Columbu3, o. 0 "n p. - TbTe is notbiog like A; It brings instant, relief 1--, worst cases. It cures wb fails. TheRev; CVF WLLS of ViT.-i says: "Your trial bottle of Ast!v:n ed in good condition. I cannot t thankful I feel for the good df -.v. va a slave chained with pi-.tri 1 an'1 Asthma for ten years I tieuig cued. I saw vour adnert; 1 cure of this dreadful and - tonne-; Asthma, and thought you h.!' yjnrselves hut resolved to eive it my astonishment, the trial acli-d ) Send me a full size bottle." .1 els' Mi.t reeiv 1 y.r.i h.-vv-' .- it- 1 r'- Ihroai of cvrt u-iit for the n iri.il. To .e a charm Ilfv. Dr Morris W't di !er, Rahbi of the Cong. Rnai Israel. New York. Jan. j, i;oi. PRS.'TAFT BROS ' MEDICINJ-: O. Gentlemen: Your sthmaleie i s ail excellem remedy 'or Asthma and' Hay Fever, an 1 it- composition alleviates all troubles v'-irh com cine with As'hma. Its success is r..-lonishiiif and wonderful. Alter having it caretnlly auaryeu we can state that Asthmalene contains 110 opium, moi phine, chloroform or ether. Very truly vonrs. REV. PR. Morris Wkchsler. '.,al . iMsr'ie I lonud a 'i. :nily r.vd am C ity. Free on Heeeiptof P&.: d--Branite.Oo. Binding Purposes. Tab o be - . " - - TOBACCO spn H and i ri u K.tj . ; 1 1 our (..'itinvayi You can be cured of any form cf totacco us t easily, be made well, strong, tiwwic, full of new life and vigor by taking ti'Jj-TQ-E3fSt that makes weak men strong. Mpny fjaia tea pemnds in ten days. Over ooQftOQ cured. All drugjn'sls. Cure guaraiitccu. Book let and advico FREB. Address STliKiijaft AND CO.'S WAREHOUSE by N r!h CamHui's itecord in th War. 1 ? Civil Hallimore Sun. ' .The U, G );-d me by North Caro lina troops id the civil war was not surpassed by that of the soldiers of arry other State in the Sou-hern LontWlerocy. North Carolinians ; are justly proud of the courage and eoGurar.ee of the men from' their i State ..who wore the grav. They ;c;u.rn that in not a few instances ivfitn too brunt of battle was borne i i..., lue gallant men from the Pari I xitei oiaie the glory was awarded to others. In the oast few vpnv an e tic ;rt has been mud a in TC.-n-'ti-i ina to vind'oto i ,a t tmo u , t i.;, ' ' ' ' ' ' u oi U" tit.d totecure for the i onfcd-r.-rp soldiers of that taie ttie credit to w men their valor in the bloodiest u-iues 01 tee war entitles them. Tn ' n 'li'ti,.!.. i a ? . . ' ""!C- --c;u& issue 01 rhe;a-aMi. : iimiuvton -essenuer Capt. James ! vocithi i- iietts asserts that North Carolina ' ehists. "ff-ps were conspicuous for their j i 'Mvtry in ihe det-peraie charge ur ' ifi.tysuur, in which Pickett's Vir- ' n iars covered themselves-' -wit.h Ji'ry. Lace's. Pi tieriw'c ' ... h i - I - - - ' 1 v. ' j UUU wn-.iutsoi xori.ti uaroim-f uii.b were in the thick of that bht ! aco sustained heavy losses Captain ttts aueyes on the authority of a oi.-tingoifchedjr Iranian, that- Gen ' U'.-L lc.Kt-'l tbec on tne field, did I Means are moving lu the' same mat not sc ually lead bis division in the her.- yieai orettysourK charge. General tett-grew was at, the head of his men and was severely wounded, v. hiie hardly a member of his staff scaped iDiury. Captain Metts ure- scids figures which show tnat Pick-. ett s Joss in killed and wounded was less than that of any o-her division engaged aud-only "3G9 more than ; at of Pettigre-.vs brigade. Lieu- nam Colonel Gordon, an - English fliotr who held a commission in the L' if ty fourth North Carolina regi mept, displayed marked gallantryln 'h'.. tight. lie was badly wounded aiHl borne from the fielrh flimtnin etts states that when the English man reached the; brigade hospital General Scales asked him what he ...bought -of the fighting. Gofd.au vrou-.p' ly replied: ' The charge at Batakiava was a d d humbut' a rl d humbug, sir." It is nUin fmm he articles which have appeared in t-cent years in the North Caroi'-ia that t be Confederate veterans t the Tar Heel State do not intend o be deprived of the laurels to vbich they believe themselves en .itied A'Ssate which gave to the uoriieaeracy, according to the rec- ids, more soldiers in proportion to popuiatioa thaa any other State is justified in demanamg that it shail rc-'eive due credit for the achieve ments of its gallant sons. two New iiuilairinsi b;i the A. M. Cul- : lege News and Observe; . ' - ine Board of AucujUire yester ta decided 10 erect two new buiid ugs at'the A. and AI. College, otic d iriiatoi and the other for dining and assembly hall purposes. A Joan of $20,000 was authorized lor thii purpose. i'h-e Watauga Hall building, the -ails of which still sand, is to be t omit. It will be t hree stories in .ieiiuit aud is to be used entirely for !oruiitor purposes. It will ac c aitoodate twise as many students asdid.the old buildiug. The new ouudibg is to be two"- stories in .eight with a basement for the Aitctien. The first floor is to have lining room accommodations for 500 and tha second floor is to be Used as a cuapel and assembly hall. It will ikive a seating capacity ample for tiie needs or the college. ihe commissioner of agriculture and Messrs,. Allen and Daughtridge were appointed a comrmttee to con tract lor and superintend the erec uou 01 me new ouuaings. tne com uuttee is directed to arrange with contractors for the employmeut of stuueuis at me college wno may so desire, to work, when practicable. - me resolution proviaing for tne work, which was introduced by .Mr ijrabam directs taa' tbe committee borrow not exceeding $20,000, which with t be insurance money received a the burned buildings, (about $0, uuu,v. suau oe usea, or so mucn as is ac.x iry, to carry out the above di rc'c'uoiia. This money so borrowed haii be for the A. and M. Colege and shall be returned from app ro priations to said College. Alleged Ft'idiuss'iri the Schley Case Against the Admiral. New York, Pispatch. . A special to the Press from Wash ington says: Kear Admiral bebiey ha.- been found ac fault bi five counts by the court cf inquiry. This comes from a person wno is in a position to learn the opinion of tbe admirals on the different specifications. It is understood, however, that the court finds against Schley: - First, for the delay of the flying squadron off Cienfuegos, Second for misrepresentation of the reasons for returning to Key Third, for disobedience of orders in making tne retrograde move ment. - Fourth, for failure to destroy the Colon. , Fifth, for conduct unbecoming an -officer and gentleman in the Schley- Hodgson controversey. It is imposs i tie to confirm this report of the Press statement in regard to the finding of the Schley court. . Horror at a Hanging Iittle Rock, Ark, Pispatch. 6 Bud. Wilson, the convict who R. H Nay lor, a guard cf the illed Yell county convict camp, last D c 'mb -r was today banged at Danville. Twenty miuu es af'er thr? trap- was sprung the body was lowered into a coffin. Bjfoe the lid was placed 1 ui on the coffin the body began, naov- ing ah&ut Wilson opened his eyes I and his whole frame shivered, He w an 1 lacu ik'ui ' Li ui ..jr i'c 1 deputies and carried up the e to was 1 taKen irom tnecotnn ny tne n c ah rTA n r r v n i oiroon rr nn n it ing him again .When the platform was i eaehed he body tiecatne rig'd, remained so or a moment and the-j ir came limp Wilsoi was examined carefully 'by le p ysicians. who hnally proupua d hi n dead haviDg been caused by, tranulstion INC QNGRESS. What Is Bslnj Done In -Washingt 0 n, Tb report, of the I-thmian canal eottuijio-doii favors the Nicaraguair rote-and sr.imues the total cist to be $189 80-t Ob'2. It is thought it can bp c-omplfted msix year and would be 183 miles long Senator Morgan of Alabama ha-; introduced a bill to aid in its construction. Senator Vt. and others have in-. troducfd. bills in the Sflmfp tn restrict anarebivts. nator Pi'Hehard has introduced trie AD"LOiac'.!iin uurk hill A ft.A of bills of minor importance r nave oeea introduced -in both hous On Thursday Senator McComas of iivarvianu Uisde an extended aru rnent in favor of Congress ennntjn.r i laws to i.'jn sh anarchists with she banishment of anar- rn.n Blackburn has been '1 or; North Carolina on a OP' 1; p. ted i th'i cou; mil tee" to Dreoare suitable! resoiut ion.- in reference to the late President 'cKi'ilev. Li weeota!iv Moody, of Mass aeausetts has introduced a resolu tion call in ir for "a committp.- tn in- j vestiuc the restriction of suffrage I in Louisiana. Several other Reoub i.iie Senate committee' on foreign relations have reptored the new Hay-Pituncefote treaty favorably and it is honed to secure its ratifica tion before Christmas. After this the isthmian canal bill will be push ed. In making up the House commit tees the Republican memberships! win oe increased and tbe Democratic decreased bv one. A Virginia Tragedy Richmond. Va., pispatch, 6th. A special from Fredericksburg says that a terrible tragedy was en acted in-Westmoreland county last night. One man was killed and two others seriously, if not fatally, wounded. The dead man is William P. Tavlor. Jr . and the wounded are J.Q Stiff and Willie Heflin. From inform tiou now at hand it I appears tnat tavlor being informed of an alleiicd gr- ss insult offered by Herbert Marks to his cousin, Miss Rose Taylor, endeavored to have the matter amicably settled. " Failing to do so, he. in company with Stiff, Heflin. George V. Thompson and a vi r. D;. uglass visited the Marks house Oi arriving there lhy foucd th.- hou.s'- barricaded and when thev tried to open a door Marks suddenly bjgan sh'-otiug from a window.' Tavhj was shot through the heart 'and dieu instantly, .stiff was sh-t through the neck and Hef liniothe s'omach Marks snrren dered to the authorities. Ail the partes -to tbo t?nf-;rtaaate affair are protti'nent socially. The party sought Marks to tar ar-d fea'her him. He -is from-"New York, and lefr for his home tonight, after bing ex ouorated by the cor oner's j-try. The wounded men were raKeu to Washington. Tavlor was from We-im Ireland. ' A las er dii aich from Wahinir ton savs H-fi n died in an hour after teaehiiiL' the hospital Y m Can't Head Spencer Blackburn Kaleigh Post. We knew wo would hear of as well as from h' m. The Washington Times of Wdnes day gives us-this interesting infor mation: 'Th successor to the most pic turesque member of the House in the last Congress, Romulus Z Lin ney, is Representative Spencer Blackburn, who was assistant Unit ed State district attorney during McKinl.ey's first administration. Mr. Blackburn is a young man. He is tall, well proportioned and at. tractive. As a lawyer he stands well to the front. It is believed tha? tr:e speaker will appoint him !.on the Judiciary and Elections Com mi t tees. ' Spencer certainly is "'tall well proportioned and attractive" all three of t hose things at one and the soma time but when he lifts that voice and twahauds of his to high heaven in a frenzied . "account of the drummer boy who refused to ga way back atiJ sit down, our Mountain Orator surpases even an army with banners, we are glad we hajve heard from, him though, and that he is still "attractive. dji golf stockings and bird s egg colored cravats Spencer is ' simply gorgeous at borne. MeLanriii Xot to be in Democratic Caucus Washington' Pispatch, 6th. It is said Senator John L. Ma Laurin has been "ead out of the Democratic partv. Action disoos ing of the Souih Carolina Senator will be taken, it is further asserted, when the Democratic caucus meet., next week. The decision was reach ed today by the Democratic sena tors, each one agreeing to it without exception. The matter has been talked of ever since the leading members began to arfive at Wash ington. Each incoming member was sounded aud the opinion was unanimous that .Mr. McL'aurin was no longer a Democrat Senator Tillman is emphatic in'his denuncia tion of his?olJeague and is thorough ly ip accord with McLiucin's expul sion from therparty. Other senators we're equally as instrumental as he is in hnngiog about the decesion now reported. . The New Canal Treaty. - Washington Dispatch, 6th. The tew Hay Pauncefote , treaty regarding the isthmian caual was sent to the Senate today and was referred for consideration to the Committee on Foreign relations The terms of the treaty have been heretofore mde publicJt abrogates tu;: oiu vyiav t.ou-uui wer Treaty, yives the Ucitfd'S.ate th riKht to aoso- old u 1. . . ,i control any caail that it, may construct, to" unite the Atlantic and Pacific oc-ans, leaves to the United States ihe task of guaranteeing Us neutrality vvic 1 ut reference toother nations, and per mits the United Slates t fortify the canal if it deius suon a course nee esaary. IHE NORTH C VROLIVA BAPTISTS Last Yoar On of Progress in All - Branchy of Their Work. Raleigh Post, 5th., Rev. Livingston Johnson, mission ary secr.tar;- of the Baptist church in North C..r.5ioa. left yesterday afterno ;n f ,. JTioston to attend the Baptist . S itft Convention. Mr. Johnon.arrifd with him a Report tha' doet sound like a bad "crop year-" It carries with it-no echoes of seven cent cot too or barren c rn iiou.,-. or wneat cron Mr crop jfobl?5'0,J fii(- a iost man before 'rv," ndi i year just closing ! had witoese;. the greatest acbieve- ments ry history. Jiaptists in their The .uaptil started out with a determuitioo to raise this year $25 000 for state missions, whinh ?a 000 mot e tna similar purpose a ! Ust year. They all re to go .'forvym'd. .XT'?, of the mission e.xoresst-! a oes- but so'jj'.f r. b ard t , i25.00; stridt-5 iff The a : rr. and do season n( coos t s 26.000 . 40 per cmi The incre:; to state mi advance f of. the e ni ''.--'hf the su-rgetioa of -:g at too rapid 'f couid not be done .1 s made, h o w ever, ioding the rainy n oral shortage in t": nae sum or ovi1 - o, wnicn is about -.'-'0 ovr las' year s not been qph fin -.id s. hut ihere is an 1 r-r f, f o al I o b jee ts over last vear. -.vfa- v--.s $38,000, JO lTb? araoU:' white thic yrr.f it is pU(j i :i to the ,;!)f,re '9ii 000 In addi hasiei raided during the year for t he B.ipi i-. (). iihai fi're sind' sin nnn for the P.; :. ern ai t of 1 al coinmirtp, able sum u in hand, schools ar.-i -is somethii;; does not i-u repairing a "schools in he west t'.afe; i he educ ttiou 1so :,-,ispda consider ti i 10 res are not yet 1 otai f.-.r missioiis. C",M v.'-; t ion O0-CtS er slOlOOO. 'fhis ! no money spirit in bu"--di!)f churches, pastors' .a'aries or ine!; The-greatest work and ll iiiS. the most marked imorovementis in the school wors m 1 ne wpj'e state, pwrt years ; had only (:k high section, 1 :ne 'at Madis-in count v, worth aii-.ro ib 000 :i part- o! r the IHptists. 'ehool in that Mars . Hiil, in 'ith property a v.! an enroll No v they have ith oropertv ment of .1"U poon, ten of thc-s.; si';:-. -is valued at 1 . 40 0u0 meat of 1 tiOi) i.uoiK nd a- euro 1 1 i his n uii; o;-r. Mr. John- . will be large! v ttie public schools the. mi-sionaries in M r. Johnsou de ' Very gra1 if ving, one hundred rais- met eased .vhr. ciose. The reports he staie , Ue'ds dares, ar"- : There are 'aboet siouarjo0 i:, hf 910 baptism. ;in iat" run! ti: i 2 20.) cot reporl rsions . Fbey ra ly sura i by this is a pj- v solely Si 1 - ti -if lipids, the good ''iiO .It- will be seen -e s'ate mission work v-s?m nf looking at it, s-Hiidpoir;; of dolhrs um .0: $2:i OilO is nut a- and c")! -in and $20 tr.ll -The Bipi;. future-as t ht-y declart-d Mr j and edue.i! ; ;;.) iVCi'i t'(j b.iCk. fs v:' j .stand iu the have in the pst. -.ii;.s in. tor ra;s!ons from 'our doors to the ends ot. tion fror.- 1 the Chii: perfect u-ii Not a di-ci from tie- -y: are unite'. earth, and for edua- puoi;c schools through n Coiiegr-s. Tn-re is in the denomination ant no'e i- heard, but 'loams, urine sea tuev cart to heart and Irtnil m hand, working harmuuio )usly for the causd." iocsea tne Ocean 5ox"d Up m the Unit! :t :i Steamer. Sew York Dispatch, 2nd. When a longshoreman todavulroo ped into the hold of the steamer Pa. latia, ot the Hamburg American L.me, just arrived at the Uoboken docks, he was startled to bear a weak voice call for water. Then he heard moans. Summoning assistance be made a search and found a man ly ""'""a -e'-nim fcat.ii sacKs. ine man to night is at a hospital with little chance of recovery. T . ... " . investigation shows that the stranger had been boxed up in Ger many in a packing case marked "J ts. (l. In the case was a small bottle which had contained whiskey ana aiso some crumbs of bread. A piec.-i of paper was found marked "John Bi-cif," The oox was mark ed in German, ""This side up with care." There were" no air holes in tbp.case and the hatch to- the hold had not been opened from the time the Palatia left port until today. The man was well dressed evideftt ly a German about 20 years-old He had less than a dollar in German money m his pockets. Up to the present the consignee or consignor has not been discovered. Yesterday and early today an American Ex press wagon called for a boy mark ed d as this one was. and it. is hi lieved that that through this circum stance something more mav he learn ed of the .strange' affair: It is be lieved the man was in the hold at leat fifteen days. Sad Accident in CJastonla. Gastouia Iispatch, 5th, Mr. J. E:l. Curry, while out hunt ing, was accidentally shot with his own gun, about 5 o'clock this after noon and died at t ;u5 o'clock this evening, e was a well known druggist an 1 u prominent citizen of Gistnnij. Ua ieaves a wife and one child. Mr. Curry and Mr. Genr.-'e Jpn- kins ci,.hunting about two rjis from lovu, when in iumDino- a ditch,. Vir. Curry's gun was. ,dis iharged,. the entire load , in' one barrel entering-the leffieg- between thekueVaO'i the thico Ami .rvm pletely severing the large ar erv ot be leg. Mr. . Je:.ktr.s was som distance away at the time, and as ooq as he saw what had haooened hurried to the nearest telephone, and summoned pt vs-cvhcs Dp. si resuonded, but Mr Gurrv was dying whn he rch-d him. A short time fterward Riand Wils nn ar rived, b-r !:: . j c ..u!d he Hon. aild ' V. C..!ft ': vhiirtlv afrui. ward tOior blitf, wrotfl or CoUun peifecilvj tuc ujiiiu. ooia oil Ktimaon , Holton Ready to le t all Charges. W ashinfton Dispatchth. . District At-orney Holton aid a number of friends called to see the ".wmjucde this morning to iu4utry as to-t-he nature of the t-uaiKBs, recently nid in tha.t D partment by W. B Ehis. Mr Ht ton was informed bv thA itn r- 1 . , , , , --w "-o.iucv "cue' ai lQat me charges which have uceu puonsnea nad been -filled Hol ton stated he was ready to meet any vc.p. -u wuicu sta'ement the At torney General renlied that if u became necessary to investigate the uianer aue notice would be given Some of the North Carolina mem h'iro rio t-n rAn : j t . uccu jjruviuea witti conies m, a against Mr. Holton . "' - vi rueiut typewritten Pukes, and a close rep-ard is o-: to detail. There was a nPrir,r misunderstanding between the dis trict attorney and Mr. Ellis, author ui me caarges, and. this misunder standing, which principally concerns home attoritfty s fees, is explained in fuii The title of the document is ijH.smg. it is on a special cover page, ona in the following word: Respectfully submitted to the President of the United States, in defense of the purity of the. Federal courts of justice in North Carolina. and lnnprotest of the appointment of A. E Holton, district attorney." rheehirge that ins oeaum the most concern is that paragraph in which it i stated that there" in col i union between the district attorney ud J E. Alexander. . Strong ex press ions, such as '"dove tails briefs" and "travesty of' -justice." are used in this connection, and caves th? I: "A. E H!ton and J. "e Alexander, doing business in Wins ton, act as judge and the jury for the government, as well as the persons accused oy the government, and ar range the verdict and relative papers mutually, before the case goes to the jury, in snch a way as to make the tees lit the full extent of the defen dants pocket. " Ivomantic 'Wooing "of an .Innrioin Girl- Atlanta ronstitutit?on. The sultan of Sulu is the sighing wain in an international courtship that is refreshingly romantic The object of his devotion is Miss Marie Sweet, daughter of the lieutenant colonel who was military governor of the Sulu archipelago for two vears and the sultan lost his heart "to a oicfurc the girl sent her father dur ino; his term of-office The San Francisco Examiner -avs: "Nothing would do but he must nave the. picture, and, perhap because royalty Jeven in Sulu is not. to be denied, and perhaps also to prevent international complica tions. Colonel Sweet, yielded to him he photogaiph. Thesultau studied it with increasing enthusiasm. He wanted to know the c )!or of her eyes and hair, everything that a fond father could tell a doling admirer. -Would she. come to the Sulu Is lands? -Vouid 'C'loneI Sweet, send for her? Colonel Sweet temporiz ed by explaining that the journey was long, tnat tne tropics are not uarticularlv attractive to the pret ry girls, and that American girls do very much as they please in their o'.'n sweet way The sultan was not easily discouraged. He got his mamma by threats or commands or oeseecnings, it is not for us to know how -to send her hat as a pres ent to the fascinating American girl. It somehow percolated into his in ner con-ciousnes that American girls need more persuading such very pretty girls as the one of the photograph and' he tried the -charm of all lauds,, the charm of jewels From the royal collection he select ed two of the finest oearls, rare. beautiful, perfect, so heavy that, thev drop like little bulle's into your nana, hard aud of a luster like the moonlight on the water. With these he sent a letter written in the quaint Sanskirt character the old est of Aryan languages oh parch ment. The royal seal of one signi ficiauce was in a lower qorner. I' was Carefully j-olled around a little stick with iyory tipsthe; strangest letter an American girl ever got. " The sending of the hat was a pro posal . f marriage and the fair recip lent of that heudoorn ' in headgear nas pacuea it away as a curio he sent a diplomatic message, spoken into a phonograph, to the sultan and will have the pearls set in a ring or or a pin as a souvenir of Sulu. but she will not go to the archipelago as a sultana. - Sensational Story of an Scandal. Amsterdam. Pispatch. Sensational stories of a roval scan dal are again current. It is learned from an intimate court scource that it is hot improb able that Queen Wilbeimina will ap piy for a divorce on the grounds of cruelty and improper behavior on the pnrt of the Prince Consort. Public sentiment is inteselv with the Queen . Last night a biograph picture of Wdhelminia which was displayed at the Carre theatre was tumultuously cheered, while one of the Prince Consort was loudly hiss ed. It is now asserted that the Prince was adverse to the raarr ge from the first, but that the Kaiser ins's'ed on it. in view of the increasing German influence in Holland. This is said to explain the unhapDy appearance of the Prince at the wedding which was then generally remarked. Doairer Queen Emm i is heart broken over the 'out-eons -l the mar riage iirtd is now endeavoring to eff eet. a reconciliation:." The original causf of the royal estrangement was tne rnnce s deots which the Queen refused to pay. when she found they had been contracted in an "improp er manner. Don't Let Thm Suffer. Of'en children are tortured, with itching and burniog pczama and oth er skin diseases but Bucklen's Arni ca Sa ve heals the raw sores, expels inn jmrnat'.on, leaves th--'stein with-o.it-a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 c'-'-tsat W. P Hail's. . How Are Yuui" &IUbch t Dr. HObbs' SpanwraR Plllscare aU Mrtrjey Pn rATh XEWS. Rawan is to have teu free delivery routes ' J ri;.,i ti -i, . luui wpi r,ve a concert in -harlotte on she' 15th. A new lodge of Elks was organiz" ed at Kinston last week. The State chartered the Lumber ton Cotton Mills Co. for $75,000. The Concord Tribune has come out for Overman for Senator to succeed Senator Pritchard. 'A $10 000 addition will l h:H 1 the Seashore hotel at Wrightsville before next season - ' , . ,; V ? i'.i tl ?ttleo1 Wl-thA hrst coun- Lincoln count State taxes for 1001 ty in the State to settle Capt, Bill Day, of Halifax, is in favor of Pmcriard's return to the csenate when bis term expire aoout dU,uuo has been wisod in the past iwo veArs fof tha j-ietoodist Orphanage at Raleigh . w - J - . c li vj UCOT ine next sessioa.of the North t- aroiiua (Eastern) Jethodist Con lercnce wm-oe held in 1 VVi imi mrtm, A.J. brut, keeper of the Rmeson cout chain gang was kdihd by the acomeuicii uiscaarge ot his gun last i1 nuay lnereceip.o irom tne toaage tax on lertnizers amot;ut to $ 08 000 this year an imirease of 23 percent over last. . . i . Fannie King, colored, was semen ced in Durham last week to 20 years in the oenitentiarv for muni eri no neriniant. C i. Woolen, of Winston, has open appointed registrar of the University to succeed E L. Harris deceased. .1 woman by the name of Bess Smith stabbed another: Hattie Hunsuekle, in a fight in Asheviile last i'hui'sdav. ihe State penitentiary cotton -op misyear win amouut to over 900 bales. The cotton is beinir held lor better prices. C. Lyon,. of Elizab?.thon,. Btaden county nas been appoicteJ sblicit(tr of the th district to succeed C. M JcLean, deceased. The Carolina Steamship Company has been chartered in New Jersev to un a hoe of steamers from Wilming- on to New Jersey. The North Carolina Conference is holding its annual session at Fav e'tPvUle this week. Bishop K. K Hargrove is presiding. When-the name of Rev. T. J. Gat tis was cilled 3t the Favetteville conference; his character was pass- -n utter a lively discussion. The sec md aanuil reunion of the o7th Norrh Carolina Regiment of Confederate soldiers will be held in Salisbury On Friday, December 13. It is said that Secretary of State Hay has tend red ex-Congressman Pearson the appointment as consul 10 Genoa, Italy, and that Mr. Pear son will accept. The State Board of Agriculture has appropriated $1,000 to the North Carolina State Farmers' Association to assist, if in organizing in all the counties of the State. M. W. Cranford & Sons, who moved from Davidson to Charlotte about two years ago, will return to Dauidson next year and resume their mercantile business there. The management of the peniten tiary .will increase the number of convicts at work on the Ohio River and .Charleston railroad in Mitchel county to 400 early next year. . Waiter Glenn acaipenter, fell 30 fppt from a scaffold in Charlotte Wednesday of last week. His head struck a rock crushin his skull and causing his death in a few hours. Henry W. Miller, private secreta ry or Col. A. B Andrews, has been appointed by the President of the Southern Railway first assistant to the First Vice President, Col. A. B Andrews. r. J. W. Stagg, of Charlotte has decided to undertake the work of raising $300,000 for the twentieth century educational fund from the Presbyterians of North Carolina, He wili begin January 1st. At the joint debate between the students of vv ak Forest and Trinity at liaieigh last Friday night, Wake Forest won. The question for dis cussion was Compulsory education in North Carolina," and Wake Forest had the affirmative. tiovernor AycocK, liother Ay- cock as he was ca'led, so fired tbe Baptist convention at Winston last Friy by a sppCh on education that the debt of $43 000 on the Bap tist Female University was wiped out by the sub criptions that poured in on theoneiusioa of nis speech. A woman and a man were arrest ed in Wilson last week on the suspi cion that the woman was Nellie Cropsey. They were afterwards released and then re arrested on re ceiving a telegram -from Georgia that a man and woman of their de scription were wanted in Georgia for horse stealirg.' The Georgia Legislature has ap yropriated $500,000 to build a Union Depot in Atlanta. A fire in the tobacco district of Dinvil'e Va , Friday caused a loss of $130 000. Brown's warehouse and the leaf plant, of Hughes & Co., were long 'he nlants destroyed. 1 J - .'ACS ! it ?M r"VZ' LFIT ij-in24ta4Siouj4 A Good Thing. German Svrup is the special pre scription Gf Dr. .1 Boschee, a cele brated German physician, and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries" in medicine. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all lung trouble's of the severest na ture, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts m a strong and healthy codditW; tt is rot an experimental medicine, but has stood the test of vears - .ris ing satisfaction in'every case, which its rapidly increasing sale everv season confirms. Two million bot tles soid annually. Boschee 's ' Ger- ' man Syrup was introduced da the -'.United States ih ISGS, and" is nov bkl in every .town and villas in tin civilized world. Three doses wil now he 1 iii . relieve any ordinary couy;h. Price 75 cents. Get Green's -Priz' Alma. nac W.F.Hall. The coroner's jury found that the disastrous collision on the Waba-h Railroad near Seneca, Mich., in which nearly 100 people were killed between trains 13 and 4, was caused bv the negligence of the- Wabash Railroad Company and the trainmen of train No. 4. . Health and Beanty. A poor complexion is usually tho result'of a torpid liver or irre'i'nlar action of Lthe bowels. Unless" na ture's refuse is carried off it vdll snrely cause impure blood. Pimpled, boils and other eruptious follow This is nature's method of throwing off the poisons which Ihe bowelfaiU ed to remove, De Witt's Little Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition. They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy aetion of the bowels but never cause griping cramps or distress. Safe pills. Stimson &Anderson. Two hundred and eiyhty five men 1 representing 1.500.000 working men met in the annual convedtion of the American Federation of Labor in' Pittsburg last Thursday. President. Samuel Gompers presided. Thousands. Sent into Exile. Every year a. large number of noor. sufferers whose lungs are tore and racked with coughs are ured to -o to another climate. Bjt this is costly and not always sure. Don't be an exile when Dr King's New Discovery for consumption will ct p. '- you at home. It's the most infalli ble medicine for coughs, colds, ai d all throat and lung diseases on earth. 1 he. first . dose brings relief. As tounding cures result from persis tent use. Trial bottles free at W F Hall's- Price 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Qieen Wilhelmina's hubat:d. Prince Henry has begged his Oueens padon and also that of -the govern ment -and been forgiven bv the young Queen of Holland. Of Benefit to All. D. S. Mitchell, Fulford, -Md.: During a long illcessl was troubled with bed sores, was advised to- trv DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and so with wonderful results. I was-oer- fctly cured It is the best salve on the market." Sure cure for piles, sores, burns. Beware of counter feits. Stimson & Anderson. Tom Hampton, colored, was hanged at Lake Citv, Fla., last Fri day for a double murder, committed nine years ago. He confessed before he" was hung to having -killed five men. Saved His Ufe. "I wish to say that I feel I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure." writes H. C. Chrestenson, of Hay- field, Minn "For three years I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could hold nothing on my stomach, Many times 1 would be unable to re tain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live. I read one of your advertisements on Kodol Dyspeps'a Cure and thought it fit my case ai d -commenced its use. I began to im prove from the first bottle. Now I am cured and recommend it to all." Digests your food. Cures all stom ach troubles. Stimson & Anderson, Griffin Mayo and Frank Strong, sixteen year old boys are under ar rest in Clevelauy G. The have con fessed to the robbery and murder of Emne Goodman, a tailor. Food Changed to Poison. Putrefying food in the intestines produces effects like those of arsenic but Dr. King's New Life Pills exptl- the poisons from clogged bowels. "" gently, easily but surely, curb g constipation, biliousness, sick head aehe, fevers, all liver, kidney at d bowel troubles. Only 25 cents at W. F. Hall's, Two young women were burned to death in a fire near New Orleat.s Friday. Miss Jane Toppan, of Lowe'. Mass., a trained nurse, is on trial f r the murder of three of her pa- ents by poison. 1 f ouanea "I had a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and I grew very thin. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was quickly cured." R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimonvas the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. ' We know it's the great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. t I There's cure in every drop, i cold; 60O., Juot right tor UroiiclAui, boHrso. ness, hard colds, ete.rfcl. taos economisAt 7 1 U lor eolOluc cases nnn in Keen on nnoa. 3. C. AVEU CO., Lowell, Mais. For Saltf b W. T. Hall. lyimomi uiuiLinimfcywy -

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