A WE GUARANTEE TWICE AS LARGE A CIRCULATION IN IREDELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES. AS THAT OF ANY OTHER .PAPER PUBLISHED rOL. lX- STATESVILLE, N. 0., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1901,' -NO. 5. .BACK" IF IT fAIL TI e Vino's ) x Coin- pany invest iga ion of the Amos Cheery Tree Cumuanv. of An O ven Henrietta, N C , has been conluct ed by the. Com mission Controlling Crop P'sts. which is chart-red wi h the annual inspection of all nurser ies of the State. Our investigation proves to our satisfaction the concern to b- a fraud, and t.b findings are herewith the information of company has Bdrneii by Molten Hrtal. An Auful " DeathKurXine Men. ! Pittsburg, pa , Disp'tch. By an explosion of gas tn the S ho furnace of Jones & Laughlin, near Brady stree, this city at 6:20 o'clock this morning, nine men were burn ed toeath, three injured so badlv that they are-not expected to live and two others .dangerously hurt The damage to the plant, will amount to $2d OUO. The explosion occurred in one of the big blast furnaces. Th men were a' work at the top of the furnace over 120 feet from the (eleifin24to 48ur. F rSalebv W f. Hall. t t me 5 irsi nationa c rj iiitviLt-r. i. c i;. it ar I'u'rkirg Business. Deposits received neiet p:i! ri timo deposits. Money U-vi- Sliecial attPnf inn iioirt tn t ,. T 'u -i'shh d.for ! to., i.-ubhe: i VvV find that the ! been ui der the management of the ' ground. Gas. which had accutnalat ! ft.: lowing persons, in he order nam- td in the furnace, ex ploded and tons led: Dr Frank Bright, Henrietta, of molten metal and slag were N. C; Rev. T. Bright, (father of thrown over the unfortunate men on Fra-k Bright), C. D Wilkie, Ruth the top of the structure. All the , erford'on , Cbas. Watkins. Henriet men made a rush for the eleva'or, ta(?). aiid Geo. W. Rollins. , Forest but it had gone down and there was Cit. and C. M. or(u. C ) Paget, of no escape, The jump mean , certain Henrietta, or Forest City. dea h and to remain on the plaform The pi ii.cipal fdCJs found damag was jus' us certain doom. Tons of molteo mtai anu siag ten upon tne men and nurned nine of them to Q.'sth. Their boiies fell to tb roof of the mill, S3 feet below, every bone bro-en and tin unrecognizable mass of hum in ush. Ordinarily only three men work IN -CONGRESS. SIATfc. NEWS, ; lit'IX'l P,l M'CITlt V. ut. (i -riui tu or remiiTeu at lowest rates. AcctMict t ti 1 i l is., lit ultditdt SIC It llividna's soliritf ri fn snl.j. d .-ri :' C! if. h- ttiost favorable terms. OFFTCE'RR:, A MKff V. Fteeidert . -IrVl. Vice r EO. II Ititaw v l ashier, Ct to good :S,Ot. root t'.VC (' side n int.' to t tic company are: ... 1. The.t rsnsier of the certificate issued' by tbc Commission without knowledge or consent of the Com mission, and its ue upon stock no in?M !.-d to be e 'vered by it. 2. Ti;-r npn payment of ajjents 'who ASTHMA CURE F n.Ki apparently fulhlled tbeir part of on top of the turnace. out tnis morn hi-f i;, tract - htitr at ab ur b:lo o cJock, one or tne heavy iron watrons used in takinsr up the ore to tne top of the furnace tfor. stuctt in the top ot the structure and the tnree mn sent for assis tance. A fe.v men went up but they c uld not move the waon tnd more jient ud, until the numoer reached li Eve witnesses say that it was the 3. The inferior quality and jrad-: ii. of the trees Soli by the com j.uiy. 4. Frt.q'iency with which the 'ivviM'v.-bip of the concern has chang eti Hands. :". I tit- direct fraudulec dealings f h -company in puchaitig trees f- .-m distant sources (Mitchell coun Astbmalene Brings Instant Relitf and Permmo mie m hi, uit. 1 ot t J-iNT A I ITIEI y IT FF C" RFCFJPT OFFO V L tVHIlt 1 C X" B A' 31 J Ax I ADDK FSS PH1M Y. FOR i V ene th. else There is nothing like Ab-of.. It bfintjs instant relief. -v."i ' worst cases. It cures vh -n a i f liis rheRev.C. F wLtS. cfViPi Rige Til. avs: "Yni.r trial bottle of smmi'tne receiv ed in e'iod condi'ion. I cannot tcli vou how th"kiil I feel for the go1 deried iiotn it I wa a s'ave. chained with put:i t re t'nrtSat an-t Asthma for ten years I devjai-e.l or-ever lMisr c 'i-d. I aw vour adi'e' ti t-t:ic:it J- r the cure nf this dreadful and tfrniffi t ' f i s- Asthma and th.-ueht v u had ove'S"" y jtrr-elve hut resolved to cive it :t it-t . my astonishment, the trial act-a-l..e ; cl-.ariu Scud me a full size Njttle." RfF Dr Mi.rris YichIer, ' Rabbi of the Cong, "nai I rael. New York m. 3. 1901. nRS TXFT BROS MEOICIN'K ) Gntlemenr You' sttttna1er? an ex-Vl'en remedv 'or s'hra anl H-ty 'fv-' ?t c. n1 .,.tilion alleviates all tro'ibie- v-H ) crm cin- with 'hrtia Its su. Cess 1 aMi.iiisfias and vv.nrterful. ffr havmsr it carefully a'la'v?-.'.' we can statethat -it hmalene contains in. i.iuni. mm 1 hint chloroform or ether. Verv truly v. ;-s Rev Dr. M' rsk v. .ci;:-;.i a 1 Avon Strings N. V Febri r.ry :. -Jr Tft ttROS. M iDict'E cn, J ' Ge ;- fHu-i; ( vevle t'H ieiiiaitti fnvn 1 ?-ie o' -fitv. nane icsicu mc c'vur -:i:n t'eiie. for tile cure sthma. Mv wt In- Deen Miuiticu 11 - a i . trthe ; 12 vetr- laying exhau-ted my own skill as -e'l as mny oi ners 1,1 i tr.i 1 n-. ri vmr'wtnd .w on.l oth stre.-i. New VorK. 1 ai -n eoiMaiucn "".' 1 XV.K Irr r trrrjs .-:re- it 11' ' :!e"t I" r e. HI a r ve recom.nend the medi-incto all who are b itric.eJ v, ui! j.t.1: Yours respectfully. O D PHtLfS. M. D. 0 1:11 -in-nee 1 taking it anout tne 11-si 01 nveiinei 1 .ci rw . . A ir r i-i lit one '..tite her sfnni ha- disai.ear-d and sh.- i- entirely fret- n ' ce! th it 1 au coisiteut.ly Ci:-.ctse. VtDitlNE Cr t : ' r 1 1 ' I-e' -- T V R ( id with Asthiua for-.jyeais I nave tr-ed tiutmr.;. r l'i't(i I in : cm. out advcrli-emi t a"d sta-n d nh a tnai . r 1 h:.y, iiic e 'pun liast-d 011r tun lz- ootoe, ana am tver g-aiejui ' ii;e;i and t.t six ear-was "ui. able to work. I am now in the be-t ff l.e.'tn , : t - etfe-Me"- 1 f. a !;-. nniy yy .11 d havint;such trees shipped in js,f horrible iijnt they ever wit nested. Ihev i-ay that when the ex plosioti f.ii place there was one jrreat loud report and the heaveDs were iliuraiuated wi'h a sheet of flames, show ua the mn on top o' the furn ice ruuniny about jjesticu ii iirman Crop Pest (JuoitiJissioD latioir vviidlv. The .flames and hot 1 o r Uie laoL'l, 'Amos UA'en cner- v i'rees " vVe beiiew the company to be an i -is, .lute traud, anjd warn all persons icc-.iruintriv-. S L. Patterson, A Miserly Woman Dies j NewOrleans Disjjatch, 30th, . Miss Cornelia L. Seibels.atred 104,' Two new furniture factories start is dead at Brookhaveo, Miss. Miss etl up iu Hickory last week. Seibe's wa an ideal miser, Hv-iuvr in : , . . . ' , jrreat want and wearing therao-d-1 tfh 1 S arrant nff for a far est, clothes. Her trunk was .found j ni'upePsition next spring, full of deeds to property in. New;. The Charlotte Poultry show will Orleans, Shreveport. Minden. La., j be held Jauuary 7ih 10th 1902 -Jackson, McCombCity. Bvookhaven ' n. t vrr n , . and a.dozen other places m Mississ- nhP!V W Coleman aDronnnett ippi Two years ao Miss Seibels phys,C,an of R,wan died Friday, went to L mdon to claim a lare i D jnlao Bros . of Norwood. assign fortune there and was arr. sted as a ed 9'nck. A&se ' s $2 000 j liabili vagrant on account of her rarjrd t;es 03 000. 1 ard forlorn condition.- but was "re-! ti,.. bi - . , leased when $15 000 in cash whs - xt .A "'suipers puousn- j " -u ai--iii!n, a "jam ot over bU in three years. in cash found concealed on her person. Some Washin&tgn Happei.ings. The House passed the Philippine tariff pit t Wednesday of last. wee! by a party vote Ttie Democrats at tacktd the nVssure vigorously but to no avail Senator Sl nTjons has introduced a bill aypro.uriat.ing $2-i 000. for a monument to Virginia D.re, the fiist wttite c'sv'd b irn in. America. A. -Wasaiiii'OQ dispatch of the lythSiivs: K-jresent.ative terce. of Mar 1 md iuday introduced a bill reviving the tr'rade of vice, admiral of the tj.iv -y an i authorizing the ap pointment trf" Win, T Sampson vVinSeid Sc iL' Schiev and Chas E Clark t the i.Tade of vice admiral As Mr. LVa co represeo's the dis trict from Rirc1! Admiral Schlev comes and .Lai oeen an active ad hereut ;f th admiral, the proposi tion to uniitv Adm ra!s Samoson and Schley ard r-unain Clark, o' 'he Oreg ju, in rij"!!iejmeat to ihe ran'-: of vica rcuxiiir. regard id as a conciii'a: rv step. The .Set, ate, and House of Rpre sentaiiy.s ioih adj irned last Thurs dav guuui. Jvloudciy, January G.h, 1902 Uef-r.'- ---ij ivning a spc'al order was ni kl r. r t.n. c usia-rration or the N t.iMi . oi Catiiit bid on Tues day, Jauarv T. h. A. bill tiLXs Djen introduced in tha either learn to spell correctly cr fail Senate o- 5jrjiro 11 tana gran'my to get tneir diplomas. Mrs McIa n lev a uensioa of 45 000 J ne isisi K lii'an cinl). Rock Hill. S. C, Journal. Forty youns? unmarried mB of Gefeva. N Y., have organized a U ack BeanCiuo. It meets once a vear. ana at that time a box cue- A Good Thing. v German'Svrup is the special pre- scriution of Dr 1 Boschee, a cele brated G-rqian phys.cian, .and ia" acknowledged to be one of tile -most fortunate discoveries iu medico oe. It qu'ckly cures emiobs, colds and all lungtrfvubles of the 'severest na ture, removing, as it. does, the cause of the sffVction and !e:u Ingthe p.irts " in a strong and . healthy coddinon. It is rot an exuerinaentai medicine, but has stood tbe test-of years, t:iv- . iDg satisfaction in every case, which its rapidly increasing sale eMry . season cocfi'-rns. Two million bot tles sold annuiHy. B js:hee's Ger- , man Syrup was introduced to the th;? f)U' buHdinirs by fire all Wednesday They Slasr. Ciirrt to Spill. Raleigh Post. The Agriculture Ted Mechanical "olleyp U going to ioUojv the leid of the University of Chicaiff)- and other gteat instil u'ions in requiring its graduates to know bos- to spell. Ptrh'iif th'f reat.3t,t. bar.-, of rr. d- f u r.uuunimu is poor spetiiri;'. l ue : . ii-aib-tf -t.f ciiia.v -you-- v t ! ..r!- tc' Wire, an aged and women when they enter college is ti3iVil'u' ' 'l'V'115407 pRf".-i-i'-i so poor in spelling that their com- fti!Uf's which burned her house in position for their whole live is dis-: Drhma county last week. )'raCf-fl hi' mini. M wnrdc Thai C- , 1 i . i . . 1 XJ. Mil il I ri. oi- vi. iiege aeais wun practie-! 1 1. al th'ngs., and it purposes to require jjaVt. lis poor spetiers to organiz-i u nitea rstares in is is and n l. -nw Episcopal church, tbreel-so'.d tn every town and viHafe in he wasl civilized world Three doses will St Paul' miles norn or Liirnomton hm-r.uH l i.t Tru Tl : ,. s , - iUj..-ijf. j;icic vva j relieve an v ord mar jt conh. tree nomsurau e. ' f 75 cents. ' Get Green's 'Priza Ahua- F E. O ierv. of Xea-el' Mrr-Uler,. D3C W. F, Hall. ' bui c iuutv. )ost his house and fire in P. J. Rudisill's Two Knuxvilie policemen v re shot Fpday niht by a deerftdo wco escaped but v. as arrested San day 20 miles from Knox vi lie.. The on'ricerc.i'ii spli.nf ered their bill es over his head 'but he iroi' aw.ay. -1c pmved to be Harry Longoautih, "1 tie. Montana, bank rbbber, who mad-" a sensational escape from two Nahe- c iu Lrucoiuiou inursaav wouiu;u 1 u nnl 1 n ii m n tartar, t I ir A K; . 4" all ihemselves into spelling classes, atid a year North Cha. l 35tcn. FilANKLIM MI ER VI AN JR , Lutooiologist. il;;ic address. 35.J Kiviniiou street,. 67 Easi 1 st Trial CcdlrSfBl Ab-.oluiel) Free on Ileeeipt cf Po ai. Fat Jobs 111 Manila. Washington Correspondence P hiladelpaia Rec- tiru. A Republican member of Congress vno h:i? just . returned from tht Pu iippines , has brought back a copy vt the civilian pav roll a:. Ma niia. He in&ists that it shows grea extravagance on the part of tn g iveriim-"nt, aa that L ongress 5'i Miid prune the list. The civil. an salary rolls at Manila .Mn v 4 (JUG names of Americans and t'iiipiti-j.s, who craw- 'an aggregate 1 ni u 11 s.tipMnd from the government ! 3 aSG 989 Of these '2 044 are America ti?, whose yearly compensa i in fooLsi uo $d 230 044 Toere are 1 5U; ' itiptuoa, ad wun a few excep i 'in oceupvii.g minor places, which -l a toiai of $3uti U43 to the iu cumber, s. . .''..-'. ,f...awiug i's. .i '"st of some of th" sa tries piiid to civilian officers: G i.ernor Tft, president of comm si hi', 20 000; each of four com'&i- - oners $15 U0O; secretary to "he coni'iiiss o i. 7 5t)0; caiei justice a F. ip:tio. 7 500; Trga-urer 0 000, - :. i'l-Tltes, Uonf them Filipinos. r7 ik.'O; Audi 'or, $G 000, collector o c jst,,;ijs 5-G t00;ne4a o! Ueparimenis o! is--,'s.o (tin); chief of educattot. jii t0 ; chtef of health bu "in. $t UO'J; Aiturney General, .') o'.i). IJ p to September 1 last Governor Taft vis rcC Jiving $12 0t)0 anuu illy md $15 per diem. After, that date us sal try was fixed at $3 000 a year .s coaiin ssioher and $15 UU0 jiddi inu:-i ' iis tne head of the bureau tiis oi ner c iiieagu.es fi tne co-moats jjjjn ;.ls6 are.paid JfS.UOt) a'year a j inb't-a of the couimissi.oa aad f rP 0U0 more each as head? of bu rrpjir comp-asaiiotj there r".,-re is $15 000 auiiuaiiy. metal looked like a volcanic in ac tion. Five of the men were blown off tte top of the furnace and strange is it may seem these men are the ones that'are sti'l living. The oth ers hung on the railing, some on the outside, others on the inside, unti. their clothing was burned off. The hen fell to the roof of the mill, dead Seven of the victims were found dead on the platform of the cup !a These were c-'nip!etelv denuded of .:lothes by thetiimes and their b die. j?ere burned almost to a crisp The most distressing feaure ot the disaster was the burning of a mill named Frankowitz He wa--ern by tne thousands of people wh" jvere on their way to work, to run t,o the platform railing and ieap into 'h'air. He re'! to the stock yard sh-d at'd i i e a y burned to deith before the eyes f the crowd li ft v feet below, who had no way to reach him Carolina Day At Exposition. News and Observer. -oth- Nerlh Caroiiua week at the Char lestoa Expobiaoi has finally been raining forty beans, one of which is i istueir .. 1 - T. :.. . U . I. w . -J ),.!, I . .1 rn, . ! 1U" " J,,"al causi cl serious loss but prompt wok in putting it out. -A dwell in' ;.r in trifanton, belong ing to C. v. J. A Gilmer, of Rowan was burned V-Vdnesday night of las we-k. Loss. $2,000, with 1,300 in surance. There are 1.G41 insane- persons in rhf three State hospitals, g09 of whom are women and 775 men. 238 applicants were refused admission D -i hot .I-- av. EI'WINK CO. Write -.vt once, vld'-e smg DR. TAFI BRO Eist 13 h r.. N V City uolin Martli anlQranite'Co., Ml Kind Dealers - nf Marble and Gran! For Cemetery and Bui ding Purposes. We aiv iu a position to quote 'he verv loe-t prices on Morum . ' 2 lets, HeaoV,pnes, and all kinds of cemetery work. 'Wnrkman'hn Guaranteed to First Gijs . r Write for our catalogue and prices. , . YARDS AT STA7ESV1UE SUISEl'RY AND. NORTH WI'.KESBCF.O Sera up ts-njiiioi s hiis appointed U 11 B ivd, of Re dsvuie, his tte u i..r;iplj'-r. r -Boyd will go to U ;,-b'ri'''in of ec.'rip Holiriavs. TWO STATE SBATORo ENDORSE PE-RU-NA. I tA , yAH be HKim HON. J I Kell 500 Fpp From an Ore Backet. Salisbury Dispatch. 20th. R iss.R j.se'l a vountr white man. 'tapS-yed at the Union Copper .Fine it Gold Hill, met a 'frightful death ' his aftern oo.i Y ung Russell hnd een working at the bottom of a 500 foot shi.fr, wirh five otner employes f the mine, sending up successive b:cets ,,f ore rvt 0 o'ci.'ck the mn who made uo the las' sh'ft 'f hands for the dav got in the bucket an.d gave the usual signal to the hoister man at the top The bucket in this shaft is a lame me, and i dran up by a steam '-Osfine, to wh'ch the wire isattaeh-'d -uni,icg over a gallows like scaffold -ng at the top. c tiled the "ppuer head'" Thengioe has a capacity 'f loistini; 10,t ns "f ore up the shaft it the rate ot 1 ,tiuu teet a minute When human life is the freight in rbe bucket the rate of progress up- wards.is slo -er. "Unfortunately on thisoccaion the noiter man w.is talking to some one when tde bucket, came up the shafr md ca-'eiess y allo-ved it to get be voud coutro!. It consequently hit the ' pouper head withgrea? force ill the men being more or less bruis ed, acd young Russell being knocked ut and sent downward d00 feet t' nis death. His body was brought op short! v afterwards a mere mas. of j liy. The escape of his com pan ons is considered nothing less than a miracle Xhe deceased was a native of thi county, living near Gold Hill agreed uuun. It is the week begin mug April Tih 1002 Governor Ay-oock yesterday re ceivtd a letter from Goi Hiuipaiil irformtiig jiim tnat thi exposition directors uii sane ioned mo seG tion of this week. N ifta Carolina will make a big disulav al Charleston dui-ing tne dates agrei U up iu and a represecta tion, worthy of tue atate, Will be (jresnt. imo. otily wni ti ivornor Aycjck and the various Stale officials act nd me exposiUuii N r. h aroiina w-ek, out an eu ire regiment of the .'sttte Guard will aecuiupn v His Fxcetieu cy, l'n.s d.s beeu oeliuat vely de tided, though as yet A-Jjuaut Geu eral tkovs.tt-r bas not made pu .lie he arratigemeu is I r the moveme.it uf the miliar. - The reg meat that is to accom- pa'uy the Governor 'and Sate otii cers 1st oe a p.ovui oal ouc. Coot hjosed of ur co iipaaies Ir..n eacu regimeui in the State Guard. It Wni be c mmaud--d oy ttie. senior ulonel of tiiL- guard, 'i ne AOjj tant GsfLei-il'auU his .slatf aad tiir- Goverut-r's p-r&:ijal aud genera, stall win be iu tiie prirty. The v Hi j.ul iepreseutation of tht itale wi.i ue such as 10 attrac' tftousar-.i.-; t.f' far Heel citi.j:js, many ot wh xu ut-ve purpo.seiv ceiavt-t-- pr.oposeU Vis.t, to ineexp Mti-in u j Ltl'-.ttie sei-cHoi) of luetlaL ' fur Noriti Oaroliua week .vas tiuatly agreed up ou. iuecitie is la cv.-ry way an dmirao e oue Tne exposition wm oe iu ns z;.i--a at tuav uuie auu t n - Advancing i!i'iiig weather wis I inane the trip a;i irie more agreeable. The Pullitea Memorial Hall oiac. is Dassea arouno. i he man vho draws the bla. k bean must get ! Tte Amos 0yen Cherry Tree Co. married before the next meeting, hive sent out circulars totheir 3 500 rht ovincac'r Ko c.i.i.r u, agents- inform'nt them that th . tr , . I c I- i n i o t n t h i v r. r anil nplfr, fit corn uan v was oerunct and haa Hard J " " !"V " i" ly enough money to buy posiag.5 stamps. ' .. for ' 4 ()f)0 nf thp iinsi('neH Montana h i nT? notes were found in Knoxville anoU on the desperado. Health and Beanty. A poor cffmplexion is usually the result of a torpid liver or trregn'tar action of the. bowels. Unless i a ture's refuse is carried off" it fill, surely cause impure blood. Pimples, boils, and other eruptions follow This is nature's method of throwing riff t he poisons which the bowels fail ed, to remove. DaWitt's Little Early Risers are world famous tor :PD:edvicg this condition. .They II. BAXTER. PRIS'TIN Q! Ttiti art of printing is an old one bUf the artist ic M les in h'tu h cb edis' plav tvpe on the nice line of stationery which ne have rt-cently put in mnkes one think it a late invention : : : : What it iif t Run th Stt Raleigh Correspondence Asheville Citizen, The legisla-ive committee made its report on tne orate t reasury as f . 1 1 . . r- . i - ? i - 11 43 'fnow; uaiaoir in gnerai tuna Ijf November 30th, 1900 $101143: te ti J l.irt itArt .. Al .m "V .... tvAM 3'th, 19-H, $1 602 666 Expendi 'ures arf as follows: Dangerous nsane: $7 416: hospital, at Rlfigh. d,3Db. at Gieensnnro f4o iZ). at Morgan ton 112 633; Deaf and Dumb school a M.irjnu'on ?43 718; Sta prison $l7 8ir); Agricultural De .oar! ment $67 334: Soldiers' tlomr I $14,818; Sen ml for D -af Mute and H o.rt at Raleigh b8 011; pensions 5llo.2Dl; Agricultural and wchaoi c 1 Colege. Rileigh $54 645; Uuiver -it v of rMorth Carolina $31 000; cot red-Agricwltural College, at G eaos ooro, 40,00, Oxford Orphan .4sV- um $0 t)00;sundry expenses f 19a 89o Balaucti December 1st, 1901 $18,263;' pubi c sehfiol furd balance govern oer 30 1900 $23 216;receipts dunng be vear et.ded November 30th. 1901, trom tne treasury ot tne ctuo. m eluding a wedding tour and the fur nishing of a house The members do not know h draws the bean un- tiil he is ready to announce his en gagement. Six months is allowed bim to become engaged If at that period he is unengaged the members look up a girl who will have him, for- mirry he masf. Tae bichel rs ot ; i nis city nrglv follow Mrt and or I LfAni?! a hujn rlni-k V. W h till T the bachelors s.aj. The t-.yo-.vear old son of Kir by Sm'Hv of '.'avue county, was burn edlo(le;.?h last week. The little child's-dn'ss caught afire while its raoth"r- was out of the room for a lew moments.. d L ilerritt. for a Appalachian Park Favored by The President. Washington Pispalch I -th. President Rjosevelt todaj- sent to!sk congress a letter strocgl VjComnaend ; tug the plan for a national forest j "t-s-Tve in the southern rvppaachian ' long time le editorial staff.. -of the News j and Observer' will take, charge of i tt:e A-hev!i!eCitiz-non January 1st He wilt ui iUe-itotie of the best dail- i ies in the Sta'.e." I v Jas. i. fool, ot. uiavton, was pecttd of having set tire to the bouse he .as occupying one night last week, thereoy endangering the region Tne letter accompanied the ; lhH Cilizuri, of the town "put htm on report of tha a; cretary of Agncui-, thp Uam wilb oraers never to come fureou thts su j -ct. ! back Tne President states that the 1 facts ascertained set fVrth'an ecm-)- ' W. TT. TJes-er. of Rutherfordton, m'c need of prime importance- to j who a few davs ago bought the ,4m the South, and hence, to the nati m os O-veu Ciierry Tree Go's business ts a whole, and they point to the-j wii; go out of business. Z-s has lost oectsity of protecting through I money by .nit bargain atd has at- ieu.e a m mataiu r. gi n whose! tacneo' i.the fut ds of the company in .ntiue ice flows far v bevt od its j tne-baaks belooging to the. former i -raers wun toe waters oi tne riv ( uwuto. m-s to wh ch it gives rise. After re- , All eff.,rt will be made in the case terring to tne marvelous variety md richness tf plant growth in tir.s regular ano nealthy acun or l ie bowels but never cause gri pi ng, cra'jjps or distress. Sfe 'ptiU. stinison &, Anderson. -. " Sch ey's friends in congress have decided not to ask Congress to in vestigate the Santiago campaign. They will ask Secretary Long for a rebpariog and if this is not grmtcd will appeal to the 'President.' o th- A arK RaleigT Pest. President Wi.ision. of M Co lege i'if rms IDi P st th-it tne sum -1 nk nas dmii sj tscritt eu to varu o -1 et ect.i on ii tne-uro- oosed hai d.oi.e Pu-ien mm tria l egion, the President says it is un -urpa?sed for .purposes, uf a-hard vood reserve ai.d ne e true.-tlv cotn mends the project to to Cougre-s. Admiral Sampson CtUically 111. . Washington Disi.atch 17th. Admiral Sampson is critically ill aid prooaoiy wm never leave nis 'iome again Every pleasant after noon, siuce nis return nre, ne nas beeu able to take a walk acc mpan- oeir th co '.lege' It-is hoped there led by Mrs. S-tm.psou. Sunday he wifl'be no lagging in interest in this weutout for the fast time but fouim movement udm! the necessary uimelf so weak that he was obliged am iuut. SlO.OOt) 'reu aired for the to return to the house wuhout tin OU idli.g Much depends for the success of the enterprise upon the action of the c ty iu 1 he matter of a suitable ioca turn for V e oui.-d'og.- A site is de sired oa t h pirK t)rooerty, eas if the c lot- ge n am b"i!ding vvh'ch wasdona'eU to the ci' isniug his walk It was learned today that Samp on has not been cogn;zint of the vatious features of the Sampson -cb.;ey controversy tor over a year, tie na UU played no interest what ever in the findings, Sampson s by the late family and friends have been made S anhoe Pu:;en as we;! as giving I oaiutullv aware 01 the oiuerne&s .of t he ground f.n whi h the college is tbe controversy by the receipt by located to he su'. J. a'mot evei v mall of aOusi ve letters f he idea .s to r ct building for from Schley 's partizius' in various dir.ingha-i m the li st floor and a La.-ts ot the United States. large aud o ium :n the second floor, for use as .a etiapel,. atd auditorium or great 'eJ,a-iofis a' the college. j we'l a. a y ace that would be. avadab.e ,; speakings or other pub 1C gaUe-r-igs in wmca the city migiit tie invested. It would beau ornaineiu to mat 'part 01 tne oa-K prepert ar d as it is m a tew steps oftheeir line, -would be a place ot utility for puoiic gathi-r ugs. PresHie.it v mston savs there is noplace on the college urooertv suitable for the erection of th's buii ding, ai d hopes the park propert3 will be avanaoie McLaurin Land' in the It publican Irarty. Washineton Dispatch. It is a facf, Dot. generally publish ed, that Seuaror McLaurin, -of South Carolina, .a tended the Republican c tucus Tuesday morning, and was rewarded oy. being placed on six t.reasur s ofiioe aud Chief ' Eluisou commuieesasa ti puo.tcan uunov ,f tne Auditor s effi-e, upon th ttie meeting "senator Mi Liunu m-.de Uolendid c mdition of the books in Doth the otbcis. Inev are 1 popula and competent young men, and it is sf-! to say that the Oooks of th t w. ffijes were never in better hands vlessrs Licv acd D x on are. to tn eomosimeuted ution having such cx client c er.Cii f --s. IF WE QUOTE PRICES AND SHOW SAMPLES WH : : : : : WILL GET YOUR WORK : : : FrUtter: workmen, better material o work with.. a better linf of tatinnfry etc. pn ables us to do better wfir k than eer tVork guaranteed, end us your next order, we will appreciate it. : : ' : ! THIil MASCOT PraNTING.CO.. Hon. J. II. Saner, State Senator from Douglas Co., to tha Nebraska Legis lature, writes from Frank's Hotel, Ornb a, Xeb,, as follows: "Having triad Peruna I csn com mend it t5 cl! as a grsat tonic and par- ti:uter!ysoodcs a remedy for catarrh." oubic school furd balance Novem a brief statement of his position ...J. tl. SAVER. oer 30 1900 23 216;receiDts dunni? claiming thit he c u d not consist nnnnrohlf Tr.trifk KpnnpHv. Arpmhef be vear et,ded NovemOer 30th 1901. en 'y act -.vith toe D mu crat, H- of The Massachusetts Legislature, writee 417 620., disbursements during the ! was t'iyeu a piai.-e oa the f -Mowiog ho followins letter from the House ol yesr $5 304; balance $35 524. committees: r., jims isSU$ippJ R-nrcsentativcs. Boston. ' Rier, Ind an Aff 1 rs, Maiuftctu- t,,,..c t TT-rtm"n Cotton srel Trust Beatea in Miss, ers Eieeutjre Dioartmeuts aad 1 . . , . . ne.irSIr:"! have no hesitation In New Orleans Dispatch. lra-spor au-.D. ThU fi,i,. rt-n tv, viitci.cinni ! lne a- liSl and ue . 1 -. t K, Liiuriu u s t iiien his ulcC in t h- lere h- has be vears i ne Ninth today to Peruna. 1 Know u to oeasurt . u lu w,"w,rJv '"r 0 ir )l.na D m .ents wtli not alto cure for Indigestion and its attendanl uZ Jn io . nI hicn to ov.te.J fo ,n tbeir pnmarie tCliction, nervous denimy. or tne scs v a(. ...u , i'he 'acti-m of McLurin is regarded , ,1.1 x , I not to irlVfanv nu ire lor sthir-h a.'. " . & wccks iiiav x m -pmuuiui j - - - Q re as ver v -'"o ' he in t throush the recent campaign I used Pe- I nunber of managers were sued tn j " - , runa recularly, and although 1 eppkt -." uour.a auu ...utcteu uy tu G--ound b tken Friday for th- two ana tnroe times eacn ucy my toiw u .iii-uuv.s.uuu St. L uis Kx lO'iti tn - nercr failed me. ' I know that Peruna ii mills snum fouud it impossible to ,.'. ... a reliable cure for broaehJal trouWea." mam'aio the rate agreed oa in con J snflv o aii. P. J. Kenned t. y srquenceoi tnrt nyaston 01 Mississtp- D S Mitch-11. Fuif ird. Md : " w . I . -11 m ' 1 w I If you do not derive prompt and satlt- IP1 territory oy me muis to lexas Dunna atong illees- I trouolea n " l .l Wi itlnn The Books Vura Alria' t, Raleigh News aud obstrver. The Legislative Eiamining Com mittee have com pleted t he investiga tion of the accounts and books in the office of State Treasurer Licy and state Auditor Dixon as directed by law. rtie ominittee putdovn in writirg their approval of the accounts, and records iu both offijes and took oc cation to c omoiimeut the marner ia nich both offices have been c m ducted. It. was a deserved recogni tion of the c -mpetent and aole for ces in b th offices, not even tiie sem- bUuce of an error beiug detected. Tne investigation of the Treaur er's office was completed Isst week. and the wnlten approy i! and 30m meniation was placed on record yesterday The commutes congrat ulated Chief Clerk Moody of toe Morris vs. NorfoiK and Western Liailroad to test the constitutional of the - raig act, which forOids the rem ival.of caes from the State to the Federal courts. motUm to this ttfect tvas mide last week in this case at Wins 01. The three year oh'l son of Mrs David Jmcu'ou of Wi'raington, was found lying f.tee downard in the fire t'ue-ddy oy his mother, when &he returned from the well with a bucket of water. The little fellow died in a few moments" after being lifted out of the fire. Wuliam Marsh, who was convict ed at the last Federal court in G.'eeusO'ii''), f removing spiri's. wants to 0.j immersed and j ic the Baptist church. Judge B vd wili order the jiuer of Snrry county, where he i cn ii .ed, to take him securely bajdeL.ff cd to Fish river for the immersion. - The heavy rains recently put the French Broad out of its banks n i.o-:iiBg-i he Ashevile cotton miil and he tenements houses near it. The ltght and power plants were also j-uomerg-'d and the city was 'in darkness, ihe water wasfive ofsix fee; deep iu sume of the hous es. A subma.'ine lightning- apparatus has arrived at E zineth City from New York to be used in searching for the body of Nellie "ropsey, who mysteriously disapuared Novem ber 2d'-h. Andrew G Crovsey, of ur)cle"of the missing The electric light ap Saved His Life. "I wish to say that I "Icel I owe my life tt K doi Dyspepsia cure."f wiit'esH C. Chre'stenscn, of Hay-.. Seld, Minn ' For three ears I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could bold nothing on' my fctr-mstb, 1 Many times I would be njiable to re tain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined to mv bed Doctors sa'd I could not live. I rad one of your advertisements on K'idol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fir my case a1 d commenced its use I beiau to im-. orove from the first -oottie. Now I am cured and recommend it to all " Digests your food. Cures all stoin-a;-h troubles. Stimson & Anderson,. Chas pm-ory Smith. Pos' mister Ges:e!, has tecdeivd -his resigna tion take effect. Tariy next' moo b.. rhe President will app'tint Hany C Payne as his successor. 'An Evangelist's Story. "I suffered for years with a bron chial or lung trouble and tried vari ous remrdes but did not-obtain per--rnanent relief until I commenced u-ing One Minu-e Cough Cure," writes Rev Jas. Kirkma'n, evange list of Belle River. IU "I have fco, hesitation in recorr mending it to a'.t- sufferers from maladies of this kind. " Ooe Mihute Cough Cure jffords im mediate relief for coughs, colds and ail kinds of throat acd lung trou bles For. croup it is unequalled. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant tg taKe. never fails and is really a - fa- vorite with the children. They like it. St imson & Anderson. The President has appointed J. C. Dancy, colored, now collector of the port of Wilmington, recorder of deeds for the Dtrict of Columbia to succeed H P Cheatham, colored, whose term of office is to expire S ton. N-vv Yoik, girl, seat "it. paratu s saying that after having tri-d dozens ci 'other remediss without relief, 1 owe cotfon growers and the cotton seed .. , ' , my perfect health and clear voice oi il trust over th. price of ccjtton j lf fVA-vvMl veai faotorv reeulta from the use of Peruws, jua otDer mates, witn the conse Mpjth Oed sore , ras advied .to tr write at oneo to Dr. Hartmon, girins j quence mat toe price oi seed is now TJ,Wi. s Wt ch ft z .( alve and s . full statement of your case and he will ' from $14 to $15 a Ion and tending with wood jria resjUs-- I was per be pleceed to give yvu hl valuabl at u jwari- feet y c ir-d It Is tha best salve oo Tlce gratia. "T w . , " , the market." Sure cure tor pile-. Address Dr. Hartman, President oi ' J-C-fo.V, of Winston, has bought Bor .Q h.n;; Beware of counter - wlv mml uo ua bv ptiyer. . - Hfwiiles-. tj i 3 i,'.iiia J. CarroUton, Ga., Dispatch, xo.h. The beadies b "dvf a mm sup uos -d to oe that f Prof, r handler t s -hool teacher wh lived in Pn ouoty. G ,. was found todav be nea ham ts of rock, at O tk L "vet, leouroe couoty, Ala. It was it; at O stober -that Pr f. ."handler ltsaupafed. Hr Jived in Lm 3anch, Polk ount.y, Oa , aro AUafht, chool jjtoverthn A'aamri Hue in Cleburne county. He w ith s'in money in hi pfjctcp ad th nxt dv diaupered. Tb r.tire community wj aroused ovet ii di-appaance. believing ha ho vp.n ffu!ty dealt with.'- Tbscoiiotr nrjsr seatoied, but no clue was fourd A farmer by ; the name of Knigb ras been arretted oa fcbitiiwiOB t be employed in espior tng the river bottom. Judge Boyd Continues The Injunc tion in T-ie James-Howard Case. Ci'eensloro D:-patch, 19th. Iu tt:e tr.i'.i d states Circuit Court 'his afternoon Judge Hovd issu-d an rdjr q rttinuitig thJ i' j motion re straining the sheriff o ti-wan c ut - tv from e- ing the Western N irtb Oartf'ina Riilroad under execution. Judge A C A verv. cf Morgantftn ind B V L ng. E q . ot Matesville argu-d f ' the dissolution of the in junc 1 D, wntie uap onaries rrice ii-aiisourj, appearea lor me outn rn Riil-vav autl praved that th 1 j c io-i b; cmtitrjjd . Judg. i-io'sil ct'eotinued the ipj-ioetion ot the. ground tha' th"--. execution of j" j id' m j"r i-u'il jjf be enforce' giiust the s lutbern Kan way m ; rsuit to wh-ch'that corporation wa lot a p-irtv. The eise do goes V he v ii cuii Court of Appeals, anc jfnbHilv to th Supreme Court ' tte U Jt'-d Sta'pp. v-fa v - "L-A. leleif in 24 to aiouis Fur b-l bjr W. F, IiiL Sayas Two From. Death. - "Oar little daughter had an al most fata! attack of whooping cmnh aud broccaitis, writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland. of Armonk, N. Y., "ofrt, y.-hen ail other remedies -failed, we Sived her life with Dr King's New Disc tvery. Our neice, who had cousuinption-i'a an advanced stage, aiso used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well. " Desperate throat and lung diseases yiela to Dr. Krng's New Discovery a- to to other mi diciae on ear'is. lutaliible for coughs aad Colds 50j, arid fl UU bottles guaranteed by VT. t Hall 1 rial tjotties free. ; I'hettdore and Laura Jackson, who 's known in this country as -Anna O'Ddia Diss de Bar, were found guilty in London, of fraud and im m irai practices and ' sentei cjd to 15 .it d 7 years of penal servic ; respec tively la-t Friday. -' Bronchitis " I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec toral in my house for a great many years. It i3 the best medicine in the world for coughs snd colds." a J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin witn a tickling . invthe throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it aho for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, 9 and for coughs cf all kinds. hree iizes: 2V.. cronrti for n orrtinBrr COlrt; 5oc.. list nvjlit fur bmucbitis, aoarse nsi. hard coWii. et-.: !, m..t e...nomiil fov ciuoxuc cae r.r.rl t reen in l'B-i. x- J. C. AXtK CO Lowell, Mas.