Clje CaiilorsbiiU PUBLISHED BY . THE INDEX PRINTING CO. E. Ir. HEDR1CK, EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATER: One year, in advance. ........... Six months. .......... (...t,.... Three months ... ............... $1.00 ; 50 . 25 . X1T Advertising Rates Reasonable S3 Advertisements for one month' or un der must be paid in advance. Others mbnth ly and quarterly. KiP Job wori at reasonrble prices. Entered at the Tost 0;ffice at Taylorsville 89 second-class matter... THURSDAY JULF 17, j 1890. - ..i . . FACTS AND COMMENTS. Gen. Clinton B. Fisk, Prohibi tion candidate for President at last election, died last week, aged 1 62 years. Gov.Fowle has appointed Judge Spier Whitaker to hold Rocking ham I court, July 22, and Stokes court, August 4. in piac of Judge Shipp, deceased- Judge Motrin and Solicitor Allen "were both re-nominated last week by acclamation at the Judi cial convention tor the sixth dis trict held at Kinstcu, N. C. The commissioners of Rowan, at their meeting Monday, elected Mr. Wood W. Krider, sheriff, to fill out the unexpired term of bis father, who died recently. j State? convention,. August 20, at Raleigh, Judicial convention, August 14 at Lincolnton, Congres sional covention, 'August 28 at Lenoir and county convention ,Joly 29 1890. The Mt, Holy Grape Fair will be held from July 30 to August 1, and promises to be a 'success. Great preparations am lining mad Capt. S. B. Alexander and others will deliver addresses , ; At-a meeting of the Democrat ic Congressional committee for this district, held at Lenoir, N. C, last Thursday, a convention to nominate a candidate for Congress was called to 1 meet in Lenoir, Thursday, August 28. Col. B . C. J ox3, of Charlotte, naa withdrawr from the race for the nomination for Congress in ' the 6th district, leaving Capt. S. B. Alexander with little or no op position. IJia nomination will be made on the first ballot if not by acclimation. '.' The Democratic convention for the fifth Congressional district met at Greensboro last weekend nom- inated: Capt. AMI. A. Williams, commonly known as "Palely Wil- liams. for Congress to. redeom the filth district. , It was the best nomination that could' have been made, ne will win. Yes, a man has a right to lend his newspaper or magazine to all , .guuuu me ngnt to ieuu uis icoin-picK ana marnaeo certificate, but if he desires the editor and publisher for whom he professes friendship, to succecd,he will ask those who come to bor- row to eubscribe. Any paper worth taking is worth efforts to extend its circulation : The Silver Bilj has passed both Bouses of Congress and will soon be a law.. It will add several mil- lions to the Burplusin the treasury, transferring from the trust turn! deposited by the National Banks tb redeem their notes. It will m crease i he value of bar silver and Btmen the value of cotton and wheat t hat are measured in silver value. AH oi this will lJof Iene- nt'to u.e c'f uhtry but not what a bill giving tree coinage would. Cpiinty Convention A convention ot the Democratic party of Alexander county is here by called to meet in the Court House in Taylorsville on Tuesday, July 29, for the purpose of choos ing delegates to, the State, Judi cial, Congressional and Senatorial conventions. No nominations will be made at this convention which is held for the purpose of choos ing delegates only. The town ship conventions will be held at their iisual places of, meeting on SaturdaSsJu'y 26. By order of the county JKecutive committee. Geo, W. Flowers, Ch'm'n. July 7, 1890. Blackberries Where wild blackberries are so fine and so plentiful as they.are all over North Carolina it is hard to got growers to realize that there 13 large profit in raising them. The low prises at which the wild berries usually sell lead .them to suppose that the cultivated fruits would go in at the same rate. In Baltimore the wild ber ries shipped in buckets are selling for a song, the cultivated one3 shipped in. quart boxes and packed in crates bring a better average price than strawberries, and many growers in Maryland and Dela ware consider them, more profit-' able. Tho sorts now cultivated have been selected from wild plants at the North., We have among us many wild plants which produce very superior fruits. Wilt tho' farmers and fruit growers co operate with us in in davlcping a blackberry that will jjrinjj money to their pockets? If you know or find a wild plaut with very supe rior fruit, mark it, and nejt fail, in November, send the plant to the N.. Q. Agricultural Experiment Station at Raleigh. l)o this and aid in making the-S,tatioua sourco of real protit to farmers, truckers and fruit growers. W. F.Massey, Horticulturist. . - Senator Vance Endorsed. The Hah lax county Democratic convention, composed of S9 dele gates, 77 of whom were members of tbe 'Alliance, passed tnx sets of resolutions JMonday, endorsing Senator Vance and his course. Two-Hundred Killed. . A cyclone passed throug Minne sota last Sunday, killing tovv-hun-dred people. - Boone, Watauga county, was connected with the outside world last Monday, by a telegraph line from Blowing Rock. Gen. Jno. C. Fierhbnt died sud denly at .his residence In New York city, last Sunday. . The Democratic convention of Burke county was held on the 7th. )- nuk was uoniinated for the House of Representatives and I.T. Ayery for Senator. Oi the twen- ly-hve delegates to the Congres sional convention, seventeen favor the nomination of Maj. W. A. Graham, of Lincoln county. noRfi nr r a Leazer for tbe Senate, W. D. Turner, for the lower House, J.B. Hollman and T. J. Williams. ' ; : - Wilkes county Democratic con vention has endorsed Hon. W. H. HCowles, of Wilkes, for re -nom ination to Congress, and R. N. Hacket, Esq., for solicitor, and in Etructed its delegates to use all honorable means to secure their "iiomiiiation. Captain ' Tillman, the leader of the farmers movement in' South Carolina, is 43 years of age, pays taxes 011 1'800 acres of Iimd rQns twenty plows, and has a dairy sup plied by 40 thorougbred Jersey cows. Nor is there any mortgage on his farm. Subtrcr'I't' tor $1.00 per year. The Index. Only ATTACKING VANCE. We regret to see the Progres sive Farmer's attack on Senator Vance. The people of North Car olina will bo slow to believe that a person or set of persons, can ever be a better friend to them and their State than Z. B. Vance', He sees the dangers that threat en the farmers, as well as every other class, in the sub-treasury r scheme and because'he knows it to be inimical to the interests of the people and supervise of the rights of the people, he properly and patriotiCjilly declines to sup port it. Zeb. Vacce is a Democrat, a North Carolinian and a patriot ac d no influence can evere strong enough to cause him to swerve a hair's breadth from his line ot duty or lose sight of the interests of his State and her people. : A WORD TO MY FARMER FRIENDS. We are commanded to till the soil and make our bread by the sweat of our. brow but when polit cal campaigns come on we are called upon for our votes and we think that we ought to have all the information that we can gain and stand together, vote; together, and petition together for legisla tion that will benefit us, lighten taxation, both Federal, State and county. If we can not get the homestead and mortgage laws abolished in no other wyv let us pay lor cur fertilizers and other supplies when we buy them and save near half and do without what we can't pay for when we buy. Lotus seo that more good and competent men are elected to office aud see it they won't legis late more for our interests. Then thero is a great inequality in the lees of j the different offices that should be regulated and reduced. Then our taxes should be collected without more costs added and not so many that pay only a poll t-ix let escapo without paying. Let officers be elected in the county that can and will attend to their offices. Jf no one else can be found that can and will do this wo think that the?' can - b found among the farmers. A Farmer. Wittenburg township, July 12,1890 LETTER FROM SHARPES TOWNSHIP, i Hr. ' Editor: As there are sevev eral candidates forjudge in this judicial district, and as none of them are citizens ot our county, 1 trust th citizehs thereof will not deem it presumption for me to mention th name of one whom I believe to be, in every respect, as well qualified for that important position as any of the other aspi rants. , - That one is J. J. Vann.of Union county, Mr. Vann has been a citizen of Monroe for twelve Or fifteen years, and during that time he has been a model of sobriety and morality; besides he is well versed in the law, having a large practice.; He is in the prime of life, endowod with fine physical and mental powers and would doubtless be an ornament to the judiciary of the State, as be now is to the bar, shoulJae be elected. ' My personal acquaintance with Mr. Vann is limited, having only met mm anew times: out i am intimately acquainted with many of the best citizens of union coun- county, aud the above. is the char acter they give him. , ' In conclusion, I will state tha th above 13 written without the knowledge or consent of Mr. Vann or any one else, my' only motive being to inform the citizens nf this county something of his char act er and fitness for the position' to which be aspires, in order that we may-take them into consideration befor the meeting of the judicial convention. Respectfully. ' ' rA.vT. Maesh. fruin ribe for the Lndey. Only 1.00 per year. 1 A, C. McINTOSH, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW, Taylorsville, N. C.9 Practices in Alexander and ad- joining counties. Special atten tion given to the collections and the settlements of estates. a. E. BUSES, ATTUltNEY-AT-LAYV, Taylorsville, N. C., Will practice in Alexander and adjoining counties. Those want ing collections of any kind attend ed to will find it to their interest to-see me. I am making a special ty of business in Federal Court. Estates promptly settled. Real es tate rentsld, bought or Fold on commissions. Agent for very best fire and life insurance co's. Can be seen almost any time, at office next door to Howie's. BLACKSMITH SHOP. If you want Blacksmithmg, Wood-work or j MACHINERY REPAIRED call on JOHN. L. LEFLER, TAYLORSVILLE, - H. - C. I can repair your J broken Wag ons, Carriages and Buggies "right now,, and shoe your mules and horses in half the time aud much better than any one in town. Painting and trimming done neatlv and 'durablv. , K3T ALL WORK GUAR AN TEED. Shop back ot Alspuugh Bics, Store. Ml ring your work and I 'will prove what I ray. Respectluiiy. N, B, Drougiltcn, ' President. 4 J. E.-KAtC'iiENy-,-ilanager. .board of didectovs. XT cm v (l if, Keaue, 1 res. ?Vi ot Bank, IvnleiLrh. Maj. E. U. Ilarrell, Sec. N. C. Teach. As??iy. . ' Joseph Danbl, Esq.',' Ed. Slate Chronicle. Br. II. B; Battle, Direc. N. C, Exp. Station. The follow ms: are taught: Ste- 'negrophv,, type-writing, relegra phy, Beok-keepiug, Penmanship, and Mathematics. 120 lessons in Stenography given by mail. ;Two trial lessons in Phonography sent tree. Send for circular giving terms,etc. Address, J. E. ...Mat.heny, Manager, Box 223, Raleigh, N. C. IcmiOND & DANVILLE E. El '.; &. O. II. It. Ko. 52. socTHw'iiD No. 53. ETATIOXS . t: Statosviile, TroufcmaD SlifpLeid Mooieavillo Jit Monio D'n College Ciiiilwxil Iluriorsville Croft. Sec'n llonss CO, Jnno'D; Chaiiotte 9 20 a.mlve 6.55 6.33 p.m arv 9.27 i M" ( ti (t U ii 6.2a 6.00 5.59; 5. 5o 5.38 5.3C 5.15 5.02 4.43 4.45 10.05 10.16 lu.25 i c 14 ( ( it (I ( I 10.37 10.45 10.59 11.10 11.22 11.25 ( STATESV1ELE & WESTEEN No. IS. mix No.. 17,mix ed. Daily ed. Daily OCX3W ED 7.45 a.mlvo 8.05 " STATIONS KOKTHAf 2D Tnylorsvilla Hiadenite Sloan Scotts IreJell Statesville b.30 p m arv 8.o9 " " 7.53 " " 7.45 " " 7.S0 " " 7.15 ; 8.21 8.29 8.41 9.10 (C I ( If Trains running daily except Sunday.! Traics on the Western North Carolina railroad pass Statesville for the east at 6.06 p. m; for the west at 12. ou p.m. JAS, L. TAY LOR, G. P. A. D. C AUD WELL. D. P. A., "Columbia, S. C. SOL. H ASS,Trania Mau'g'r. CHl?iu.. 67.L0UIS.MQ. CALLA5.TEX Careate, and Trade-Marts obtained, and sill .l"av ent basinees conducted for RSoDiBATC Fecs. OuHOFricc is Op?osite u. S. Patewt Office and we can EPCcre patent ia loss line ilua Uioea remote from Waahiarton. .-. Send modeU drawing or photo., with, descrip tion. Wo advise, if paten labie or not, free of eaarga. Oar fee net due till patent is seemed. A Pamphlet, "Ecw to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in yoar tae, ccuuty, or town, eent free. Address, iO. Patent Office IVshinctoh, D. Cc . WHEN YOU' WANT. Dry. Goods, Groceries Boots, Shoes, Notions Hard ware, 1 - ' - . - EEADY MADE CLOTHING, or anything usually kept in a First-Class Storer At Sock Epttom Prices. Highest market price paid tor all kinks of country produce DEALER IN LUMBER AND SHINGLES. Give me a call and I wilt guarantee satisfaction. J. DOH'T BE WHEN yOU WANT THE BEST GOODS At tlie lowest Prices 7.'j J. : Dealer m. Stagle and5 Fancy Tobaccoi. A Eresh Stock Always J, It LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW, Alt you have to . STOCK OSITIYELY So give me a call C, B. WEBB, KEEP f THE LARGEST elf and Heavy Hardwaet ; TO BE FOUND IN WHOLESALE Everything thai t a FARMER a TWINE-BIND The celebrated McCORMICK lower than ever 'before. Tbe best HAY RAKE in the See GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. BUILDERS' MATERIAL genera Uy, a specialty. RUBBER BELTING, nil '.sizes. Every foot guaranteed. .. PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES. LONGMAN & MARTINE'S PRE PARED PAINTS. The best and Statesville, N. Cu May 29, 1890. FOR THE DRIED FRUIT SEASON.- We have made it a special provide Fresh and Seasonable trade: a class of oods to meet not offered by jobbing houses generally. For the ensuing! season preparations have; been made on a scale be vond aavthmsr eiver attempted in variety and cheopness. , purchase ot this stock. Forced and have enabled ns to secure many things in Dry Goods and Notions below theactual cost of production With a stock unqualled in the out, we look foaward to a very tomers shall not only be protected in every respect, but shall have advantages in their purchases not to be had elsewhere. y Statesville. N. C, Juner 2, 1800. B. KEEVER, Taylorsville, Nt X DECEIYED. GO TO i B. EOWIB, Groceries, Confectioneries) Crgars anc on Hand. , Be stire to calk ' B. HOWIE, Taylorsviiler N. C. do is to giv4 me a call, as 1 have, the LARGEST OP MARBLE ever shipped to Statesville, and all the time remember, WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, or write (for prices. Statesville, N. C. AND BEST STOCK OF THE CITY,. BOTH .AT and RETAIL ! needs, from a HORSE SHOE NAIL to' MOWERS, REAPERS and BINDERS city for the least money. cheapebt made. feature of our business for years past to' Goods for the Dried Fruit and Berry the peculiar wants of this sectiou, an& the past, our stock excellnng in sice , sales resulted in the cutting of prices- some rare bargains. We are showing: btate and superior facilities through large business, aDd mean that our cus WALLACE BROS. A COTTOF STRIKE 'o, Boss I'll work no more, 'less y oa weigh your Cotton on a JONES 5Ton Cotton Scale! NOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. Beam Box, Tare Beam, Freight Paid." For terms address, JONES OF BI11GHAMT0H, BINGHAlITONj N.T.