M lilt foailnf fimwii Vol. HI- No. 26. LOCAL DIRECTORY. CHUKCHftS. pfsb VTERIAN. lie v.E . B.McG ilva- ,ttor Preaching every second and K' Sunday. 'at 11 a m and lt niht S er meeting every Wednesday night. F lav School every bunday at 9 a.m. r Mcintosh Superintendent. HomsT.-Rcv. T. J. Dailey, T).iohinr p.vpcv third Sundav IM;, - m Sunday enooi every sun T.Nelson Superin-; I JLJ TfrtWr-R"1-' P- Gw:iltriey.pas-1 preaching every fourth Sunday ?Wd.w. Sunday School every Siw at W a-m.K. A. Womble Snper JSVmfcnt. Prayer meeting Thursday 'sOCIEtY'MEETINSS. F & A. M. I-ee- Lodge No 2'iS mwts the first Saturday of each month. at 1 o'clock p. m. - i COUNTY- OFFICERS. Sheriff. H. M. Sharp, Clcrkof Court, T T Mcintosh; R. of D. J. M. Oxford; Vrpasnrer, C-J. Carson; County Cotn- V W. 'J Vague; A. C. Mclntosn A. T. V-irsh wAv. Teague, Board of Edu- teildetlt, Z. f. v.'miMiei. CORPORATION UFFICEKS. Mtvor W. G, Rog$e Oommissktt- jvden. Town cierK u. ueai. . i t l.-r -w Ti i Chief 0? rolice THE MAILS. Statesville and' Wilkesboro, daily. Matter for either ot rnese manssnouia beintaeoftieeby9p.nl. Lenoir Leaves luesdays r rmays at l.'P. in. and arrives Wednesdays and Saturdays at S p. m. Xewton Arrives Tuesdays. Thurs days and Saturdays at 12 m. and leaves same days at 1 p. m. Boomer Arrives Yv edncsdays and Saturdays; at 12. m. and leaves same days at 1 p. in. Bently Arrives Tuesdays and Sat- rdsys at 12 nu and leaves same days P: ' ... . . ' ... . " Hamptonvrete Arrives l uesaays ami Fridays at 6 p. m. and leaves Wed nesdays and Saturdays' at a. m. Rock Cut Leaves Fridays at 8 a. m. and arrives Saturdays at 4 p. ni. Brushy Mountain Arrives Wednes days ami Saturdays at 12 in. and leaves mum days at 1 p.m. 1 l)ltDM0NT AIR LINE. 1 KICII MO X I & D A X VI LLE R. R, SOUTH CAKOWNA DIVISION. . ComkiiH'd Sc'iedw3e in etfW'.t nue 24, Trains run &y 73t&.Mcridin.l'iM. No. .51 No. 53 Daily. Daily. f i 5.10pm 7.00am 7.00 " -8.H0 " 7.o3 ' !-9.m " S.30 t4 j 9.45 8.47 110.02 " i l.25 ' !P2.15nm l.lOaini 2.13 . ! 2.17 " j 3.23 v i 3 10 '4. OS ! 4.2!) V 5.15 " ! G.22 7.05 " . 8.00- 8.40 i '3.3tpm 5.(nani i 8.23 j 7.00 -ll.Jrt r 8.25 3.0-?sm 10.47 G - ! 1.20pm Nk 52 I NT. 50 Daily. 'Daily 4.30pm I2..l5ii't .37 " 7.2()am I R.42 " 9.45 ; ll.O0 k 11.24 k4 ; 2.:iH?:iin 3.10jM)i ; 9. IS : Uu.44 " 11.23." 12.37nt LOOptn 2.laiu 2.02 - 3.10 ' 2.45 3.52 4 3.47 4.53 j 5.43 41 G.55 -4 j 745 - 9.01 S.02 9.18" ! 8.31 ik 9.40." 9.10 10.30 44 .45 44 11.00 44 DUC.YD. HbS.C.R.K ivCliarltst'n.... ...... " 'Augusta. .... ... " anit'v'e..... ' J'lMst'ns. M lUll. ...... " C'oliixubia 4 WitT slm..... k lief Hill..- -Ar Charlotte.;.. Sa'fislnirv.... " GrNis h'ro... ' Riehni'nd. - Wasirgc ii..-. Haiti iiioiv... rail. .Pal.. XewYork. SOUTH Iv New York....... 41 PuilaU'a-....... " Haiti more. t; WHshgt',,.;,.. " liicliinoiid....... vr ni)oro........ . ' Salisbury 41 Charlotte. IiockUiJI. ... u Chester-',,.. " Colmnhia. " 111 srtArn k .Trenton...., ik Qraniu-Te.; Ar Augusta.... " Chai-rst'n. !2?VK..R..- . A.. T. & U. ii. STATIONS. II. i No. 53. jxORTHW'KD I'll 8,111 lvei-Statesville..i 8.40 pm arv MO ... j..Troutman..i 8.24 4- 44 oVn !, ! i-Shepherd...j 8.0G 44 -4 9.C9 u .3.19 44 98 4 9.39 4' 9.47 4 10.01 44 10.U 4 10.27 .10.30 4' i-oiooresvtlle..: 7.o; u j..Mt Mourn-e..; 7 45 " l-.D.n College.! 7.37 " UCaldwell ...I 7.25 :- illuntersville.! 7.17 44 j..Croft j 7.03 44 i.Sec'n House.; 6.50 4' i-CC.Junc'n.i 0.38 ar;...Charlotte...i G.35 ii ii ... ii ii ,i i ii kt ii ii ii ii i i. ii ii . i t'l.Tr.-- lve 1 i o Y J Ll'E V KbT E RN it. ii. nnx-i !No. 17 mix ! ed. Daily. i-NORTHWR'D it . am lvej TaylorsviUe.! 10.20 pm arv. 7op n "luuemte ..:i.ui ii ii oioau. ..,: " " Iredel' : 9.20 44 44 ";ir.--T:j:-otatesville .. 8.55 44 lve O.I.) i ra; is on the WtstW Nlu-th"C .7ii. J'a road 5.23 1;, M owuje for the east at taanr n car -between Augus- Pflc on-.Soi.. .60 andSL An1-' l,ffet between 63." xt M ahmgrcm on Nos.52 and tin...:y.e'.oun 51 make elns 0.llAATrafli? Manager. nanhur. Asheville and Paint R,Kjk oll"iibia.s'(. U M TAYLORSVILLE, ALEXANDER COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, gTOP AT THE PIEfcMOT HOTEL, TAY'LORSVILLE, - - - - N. C. REBUILT AND REFURNISHED. Rates: $1.50 Per Day. IjHASI.'U& BJOMkb, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in the courts of Alexander, Catawba, Caldwell, Iredell and 'Wilkes. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims and all other business entrusted to him. RB. RURKB, ATTOKNEY-AT-I.AW Having been granted license by the Supreme Court, I have located at Tay lowville fer the PRACTICE OF LAW. and bespeak a share of the public pat- ronage. I will attend the Courts of ad joining counties. A.c Mcintosh, jk., attorney-at-law, T AY LO RS VILLE , - - N. C. Will practice in Alexander and adjoin ing counties. Special attention given to collections, conveyancing, suits for partition, and settlements ol executors, administrators and guardians. P. HEDRICK, KOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMEN TAL PAINTER, TAYLOfSV'ILLE, N. C. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. MATERIALS FURNISHED. SST'Write for estimates. A I OOSK BROS., J.fJL TAYLORS VI LLE, N. C CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CONTRACTS FOR FINF- HOUSES A SPECIALTY. Will furuih plans and estimate fi-c n v,rk entrusted to us. All work war ranted first-class in quality a'i I finish. jJATTRASSES. I wish to inform the people of Alexan der, Irvdell, Wilkts, and other counties that I have located at T.YYLOKX- VILLE, andean now supply them with MATTK ASSES of any size and kind desired at LOWER PRICES than' they can be bought for elsewhere. . J. D. MULLACE. w. jiAm& DEALER IN FURNITURE, TAYLORSVILLE, N. C. Coffins and Caskets ft Specialty Prices to suit the times. Call and see me. HEADQUARTERS II. O. IjINK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocer and Oommission Merchant, CHARLOTTE, - N. C. Those having produce to hip (and especiallv country merchants) will find it to their interest to ship to this house I will buy all kinds. of produce, or sell the same on commission. Highest pri ces guaranteed and prompt returns made WORKIM CLASSES AT TENTION!--We are now prepar ed to furnish all classes with employ ment at home, the whole of the thne,or for their spare moments, Uusiness new light and profitable. Persons of either pex easily earn from 50 cents to 85 per eveningand a proportional sum by de votingTill their time to the business. Bovs7uid girls earn ncarly-as much as mt'ii. STixtijirA Co., Poitiaud. . rJu; TOWN ORDINANCES. The following ortltnancea have been adopted by out Town Com missioners: 1. That any person or per sons, who shall,- within the limits of the incorporation, engage in any fight, affray, riot or unlawful assembly, or who shall be guilty of using any abusive or indecent language, cursing, swearing or any loud or boisterous talking to tha annoyance of the public shall be arrested aud fined $25 and costs upon conviction thereof. 2. No person shall change, alter or make any excavation or ditch m the public square or streets of .aid town or deposit earth or rub bish therein without the consent of the inayor, except under line of 10 and costs. 3. Each and every itinerant doc tor, dentist, photographer, patent medicine vender and peddler of whatever kind, ppj ing his business in whatever way shall bo taxed the sum of 5 and a line of $10 and costs for practicing or selling. before paying said tax. 4. Any person or persons who shall be guilty of selling or deliv ering any spirituous or intoxica ting liquors, or cider oil, within the corporate limits of said town shal be arrested and fined 25 and costs for each offence. 5. No playing of ball shall be allowed on the public square or main streets of the town. Viola tors of this ordinance shall be fined $5 and costs. - 6. All accounts against the cor poratiou shall be presented for ap proval before the board of cotnmis: sioners. 7. All privies, stables and pig pens shalfbe kept in a decent man ner so as not to become a nuisance or endanger health. When com plaint shall be lodged with the mayor of the filthy condition of any privy, stable, pig pen, or any other filthy place of deposit, the town marshal shall examine the same and upon finding that such complaint .is well founded, shall notify the owner thereof to have the same cleaned within twenty four hours, and if at the expira tion of that time it shall not have been done, the town marshal shall cause said privy, stable, pig pen or other place of deposit to be cleaned and the costs thereof with a fine of$! and oosts shall be im posed upon the owner for each aud every offence. 8. Any person who shall cut, lop or in any way mutilate any shade tree or place any advertise ment or notices of any kind with tacks or nails, to the injury of any shade tree on the sidewalks, pub lic square or streets of the said town stall pay a fine of 5 aud costs for each offence. 9. All persons shall keep in good repair aU'ways or roads used as eu trances to private property and crossing the sidewalks. When such crossings shall be out of repair so as to injure the sidewalk,the town marshal shall notify the owner or person having charge of the prop erty to which such crossing is an entrance, to put the same in ,'good repair, in five days, and upon fail ure to do so the town marshal shall cause the same to be doue, whereupon the cost of said repairs and a fine of 50 cents shall be im posed upon said delinquent. 10. No stable, privy or pig pen shall be erected within twenty five feet of any public street without a permit from the mayor. Viola tors of this ordinance shall pay a fine of $25 and costsi 11. Persons washing or cleaning horses or cattle at the public well in the square, shall be fined 50 cents for each offence. 12 Any person or persons con victed of placing obstructions in the streets or side walks of the town or removing gates and signs therein shall be fined $5 and costs for each oflence. 13. Any person convicted of pulling down, defacing or destroy ing any of the town ordinances, shall pay a fine of $5 and costs for each offence. 14. All Cheap-John establish ments under whatever name they may be called plying their trade in the corporate limits of the town of Taylorsville shall be taxed $20 i per annum and for failing to take i out license the penalty shall be 50 and costs. , 15. The mayor shall fyave power to re.iiit sueh part of the penal ties incurred by violaters of these ordinances may seem just, provid ed that the parties are not willful flagrant violators of the law. 16. AH persons living in the corporation betweqn the ages of 18 and 45 not exempted by law from working on puolic roads,and not payjug a corporation poll tax shall be required to work on the public streets of said town three days in each, provided that such person shall be exempt, from said workif he pay to the town treas urer a silm equal to the corpora tion poll tox. 17. Persons failing or refusing to pay anv fine oncosts in any of the ordinances of the town of Tay lorsville may be imprisoned or put to work on the streets at the dis cretion of the mayor. 18. Any pcrsoir resisting the town marshal in the performance of his duty shall pay a fine of $50 and costs for each offence. 20. That any person who shall camp in the public square with any cart or wagon,or build a camp fire on any lot adjoining the pub lic square or within 100 feet of any dwelling, or hitch 4 any horse or other animal to any palings, fence or trees on the public square or streets, t tlrive or ride upon any sidewalk or pavement, or into any of the' water drains or ditches of the streets, or graze any horses or other aiiimals on the public square, streets or sidewalks (cows hitched with rope excepted), shall be fined $10, or imprisoned or worked on the streets 30 days 21v No person shall place any boxes, 'implements, goods, wares or other material upon any of the sidewalks or pass-ways, or within six feet thereof so as to obstruct the same or endanger or obstruct the free passage of persons there on, or pack any goods, wares or merchandise at the front of any store, upon a fine of $1 for each offense. 22. All sidewalks, after being laid out and made by the town, must be kept up by the owners of the property adjoining the side walks, and in their failure to do so the work may be done by the town, and the cost of the same collected from the owner of such property. , And if any person fail to pay any such cost upon notice from either the Mayor or Consta ble, he or she shall pay a fine of $10, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to institute suit for the recovery of any such cost of repairs and penalty. 23. The keeping of dogs in town is declared a public nuisance, and each dog so kept is made the sub ject of taxation. The Mayor is directed to cause the owner of a dog or dogs to pay the tax as is hereinafter defined) and the Con stable is hereby directed to kill any dog or slut running at large, unless the owner of such dog or slut shall continually keep upon them such an irou brass, or other metal tag as may be provided by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep a register of the tags so fur nished) and the price thereof shall be 50 cents each. Any tag lost or stolen must be the loss of the owner of the dog from which it was lost or stolen, and another must be bought of the Treasurer, if the said dog is to be exempt from this ordinance. And any person convicted of allowing his or her dog to wear a tag not pro perly obtained as hereinbefore pro-1 JUNE 28, 1888. . V vided, or who shall steal or take from any dog the regulation tag, shall be fined $10, one-half of any recovery for such violation to go to the owner of such dog or slut so deprived of its tag: Provided, That this section does not apply to Ovvners of dogs living beyond the limits of the corporation whose dog or dogs may follow them into town. 24. Any person who shall com mit any nuisance in the way of filth, urine or human excrement in any street, alley or other place not intended for that purpose, or who shall deposit any shavings, trash, dead animals or other im: purities on the public square, or in any street, alley, gutter or else where not sufficiently interred, and allow the same to become a nuisance; or who shall allow any privy, pig-pen, coop, stable, or other place or thing on their pre mises to be and remain in an un clean and filthv condition. aft.Hr " 7 3ing notified thereof, shall bo fined $10, imprisoued or worked on the streets 10 days.; 25. Any person who shall bring any jack or stallion on the public square or any street for exhibition within view or hearing of any res idence or place of business, or let the same to any mare or jenny within view or hearing of any res idence or place of busiucssor pub lic road shall be fined $10, impris oned or worked on the streets 10 days 20. Any person owning a slut and allows the same to run at large while in a state of heat,shall be fined $10; and the Town Cou stable is ordered to kill any slut running at large while m a state of heat 27 That any person owning an niiraly or vicious animal, capable of doing injury to personsor prop- erty, aud allowing the same to run at large, shall be fined ten dollars for every day said animal is found out of his enclosure. 28. That any riding or driving at au unreasonable rate of speed on the public square or any of the streets shall, on conviction, be fined $20, imprisoned or worked on the streets 30 days. 29. That it shall be unlawful for any person to throw stones balls, sticks or any other missils that may damage property or break glass, or in any way endan ger citizens,- and any person guilty of violating this ordinance shall be fined five dollars or imprisoned or worked upon the streets ten days. And the trifling with or teas ing to the result of committing any rash or irresponsible conduct on the part of any idiot or insane person on the streets of the town i8strictly forbidden. Any person engaging in or encouraging the same shall be fined five dollars or imprisoned or worked on the street ten days. 30. That any person who shall take any tools vessels, vehicle or other property belonging to the town of Taylorsville from its reg ular place of use or store or depos it) or who shall use tte same after it has been removed without the consent of the officer to whos care the said tools vessels vehicles or other property may be intrusted, shall upon couviction thereof be fined 85 or imprisoned or worked upon the streets thirty days. 32 That any person or persons who shall remove, or cause to be removed, any sand from the pub lic square or streets, upon convic tion before the Mayor shall be fined 5, imprisoned ten days or worked ten days on the streets. The street committe may remove ana use ary sand on the streets or side walks which, in their judg ment may not injure the street from which it is taken. 33. Any person who should be found guilty of entering upon any orchard, vineyard, field lot or gar den, and removing fruits or vege tables therefrom, or breaking or -J $1 Pe& Year. otherwise injuring the trees,piants or vines thereof, withut the per mission of the owner, shall be pun ishable for tresspass or larceny and held to auswer at the Superi or court of Alexander county 34k Any person or persons guil ty of in any disorderly manner disturbing any religious meeting or asssembly, or any charitable secret organization, shall be fined $5 for each offence or imprisoned or worked on the streets ten days. 35. The Constable shall bo re quired to patrol the town twice ft week. He shall diligently look after and gather all the informa tion he cau in relation to any vi olations of the ordinances of the town and shall make written re ports to the Mayor, and Upon fail ure to discharg ahy of the duties required by this section or prop erly devolving upon him as con stable he shall be fined ten dol lars for each offense. 30. Any person or persons hav ing business for the considera tion of the Board of Commission ers suall present the same at their jgular meeriugs to bo held on the first Tuesday night of each month. ; 37. Auy person convicted of vi dating any of rhe foregoing ordi ances, and shall be contentious or resist the payment of such fine or other sentence as may have been imposed, shall be deemed guilty of contempt and punished accordingly. 38. In any and all caces where judgmeuts may bo rendered against any person tor nues'accor diug to the town ordinances and the person against whom the same is adjudged refuses or is unable to pay such judgment, the Mayor shali order and require such person, so convicted to work on the streets orjQpher pubjic works Until, at fair rates of whiles, such persons shall have worked out the full amount of the ludgement and the cost of prosecution, and that all tines or punishments in these or dinances shal exceed the amount therein state'd. 39. A tax of $1 is imposed oti owners of town lots for each copal tree or bush allowed to stand on said lots. 40. Any person Who shall keep ft disorderly house, or house of ill fame, and any person who shall knowingly rent a house for the last named purpose, Within the corporate limits of the town, shall pay a fine of not more than $10 for each day they continue to use or occupy said house for such pur pose 41 Any occupants of houses mentioned in section 40 who shall refuse admittance to the officers in discharge of their official duty, shall be fined not more than $10. 42. Any person who shall write obscene language or make obscene remarks or drawings in any part of the town, on any building or object whatever, shall be fined not exceediug $5. 43. It shall be the duty of tho Chief of Poliece to report all vio lators of these ordinances to tho Mayor. 44 The penalties imposed by any of the ordinances of this town, when incurred by a minor, shall be recovered from the parent or guardian. 45. These ordinances shall bo printed and posted up and be in force from aud after the 15th day of June 1887. An Explanation. What is this "nervous trouble" with 'which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remem ber, a few years ago tho word Ma laria was comparatively unknown, to-day it is as common as any word in the Knglish language; yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is with nervous riisease,;iN they and malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called bil iousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the liver, which, in performing its functions, finding it can't dispose of the bile througu the ordinary channel, is compelled to pass it off' through the system, causing nervous troubles, malaria, bilious fever, etc. Aon who am suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend (iieen's August Flower. Its cures are marvelous. HI i ';i!k ,1 ,-M ''$ " i