TATLORSVILLE, ALEXANDER COUNTY, NVC., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1889. - 1 Per Year. Vol. IV. No. 16. - . i - i ..... . . . i jrnUHNT AIR LINE." . " mnHAfOff D & DANVILLE R. R. Condensed Schedule in effect October 21 Trains run ou i-nn luermiun t unr.. m o. 50 No. 52 BOOTH BOUND. j Lv New York Philadelphia 44 Baltimore ..... k Washington k Charlottesville... 'Lynchburg .... At" Danville Daily 12.15am .7.20 " 9.45." 11.24 " 3.40pn 5.45 tk S.30 " Daily 4.30pm 6.57 9.42 " 11.00 3.00am 5.10 " 7 45J- "3T)ain 4.32 k 5.11 " 8.05 " 9.42 " t tsTiOpm 1.45am 3.12 " 7.40 " , Lv Richmond ......... liurkville ...... 3.10pm 5.12 5.51 8.50 Kevsville. Danville Ar Greensboro....?...! 1:;?'J. Lv GohLboro.. 2.4fpui " Raki ..... Durh- l .... Ar GreenJ; : 4.55 kk 5.58." 8.25 Lv iSalem .... Lv Greensboro'.... Ar Salisbury . Ar Statesviile .... Asheville " 'Hot "prints..., Lv Sali -bury ....... Ar .Clmrlotte. tk Spartanburg... ..j . 15pm; 'U.LMam 10.45- m 12.01am 9. 5: Vain 11.1S 4.44 " 6.10 k TL2&uii 12.4( tym 3.37 " 4 48 'v 9.40 i.OOjim 5.23 l u 15 " 1.5Iaiu "7.44 " 9.15 " T2"2(iaVi) 1.55 " 1.40 5.50 " 11.00;' " Greenville " Atlivnta.-w.... XJv Churiotre.i.... Ar Columbia...... Aiiiura 2.l0a:ii; 10.30 No. 51 Daily 5.55pm 10.15 4.00 No 53 Daily NORTH BOUND Lv Augusta.... 4 Cbhuiibw.. Ar Charlte. . 8.3 I;iid 12.35pm 5.15 Lv Atlanta ... Ar Greenville...... " Spartanburg.. u Charlom ...... Sal'sburv. ...... 'ti.'HJpin l.OGuil 2 11 " 4.50 -0.22 - I.lOaui 1.51 pin 7 ' ' ! .' Lv Mm Spiiii.-.. .-Asheville ...... Staresvi'.Ie ... Ar Salishury ...... Lv Salisbury ..... Ar Greensboro ... Ar Salem Lv Greensbon... Ar Durliani ....... Raleigh........ Goblwhoro .... Lv Greensboro .. Ar Danville'. ' 'k Keysville linikville ..... lliclnmuiil .o- pm i.M)p o 9.4'i i 1.32 3.30am' G.oi -4.H7 " ! 0 4 V)727jiiu! 7.12pm - 8.00 I S.40 'k 'TrrilVain i3.34:un 9.50a mj l(!.5ipin 12i35pini 4.30ani 1.55 (j.55 i.m I tn 4". 8.i)5iiini 8 50pm. 9.47 - 1H.120 12.4lpm 1.4 lain 1.20 " 2.30 ' 3 3t l ! 5.15 " ...! Av l.jnehlMirg 12.4ypni 12.55am 3.00 - k 'hnriottesvill.' ... KVashiii(rtoti.'...i.-. 'k 'Haiti no!v....l.V..". 7.35 " Philadelphia X w Y.rk ..OOam 10.-47: i 2;)jtsj 't.20 Dailv IDaily except Sunday. A.. T. & ). R. R. 52. j v . No. 53. ?0. S0UTHW?1U: ;N.,.tT!lVKI CI'ITIIIYB. 9.20 a. in lv 9.37 " i..Sratevilie i .. pin i'v ;.. Troiitman ..j 7.30 ; ' j...hep!!er.i...; 7 ' i..Mooivsviile.. 7.09 i .Mr Mouriie..: o s : j.D'n C..!l j 0.49 - ;...C;:ldv-ll ...! 6.37 " ' illiinteviih'.i 0 30 Cioft......M.14 " i.Sec'n Houe.l 0. 1 i..C.C.JuiiC'n.; 5.4 " j...('harl tle...; ' o.45 h 9..'3 l;.2a 10.37 10.45 11.10 11.22 -11.25- i. 4. 51-V STA'l ESV1LLE & VVESTEKN' H. C. Xo. IS. mix-: iNo. 17. ini:-. ed. Jaily. SOUTHW'KDj 7.45 a.m IvH 8.05 v ! .21 i !.44 " " i rOin arv! STATIONS. j el. Daily. iXOKTHW K'D ! 3.40 pin arv 0.21. " ! D.o4 .'8.40. k- Taylorsville. .. H'uklenito .. Sloan .... Imlel' .. Sialesville..; 8.1-" .IAS 1. i AYi.OH, G. V. A. W. A. .TIT UK, 1. P. A., Ki.lei-h. N. C. SOL HAAS, Tralfi" Manager. A.C.MCINT..Sir. R.n.BUKKB.- M'cIJiTOSH ?UTIKE. ATTOUXEYt-AT-LAW. - AND REAL ESTATE AG luNTS. TAYTjRSVILLK, . - - X, C. Practice hi Alexander an l adjoiuii countie.. Special atienfion ivi-n U collt-;tioni4, settlenieiit f ei itt-s, &c. C"Keal estatt rent d,bouht o' .oid entouinaission. All charges tr.odeiate. Real Estate for Sale. No. 1. On acre lot in Tayl..rville. Good i-story hou-e wiin 4 ruu.ns, gnul .well and stable on lot. No. 2-. One 10 acre lot in westei-n part of Tavlorsville, with s?nl 4-roo;i houi?e, weil and younf Orchanl. Wiii sell as a whole u- in lots. Dr. KING'S ROYAL CiERMETUEP. TEE GEEAT PEENOH BLOOD EEMEBY. 12,000 Gallons Sold in 12 Months. Cures Luu Trouble, Dronch'uis, Ca tarrh, Neuralgia, litieuinat snu Djtsjwp ia, Piles, Eczeinla. Cancer, Blxd Poi on, -Diabetes and all other diseases arising from impure blood. 8" Dr. J.'M. Oxford Local Agent, t Sloans store. . JPOU THE NEXT FEW WEEKS 1 mLL SELL MILLINERY GOODS AT COST, TO ? LOSE OUT BUS E 1STESS. - Mrs. a. W. SOWER. rii. Uii. itLonn. Weakness, Malaria, Ingestion and lUtOWN-S IRON BITTERS. it cures quickly. For sale by all dealen in ttedidne. Gee the gpnoine. CTIB gRASTUS B. JONES, ATT- RN EY-AT-LAW. Practices In the courts of Alexander Catawba, Caldwell, Iredell and Wilkes Prompeattention given to the collection of claims, settlement of estates, and all other business entrusted to him. Agent for the best Fire Insurance Companies. jyjATTRASSES. I wish to inform the people of Alexan der. Iredell, Wilkts, and other counties that I have located at TATLORS VILLE and can now supply them with MATTR ASSES of any size and kind d. Mied at LOWER PRICE? than they can b- bought for elsewhere. - J. 1). Ml ILL ACE. T EU IS LI TP All D, XJ . '"PKoFS-SIONAi. BARBER. has i movetl to '.raylorsville'Aiid opened a. tii-st-olas : . . BARBER SHOP, and bespeaks a libera patronage from the.' general public. D' s hah- tuning in the latest style. Shop adjoining Biick Store. DEALER IN T AYLOES VILLE, N. C. Coffins and Caskets a Specialty. Prices to suit the times. Call and see me. v H EA:D Q U ARTE R S WH.I ESAI.K AND RETAIL Grocer and Commissioi Merchant, CHAKlOTTK. - N. C. i'l'io-i h iving ir'd i'e to hip (and fj)' c;.ill country 'uier bant) will find it ro ! i . i r ! u t ivsi to si .ipt. hous. ! wil! buy all kind of prodtue, or seii he same on ro'mmi ssion. Ilijiliest pii- e; r "liaiiteeU and lvoniht . . returiiS UKile. 1 ami liila 'Nurseries, POMONA, IV. C, Two and a Half Mile West of Greene boro. rie niain line of the 11. & D. R. R pa-sf-s i "h rough the ruuuds,and with in lOi'i fent f the oftiee. Salc-m tr.t'iis mak" n yrular fcU);js twice daily each way. I'h w interested io l-ruit and Froil ' Jio iu are c rdiallv invited to iniu-ei Tin L u ie.t y-Jtsei y in the State, and ue of the hiriie-t mi the honth Tlie tock eonsits of App?3, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Grape, Japanese Per simmon, Japanese Plum, Apricot, Nectarine, Rus slarV Apricot,;lVlul ber ry. Quinces, &c. ' SMAL?. IISXJI ? . S: , Strawberry, "Raspberry, Currants and English Walnuts. Rhubarb, Asparagus, Shade Tree?, Evergreens, Roses, 6tc. &c. , &c. All the i-.'v and nir. varieties, a- well a. the ol 1 (!)'N which :".y n-w eata looue for 18S show Give your o; oe:;- to mv auth.u-izi'd air'H or "rVr din-ct from t!ie liur.-i ry. Conespondeoce sfv. lif-bed. Deserij tive itataiouue; free fo anplicaut--. A-!die. I. VAN. 1 INDLEY. -;' IN-mona'.-'X. C. Guilt'oid County. Gtif A reliable aalesman wanted in every county. A good paying commis sion will be allowed. PATENT! CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS CpPYRIGHTS obtained ami .ill other busine.-.- in ! ha D. S. Patent oitice ai tended to for mod erate fees. Out 'office is opposite the Patent office.and we can obtain patents in less time than rhose remote, from Washington. Send model or drawing, we advise as to patentabMitv free of charge; and we make no charge unless we obtaiu patent. C. A. SNOW & CO.. Washiugtou D. C. Oppo. Patent Onice. T7TTT ATTT'Tl T)T? M. Quad on North CaroLna. From the Detroit Free Press. North Carolina has held to her traditions longer than lahy other State in the South, but she is at last prepared to wheel into line and welcome the new era. From one end of the State to the other the towns are 'alive and booming, and there is new and better feeling among all classes of people. And the Old North State is a grand domain rich in its broad acres, rich in its timbers and min erals, rich iii its water powers and waterways, and bbssed with a thousand advantages denied to other sections. She - is to-day working gold mines in 31 counties and silver mines in five others. She in i n es a u d iu a rke'ts se ve n - Aljr hts of the mica dsed m the . jUuittMl States. She supplies this ; country with the emery of com- i merce. She has 112 varieties of native timber which are usable and mark etable. She lias . 146 varieties or minerals. , She has water' power estimated at 3,000,000 horse power. She can grow any grass, fruit or vegitable knpwu to the United States. She has au honest, con servative; administration, a low death rate, a high standard of morality, and in mo State in the Union is the law more respected or more closely obeyed. She has the coal and iron and timber to invite manufacturers the climate and soil which promise the best reward to the farmer. Manufacturers caii secure cheap iron and coal here, and tin of "all sorts is abundant and easy ot ac cess. The railroad facilities, are good, and the people will hold out their hands to all who come. When we of the North refer to the South. the negro always conies in;o the (iiiestiou. RU statu and iii luiuie are regarded by us as a great proMem. We are much worried over it at times, it is a matter which should he and can be left with the South to take care t of. The Southern negro is theory with n-. He is .a solid sub stance to the, Southerner.' lie knows more about him in a day than we do in a yeai. He fiasgot more excuses for his failings "than any Northern man dare urge. lie treats him more kindly than we do the same race at theNortli. But I wanted to say that the colored people of North Carolina are deserving of praise over those of utility other Southern States They are a a rule intelligent, re1 spectlul ami industrious, having aims and ambitions, and the Imsi nes.s of various localities. has.. -depended upon them to a great ex tent. - North Carolina can and does j4iow as riue a grape as California or any country in Europe. Indeed, had her peojile alter the war given ever thing t tmt fruits the go-by she would t6-day be the wealthiest State in the South. Farmers of the North and West who tnay be thinking of making a cha ige want facts and figures in regard to. agriculture, aud I give them at the risk Of being tedious. The inan of energy who comes down hee to farm has got some thing just as good as bank stock. PlMeiKS'.biotches.sealy skm.sorps and ulcers. 02 ly spot.-, a'oseeSMs ;uid tinners, unhealthy dischaiges. such as. catarrii. eczi'in-i. iIugvvoi'in..'aud ot!i- r forni- of i' kin diseaso are s niptoms of blood im P'lrit y. Take D r. J . 11 . Mc Lea'i i 's Sar.tpa rilla. Although G rover Cleveland's vote for Presideu t last No vein ber was 98,000 more thau Harrison's, yet the latter is President. Al tiiough the vote for ex-Governor i avis in Khode Island last week was more than 4,000 greater than that .for Ladd, the Republican candidate, yet the latter, and not the former is to be Governor. And yet there is an impression that in this country the majority rules. A Trip to Africa. Do you want to be carried to Africa a ud see how the terrible blave trade is couducted in that country! how whole villages are laid waste, and all the inhabitants manacled and marched off to the marts, save those who are butch ered because too feeble, too young or too old to be of service? We have just fiuishea readiuga finely illustrated article on this subject. Tbo battle scene between the slave traders and the doomed is terribly realistic, and the other numerous illustrations give a vivid idea of the hardships of the Afri can iu his own country. This ar ticle in Demorest's Monthly Mag aznmfor May will alone more than repathe ?piirchaser$ but this num ber just published is stored with good things, among them "Modes of Travel in Japan" (beautifully illustitrted), "Ten AVonjen Poets of ImericaV (with their portraits), and numerous other interesting articles and entertaining stories for children as well as for the old folks, besides its renowned Fash ion Department making it a Fam ily Magazine that should be found iu every home. - Published by W. Jen uifigs Dem- orest, 15 East 14th street, New York. " Faults of digestion cause disorders .of the liyer and the whole system become deranged. Ijr.J. II. McLean s Sarsapanl- la perfect the process of digestion and asimilation.and thus makes pore blood. Badicalism in the South. , From the State Chronicle. Mi. A. S. Willis, a very efficient white postal clerk ou the A. & N. C. RiRn has been discharged and a ne$ro;natMed llaudolph has been appointed in hi, place. This makts three such removals and appointments in one week in North CaroHtra' Jrt before the elec tion white men were told that ne groes would not be appointed to office in the South. lloeky Mount aud Halifax are two of the best towns in the State. They are not large, but no better people live anywhere. President Harrison has appointed a negro woman postmaster at Halifax and a negro man postmaster at Rocky Mount. He is thus pursuing his policy of winning over the South to Radicalism).' We tender our sympathy to our Halifax and Rocky Mount friends. They are thus practically shown what Rad ical rule in the South really means. The Chronicle has al ays said it meant this sort of thing. Evew the most vigorous and hoarty people have at times a feeling of weari less and lassitude. To dispel this feeling take Dr.'. J. H. McLean's barsaparilla; it wlil impart vigor and vitality. , "Hurrah-for the Homespun Dress." 'Just tell all of your neighbors that the Rowan county farmers are not going to be gouged by any insignificant' combine such as the bagging trust. Two bales of cot ton were brought to town last Tuesday baled iu home made car pet, and it brought just as much as if it had been baled in jute. -Salisbury Watchman. Very good! But the farmers of Montgomery have heads as level as still water on the subject of trust bagging. It is a common thing to see bales of cotton on this market Wrapped in old bed sheets, guano sacks, &c. Very little jute bagging in theirs, if you please. Troy Vidette. Sick headache, biliousness, nausea, costivcuess,are promptly and agreeably banished by Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Pillets (little pills). During the first month of his admiui.-.tration President Cleve land made 171 nominations. Du ring the same period of time Pres ident Harrison made 374. These figures represeu t with - t-ome de gree of accuracy the honesty of the two Presidents in their pro fessions of belief in civil serervice reform.. Washington Letter. ; Washington, April 15. "Sunset" Cox, the ever-smiling Representative from Sew York, was met coming out of the White House by your correspondent,and asked what in the duce he was doing in that gang of place-hunters. "Oh, I simply called to say good bye to my old friend Benja min Harrison,as I am afraid these fellows may worry him to death in tueir mau nunc ior omce oeiore I return to WTashington." Then as Mr. Cox was leaving he added: I feel well; very much better than a little wnne ago. l nave oeen through the valley of the shadow of political death with the rest of the Democrats, and uow I am off on a lecturing tour through Indi ana, Ohio, Illiuois, Missouri and Kausas. Something to make the folks smile you know, while I gather in a little money. I trust that I shall get no more eggs than I pay for." Mr. Cannady, the sergeant-at- arms of the United States Senate, aud a good John Sherman Bepub lican,is charged by Senator Jones, of Nevada, ex-Senator Mahone and Warner Miller, aud Repre sentative West, of New Tork,with swindling and forgery m connec tion with his management of the Nort Carolina oil and creosote company located at Wilmington, N. C. It is also stated that Can nady is indebted to other Senators to the amount of 80,000 or more for borrowed money. With the usual audacity of men of his kind Cannady says that when the case is settled it will have no effect up on his "personal integrity." The Republicans have always beeu notorious for their williDg ness to make use at all times of United States vessels for private pleasure parties and being. out ,6f power for four years and without a precedent for that length of time has not changed them a par ticle in this respect. On Saturday afternoon Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Tichner took a party of friends from here to Baltimore, where they got aboard the U. S. Revenue Cutter McLean and start ed ou a trip to Chesapeake Bay which lasted from Sunday morn ing to Monday morning. Another government vessel,the light house tender, Holly,,has been lying at the wharf here, waiting for three days to carry President . Harrison on a pleasure trip down the Poto mac. This looks like a rather early revival of the old abuses. By summer half a dozen vessels will be needed for the various members of the administration for their families and friends, and the people will foot the bill. Senator John Sherman has just proved himself to be a "bigger" mau with the administration than Representatives McKiuley and Benjamin Butterworth combined. Ohio had two candidates for the position of sixth auditor of the treasury. One was backed by Sen ator Sherman and the other by Messrs.McKinley and Butterworth The Sherman man, Mr. Coulter, has just been appointed. Laud Commissioner Stockslager fears there will be trouble in Okla homa. He says that only about 10,000 homesteads can be entered under the President's proclama tion, and he has every reason to believe that at Wst 100,000 per sons will enter the country within thirty days from its opening next Monday. The new administration is ma king a record for itself on the pension question. It is going fast er than the most radical had any idea that it would a short time ago, and no man can at this time forsee the end. Assistant Secre tary Bnssey, of the interior de partment, before whom appeals from the decisioRS of the com mis- i .. . m siuuei "f ymauaa to outdo the "Corporal" in his 'peeds, Warranty Deeds and Masis constrnction of the law as applied 313 BkaJw fw sl at tfcfc cc. to pensions, it is estimated that the decisions of the late commis sioner) Gen. Black, which Bussey has already reversed will cost the government more than $1,000,000. He should change bis name to "Bnster." The "Corporal," not to be outdone by his superior officer, made an order last week that will cost more than $50,000 a year. The following is the order: "When ever a pensioner is disabled in a hand or foot in a degree entitling him tn liOi. rx montb mirier tb fit. of March 3, 1883, such pensioner shall by reason of that fact be en titled to the rate of 30 a month under the act of August 4, 1886," Nearly 800 pensioners get an in crease of $72 a year by this order, and arrears from August 4, 1886. "The noblest Roman of them all Allen G.Thurman,late Democratic candidate for Vice Prosident, was in Washington last week on legal business. The old gentleman was looking well and feeling well, with Al- : l ' l a. f : i? luc e-icepuuu ui Migut rueuuiiii-iHiii iu his legs. In conversation with a friend he said: "The people of the country were good enough to me to vote that I should stay at home, and personally 1 am glad of it; but I. regret the defeat of the party very inucn, as 1 regard it a great calamity to the country. Mr., Vjteveiauu uiuuut auuui a greats many grand reforms during his term of office, and would no doubt have accomplished many more if he had been re-elected." DizziNE8s,nausea,drowsiness,dLstress after eating, can be cured and prevented by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and. Kidney Pi.lets(little pills). The South a Kevelation. Fredrick Taylor, a banker of New York, who accompanied Messrs. Cooper, Hewitt, and In- man on their recent trip South, gives his impression of that sec tion to the Manufacturer Record. Mr. Taylor states that the South was a revelation to him. "It seemed to me," says Mr. Taylor "that we travelled through a con tinuous and unbroken strain of what has been aptly termed. 'The Music of Progress7 the whir of the spiudle, the buzz of the saw, the roar of . the furnace, and the throb of the locomotive." To the young men of the South Mr. Tay lor accords high praise for the work which they are doing, and to the "eager, earnest, restless, driving erergy which seems to fill them " "The South," says Mr. Taylor, "to my mind is only on the threshold of its boom. It has ev erywhere possible advantage everything that God can give. The new South has been built up . .... . - -. j t oy tne maomuaoie energy hhu ujr the hard work of the Southern people themselves." And he adds: "To any young man to-day of pluck and grit, with the world before him and his fortune to make, I should say, 'go South, young man; go South!" BuoUen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts. bruits, sores, ulcers, salt-rheum, fever sore, tetter, chapped. hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cure- piles or no pay required. It is guaranteeato give saiisiauuou or mt nev refunded. Price. 2oc. per box. or sale by Dr. R. B. Killian, druggist. FOR a safe and certain remedy for fe . verand anie useDr.J.H.McIiean'sChills and Fever Cure;it is warranted to cure. Ao NEED to take thoe big cathartic Dills:oue of Dr.J.II.McLean's Liver and IV lJ 1 v J '1 " more agreeable. To health onrl lif are worth anvthino. tr:, T;ilt ip nmtft snmr-ient. unci Jf IVUl mmu-M v v - - . n' and you are feeling out of sorts and tired out,tone up your system by taking Dr.J . H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. The most delicate constitution can use Balm. It is a sure remedy for coughs.loss trrnna and ail throfixatiu lunfir trouDie. VI I O Theiie are times when a feeling of latitude will overcome the mot robust, when the svstem craves for pure blood to furnish the ele-meuts of health and strength. The best remedy for purify ing the blood is Dr. J.H. McLean's Sar gaparilla. . Chattel Mort-aeres. MortgaffC