1 4 f V i. I 9 f.t TAYLORSVILLE, .ALEXANDER COUNTY, N.. C;,.jrnXJRSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1889. Per Year. f I Mil ? ? ' I r I " v TN I I II 1-1 II WW W N x v K v w W : k' f t ; i .. - t '; ...A&ir air i iNr F gcflMOND & DANVILLE R.'R inoeu" v.; r " jj,nrtt7i 6y Meridian Time. No. 50 No. 52 BOUND.- Dail 4.30pm 6.67 9.42 11.00 " 3.00am 5.07 u'l 7.45 -V 2730am 4.32 I 5.11 4 . 8.05 u 9.45 " 'tsriopm 1.00am 3.12 fc, 7,40 " I. Sew xofk......... Philadelphia 12.15am 7.20 r: 9.45 " 11.24 l Baltimore......".. rf-trashington."..-. it Charlottesville... 3.40pn u Trnchburg i Panville-- 8.40 3.00om 5.1 2k 5.51 " 8.40 10.35 V jTRichmond Keysville, Danviue ...... l Greensboro tfUoWsboi-o 2.30pm '4.46 " 5.58 18.25 Durham - ir Greensboro lTSaTetn .;..-...v......; jGreeusboro j tfa'Jopml'vaOam T637pmf 9.50am 12.45am 11.25 Salisbury JTSUtetville ... 2.01am 3.04 3:31 fc 4-22 u 5.20 6.f9 7.23 " 9.28 12.12pm .1.00 f . 1.18 " 2.12 u A A L. L Newton. Hickory ...... Morganton 44 Msinott .i. Bound Knob. Asneville 4.36 lki 6.10 4 Hot Spring Horristown (90th meridian)... 12.C5pm 7.30 Knoxville (90th meridian).... 2.10 " 8.50 TL23ani 12.40pm 3.37 u 4.48 9.40 " "i.OOpm 5.23 " 9.15 44 Lv Salisbury jtr Charlotte .......... " Spartanburg.... 1.55' 4.40 l 5.50 " -11.00' 44 Greenville Atlanta......... LrT!hariotte....A..I Ar Columbia - f2.l0ami 6.30 10.30 a Atiusta jS O. 53 Daily NORTH BOUND DaUy 5.55pra 10.13 V.. 4X3 44 Lv "Augusta... ...... ..- 8.30am Columbu. ....... 12.35pm 5.15 44 Ar Charlotte Lv Atlanta jtJ.Wpm 1.06am 2.11 44 4.50 4 6.22 7.10am Ar Green vule....".. 44 Spartanburg.... 44 Charlotte 2.52 4 5.35 44 7 00 4" 44 Salisburv.. I Lv Knoxville (90th 1 meridian) 1.25pai 8.10am j4- Morristown (90th r meridwn) 3.00 -7.50 44 6 9.41 10.57 4' 11.43 4 1 9.3a 44 Xhv HoL Springs 12.2opm 1.54 3.02 44 3.35 44 4.15 " 4.49 44 5.09 4 5.55 44 Ji.43 0. 5pui 8.40 44 Asneville "Rornid Knob. 3Iorgautou M Hukory....... ...... 12.44am 1.36 -2.03 44 3.15 44 4.20 44 4.27ain 7.45 i44 Newton....... ...... 44 Statesville Ar Salisbury .....r..... Lv Salisbury .... Ar Greensboro . Ar Salem ......... Lv Greensboro.. Iil"3rtni7ti!3ui 9.-0atn 12.35pm '1.55 ,4 1 4.10 4- "&0?arn 9.32- 12.41pm 1.26 - . JJ.30 :4 i2.20piii 2.55 710 4 8.50 " 11.20 6.20am 10.5Upi 4.3?)jini -6.55 til. 45 '8l:0pin 10J0 1.44am 2.36 otlo y 12.55a.m 3.00 4 6.53 44 8.25 10.47 4 1.20pm Ar Durham .... Raleigli. 44 Goldsboro i Lv Greensboro Ar Danville:..... 4 Keysville.. ......... 44 Burkville " Richmond Ar Lynchburg: "Charlottesville... 44 Washington 44 Baltimore.... 44 Philade'pliia 44 New York .... A. & S U. R." No.55,DaiL stations. No. 54,Daily 9.05 a.m ive Asheville ... 7.00 pm arv 9.59 do do .Hendersouv. 6.07 do do 1U0 do do Flat Rock.- : 5.54f do do 10.37 do do Saluda.... 5.27 do Vlo 11.24 do do Tyron 4.46 do do 12.30 pm arv Spartanburg- 3.40 do Ive No. 18"""mukphy b'h No. 17 9.10 a.m Ive u. Ashevilletl 3.55 a.m arv 11.10 do do Waynesvilie. 1.55 pm do . 2.54 pni do -Charleston.. 9.45 do do J48 do arv ....Jarrettt 7.00 a.m Ive : Daily. tDaily exceptSuuday. - j A.. T. & O. R. R. J' bV STATIONS 1 No'5 WUTHW'RD: iNORTHW'RD ; I ; 9.20 a.m Ive:.. Statesville -i 7.55 pm U7 rTrontmarir 7J39 4- arv 44 9.03 4 4 ...Shepherd.. 7.21 4. 4. 4 44 10.C5 44 --Mooresvllle..! 7.W 44 !..Mt Mourne 6 58 44 r.D'n College.! G.49 iCaldwell.-i 6.37 44 llluntersville.1 6.30 44 ...-lCroft .6.14 44 l.Sec'nHduse.i 6.01 10.16 10.25 44 10.37 44 16.45 .4 4 44 10.59 44 4 j-C.C.Junc'n.f 5,4$ 44 4 arv;...Chavlotte.j 5.45 -4 Ive TATESVILLEit WESTERN R. R: A IS. miv.i ' ' '"' jNo. 17, mix- ed.. Daily., Inorthwji'd d. Daily. I STATIONS. "OlJTHW'RD : i .; 7.45 . - va' 'Inr1sn..tll 11ft nn, . n 8.05 4. ;M Hiddenitc -! 9.21 44 J-fl 44 4k, !......Sloan....K 9.04 44 . 44 8.44 44 lredel'-W! 8.40 44 r " rvi.. Statesville -j' 8.15 r-4 lve. twlP8'r)'a"d 51, Pulhnan Sleepers be v -A 1X1 ariu -Jiorristown.; f ? f W8, o2oaud 53 Pullman Parlor Cars pBih!eU SJistry and. knoxville, and ami ua.bleepers between ; Salisburv aou W ashington. . Ashevill. v r t 1 S , : ! TwislSpTr 5 the Sl pubHc DoeS hair cutting '.VVw?1 Style' Shop adioilli"i WIU 4. ;i.22 44 11.25 ' RASTUS B. JQNUS,: t AT-IiAW, Practices in . the Courts of Alexander Catawba, Caldwell, Iredell and Wilket Prompt attention given to the collection of claims, settlement of estates, and all . - ; other business entrusted, to him. ; i :t?Agent for the best Fire Ihsuratice Companies., : .-..;- ; f; - A.G.MCIATUSH. RBBURKE. ivr C1STOSH BURKE, ,'.v ; ATTOBNEYS-AT-LAW, l AND REAL ESTATE AQENT3, TAYI.ORSVILLE, , v . N4 C. Pmctice in Alexander and' adjoining counties. Special f attention given to collections,' settlefnent of estates, &c . BReal estate rertted,bonght or sold oncouimission. . ail cnarges mocieratev "VTATTRASSES. . : j I wish to inform the people of Alexan der, Iredell, Wilkes, and other counties that; I have ! located at ; TAYLORS- VILLE, and can now supply them with M ATTR ASSES , of any size and kllid desired at LOWER PRICES than they can be bought for elsewhere. ? , J. D. MULLACE. nOME TO THE OLD BRICK STORE FOR HARNESS, COLLARS AND BRIDLES. ALL ORDERS PROMPT LY FILLED. CALL AND SEE ME. ' : CM. LEFLER. TaylbrsvilleHigh'School, Vmr Boys and Girl, ; TAYI'.ORSyiLLE, I' - f f J N C. " OPENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBKR 2, 18S9. AND CLOSES IN JUNE, 1890. Healthy climate; beautiful Jot-a-tion; Comfortable rooms; thorough I t-ain-itiorin Eziglih. fathPtuatics, Sciences, Classic, and Music. Tuition $1 in t&t per, month, paya ble monthly; Contingent fee, $1 per year. , Board $7 to 9 per muth. For further information, address a. c. Mcintosh, : " J. N". CORIIELU Principals. WAHTEB. 7-OOL, FURS, HIDES, TALLOW, BEESWAX AND GRAIN, for which I will pay the hixhost cash price. Fruit growers who would like to place their apple on the market to the best advantage will do well to con fer with me. V E. G. LOWE, Salisbury, N. C. Pohi6mi Hill Nurseries, POMONA, IV. C, Two and a Half Miles West of Greens boro. : ?7..t:"r"-'-'' The main line of the R. & D. R. R. passes through the grounds.and with in 100 feet of the office. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Thoe interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this The Largest Nursery in the State, and one of the 7 largest in the South. The stock consists of . Apple, 'PeaeK, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Grape, Japanese Per simmon, Japanese Plum . A ricct, Nectarine.Rus : sian Apricot, Mulber ry, Quinces, &c. , SMALLFRUITS: Strawberry, , Raspberry, Ourraats and English Walnuts. Rhubarb, Asparagus, Shade Trees, Evergreens, Roses, H &c. &c: &c ; ;, All the new and rare, varieties, as well as the old ones, which my new cata logue for 1 8S8 show Give your order to myj authorized ager. t or order direct f roii.- 'ne nursery. Correspondence so liciic Descriptive catalogues free to applicants. t , :: Address, '' ' : j:i " ' .' ' ' - J. VAN. LINDLEY, " . Pomona, N. C. Guilford Countyi ' r i S&T -4! reliable salesman wanted in every county. s A good paying commis sion will be allowed I. C'AVEATSM TRADE MARKS, COP"ZRiaHTS obtained and all other business in thd U. S. Patent office attended to for mod erate.fees.j (Qm office is opposite the Patent office,and vve can obtain patents in less ' time than those remote . iron Washington. Send model ordmwicg. we advise a to paten tabilfty free of charge;.and we maUe (uo charge unless we obtain patent ltiki - r C. A. SNOW & CO.. -Washington, D. C. Oppo. Patent 'Office. ,. E - ' '' ' STATEMENT v vS Of the Financial Affairs of Alexan der County, Published by order of the BSardhf CounA ty Commissioners, as required by law: bee bee. 7oz i tne code. ' ' 3 Office Board Coi Comers, ); Taylo-ville, N. C, December 2, 1889 J The following statement of the couu ty nuance&for the y.r enamg Novem ber 30, 1889, shows the full i-eceipts and disbursements, together with the debt of the county: '; - ' COUNTY DEBT. . .. . Outstanding R. R. bonds......$22.000 0C Int. on sr ne due Janl, '90... 120 ; CJ Total debt.....i Total real & personal prop..$948,768 OOj 1270 polls returned.. - . The tax on the above amounts to State tax....:.. $2,287 50 County tax. 2,945 77 School tax...... Uornty Revenue and tie bource fromi v.hi-fv;. f V. Real andjpersonal property.$91 5,001 00 is . se m lovely grounds, where rt. K. and bank stock; . oui County special. 1,9S7 loin . , . t..cJ aaa erfiir. foitr Winnnwrs. Iwrn trnnt.intr tn1 Penslonsl........ ObOCK ,.IW...... ......- pi . , I 511 7kP Total tax,.;,... $10,733 3Sj Al8o'under" 'schedule 1 - B the Clerk returns $57 95 From R. of D.. 89 35 From Sheriff........... 239 98 . - ' v ' 387 25 Total revenue.... ........$11,637 39 Disbursements, and to Whom Paid. Dec. 3, 388 W L Mullis, $34.40; T. FMurdock, 2.60, A W Robinson 2.40, Algy Reese 3, LeeMullis 50c, J Z Little 3.25, DlUon Tritt 13, M M Bentley 2. E LUttle 81.15, W R Teasrue 3. J BS Pool 5.20. Mary Icenhour I, RiB KUlian 1, T S Meheffee 2, C T Sharpe 6.22, S & C Lett 4, R Sherrill 1 .50, C J Carson 6.0:,H T Campbell 14.J B.Keever 22.60, U M Sharpe 37.90 total, $236.85 Jan 9, '89 David Fox 80c, J B Ech- erd I.9d. R B Killiau 1, S & C Lett 2. M & M Bentiey 2, J L Sloop 50c, J 2 Little 2.3d, Jane Baker 1, Hesekiah Boyd 2V Dr Little 13.75, W L- Mullis 46.20 Edwards & Broughton 14.50, C W Sower 5.42. J B Keever 2.10, W R Teague 1.30. Z P Deal 5. J LGwaltnev 22.4U. J M Oxford 220.60,Harriet Craw- ford 50c total, S2S0.88 Feb 4-r-E C Sloan 1.40, S J Lumsdeu 10.20, W li Mullis 50.75. Noah Fox 1, S & C Lett 2, B L Wike 2.35, I T Wikej 2.35, W R Cuildeis 2, Jane Baker ij Miles Watts 1, J T Sharpe 1J.50, . W L Mm.se 6. CW Sower 3, R B KilUan 1. Millie Anderson 50c, W L Moose 4.20,J L Sloop 50c, J B Keever 1.85, Kiah lovil l, Tobus liai nes l.l U. I Jarnes' 1.40. T J Deal 1 .50. T 1 1 ( rouco 1.40 W A Ingram 2, J W Watts 1.10, E . jah Kerlev 1, Adolphus Kerley 1. Leaiider Sweet 1.20. R M Sharpe 100.89, J L G wait uey 19.40, M & M Eentley 2, Dr Little 7.50, E M Stevenson 12, A E Alsp ngh 12.96, G W Sharpe 14.40 .Ocuk-'$355.S9 , ' , March 4 M A Icenkour 2.50, W L Mullis 62.95, W R Teague 3, H Crav foid 1.50, Miles Watts 1.50.W Deal 1.45 Dillou Tritt 3, Robert Sherrill 1.50, A Wilson C, SDr Little 9.50. Algy Reese 3. G W Little 99.S1, Noah Foic 3, GW Hefner 6. Millie Anderson 1.50, James Robnett 5. E B Jones 25, Martha Watts! 3, R B Killlan 2, John Z Little 6.o0, Hezekiah Boyd 3, J L Gwaltney 22.50, R M Sharpe 10, Jane Baker 3, M & M Bentley 2 tot-. 1, $265.21 ApiiLl R B Killian 2, Edwards & Broughton 10.90, Allen Mooney2, Jake Mooce 1.50, S & C Le ,t 6, W F Pa ter son 1.45, W L Mullis 40.0, James Rob nett 5, Dillon Tritt 2, M M Bentley 3, Robert SheiTill 50c. W J Stikelether 2.10. Miles Watts 50c, Martha Watts 3. Nancy Stephenson 1, R M Sharpe 26, Amanda Wilson 5, Dr Little 4, . J L Gwaltney 22.88, R P Matheson 1.25 total, $1.0.98 ' May 6 K B Killian 2.85, W L MullisJ 46.v0, C W Sower 1. Munroe Little 4U. Russell 1.60. J F Laws 1.50, J Robnett 5, A L Earnes 4, Alleu Mooney 2, Mart Dowell 2, Martha Watts 3, Dr Little 7. M & M Bentley 3. , J.B Keever 7.3V J L Gwaltnev 12.5. Amanda Wilson a. Miles Watts 1. J T Mcintosh 5.45. R Ml Sbaipe 2.10. D B Little 6Ce. J F Down 75c. A C Mcintosh 5.90. J T Mcintosh 4.02. W S Dauiel 60c. J F Steele 2.60. R H Chapman 3 35. J P Smith 2.50. Tbos Daniels 1.80. Adaline Wlke 1.35. Jouas Wike 1 .35. J T Mcintosh 9.03. H O Steel oOc. W L Moose 45c. D B Little 5cr Wesley Morrison 3 R P Math&on John Wilbman 1.15. J T Mclntosb 3.U7. W L Moose 2.10. T J Allison 15c. Solon Little 73c.W E White 75c. Sarah Pierce 1.35. Jacob Moser 70c. Sarah Pierce 1.85, J T ilclntosh 1.93. W L Mcose! 1.05.N P Alexander L55J T Mcintosh 1A0. F I Osboin 2. R M Sharpe 50c. D D Little 7nc. John Hand 95c. John E Echerd 83c. J J Killen 1.90, J A Mun day 1.85. E L Hedrick 2.10. , M M Pc.dI 1.90., J T Mcintosh 2.i3. R M Shaip. 5,7. E C Sloan 5.15. T T Mcintosh 2.C3. R M Shaipe 515. J T Mcintosh 2, W L Mullis 55c. G W Flowers 23.25,G 0 Echerd 3.90, W L Moose 30c, Jas DraKe uac, J T Mcintosn 4.02. F I Osborn 2, D B Little 1,28," D T Burgess 2.90, J O Jolly 2.25, J F Burgess 2.35, , J L Xcen hour 75c, G W Thompson 75c, F I Osborn 8, J T Mcintosh 7.40, 0 O Simmons 85, P C Hall 93, JT Mc luto 'h 5.15, J L Benm 50c. C O Simmons 85, P C Hail 93c, J T Mcintosh 4.82, W S Daniels 45c,J Mary J jMay tarry 1.20, J; C EldeidHis position was misunderstood iur.oms, and all skin eruptions, and posi-1.2Ms l.0, Isaac btattortt i.'Jo. (To be Continued.) I;; TICS 1)EAD, CHIEFTAIN. - The Sunny South is Draped 5 t Monrnin.?. in New OrleanDec. QteffemqltoezhanHt every means on earth. Davis J "e his iejwin dealb a tto prevent a rapture. He was not fttteen mmntea before 1 o'clock this morriing, sdtroanded by all his I'rrenitls and relatives who were within call. The handsome resi dence of Mr. J. H. Payne, at the corner of First and Camp streetsijplished and spoke the best of Eng ! is at' present an object of interestyiish. His memory was marvel to every friend or Mr. Jefferson i ri. jDa.vis,' because it is in the pleas- $23,320 ocJaut'gnest chamber of this elegant uome tnautne Deioved old uonred Canietia bashes 'areV spiked .With I bloom, 4nd oranges harig'iri clus ters onr the ' trecs It is; a wonder- ifully pretty room, with rich toned (Persian: hued carpet on the floor, the east an(J. .two to the south Pictures, are on the are on the wans and there5 are lounges,5 easy Turkish chairs and pretty carved; tables! and a huge Victoria bedstead on which the ex-President of the Con federacy lie's in the embrace of death, i !:: n'( ,. ,; - ' .' It was 7 o'clock before Dr. Byck- ' . , f t , . . .... -. V. ham and Dr. Chaille, two of Uhe lmo8t fan1ou8 physicians in theft South, arrived aud consulted over the condition of the patient. His change was a surprise so totally unexpected ., to those in constant and the? skilled eyes of the medi cal men saw in it the beginning: of the end. They continued with the patit'ut until his death howev er, Aud nide every possible effort to avoid tHi Inevitable. The ia mp of life waned Jowias the hour of midnight arrived nor did it flicker at any time. Eager ly yet tenderly the watchers gazed (at the lace of the dying chieltain. IHis face, always calm and -pale gained additional pallor, and. at a quarter of 1 o'clock of the inorningH of this the sixth day of December, death came to the venerable lead !er. There was nothius: remark auier aDouc tne ueatu oed scene. The departure of the spirit was gentle and utterly painless. There were no dry eyes in the little as sembiy about the bed and every heart bled with anguish which found vent iu Mrs. Davis's sobs and cries. Immediately after the death, Mrs. r Davis was led upstairs to the bed room of Mrs. Fenner where the ladies tried to assuage her grief. She bore the awful blow bravely, but her breathing was labored and her condition so weak that two doctors consulted with her. They pronounceed her weakness to be that only conse quent' on strain and grief, and said that nothing was to be feared. BELOVED BY HIS PEOPLE. The estimation in which Mr. Davis was held by the South best given m the language of two resentati ve men. Governor Fowle, in reply to a request of the New Georgie Sheldon's most entrauc Yofk World, says: . ing stories. It is No. 24 of Street Jefferson Davis was loved by & Smith's Select Series. Stonewall Jacksou and Bobert E. Lee. ;This is proof that he wrsU brave, just, honest, faithful and competent, in my opinion, no -a a !: .. - - J s other man could have discharged the duties of Presided t of the Cod federacy as successfully as he did He dies with the esteem,-respect and affection of the entire South Bepiesentative Mills, of Texas, says of the dead hero: Mr. Davis was regarded by the Southern people as one of ii . ... , ygreatest, best ana purest men m the world. , Wo all loved him. He was our representative mau and all of the Southern people under stood that opposition he encoun tered and adverse criticism piled upon him, were intended for . them. liman at the beginning and uej IfLUloptcd the course he did wuiiH.dcbyDr.'K. B. luUmn. druggiit. great reluctance, bat from a feel- Ring of duty. was deeply at uacuea to f the union and wanted a 5 vindictive or cruel man. He I HI. -Jl t a m tk a H inaa penect connaence m. nimseil; jwas well balanced on all occasions land was a great military man and Jstatesman, He was highly accom Iously clear. ' He never forgot any I body. 'My- Dredecessor.'Geddiris t - 7 7- told me that one day Mr. Darisl was,, addressing a crowd when a snowy haird .old man on the out skirts expressed a desire to greet the speaker, whom he had known and served under in the Mexican war. Geddiug offered to introduce him but theoid man declined and, going v up to Mr. Davis, offered ihim his hand and asked if he rec ognized him. Mr, Davis fixed his leyes upon him; for a moment his i . . . t . . jmouth twitched, tears sprang into ibis eves and he exclaimed: 4Ward:i w , it. P3Jlinsr line fullAn n xrtww lioaH cin on M vu JVUA uvwv.atut.v, I last saw you." Aud that, said Mills, was about forty years. be fore the meeting. THE FUNERAL OF MR. DAVIS." Gov. Fowle has received the 'following telegram : 4 . New Orleans, Dec 7. To tie Governor of fiorth Carolina: 11 pecomes my saa duty to an nouqee to 3rou and your people the death m this city of the Hon. Jei- terson Davis. The funeral rites will be held here on Wednesday, December 11, at noon. : Joe Shakespeare, Mayor. 4 Gov. Fowle replied as follows t iHon. Joe Shakespeare, jtec. Korth Carolina through her com mittee will unite with the people of the South in the funeral serv ices in your ; citvwhilst at that! hour memorjalservices will be held thjaoghout this State, appre- ciateive of our great dead leader. D. G. Fowle, Governor. That Dowdy. -Homely girls will take heart after reading this delightful and sensible story. A n-5 vl i-iloivt in fap o nH rafliai- in. different in her attire, is suddenly aroused to her defects, and, so far as is in her power, resolves to amend them. Caudid and gnile less herself, she unexpectedly dis icovera tnat tne n us Dan a wnom she devotedly loves contemplates her with aversion, that she is real ly what a woman of honor most dreads a despised Wife. As hef jholds her thus in , contempt, the question arises, why did he marry herf This is One of the mysteries of the romance, t ho heroine o which soon couvinces her husband that; while beauty is attractive, the charms of the mmd are far more enduring. The story has an excellent plot, the action is uatu- isffral and spirited, and the charac- iter drawing is in the author's best tyie. It certainly one ot Mrs. ' The revenues of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, are estimated by the secre-5 : r . ' x '. x. dtoor r(r$ tary 01 ine treasurj' at ooi,uw,uvy. while the estimates of appropri- fations necessary to detray the ex penses daring the same period are 8341428,970.70, including 49, 159,073 for the sinking ftmd, and $27622,599.28, the estimated in terest on the public debt. For ipensions alone, tne snm oi !ocS 7.252. or nearly one third, the I a j t - entire cost of the service of gov ernment is demanded of thepeo pie. '' i " . f ':J - - : Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salv& in the world for cuts, bruises, sores," ulcers,; salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, cimblalns. ' , ' .? - t lnev ref n nded . Price. 25c. per box. For 3 The Democratic minority in the House of - Bepresentatives has. taken its stand firmly on the line which was held by the majority i n the last House. There is to bo no wavering and no retreat . on the tariff reform issue. In the caucus Mr. Scott Wike, of Illinois, introduced the folldwinsr resolu- tion, which was adodted unani mously : Rexolved, That we, the Demo- cratic members of the House of Representatives of the Fifty-first Congress, at the beginning of. its session hereby send " greeting to the people of the country the as surance of onr continued confi dence and devotion to the prin ciples of tariff reform as embraced in President Cleveland's message to the last Congress upon that subject, and in the platform of principles adopted by the last Democratic National convention at St. Louis; and that we hail with delight the emphatic approval of those principles by the people as expressed at the polls in the' re cent elections, and we pledge them to renew and continue in Congress the contest for a reduction of war taxes, so m ably begun amT prose cuted in former Congresses by our Representatives and Senators. 4It goes right to the spot," .said an old .man, who whs rubbirjg in Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's VolcamcOil Liniment to relieve kheumatism. Childben who are worm v mav be quickly relieved by giving them Dr J.H. McLean's Liquid Vermifu?e.lt kills and jexpels worins. ' If you feel 4out of sorts," cross and peevish,take Dr. J.H. McLean's Sarsapa- niia: cueerfuluess will return and life will acquire new zest. --D-m4tatyrltwg! -IvttS-'a'stub--born cough'whena pleasiiutaml elfective remedy may found iu Dr. J.H.McLean's rar Wine Lu ng Malm. If you are suffering with weak or in flamed eyes, br granulated evelid, voa jcan.be curetl by iia'mg Dr. J. 11. McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve. . If you are all run down, have no ener gy, no strength, and feel very tired all of the time,take Dr .J.H. McLean's Sai-saa-riila. It will impart strength and vitality to your system. ' The blood must be pure for the body to be in perfect condition. Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood ind imparts the rich bloom of health and vigor to the whole body. For rheumatic and neuralgic pain rub in Dr. J. 11. McLean's Volcanic Oil Linir ment,and rake Dr.J. H. Mclean's Sara parilla. You will not suffer long,but will be gratified1 with a speedy and effective jeure. i : The circulation of the blood,ouicken- ed and enriched, bears life aud energy to k?very pare of the body; appetite returns; ihe hour of rest brings with it sound re pose.This can be secured by taking Dr.J. 11. McLean s Sarsaparilla. The quality of the blood depends up on good or bad digestion and assimila tion. To make the blood rich in life and Strength giving constituents use Dr.J.H McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will nourish the properties of the blood from which the elements of, itality ai e drawn. A Woman's Discovery. .. "Another Wonderful dieoverv has ;ben made, and that too by a lad v In Etuis county. Disease fastened its ftliitch- 4 l . ... . jes upou uer auu xor seven years snc witlistood its severest tests.but.her vital jorgans were unaerminea ana deatn seeraeu imminent, r or - raree monins she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottlc of Dr. King's New Uiscoveryior consumption and was so much relieved ou taking the itirst dose that she slept all night, and fwith one bottle has been miraculously leured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." fhus write W. C. Hamrick & Co of Shelby, N. C. Get a free trial bottle at Dr. R.1 B. Killian's drug store; The Verdict ITnaiiimoTis. ' W. D. Suit, druggist, Bippua, Ind., restities: I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedr. : E-ery bott le sold has given relief In every cae . One man took six bottles,and was - ured of iheumatlsm of ,10 years standing. Abraham IIare,druagit, Bellville.Ohio, afflrmsi "The best selling medieine I have ever handled in my. 20 years1 ex perience is Electrie Bitters." Thou sands of others have added their testi mony, bo that the verdict is' unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the liver, kidnevs' or blood.' Onlv a jhalf dollar a bottle at Dr.lLB. KilHaVs Jdrug store. . ;- Don't be deceived by fictitious or paid for certificates. All testimonials prin ted in our paper concerning te merit of B. 15. u. (Botanic Blood Lialm) are true aud genuine. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. for 4'Bookof Wonders." - Subscriptions to the Journal Jean hgiu at any time, at the rate of $1 per year. "Subscribe loi ibe Joun2sAi-51 -

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