Wm I 'oi. No. 1. TAT LO RS V 1LLE, ALEXANDER COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1890. -J $1.25 Per Tear. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. Sensed Schedule in effect Sept. 29. .trains run by 75th Meridian Time. NoT 50 No. 52 Daily Daily 12.15am 4.30pm 7.20" 6.57 u 9.45 9.42 11.24" 11.00" 3.40pn 3.00am 5.40 " 5.07 " i 8.40" 7.45 " 3.00pm ""2.30atn 5.12 " 4.32 " 5.51 " 5.11 " 8.40 " 8.05 " 10.35 " 9.45 J 2.30pm IsTiOpm 4.46" 1.00m 5.58 " 3.42 " 8.25" 7.40 44 gOCTH BOUND. Lt flew York........ it fnuau'F""" u Baltimore ii Washington i Charlottesville.. unchburg........ Richmond tJurKviuc. " Keysville. w Danville.. r Greensboro Balexzn... Durham ... Ar Greensboro Salem t6.15pm 6.30am lv Greensboro 10.37pm 12.45am 9.50am 11.25 Salisbury.. Ar Statesville 2.01am 3.04 44 3.31 " 4 22 44 5.20 44 6.f9 4 7.23 44 9.28 12.12pm 1.00 " 1.18 " 2.12 " 2.53 " 3.30 4.36 " 6.10 44 7.30" 8.50 " " Newton Hiekory 44 Morganton. 44 Marion 44 Bound Knob.. 4 Asheville .. 4 Hot Springs... " Morristown (90th meridian) 12.C5pm "Knoxville (90th meridian) 2.10 44 Lv Salisbury .. Ar Charlotte . 12 26ara 1.55 44 4.40 " 5.50 44 11.00 44 11.23am 12.40pm 44 Spartanburg 44 Greenville 44 Atlanta..... ... 3.37 " 4.48 " 9.40 44 Lv Charlotte... Ar Columbia.... 2.10am 6.30 44 10.30 " 1.00pm 5.23 44 915 44 ' Augusta...... No. 51 Daily 5.55prr 10.15 44 4.00 44 No. 53 Daily NORTH BOUND Lv Augusta.. 44 Columbia Ar Charlotte 8.30am 12.35pm 5.15 44 Lv Atlanta ............. Ar Greenville."... 44 Spartanburg 44 Charlotte...... 44 Salisbury 6.O0pm 1.06am 2.11 44 4.50 " 6.22 " 7.10am 1.51pm 5.35 44 7.00 44 Lv Knoxville (90th meridian) Morristown (90th 1.25pm S.lOata meridian) 3.00 4 7.50 44 10.57 44 11.43 44 9.30 44 Xv Hot Springs. 12.25pm AStwiia Round Knob " Mavion......... 1.54 44 3.02 44 3.35 44 4.15 4.49 44 5.09 44 5.58 44 6.43 44 .45pni 8.40 44 4 Morgantou 12.44am ' Hickory.... 1.36 2.03 44 3.15 44 4.20 44 44 Newton 44 Statesville ... Ar Salisbury ..... Lv Salisbury Ar GreensTboroj. Ar Salem "T.27am 7.45. 44 11.40amltl2.34am Lv Greensboro 9.50am 12.35pm 1.55 44 4.10 44 L.OSam 9.32 12.41pm 1.26 44 12.20pm 2.55 44 7.10 44 8.50 4 11.20 44 6.20am 10.50pm 4.30am 6.55 44 fll .45 44 4S.50pm 10.20 1.44am 2.36 44 i 2. 55am 3.00 44 6.53 44 8.25 44 10.47 44 1.20pm Ar Durham . " Raleigh 44 Goldsboro .... Lv Greensboro Ar Danville!. .... 44 Keysville 44 Burkville 44 Richmond Ar Lynchburg 44 Charlottesville ... 44 Washington Baltimore... 44 Philadelphia 44 New York .... A. & S. R. R. No. 5a,Daily stations. No 54,Daily 9.05 a. ra lve 9.59 do do 1C.10 do do 10.37 do do 11.24 do do 12.30 pm ary "No. 18 " . Asheville ... .Hendersouv. ...Flat Rock... Saluda.... Tyron..... Spartanburg MURPHY B'H 7.00 pra arv 6.07 do do 5.54 5.27 4.46 3.40 do do do do do do do lve No. 17 9.10 a.m lve 11.10 do do 2.54 pm do 5.48 doarv' .Ashevillet Waynesville. Charleston.. ....Jarrettst-. 3.55 a.m arv 1.55 pm do 9.45 do do 7.00 a.m lve Daily. tDaily except Sunday. A., T. & O. R. R. No. 52. I SOUTHW'BD i i No. 53. BiAUUi,i5, -NORTH W'RD 9.20 a.m lve Statesville ..! 7.55 pra arv 9.37 Troutman 7.39 k. 9.53 10X5 10.16 10.25 10.37 10.45 10.59 11.10 11.22 11.25 It .1 tl ii ii ii ii i. ii it 44 ...Shepherd. 7.21 44 '..Mooresville..! 7.09 44 lMt Mourne-j 6 58 4 I.D'n College.! 6.49 44 Caldwell ...I 6.37 44 jlluntersville.: 6.30 44 .......Croft .; 6.14 44 i.Sec'n House.! 6.01 ti it ii ii 4 i it ii C.C.Junc'n.i 5.4S arv Charlotte...! 5.45 44 lve STATESVILLE & WESTERN R. R. ' " " - -- - 0. 18. mi v.: ;No. 17, mix j ed. Daily. Dailv. i ------ , STATIONS. 8octhw'rd! iNORTHWR'D .4o a.m Ivej Taylors ville.j 3.40 pm arv o.uo " 44 Hiddenite ..I 9.21 44 44 8-21 44 44 i. aioan ! 9.04 44 44 ?.44 44 44 i.... Iredell...: 8.40 44 44 44 rrvi.. Statesville..! 8.15 14 lve Nos. 50 and 51, Pullman Sleepers be- vT u eensDoro and Morristown. v Nos. 52 and 53, Pullman Parlor Cars between Salisbury and Knoxville, and : ,aV keepers between, Salisbury w aJ?;.L- TAYLOR, Q. P. A. W A WINURN, D. P. AI Asheville, N. C. 1 T EWIS LIPPARD, i pROPESgTONAL. BAltBRR. "aim,ovedtoTaylorsville and opened BARBER SHOP f?.dspea.ks a liberal, patronage from - Rciienu public. Does hair cutting JSiicl 1 style SuoP adjoining JgRASTUS B. JONES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in the courts of Alexander Catawba, Caldwell, Iredell and Wilkes Prompt attention given to the collection of claims, settlement of estates, and all other business entrusted to him. iSfAgent for the best Fire Insurance Companies. A.C.MCLKTJSH. B.B. BURKE. cIHTQSH & BURKE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, TAYLORSVILLE, - . - - N. C. Practice in Alexander and adjoining counties. Special atiention given to collections, settlement of estates, &c. I"Real estate rented.bought or sold on commission. All charges moderate . TVTATTRASSES. I wish to inform the people of Alexan- der, Iredell, Wilkes, and other counties that I have located TAYLORS- VILLE, andean now supply them with MATTR ASSES of any size and kind desired at LOWER PRICES than they can be bought for elsewhere. J. D. MULL ACE. Q0ME TO THE OLD BRICK STORE FOR HARNESS, COLLARS AND BRIDLES. ALL ORDERS PROMPT LY FILLED. CALL AND SEE ME. C. M. LEFLER. TaylorsvilleHigh School, For Boys ancl Girls, TAYLORSVILLE, - - N. C. O1 PENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1889, AND CLQSES IN JUiNJii, 1S90. Healthy climate; oeau;nui joca tionr'comfortable rooms: thorouyrh train ing in English, MathfrnatIC8, bciences, Classics, una Jtinsic. Tuition $1 to S3 per month, paya ble monthly. Contingent fee, $1 per year. Board t to $9 per menth. For further information, address A. C. McINTOSII, J. N. CORRELL, Principals. WAHTEB. yOOL, FURS, HIDES, TALLOW, BEESWAX AND GRAIN, for which I will pay the highest cash price. Fruit growers who would like to place their apple on the market to the best advantage will do well to con fer with me. E. G. LOWE, Salisbury, N.C. Pomona Hill Nurseries, POMONA, IV. C, Two and a Half Miles West of Greens boro. The main line of the R. & D. R. K. passes through the grouuds,and with- Iu lUUIPetOl Liie fimce. oaicui nanio make regular stops twice daily each way.t Those interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this The Largest Nursery in the State, and one of the largest in the South. The stock consists of y Apple, Peach; Pear, Cherry, Plum, Grape, Japanese Per simmon, Japanese Plum, A ricot, Nectarine,Rus sian Apricot, Mulber ry, Quinces, &c. . HMALL FKUITS: Strawberry, Easpberry, Onrrants and English Walnuts. Rhubarb, Asparagus, Shade Trees, Evergreens, Roses, &c. &c. &c as the old ones, which niv new cata- logue, for 1888 show Give your order to my autnonzea agent or oruer uirect froii. rne nursery. Correspondence so- . t J! A. I liciiea Descriptive catalogues free to applicants Address, J. VAN. LINDLEY, Pomona, N. C. Guilford County. tT A reliable salesman wanted in every county. A good paying commis sion will be allowed PATENTS, CA VEA TS, TRADE MARKSMut? box we cannot expect the law COP"5rRia-HTS obtained and all other business in W U. S. Patent office attended to for mod- erate fees. Our office is opposite the Patent office,and we can obtain patents in less time than those remote irom Washington. Send model or drawing, we advise as to patentability free of Kcharge; and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. C. A. SNOW & CO., Washington, D. C. 1 Oppo. Patent Office. OUR LETTER BOX. We are glad to see our letter box so full this week, even if some of the letters were written last year. While we don't undertake to iudorse all our correspondents may write, we give all a hearing. We hope the people of the county will feel that the Journal is their paper, and write to it often er. Taxes. Taxes. Taxes. Mr J Editor: We hear a great deal of complaint about taxes being so high; and after looking over the financial statement in the Journal, we are not sure but the complaint ia well founded. We were - surprised at the number of j "stay at home paupers." We have a poor house and the county poor ought to be sent there. These paupers, as a general thing, are not often benefited by the claims I 11 .1 I T ntn VintrA f rn XT f Via """vvcu, auuu wo rJ expenses ot keeping a poor nouse, let,g make use of it. Another thing that surprises us is the na ture of some of these pauper claims. We wonder if the com missioners are aware that they are navinff a nairner claim for a i v person that makes a good "field hand, and does not even live with the one who gets the pay! An other . thing that surprises us is the large amounts expended for repairs of our old tumble down county buildings. We notice that there was expended lor repairs at the poor house last ending No vember 30, $133.90 aud at the Court House something over $30. We expect that if this repairing had been done for any individual member ot the board ot com mis- siouejs it woo id nave oeen a one at a much less cost Another fraud is the stock-law fence business. And we think the commissioners should be more careful about this matter. No doubt they are imposed upon. Some one will make a dozen rails, and nail up an old gait and the commissioners are made believe he has done a "big job," and pay him five or ten dollars of our "hard got" tax money. Last year there was levied as stock-law tax $511.76, which would pay for making and putting up 51,176 rails at $1 per hundred. These are small things, but little by little the rats cut the cable. : Let's lop off every little expense we can and see if our county can't be got in abetter con dition. I see in the JotfKNAL that our next court is in 1990, a little over 100 years. Is this the millennium so much talked about! C.E.J. Glade Creek, Dec. 24, '89. Prohibition v. s. the Times. Mr. Editor: Please give uProhi bition" space in your paper for a few thoughts in respect to some violations of law in our county. I have thought that no statute is oftener violated than the law forbidding the sale of liquor to minors; and yet there are no pros ecutions. After looking over the jury list for our next Court, I be gin to think I see a part of the cause, as some of the jurymen are not Qualified under the law. As I understand the law, a man must be of good moral character before he is entitled to be a juror; and before a man can be a moral man he must stop getting drunk and selling spirits to miuors. If I un derstand morals it means obedi ence to moral law. So long as our Commissioners put drunkards and wilful violators of law in the to be enforced. Men who don't obey the law will not enforce it. The great moral future of our 'nnni. AanonAa in . orof mna. wuu . A." . " " b " ure on the juries of the county. Prohibition. York Institute. Mr. Editor: I will write a few items from this place. If the his- tory of jfork Institute was written it would be of great interest to to some for many remarkable things have occurred here and in the adjoining settlement. This place took its name from the ven erable Dr. B. York, and which is still his home. It would be useless for me to attempt to com I ment on this great andjgood man, his fame is knowe far wide. He spent the summer with ms Bvucv.i. v. iu,i ieu. ucreruimsui. wuauaiueu tu yaue is!wanted for the murder of an nessee. The Dr. returned to his and gaze and reflect, by the tall the d Donfflaa Hol. oia nome some aays ago ana ex- -1 1 I pecui vu xouiaiu uoio buuw wmo, auu wiu preacu at xxvy oprmg every oaooain inac our pastor does not preach. He will com- memorite his 88tb, birthday Fri- day, January 3, by preaching at Bocky, Spring at 11 o'clock. His 8ubject will be "The Journey of Life. 4 Kev. B. A. York, of the Rowan circuit. Dr. Durant York, and Mr. ' ' i W. B. York, nf Alamnr.A conntv are oa a short visit to relatives and friends. York InRtitntiA at nrviAnt is not I " M. I growing in population and wealth like some towns, although there is soae improqement being made, Ex-S6eriff Mavs is bnildinff a new dwelling. The place is not com- pleteyet. We are expecting boon. M. M., Dec. 30, '89. Millers Ahead. Tn jj .'j -r ill j. s iur. uauor. x wm try sIve ' ili f J ' l you an ouume oi some iew iningshstQf- Jt . fh i.aTIlflftmMt hniM. tnai nave occurrea m tms neign- uurujuu. aiujera wwnsmp ia urn liUJC CICUUUU gclVO UJOtUlUg line double the maioritv that it had been oing before, and if it keeps on llLe It 13 III this part Ol the township, in a few years it will be mtUgmUCi aCUiUUiaUCtOWUeUlil. n!..nil... T i-Z i iU imc U"ICB; uu luv tucie this publication at an eany aay 0f work by four eminent instruo has been nine children born in six of the "Davis Memorial Volume torSj these being Thomas Balliett, uiuubuo ci. mo cwtuuu, uu an. i 3 ii t a uiu me uu8 uuu u euiouiats uut uuo, auu iiicvb uho is uuioicu Kep. So we are going around. We have a man in this neigh- borhood that has but one thumb; but he has two Democratic boys that have, seven thumbs. I would like to know where this can be beat The same man killed a hog this year that had five toes, with nice hoofs on each to. So, now, Landmark, tell your Chatham county friend to beat this if he can. A strange thing to see bees gathering honey dew between Christmas ank New Years; and that your humble writer witnessed. And who ever knew of the ground hfiiner ton hard to nlow at Christ- masJ' W h ava nft'An sAAn it ton hard by being frozen, but not by dry weather. ijnnsimas nas paseu over mucu quieter than what I expected on accouuL oi so mucu uiauuy ociug made this fall. This neighbor- hood is in eood health at this time. A. P. &. Elk Shoals, Jan. 6, '90. Southward, Ho! Mr. Editor: Bidding your smil incr IiM.Ia tnnrn aHiAn for a whilp. . , . TA , on Saturday morning, December 28, 1 set out for this place, xour correspondent, though he lives to be old and travels much, never ex pects to meet a kinder, more so cial people than those of Taylors ville. I reaehed Charlotte in time for a stroll over the city before din ner, and amid all the harry and Hnaflo Aro Hr. Inon T oar onrl - rvl: V . heard much to mate my very snort stav eniovable. My aDDetite for 0 . 0 A iiar-fit tuiugo vunuuo . . . - . being about satisfied, 1 turned my B . 7 . . half-weary steps into the Butord House. But no sooner had I . , - . iunBi. placedmyfoot upon the thresh- hold than my curiosity was aroused . ; , titio-iu, ouu iu ir,n wuiuvui.o.ivu. clever townsman, Mr. M. G.Camp- ' - iflsuf. bell, had led me up several flights of stairs and was showing me the magnificence of the new din- mg roomi No: I needed no show- ing; i saw it myseii. In the afternoon I visited the cemetery. It is one of the pret- tiest scenes that ever my eyes be- held. All its sections are so beau- uiuny aesignea ana me longwmie sand walk-ways have been laid off wun sucn anisiic lasce. on en- i . . ... . .. i- is first arrested, and the lone wan- !l. ' . il I wnne monumencs raising meir nvuuucnm uraus towaiua iuo kkj as u iu suiemu pra,yer,Luen,SLra,uge 1 ro say, seeming to dow uem in the most woeful awe. Theever- greens and flowers, planted in va- nous figures representing circles, squares, diamonds and hearts, dis- play the greatest care and skill. LNear the center of the cemetery is a beautiful monument "erected by I the ladies of Charlotte to the mem- i orv of Mecklenburs Confederate dead, and other soldiers who sleeo here." Ah, iittle did those Jadies think while thus Davinff a tribute to the poor soldiers' lives that they were rearing a monument to their own patriotism that cannot perish so long as the true Southerner lives. - a Now we fly down the Carolina Central until we reach Monroe, Here is as pretty a town as you can find anywhere And right in thn mi rid Ip. nf it is on a nf r.hfi most I w snhstantial brick bnildinM in the I O ing I eyer saw for &coalt house -nd . mt tn th. r.nnntv. M,pfl annn T, J f! uThe Davis Memorial Volume." -nr. -T: William Znne.fi elRfl ttn yesterday a contract with B. F. . n ... JohnSOn & UO., Ot tniS City lOf 1 W111CD Will . D6 DUUllSUeU WllU luo I .. .. . -, . . . tuU approval oi Mrs. Jjavis (wno will receive a royalty on every copy sold), and in which will be gathered choice selection from editorials, resolutions, speeches, &c which have made our South land's tribute to our dead Chief. The book will also contain a brief outline of his life and character. together with reminiscences, an- 1 ecdotesf letters, some of his best speeches, &c, &c. It will be J autifully illustrated and gotten up m fine style, making a souvenir which all levers of the name and fame of the great Confederate will be elad to have Richmond Lis Ipatefc, Dec. 22, 1889. Merit Wins. we desire to say to our citizens that f Ar vpars wp havft hn iwllinr Dr.Tfinf's New Discovery for Consumption. Dr. i King's jsew Lite inis, isuctien's Ami- have never handled remedies that sell as well or that have given such umver- guarantee them every time, aud we stand ready to refund the purchase price .JSL I areat popularity purely on their merits. For sale Dy Dr. K. u. Kiinan, aruggist. man Lean rheumatism Children who are wormy may be quickly relieved by giving tbem Dr. J.H. &cLean'S Liquid vlrmifuge.lt kills and expels worms If vou are suffering with weak or in- flomod pvpr. or granulated evelids. vou can be cured bv usinsDr. J.H.McLean's Sf rpno-f hpninir "Eve Salve. a"" nj - , If vou are au run uown, nave noener- gy,no sirengin, auu iwivcj u tne time,UKe ur.xui ruia. is wiu unpturi. Bbicugbu iiiij to your system. The blood must be pure for the body I -m r fo hp In nprfect condition. Dr. J . H. MC- " tT -,TDarilia. makes pure blood an(J imparts the rich bloom of health and vigor to the whole body. I b . , . I . , " . lt.Lij -..!.i J'HECirCUiauonoi ineuioou,qiuccii- l, . -1 - 1 1 niTn ea anaenncneu, ueara ui orvTarr.nf thftbtwlv: aDDetite returns: thp ifn of rest brings with it sound re pose.This can be secured by taking DrJ. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. nrme11 v The quality of the blood depends up- on goou or Daa uigesnuu au asaiiuii tion. To maKe tne dloou ncn m me aim strength giving constituents use Dr. J.H McLean Sarsaparilla. It will nourish th propertieS of the blood from which the element of.vitality aie drawn. "It goes right to the spot," said an old I corns, and all skin eruptions, ana posi- wno was rupoing in ur. .. a. mo-1 tiveiy cures pues or uo pay requireu. iu 's Volcanic Oil Liniment to relieve is guaranteed to give satisfaction or mo - State News Notes. Goldsboro made an excellent record auring issy. . There waa not a business failure in that city during the year. Joseph Furgeson fell into a well hn Eandolph county and was drowned. He was drunk and on the top which covered the well,ad- justing the rope, when he fell in - gearch of James Hendergon who 3 Thftv nnfilp4l uhnnt fiftniA whis- k t festiva and HenderSOD aeliberately shot Holt. Charles Allfee was killed in a most horrible manner in Allegha ny county. He was riding along a road through the woods on horse back when a large tree fell upon him, killing both horse and rider. Allfee's head was crushed terribly There is a sensation in Watauga - : . i. j.1 a WUU"J sowing uui ux toe myste- rions disappearance of Miss Bosie McLean, the pretty daughter of a 1 larmer, She has not I , . , , . . . ueen Keeu neara oi since nnsi- mi ua auu uer disappearance uuuu uo uuieu m. News has been received of the. death at Kings Mountain of Bey. Josepn wneeier, wno lor over thirty years had been an itinerant . Methodist minister. For the past two years he had been at Fayette- I ville. but in conseaueuce of de- I ' diniue health was suneranuated I - " bv the last session of the Confer- leuce. The executive committee of the t North Carolina Teacher Assem bly has decided to hold the next session of the assembly at Moore- hfarl P.it.V- "hAyinninr .Tnnn 17 anil endinff , It is orODOsed to I v 4L karfl o Cn,ial foafnrain fhha I AlftYnniW "R TTrxrA J CI Tlll nnrl I ' 1 v 1 Miss Snftnr. ftn oi- Masap.hnSttR. Two small children of Jerry Simmon, of Caldwell county, were fatally burned. Their parents had left them at home alone,and while playing about the fire the clothing of one caught, and soon the little girl was enveloped in flames. Her 5-year old brother, with true hero ism, rushed up to his sister and in trying to rescue her from her per ilous condition his own. clothing was fired, and both were burned so badly that they died. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory iesults, or in case of failur a return of purchase price. " On this safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of throat, lungs or chest, such as consumption,in- flammation of lungs, bronchitis, asth ma, whooping cough, croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be d -pended upon. Trial bottles free at K. 8. Killian's drug store. " Bncklen's Arnica Salre. The best Salve in the world for cuts?, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt-rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, sruaranteed to give i nev refunded. Price, 25c. per box. For sal by Dr. R . B. Killian, druggist. Sufferers from dyspepsia and liver complaints feeling weak, nervous and debilitated,- hou d not use remedies that physic the bowels. Such treatment doe more harm than good, lhey should use B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), a I remedy that will strengthen the digest - i. . i j . i ive ortrans, neai. me uiseaseu suriaueo it 'u on,i hnurpU mmfo and cleanse the and restore per- f ect health and strength to every part Q e K)(jy DonT irritate your lungs with a stub- w cougu wucu a yiv .x., k. . AH a Minn m-T Mr VI I I OTTAir I TA remedy may found n Dr. J.H.McLean's Tar Wine Lu ng Balm. I tp vou feel "out of sorts," cross and V if I peevish.take Dr.J.H.McIjean's Sarsapa- -,lnooa ... rptlirn anrl lifft wiUacquii-e new zest. I Fob rheumatic and neuralgic pain rub m Dr. J. H. McLean's v oicamc uu Liiu- ment,and take Dr..F. H. McLean s Sarsa- parilla. You will notsufferlong,bnt will gratiiied with a speedy and effective - j cure. tST Subsc nptions to tne JoJ can Oegin at any time, at the rate of U per ve1' if Pa,d ,n advance; otherwise full rates win dc cnargcu.,.

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