Vol. V. No. 7. TAYLORSVILLE, ALEXANDER COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1890. i $1.25 Per Year. JjVRASTUS B. JONES, ATTOR N E Y-AT-L A W. Practices in the courts of Alexander 'Catawba, Caldwell, Iredell and Wilkes Prompt atten tion given to j the collection of claims, settlement of estates, and ail other business entrusted to him. j&"Agent for the best Fire Insurance Companies. :fl!G9EAftD;'3IIGGY and WAS0 WORKS. B iisrsc, Wagons, Car rinjsres and HackH BUILT - TO - ORDER. We have recently put some new.ma chinery and are letter prepared than -ever to supply our -.customers- Repair-no--A neehil'rv. Call on us when in want of anything' in our line .and we will guarantee satisfaction. Our shop are located .-on Depot Hill, ami ou are in vited to call and inspect work. E. A. WOMBLE, Prop'r. JICIIMOND & DANVILLE R. R. Condensed Schedule in effect Feb. a G. Trains run bv loth Meridian Time. No. 50 No. 52 Daily Daily 12.15am 4.30ph.i 7.20 6.57 " , 9.45 9.30 . 11.24" II .00 44 . 5.40pm 5r.07am SOUTH BOUND. J,v New York u Philadelphia Baltimore.... - Washington.. 4 -'Lynchburg... Lv Richmond .... Lv D.uiville... 8.40pm! 8.05a ui Lv Wilmington.' 44 Goldb'"vn.... ' Raleigh. ...... 9,00am 2.30dim 4.40 "' I 5.00 pm l.OOim Lv Greensboro . 4 Salisbury .... 10.37pm 9.50am 12.45am . 11.25 1.49 " 12.09om 2.50 " 12.50 LI I " L10 1.30 'k 4.0! - 2.03 5.02 4 - 2.-1I." o. rj 3.19 7.22 4.27 .7:4.1" 4.34 4 9.18 " (i.00 44 10.25 44 7.00 4 12.1 Spm' 8.2-1 m Ar Statesville 4 Newton..: .... " Hickory Lv " Ar Morganton.l . AT : ; .mil Round Knob Asheville ... . Lv 4- - Ar Hot prints " Morritdwn (90th .meridian) meridian)... N.i. 51 l No. 53 Daily . Daily XOKi'H BOUND Lv Knoxville (90tl 'meridian) ...... 4 Moiistowa (90ti meridian) .... Lv Hut Springs. Ar Asheville .......... Lv Ar Round Knob..... '4 Marion............... ' Morganton.. . y Hickory............ Newioii i- Statesville ........ 44 Salisbury Greensboro ....... Danville ........... Ar Richmond Ar Raleigh - Goldsboro ......... " Wilmington...... A r f .y n ci 1 i u rg . . . . . . . " Washington il Baltimore. ... " Philadelphia New York .... 2:50pui 8.15 11.10 44 12.40am 1.51 ' 22ti " 3.12 4 3.50 4.11 4 5. 02 4k 5.53 " 5.4) 9 :2 44 3.3fpm! SiOeam 9.30 44 12.25pm 1.47 4 2.'t.7 ' 3.14 " 3.45 4.29 " 5.03 ' 5.23 " a.m 4- Vtf.iO 8.40 44 10.20 j.iiain "7V30am 1 2. 50pm 1.05p n 3.K -4 6.0 ) '4 7.10 4 8.50 11.20 u (.20am l2.55ant 6.53 -4 8.25 '4 10.47 44 1.20pm A. S. R. 11. No. 54, Daily stations. No 55,Dad S.40 pm arv .Hot Springs 8.00 a.m lve - 7.00 do do ...Asheville ... 9 35 do do 6.07 do do .Henderson, v. 10.29 do arv 5.54 do do ...Flat Rock... 10.40 do do 5.27 do- do Saluda .... 1 !.07 do d-i 4.4. do do .....Tyron 11.51 do do 3.40 do lve Spartanburg 1.00 pm do Xo.lS MuitPHY b'h No. 17 9.10 a.m lve ...Asheville.... 3.55 a.m arv 11.10 do do Waynesville 1.55 pin do 2.51 ptu do lirvsou City 9 45 do do 6.45 do arv ...Witiield'.. 6.10 a.in ! e V.. T. &, (. JtT K. No. 52. i ,' souTHwKD; STATIONS' ;nokthw'kd 9.20 a.m iYej.. Statesville ..I 7.55 pm arv 9.37 I-. Tro'irman 7.39 9.-53 10.C5 ID. 16 10.25 10.37 D.45 D.59 11.10 11.22 11.25 f ....Shepherd...'. 7.21 Mo.ivsville.. 7.09 44 lt Monme..! 058 44 t. (.4 lve a i.D'n Colha;e.! 6.49 " j. .. Caldwell ...i 6.37 " 44 Hlnntersviile.i 6.30 -4 .......Croft j 6.14 44 i.Soc'n House.; 6.01 u ' j-CXCJunc'ii.! 5.48 ' irvi... Charlotte...! 5.45 'fASVlLI-E t WESTERN R. R. HKmix-; !No. 17. mix- ed. Daily. I stations, i ed. Daily. bouthw'rdI- Ixorthwr'd 7.45 a.m he; Tavlorsville.-I 3.40 pm arv s.05 44 4- .. Hiddenitc ..i 9.21 44 -4 ' ' : Slo:rn : 1(U 44 " ....Sloan......; 9.04 8.44 9.10 ... Iredel'.j 8.40 arvi.. statesville ..; 8.15 :t lve! Nos. 50 and 51, Pullman Sleepers be tween Greensboro and Morristown. AOS. o2 aud 53, Pullman Parlor Cars i'etween Salisbury and Knoxville, and Sr,.81?1" between Salisbury JAS. L. TAY.OK. G. P. A. , - Washington, D . C , A. AVlN'rjijy - fi AV :.Ancvi.jk, X. ;; Local Bkevities. ! Arbuckle's Arosia roasted coffee at Howie's. Two fine shoats for sale. Apply at this office. j Mrs. R. P. Matheson has been quite sick lor several days. Mr. W.'B. 3Iathesou is building a house on the lot east of Mr. Lefler's. ' Last Monday a 1000-pound crata of fuif was shipped from this place by express to IS'ew York. , , A wind storm last Thursday night blew down the shed over the grist mill engine and damaged the machinery. A Puzzle: We publish the fol lowing by request: "From six take nine, and from nine take ten: then from forty7 take lifty, and six will remain." Solution next week. Eev. R. C. Teague, of this coun ty, but who had been engaged in teaching at Marion, died suddeuly at that place last Friday. The remains were brought home for burial. A change in the railroad sched ule by which the East-bound trains pa.- s Statesvill at o:02 a.m. aud at 0:06 p.m., and the West bound pass at 1:49 a.m. and 12:09 p.m., went into effect Sunday. Marcus Cliue, a former towns man but now of Houston, Idaho Territory ,write under date of Jan uary 25 renewing his subscript. on to the Journal, and adds: "The snow, is from four to twenty feet deep here, and still snowing; the average is about nine feet." The Landmark of last weakjjarje the following about the marriage of Mr. Hedrick: A ' large crowd gathered at the Ifciptist church to witness the marriage of Mr. W, P. Hedrick, of.TayiorsviUe, aud MLs Effie O., 'daughter of Mr. li. A. .Host, of this place. Three arches of - flowers and evergreens had been arranged in trout of the al tar, and promptly at 7:30 o'clock the bridaj party proceeded up the aisle- and took position.' under these, while Miss-EfBc Kiloatrick, of TavlorsVille,. "played . the wed ding march. .T!io ushers, Messrs. J. L. Ras berry, of Taylom ille,n!id Allie Clayton, of Statesville, pre ceded the party, which followed in tfiis order: Air. Z..A. Bost of Statesville, '-.and Miss Florence Ilodrick of Taylorsville; Mr. B. L. Hedrick of Taylorsvillej' and Miss Emma Ross of Statesville; Mr. A. S. Barnes and Miss Lin wood Bost, both of Statesville; the bridal couple. The. marriage ceremony was performed by the pastor.of the church, Rev. W. A. Pool, as sisted by Rev. W. J. Fulford, of Cool Si)ring. From Vashti. The community that hasn't had the grippe", either real or imag inary, would, I suppose, be con sidered badlv behind the times and out of style generally. Ordi narily, we don't claim to be stuck up very much iu matters of fash ion about here. If the style of our dress is not in accordance with the most recent wrinkle, we try to adopt ourselves to the situ ation . and be content therewith; but when it comes to a thing like the grippe" we can't afford to be outdone in that. So you can just re)ort to headquarters, wherever that isvthat we have had the "grippe." We now have a case or two of mumps with a fair pros pect of more in the near, future. Messrs. Campbell, Weisner, & Co. are now engaged in the hard i wood business here. Theyhave a ' . f . .. nice loci now reauy ior snipment. "..I 1 1- A. The establishment of this indus try in our midst has made avail able some of the resources of this section which were formerly con ; siliered of but little value ou ac count of the remoteness irom mar ket. The "possum" no doubt, re- permission as an encroachment spon his rights, and from all ap peanuces he will eventually be compelled to emigrate to other regions. Mr. D. M. Baker, whose leg was amputated about Christmas, is doing fwell. He has just had an artificial leg fitted on ami is be ginning to be out again some. 1 If farmers are behind with their work, they certainly can't com plain of the weather and yet some will be pretty sure to be behind as usual, and would like, do. 'doubt to have the weather as au excuse. Judging from the forward ap pearance of wheat in places, it looks like harvest might coine on abjbut corn-plautiug time. H. yashti, February 15, 1890. Bright's Diseases. This insidious ailment, if too y - long neglected, will undermine the strougest constitution and bring the victim to a premature grave. Heed the timely warning, and regam health at once by a use of the proper restorative, that great strenghener of the urinary and digestive organs, B. B. B (Bo tunic Blood Balm). David Rnukel, Cullman, Ga., writes: I used a hundred dollars worth of medicine for Bright's dis ease, bat it did me no good. I then took B. B. B., which relieved me. My appetite is restored and I urinate wihout pain." J. A. Maddox, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I had great trouble in passing urine which was tilled with sediments. My back and lions jjave me much pain aud I lost my appetite, strength aud llesh. 1 became nervous and un able to sleep soundly. Two bot tles .ofB. B. B. gave me entire re iieLP ; Thomas Williams, Soddy, Tenu., i writes: 4I was troubled with se vere kidney complaint and con fined to my bed. Six bottles of B. B. B. made a well man of me." The Hill Will) not Pass. From the Charlotte News. The Republicans iu the Senate do not propose to let the bill go through requiring the census ta kers to ascertain the number ol men who owu their farms in this country, the uumber of farmers who are mortgaged and the amount of the mortgages ou them. This bill was introduced iu pursu ance of a resolution passed by farmer's organizations in the Wet who were desirous of obtaining some official information on this line. The Wilmington Star says that although it is an ..important matter, knowledge on this subjec t is vague, and the statements in reference to it contradictory. The The - Republicans are fightiug it, not because it will entail addition al expense, which it will not, but because it will show the actual condition of the farmers of this country and prick that bubble about the prosperity which pro tection gives, and the benefits it confers upon the men who hold the plow and pay tribute to the favored ones it has taken under its wings. Every body,ladies especially,are invited to inspect my stock while in town. Howie. Electric Bitters. .This remedy is becoming so well known anil so po)ular ;is to need no j special meuriou. Ail who have usd Electric Bitters smg tne s;nne song of praise.. A pure medicine does not ex ist and j i- guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hi tiers wiii cure ail tiiseace ol the kidneys aud liv r, will re move pimples, boils, ealt rheum, im-l other atiections caused by impure blooti. Will drive malaria from the system, and prevent as-well as cure all malarial fe vers. For cure of headache, constipa tion and indigestion try Electric Bit ters. . Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c. and $1 per bottle at Dr. R. B. Killian's drug store. SubscripilOU.s .o ine JOL'RNAL. can begin at any time, at rh rate of il per year if paid in advance: otherwise Is Gasramption Incurable? Read the following: Ir. C. H Morrip, Newark, Ark , says: "Was down with abscess of lungs, and friends and phy sicians pronounced mean incurable con sumptive. Began taking- Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption; am now on my thirt? bottle, and -able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the' finest medic ne ever made." Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohio, says: 4,Had it nor been for Dr. King's New Discov ery for consumption 1 would have died of lung trouble. Was given up by doc tors. Am noW in best of health." Try it. Sample bottle free at Dr. R. B. Kil liau's drug store. To Go to the Penitentiary. The motion in arrest of judg ment in the Cross and White case, which was made before the Su preme Court last Saturday, was denied aud the certificates of opin ion and judgment was ordered to be certified down to the Wake Su perior Conn according to law. The defendants will, therefore, have to serve out their sentences of sevan and five years, respectively, as soon as the formal process of the law can be carried iuto execution. Settlers, are swarming to the Sioux reservation, every train going in that direction being load ed so heavily with people that maiiy of them, are' compelled to ride outside. The great prairie across the river from Chamberlain, S. D., was, on the day preceeding tne opening, witnouc a sign 01 life, and on the following morning it was'-completely covered with structures resembling a busy city. IVJORTH CAROLINA. ALEXANDER N COUNTY In the Superior Court: Before J. T. McIntosh. C. S. C. Petition ior Final Settlement aud Sum. mov.8 for Non-Pesidents. E. A. Chapman,, adnrr of Elisha Chap man, dec VI, against aarah Chapman, W. F. Ch!,um:tp. N. L. Stafford aud -'.IfMsbaVmrAiF. Sutronh S- E. Justice and htband, Socrates Justice, I. C .-.Price autf husba)d. Wilson Price, I:iry E. C" ha prom. Clementine Chil (iers;nd husband, Calo'.vay Childers, S. J. iloose and husbaud, J. F. Moose, ''Martha Fincannon and huband, M. C. Fincau nou, J. S. J. B. Chapman. In this ciiuse it hn.vhig been made to appear by affidavit of ' plaintiff that the defendants above named are all neces sary parties, aud that W. F. Chapman, Margaret C. Price and husband. Wilson Price, S. E. Justice aud husband,Socra tes Justice and John Silas James Bu clianan Chapman are npn-residents and ae-ual service of siunmons cannot be made upon tit m, theretore the said W. F. Chapman, -S.E.Jnsncy and husband. Socrates Justice, Margaret C Price and liu.-baud, Wiison Price, and John Silas James Biiehai.au Chapman arc hereby commanded to be and person ally appear before mo at the Clerk's ofrice in Taylorsville. Alexander count, N. C on the 21st, day of February, 1890. and di nmr or answer the petitiou riled in this cause, or judgment will be rendered for the relief demanded. Witness my hand and seal of office this January 6, 1890. J. T. McINTOSIT, C. S. C. E.B.Jones att'y for pi nt'lf. ; NORTH CAROLINA ALEXANDER COUNTY In the Superior Court Before j. T. Mdntoh, C. S. C. Petition for Final Settlement. W.B..;Matheso'u,adm'r of Adeline Tritt, dee'd, against A. P. Hammer and wife, Candace E. llammer,and Omer Tritt. In this cause the plaintiff, W.B.Math eson, &dm'r of Adeline Tritt,decd,hav hg sluuvn by affidavit that all the de fendants are non-residents and that ac tual service of summons cannot be made upon them, Ja.nd that they are necessary parties, they are therefore commanded to be and personally appear before me at my office in Taylorsville on the 22d day of February, 1S!U). and demur or ati-wer the petitiou filed or judgment will be rendered for the relief asked. Witness my hand and seal of office this January'7, 1890. J. T. MclNTOSII, C. S. C. E.B. Jones atty ior plnr.'lf. TEFFERSON D AVIS. The -4Memo-O rial Voli.me" now being pre pared by Rev. J.-Wiu. Jones, with assistance of Mrs. Davis. Will be authentie.chanu iugly writ ten. beautifully illustnited and bouud in eveiy way worthy of the subject. Agents wa.ited. Complete oiitlit '$1. atiM?action guaranteed or money refunded. Order . now. First come, first served. Address 1009 Main st. Richmond. Va. FATEHTi CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS COPYBIGHTS obtained and all other business in tna U. S. Patent office attended to for mod erate fees. Out office is opposite the Patent office.and we eanobiaiu patents in less time than those remote irom Washington. Send model or drawing, we advise a.s to pateutab'lity free of charge; and we make no charge unle.-s we obtain patent. C. A. SNOW & CO.. Washington. D. C. Oppo. Patent Office. Jhd?rhe JorjKNAi. is uuh $1 per Fear rn I am now receiving my Fall and Winter Stock, and my usual full assorted lines. I Will make it to the interest of buyers to call and see me. WHOLESALE - AND - RETAIL. - W. X. HIIX, Statesville, H. C. Our record for 1889 is made, and we refer with pride to the fact, that our transactions the past year were far beyond all expectations. turning thanks to our friends, and customers, with whose aid we have been enabled to place our business on a par with Jobbers of the first rank in the country. The spirit to aid in the up-building of deserving home enterprises seems more than ever abroad among our business men. It is not only a patriotic purpose, but for our mutual benefit and best interest. Eeciprocating this sentiment, and fealing a deep ap preciation of the confidence and liberal patronage ex tended us, we are prepared and determined not only to meet any and all legitimate competition but in many instances to offer better trades than can be had out side of our house. In justice to himself tjo merchant can afford to place his orders until he has inspected our offerings. llespectfully, Statesville, N. C. vttCASi & mm, STAETSVIJLIiE, - - - - - - - - - IV. C. MLisrrj-r-A.OTXJEjRS 1 or Bask, Ioors and Hlinds, AND DEALERS IN Bttilditig Materials of ail Kinds. Cheap a the Cheapest, E. B. WATTS, DEALER IN GROCERIES - AJST . PRODUCE, - STATESVILLE, - - - - - Will pay cash for Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Eggs, &c. It is to your advantage to see me when on our market to sell prcdnco or buy family supplies. Yours truly, ' E. 13; WATTS, "Landmark" Corner. LITTLE ALECK MARBLE WORKS, T. A. HUDSON, PROPRIETOR. Kile Shoal Iostofllce, Alexander County, TK. C. Is prepared to supply anything in the Marble line. Tombstones a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices as low as the lowest Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Your patronage solicited. Taylorsville High School, For Boys and Girls, TAYLORSVILLE, - - N. C. O PENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1889. AND CLOSES IN JUNE, 1890. Healthy climate; beautiful loca tion;5comfortible rooms; thorough train ing in English, Mathematics, Sciences, Classic, and Music. Tuition 1 to 83 per month, paya ble monthly. Contingent fee, $1 per year. Board $7 to $D per mnth. For further information, address A. C. MCINTOSH, J. N. CORRELL, Principals. If you are all run down, have no ener gy, no trentii, aud fee I. very tired allof Use niutv.ake l)r . J .11. McLeaive feara-.'a- rilla.-It will in lart strength and vitality 000 will be found with We take this method of re WALLACE BROS., X. Cj NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED AS administrator with the will au nexed of John B. Green deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are bere by notified to make payment at. once to the undersigned; and all persons hold ing claims against suid estate will pre sent them for payment within twelve months from dare Or this notice will bo ; plead in bar of their reco ery. ' This January 8. 1S1K). W. 15. MAIT1ESON. Adm'r of John B. Green. WAIfTEB. OOL, FURS, HIDES, TALLOW, l BEESWAX AND GRAIN, for which I will pay the highest ca!-h price. Fruit growers who would like to place their apples on the market to the best advantage will do well to con fer wiii me. E. G. LOWE. ' gwtilis the destruction of so much ii t..4 ui advi IU;c. tu our 'Vcttuij , "Sali'rborv N C