Vol. Ys No. 8. TA YLOKSVILLE, ALEXANDER COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1890. $1.25 Per Year. JgRASTUS B. JONES, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Practices in the courts of Alexander Catawba, Caldwell, Iredell and Wilkea Prompt attention given to the collection of claims, settlement of estates, and ail other business entrusted to him. gT Agent for the best Fire Insurance Companies. fUGHLAND BUGGY and WAGON ORKS. 33ugrSies Wttjons, c?ai" riages and Hacks BUILT - TO - ORDER. We have recently puts some new ma chinery and are better prepared than ver to supply our customers. Repair ing a .specialty. Call on us when in want of anything in our line ahd we will guarantee satisfaction . Our shopa are located on Depot Hill, ami v ou are-in y'lted to call and inspect work. E. A. WOMBLE, Prop'r. JglClIilGXl & DANVILLE R, R. Condensed Schedule in effect Feb. If Trains run by loth Meridian Time. N o. oi) Daily No. 52 Dail V SOUTH BOUND. Lv New York. 12 .loam 7.20 . 9.45 -11.24 o.40pn "XoOp'm ' TCo a.m 2.30pm 4.46 " 4.30pm 6.o7 " 9.30 " i 1.00 V o.OTam "ITsOam" o.Oupra 1.0 Urn ' Philadelphia " Baltimore.... " Washington. 4 Lynchburg. TjV Richmond .... Lv Danville jJv" Wilmington. " Goldboro... ' Raleigh. Lv Greensboro Salisbury Ar Statesviile ' Newton............. '' Hickory 1 Lv 'k Ar Morganton..... Marion ........ ...... I Round Knob...... "' :a she vi lie Lv " .Ar Not Springs'.. ..... " Morrbrmvn (90th 'meridian)...... " Knoxville (0th meridian) lU.37p:j 9.o0ain 12.45am .11.25 1.49 " 2.50 i.H 4.01 4- 5.02 15.52 4 ': 7.22 " 745 9.1S 10.25 V 12.09pm 12.50 4 1.10 " 1.30 l 2.03 V 2.4 1 41 3:19 v 4.27 " 4:34 4 -e.oo kt 7.00 8.25 m 12. 15pm g- -i - .--I1- J . HI . L.J NORTH BOUND V1 P.,5' Daily Daily Lv Knoxville (90th' . . 'meridian) ...j 2.50pm 8.0aam 1 Morrietowu (90t'h! meridian) 8.15" '9.30 4 Lv Hot Springs 11.10 ki 12.25pm AfAsheville! ...! 12.40ain 1.47"- Lv 2.07 " Ar Round Knob..... 1.51 3.14 14 ,4 Maiion J 2.26 " -3.48 v Morantou......... 3.12 4' 4.29-" Hickory...: 3.50 5.03 " V Newron. ............ 4.11 5.'i:3 14 k Statesviile 5-02 4 0.QG 4 '' Salisbury ........... 5.53 ' G.5-.) - Greensboro 5.4-V" S.4U " Danville 9 32 44 10.20" Ar Richmond ....j 3.3i)pnii 5. 15am Ar Raleigh 1.05pm 7.30a in 4 Goldsboro ......... I 3.10 12.50pm Wilmington G.00 ' Ar. Lynchburg.' j 12.20pii; 12.55am 4 Wellington 7.10 " i 0.53 " 44 Baltimore.......... 8.50 ' 8.25 44 4i Philadelphia " 11.20 " 10.47 " New York 0.20am 1 rXr.ix A. & S. li. Is'o. 54. Dail v stations. : No 55. i hi I ' S.40pm arvj.iror Spriiiij- S.'iOa.m lve 9 35 d. do IG 20' : arv 10 !0 do 11.07 do d ll.o't do do 1.00 pm do """"No7l7r" .uo a loL.. istievili -' ... ,6.07 do do 5.54 do do 5.27 do do 4.4 do do 3.40 do Ive XoiTs " .U'i liters ill V. ...Plat liocU... .....Saluda .... .... -.Tyron Spartanburg MURPHY- B'H adOa.m h e ...Asheville.... Waynesville. Brvsou Citv. ...Wittiel.r... 3.55 a. m arv 1.55 pm do 9.45 do do 8.10 a.m he .11.10 do do " ' - 2.54 pm do Jj.45 do arv a., t. & o. it. Fi. No. 52. ; SOUTHW'RD I j No. 53. Inorthw'rd STATIONS. "ja.m ive;..C5tatesviUe..r' '. pm arv .37 4 -4 ;..Troutmaii..i 7.39 - 4 0.53 ...Shepherd...! 7 21 h).-5 " i..Mooresville.j 7.09 O nn - i : .. . 4 i.lt, : u V!riirnp.i fi iiS - 10.25 4 i.D'n College.! 6.40 ' -k i...Caldwfll...f 6.37 1U5 10.59 11.10 11.22 11.25 iilfJiiteville.! .30 .......OrolE i 6.14 . hSoc'ii iloue.; S.01 ' ;..C.e.Junc,n.i 5.4S arvj.. .Charlotte...! 5.45 4 lv. SJATE8VILLE & VVESTJvltN K. H. Ao- IS, mix.: ed. Dailr i iNo. 17, mix I ed. Dailv. STATIONS. south w'rd I !northvvr'd 7.45 a.m lve! Taylorsville.1 3.40 pm arv b.Oo ;.. Hiddenite J 9.21 44 -. 44 ;...Sloan .: 9.04 " " "4.... IredeP.....! 8.40 t4 44 arvi.. Statesviile:.! 8.15 ' lve 9.10 Nos. oO and 51, Pullman Sleepers be v n - reenlxro and Morris! own . Aos. o2 and 53, Pullman Parlor Cars i;Hveen Salisbury and Knoxville, and J oilman- Sleepers between Salisbury and Washington. J AS. L. TAYLOR, G. P. A. v- a VVashington, D. C. V' UPURX, D. P. av AahevUie, X. C. Local Beevities. Next Monday is Commissioners7 day. . v '. ,., A heavy thunder storm Tuesday night. Cherry trees are putting out bloom. The delinquent tax list will ap pear next week. Any one wanting a desirable town xesideuce should attend the sale next Monday. See "ad." A colored troupe from States viile will give an entertainment at the Conrt House Friday night. ' Mr. George Echerd has lost a pocket book containing $50. He will liberally reward the finder for its return. The, engine shed at Kerley's mill, which w-is blown down some sleeks ago, met with' the same 'hie again Tuesday night. As we are making arrangements to close ' out our business at this place, all accounts due us must be !aid by i.ezt Mouday or the same will be put out for collection. Postmaster Kerley while out looking after his saw mill, last Thursday, stumbled and clapped his band against the, saw while it was in motion. Fortunately he was too far. away to receive more than a flesh wound in the ball of the thumb. A Puzzle: We publish the fol lowing by request: "Frorii six take nine, and from nine tUketen; then from forty take nTty, and six will remain. SIX IX' IX X XL L s A Lady's Perfect Companion. Our new boob bv Dr. John IL Dye, one of Sew York's most skillful physicians, shows that pain is not necessary in childbirth but results from causes easily un derstood and overcome. It clear ly j n o ves that any woman may become a mother without suffe.r irig any --pain whatever. It also tells liow to overcome ami pre vent -morning" sickness and the many other evils attending preg nancy. It is highly endorsed -.'by physicians everywhere as the ... v wife's true private companion. Cut this out: it will save 'you great pain, aid possibly your life. Send two cent stamp for descrip tive circulars, testimonials, and confidential letter sent in sealed euvelope. Address Frank Thom as & Co., Publishers Baltimore, Md. Dr. W. G. Thomas, aged 72,aud eminent Wilmington physician, d:e;l of pnumouia on the 18ti. Th e -D u kts of D u r I a in otter- to give Trinity College 885,000 if the Methodist church will put the college there. A man and a boy were killed and several peroous badly injured by an explosion at a distillery near ' Salisburj-, Friday night." Mis. Woodson, mother of Mrs. Gov. Jar vis and of He v. C. J. Woodson, died in Plymouth last week, from inluries resulting from a fall. ' Rev. W. D. Pritchard, father of Ilev. Dr. Thomas Pritchard, the emiueut Baptist-olivine,'. died in Cnudcn city last week. lie was n i fil Vl'ilM oi , - Biciifuond had a qua iter aiil lion fire Saturday night. Dr. E. L. Dabney, a distin guished Presbyterian divine in Texas, is dead. John Jacob Astor, aged 07, and worh a hundred million, died in New York Saturday, of grip. Maryland has passed redistricj;- ing bill. If, Ohio passes hers and she ought to hurry up be fore Congress passes its ukase to the contrary what are they go ing to do about it? The Hazzard-Circular. ? This circular was first published and distriouted among Northern Kepublicans in 1863, aDd we clip it, as good reading for Democrats, from a letter by Mr. Mr. W. J. Peele to the State Chrontcle: "Slavery is likely to be abol ished by, the war power and chat tel slavery destroyed. This I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor, and carries with it the care for the laborer; while ,the European plau,,.led on by Eng land, is capital control of labor by control of wages. This can be doue by controlling the money. -- The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a measure to control the volume of money. To accomplish this the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting.to get the secretary of the treasury to make this recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow the green back, as ic is called, to circulate as money any length of time for we cannot control that. This infamous document ex plains the Yankee's pecuniary pa triotism and his mercenary love for the negro, aud tells the story of our financial disasters in lan guage too plain to be mistaken. If the newspapers of, the State will carefully circulate it, tbey will not have to waste much edi torial space to explain to their in telliseut readers the cause of hard times. : P. S. Golden Text: The Yan kee so loved the negro during the late war' that he gave the Irish man and the putchman to be sac rificed for him. Murder in Chester. From the Monroe Enquirer. Mifc John iiood, the father of the sheriti" of Chester county, S. C, was shot aud killed in Chester Saturday night, by a negro named Green Brown. It seems that Brown suspected another negro of. -b'ein ir too intimate with his wife, and, with "a double barreled shot gun, awaited in ambush the object of his jealousy. Mr. Hood happened to pass by on . his way home from visiting some relatives and Brown mistook him for the man he was looking for and fired. The shooting took place on a street without any lights, and the body was not discovered until 7 o'clock Sunday morning. Mr. Hood was seventy-nine years old. The negro was arrested and car ried to Columbia to prevent his being lynched. Moiey Making. If you are not fully and profit ably employed you will fiu it greatly to your interest to at once w.rite to B.FiJohnson & Co., Bich mond, Va., and make arrange ments with them to sell their great new book the "Memorial Volume of Jefferson Davis; or,The W orld's Tri bute to His Memory." Thev will give you liberal terms. Prospectus with all necessary pa pers only one dollar. That is all the capital that is needed. Splen did opening for ladies aud gentle men. Chipped dried beef at Howie's. "The quality of the blood depends up on ood or bad digestion and assimila tion. To make the blood rich in life and trength giving constituents use Dr.J.H McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will nourish the properties of the blood from which the elements of itnlityaie drawn. Merit Wins. We desire to say to-our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr King's Xew Discovery for Consumption. Dr. King's New Life Pills; Dnckhm's Arni nica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well or that have given such univer sal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price if satisfactory results do uot follow their use. These remedies have wen their Sfreat popularity oundy on their, merits. Jt or aole b) Dr. 11. ii. 'ii.iiiiiin, druis. Knw Arftt.hft Polks? Oh they're all well except mother, she's , about the same.77 Poor mother, worn out by house hold -Cares, exposure and over work. . No wonder she gives op at last and takes to her bed. But oh ! how much brighter the family fireside would be if mother's chair was hot vacant. The doctors don't seem to be doing her any good. She says their medicines don't seem to go to the spot. She feels so weak and longs for strsngth. "Oh I give me strength," she murmurs. WTby not give her the remedy her system cravest Her impoverished blood and shat tered nerves are starving for just such ingredients as are contained in B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Then try a bottle of this excellent remedy. It is truly woman's best friend. It quickly relieves pain and restores health, strength and functional regularity. N James W. Lancaste, Hawkins ville, Ga., writes: "My wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and as many many more different patent medicines had done her no good. Six bot tles of B. B. B. has cured her. To Aid The Farmer, x By request Senator Vance has introduced a bill providing for the issue of treasury notes in ex change for farm products. The bill provides for the establishment in each :a county of every State in the Union a National agricultural depository r warehouse, under control of the secretary: first,wheu it shall be sho wn by oath of the she riff aud clerk ot the county that the gross' j. w. on u t jer an n n m of cotton wheat, com, oats and tobacco pro duced in the two years preceding was 8500,000; or, secondly, when one hundred or more citizens of the county shall petition for itsestab lishment, accompanying the peti tiou with the title deed to a suffl cient quantity of land donated as a site for the warehouse. The secretary of the treasury is to appoint.at salaries rangingfrom 51,000 to z,..n)o a year, managers for these warenouses, who arejto give such bond as he may require. Any ownerof any of the products mentioned may deposit them in 3113 quantity in the warehouse, re ceiving for them 80 per cent of the market value in treasury notes bearing 1 per cent interest; the value of the product to be deter ipined by the manager under regu latious prescribed by the treasury department. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory tesults, or in case of faiiiuo a return of purchase price. On thi- safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. It is guaranteed 'to tr ing relief in every case, when used for any altectton of throat, lungs or chest, such as consumption,!!!- flammalion of lungs, bronchitis, asth ma, whoopingepugh, croup, etc., etc It is pleasant and agreeable to taste. perfectly safe, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at K. B. Killian's drug store. Ar buckle's Arosia roasted coffee at Howie's. JEFFERSON D AVIS The "Meroo I rial Volume" now being pixpared by Rev. J. "VVm. Joues. with assistance of Mrs. Davis, will be aulhentic.charm inly written, beautifully illustrated and bound in eveiy way worthy of the subjec... Agent waited. i;omplete outfit $1. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Order now. First come, first served. Address . B.-F. JOT1NSOX -t CO. 1009 Main st. Richmond. Va. PATENTS, CAVE A TS, TRADE MARKS copimiaELTS obtained and all other business in tha U. S. Patent office attended to for mod erate fees. Oui office is opposite the Patent rtiee,aud we can obtain patents in less time than those remote irom Washington. Send model or drawicg. we advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. ' C. A. SNOiV & CO.. Washington. D. C. Opx). P.itent OlHce. SrgThi Journal, ia onjy 1 per Feai ii i'aid ai auvi icc. .' I am now receiving my Fall and Winter Stock, and my usual full assorted lines. I Will make it to the interest of buyers t call and see me. WHOLESALE - AN!) - KETAIL. "W7X. mix, Statesviile, BT. Our record for 1889 is made, and we refer with pride to the fact, that our transactions the past )Tear were fai' beyond all expectations. We take this method of re turning thanks to our friends and 'Customers, with whose aid we have been enabled to place our business on a par with Jobbers of the first rank in the country. The spirit to aid in the up-building of deserving home enterprises seems more than ever abroad among our business men. It is not only a patriotic purpose, but for our mutual benefit and best interest. Eeciprocatirig this sentiment, and feoling a deep ap preciation of the confidence and liberal patronage ex tended us, we are prepared and determined not only to meet any and all legitimate competition, but in many instances to offer better trades than can be had out side of our house. In justice to himself no merchant can afford to place his orders until he has inspected our offerings. Kespectfully, btatesville, N. C. ; wacMi & mm. STAETSVIIE, - - ---- - ------- IS. C MANUPACTTJBERS OF Sash, Boors and Blinds, AND DEALEKS IN Building Materials of all Kinds. Cheap as the Cheapest. E. B. WATTS j DEALER IN ' " GROCERIES - AND - PRODUCE, STATESV1LLE, - - - - - - - Will pay cash for Chickens, Turkeys, Docks, Geese, Eggs, &c. It is to your advantage to see me or bay family supplies. Yours LITTLE ALECK MARBLE WORKS, T. A. HUDSON, PROPRIETOR. Ellc Shoal Fostofficc, Alexander County, PC. C Is prepared to supply anything in the Marble line. Tombstonee a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices as low as the lowest Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Your patronage solicited. TaylorsvilleHigh School, For Boys and Grlr-ls, TAYL0RSVILLS, - - X. C. OPENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1889, AND CLOSES IN JUNE, 181)0. HnalthT climate: beautiful loca tion; comfortable rooms; thorough train- insr in Enirlish, Matnematics, sciences, Classic, and Music. Titittox il to S3 Der month, nava- ble monthly. Contingent fee, $1 per year. Boabd $7 to $9 per month. For further information, address A. C. MCINTOSH, J. N. CORRELL, Principals. If you are all run down, have no ener gy, no strength, ami feel very tired all of the tune,iakeDr-J.H. McLean's Sarsaa- rilla. It will impart streith and vitality to joui'syeicui. will be found with when on our market to sell produce truly, E. B. WATTS, NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED AS administrator with tlie wiH s:i- ; nexed of John B. Green, deceased. 'all persons indebted to said estate are bei e by notified to make payment at once to the undersigned; and all persons hold ing claims against said estate will pre sent them for payment within twelve months from dare or this notice will be plead in bar of their reco ery. This January 8. 1890. . W. B. MATHESON. Adm'r of John B. Green. WANTED. W 00L, FURS, HIDES, TALLOW, BEESWAX and GRAIN, for whir h I will pay the hight ensh price. Fruit growers vrUo would like to place their apples on tlie. market to the best advantage will do well to coiw fer with me. ' E. G. LOWE, tjaliabnry, C.