U? FT I i X- L- "Act act in the lining present. Heart within, and God o'er head." rrtday, May SI, 1869. WALTER A. MONTGOMERY, Literary and Polities! Editor. JL M. WADD'LL, General News, and LocaMEditor. All letter ronnertvd with the Editorial D partment mwtf be diverted to WALTER A. MOXTd OMER Y, Lor 5i t TUEUVISC PRESENT OEEICE ": Corner of' Main and Errtnkfin Streets, over OeorOe It. Sledge's Store.' , Tliomas A. Montgomery, General Agtnt for "The Living Present." Tlie tak of ast character tjf Jeflbi liberate and btetor to the genius and A. Poilard. yr. Pollard's . ' lersinp: tin pr son Davis i tea manner, talents of I de kit ;ari! announcement" to- pether with a few of the advance sheets of his .forthcoming work, has been axamincd by us, and we give it a? our opinion that while there is evinced by ffee wifiter a very great degree of egotism, arrogance and pre tended qualification for the Work in i hand, his mind is faijly teem'ing with prejudice against, and mailed for, the ex-President of the late Confcderacv. That Mr. Davis is the victim of Ed ward A.-PoHard'r- hatv and morbid viciousncp?,yapparent from the very name which he pleased to can his nt story so w ftt - miv ot r m . ... .. Davis with a .cc Southern Confeileracv 'gathered Be hind the Scencs'iq Richniond." If is much to be n-grotted that sm-h a pub lication is to be -issued and particular ly so, when h is the production of a Southern author. We cannot con ceive of the least necessity for e.xpo?- Jng to the country thtf facts which Mr. , Pollard writes.. even d:d',jLh"6y in truth exist, wliich the con$c;entioiid and charitable oftpur people will never he- lieve, theurrh thev were stated bv more reliable witnesses than Mr. Pullard. The tendency of the Look is to do wrong to the name of our honorable though fallen chief, as well as to ex cite feelings of sectional' str fe. to fes- ter old wounds bttt too slowly healing. The bock is of a more dangerous character to the reputation 'of Mr. Davfr, from the fact that his historian (?) makes his insidious attack nnder the guise of a most ardent -surftport ai.d friend to the ratise which Mr. Davis represented Judas betrayed his mas. ter with a kiss : hear his language, ' He has bq,en accused of personal hostility to Mr. Davis; and is to-d tv .perhaps, in all his literary capacities,' most widely known to the" country as a censor to the. Confederate chief. ilt.' repels the accusation of any prejud ce in tue very ironcol liis Work - 1 e is r anic ano willing to do exadt justice to Mr. Davis: and if he evjr ;QttacU'ed him, it was through supreme devotion to a great cause, and from a just sentment towards the man who guided and wrecked it. i rc-mis- The intent and purpose of the work can but be, to array t he public mind in enmity against Mr Davis, upon whom Mr. Pollard charges the failure of the Southern cause. The late President is held strictly accountable for not aecomplishihp wtytt 'ninety-nine out of every hundred amen now regard , as a physical impossibility the establish ment of the Confederate' government. While for the general good we it best that the name, cf J, ui'i'.k n Davis as a public character should never be made prominent, we do think that our people should fruv n down such a spirit as Mr. Pollard manifests in his tirade against Mr. Davis com ing from whatever source it may. IJufortunately Mr. Davi?, is so circum stanced that a defence against such charges as Mr. Pollard, alleges against h m could not be made by -himxelf, without being subjeeted to ut:just and illiberal criticifem by narrow-mintle:! Jemngng.K and personal enemi-v. As for us, we are free to say that vvc ; belicvjc American soil never gave birth I tlo a purer man, as a man. a more con-j Kl!lu rowng out ot benator Summer's I scientiousand consistent statesman sPeocb ?u the Alabama claims treaty." ,i t fr ri ti 0 Any alliance of the chafacter indicated than Jcncrn Davis, rile Southern between England. France and Spain ! rinse wh.ch he headed as Chief mag- j Mr. .Fish regards not. only as imprpba istrnte ia lost forever, the .shades of I blobut under all the circumstances! i', liicmeht -from ev;ecvthing of a pub- a,)ur(i- Jil the first place thapreieht lie nature, berond ail doubt will ministration has not declared any fi- - , , ! foreign policy except the general one lM. through chbioc a. wed as through !.0f protecting its citizens and their id- i edmiuifeibu: then let his name with I terests in all nart.s of thn wmld TLr. ! iW? vUoh h HsfeAfl nnd W 1 ' , . j the cat rest iii peacC. Tho rtinl,. nf tl, i 1 .1 , i . huu, HV ut-a. tu u.ouvnes 1 i 1.. -i. .i.i iv uim uiuonumue war, j and jb ifftdorc ctjr government nfiativie nnweir fTSanrtoir to its j poweij a: Sir. Goodloc' Letter. We were hot until very recently favored fv I th a copy of Mr. Goodloe's letter addressed to the Attorney Gen eral, for the purpose of exposing the ndamous design-s of the petitioners for his removal, from the offtee of United ! Stated Marsha of North Carolina. ' We think it vvoll wiirthv thn no,0'l u t in, UK -it luii woriDi tne -perusal ofevdrj man m the btate. who desires to 'become acouainted with the trno a - condi tion of our public affairs. The conchisiou we draw from lhe facts .relating to Mr. Goodloe's public char acter, is, that he has alwavs beet t an ardent supporter c-f the Republican cause, without at anv time allowin"- a i : - I v.iuK.uii!3 ui uie uriegx W as a man, : fine t ho cnl-o ..l.-f:,.l e . . . . ' ire;imeni. in lact, he is one among the few con- j sistent Republicans in the State, and it is upon this verv account, thnt ho has met with this treatment at the ' - ' " t hauns of the leaders of the Radio? 1 ' 4 au,Lni party. We regard the petition f,r Bts removtil ns contemptable. as the ; names subscribed to it: and thn whnTo transaction is nothing but an addi tional evidence Of the fact, that for the sake of party schemes, the true and' consistent Unio : men of the State, are to be put down, and-the low and unprincipletl,to be elevated and re warded for their rascality. :w,auiua mili lsy- The Rumored Alliance igaiust tlic linted States. ; .Tbcablc telecrrams iidllished. ;n " ' f x m v - . i 1 h - rt A n' some of the OCew York papers yestej nav to ,t!i( i licet tliat Enfland France , . . Si-.fivn h.!-l R-.rn-.Ar"! 1 -1K paln had formed r w.j i i'ii".v!t t-i i . ! -r policy oi tlie t inted States mcetx - T wit i :;t credence here in fifflfiol - - u ytiiviim ,i i - r eies. ; it is regaraeti as a hinior- thrown American pulse ou by sonic simply cut to feel the the subfect of a f . 1 1 . : t r ... -1 I. . . I k,T"'f'lc "inancfi auu ov joiners as a pure invention of the news senatiotn ists .or Ihe gold speculators, both o" which clamorous generally manage to make something but of these highly exciting canards. Those who regard, it as ;a feeler, "declare that England, France and Spain, or any one of these three Powers, might very well resort to such a method of drawing out the views of ourovernment on the sub ject of a Purojiean -anti-American ahianet;. Such nietiftidf; have Ken adopted before, and have enabled ' shrewd .statesmen to jue, tolerably well as to what result wou'd L- lib... ! ie ly to follow certain Cai'-i's. Tims, for instn nee, in this case ihe mere announcement over the cable tf an lnteudeiJ tripartite alliance is well ea ciliated tif tempt our administration into a declaration of how it would regard such a combination aimed di rectly against the interests of tho public. It riiips nnt npw.i,lf!;,i, ti,;., ' result it will at least be certain to draw ratber heavy after hi- nmeroui j'din eut the newspaper press f the count rv, ners,.hut he could, hardlv fafl f be and t Ii u develop berond question the ! appraised of so important a ijtcr ; Nmetiean sentiment on the ques- nor would he be likely to be so nje'i ionTVEuropean intervention in our ffpt or unpatriotic anot to advise his atfairs. Ttere are some who profess - government-of it. These views ojf the to kimw that this is the real explana- Secretary of State are shared by pen lion of the telegram, and who at the ator Sumner and all the members of same time express the hope that Qrant Cabinet. Whatever may bej the will disappoint the European inquisb deling elsewhere in the country tthere tors by remaining perfect ly i4mum" on 1S no trep'dat'on here at the cableftele this, fi. h. knows so welf how to do N. Y. Herald: on other subjects. There many reft- I sons jri ven why the cable telegram We clip the following eloquent! par- snould not bje, believed, but the prinei- Pn are these :Eirst. England would ftt be likely to j.iih such . ll-.. . 3U ailO.UCt on account of the Irish difficult v uui, ! ranee Would bo 1-11. M-'l- 1- nmtn on oKt iy. Dofause she has no narticular inti rest in Pnnportinr Fii"-lih and j .-V , h I . - wl'B,"r.o .cim8; neeause fshe Kits Prus- Rfa ana Eussia as well n rnnhliean VmT w iai K rU'-i;ecause she ha; ine.-wrt nat onal spite against perfidi n. anrj necanAe her ow people would not svmnathizn in ane an alliance. On the' othor hnri hro I - ui m- who say thnt France m'jrht join such art allhuiec just to plav Enr land a s,a-p trick. She micht'hois-W n II.L...... I - tnjrinnd p until En-land 4rot so far committed as tO he lliuddo In rnr'nAa and that then she (Franco) would hack out and teave'Ensrland tn "wn -t I " ' - iw I . . - t.f alone." This U a solution riri..j v eninusiastse believers in Ns b liUV I V VI shrewdness. The Secretary of State, ': Mr. I isb. with whom fnnr'nn. i dent had an interview this pvpV ino-"1 lakes no stock in the eahle tele-ram the Pontbern niiil froni New Vk to whatever. He regards it as a stork ,Tersy C,tV ; n0NV U retiaircs eight jfuur obhinsr, jrold sramhiin- ir.h L u horse teams- fold ffamhlinr ?oh. nut hv ! T'j U ,h- Wh ite r corresponding on the other side of the water to excite th m.vtot IF0 a II," naBmia""" These parties have taken atvanko-p of the feeling known to exist in Fn"-- . v ' ' ' ' vv 1 is nottiinff Dartieularl v now in thi ia.wl r i . nrftitrrr tlwif -,,-., -,1i . . : 1 1 . . . J . t "u.miig mat 1 ! t h Ml t H t i -j - ilv opposition or the envv of V IUI V I V I'M an , forei rn pQv. r I Power. W'tll ivrnnf t. . ,v,1'"u -v Cuba, the Secretary says Englandica find no fault with us, because sbe is in precidfiv the same box. In i faei. she has from the first followed our ; ; has from the first Col lead in all matters pertaining to Oiuba ana the insurrection there. She has been compelled to do this to a certain extent, because, bemr much neiarev ! the scene of action thaii she is, our ; government is advised of what i. - ing on at least a day in advan.ct of 1 England. About a mth aKo, when I the C aPtajn General of Cuba -ksued blS e(ilct rt,1'ativ to vessels fountl in n.,u : . . . J. . as pirates. Great Britain united Lvith our cravdrnmont. in nmtojtl " . yw- r ji v wi'vi ui; c i, c( 1 1 ijn . ' ' -f eminent at Madnd.i and upon the-jftfmt action of the two Gov ernments he intamous edict' -wai re voked.. So too, in the case of the Mary Powell. As soon as our government had ad- i vlseu reat Britain ot the circumstan-; ces connected with the case, zlh at ... ... . . .: - T . . ' oncoput benlfi commonication kvith v"v I tj10 Spanish -government and took our ! view of the matter. The filibustering storv amounts to nothirur. Mr. pish says that the onlv instance in u&iebi .. . . i . i.r , , t San1 itej here has ckm i 1 -.i 1 , -i was about to sad with hostile! lriteu- thins towards Cuba was the Qukker ''' a,Ul the government had taken measures to have her detained j A revenue cutter was now laying across her bow, for theipnrpose of seeing that she did not leav. exeeptTor1 a. legiti mate voyage. lit does not deny that our people have sold arms and aujunt tion to the insurgents, nor that the government had done so, but so jhad the Ertsclish .and the French. On tills score, therefore, these two natfions had no special cause to coi mi against us, whatever Spain migh do. But even supposing England and France were disposed to enter intp an alliance such as stated - with-Spain, Mr. Fish is of opinion that neillulr of .i . - j j i .i .. ii tno parties concerned esuiu vcr wen rsifflivfl tr I 1 1 ' 1 tl LV' VIV. II:., F JJai'tl.'U lltt.- 1JH , f i i r f. in (!' nntt I . . . 1. tt l hcir..'c fill nlvnnnt- irtul bor neehtfar territorial relations in;-Amer.ca wmmt .niOKe net hesitate neture entersnsrt tin- ni f 1 vri hostilities with the L tnted States. I his, tosrether with tli dsseontohte iiiHi tsDSuif eiemeut iii'iivmiut ai ner own door, would act as a partial check at least upon Kne;!aud. J-.rance, Mr. Fish thinks, will be slow to enter into j anv such alliance while Rismarkl ves, and Prussia stands amonir the lirt, iff not the first power in Europe. ! As i For Spain, she ean donothinsr. Such ; :i proceeding in the. opinion ofntbe Secretary oi State, would give rii? to, a general war in Earope.and endjin a ! reconstruction of the .map of Eunojie. ! Prussia would take care of France,, v!'le Pusia would inevitably iv'aik dc'n to Constantinople and settid the j Eastern question in her own 'fray.j spain would lose Cuba in about sefven- tv-two hours. These fact Al i Fish savs, must be as clear t men of Europe as thev the states? re to ekerv, ,th:nkinr man in this country, land j ;:;oki:s the cable telegram an absurdity. The .State Department has no ad y ices from Miutet" Rererdy Johnsoi on the Bubj&t, which, to sny the ltast, is khsmVinns. 'To be sure Reverfv is s. ngraph from the address of Majj. W. " Bobbins, before the Memorial As- ' SAfintinn iP Tio.bJfrb T'hiin thof Aa - j-n'u tui Sec- ;Jfiat of our armies we lost the privilege rn..! of self srovernment. Strnnsers mow i flilQn nn p lo Stranrrers H I our offices. Strancrers occupy our p aces ....... 1 I ..... .w 1 ,.l" (kn ...... ..... Ul 1111 Uillii muiu vi uic cuupwy. ; e arc as aliens in our own land, Our onee resplendant and stid fot3;lv ficiovccl feoutn has taken her piace iu the liH-bf crushed and bleediny: nations, where the names of Israel and ICar- thage and Samatia and Erin fjtoed before. And like those down trodden sisters' in misfortune, she too ba the proud consolation to know that j?ven in defeat her jrlory shines out with an Tf I - 1 I 1 ; .1 1 !.. conqnerer." J j : ForXy -voar:, afro a man coukl t3 DOrSe tCamS' ! 1 The commencement of the University of N. C, wIl lake place Lr- .K ' ptate T :i, 1 1 U..:.. Ll "Z. hovhnil o dnnV.l m,A K..T.i,.l.. - 1: : ; ljMifllV h 111.11 V MlIMie U1H-1JB l'U UlUI I ' ""' iuiuiuum V Ul .1 jlllll- - . - . 1 I .1 iaA t-.-. 1.,. ;.i 1 . to us unless we crnwl as suppl ants .Ci- , . , , L-l ALL who are indented to us hv hor.d or1 ii J - - 1 r account, are reoupteri to settle nt an enriv h irers and servants bear rule over us. day! ARRINGTOX & WHITF ' iff- XEW ADTfikriSEMEXTS; ARREN CmNTY LANDS WAITED. T f ine in hw week3, mv second 1 rlesf'Tintive mmnrnf W1 soriptive oimar of lands for n.ite ;tnd request all who fish to dispose of their 1'Uids. to furnish ind with description and priee, tint I rtmrn advertise them. No ' haree will be madt-j unless a sale is ef fected. , - I Urn estihlishin lib-' reneies. throuah- 01 V ,rS'"3 MWfylA.d, Pensylvania, Pela -J ware and .New Jersd- nm 1 will . i'v-i mm oi tne tensive I'eal Estate knost complete and ex igencies in the Union. All who wish to sel- lands, will find it to ,, . -1 their lTitevoct 4rtiini ;t i..,,i. -"....jv rmawL. 11 111 u. il lli'l. iiay mi, lisuy. tt li. F. LONG- ST ATF. OV UflftTK nAfiOTTTO-A . IDPfi TO! T IN THE SUlELliOR COURT B- It. BrowninHaintiiT Ttiff against f .. . . attaenment. ant. S - fhloss, fcndant I "1S ,s a oivjljbtion bronylit for th- J'e- dniuT ir hundred and forty seconV d; obe, law" wiTh": due-by the defendrnf to the'plaintiir, upon" hond by the defendant, to the late ' firm of rua, a- : ii-i. n- ... prest thereon from the . . .,1 vmic x . x-owjiiig. WIllCll OOUfl 1: nu.vi the property of the plaintisf. I The summons and warrant of attachment gainst the property of the defendant have I this, day been issued, returnable within' i-fixty days to this Court at the office of the rpleijk thereof, in the town of Warrenton, ' and; it appearing to the satisfaction of the i Court that the defendant is not a resident 1 of the State. A II 'I til 'i t t.l sn mrn nn j nn waihant of attachment can not be nerson- -rny seriea upon mm, it is ordered by the ?ou!rt at publication be made in the SiESrn 5 ''T TwS "V" IavMb Present, a ,'newsmner nnlV four i successive weeks, ' re.iuirinr the de- feu tint to appear at sa-d office" on or be- foriho' expiration of sixty days from this :at1:,then.ailll there to answer or demur w. me liomn amt n en m t us ac inn Witjness W m. A White, Clerk of said Court at othoe in Warrenton. this 14th day of M iy-lboO. Wm. A- White, Clerk S. C. Warren C ount v. Pjiummer attorney fur plaintiff. 4t- tico of Copartnership. Wilmi'mito-v, N. C, April 15, 1S9 Ur E TH E U X D Eft SIGNED, H A V E f this day entered into "Co-partnership, nnder the firm name and style of BAKISTEE, COWAN & CO.. for the pnr posif of conducting the .-business of a Real Esate and Financial Agency, with princi pal braces fit Wihuinirton, N. C. and New York Cttj We res 'ctfully oiTer our services to the LEMUEL BANISTER, puliic " D. s. row AX. 1 J.C.KENTON. . For further in formation, address liAMSTKIi. COWAN & CO. W ilmington, N. C. h 1360." 3m. Mav; Uenery G'ootis ! ! 11 U.11 ?V w A;fSS ?;nP,l J: WRITT,EY. opened at Mrs. HQLLOMON'S stand, with a splendid assortment of JJOiXETS & HATS, FREXC IT F L 0 W-EB S , i LACES cVC. whiph will be fold at low piiees. She is prepared to shnpe and trim at th shortest notice. ' . 1 1 hare a nice and Hree jo 0f DreAR soojls. Boots, Shoes, and Notions,- wbic'v J offer to the public, on accommodating ten4-s WILLIAM ITOT.LOMOX. VfarrentOT., N. C. May 7th, 1S-J9- tf. Goods. w TJrE ARE NOW RECfcJViXG OUR f Sfhigr and Summer Goods, ti hich we offer cheap for CASH, OU COUNTRY PRODU E. Our stock is larre and attractive, nnd i we respeetfn'ly invite our friends and the P?ic generiliy, to call and see for them- wquurej, srvie ana price. selvis, as toiquilitv. TO those whom we hive favored with a erf dit, we would sir. that in future, mil . '-'' ... '. onijf terms wHl he VAStf, unless a speeial agreement is made wh eh will secure us Warrenton. N. C. May 7th. lgs'9. tf NOTICE, TO ASSESOPS AND PROPERTY i 1 O'WKERS. NOTH CAROLINA iCommisnr's. Court, Warren County, . J May 3rd. 1869 IT is ordered by the Board, that due no-tk-e of the time and pli! e of meeting be pivf n. by the .Assessors appointed to v'fdiie and list all the property ir M'arren Coun ty, j real and personal, for the vear 1889. A punctual attendnnce is required bv all Sft tHt ll A c-r-. .... 1... . " .... v me 1iB.1rra.Mj uirt i'c ai'ir 10 coin- plete their Tax list on or before M iilo... , . r 1 ZZt.Z 1? 'Z'?"' will n V. ciS Rom ta "Trenton. tr receive the Mme. By order of the Board, I. H. BENNETT, Clk- ex, officio. 1869, Spring Goods, - 1869. T WOULD. RESPECTFULLY INFORM X my patrons and friends, and the pub lic generally, that T am now receiving and SHm?? SLS S,?F1 nd MMisR DREsb (.OODS, otjlie Litest sxjics, L.aay s Hats and Shakers. 'Also a general assortment of Gentlemen's furn ishing goods, Ready-made clothing. Hats, Boots, and Shoes, Hosiery, Notions, Hard ware, Tinware, Crockery &c. GKOCE IES ONPFX'TIOXARIES. ("1 AN DIES, Cakes, raisins, Pea-nnts j Sardines, fresh co-e Owsters, Pickles and every thins' nsnallv Irnt in a nii. i c. ; T V . .-..ij ( Store, which I am selling at the lowest prices for cash. Thankful for past favors, I hope to con tinue to merit the same by stri -t attention to busines and an upright deportment JOHN A. II y: MAN. 1 dnnr West r.f 11 - . old store. Warrenton, N. C. . April-30-no-17-tf. -j-., 1869 1869 GOODS GEORGE R. SLEDGE, AT HIS OLD STAND, (Establisheil February, 1S43.) COSXEKOF MAIX AXD FBASKL1X STBEETS, WARRENTON, N. C, Ir- now reeoiving from the North, where he itychasel them iii person, a complete variety stock, consisting of Dry Gooils, (ii-oceries.. Provision?, Boots, Slioes. t Hats, Tin nnl .other wares, Confectioneries, TTys, - '. . Fancy (xoo.ls, Cigars and Tobacco, an.l many other articles too numerous to mention. The Public Are respectfully invited to call and XAMUiS HI3 STOCK Tlie tubseriber facilities forbuvinir tmiAu are surpass ?d by none, ahd wi;h twenlv live years experience in Imsiness,. he risks nothing in paying that i tmyewwiM ii im ii to tueir aavantage to examine lilS stock, before buying ebfewbere. April-24-ly " GEO. R. BLEDGE. State of North Carolina. Warren County 1 Superior Court. Samuel 'Calvert, PUT. i rs. Solomon D. Sessums, Deft i IT appearing that Solomon D. Sessunis, the defendant, is indebted to the Plainti;!'. in the sum o two thousand nine hundred and sixteen dollars, with interest from the 12th day of December 1865, due bv bond 'lor value receive:!. " ppearing fur- ther, that said det'eiidaut is -nou resideul of this State. Ordered, therefore by the Court, that publication be made in Tue LirtSO Pi:r.--ent, for lour successive weeks, notifying said defendant io appeaat the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, for Wa; a County, within forty days from this datk tlien and there to answer the complaint pf said Plaintiff, a copy of which is filed in 4 said office, or judgment final will be taktin against him TXT;. ,. . IT- TI'I T T rv T -l - tvituesii win. .. i Hilt, iirkof sal Court, .it office .n Warren ion, this the 24th day of March ISo'f). no-14-4t. WILLI A A. WHITE Cik. RIVES & PROCTOR, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DRUGGISTS, DEALERS IN A 3fjfDlCLVESt, S.-4 F inn, .1 rr -i , Vi ARTICLES . N PERFUMERY, J " Jinponea t Vome.stic JT 3r SOUTHERN DEPOT FOR ROSADALIS. Would respectfully c 11 the attention nf Merchants, Pdiysicians. Planters, and oth ers, to tneir extensive -tock and inducements. superior 1Q1 Sycamore St.. Petersburg Va- N. F. Rl VES. M. D. April, -3-no-16-em. W. H. PROCTOR. Important Notice. is luiuui luill .H'lllli i 4 T T -,aa i jr.owo luncmoi iu iue nuoscnoer S J0r or otherwise,, will please ' W JTt J2g X ' my cartriage box is em'TwSl w'eS ! nelled to rlV U the J Jl - 7 M.y P. W. GREEN. A ble Salt, fresh forn,,'l H,rnn,;,n,,1LU'U11T' direct from the best market, glances. SKori r-it:..i, u , , ... ' ' we are now ore nared to ofT.-r tr th tm,l is or tne cij .icu, . a- inn, xrteoii, L,ara i lour. Mo- : ..i.i.- . ------ ....... lases. ralwwa i.in r. '.., ; "" generally tne best inducements ounum- ie. .Ml, l.,i. ".T""1 found in our line in the South, i The on! T P'::iVTVl. 0j? ket. . ; feet, with b ted W MT.rii.TT&S'TSSK 0 ock of Clothing is complete, em, large enong and RW.t- ntiL oWV , tracing everything desired for Gent's wear. hed in fwnt ' '"VLL c il -1 i i 1 1 1 1 i rin i . . a i iA.t. , cm;. "V , X Eff GOODS, I am. now receiving new Supplies of Gro- cedes, Confectioneries, Dry Goods, Shoes on ji lutii, win lie sw 1 1 1 in iiie lowesi market rates for Cash or produce. GEO. R. SLEDGE SPUING GOODS! SPRING CLOTH Xn GENTS WEAR ! i j HAVIXG 1, tCp Bf 4C'OIPIJr:TE and splendid assortment of SPRING piends(t Biismks Suits. Elegant Shirts. Drawers' Socks, COLLARS AT ALL I'KK -KS. A j 4.. - .. ...m . rvnung eise usually tound in a first-class wholesale and retail Clothing es- tablishment. Wedding and other suits made to order at shortest notice. The attention of the mer diants of E.?t eni .orill 1 aroiina is r.articularln invited in nur -..,.5, ? ' NOAH WALKER ft To imore street ap-j-no-io-lm retersbt 5odiJs, HAEmaS, BBJDJ.ES, COl r t n t jurg, a. LAPS P. M, STEWARD Manuficturer and dealer iu SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, &C. Constantly on hand covered and open seat McClellan Saddles, Shaftoe and Plain Citizens Saddles, Carriage, Bupgie, 7Egon, Cart and Plough Harness, Felt Saddle Cloths, Whips, Bts'; Spurs, &c, &c. Orders solicited. p. :.r. STEWARD. Nio. 00 Sycamore Street. ap-23 no-lG-3m. Petersburg; Va. 0 R. (h 0 I) D I K8 COMPOCND GENTIAN BITTETtS Cures eh ill mic Pirur ! nr-s cnllls an tion, Collie. Asthma. Ni ...... -j'.jljMrt, IIKII ck St'.miach Bronchitis, ral'-ia. Bhntoatism tri ZLV A UNIVERSAL TONIC. 4 . .... i sure, sai ana relin cure for all Ia!arial disen eases refjuring a "eiiprnl t Perpr.red only by Djj. and for sale evervwli re. prevent i KB -J...I 1. A. II. GOD WIGGINS. JAMES T (oiiccessorto J. 11. BakHkA Co.) Proprie tiry Agent and Wholesale deaier in Patent Medicfnea. Norfolk, Vir.ini.i. April 23d, ISttf. . no-lG-12m. SALE OF VALUABLE EE AL AND PERSONAL ESTATE. IX W. KXTOX X. C. BY ant:, tnent, n me, bv an assign- (Uh Febl-Uf of the the pi- ar; ubl it linAiti or icsa are Iocs mcnt. Then and ji!- Instrun of .Uuih it -hen furniture and aluable, but too num- .MONTGuMinPV , - A. ar: on, N. C, April ISth 18G9 GHAN;) SAL OF f ... Lr f t. SD TEIISOXAL PiiOPKUTY. PY THE HOETH CliKOLINA REAL A1W PERSONAL ESTATE AGENCY. RALEIGH X. C. S 1 00,000 C 1P1TOL ST )( K. j Crf.VRTEKKD BY THE LEG ISLATCBE 07 X0R71I f CAKOLIXA, FEB. 2StII, 1569. Joep-i G. Hestei:, Josepu Dixox, Vie President, President- Johx c. Hk-ter, bec'y. and Treas. Rout. G. Lewis, Legal CounseU.ir. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS -JAS. H. FOOTE, Pres. Home Ins. Co. J. C. PALMER. 2f 3,000 Valuabee Pieces of Property ! w'th the PT0? h WJ draV. - a do to be Disposed of, Worth $146,693 ! ' P-,cate re?,s-T or the tickets sold will be ' (. kept ; so that, in the event of losfcof tick- .1 et, the accident may ,bc remedied and ' i no mistake can occur, i . REAL ESTATE The DraWW -ill . ., FINE iMIIWICBaL- seve: the f'iiv of Pilots vut- in .irrenion, warren lo.. c. ure tlotel in lavlorsville, Cou icat One Lot, eontainiu 8 acres in kUA aooui luree-icrunus ot a mile from the Capitol; about 2. acres in forest of Oaks and Hickory, house fronting the street and and about 60 feet back; walk to house 15 feet wide, planted on either side with Emoisimus for hedge, with a marble statue of the goddess Flora on the one side full size a fine piece of scnlnture. said to hm 1. A. A.1 . . r . 1 , .. " . " cost 1,500. On the other side. Sun Dial on marble column, both on granite pedes- laJl Rnt "f5 on th.. stret- on newea granite bas.;, with granite gate posts. The grounds in the grove arr high ly fertilized and well set with Clover and Orchard Gras. The remaining 6 acres are nigniy lennizea, producing, last rear, be- j . u i . . . . r . ' much hay and vegetables, 4 bales of Lortan. ' The Dwelling, of brick, is 42x35 with VSSl J t T? SelThSlirftS i 7' i?"V"d bf dlln.?. ro?in lgjf- 1 . u tau.iics. vtll II 140 a UO. tted up. On large rooms. the middle floor there are two with fire-places and fine variriegated Ital- ian Marble. Mantels, and a spacious Hall j and open room for enjoying the summer breezes. In the th rd story are twol rge 1 aim vim mil; 11 iui 111 1 iui , an wun nre places, and a la ge passage, with cases for Wardrobe. In the attic story is a small " dormitory, with stairs to the s .-tittle in the i roqf. . , . r There is a portico to the house Sxl5 feet ' with floor of hewed granite slabs. The steps of the building, in front and rear, are of hewed granite, with iron banisters ; and all the door and window sills are of hewed granite, and all the sash hunp on The wood work of the building oicest material and the entire i-sntly painted. hon s consist of a Barn 4Cx29 asement walled with granite. h for 12 horses or cows, with and n the two ends, one end up tor lour nulcn cows ; a horse ata- ; ble 14x2tr teet ; a carriage house 1 x24feet' i a house -for servants 1 x36 feet well finish ed, with two fire-places and recently paint- d and has a good drv cellar : a Briek Smoke lionse, 20x20 feet, of very high pitch, shedded al ronn t with wood, gear and chicken house under the shed ; and a spacious Ice house, walled with granite Through the grove passes a branch, with never failing failing spring of pore cool water. Immediately uelow this is a srraii- ite mi k hnnfo tl.e water nf .. t""e :.. l 1 . . rooms be. including Elm grov Xlie? pre the Al-stoi House coi laselnent, 4 out-boildings, U Lt contains 7 acres. T attractive. Price ft8.(00 pertj in Warrenton, known as i House is in perfect order, the itaiving eight large and comfotta S double Pi.1tzaand Porticos, i Gie mo.-t coiuiiianding locations . e, beautifully surrounded by a ove "jpf-eak, ill: fact is. said to be handsomest residences in North ail the out buildings are ymost i iy arranged. Containing t-i.-!.'. tiea, 5000j dollars hasXbeen r the above roperty since the It a : ilejjuM va'uable pieco- Price 5,(0P. rlorsville is- Tery . at-cheap- It is a llo it " a fleurihing mi houss.ind or more in l one quare from h College, no school of the hue of the Atlan- tractive va'u.'t tel .it the CM1 growing; rflat habitant's and gool and Houi 1 b ated in e Mounta ii truly itainiui; re m-Wy four fnnt ind ode frtv pnc?s:aTV i.oO 51 6 12 Us. aeh itnt bes Cast 280 il 1K!0 3,3n. 4.i"K0 1 tht latent of H. D. Tcry bc.- t p Me tv Ml th. "Kftis-nc Hros. N. Y. p rsonal propV-rtv it )f Hvster lbo." & le Street, R.-.leL-h, M sample of it or a Th-' North Estate A' :).--.- roml aJLcJv CO OPERATIVE DRAWING in orJer to acconipnih tl i tickets, at ' . sell TWO DOLLARS EACH. and the purchaser .rill be entitled to one chance m the drawing for every ticket pur cnased. . r T, ! S: FOOTlt' President Home Ins. Lo., have been ccnstidotcd a Heard of uperviscrs, and will hate cxcUnive con rol and tnanasrement of th ;. nui anu inana!rein-tit ,.f k .1 TKr :n .i s .. .. see that each person is ImB. i-IHA J ... HI tie. distril.nf ion t-,1 MSiS!-? j . . ... . " vn-Kcts., oi WUttt due notice wi nie company is workmc under Am provis.ons of a special Charter o, r M!T . "fril1 Am)y of. North Car I 1 ... 1 . . c- Oillia. cnir.n-. .s the rrtmiHtir fca .rhmnl.. f. il A.ll ... . . J A ii u 7 U contractu. All the above mentioned property will certainly be disposed of u above stated and those drawing it will be invested witr the tale in fee simple. :C7 No member of the Company is aV lowed to purchase anv ticket. All moneii nf V mail cr s rik ; that sent bv Express Register ed Mrs, Checks or Drafts, it the r Draft. at t ka nek Ji 1.1c owpany. N . pidperty will he listed unless the title is indisputable. FrrJ7.ei:-inforn,atior' MrctL Otr ICL N.C. U.& P. F icrvrv e V W - No. -0 irayetUville Street ille Street, apr 15-tf Raleigh, N. C. TV' H c? U ' HA: j Warrenton, and rep nHy hi TUr ces to the public. J " i uiru us x rr y anumiaui, passing in a Stone n. "k trough through tk milk hon, and j discharfiing in a crystal fish pond, somp 1 15x11 '0 feet, in which is a larg- variety xif . fish, many of them bo Jauie that they at ' from your lingers. Price 610, 000 1 One large and convenient House in th j City of Raleigh, on Newbern, Street, built ;.on the most improved plan, with Iargt; j comfortable rooms, double parlors, all ne j cessry out-houses. Lot contains 1 acre. 1 large oak grove ; a very dedirabU piece of , property. Price $6,500- Oue larpe House in Newburn, Blood ' worth and East Streets. This House con ! tains 20 rooms, suitable for a Boarding I house, necessary out-buildings. .jSize of i lot acre. .Valuable property. Oak gtore in the yard- Price 5 000. I, One large House pn Newbern street, 8 tl ii u I

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