1 M i T M 3 presidential election if 1 the vote at the political disa- inuue 7 f 7 ' of lbis aP"S of Rovalty,thc people on the hnnJs of Democratic voters and foot the ExchonJ. 1 1 all the Wo the r ''Lyssus" but those whose claims to office he thinks ought to be favorably passed upon. For the cost States iu the Federal Union had been allowed a voice Seymours whole vote Grants " 41 Sprague on Colfax. 3,443.076- ut Innot close without point A RARE OPPORTUNITY, FOR THE PURCHASE OF VALUABLE LANDS NEAR, Warrenton, N. C. 2,852.539. ing to the recent exhibition, in the I III : tracts to SUtt DuTChaSerS, presence of the whole people, of the ! ' f Viee President of the United States ' ? 491.437. , traveling and speaking in the interest ! T Q?E re been ; of the powers I condemn. He re- j J- j?Inin; minds me of the ass who stole the i L ??potf rf' .co.at!lininr .liJ0. it ' fire eights of which is in its ongmajg tS Of the King Of the forest ; th& remainder being open land, a i "Act net in the living present, ll.v.rt within. andGod oerhead.r" Friday, Jul 15, 1S69. WALTER A. MONTGOMERY, Literary and, Political Editor. J M. WADD1LL, General News, and Local Editor. If a fair election could hav v i i t. QA r.f 1 SfiS oe muui ior wnen he asserts that the coantrv in a high Grant for rresiuent to tne nine oi loui ls prosperous and contented he but hundred and ninety-one thousand and shows the ears which prove bis true wore votes. It must be borne in mind ! character. He came among us more too that the Democratic ticket was '. especially as the representative of the too iDai in - . . mighty West, a people not vet hide- ; encumbered with an exceedingly im- l)0Qnd to the dletates of tuemorjeyed '; practicable name for Vice-Presidency aristocracy, or to customs and institu F. F. 7lair, a man who had openly , tions founded upon it. But lie joins j auowed the determination to wse his I counsel and co-operation with those m a ;c if,i nD, powers wnich in themselves and in nfluence and power if eiecteu to over- .S . ... . , innueticv. au r their representative capacity are so tarn the whole of the post-bellum ; in hostility to the indepenufeace and 1 National legislation. - growth of the '"West. Let him and Democracy dead indeed ! those pej : those who have induced him to de- I ors who are so busilv engaged in rade Lis hi2h office t0 the5r eel u U . . , . .. f U1 A prepared to meet on the floor of the t cnAflkinor of its fabled ex- U 1 , . - . i 4Iv.& - -o - neonate, tor tue information of the R for sale my trart of land, ad- g the Corporation of Warrenton, acres, rowth , open land, a portion STATE OF CULTIVATION. COLLECTION OF ate and County Taxes OF 1S69. I will attend at the places, and on the dayd designated below, for the purpose of receiving the State and County Taxes of j 18(J9, to witT Turners Store in Towhship'No. 1 (River), on Saturday the 17th July inst. ? Rodwell & Colenians Store in Township 2Jo 2. (Six Touni), Monday 19th July inst. John Hicks House, in Township No. 3. (Hawtree), Tuesday 20th July inst. H ill's School House in Township No. 4. (Smith's Creek)'. Wednesday. 21.st July. .Enterprise in Township No. 5-. (Nut bush), Thursday 22nd Julv. (Sandy BINGHAM SCHOOL, JIEBASETILLE, If. C. WM. BI.N ".!...:. BOBEBT BI5GBAM B. B. LTXCB. THE session of 186970 begins 25th, August and continues forty weeks. The course of Instruction includes the ordinary English branches, the Ancient languages, French, Mathematics, Book keeping and the elements of Natural Science. Expenses, inclnding tuition, board, fuel, washing, books and clothing, $265. Circulars sent on application. June, 24, 1869. 6t. I propose selling in quantities . to suit I Shatter, in Township No. 6. (3a irch .sers, from a Greek), Saturday 24 July. Shoc. o Springs in Township No. 7. (S pu BUILDING LOT Oi TO ANT QUANTITY DESIRED. Here is presented, perhaps one 'of the best OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVESTMENT, ever offered in the County, there being a succession of BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES for a distance of n ;ariya mile immediate i 1 y on the road to the dppot. I The tract is WELL WATERED, (Shoe- wishing univerbai wmnsi) ,v"u Tae Hood ia Tetas. calism from power and restore order Galveston, July 1 -i. Cars have and prosperity to the country. j been sent out from Harrisburg, Texas, i ooats to rescue the suuurers oy IHE LIYISG PRESENT OFFICE Corner Sf Vain and Franklin Strtels, opt G kpb'je K. Sledge's Store. ONE AtJliE. i co), Monday 25th Julv Grove Hill, in Township No. 8 Creek), Wednesday 2sth Julv. Thomas M Fleming' in Township No 9. (Judkin's), Thurslny, 29th July. Warrenton, at the Court House Saturdav, 31st July At the same tim j ail who owe'ytaxes on former :Lists, wiil have an opportunity of paying taxes pat due, which opportunity it is hoped will not be neglected, as collec tion of taxes, past due, by distraint, will be ccrcmenced immediatelv after the the Sis', instant. N R. JONES Sheriff. Warrenton'July 7th I860, f 6. IMPORTANT SALEOF LAND- OFFER for sale privately, a raluab a.;t of land situated in this County ! hewea griaite and aU the hunp miles from Macon, Depot, on tne R. & j baiariCefcs. Th; wood work 0flhe bui!di istence dread now its power and mflu- wonl from whom ho roni b - tn MontSoiner-v Registrar fo All l.ttrrs corned with th" Editorial D 1SlC t ' 1 .. I PfPle om ne CQes, bis trna b both springs and branches and is alto- Warrenton Township. No 10. will be found V At! lettr.s on,.cta tcan rn. , cQCe more than they ever did. It Will i character, and that of the alliance be lather one ol the most Jtrable piecesioi at the Court House, on the 31st Julv, and oil i ,7;r(i( must if directed to n .-u.ii.it -i. t dvocatinc universal SltfTraC with has made. mooertv in this vicinity: j August 1st, to Register U who have not ) !.s tiOHTGOMMRYfBfX 98. -j ' - , b .. . , . TW'hcaUhfulness of -this loealitv is too been heretofore - R-ght-rred, in Township n Thomaa A Montgomery, General Agent r "The Living Present." The Honestead The Homestead clause cojuameci m refuge iu the tree tops in Eagle Lake the Constitution, we understand, has bottom, whefe they have bee;, tor Uvo been- held valid in a recent decision ul x osiuvc inio.mation r the Suurcme Court. It has not heen The late election in Virginia has . the Supreme Lourt. It has not been - t , tW-W, funiislietl to politicians and news- j our pleasure to. read the opinion, there- farHja ou fiag1e Lake bott; er editors ot the radical sinpe, tue fore we are not prepareu to g.e uiu are cultivated every vear. yet brought id use ,; facts in the case. However, in any various rumors trusu las ln!n tvbnro it has a retrosnective : commuuicauon w cnureiy 5 I . l.i .J I eau ue ereoueu. i papei readiest weapon against Democratic priuipiep. i" case, .i .. lmtu-nrn X"ilkr and Wells, i linnvlnir n.-r nro Hnahl to see. W lllv cuim ai w n vvi. . . 7 T j w-'"'u5j . r " .- "T " aiTiVC the ceuservative clement of tbfeTir-j not impair the obligation of cm- town j ginia population irrespective of party, j tracts. Upon principle and authority falls; it h moved forward a one body to the j ap legislation is prima facie prospec. The 'Braz reseat of their State, and pverwhelm- j xn c ju its operation. The authi inglv elected their entire ticket. I;1 1 Sav, "it is inc that contest the supporters of Walker, j uotion of law, vielded gracefully to the inevitable, j 5wective : for a vea , iu e t tne s ou the nj, which Theretare L but as cut) Ou none is impossible to well known to need any notice here. Parties desiring to purchase, will fin.l the tarms moderate. The snbscaabtsr will tke pleasure hi furnishing any information desired. I - " W. (i. PLUMMK1L July 15th, 1SG9. 4t. i USlVERSffY OF NORTH CAROLINA No. 10- EXECUTIVE SALE Of REAL ESTATE. ON Tuesday the 23 day of August 1S69. that d-y being Tuesday of Warren Superior Court. I will sell at public auc tion at the Court House door in the town of Warrenton and Btateof North Carolina, 1 a tract of land lying p?.rtly in WairenCoun fore entering pupil. THOSE owing this School mnst raak ly Burt. Littleton Aningtoto, William arrangements to pay ; as we have waited Kearuev and Stokes, and contains Three ' patiently, I. 2. & 3 years j lonser i: the extent of the lofes to the is Colorado until the water fallen sis feet already, river is still rising and THHE Fall Session of t& Institution will ; ty- and partly in Halifax County, formerly 1 - . . ,y..1 V.. Af -V ... i 1. nrt. . J commence on the itfeti day ot August swtw vy mrs iiaucj -jji-ock. me s.iui ...-. n.-. -4nn .lt.. 1-. i-traet of land is adininin thp lnnil5 if Rmi. I i i ' ' . . d : . i ti.'iiiiuu'. 1 1 cui t it ecu. i i j- r- - paratory and Normal Departments, and a General Course of University Lectures will be opened. Entire expense, including h tu!. $&-tQ 1100. All the benefits of the Institution are otTered. free of charge, to a Umttied n amber of residents in the Slate. Apply to the i'residtnt. SOLOMON POOL, ' The Dwelling, of brick, is 42x5 with ; conical metallic roof, and two Franklin rods. In the basement ia the kitchen a boot 20 feet square, and the (Hnirg room, 18x32 feet, and two Gantries, weli titted up. On the middle floor there art two large rooms, with fire-places-and fine raririegated Ital ian Marble Mantels, and a spacious Hall and open room for enjoying the summer breezes. In the third story are two large and one small Dormitory, all with ore places, and a large passage, with casta for Wardrobe. In the attic story i ia a email dormitory, with stairs to the scuttle in the rcof. There is a portico to the house 5x15 feet with floor of hr wed granite slabs. The steps of the building, inJront and rear, are of hewed granite, with iron banisters ; and all the door and window sills are of on idine is of the choicest material and the entire building recently painted. The out-houses consist of a Bam 40x20 feet, with basement walled with granite, large enough for 12 horses or cows, with shed in fronttand on the two ends, 6ne end fitted up for four milch cows ; a hors sta ble 14x2S teet ; a carriage house 10x24 feet -a Loose for servants 10x36 feet well fiaish- ! ed, with two fire-places and. recently paint- eu ana nas a gooa ary ceusr; a rr:"K Smoke house. 20x20 feet, of vrry high pitch, shedded all round with wood, gear and" chicken house under the. shed ; and a spacioos Ice house, walled with granite- Through the grove passes' a branch, with never failing failing spring of pure cool water. Immediately be-low this is a gran ite milk house, the water of the spring, which is very abundant, passing in a stone ' miik trough thiough the milk house, and ' discharging in s crystal fish pond, some ' 15x1000 feet, in which, is a Jarge variety of j fib. many of them so tamo that Ihey est ) fiom your finzr.-R. Trice $10,000 . T -w-, . rvnir i ' large aai convenient House in the MALE AC ADE31 1 . i Pj oWfh, on Hewbem, Street, built J on the most impi'OTed plan, with 13 large THE Fall Session will begin July 21st ' comfortable rodms. double parlors, all ne 1309. . j cessary ont-houes. Lot contain? 1 J seres. TERMS : for English, $30 for Clas- j large oak grov- ; a very desirable piece of sics. Half in advance, balance at close of property. Price 6.500---ion. Terms to' be complied with be- One large House rnflKewbnm, Blood- worth and East Streets. This House con tains 20 rooms, suitable for a Boarding house, neeessarv eut'buiidings. Sire of two G. R- R. The tract is the one formerly owned by John E. Brown, and is remarkably well adapted to the growth of Cotton, Tobacco, and Wheat. The land is well watered, well timbered, and contains about 530 acres, and located in the midst of very good society. The buildings are comfortable and com modious. To persons who may desire to engage in the "trucking" bnsineas thi3 farm presents a rare opportunity. For further particulars apply to JOHN W. RICMJAN, Apt. Ju-4-tf. Littleton. JEW GOODS. am now receiving new Supplies of Gro ceries, Confectioneries, Dry Goofls, Sho; kc, all of which, will be sold at the lowest market rates for Cash or produce. G. . R. SLEDGE. Chapel. HilL ISt .. osistent with the verj hat it should he retro law is a rule of action, i nc reports nru San Antonia at it na tne rtvers nt. ut of their banks. OT1CE. accepting universal suffrage, with universal amnesty. Therefore, some aniooa tlie radicals declare upon a to tal abandonment of Democracy in Virginia, and arc using every effort 40 -bring about the belief in the popular A Four Widbow A Touching Story. Here is a nut for the Radi cals to crack. The Fort Watfne Tem ocrat savs a poor widow and four a ti i Hundred and sixteen acres. There is one third of this land cleared, and is well adapted to the growth of Cotton and Wheat. This tract of land is in the. .neighborhood of the Portis CorH. mines, and gold in small quantities abound- TERMS Persons wi lands will rmgton hq. gence no one aks or gives. .1X0. K. DI GGER. A M :oi acre, v al known c,n desire to tun day ef sale. I look at these ! Littleton Ar- ' rtr. Oak rrovn in the vard- Price $5 000. J One large House on Sewbera street, 8 ipal ' ''om-a ba3em-nt,r4 out-buiidings, l ' ; including stables. Lot eolatains 7 acr?i. Elm grove very r.t tractive. "Price 48,000 The property in Warrenton, known s ALBlGH and GASTON RAIL ROAD ! the AUton H nse is in perk;-: order, the u-4-lrn. Frin LEWIS B. COLLINS Executor. 24, 1859. Uf. FOB HALE. f p ALEIG Xv H 'Ck. aPPi.v to Wi. B. AXDKKSOX Cashier. STATE NATIONAL BANS RALKPiH M a V- 2 0-2 1 SOUTH QABOtia cniidn dated re jn-d iu a:i olfl. it is absurd that the rule, which is to direct our couduct, should have our nasi conduct for its object." The nr-;.,t;., it ?s r. ffirrtc-ttiA rinhtx field. Ol u necessaries ot me. lnreeoEneT dren were s:ek, and hcrseii wcra alt o! IT, of the parties and not the remedy. it onlv atTeeJted the remedy, "t tiv nvpr -pvpniiin. w pir.d, tiuat the only difference, the on.V j wou( no difficulty m the case-. 0f w inaiter in dispute, between Democracy ! hecause this is the creature of the ing jftuu ivuuitui ixcjiuuiniiu.c.u. j jcgisiatare anu suujeuv wimsmwt , on FrjuJay, 3;1tK Julv, ins usehoW and Kit' hen fur&it wnters took, cue H'heat ' i band, .ne Fan Mill, one Iron v Carriages, a rl many other arti t rtecessiry to inentien. ns made kr.rsrn n Lav of sale. L. W. BKST. A lm r. of B. K. COOK, deceased. Slh. lGO. 4t. N0TIC E- 1869. I Spring doods. I860. rpHE CO PARTNERSH IP heretofore ex;, X ting under the style of Burrows ! and Williams, is this day diaolved bv ma- tual consent. Parties-indebted to the firm ' T WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM are requested to come forward and settle j L my patrons and friends, and the pu with J. V. Williasi5 Warrenton, Jun. 1st, 1869' BURROWS & WILLI. vas oulee a beautiful Her , husband fel Giucamanga, andthi; and 4. Vuattcr of suffrage : and that when th Democracy of Virginia conceded the j n3;9 toot tie p0.wer to affect the rights ht of sulfragc to the colored man. j ar;5;n2 fCOm any antecedent compact. aiB beautifully transformed into a t the last term of the Supreme en-Inn,. y.-'vvjgjL -f"r ' Ctmrt. the Star Law wa decided to ir.c policy which marked the lr- merejy,to suspend the regular procesp jr'niiv counsels in the last qampaigc Qr tne Courts : while in the present had been the policy of North Carolina case,.,0 comedy is forever taken away, in 136S, Holden would now be editor an(j property to the amoutu of fifteen and proprietor of the Standard, curs-; hundred dollars and upon the sirengti: ing the- Administration probably, j 0f wuicb, contracts have been mauO while the miserable horde of Northern i js entirely and forever exempted frorj .adventurers, who have cursed us more ' any liability, except taxes and mechati ierribly than diu eve,r the botus ana , icrg jne ue j Vandate, the civilised naUon of South-1 conflict. with thO fern Kim pe, after the decline of Rome, '. vvjjici, js deelar would long ago have sought some haw of lne jand. more fr. orablc clime for the practice I contrarv, noiwi of their swindles, cheats and robberies. n0 avvarc of any adju It is somewhat amusing to read the j peaeral Courts, expre 'ctivelv it : ner PomPanili? rn" world hjas dealt W! rourhiv TFie very sight of her and hendistr ed little ones around her wad eno to awakens , sympathy in a j heart stone. In the midst of her trials ffrtrrp orfrl if) fiilL.xde-Jof . .ous, and truly loil gonticinanl calTe ieform her that the grand Army the itepnbiic had sprinkled flowers the grave of her husband). , hs pi and ioil lis1 (Ileal aT tho "amc tlm coiit-emplatitiET the gaunt andi distt her. f STOi:. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY, . i. BELLAMY'S BLOCK. lie geniraiiy. that t am-now rMeiraw and opening a new 5upp'y of 8?I3fO and yies, Laav s uais ami DnaKers.VAiso a House -jntaTnine eitlit larreand comforta ble rooms. doiii-1? I'lxttka r.d Portico. a:-.: one of te vit ommau ling location j in ti.e pli--. te-utifully turrovnded by a f n.atnnl grove of ouk, in fact is paid to bo one ot the handsomest redaees in North Carolina, all tnj out buildings are moat conrenijntiy,arran:'-t f'entairring ight acres, all trees, $5000 dollars .has boon ; refused for the above . rpertjr tinee tho war. , j it is truly a desirable and vainable pier of property :nd cheap. rnc$a,O00. TI;-? piop.-rxv at Trylfsriril!e is vcrr at- ! traetiv.- valuable and cli-ap- Ii tt a Ho-, seat - nounsbTn? and T HsI.Ii j renrui Msortmcnt of O'ettii ! isbisg gocl?. IUdy-ma4o clothing. Hat:-, ; Bootia, ar.-i rlioe. Hsierv, Noti-jni. Ila.-d- wr.re, T.?:.:trri ''i-ickfry tfc. 6 K( ! 11. tKsn - r f -i.-?. r,..r,... t pTcwm? viiiage - a tin n a urn- ; .aritaia and aitaatr4 - I or more ra- -m G o j i fee : : -nr. rje-i . Woddinca and Picnic Parties onler at tbe U".ttt notice. THE pc-.V. a!idin'.u.-!.ii:i: ""ii no school of letter grade, right tJn lint- ot thr Atlan tte & Ohio Railroad, and being itnatd n the .:; it tain regime the jftmntr -, trujy delight ul and fa? i;-itirj- ' .ntniffTrjr twi ?; . wn. . Bmib':-;7J- are now.. are r.espcelfuilt informed mv tar; forefeei i 11m n; ' ASH. .1 II Mill tshad. Cbl J-fcjbj V. .-,r.. J. .r- It -nr. M.-- laes. (alwhys in hand) frefh "i rn Meal - ii . . . - P. i ... : tvi -A . p. M . tonceutri W. iii.ai:s. ii!tliT the firm ot J. V. Williams. Th l.usi: e complete in ail of lis dep ariose narc-u t -1. U Mrs Jones a Wfs TwHty's MrXARY 1-OR YOUSO LADS WARBKXTC7I X. C. ons full and cut; re Fatlsfaction. Our ; C 1,-N is will .x? positively, cosh. There will J 1 ;; I in and 'inc and thre four, fo-.i ONTK Fine i'liwtons, prire I 0 dCTUktl tr busim from this rale -the basis 1 nd-rrr ' . u. . . W. WILLIAMS. ti law 13 IB mstitutioti? so supremie i. .hstandin. We io town before th had a lot of con bonds, on which gold interest. Su deur and beaut v c-verv prmcii f. female education; NOTICE. qnestkm, but from what is intii In some ef the cases, it is to be eti ;.mns of the HeraUl, the Tribune. and other , papers of that ilk on the relative strength of the two great par-: d. that this would ties in this country. . They speak of caso coming in conflict with the Con-i! "Shavx- Democracy, the udcad" ftlgUtattae. As soon as the opinion -3 j mocnu-y, etc. Following in the wake pUblisbedi we will present it to our cf these agreat P aiUe&,?? every little readers, hoping, thai what it shall coit- j country village paper, if not larger tain witTbe sufficient t justify the ! than your nand, led and patronited c0Urt i:i its action. i ',hx public emolumentsj takes up the! , i i- J u rx. How SSuclt it Costs to rtiia tlie cry aail rcallv believes vbat i?ennett I Greeiy know to bc untrue when' White Douse ok Royal Priiv thev write it. ciples.. i . I . , j For the benefit oi those (radicals of! Modera economy is an expensive course) w ho persist la saying, and t luxury. Just examine one speeimek writintr lhAt lmrwraer In sn rfMH i Andrew JohllSOU thcreWSS a . . . . ' I verv clever official, name inat ice uaau oi tne reuricction can young (jerma isked a vounjj -1 I estmg question, and re v- yes'' bv the Atlantic - -. , jK,. Tii-oi in err-mfriin P. H VWKIN8J A ira"r. FL'S H. HAWID ?, iridesrroom may exenancje mith lbu otners.1 A Remarkable Statemest. exchangc says : "A Mrs Park brated her one bmdrcdar.d firth 1 Tnih ions to bj iiur d against the De and filetlarcri-tplaint in which he hit he it i a Petition iti Warren oart. atjts February Term 18 -"0. he heirskit I.iw of his intestate. E ' .--i-iKd, J'.hn W. Wil- ' ams of the. County of Warren and ! State of North Carolina, and William Wat- i sen of the same County and State, heieby 1 certify, that we have formed a limited ?o- j partnership for the transaction ot basiness ) aa t-V.2-h-Mafcc-r?, to b:- conduce! under ' the name mdi Grza of John W Williams; ! that the priiK-'-pal place of business of said j copartnership Ls fituated in Warrentan. in j the Countv and Siate aforesaid ; that said ! John W. Williams is the general partner, hnd said William Watson, ia th special i partner and has contributed to the com- man stoijk the specific sum of one thou- t sand dollars, in aa actual cash payment, j as capita! ; that said copartnr-rsliip is to j e--".r.in-i-.-nce on--";th d.-.y of Jar. . . D. 1800, and terminate on the fifth wdav. of ! Jane A. D. 1 J JOHN W WILLIAMS, WM. WATS05. nd stnrWaiTenton. N. . i : . . -i.o-l7-if. r OrMm, Pieile i'.y i--pt in a Vari.- iHnj! at fbe low r pt5t favors, I hop,- to co the s.tme by stii't attpnti' r. vi.riv'it deponmec JOllK A. HY.iAV varJ.- to !pvd 3ru octp'dei C : parent GRAM) SALE OF REAJv ESTATE 10 y it-h piizt-a,. worth tWQ ex 2&0 do do do K 672 io do do f 1(K0 do cV do 1 do do do !,: ... p The itrgis and Phartoaa ( syle, and cf the bt inrkei rchwlt .. Cc.. fJai-tl r- M The rVnos and rtrV PERSONAL PKOI'EUTY. '. made By j All the pert-jn BV THK j the Store of- 11. yi U ; Fyettevi!".. - are t N Y seventeen chudpri. i ae - i - .- adxq aocd and No, in:stration : tfcrt rdiscly : th aecree xi ember 1663. who Leonard Henderson ; 5 - ; never reach it. we will give the figures in regard to the number of votes cast nt the last Presidential election believ ing at the same trme it will Le very uawclcoxr.e news to man v. who acted as grand usher to the Preai dent. For $1,600 a year be consente to lake the whole W bjte House on hi shoulders, j For thanvode t sum 1 was content to bear e- aouse ot countless .visitors and to repay aii witjh uniform noHteness and courtesy. Geni Gram received in the North-) How is it under President Gran? em States for President, votes 2,517,- j There is Dent, full Brigadier, with a 000. Genl Grant received at the i saar.v -of $5,000 per annum, Crook re- Soulh, 435,539. Total 2.952p39. i Pric $100 f "0UI Mr J. - . ' j Pougkii. $2,500 : Adams (noj Georjfe Mr. yamur received at the orth j W. fTut aQother,) $2 600 - SImmonds 2.2oj.930. Mr. Seymour received at . a gentleman of color, $90 per month, the South 447,9 1 6. Total 2.683.696.! simply bearing cards of visitors The states of Yirginia. Texas, and '' from tne cminentiy polt Dent to the mm24.. ... -ia. a -, : i President's wia'te oH All theU .-i in n oiiuncu u:if in . - r. - t " i .4i..i, - - V v . -I j. VI . . . I We are gratified t jearn Smith. President of the X. road, in a speecu at ttie otc meeting in Salisbury, detfo Legislature for making so travagact appropriations money at the iate session, the piain truth when he purchased the ic S said Bufu? E- H- i --xM- r thkinio with seOony wasjconnririel L-y ti aileking that the jfcfl 'j. j c. r it pr.ee - - a art . iiid icrtner n"i.rd Meridtrscn purchase money. PERSONAL ESTATE AGENCY- RALEIGH N. C. S 1 OO.OOO t tPllOI. ST )f k t JosEfn G. He3te, P.es'd-;nt, iJoseph I:xo!f , Vice Pre- ideal Jobs C. Htsri..?. ie-.-ry. and Tieas. The North CcLrohn Real nd Prsoan: 73,47 40 75 1 .'' 2 OOP 3 35f' ttht !atrt la be 4 Cf Xo It N. C. or OOLL4RS i:.4f ft I -.r.f'. purLa?r w'.Il e nance in the drawing :?.., chase i. L JOHX C.PALMERf Es ' JAHLS FOuTE. Prejd 1 - 1 n constituted l2 E0ARL ' "r rV 5 JAS. H. FOOT E. Pre. Home In. J- C. PALMEIL - - - I 1 J a. cd to ono and Mi;, Hoflje f. iusivt cca- Tby r2l conduct the distribution aa9 ine apu3opnai:jii5 r none of the pajbiie iaxes. for the indienatioh of every aiicfd, ana teat th&ud interest might be resejld far the purises aforesaid,- and al leging that h.e s Leonard Hnder5on hasino objection threto ; anti it appearing I io the Conrs apoJiSdarit, that Alexan der !B. Hawkins,ii.:;?mon B. Hawkins. ! inn S. Turner his trife. ifeis reside bevord the ! P. 2 d,UW ten Janes lurscr a f.-i, J -. r. To'i Itjis therefore, rdtred that the? b snm- 1 rtflSl?r . ...... .. -j.-j tjk v- trh'.-h i -nefsn' -awnr-j i i v.? - iir.njB : nnnr srived a demOeratie vote of 324.8T6'. I Pwidnt J6iriS.aS0 to aeco w hile Urant would have received 149,-' is ncjworions bostness of attA.,, - ST 7. evnnur . mir,ritv In Jit WDIJC nousc alm.H W . j v . iuv;. , t j ,r iius lire sUuiir.'ti Charlotte L Ae Pre?: II. Foot as Pension Agent ajt Kaleigh N.C. ocrat. ! . t has appointed. James t. last three named States would been 14T999. tv ,v. -v. Democrats iti Tennessee, slisws WcstT;rs?iandUv to ile nunr t-f a3- Toi reeapitabV" tbeij. u nnlv to.-t al .600 under President ! son. . There is nothing like eco Tkncrh this loni? army of . it ic a?rt to ie naraer wui. -m sipp5, Kentucsy. presideat of lhe rnileJ States tn uthem State? to ,4e Qneen of England. Brigs ftesere Bent, ifjjntt have 4 m - so see im ites tbfc Am ,3u5e5siTe we?k4 a nTrspaper pub to appear at the Court: ai ihn C . f..rUii-t ot th HrJ to ez Disposed or, Woaxn fl4f,633,! I kept: so that in th j I ets, the accident ms i no mistake can oc;t y: 02 REAL. ESTATE SEVEN Fi'E RESIDENCES, jahy invested draw. A tn- cts sold will be f Iokoi" tiek rtniedisd and -;a TCCK- roofed bypublicton oftce a week for six nest, and answe rag hem notiee I so, thf P!sini!f n "The Livitj Present, bed in Warrenton Ii. C se of the Clerk of this i mt tons in Warrentrn i r?t Monday in September ! :: .ir and ov al naless thev shall do I apply to the Conrt for th? City of lialeigh ! One in Warrenton, Warren Co i , . . - fs ot A-exandeT Co.. . C K. ontr C seat 'HI FIVE BOLHEt REWARD. ""ILL be ra id for deliver:" i to me ai : a mniaiio. qoy, named ! year old, who was nle bribe Conrt jTrty- one years old. ed natlto emp. the pea!?" which. R. V.. HORkfTT thj (.relief demarnd in the Complaint sai i C 5- V at Thomis. about thirtei r?gulaly indentured of this County, until All persona are or harbor said boy. WILL! EATOX k BEHAM u I - " - ' -'- 5 ! One Lot, containing 8 acres in Raieirh. j about three-fourth? of a mile from the j T he Drawirg will take pi ! VT H I I-T .1 -.:. n ii iu we i:y &aiergn. unme j diately aftr the safe of ticket, of wi?h i due notice will be erven. Tbe Company is working under provisions of a special Charter granted by the General, Asfmb:v of North Car olina, wbica cotnnels i com; fe Si Ti me pels the COra party to ly, with aii ontracis. e mentioned p?&peitr wiil ?pc-d cf -is abore stated, .nr it viii K MiTtct vrfi- wide, planted on eitheccide with the title in ft siraoie. 5 and Hickory, hou3e fronting the ftreet and i certain v be t and about 60 fet back ; walk to house 15 "and those dra' lr. A. Whit, Clerk of n Warrenton, this the v of JunlA- D. 1S6D. fe A. WHITE Clerk. ! nf th, S- E ,t aBlarfo StaI?,t i of tfce-Cotrpar. r . al Hd i cf lh one .ide-fttll lowed to pareha5;; aDV ' feixe afae piece of sculpture, sail to have in , . ' . 3 Jt I cost 1.500. On the c:her side. Son Dial ! JTSUi1 1 W6' i on marble column both on erani'e nele-- 5f ov Express,-r:eiSJsr j I have on hand several W of Ear- Ernt P " W resting " Cr t the ma. f-Tc i r. . ' T on hewed eranite base, with sranite ral . o1 the CoPMr- .- , r5ut. iuf i v j ;ii m sttut e arr Ulzn : r r"' "J " u XOTSCE I Jl-.VDRF.CEIVED FteESH Cak 1l for TTaintif.' f Cash, or Country produce at market price. i guarantee entire s . r Lad 13 racJrcrs. Lifection. X sir. O r. Whvtr EIrHABD EOWLET rOK5 A. EIM.AN satisfaction, having ! XI& "d ' '"1' "i?35 e in the bnsinesv ; 0rch.am. tnarunr acres are For Avftr , i unwt ttt .'. S 1ff"1T Ser T producihfc last year, be- Or : I L mu b r " xz'i i'-et t A

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