r- t V.. v. 1 4 -",7,1. i ri ifi--,"- : ' v. passengers for twenty-live centf with their baggage stnd Vor less money witWnt Uhat iocqpibraDcc. The te Ailt would be that filiMreda Atonld go to and froj for the pleasure of the ride, "i ' . . ..' ...t ?t t. :.:' i alia .t'U:iu?c oi scene, v uiib legitimate travel would Ie increased three-fold. The road .vont4"S00n monopolize, and greatlv enlarge' tire business of trans- 11 rrritz-t VKrfZrr j. ' WfJ?.- to tOWfi. AViliiC, niMiv wouiu use u. lor i - "rt 'ti i -jr v.ocd and coal into;.'town, since twotwap the J. :'''-.rsTr. horses ccnld draw more on the track, nessea- The Danville? Register Ears : The I tobacco crop now upon the hill prom ises but little. It is said to be very inferior everywhere. Good rains may yet bring out the weed some what and give it weight, but the; quality will necessarily be inferior. ys nen rains j 'come st unted plants will start to grow- j ing afresh, get fullof sap, and then frost will nip them pefore they can n pen.' : :"' I -: ; ,: . HTETV ADVEUTOIOTS. TTEjfilY A. FOOTC, V Attorney :at , La, WAREENTOK, N--0. - f, WILL Practice in the Courti of tlxis, and tlxe adjoining Counties. ,, Ko.-31-tf. ,. . IMPEOYED PREMIUM t Essence of Coffee,- T. f "Act act in the liring present. " llcayt within,' and God o'er liead." 1U , NOTICE! TOTI0El!'; - A most destructive hailstorm passed i qualified s Adniinistratrix of F., portion pr.Kandolph county, on ;. :?Z?xr . :it1""r l:T7FY i nursaay evening last, between J? ranK-; the, 8aid F a . Thornton, dirf to. nom and j Lineberry's Store. - It j forward and make payment wtthont delay most terrific etorm, . evfer wit- to Thomas E. Green or Peter R. Dayia, my by the oldest1 inhabitants, un- f legalty; appointed Agents, and tho'se haV- . . 1 liter p.!nima n-nmof triA Qnijl acitra ,bun ,oS?ouiddiWoverady Voids, r 37'5r!!!'S 5S53tI, p&'Th, JSar- tavV ua.uug .Mjv.up ,vu4.Wu&u thenticated, toithe said Agents within the time prescribed by law, er this notice will Smith. of Alabama, is about to declare mar tial law in Tuscaloesa county because the civil authorities are unable to en force the laws- . n . , . , , , - j cieuiiv uaiuairiuK ,uj crops ,iucv and up the steep hi whtqh surround thfction8 0ver,4which it passed. Y K othVr directions. -The eitizens- -, It i8 repQrted that Governs Sr Friday, September 39.iSQpM J -v i- FM.Tca-A,-MONTGOMERr; ' I'll l L I n - l! ! - i I t-J!l iLiicrarj anu roimcai cuiiur. ' J. M. WADDILLt ' neral News, and Local Editor. ,'aU letter $ connected with the Editorial D varlntnt must be" 'directed to WAL TER A. MONTGOMERY, Box 58 , . ; . . ( ! VlIEitriNG PRESENT OFFICE ' CorneY of Main aiul Franklin Streets, over Oiorob R. Slbd's Store. Thomas A. Hpntgomery", General Agent or "The Living Present." . . , of the town would save on this single item of fueiriur6ne or' two winters, enough to pay tl)e ' expense of cdn structing the road.. ;v , y, " .Must it bd confessed that there is wanting. ,the,A slight, degree of enter 'prise necessary; to secure' these nnmer- its age. ous- advantages, which are so clearly it. wilhih our reach f we win not, oe- r Modern nroirrpsB from u ui hi be stimulated by nf the Sandwich Islands to Washing- A loaf of Indian bread has been found in Indiana, buried in the earth, and geologists are trying to ascertain A thick bark bad grown over be, plead in bar 6f their recovery. LUCY N. THORNTON,: Adm't'x ' September 3rd, 1869. No.-31-6w. Cotton Gin. .1 -r- the example - set oa H4swav, where fine roads and streets have been made through the woods, and where the primeval forest has been made to. giveplace to parks anddwel- tctxx m twenty-one days. Not a solitary war vessel of the United States has touchid at the port or Havana lor two months. It is said that there is much sickness WE have made an engagement with Mr. FRANK M. FITTa to run our Gin, this season, f , J Terms, ?. , One Twelfth, I for gipning.'L Bagging and Rope fnrhished ton Depot readr for Shipment. tfc a' . U i- ARRINGTON & WHITE. 20.-3 1-1 m. t GUARANTEE A PURE ARTICLE. ONE package of this'JETssence will go as far as fonr pennds of coffee, and coffee by it will preserve perfectly the real Uato of the best eoffee, and will have a delicate and finer flavor, a finer color and wiit do iiiucu more wnoiesome than pure coffee ; it will also he clear without re quiring any thing to clarify it. Direction on each package. Call, and get a box forj lactsat - J. M. wADDlLLa . No. 2 Arlington Block.. JUST received, 2 Gross Scotch Snuff in tin boxes, at10 and 15 cts. each I at.. ' " J,M. WADDILL'S. rpnE -Copaftncrshipr heretofore exrst- j JL ting under the name and stvle of A. M. Wiles Cci 'isjdesohed by limi-., Ution of time mentioned in the Copart nership articles. ' f v : - A. M. MlLES & Co. TJie Tinnjcg and RdoCng business will hercalter be conducted by the subscriber , . . EDWARD SlfROYER. NORTH CAR0LIN2 1 " , . . v- ' - - , .- In the Superior WARREN COUNTY' J , Court. Wm. P. HAWKINS, Adm'r. 1 of iicfcs h: hawkins, naintiif - . .. vq t j ALEXANDER B. nAWKINS 1 Defendants and others.- , J iu v(' ,' . NEy Family Flour just received, and i foT sale at ": J. M. WADDILL'S. " JUST Received, Pure Cider Vinc'par, at J.:3. WADDILL'S PARLOR Matches, just received, and for sale at J, M. WADDILL'Sr PAPER , and Envelopes at one fourth the usual price at J. d. WaddiU. JlTIIE Ml worth of yourjnoniy jfur anteed, at - -J.;M.!,LADiJlLL,S. I GET THE BEST. lins, to work-shops and a hotel which Jnd Kinst0 Q Jflmeg R , rciieqi crcuu on uie oiaic. , mngham, a very prominent citizen of The road might be constructed to the latter place died a few davs since. j Fall ! and Winter Importation ! 1S6D:1 ! 11IBB0 1STS, Millinery and Straw Goods. the border of the town even without a charter, bv a combination and apcree- rhent among tle owners of real estate. So there is no necessity for delaying Wooden Railways. - Tho following paragraph will dem on3trate the feasibility of connecting Warrcnton f with the Depot at Warren Plains, at a cost of a few thousand dollars. The wooden Railway refer- red to, costs only jfive thousand dollars per. mile, including j the purchase of steam eccrincs and 'rollinj; stock.' , It will be seen also that the estimate im- plies heavy grades : "The Scientific A morican describes a wooden railway which is now in successful operation "in Canada. The 4inchei in thickness, laid edgewise; The engines weigh from 10 to 20 tons, the wheels a little wider than on iron roads, and the flanges a little beveled so that in pressing against the trails the wood may, 'Hot be cut. These roada- are designed mainly rorrftxight, and an engine' of 10 tons weight, cost ing about $6,500, will take along from 30 to' 40 tons of freight at the . rate of from. 8 to 12 miles an hour, up grades of 80 to-90 feet to the mile; and hn engine of 20 tons, costing $3,5C0, will tl-p rlonhlfi the freight un and down grades of 100 and 140 feet to the mile, and occasional gradesof 250 feet, and around curves of 250 feet radius. In a country hko that through which the 'Clifton Wooden Kaihvay" runs, where timber is plenty, it is thought a good, serviceable Toad can be construc ted, and furnished with a moderate allowance of rolliDg stock sufficient for some years, for about' $500 a mile, exclusive of large bridges.' . . The' above statement should encour age the citizens .of AYarrcntoa :and vicinity to begin at once the work -of constructing a norse Kauway irom tne southern border of the town, through "the streets, to the Depot. If a wood en track will bear an engine weighing twenty tons, with a train of cars, it is needless to suggest that a single- car drawn by one or two horses, 'would make a"n ieaprcssion'so slight as scarce-, - ' ly tto require ' iron rails. The road would pass' over. a country almost as lercl as the low lands hear the sea shore, where numerous Iron rpads artr The Rov. A. D. Cohen has resigned the pastorate of the Baptist Church in Salisbury, to take effect on the first of January next. the good, work until the legislature that church s;nce 1860 -and hig con. meets. The property holders are; nection with the congregation has been -:o: chiefly interested. The Iroad would double their wealth. The merchants and traders of all grades are interested for'it would double their business, and hajre their out-lays for transportation The'hotel keepers are interested, for it WjOuld jncrease the travel three fold, at fleast. i-The laborers are interested. for it would raise wages. The schools are interested, for it- would enable pupils and parents io come and go with cheapness, -ease: and pleasure. The Lawvers are. interested . because it ould increase trade, business and, population. The Doctors are interest ed,' t)ecauc it would do all these things ;and bring invalids, from the low conn try. The clergy are interested for it would fill their ehurcues. And last, though not least, the ladies are inter es'tedy-'fo.r it would bring them Leaux o let the horse Railroad be built ,.' . .i immediately. j -' A young man recently shot and at tempted to kill a minister in the pulpi t of the Berlin Cathedral. The scene in brief is thus described. The min ister was. reading ' I believe In God the Father, God the Son, and God the JJoly Ghost.' You lie I carne a voice from-a, pew just in front of the preach- eiy a young man rising ai uie same 'moment and firing a pistol at the min ister, the ball just passing the latter s of the most amicable character. AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE REGISTRATION OP, DEEDS. Passed April 9th 1869. 1 Whereas, Creditors and purcha's ers are often hindered and delrauded of their law fuV actions, debts and pur chases, by reason of the failure of the grantee or bargainee of lands to regis ter their deeds ofcWveyance, powers of attorney, &c. ; therefore, Sfxtion 1. The General Assexubly of North Carolina do enacty That all grants of lands in the State, all deeds of conveyance, all powers of attorney, and everyr other instrument in writing which is required or allowed to be registered within a given time, and ARMSTRONG CATOR & CO. 23 1 & 239 Baltimore Street, I- BALTIMORE. o IMPORTERS ASD JOBBERS OF :" BQNET AND TEIMMING RIBBONS,. VELVET AND SASH RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SATINS & VELVETS, Illusions, Blonds. Laces, Ruches, Netts i . and Crapes, FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, 6TBAW BOSSKTS AND LADIES' HAT3? - TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, Silk, Velvet and Felt Bonnets and nats, ' SUNDOWNS and SHAKER IIOODS: THE largest Stock of Millinery Goods in this Countr, and unequalled in choice va riety, which we offer at prices that will defy competition. 1 ' ORDERS . SOLICITED. Angnst 25th 1S89. ' ' ! 1 ' ( Gt. -r- University df North Carolina ; AGRICULTLRALr COURSE. fTlHE special course of Ajrriculture and 4 1. - HT 1; Ml t i iue iueciiauiu irxs win oegin on ine Instruction in until CO have not been proved or registered oft Or De fore me irrsnr -T&aj vrtmotiCTj e:ghtecn hundred and bixty-nine, un der the same rules,' regulations and restrictions as heretofore appointed by law : and, when &o proved and regis tered, shall be as good ani valid, as if thev had been duly proved and regis-j 2 tered : Provided. That nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to mortgages and conveyances in trust and to marriage settlements. Sec. 2. 1 hat after the first day of Oc tober, in the vear eighteen hundred Laud sixty-nine, :io deed of conveyance, aeea oi trust, or mortgage ,ior reai or personal estate shall bo valid at law to pass any property as against credi tors or purchasers for a valuable con 6th. day of September. Military Tactics will not be given later in the season. . 1 SOLOMON POOL, President, READY eOOFItIG, Suitable for all Buildines. Dwellings, Barns, Churches, Factories, &c, and for all climates ; equally adapted to fiat or steep roofs, and can be applied by any or dinary workman. ' ' TIIE READY ROOFIXO. Is more durable than tin, and does not cost one-half as much. It is cheaper than shingles, far more durable," and fire-proof. It is made of the heaviest fabric ever used for the purpose, and is put up in rolls ready for shipment to any part of the world. Send-for Circular and Samples,' (sent free.) We also Manufacture " granite CEMENT, ' I For repairing all kinds of leaky roofs, chimneys, sky-lights, ic. This Roofing Cement forms a permanent adhesive coat ing over the whole surfac of all roofs, whether tin, shingle or composition, com pletely cJosiifg up leakages, , and being composed largely of ground Granite, which sets and hardens, and soon becomes an artificial Slate Stone covering. Roof Paint. For coating tin and all kinds of metal and composition roofs- It will not run, crack, or peal off, 6ut form a permanent an! perfect protection wherever placed. It ?s furnished at half the cost, and possesses twice the durability of the common oil paints used for such purposes. county rights for sale. For Circulars and all particulars Address READY ROOFING COMPANY. 81 Maiden Lane X. Y. n this case the Plaintiff havfnr caused a Summons to be issued adaist ' the De fendants and filed a complaint wuak ne llrd ,at r,a fil.d Petition n Trren County Court, at its FebruJ. Term I8b3,' against the heirs at Law.i unww, for a sale of the real el f intestate, for the payment o' ebts nd wg of -that a decree was. made aocordincV that a $alo was made by. him J under-ul decree,. oa wu Kvember 18G3. when Leonard Henderso purchased the reversionary interest of the said Rufus Ilawkins. in the land held for life br Mrs Mary Hawknis.'at the price ton tlinn .Tni dollars ail gave bondfor the same witjf security, and that eaid aale was confirmed by the ! Court . and further alleging that the. eaid Leonard Henderson has never paid any of the purchase moneys and that he and his surety weie insolvent; also praying that the sale might be set aside, and tha- the said interest might be resold for the purposes aforesaid, and al leging that the-said Leonard-Henderson has no objection thereto ; and it appearing to the Court upon affidavit, that Alexan der B. Hawkins, Philemon B. Hawkins. James Turner and Ann S. Turner his wife, lour or tne Defendants reside beyord the limits of the State ; It is therefore, ordered that they be sum moned by publication ouce a week for .six successive weeks, in 'The Living Present,' a newspaper published in Warrenton K. C. to appear at the office of the Clerk cf this Court, at the Court house in "Warrentrn aforesaid, on the first Monday in September next, and answer the complaint, Mid giv ing them notice that unless they shall do so, the Plaintiff will apply to the Conrtfor the relief demanded in the Complaint. . Witness William A. White, Clerk of said Court, at office in Warrenton, this the 3VtU day of June, A. D. 1SGP. . H ILLIAM A.. WHITE. Clerk. EATON & B VRHAM, for Plaintiff. Tin Shop ! Tin Shop !! Tin Shop !!! head. The young man was arrested,! sideration from the donor, bargainor . . ii ji ' f 1 . ' 1 1 ' : and the minister quietly proceeded with the services, as if nothing had" happcoed. ' : The voung man alleges that he be lieved those who professed this belief wereliars at heart, and that he was driven to this deed with the hope of aVvakening the public mind. . An agricultural implement manu facturer in Western New Vork recent ly filled an order for fourteen fanning mills,, to be sent to Eastern Turkey, the natives having seen the stiperiori- tv of tbese machines, -mtroauccu j the missionaries, to their primitive apci wasteful methotfof winnowing gtam. One of tb6 2ulu tribes in South 'Afn uc t;t Am.riiaTi' nlomrhs ' ana I i? . .3 . . J'tT,- viu: on A m prion n SUCTar TO111 now in operation, consiruciea at acosi ' mv vmcx ua ---iJ-r of five or eix hundred .dollars per mile mills to tbc crs7aira-Tttl toy dooi and-W iw for" 1h U'ttuurW-allnn ifjr.mhpp' tbo caw rtn,ia"' We" know Wot whether -it would bepracticaprT to Jay the track . with maple rails,' but wittl the use of 'horse power, pine or wbite oak would answer every 'purpose. In view of the fact that not a sitfgle grade wonld be necessary, and that thft country abounds in timber, it is safe to say that.the trak. may be put dowa at less than, one thousand Hoi lars per mile, and if it should be deem ed advisable to make two or three '1.4. -Aaa f fit-n or six.-feet. "the nhH of the track-, though laid IheTrncattquartcrsr of the army to St. or mortgagor, but from ihe registra tion of such deed of conveyance, aeea of trust or .mortgage, in the County where the land Keth ; or in case of personal estate where the donor, bar gainor or mortgagor resides ; or In! case the donor, bargainor or mortga gor shall reside oat of the State, then in the County when the said personal estate or some part of the same is sit uate, or in case of choses in action where the donee, bargainee or mort gagee resides. ! SSec. 3. That within thirty days ai-, te he ratification of this act it shall be the &tv of the Secretary of State to send by ail ten printed copies of the same to tKfJhairmatf of the Coun ty Conimissiouevof each County in the State ; and gajd Chairman shall, within ten day sNfterhe receives the same, cause them tov posted at EDWAED SHROYER. : HAVE this day commenced5 the busi ness of Tinning, Roofing and Gutterine. under the name and style-of E, Shroyer. A knowledge ot the busmes in all its departments as well as prompt attention, and low charges (Cas) are relied upon as the sure means of success. ' t - I can be found at the rooms formerly oc cupied by A. M. Miles & Co., where j will be glad to see my old friends and custom ers. , I am determined to execute promptly and thoroughly all work I am favored with at low figured, and must in all cases, de mand the -Cash . August, 12 1869. 6m. All indebted to the old firm of A. M, "Miles & Co., will please come forward and make payment to me, as longer indul gence will not be granted. E. SHROYER. ATAfiRENTON FEMALE COLLEGE, TFarren County. N. C. rVti IS institution will be opened on the LL 12th of August, under the direc tion of Rev. T. M. JONES, formerly Presi dent of Greensboro Female College. j warrenton, d miles from the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, has long been fa -inous for heallh and refined and intelligent society . . j (pi n.ii. . ..... . . 1 i Ae onege ouiioings, situated m a beautiful grove, in a retired part of the village, are large and commodious, and will be put in thorough repair and well nttea up tor school purposes. ! With long experience in connection with in.i -ii i - , . i cmic tuners, a large iiprary, an ex tensite Chemical and Philosophical Appa ratus, ana. the aid of an able Faculty, among wnom is tnat accomplished schol j . r . ar auu iuusician, raor. J. hare, we offer superior facilities to young ladies de firing to become well educated and highly Bccuiupiisueu. Board, exclusive of washing and lightB, and tuition in regular rn ... viritege course, per session ot 20 weeks, - - - $100,00 Extra studies, moderate. For full particulars, apply to T. M. JONES, President. July 23.186&- lnr force Washington, where he hates to. We believe, however, that a clause of a law. must be changed before tlaWan be done, and this would incidentally bring out the show of hands in lavor of removal of the capital and against. An. 'English'1 firm is manufacturing for the Russian Government a huge steam hanimerf whicb will weigb in all about 1,000 tons. The hammer head . ' i - 'M nit VZZ -Estate of north Carolina, in the public places in w uatjf. Sec. 4. This act shall be in from and after its ratification. V Ratified the 12th day of April, A. -1869. - ' ' SO W. HOLDEN, 'c ' - -4 ... Speui--of Reprettntatitet. rnn mm m i r -. - :t.t. President of the cierU. RE-OPESED. ! - ; - -: - The "Arllington House," IS AGAIX IX KVLt BtAST. EVERY accommodation (as in former days), furnished to the Huugry & Thirsty Give me a call, ' 1 'E, C. WOODSON, Propt'r, n Q a o i i -i s 0-3 g. - 2 o . tEL 5i WJ "" X O 3TJ c c J p CO o . a n a . a o - - p p CO CO W CO Z o . , SI 1-3 PS- : s 5 r t-l S..O o CO H 1 I H- 5 P n fc- EL o -O S o CO o 01 -3 H. 5" 5 1 o OO GO 7V5 c So CO o , o o a . i The DwfffinK-tf 'bTlck. '-wa-c f- conical metallic roof, and two VfXnlAn rods. In the basement Is the kitchen Joit -20 feet square, and the dining toojzlfit feet, and two Pantries; well t'tted npl the middle floor there are two large ra,' with fire-plaees and JJne' rariiiecat-ItaU ian Marble Mantels and a tpacio HU ' and open room" for. njoying the omr breeies. In the th'rd story are liJ and one fmall Dormitory, " ailJwith r plaoes, and a lage passsge, w cati fn Wardrobe. In theiatffc stor u a 'tmaH' dormitory, -with stairi to theicnttlfa the ' roof,-- ' ft . - j j y There is a portico fo th hou ExlS feet with flooef hewed granitV laba. The fteps of the building ip -nt and rear, are of hewed grnitf- with iron ; hmxtr and all tbe door and win",, ailla are trtf hewed granit, J avl hw lull wnVa . balance.?. ofthe Vnildbn i rrciwi- oiCTial and the entire building recently painted.1, " The out-hon?es consist "of a Barn 40x20 feet with basement walled with granite. large enough, tor. J-horses r cowt, with shed in front and rn the twoenda, one end fitted up for four milctrcows ; a horse sta ble 14x23 teet ; a carriage house 10x24 feet -a house for serTants 10x36 feet well fiaifh-, ed, with Jwo fire-places and receatly painU ' ...T M J J . .. . . onu'uas a goo-i ary ceuar; a iincK Smote house, 20x20 feel, of very high : pitch, shedded all round with wood, jrear and chicken house under the shed; and f pacious Ice house, walled with granite- Through the groTe passes a branch, with never failing failing spring of pure cool water. .. Immediately below thia is a gran ite milk house, the water ot the spring, which is very abundant, passing in a tton milk trough through tle milk house, and discharging in a crystal fish pond, aoue 15x1000 feet, in which is a large variety of fish, many of them so tame that they eat from your fingers. Price $10,000 One large and convenient House dn the City cf Raleigh, on Newbern, Street, built on the most improved plan, with 13 large comfortable rooms, double parlort, , all ne- -cessary out -houses. Lot contains 1 J acre, large oak grove ; a very desirable piece of property. PrkeG.SOO- , One large House in.Newburn, Blood worth and East Streets. This House con tains 20 rooms, suitable sfor a Boarding house, necessary out-buildings. , Size of lot J acre. Valuable property. Oak grove in the yard- Price $5 000. . . . - - ? One large Uou.se. on Newbern street, S rooms besides basement, "4 out-buildingi, including stables. Lot contains 7 acres. Llm grove ; very, attractive. t Price t8,0c The property in Warrenton, known the Alston House is in perfect order, th. House containing eight large and comforta ble rooms, double Piazzas and Porticos, and one of the most commanding locations in the place, beautifully surrounded by natural grove of oak, in fact is said to b oueot the handsomest residences in North . Carolina, all the out buildings are most i conveniently arranged. Containing eight acres, aa trees. $5000 dollars has been refused for the above j roperty since th war. . ' , It is truly a desirable and valuable piece' of property and cheap. ' Price $ 3,000. ' , The property at Taylorsville is very at tractive valuable and cheap It is a Ho tel at the county ieat a Nourishing aad growing village" of a thouss.nd'br more in habitants and situated one equare from a good and flourishing Collegv, no school of better grade, right on the line of the Atlan tic & Ohio Railroad, and being situated ii the Mountain region, the scenery is truly delimit Til H fimiimTOR-' Vutatg twenty rooms, and the Buildings are new. Price $2,000. . j One in Chapel nill, containing fonr ijooms, with fire-places, and one forty foot dining room, . Also, kitchen out-houses and one and three-four ais acres ef land, valued at, $2,000. .1 . . f : A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR HE PURCHASE OF VALUABLE LADS NEAR, Warrenton. K C. In tracts to suit purchasers. is believed to Tae rbe heaviest In t? j world, is to be used in fonrinff guns The, fly post is a sad in 7 f. i tioA in 'ttofefttibattntiat mann, would bdrer some parts of Missouri. T6e Gentry couniy iews oi last . wee- ejs. r horse belonging to Mr. A J. Bulla was so Kadi v bitten bf flies last week The ears one freight WVWfcd that sum. fu'r-nassencers, and one, for ' wjgbtfeost thousand or fifteen hun- AmA rl-kllire tiVfll'P and! at most, it Would be safe to Vstimate the cost of '"h a roail, with a single track, at five Ihousa'iKi dollar ""- The car would V t'wciU V to in' that it died.'and wrear that i riiany places farmers liAe o do their swork . . .. Ant- iLI- l ' J I ui- vi mis piague. at night on ac At n ir,;o-case' masquerade at the Sag5irre House, last week, the corivcv t'vvonl v to ihtt'ty passengers,, guests ,cre. so admirably disgugedijintleman in the coffin . I.:.., . : i. ti.L' t, that roruit 2sew Yorkrailroadr-; - W ...cu, w r.u -lV-"jnt a' half-hour in gallanting : On account of the ''"".v yv.: -". ,Mone or ins own daughters, in hSssfal mount water works lus.de anl n the ivl;itfi)istis. ignorance of who bis Dartner ervntd Office Secretary State, J- . Raleigh, April 15th, 1869. I. HfiNRY J. Mexnixger, Secretary of Rtfttp. Kerebv certifv that the fore- - 7 r - . . . ! a. -1.' P V. -ri (rinol goiog is a irue cuyy u. v.0 . acton file in this omce. ! HENRY J. MENNINGER, Secretary of Stated A tipsy Irishman, as a funeral pro cession was passing by, m&ai asaea who was dead.- It can't exactly say sir." said he "but I nresume it is the i drought, the Fair are nearly exhaus- YAETLTJLE REAL ESTATE. ' BY virtue of a deed in trust executed to me by William P. Rose, deceased on the; 25th day of March 1857, for the benefit of creditors, I shall sell at the Court House door .i6 the town of Warrenton, to the Vj'iest bidder on Friday the I5th day of October 4 .i.i.i . Ridsrewav. immediately on j the nIl. 5d and Oiston Rail Road, adioining the lands of James T.Walker, Simon duke and Cel William S, Davis, and containing Two hundred and- thirty and one-half acres. Ateo attht same" time and place, I shall sell the reversionary interest of said Wil-f liain P. Rose, in sixty two and one-half acres of land lying m the same lacality as the former tract, in which the widow of the said Wm. P. Rose (Mrs Winnie P.j Rose) has been endowed. ' v - The rent Corn. Shucks, Oats and fodder growing on the aforesaid premises will be sjld separately from the land an the same day and at the same place. i TEEMS : On a credit bf six months Bond with two rood Securities will be re-! quired, and the title to the land withheld. until payment of purchase money. - . -ROBERT F. ROSE, Trustee. Auguct 12, 1869. 6m. TOf FER.for 4le ray tract of land, ad 3mng the Corporation oi -nrrrenton. on iw depot road, containing 1601 acres, five eights which ig in its original growth. xneremamaeringop Uudf A portion STATE OFX'ULTn iriax. I propose selling in quantities to am purchasers, from a A FINE top BUGGY which has never been used for sale, very cheap. - Applv at this Office. .May-28-tf. , GRAND SALE OF REAL ESTATE A.XD FERSOXAL PROPERTY, BY THE . ' i 1 NORTH CAROLINA REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE AGENCY RALEIGH N. C. $ 1 00,000 CAPITOL STDCK. ' - . I ' CHABTEBEO BT THE LEOISLATCEK OF XOBTH CAKOLI5A, FEB. 26TH, 1869. Joseph G. Hestb; President, i Joseph Dixox, "Vice President " ' Jonx C. FIbstkr, See'r. and Treas. j nw. O. Lewis, Xegir Counsellor. BOARD OF SUPER VISORS t JAS. H. FOOTE, Prea. Iome Ins. Co. J. C. PALMER. 600 ZOO 4 75 12S 260 1,000 4,000 1,223 I 3,000 Valtjabee Pieces of Property " BE JJISPOSED Or, ORTH $110,03, I RUILDING LOT OF ONE ACRE, COOK uiauCTiruvrnTO ted, and the PhUadelphians bare been warrenton, and reipeftfully offers his ser- put upoa short feupplr. TMl J. II. U War ity. there beings TO ANY QUANTITY DESIRED; Here - . best " "ted, perhaps one of the OPPORTUNITIES' VClTi tw-jre.. s iuik ever offered in the Couh succession of BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES for a distance of nearly a mile immediate ly n the road to the depot. infract is 1 . J7ELL WATERED, by both springs and branches, and is altiv gemer onej the most desirable Diecea of yivyivj .-Qig vicinity; ThehealtVQiae,, of this locality is too J WVW REAL ESTATE: SEVEN FINE RESIDKNl-ks. Four in the City of Ralejgh! . J One in Warrenttn.-Wrrca-COVN- C. X rOnellotel in Taylorsville, County seat V-Alexander Co., N. C. ."0e Lot. oontainine 8 acres in ont threft-fonrtha of a nuJffCof Oaks CP1 ; abousTTronthig the street and ,"!:rT.7 ,.4 v-v waIk; to house 15 Parties desi the terms mode The suhscri' furnishing any ne--tf to- purchase, will find te. will take pleasure in rmation desired. Julr 15th186?X . ki side with. mnA about jO feet back ", .f id. T.nted on ciiuer iir T . . n..i.ni Emoisimus for hedge, wiinamarui f Va goddess FWra u the one side full a fiae piece of acurpVure, paid to cost" 11,500. On the other Mde, o on marble column. Dot n on tals. Rront palings on the atmle gate on hewed granite base, wjferr high posts. The grounds i11 Clover u fart;iil nd xrmmiimnz 6 acre Orchard Gra.sXdacin lt yefe: hiehlr feriiS 1 5tabls, 4 4rSof sides Cot FERSGJiAL PBOPERTr 10 Fine Phwtons, price . $ 10 " single seat Top Bupgie, price 50 " Premium Pianos, 7 octavo. t ; 5 " Parlor Oran5, 6 rU-ps ' 500 Sewing Machines, Wilcox ic Gihbs or Grover & I5aerS.' 500 iilk Dresses, best article, 12 yards to a dress 6 Ye!o-ipr-de.s-thc great iron horse 24 Roil Brus. Carpet 45 yds.'each 6 Sr.laman-ler Safes Wilder patent best in th world 10 Cash prizes, worth $100 each 200 do do do- - 10 C72 do do 'do '5 1000 do do do 2 1 do do do 1,000 in cold The buggies and Phaetons are of the latest style, and of the best make ef U. Dj Schmidt & Co., Baltimore, MJ., The Pianos and Organs are the verybest made by Tremaine Bros.. N. Y. ... Ml the personal property can be seen at the fctore of Hester Bros. & Co.. No. IS Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C, or a ' sample of it. . , The rorth Carolina Real and Personal Estate Agency wilt 'dispose of the above property by a regular plan of r CO OPERATIVE DRAWING ; t v. and- in order to aocomplish this, win tell 73,347 tickets, at TWO DOLLARS EACH. and the purchaser will be entitled te oae chance in the drawing tor titty ticket par chased."'" t ' . . . JOHN C. PALMEE, Esq., and Mai. J AMES S. FOOTE, President Home InL Co., have been constituted a Board of Supervisors, and will have exclusive con- . trol and management of the drawing. They will conduct the distribution iml see that each person ig legally invested - with the property he may draw. A do- plicate TegUtrj of the tickets sold will b kept ; so that, in the event of loss of tifc- ets, the accident ufky te remedied and no mistake can occur. The Drawing tke place in TUCK ER HALf,-1"le City of Raleigh, imme diate! -.r',te-r.t,e a!c of ticket f which. -yfijrill be piven. " " provisiolyjf. .w,o,:kLins ndeT lQ ah nc uove mcntinn.. ' , j certainly be Kp?2Wr,W--'. andtbosedrawmg it wix, 'jH the title ia Ut npie. . kt - r "iat Sent by Pwk. 9r' r or lUiU. f .i yttcriUm Street Raleigh, X". C. T i s ht a i: . t i S f ' ' ' f j V,' ; ti r e -.-3 1 1." v v- i . J i .a company 'totil'd wdlllvr-l - tocarry ; t,y :. . ' . i .'.' '. ' . ; ; t: i ' v .. ' " ; . ' - - . ': - , - -.''' ' O . .,' ; f.. V' - ' . ..