i "Act act in the livinj? present. He:ir within; and God o'erhed.M Friday, Sepl ember 17, 1S69. WALTER A. MONTGOMERY, r Literary and Political Editor." J. M.i WADDILL, General News, and Local Editor." All letters conntcted icith tlif. Editorial D mmrtmfnt must he. ' diverted to WALTER A: MONTGOMERY, five THE LIVING PRESENT OFFICE Corner of Main and Frmnilin Streets, orer Vioeob R. Sludge's Store. Thomas A, MontgomeryGencral Agents! ?! for "The Living Present. and represents that the clairns for quartermaer'fMotejr any aH frandtt-j lent; teat tny were maae up upon falsi? papers by fiis part iter without his (Blackburn's) knowledge. In addi- !...- lion, he affirms that a certata Iieutcn ant, then conncctctl;with the qukrter V i iiiiitiT's-tlenaftinentl in East Tehnes- I sei',nov in the rcgufar army, acting in ' the Fn'duWn,sJ"nai, was a , close fr&i Trjemf of Hanford, that from their con- viTsauor. uwuui. me iiiuu tuesi; uminrs ' were .'made up 'he inferred they kept t 1 !i1 . . i 1 ' - well supplied wun proois, lorgcu in blnnlcr 1 te payi?"tV6'lia found several i 'blank certificates-..of loyalty,' already ''-- 1 j siffnea, ami .wajiK ceriincaies oi cui-m zensliip, iK-aiing the signature of the; clerk of . ti e (L'ouuly ,1 ourt, . and the. seal f the court in Ilanforu's desk.' Th'' mention of the name of the lieu? tenant above alluded to reminded , .the ! officers! at the Treasury that he too had been a claim agent, and the record was examined;. From that source and from private inquiry it has been dis covered that te drew several thousand dollars upon a batch of claims ; that there are no "brief "marks" upon any of the papers showing the red tape evidence of: their having passed thro' the tedious departmental routine ; that no clerk or ot her person has any rec- -ti5torW"nT having passed'thfough hFslahdSj consequent ly they must have been sprung at the first start, Upon the? settlement bureau In addition to this it is certain that in less than two; weeks after he presented j IUU cull 111 3 Hicj nuc paiu, n ui u uic usual! period required to ' accomplish such )usihcss is front one to four years ; and,Hvorse than all, it . is discovered that the. papers themselves, the Treas ury warrant1 and the indorsement upon which the warraut .was-paiu, are all of the late Sir John Ross. The doc ument states that the party wintered on a, low island in 246-7, and Sir John Franklin died on the 11th of June, 1841. It contains many interesting incidents connected with the expedi tion.? , " ' ' ' ' : Petersburg Market. REPORTED BY DAVIS, ROPER & CO. : l Petersburg, Va., Sept. lo, 1S69. Tobacco Active. Cotton 334cts. ''Wheat 150 to 160J Corn white 1,25 Bacon smoked Shoulders Yl to 17jc Sides 28 to 20ic. srood demand. j , ' Lard--Western pure in tierces zuj to iic Tub refined 18c- Bye 1,20 t 1,25. Oats 55 to 60c. Pea Nuts choice S3, to 3,25. Wool washed 40 to 45c : nnwashed 30. Va. Vinegar 40c. Beeswax 38 to 40." Feathers 50 to 7oc. as to quality. ?- 011 AlXGES, Lemons,, and . Cocoanuts, Just received, and for sale by March, 2tth 1869.f - ri ONFECTIOIV ARIES. Fre?i! Sup- J plies received every week, and for sale bv y. v a. It. SLEDGE. mi M HENRY- H. IIAE-RISON; Fall and Winter ' importation RIBBONS., Millinery, 1 and Straw Goods. :o: eal and Flour, of the best kind, constantly on Land at G. K. SLEDGE'S. B aeon, Iard and Fisli, constantly oii hand,and for sale at :'T G. 11. SLEDGE'S. Carolina Rice for sale l.y I t ' : O. R. SLEDGE. Watch, clock and Jeyelry j,ARMSTR0NGCAT0Tl:& CO. D 1 1 T) F D 1 & 239 Baltimore Street, ti r A 1 11 Li K.y IIALTIMOKE. Can always le found at his business.! importers axd jobbers of ' 4 P0?' wLere lw is prepared to do all kinds BONNET AND TKIMMINO RIBBONS, j oiofk in insiine. - t VELVET AD SASH RIBBONS, guaranteeing satisfaction lKth as to the character of the workond the charges for IMPROVED PREMIUM Essence of Coffee, GUARANTEED A PURE ARTICLE. ; fSE package of this AVfence will ro as i J "far as four pounds of coffee, and coffee by it will preserve perfectly the real taste i of the lest coffee, and will have a more delicate and finer flavor, a finer color, and will be much more wholesome than pure coffee; it will also be clear without re quiring any thing to clarify it. Directions on each package. Call and get a box for 15 cts at , . J. M. WADDILLS, ' " No. 2 Arrington Block. luaole Real Estate for sale, Apply to G. R. SLKDOE. Norfolk market. Norfolk, Va. Septemflerlo, 1869. Cors 1,18 Wheat-$1,50 al,60. Meal 1,35 -j Oats 65c , I . Flour Family ill 00; extra $(J,76a8J; superfine 6, 50a7, 00 tine C,OOa6,50. Bacos Ham 24; hog round lSalSc. Viseoar Isle of Wight 40c. Staves 11. O Hhd. (f38; W. O. Hhd- 60. ..'.:.- Butter Va. iu Tubs 25a36e fair to good. GcAjio Peruvian 82. - "V " ; Cottox- 32a33. : Cheese 20a24. Gcasv Clotii 22ia24 Bale Rope 23a24. , , N Mirch, 27th 18(59 no-12tf E W GOODS. I atn now receiving new Supplies of Gro ceries. Confectionaries, Dry Goods, Shoes j Ac., Ml of which, will be sold at the lowtes G. . R. SLEPGE. ROBT. A OBT. who To the hotmst nuritlea man lovca his country and desires fare ond permanenco anion nations of thq enrth, the wide-spread dishonesty among officials is well cal culated to arou?e wliolcsomc fearg. Never beforo in the "history of the country was dishonesty so rife in all dopartmcntsor. so all pervading in its working. Each bureau has its organ ized boaids of swindlers consisting of I ! combinations of parties within and without the departments who operate together and ink'opaTtnership phinder the government! funds at every turn. Every paper, each correspondent has new frauds to report, while govern ment rolls on ald-. mongrel high offi cials institute quasi- investigations c?r pass over altogether these outrages until the great eraser tinie, or new and more' startling outrages blot from the ' memory of thet . public the crimes in the more distaiut past; "Why? The ... .r-m.r itcrvnv guuu turn ueserves another, their stealings arc winked at and the machine moves on, crushing out the contents of the peoples pocket boolcs in its Juggcrnant march. , A Washington correspondent in a v iletecUres are vromng tne cases up. 1 1owJfarw the rascalities, will .extend it 1 . ; . 5 'ts impissiblosjiow.to say, but it as icr we - 1jTjtCjj that several gentlemenj holding, )ng tllC nr wlA ' Imrn hfLl i-iniHi trnc 'nndpT government, arc in danger of having their shirt collars ruffled by the indeli cate hands, of persons holding commis sions as special agents of the Treasury Department." ; . ; It is no wonder that with extended systems like these the national debt instead of growing smaller, in propor tion to the high rate of taxation, con tinues i to increase. , lt It is no wonder that gold keeps up, NE1T AD YERTISEitXEX TS. COTTON GIN. . ; N a few days we shall be prepared to re ceive Cottm at our ulN. " TERM S For ginning, bailing and delivering at Ridgeway, the tole charged is, one twelfth, without delivering at Depot,' the tole is, one fifteenth. Bagging and Rope furnishid at COST Different lots of Cotton kept seperate. CUSTOM SOLICITED. DAVIS & McCULLOCII. September, 16th 1869. . lm.. :J O S T . OX the 8th inst.. a note for $75,28 cts given by Samuel llarperj and William Alston. All persons are warned against traiding for said note, as I have applied for a renewal. W. G FLLMMKR. and that all propositions for a return Saddles, HaTIieSS, BlidleS Whips. &c. to specie payments are looked upon as the most .desperate and outrageous efforts are made by the party in power to keep in office, well knowing that their defeat would be the signal for the rrablicity of5 their ' unprecedented thieving rascality f -We wish to inform our ritivnna-of prising ! townsman, Mr. K. Shroyer, has made preparations with whiclto supply those who arc fond of such de licious luxuries, during the winter sea son, with cans for putting up their own fresh peaches, tomatoes and oth- MARTIN. ROBT. R. HILL . MRTIN & CO, v GROCERS - and Commission Merchants, 129 SYCAMORE STREET Consignments of Produce will have prompt personal attention. Orders for goods filled upon the most favorable Lash Terms. , THO-I-6m. E Copartnership heretofore exist tins under the name and -style of A.M. Miles & Co. is desohed bv, limi tation of time mentioned m the ,C opart ncrship articles. : ; 8 8 A . M. 311 LES &, same. OFFICE near Johnson's Boot - and Shoe Shop. ' Xo-5-ly. T. A. WILLIAMS 6i. CO. "SO C ROANOKE SQUARE, i NORFOLK VIRGINIA, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. All orders accompaned with .the cash, or satisfactory references, promptly and care fully executed, at the lowest market rates. j Strict personal attention to consign mants. Returns regularly and promptly niade. ' Ko..l-Gm. BONNET SILKS, SATINS & VELVETS, Illusions, Blonds. Laces, Ruches, Netti i and Crapes, . , 1 FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATHERS STRAW BOSSETS ASD LADIES HATS, j TRIMMED AND LXTUIMMED, I Silk, Velvet and Felt Bonnets and Hats, SUNDOWNS and SHAKER HOODS, j THE largesl Stock of Millinery (loods in this Country, and unequalled in choice va riety,. which .wo offer at prices that will defy competition. ORDERS SO ICITED. August 25th 1SG!. .' Ct. University ; of North Carolina;; AGRICULTURAL COURSE. JUST received, 2 Gross Scotci SniifT in tin boxes, at 10 and 15 cts. each at J, Ml WADDILIS. 'nVTKW Family Flour 'just r 1 for sale at. J. M. WA received, and IJ DILL'S. JUST Received, Pure Cider Vinegar, at Jf M. WA DDI LIAS PAULOR Matches, just received, and for sale at J, M. WADDILL'S. MILES B. BRANCH. I J. II. HERBERT ie Tinning and Roofing business will hereafter be conducted by the subscriber EDWARD SHROYER. Special Newspaper Advertising JENERAL COLLECTION AGENCY. for north Carolina. spci o ! Will. A. IIEARE & CO. All - AOESTS FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA P. TYREE, ' . WITH . - BRANCH & HERBERT, v V CROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 123 Sycamore Street, " rFTERSlJURG , VA. Will give their personal attention to the ; c sale of COTTON, TOBACCO, and all other j ." q - cull UBtvu w jiix;im. van, . tiiiu : prompt returns made. , I LilHral advances made on Produce in hand. v Constantly on hand k pood snnJ of; bagging and rope and Fertilixers. i milks n. branch, Late of Branch Rives & Co. THE special course of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts will begin on the th day of September. Instruction , in Military. Tactics will. not be given until later iu the season. - s j" SOLOMON POOL, President.) Tin Shop! Tin Shop !! Tin Shop !!! -.6 II. HEKBKKT, No.l GlU. Late ofllalifax Co., if. EDWARD SlIllOYEH.M LHAVE this day commenced the husi--, ness of Tinning, Hoofing and fSntterin, under the nauiej and gtyle of K. Shroyer. A knowledyej of the busines in all its ' and low charges (Chy are relied upon as the suro means ot success. rpAYEOR MARTIX & CO. ' JXPORTERS AND DEALERS L y$ A PER and Envelopes atone fourth JL the usual price at J. M. WaddillV. THE full worth of your money gnar antced, at- J. M. WADillLfS. GET THE BEST 1 R Eft Of ROOFING, Suitable for all Buildings, Dwellings, Barns, Churches, Factories, ic.j and for all climates ; finally adapted to flat or steep-roofs, and can be, applied by any or dinary workman. THE READY ROOFIXU. ' Is more durable than tinand doea nt cost one-hal f as much. . It is cheaper than shingles, far more durable, and fire-proof. 'It is made of the heaviest fabric ever used for the ' jurpos, and Js, put ;np in roll ready for sbipment to, any part, of th world. Snd for Circular and ' Samples' (sent free.) We also Manufacture GRAMTE CEMENT I'or repairing all kinds of leaky roof, chimneys, sky-lights, &c. This Hoofing Cement forms a permanent adhesive eoat- ' mg over the whole surface or all r. whether tiiv, shingle or composition, coiu- I ileteiv ciosnur ui leaka'cs. aii.i in-ni; rcial Colleen i . . ..... . .i J " c ' ' ; l can De iouni at me rooms lormeriy oe- j enmiMised largely of ground (iranite, wlii.-h j cupied by A. M. Miles & Co., where I will vets and hardens, and soon becomes an . be ,lad to see in v old friends aud custom- ' artificial Slate Stone covering. fTiHE subscribers have removed their X business to the building one door South of Win. J,. Norwood & Co.,' where they can supply the Community with anything wanted in their line, at as low price as a like article ef the same material and work manship can be bought elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done at reasona ble rates. Thev return their thanks to their friends i S 1-" ""uu upon them, and respectfully solicit a continuance. ! s LONG & BRA1M. ! Sept. 17th, I860. th recent letter lays bare a most cxten Btvo system of j frauds and forgeries Tcccully discovered iu the Trcasnry as follows : j The years 1SG5-G found many quar termasters and commissaries : with wropcrtv oh hand and accounts unset tled. An opportunity was given them. to cUre their books. Jt nas transpired that sonic of these officers credited and guTC vouchers! for the property ou hand to pnrtiefj from whom none had heen received, and divided the profits. In these cases nearly all the proofs outside of tbat act were forged. Vot ing upder tho belief, private, inquiry -was instituted which in many eases resulted in receiving answers like that vhich may be cited here. The Commissary-General, doubting the genu ineness of a claim presented on behalf of a prominent gentleman in Tennes see, whose signature was across mark, wrote him a letter of inquiry. Tlitr answer was, in part, as follows : "f did not furnish your army with fcny subsistence. I1 have presented no claim against your govemmeht, I never.mado a maik in connectioo with government matters, except upon a iv Yankee soldier when I was in the Confederate array." r ' The firm of Blackburn "& Hanford, claim agents in a town iu East Ten nessee, were largely interested in pro curing payments upon this class of claims. olond Blackburn, the. senior T partn(ir, had. previously been and con-' S tinned to act while associated with rllanlord as a volunteer revenue detec tive, his salary being the moitics allow ed by law to informer against illicit distillers and ivhiskey. lie came to "Washington in 18G8 with .claims, for nuarfcrmastcr's stores, amounting to 8.000, expecting to'get them through : Uic uepanmenu in a icw uays, out ' failed to do it. ' He placed them in the hands of a claim agent on Seventh Ktreet, borrowed $i,o0U upon them and went back to Tennessee. T her-rcre i cr delicacies such as they desire. The Euening Ioxt. of Memphis, j suspended on Saturday. V A, two headed;, girl is traveling through Maine. - '""A contract, has. been concluded for furbishing; '30,000 rifles .te' the sCuban ogept in Sew York. .;; 1 f iCnqof the Gillian brothers, pcr t former ih-Jqhnson's-dretfsY'fell recent ly, in Irceport, 111., and killed himself. There , w as a heavy j shock ef earth quake at San Luis Abespo on Sunday, and a light shock at Sacramento on Monday. v ; Fifteen, colored men are now cm ployed in the Baltimore Custom House. No colored nwin ever held an official position in Baltimore previous to the fourth of. last March. j ' . Captain James Burns, of Company Kj, 5h United States cavalry, has been ordered to Virginia wth a detach- COTTON GIN, T j I take this method of informing my friends and the public generally, that I uine iiiaue arrangements lor running my COTTON GIX, during the present season. T Ell MS: For ginning, baling and delivering at Ridge way, One. Tieeljlh, for ghitting and baling simply, One Fifteenth. HENRY B. HUNTER. Xo.-35-tf. PRESS, AM) GKSERAl, AGENTS FOR THE COLLECTIOS OF CLAIMS THROCGHOtTT . THE STATE. GOLDSBOHO', N. C: TY AUTHORITY, solicit in person, ami J receive advertisements ior me jonn Carolina, Press, in the Commercial cities oi Wilmington, NewWrn, Norfolk, Peters burg, Richmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, and attend to the collection of claims of every description. State of Isorth Carolina. Will also undertake the collection of all old dues to the Press of the State, in any of the above places. ijtefer specialty, to Geo. V. Stronr. Kn t, ijimiugiun Journal ; Hon. Plato Dutham, Raleigh; Hon. Geo. Howard, Tarboro ; and Gen. M. W. Ransom. Weldon, N. C. Refer generally, to the Conductors of the State Pjess. Messrs. Win. A. Ilearne & Co., as above, re hereby authorized. Special Agents lor the Livixg. Pbksst. crs. I throughout the and thoroughly all work I am favored with I i tiiav. ciM'i'r Di.li 'nivn i at low fisnrcs, and must in all. cases dc- PACKING, WAGON, MATERIAL, kC. Steam-Boat Rail Road and Mill SUPPLIES Corner Main St., and Market Square, MORFOLK VA. No.-l-3m. it low fignrcs, ai)d must in all . ca maud tha ('.. . , j August, 12, 18o9. . Cm. pSF All indebted to tho old firm f U. M. Miles & Co., will vlase come forward and make payment to me, as lnger indul gence will not be granted. K. SHROYKR, JJE3iItY T ALLEY, 0 0 N F E 0 T I 0 N E E , Wholesale and Retail dealcrjn " CIGARS, TOYS, &c. No. 133 Sycamore Srcet, PET E R S B U R G, VA. No-' 1 Cm NORTH CAROLINA i I. WARREN COUNTY In the Superior Court. JE-OPE.ED. t " i Tlic "Arlliugton Hpuse," ! IS ACS.1IX I. FLLI. BLAST.!. li, . . ; r.r.U accommodation (as in furir.cf i riin'-. 4-.'.- .... 'days), furnished to the Ilutfr& Thirstv. ! 1 '"i"'011 T: 1 l"' "l""- . . - - - I I Z.C! Ill l9trnt ....1 - l i - 7.. uMiirr ineuirec 1- M. JOX:s fitr,..i n-.. ----- - - a i rai r Roof Pai?;t. j For i-oiting tin and; all kinds of ni-tal and composition roofs- It will not run. ' crack, "or peal off. '-ut fonu a jvrmaniit : anKperfect prte; tion wbcrever p!acel. It i is furnished at half the cost, and kss-ss I twice the tlurnbiiitv of the common oil I paints iisiil ft such purposes, j' Comity lights for sale.:. ' j For Cirt u'.rrs ami a'J paiticiilars Addra ! HEADY ROOFlNijr COMPANY, 1 SI !laitlen Iane A. V. i WAUUKNTON FEMALE COLLEGE, J..- i - - - J . , fjt I on tnt Give me a call, E C. WOODSON, Propfr. ArAXTED. ment of twenty men, to revenue laws- enforce tho , 4 The whole number off persons in Charleston, b. U., as uppcars by a census justy taken, is 4,952. . There" are 4,62U iore-blacks than whites. ana 4,buu, more females (than finales. The population of the city in 186U was 40,522. v A party vouched ' for as reliable writes, to thei San Francisco Rullctin, from Saij Renaventura, tliat a docu mcnts; found on the lach at that place on the 30th of August, much mutilated, which requested the finder to forward it to the Secretary of Ad miralty, at London, or to the British ; Consul, nearest that port, with a re quest that it be printed. ' It was writ ten in six . commercial languages, the margin Vnnd every vacant portion, is filled -with writing relating to Sir Jno. Franklin and part v. The document prescmcu in mu- nuiar ay v xue : itljdft 69 'degrees,' 30 minutes Und It M asuillgiuu iigrui, reachc pascl morn in ncr), rfs well , ,os . a largo Amount of JTEM1Y A. FOOTE, M Attorney at Law, p c WAEEENTON, N. C. WILL Practice in the Courts of this, and the adjoining Couu-ties. Ko.-31-tf. j NOTICE! NOTICE U 7 Having qualified as Administratrix of F.. A. THORNTON dee'd, notice is hereby giv en to all parties indebted to the Estate of the said F. A. Thornton, dee'd, to come forward and make payment without delay to Thomas K. Green or Peter R. Davis, my legally appointed Agents, and tkose hav ing claims against the said estate, are re quested to present them properly au thenticated, to the said Agents within the time prescribed by law, r this notice will be plead in bar of their recoverv. ! LUCY N. THORNTON, Adm't'x. September 3rd, 1869. No.-31-6w. j . Wm. P. HAWKINS, Adm'r. "I of RUFUS H. HAWKINS, I - ; vs. ALEXANDER D. HAWKINS and others. Plaintiff Defendants J Cotton . Gin. WE hare made an engagement with Mr. FRANK M. FITTS to run our Gin, this season. Terms, One Twelfth, for ginning. Bagging and Rope? furnished I at cost, and Cotton delivered - at Wairen- ton Depot readv for shipment. ' AURiNGTOX & WniTE. Xo.-31-lm. aim uuu; uuw seconds, and Ionoritnflp. 9 rlPo-roPQ 1 d the Settlement bureau, having I hiinutes and & uvnd ' thrm.-h all the ret., Quo fine J . U givcs an acv'0lni ofth'e desertion mU derived from- buunty claims that had just been .scitled was missed, .aim 'neither have si nte been heard from. oV li!ack''urni toiiK'6'to W ai-hing on party numbered 105 at the time of the desertion, and was under the command of F. R. McCrossier. This partv suc-ceedi-d in reaching the hboVe latitude and longitude, where thev found a relic for for NEW STORE, BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY, NO. 1. BELLAMY'S BLOCK.. 'T TFILL keep constaatly n hand Fresh t;X Bread Crackers, Cakef, plain ana faney All kind of Cnfectionries. Cakes for IFeddings and Picnlp Parties, furnished to order at the shortest notice. '. Tobacco and Cigars of the finest brands alwaysonhand. : r As I have to pay cash for everything I Iray my terms are positively vASH. J. H. MILES, i . Warrenton, July 9th, 1869 Cm. DIt. G. A. FOOTE Has removed to hi former residenee on the lot formerly occupied by Mr. S. N. Mills, where he can be found at all times when hot "professionally engaged. j Tri this case' the riaintifl having caused a 1 Summons to be issued against tlie De fendants and filed a complaint iu which he alleged that , he lied a Petition in Warren- County Court, at its February Term 18G3, against the heirs at Law of his intestate, a sale of the real estate of his intestate, the payment of debts and charges of administration : that a decree was made accordingly : that a sale was made by him under said Decree, on the 23rd day of November Ibbo, when Leonard Henderson purchased the reversionary interest of the said Rufns H .-Hawkins in the land held for life by Mrs Mary Hawkins, at the price of ten thousand dollars, and gave bond for iimt with security, and that said sale was confirmed by the Court : and further alleging that the said Leonard Henderson has never paid any of the purchase money, ana that lie ana nis snrety weie insolvent: also praying that the sale might be set aside, and that the said interest might be resold for . the purposes aforesaid, and al leging that the said Leonard Henderson has no objection thereto , and it appearing lo tbe Court upon affidavit, that Alexan- aeif nawKins, rnnemon jj, uawKins, James Turner and Ann S. Turner his wife, fonrofthe Defendants reside beyond the limits of the State . .. It is therefore, ordered that they ba sum moned by publication once a week for six successive weeks, in 'The Living Present,' a newspaper published in Warrenton N. C. to appear at the office of the Clerk of this Court, at tlie Court house, in Warrentrn aforesaid, on the first Monday in September next, and answer the complaint, and giv ing them notice that unless they shall do so,; the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the- Complaint. " Witness William A. White, Clerk of said Court, at office In Warrenton, this the ' H1LLIAM A. WHITE. Clerk. , hall issue in a ew weeks, iuv second V.IIL LI I J I 11 llt..- it't ril 1, ( ami request all who wish to dispose of their i lands, to furnish me with description and ! Jprice, .that I may advertise them. No! ;charge will be made unless a sale is ef- 1 fected. 'j j : I am establishing sub-agencies, through- j sout Virginia, Maryland, Pensvlvatiia, Dela .i jware and Nw Jersey, aud will son have ' perfected one of the most complete and ex- j tensive Keal hstate asencics in the Union. I 'All who wish to sell lands, will find it to iuicit lini-i t-ai .n jti.itc ii in iuv iiitiiiiN. May 20, tf ' Ir. . LO'. LIOHK AEKI5GT0.V, , S. r. TOHN'ARRINGTON & SONS. COOIISSIOX MERCHANTS. 106 Sycamore St. Petersburg, Va. Solicit consignments of Cotton, To- liacco, Wheat, and Country Pro duce generally, to the sale of which they give personal aiienimn, auu maKe jrompi returns. Liberal advances made upon pro duce inhand, or upon receipt of bills of lading- Bacsins and Rope. Groce ries, &C. furnished at Lowest Market lates. ....... Sept. 1st, ltG8 BATON & B RHAM, .for Plaintiff. BINGHAM SCHOOL, W. BISOHAX. ROBERT BI5GBAX H. B. LTXCH. THE session of 186970 begins 23th, ylngust and continues forty weeks. The course of Instruction includes the ordinary. English branches, the Ancient languages, French, Mathematics, Book keeping and the elemeats of Natural Science. . Expenses, inelnding tnition, lwianl, fuel washing, books and clothing, ?2b5. . Circulars' 6ent on application. -. June, 4, 1869. et. ZD CD O Zi it c -rr r ! tion of Knv. ! nt f Cri'.'jisl. im l-YpHle c,,n,. Warrenton, ;j mil,v frOM1 t!. Karih aiutCastnn lt.r.l I:...-!,!.- l,as i,,.,.,, moils for heallh and ivjii.,l an lliitelli-.-ut society - ; The Colle-e l-uiVlings. sltuatM in a li-aulif.il grove, in a riti.f part of th- 3 --a ' wiH le put i thonnigl. n-pafr .iil 'well ;t,..l f.,r wil ..n....... -si o lit ted on for s-liiKil tiurix-ises. . Willi long experi. iue iu i nnyi ;OI, M ;tll 4 Femal" Collec-es, a lar-'e lilrar ARRI5GTOX. ARRIXCTOX, ZD 'A O v 'Si slavery the Had 'fore'sna try urn tenn oh , for brin to San YickbJ invefiti; ly o'r i in Mis . a Inucl on a fd avouM ' Cottoii larsri iiut ; te ma jarty the an jirobil Nov .."-rrrtaii nearly itniKir lunidi tiii i.-q A ,npm llo'lV I pTM1. jMlli Vno 11 Vt .....vl , 2 ,LT j tensive ( heinii.-il an I I'liilosophit-A ! r".t,t!i tbe'' aid o( an able Fv",." , ': rr. anion-' wlioiu is that ncnmii.li.-lied i' c .r ar and Musician, Prof. F J. Hakk, 1 I tC oifer Mijieiior f.M-ilities to young ladies dn L I -'.E j iri?t, Vf oi.ie weM edUiate.1 a!id highly ''- 'I i "c I aocoinp!i:-jl. . ' 3 "5 -: linard, exclu.-ivi of wnshing and I w x pETEKSBniG, ' Va.j Sept.' 1, 1SCS. o EH I ' to a es i -1 o lights, and tuition in reulnr College course, jMr svs.-in of 20 Weeks, - - . $f00O Kxtra studies, moderate. For full particulars, applr to T. M. JONK, P esidrnt. July 23,1S(;3- . Inr b la't IV the tiol -1J : 1. :i i 114 .-Vi: OF i i - "rALUABLE SALE OF RfaAL ESTATE. B' Y virtue of a deed in trust executed to me by William P. Rose, deceased,!on A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE' PURCHASE VALUABLE LANDS XEAR. Warrcntou, X. C. In tracts to suit purchasers. Having formed a business connection with the aliove firm, I respectfully solicit a.T a m . ty xiik i.aironii"w oi iuy inenns in v irgiaia ... om. Har rf r9rl. lfT7 1,- l. r wrm waronna, wnicn was so nnerai- nr OTunrA: i s,ial, Ri,, at tn,lrt ii. ly bestowed upon me informer years, as- (W in town n w,rwntn in :suring them that nothing shall be wanting on my part to promote their interests. " P. E. HERVEY. Mr. J. J. PER CIV ALL. is also with :us, and will be pleased to serve his friends. JOHN AltUINGTON & SONS. No.-i-tf. . ; IMPORTANT SALE OF LAND- OFFER for sale privately, a valuable tract of land situated in this County, two miles from Macon, Depot, on the R. & G. R- R. The tract is the one formerly ownedT by John E. Brown, and-is remarkably well adapted to the growth of Cotton, Tobacco, and Wheat. - - ! Tlie land is well watered, well timbered, and contains about 530 acres, and located in the midst of very good society.; The b aildings are comfortable and com modious, v To persons who may desire to engage in the "trucking" business this farm presents a rare opportunity. For further particulars apply to JOHN W. RIGGAN, Agt. Ja-4-tf. , Littleton. r . - - T OFFER for sale mv tract of land, oining tlie Corporation of Warrenton, on the depot road, containing lCfty vret, five eights of which Is in iU original growth, the remainder being open land, a portion in a high . . . STATE OF CULTIVATION. I propose selling in quantities to inil purchasers, , from a " BUILDING LOT OF,- ONE ACRE, TO ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. Here is "presented, perhaps one ofth door in the highest bidder on Friday the 15th day of October next, a valuable tract of land ly inj half-way between Warrenton and Ridgeway, immediately' on he Tialelgh and Gaston Rail Roadadjoining the lands of James T.Walker, Simon duke and Cl William S, Davis, and containing Two hundred and thirty- and one-half acres. Also at tht same time and place, I shgll sell the reversionary interest of said Wil liam P. Rose, in fcixtytwo aud one-half' i..: :.. i. l .... l : : uius vi lain i iiii" in iuc same Kianij as iu, i ine ionner iraci, in wnicn uie jwwow oi the said Wm. P. Rose (Mrs Winnie P. ! OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVESTMENT, Rose) has been endowed. ! - I cr i - n . . mi . r, , . r . ! CTr offTed in the County, there being a , The rent Corn. Shucks, Oats and fodder i Ruccpj!Sjon of . J growing on the aforesaid premises will be j sold separately from the land n the same j BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES day and at the same place. , for a distance of nearlv a mile immediata- TEEMS: On a credit of six months. ; ly on the road to tho depot. Bond with two good Securities will be re-j Tlie tract is quired, and tbe title to the land "withheld j Un,il pl,&t.tor.,,U: I WELL WATERED, Angut 12, 18G0. by both springs and branches, and is altn- gelher one ol the most desirable pieces or entigtry. D it. Dr. Turner will visit Warrenton on Mon day, the 6th of Sept., and may be consulted for a few days -at Dr. Fleming's old room- 1 i. t J. II. COOK. ! 1 pioperty in this vicinitv: f HAS RETURNED T J Tlie healthfulness of this locality ito Warrenton, andrespeetfully offers his ter- j tnown to need any notice here. vices to the public. no-6-L' ' ... r . : e ' . Parties desiring to purchase, will fin' "VTOTICE 1 the terms moderate. j ! ! Th subscriber will take pleasure in A FINE top BUGGY which has never :' farnisllin? y infonnation-ired. I .! r. ,i- i ... V I! T'T lTMMI'l!. t-T-ii r.sni iui Dm-, vi vii-ai. jppir at " w .-..--j t-ti: OA, . ir, It ' TfiTt-1.ll. t ii'O ii w- f