v, . ; . ' . . ! - 1 - . ! ; ' - .. , w ' - . ' .'" ' ' - : rO'i ' - ... '',!':''' ' - ' : ' ' " ' I V ' " ' ' '" '.)!' , ' ; ' " ; ' ; ' ' , ' ' 1 ' . ' i '" . . ' , ' i !'.; ' : "'.''! J ' -'!--' 1 ' ! ''.'."....'."'' . ' - . t i -I t . t - t ... r . r i m ftccounts aifd jeo nt I nmr, ie( inn in inn if? f a s jit-'- s m ' w order,-) d'dwn Tr II ' I i I 4 ) 25JJL TT Services rehclerc las rantv Cd .Freight on Ocrc lit -1 Tal Ovpr-nlnsbnCoi font? I lJI ... . Provisions furnished lor Jail hands mni.tsioner 4 uiidit J ; i .- i Wm Carsenham o I T f i : . John II Bollock ?V!w' - Express Company T J Terrelh Agent Cheek & Capetart - mcba Tnompson Geo 11 Sledge JiiajCollina & Co 13G "i ,131 -it. ' OA ;ai:50 139, .140 . HI 18G3 jiijliipwiiiiiw u Listing Taxables in Township No 5 18G4- ' Superinlcnding Copvicts undergoing Sentence, George W Harper, I . 114,00 - u t t Mni1if.nlRPTV lVos rpnflprP(1 to Pauners urnYshccrfSr J ail hands " " ' L O-)' "Pnr Rimfr!ntrTii1!n "Jt 1 work-" done "on, hnSl u "2" 3 6,00 : ..." TakinirTax Lists In IlawtrecDistrict": ' Lu -Dr. R. S. P. Peete. 12,00 ' rt ( Taking Tax Lists in Hawtree District, '.r- IV leeteW A-'uu i W-tCt'Hi&?myit SmitnC?ecK J. Safcuel I Walker,11 ffaiI?8 djtl 9,00 -- -r s -: . rj ; isr. - QfdcyBo Watted feUy?f i . -......:: - u,' T'.!a1 ,TS1f l?jr fcsa il i Jl SkXJtWpQdson Jailor ;J .716 ;rt5,00 .v. R D Paschall i A S Webb & Co N S Moseley' : Dr G A Foote ' J Ba6olTiurlc7riorrTs -Tif(nr5Iedge ... , .lakioa Coffin for Norvel Lines r llliard Iitchell . jpot Morton examination of K Lines etc I' Dr. GAFoote Vfovk on Jail to Feb 1st rJ Madden '1 crrv Cook . ' 2. 'I&ac pVuill : 4 Dick Williams f i Lumber, for .Calaboose from. J W libit ' E II Plummcr - if K'Z 142 . 144 VH ..! jf '146 us.,: 149 150 .T 151- 152 - -. I I e - - -r '.1 rrirtay, September 2J, 9- WALTER A: MONTGOMERY; lt.tMteran and ?oIiticalfEdjtoff JMfWADDILL, General News.! and Local Editor. a u - - Articles -lurnished. ftef Teiiaerett- ana- : " J 1 9 ,tIPrdfislona &6 JTurr t "a -,! r t Abeoant renderddarit! fifetT it 1 l'tfa Art?rle tfilniisTio7l. trfr I4v3waril lll4id.i JsAtrhsgtoA & Wj4-rrrr li;:',-r 1,00 ,1 - IIewinr and "Sawinsr timber for Jail (Bal) Emperor Plummer Kecoid Book for Commissioners ; ' "t ,i v " V Nichols & Gorman 'Cash on Bacon for Jail hands " '? r " "Jno Donnans & Co sFrefffh!t on same . S'- - -c- T J Twrell I.Expchs'es.'moving prisoner1 from Oxford f f ,' Bacon nn'rhaind'for Jail hand ; utit-'-v t . .1.1 Work on Jail to data.' i t" ' 4""t t ' 'All htUra coiinCcUd iciti the Edit oHal D ar'tment"'must .he directed jo WALTER A. lAONTGOMER T;Box, roh. , : , ; T -.r THE LIVING PRESENT 'Of FICE Corner of Mainmnd Franklin Streets, over ;,-t -dliiiW ' klSl0 Zt j J..4,:i rf.: j. tjrtir4 ixim-&ani ; Oodrf of BoiTd Ward I ,J f - ! . - . ushforifer-f-r hur-rJ i4itVMi&X'Z 1 V V : Making Desk for Beeistera Office-. . ' , ....ljC I ri tm2 t IBSm vHvrn-s rC,t''t ' Work on Jail to date ;; - ..j ?..f. : uirBaipTO .45hr f,rt Wii '4OT' lT.r; ,;"r',:. Cutting timber and Splitting rails - ' : erftnhS-PJrl..lif Ohjston ,25.. l-1;' -rru-UVendercd'asClTc of'CdnVm'rs'1; ' ' I f vht?&b tf t aaV V r .ruDcnntendiaB! Jail building "c 'D' J iiitT v'ifa c M .iBBTjarrMk:Pagef5crosBrio ff?f?X i t ? ,L-i -fOrder -It Bdardf Waimens-cTtMPoftrrf Oct.r, ,i. i Ctmnninfnnll.lV ; Hewing timu(jr ior j an Agent N It Jones Sheriff. N R Jones Ferrv. Cook. - : Isaac Spruill Waddill Dick Williams tf . George Davis :. " G uil ford Job n son r . ' : m Ned Goodruni 'II Bennett- , Parish Ked Twitty . . - Asa Plnmmcr "153 .155. 15G ' "15T , 159 ... ico : . 161 1G2. - 163 . .164-165; :166 . ' . . . ICS 169 Geo Davis 170 7 u Mil -is r...! . r1ra AIM ;i5,o:, 2.1S ' 1.00 23.90 ,9.00 2.75 . . 761.60 . 6.50- ' .7 47 4.00 .320 v.lGUO : a6r.50 1 J- .9.86 ' K i ' ??4. vtV?. Li I .-it.tni-srA'ri, J . HartWpll Will tro i?atu inia iq n1nrol w( imUIVUPt yvmVV ll,liui.n,u v y - l- - 2T.72 T630 10 i i ricrcTu i ZQ ,U 9l j2L25. f V Xs af'fl Wi ; "tt Inhrn ' . , Stcnhen Bobbitt ftisont ?Jeh wtM? li Li! i!:50f fieinstrotton' Book for Decdi i :, .t Bobcrt Bell . ! UO 17Si 11.16 .6.03 35.50 ,18.20 r.04 13.50 ' 88.75 irt350 T til ca - , 10.00 ". .' 12.65 10.5s ; 15.00 ' 10.58 1 11.97 7.98 v;":;:-:i.;5 31.77 - 39.35 100.00 "12U7 :.sc8 18.9 .-174V'-!; ! ri75:f ... .;- ) 176 u- l 4 no 6.00 Thomas A. Montgomery, General Agent . for- "The Living Present.? n . ' do do cio ao s i uo Communicatetl. Editoe OF LIVING' PErSFNT, As atnattcr of inutif interest, to the citizens of 'Warren, and especially so to those ' who unfortunately are upon : the list of Paupers. i j ' k l ' I desire, to say something which may serve as a slight 'alleviation to the condition, ,aud wcH lciog, of the latter class, in-latarn . Poverty and : its attendent and kin 1 ' drcd results on the "minds' and actions of the human famih', is a subject, which 'is not pleasant to discuss,' and especi ally at this momcnr, wiien'sucha vol ume of it rests npon'oztr country "the " South." s j ! ;5 u w The causes which Jed to this unfor . tunate result, I do not at BtlusJLimji 4- -r- - - . - uraer.iromjjoara varaens yi - " " .oisy 1 w rin . rio do . ., ao ao. , ?: - . 1 JoTroVlsiwis ruTnrsnert(y Paupcfgt fcjesseorerwnjonj ii W ' , - .'t ' -V,11, .4f u'A'.! m,V tTKri.V ,W A E My nek v 36 v9P i 1 . ... 4. , i ' Tt--Ef--v;, "n.. ii?U i, do do do ' ' t . TTfrA nnf Paat Wnrtn 'lis a Lydia JMinga.s ,v kli 1Ui,uu i 'VJ ' ' v i h . . . . . ..! ,M V n.. v-. ft- Ommv M nn ; . xl K I .III I I - - t 4 , , t iScrvicesrpuacrccr at ineroor-iiuu uiviu.a!..... .iTA-AX' do fV do- s r; do ' 4 l"'rV MaHnccoffin'&TjuTvrnffMrs Felts; lni?ilyJfflwS Jxjote;. t:0,00 . v .. d do: Ui i JAjnA4. i i-i j.-:rf.j.3 w Ji AlvXr' "do s., do:;.: '.do , Carrying Pollv . Rt . i4, j. h. Provisions fof self to-s - : MraiLucy Iaijiss ,0 ,,4 ,: Hda?'do l" "do ' 'Boardiftg.VTan .' ft -, mithfirk-flofie forbobphotiso? i WJV Ud;kl !f?w fKr'do Ifdo" do-" Suppor ing' ,do .G .X-Harris do ! i do i do , .do K . Expenses' carrying prisoners tolouisburg do . U Jones Cido7s !do ' cto u .Boarding Prisoners andJailFecs ,r i do fU Parish Jailor f h -:nn!ti f Vlo"" Cam-in? W Y Kiiisrto Oxford'Jaii: v , 'do BI'Kicholson V ! f- r "1834 " , ; . . ; . . . . . 9 . .,. Carrvirisr'WA ' 'Waiting on Court 12 days Feb tcr'nVl8G9 do U It Jones--. 4 Making 2 coffins and buryiug S Pa'upersr'dQ.. Albert Burgess r .v WoTdinir ihouest'childofTolly Somcrvillc do"B 12 Cook Coroner1 Toney from town home do T A lonigomery " hands- ? ! J f; - 1 -cTo 'K S Moseley JPauper Harmon Green dcr cd Green i i-r. ZUS v'-r'i U -i?JJ - .JW J1-" I . ;ULI. .. tll V . lUU tVlUltUl Wl noil-uuiraiiia - " -- - ' 1 4 f V rupcfhhdra Jail tffiding cD-PiTr.'u ; r rusBjWrd'V lo " PrVl'fsfons farDisb'ecl Mrs Mary Ticrcy- do 11 X Tutkorr i- tfc v.. 42. 4 iAcconafarenaereaaiKi meu ."m . X' J ''v L, rto , do ao iuuaingj or4' ."I'.r:-,. Provisions frrhi -llfcahricfr P fe.w'ni irajmcriwfj,- r 24 "l 4 I t 'r'ii -... .t t ( '.ttJt. Viji ' .-jpc& ii:t . tt?; irfJ 4i iJohuf tIMcOrav; & .QoIj EscV'catryinV prisoners to Halifax -Wbodon, and, P4 arrish iT,atiiabiirir'JWi?'Jbbn Blummer-;. T Account rendered ana mea m. .vubuvi,! . t-? ! Keeping Giles Hallrwiipet1. six ino'a John ,Ay;Patto.. Account rendered and1! filed W ! ' Nath'l R Jones v f " .ri r-:slo mJl-IW '3;Jobri.I;BnHockJj4 1K1 t'R, ,,j .9,80 . .,,52,; 25.00 53 uu ; . 61.40 'A .. 49; .51 . JjridgS acfoss Shocco Creek do Aningtan K White-1 do Mark V, Duke' jdoj 'db;.'. J-do; j;Kccpin,g (col) Pauper tho year 1803.: uo1J do do ' J?Guard jdutvV - mi-.h ...A..r. '. do . Provisions.furnished for Pauper ' .do do- Mark -A Bennett , . do V II Bobbitt A - tr 4 Provisions furnlshed for "panpemwfi tit vGeo W M Guarding prisoner sito Oxfdrd: jfl $$4 I E;Parnsh; i " 'liallanceyuedn settlemdnWf1867.taxcs It Jonc - " i f 1 1 M tfyU 55 in in s Sh'ff . n XT' i. ' " 1 k v ii nniiis w ...... r r ri r . w.wi.Mwn. nvir n ion .-e - . . . . m. tj .u. u & i ... ..... . .V ft i !li.t .:ia 4 JtLLm Burrow: &i Williams T . 59 j ; ; ir.i:fxui4.iii;!M;J o ti-sfrhos? A Monteomenr-, . . 60, .... ..., .. .. JX)ssi4n niwkins ........ , 61w 4 lt Jo. t umns," to let the community know, something of lh$ programme, laid but by the- County authorities in re-estab lishing the County "Poor House" up-1 on a new and permanant basis, and upon a system j which-It is hoped, will combine comfort and economy - The committee appointed, for that , ' purpose by, the Board.,".of. Wardens, have purchased a suitable site, well lo- , catcd, about four miles east of Warrcn tonj on 1 which the improvements', are new. ATidrcoinlartaU. and they .have - also, let tho building of certain - other ' appropriate Houscsq as lb have a snfliciency of room for all the Paupers, on or oeiorc tne 1st of January, l 87o." This I can safely' presume, will be1 promptly and faithfully carried through as the Committee to whom It is entrust- cJ, will act promptly , and .faithfully. . The Superintendent, Thos B Fleming, "etected by the Board of , Warden s, wHl take possession of this County institu 5 , tIonr on 1st January, l87o, and. is character as a sober, discreet anif En ergetic Gentleman, is a sure guarantee ' that the interest of the County fvill not Buffer in bis hinds, and under his ! nianagement and controlc, it is believ- Jf . cd that the cost of supporting this vm- - lortunate clas3 of our people,' will fall JCI7.far short f what is' riow expend ed, under the ; present rme.i i3 hopod and believed Jhatj the new insti tution,, will be in full . operation before : or by the timo indicated above.'. It is' in contemplation by the y same . Committee, and "with a good prospect ' Ct success," that a sale will be made , of the Lands and premises of the for mer Poor House, which was abolished by order I of Warren' County Court, f some two years since, at puch a price as yill .justify a lileral outlay onlthe ; comforts and conVeuiance tf Ibb new ' ' 'Poor Hbuse under preparation ;i'fMany are the advantages in" favor- of this new, over the ol sitcl TimteY plen- tifalCfewood poiitenient, new build : ings, i good ' wfitcr, healthy 1 location convenient" toj miilsgbcHfA'barnes, fence?, and frch Jand for those who are able to do so, to employ their time : in cultivating,, .these are a fcvtof the advantage'!,;not mfcrc iban5 one-br two of which opplrto ihe old iiteUiat is?, good water and -healthy location. j More .A soar by One wno Knows. ! 14 fjjj? yRnarding 1 MsctforTJ? . 3 :t, 1' ' ,f do do do do: 7Wll.-Mim JTETl ISUS ;M ' ' 'Registering 526 votes intTo waship 0140,18681 1 JThos- K Montgomery . 1 ' 'SVm Jail fees of'Afilly &; Henrv. BuUouk fcol'di .V' J & jories iaifoi. of nranvi ;56 u .y t.. ,5.40 57 .... 32,73 bs: 10 00 2910 55,25 0,00 64 26 53 65 .43.82 do , do ," do -' do' Keeping Mary Mawn, Pauper, bmo's '69 do .Mrs a is. Mzcmore ,,i2do i,yit?So- 1 dq; :' do'A,' Paupbrs first Quarter 1869 dot Jack Stearin fdo fo 'do51" J db 'V'do i 2 ---do -do -i- do J 11 Shearm i3h . do do Provisions and articles lor Jan hand3 00 Arringxan .v wmu )f-rilly A; Henfy. Bullock, (col'dU J' d'Jdrle's iaitorVof Granville '66H i:i ' 'tetart .Wort brf l ail t . '? - i ' . , rn'rlAn ' -'-J i''Jtr ; i on Ai do do fto dor n ao f a .flo, " do do--,- do do do t do do do do ' !" do . do do do do dol ,-do do do fcdo do do do ufti .f.t.M.. do,. do r do . do . lap . t tio vda 7 dd do -do" do 'do "ed6-- do.,- 3 v- f 3 J W tfiif -j -JjMadderi ti iftS.flfti Robt yipcs . ?.J A dof . f f . wis do do... Dec.1- doJ do t'do do do do A do do, do do dO do do do do do 8 do do do do do do do do I do "do ,ri do . 67 ; ' 20JOO '68- 128.00 q: : .j : fw ftn HBHgvr&i si. m nxnpr Hhams' , , : 70;.""' . 6.69 - - . " ,1 1--ii ' i t., ' ' U . i ;'3 i.i 'AT iii i - i.-'- w . tm ..ATUiur jip jo. ' ' TI 70,00 do.-.,, f;m J nr, idbIsaaASprutfl r' .-'t3aw7 vu ,'12,00 dpT - erry Co6k:w 74''ai 15,00 5 40 ,04 ,76 18,06 .49 ,64 u- 21,56 X'20.86 ftdgi 44 t 7 4.87 fii J i y 5 13 8 go . do Kcgjstenngli2 votes in TownslifiApaiSCaidoJob'nHW1 Kiggaus 76 12 diWdo do 268 i o49 met MM& $9iM WCitn -V' 'nXLL"Jl-;18 ao. j do,-: 2DS- o.dtt-.dp jWof! dodo T.Egtffoh:w 8' -JVi uo , u ao-'w 5SUT GOjdo ffdg.f.NpOj X.-iicssell' -79-m.,5-"M 14 .,do iilo ? nulftw 432 ? do dtk .. do' 'J&aJL'. 'dd. ZdaZJcSCn W Vilti Hv- t-fefiyu it- i-t 308 do .flok ij.do to.sd ,-do.T lAJoncs 8'i do flo?5do,'jNf.Q:-aJlPa iT'v'j3i ; utt CQNiy 4i04-i--NQv ao ao 6a..jitel Work n jail -3 i 1 ?f esley Jen do "T do do dtnlor .m '-do i Frank Ifail do do do fdb' do ,do do" do . do.. do d6J jdd Jdo cf :wfi?M?U do vdoJdot h-Ai A .4f?4Q, IJickfifsSrS jrtririof?no dn 1 '"'do-' do do do do . do do , do. do a, do a-f do 'do do da- do do do sins 1 d6 drry,C0OEf'Wpl do Isaac Spruilll 82 '-'v V'JiiJ ; J-5,77 1134 i j.87' do Arthur Fildriu x-xiii a iii xSQidt 'a&iii a, a 23 3ti4jftj' i " J do W (!arsanbftra i 91: innll ? ; f 2(1 Jail lees and boarding Dnson' YaorJffvUjWbodsdii jailor a to 'v 92, r'lrw 30,90 Board whfld attendingM PrjcQ ivjt aii I Ul,00 1 Tin .( 1 m . rttii tmn ' " r- m w , UUUI UlUli, Jd6. , flo icb'drTbonipspn ff 95 t ,: 4 50 :d0- -v- tx. doKitchen; Harper r ?w a 9q.iu il'uO doneon bndget, ,dqp3bb Taylor .ia, fe;t -98 ; Uut Tr.Tl. do do v ork done on do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do do do .,do )do; 1869; f Jan'yx ' do do do ! Wiaitingoncouftl2'dayAug.rTtt,69'6 uo ' - . uo tSunennLehdiiicr lad buifdini? do l:raTTish ' ,.100 . .. Ko on 'do. , do ' ' j; ' 4 ;do IrWnMW do doliW - V-10V 01 14 6000 - " . - - ' w cm nnr ' n on do - .x,,i. I2i pounds steer,: Z' TT rid Bern B Cook! - 195 " 4",37i do Smith Warkn'drilll'&cnf doJptjiMsCC4. .;:0? "106 19,78 do Provisiobslrtirnisned G-lf narpIibParker) fWatson1; o,.t J07-4i -10ia '55 do Timber ariaBauling same for brMge a4ILfeviSteri . ; fib8 f,10i;,Q B 64 do. an7 provis'ns furnished ban's wojk OA bridge qp E,ClieekA f;u , t ' u S2,5p domauling timber &d. - fi 'f,, - dopn Sbuthcrland 1 i J llo' 115o do do " i-do do r do r ' , do ' do ' ' 1 4 do' ,r , do , do do. ? ., do buardfUuty , ,1rt do .. do Art do ; do do do 'do do do do do' do' do 1.1:., .iJ.,;.: do do do do do -.: do W II Shcarirr5 ' W B -Sherwood Isaac Green T n : 'I f, rj 184 r 185:.. "" 186' !' 187 ' 1881 189 W .191 192 193 194' 195 196 197 198 199 .200 201 ' 202 ;i : 2t)3- 204 f205-, do'i",-' do do; yilolding inquestover Ferry Johnson olEoCook Cyroncr J do do ' An J,IIV. flOinsonere to Louisbuv?Ja"il do J M Prim do do . iGuardjduty ; . s do' Eaton Bobiuson . tdo . do s , Waiting on Court 7 days Feb term 'C9 do J.M Price ; " do . do Work oif Jail to April 1st! 8C9' - do Ferrr Cock -di...'--- -..M-i&o do do do!do do'; - ' do Isaac Spruill ido,,' do do ."'.do do d(f do do do - ; do .Dlck.W illinnVs ' -1 do. ' '..do ; do . do ydo do do 'do 'do do: Geor?e Davw Aq:1 do . 4o; 'doftdo ,do do -do' do 'do ; Guilford ;IoIwison ".i Ar si ar u i ' . vvv.w" " ouri,. uo virs jjouisa uaniei Clo, yftQ. ;r..,Uo ?. .crvKjcs as Covnty Commissioner ctc..;do-.T A:Montgomerv 7A?. 1" ;Vdw(,".do..;- Xdo ' do v'-u 1 -do- John II Bullock do do do do do - do do " do John-WJltodirers do do , do ;do 'do fcido do , do "do do .r. . f di j 4 uo j dofc May dor Jq: (jido do I ". : do An o O ; 1 do. , do !-do Mo" ,do -.-1 1 t do. . - da ; do ,uw. , . uw . ! . uu uu io ioun- ,!i; outers , .'.do..,. ;,. do do: . .do ; ! c do Jchn'J Bodwell I do .; da, , ; do - i ' 'dot n. u do .Alex -L.Strcd Keeping' Mrs falker, Pauper 2 mo's : do WmCarroll .Making coffin, Wm Salmon,;Paupcr .'do John Hicks i 1 1 i . 203 20 . ..- . 210. " ' ' "211 . - 212 t 213 ' 214 ' 215 .. 216 ; . 217 5 -218 .219 22 1 V 222 .Guard duty uo uo i ! do; Geo W Harder do . V A.J Nicholson 'I r- r 1 :do . 10,948 feet timber for Jail ' : 4?i . tin .do, doJ: Vprl on Jail to 1st MayrlS69 do :Fcrry Cook H dq 1 do, t do ..'.?N.r.dot do do do do - do ,1 do 1 ::do -Isaac Spruill uo , ... uuaiuing couvjcts one monin i (io;.lHcu . n illiams Work on Jail to May'ltet1869 ; - - dd XJccrgo Davis r' " do ilolo 'do do'l dqi do . 53 f do! Guilford Johnson , Smith work done on. account of ! Jail -; ,lIo Jno Collins i Co do' 0 ' do do,.do do 5 dot do do Allen Talkcncr. Blank Books furnished .Smr.Q'rt Clerk .: do" Secretary- of state -845 Ibslrdn Hods for Court IIousc. , . r ; do Commissioners of Granville Co. .-.--3G ..-.v. v.w. . .., . , uu vjuiiiom jonnsou llaulmsaor Jail, , . . ' do TE H'i son .a 5 do do j,. do do dQJ" .do do do do do do do do' 'do t.ao info do do do . -do-"' do , do CJ do 'do wbedoaedo ,i do u . "Hljj do,j! do , vt ''4 acres of wood-land for" Jail V 31-rY -rdo . t-i Supporting" Eliza J Evans a Pauper ' do 'do' - do ' dor Mrs Mary F Evans J-' r v ... U4,o?yrlt Vd; :vli2-rd.55?ds of j;rdcn8 1? ; I- do' Mrs Nancy Allen ao(jir,do, . do Freight on Limo-and Steel for JaiL ; do TvJ Jcrrell Agent "do""" do'"' "do .'Lis'tingind assessing Taxables 10 dayg'(;j, do II B Hunter do do do ' do. j do -.doV do 1 do do do TJ do do .. .do.do . . ... do . John Wntsnn " "'do ' Guard duty ., ,. .r m . . '.? do' C 11 Cewrllin Jr do nh do Listing, assessing JTaxablcs 5 d'ys To wns'p No 9 do Ifenry Harris do - do, . 'do . tdo; ,j do , 7 do ,.do. , do dodo-J W Ptisan do; do, dor. dd 8 do "do do 4 ? do' J II Mavtietd - ..do. do . .do" 7 do- io I -ido"4'do ' J T Ilussell, v do v " do do'i 7'do t :do or do" 4 do rJ IKalker ' do do'.' '1 do 10 do ..dot? 1 ,-do JO dot Jno Ti Potrpll ao ... . do do ' do o dq; do; do, 1 do" Btni P Davis :i 80 TrT7, 35.00 u6.00 I 89.40 144.70 14.50 a 3.00 '10.00 - 10.00 2,00 - 55.00 ' 5.V0 54.00 38.0d 10.25 40.75 " 34.00 5.00 . 3.00 37.50 2125 31.25 - 93.38 17.72 . 33.00 .31.00 : 2.0)t in.00 lO.f.o 11.00 1100 10.-1 15.57 12.46 14.85 14.57 10.26 2fUi:i . f18.2) 31.50 ;2!.7i) 29.40 25.2 223 10.00 224 i .... : 5.00 H.OO 14.00 38.31 . 14.54 10.12 15.00 . , 5.71 . 8.7' - 49.4(1 74.25 J 33.1 5 25.35 13.00 . ? 1 ' '-3J7 100.00 ; , . 10.00 '" 10.00 i-isRX 226 227 4 228 229 230 r 231' . .J32 233 ,234 peA 238 do ?do do ido 'do -, do ;do ao. 239: 240. 241 242 ' ,243 1 : ': ?244 245 ? i?24G i 247 243 . - - -. 249 H do do. do .n;-Worl repairing tools forkilJjimds:Jdo?.?n"511iniJ&:Odsh nid -di t-.doT !do rfac dddb doo ;doJio'.!5-,,fii 'f do! - .do: bod furnisli Ccmrodm WHif Bummefxi, :4 do f do :a ut .Carrying pridnefs tp 'Loulsburg H& Rattl&8 aa f;'Vf 1 15J , 12 ?do Hauling foitdiT bnadSjf dWforYvoOiiaJ yci tllfti uo, I,0-0 , u0 do do I do Ife- do j it Services as countr-Con "V .UU ! UU UU UU do s do do dottle? amrc-ner-'-dortThos AjMootgonieryv'iiiob oll8--"Jp.;iJ3,64, Bda ja-TPS fcei tobo&to & m . o3 i2ani io - do n do " " do do C!'l CanrsoHnTjettt Ilfl,; Wat-v .tlw-iii d I24y7ff ..'.. do'i ' do t Hold ing'mqof Bobf ITnV"1 dbH-tfoWotiariiai'l vfs; 1 f123 v;Jli l0j9o ' do ii-'do":. Repairini loclts omns jaftoarftnaj i irftiN,Ie.124t t.rifoi i;2d 4i; do ijo.PubUshing notice registioKandlectiorf fcs coti tTl25..il -s 4;bo Wdo dov,j ' V'l'Cciaen't Durcbased.for iaU,boUdinz,ilow:Cbi!ftk-.&iCaDe aart 1 v .1126'-! ifil.yvr :' dOl it , f" .- do .f 4 IFdrkron jaUs )(ho ;rt.do-Tpm: Greejy Vhi ?Iao bi-r edi 71 3,86 41-. Mi'f-ti,?rr' r?v4it,- lfnla riAdi- Iit.'1 nuiii-iija'biuffv' I .': do r1 B6afdfbff fail hands. .-. r5...! tJo 7NYK XfoseW 4 i.n r' l.'128-f '4fi:o 4 4 r1 r ' Ll B6afdfnirIaU hands. do7J;S !afoselev -r i .O'i i do " .Sppenntendrng jabwiding. mu AoJD, araslfclo forking on Jad,tg Ha .uaid m laSiqfeHSSl 25 1121 tH.i : Ua 168.59 ll4iii. uiv :i 6,o iii eU-8kX)t -''150,75' -78,00 lo? 79,80 -75;2o 4 '4 3 a- xcssia 1129 'jdl 00,00; il do: I do , srdo, ;d rv 4o; ...,. C;do';V. , .'doJ " : do' tfi tdo ..fJ 1-y.do ti Is. iJunel; do; do do , do do ! d0V. "dd'i'do" " -.f d0 . . 5do -'do do 1 do ' Jiuckner F&tnn- w -' do -r . 6doi , fdor.T do 2 do J M Palnicr' J do! '.'do do. :i dd i dou do e-ndOl i dO : do O UU do-,;, , do do " do 2 do J"J Rodw-elf: do, . 6 do . do do 8 do TfJ Pitchford .do1' 5! da4 Id6if-orddMarkX3-Dnke : " ' do 8 do dos y dor 5 do Wm W White " do 8 do do J " do 5 do - Ben 1 "Kf fVillimi ; r22 pounds Steel etc for Jail building v f. do Pltinifcer Tom & f doi ;; ". do 'Listing, assessing Taxablesjn Township JNo: 7 ;do .Thos, h Jones dov'-do1' -Guard doty S3i; fj n; r . do. Dick, WiViams uv do do Aa . . J. .1 J do' "-"do' :dd::;iJ J- H i. uu r-'.'-do Guard doty i Jj .fj r . v do. Dick, WiViams i'- ; do f Listing, assessing Taxables 6 dy's.Toiyn No3da T D 'Ec'djsveTr- -iV.do -n:Tdo.:a .do.hr.y ! do""" ' 7 do' t do -do doW It Coleman ! i :dou.'dojU.4 .d9 u'.n ' . - 6 'do" 'do' - do 3 do 'Z M P CohV- ;-v.3b do . ifArrcstmg and Guarding L M Dartnet. '""-' do B 31 p, do ij f aPf f . .Boarding jail i hands j i: d iT S lv do"""' .a6;-lTdo., r ' do ' ' do4PrisorerSi.I cs-A - vrl do-do-rid 1 uu uu uu iMcnoison IKats6n Broivnlow ' IToldmg inodest of er Minsa Stewart -, -,; X 'dq; ' 4 a Ji ; do Listhigj assessingTaxables 5 dy's Towna'p No 2 do Samuel Bobbitt do Jl0-'' -rdriq.t Jprovisions fnrtiished for Prisoners,etc .'. do . J C McCrawf L Co Uuly a'''5- m mo 500 pounds Bacon for Prisoners , r . .do . John JDonnans & Co . do 9 uo!f?iq a v ., revisions iurnjsnea i urooKP, 1 auncr uo Kodwfcll rnliiman j r do .dov aPaupcr L n -do1 Jn' doi c do . do do do do, Itichafd Madden Rodwcll t Colen i do -" do PronSerY?;sttitDPrumvs WarrefcCountydo tW'A Jenkins Attn j tU i! .; ' i .1 j - r . rt . i . I'. r ti . , r . ; do do V' do Listing; assessing Taxables 4 dy's TwnsVNo.5do- Jno-II Tbrniw " ''do ' dow' do Repairing Bridge, OTe? Hub Quarter! Creek 'do.Wm Ffn fir.'"1 20.00 1CJ50 . 10.(0 - 14.00 -lG.OO . -14.00 14.00 20.00 ' 10UX) ' KX00 12.00 - .'" 12.t -0 , 12jk) ; 11.00 . w 1C.00 - ' 16.00 IJ.OO iaoo 12UX) ;14.00 1 12.00 " 4 00 , 14.00 ,1034)0 .u . 7.12 10X) - - 50.0 4 88.50 275 (t .1lE2Mtii ?38o- ' ; .'252 ' -V i 253 """ ' ; 54 -; ' , 255 , -. , :.v' 256." ' ., 257 ; ",:258 " s59 . - - . ,2C0 2C1 ' -1,252': 'l ' -: ' 263 :; ,r, 264 : - 263 J : ' ' : ' ; 260" ', ,2G7;' ; , , 268 4 -, : 2co ; . :W:ii. 270 271 . '. 273 do Srvices rendered as. County Commissioner do ' Jonn'.T Rnr1irn i,.., .." ' " 1 100.00 4- u 4 .do -ik tnu4' iVi 4 4ir"'iV.S0 "5 'A: Montgomery. 25.2o r . v . .t cS 191 . w wi -m iWoayAOMy?' i aoioqtj Slv t-V4a "u, rt"y, uur Li ao-1A Bennett -". . ,; -'28 toTc .rnfutj .u.Jl1 : - v t . KerrY llOK- .lih t?UtA tiai .irinrfl.f(K.7 III cUO UO . .aot' ,QO.n OO . OQ .. rln A-f.Kfnr f .; "J-,i d d d d d d' ! n w 1. Y ; j . .... ' !''..- ' . - . V,. - -- -.)'.. 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