RATES OF SUBSCRIPT 10 N . TB Litijto PuiMf it published every Friday, on the following terras : One copy, 1 7f r . ' - 6 months, (t 3 ' -' CLOi RATES. 3 on 1 60 1 00 12 00 1800 20 00 to one address, 1lk""il id Those wlxo want the paper and can notspare the money, en Pjfo it in coaa ry produce at market prices. j , jarTmu wTaaiABLT u advasc. ej ; 4 . ' .,: o: ' i . . . (jaB AGENTS .wanted In every County the State to ettep-d the circulation of the Thk Litis Pbmext. I ' conn . RAltnOADS. SEABOAED RAILROAD. 1 Owes S. &. RaiLBoas Cor J Portsmouth, V., Feb. 29th, 1868, t:f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON and after Monday, March 2nd,! trains will leaTe Weldon daily, (Sundays ex cepted,) as folUW: ; :l Aoconimoda'n ahdLFrelght Train at 8 a. m. Malt Train at 3 P, , AxaiTfl'lT Portsmouth; f.'V;. iccomm'n and Freight Trajn at 11,15 a. tn. Mait Train at ,;f i 6 15 p.m. Mail Train connects at Weldon with the raina of the WrAongton and "Weldon, Ral eigh and Gaston and Petersburg railroads; at Portsmouth with the Bay Line Steamers for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New, York, and on Tuesdays-Thursdays and, j Satur days at Franklin with Steamers from Eden ton, Plymouth 'anl landings on the Black water and ChoWain Rirers. - Apr-24-to EJ G. GHIU, Supt. Trans, u CHANG E 0F SCHEDULE. ( - -Q ALiJIGH & Q ASTON RAILROAD CO. ) lb 'r ' Scp'ERfyTESDBXT's Okfice RaleighN3C., July 1st,, 1869. ) On and after October 15th .! 1867, Trains will run on theiHaleigh & Gas-; jra.3- L. M. tonMlauroad as follows : Mail Train leaves Raleich 6 50 A Arrive at Weldon 2 (H) P. M. Mail Train leaYes" Weldon .10, 10 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh...... ............ 4, 45 P. M. Freight Train ..leaves Raleigh... 8 30 P. M. ' " arrives at Raleigh.. 12 00 P.M. r The Mail Trains make tusocgu conneo i tiona with all poiats North. I A. B. ANDREWS, 1 Sunt, of Trans '7 : -No. 28-tf.i ; OSS PETERni;ui nil lroad, PBTERSBURG VA. -tf. .GEEAT THE0UQH ROUTE THE rETEKSBURG RAILItOAD , c. ' -n . HAS BEEN - 4 Completed to the Steamrcs Vharf OS THE AFPOMATOX RIVEE, ... Thereby avoiding all i Drayage THROUGH THE CITY :0 - "' A Iili PREIG lit S I , CONSIGNED Care Agent Petersburg Railroad, ; . I. ' ' - I'urg Va.,- . Peters- 't WILL BE Fora'arded Free of Extra C TO DESTlsaTlOJf, K" o r t li o r S o u :0:- " ' large ill! PASSENaEIt TRAINS LEAVE Petersburg at 6,00 am, and 420 p in Arrive at Ureldoit at 9,30 a m and 7,30 p m Leave TFeldou at 6,00 a m, and 3,00 p m Arrive in Petersbug 9,10 a m,aud,6,20p in Ko Change of Passenger Cars between W e don and A o q u i a C i e e k, ' ' ' . OB BETWEEN ";. , 1 , t WAt UINGTON AND NEW, YORK 11. B. PIGRAM, Gen'l Supt., Petersburg Virginia. 1 "' 1 1 1 1 ' - - . f schools. I 6 Mrs Jones & Mrs Twitty's SEMINARY -i OR YOUNG LADIES' 1 WAItnOTON N. C. THE fall Session of this Sshool will com mence on Monday, July 26, 1869. Competent Teachers will be employed, and erery branch of female education thoroughly taught Payment for half the Session required : daring the first week, and for the latter half of the session, the last week. . f UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA- milE Fall Session of this Institution will JL commence on the 18th day of August nroz., and eontinue twenty, weeks. ' Pre paratory and Normal Departments, and a General Course of University Lectures will be opened. Entire expense, including fcoard, 885 to flOO. All the benefits of the Institution are offered, free of charge, to a limited number of residents in the State. Apply to the President. 1 ! ( SOLOMON POOL," Chapel Hill, July 9th, .1869. L 6.. TAYLOR riARTIX & CO. it '..' tv ' ' . IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN IIAEDWAKE, CUTLERY, ; : moy'i steel, belting 1 & PACKING, WAGON, MATERIAL, tC. - r'cin'-Boat Rail Road and Mill ' 1 t SUPPLIES. ' ' tie Corn :r Ma.n St andr ua . J, MORFOLK Ai x,.-l-3in. V " ' M j t I - I a m M 4 -a: iL.iiiL.iLLj. il- v ; ji l n j j .iaUtMaiJaicioo . iJ : DEVOTED: TO . T,1 V" 7. "l ' Carnum's Brick Mail. ' .'As an' illustration of Barnumrs ba'bit of m'akihg everVthrrlg tell-' to his; &c coontf T3ariium relates th6 following unecdoter as arr iltnstfation One rnorning a stout,' hearty 4ook-' Im mtW ao ma infn vyt f Atrtt in AL the.Mbseum and begged some money. ' lAiK juau vaiiiv iihu uii viv&l v 111 to m l ' i asKca mm wiry ne aia noi worK ana earn his living? He replied- that "be could ' gc nothing to do, and that he bresikfarsV and -retuni, aud I woifld tmplov Mm at light labor at a dolfar and a half a day. ' When he returned r I gave him five common bricks "Kow' said I lgd and "lay a brick on the sidewalk at the corner of Broad way and -A6n street; another clbs&fey theJMuseum ; a third diagonally across the way at the corner of- -Bfdad w'ay od Tesey street, by the Astor house put the fourth on the sidewalk fnTrbrit of St. Paul's church,' opposite; then, with the fifth brick in hand, take up a rapid 'march1 from one point tothe other,1 making the circuity exchanging yoor bqek" at every point4 1 arid' say nothing to any one'.'' lt--liiJ uWhat is ; the object of thisf'-lnJ quired the man; i ' 1 - ' ; ' h: i Is "No matter," I replied j 'all yon need to know is that it brings you fif teen cents"' wages per hour. It is a bit'of my fun ;,and to assist me prop erly -you must seen to be as deaf as a post ; pay no attention td any one, but attend faithfully to the" Work ; and at the end of every hour by Sf. Paul's clock show1 this ticket a$ the Museum doorentcr, walking solemnly through every hall in the building pass out and resume your 'work.'? 1 " " W-illi-the -remark" tbat it : Was all i afterwards 'at least five hundred peo ple: were watching his mysterious movements, lie had assumed a iuili- larystepl aii& bearing, and, looking as sober hi a judged be' friadfi tio rCponse whatever to the constant5 inquiries as to the object of hii'Kingular1 ponauet: At the end of the first hour the side walks in the vicinity were packed with people, nil anxious to solve the mys tery. The man, as directed, then went into the Museum, devoting fifteen min utes to a solemn survey lot the nails, and afterwards returning to his round. This was repeated every hour till sun down, and whenever the man went into the Museum a dozen or more per sons.would buv tickets and follow him, hoping to gratify their curiosity in re gard to the purpose of his movements This was continued for several days the curious people who followed -the man '' into the Museum considerably more than lvavinir his wacrcs till fi nally' the poliqeuian to whom had imparted my object-complained that the ;obstruction of the sidewalks by crowds had become so serious that I must call ia mv bVick man." This trivial incident Excited considerable alk and amusement ; it advertised me, and it materially advanced my pur pose of making , a lively, corner, '.near the Museum." Terriole Terrible A Man At tempts to Ii.il! Himself and Snoots his Daughter . , , . - ' - -k Ave learn irom a gentleman k from Orange county that a terrible tragedy was enacted near Rapidan Station, in that county, on Friday last, the par-J ticulars of which, as far, as ,wo; could learn ' them, 'were as follows: Mr. Wm. Walker, a farmer residing near: Rapidan, determined on putting an erid to his life while in a temporary fit of insanity-, and with this purpose provided himself with a pistol, arid went to an upper room in his dwelling. His daughter, a young lady just grown up,' observed hia moments, and, sus pecting his intention, followed Mnuto the room, the door of which was un locked, entering tho room just as her father was cocking the pistol. Scream ing out at' the top of her voice, in or der to alarm the other inmates of the house and secure their assistance, she threw herself upon her father, and seizing -the weapon, endeavored , to wrench it from his grasp. In the struggle that ensued the weapmr was accidentally n red, and the ball, pass- incr thtoujrh the hand of Miss Walker, entered ,ber left breast,- inflicting' fi mortal wound. The unfortunate lady w'asrnot clead SaterdaV morning, but her recovery was deemed to ' be , im possible. : ,.f ,, . . . , ; i The sight of his daughter; lying weltering in her blood,' recalled: the father to his senses," and ha made no other attempt at self-destruction, but with themot agonizing cnes threw ; hlhisef urjori her bleeding forVn apd ucsuusut iilZL iu live. XIX illia m and his dyin ter were found liy other inemc besought her to live. In thlscondi- dausrh- iembers6 the family, who, alarmed by therepoit would be glad of any job at a dollar a aay. - nanaea mm a quarter oia dollari'tdld him to eo and get -his V " t " one to him. s loner as he could earn pj J his living,"5 the inan placed his brick i Mm i a nil r r o n nA rru n n ; h g i : fi n v na u r LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE MQRAUTY; ' POLITICS 'AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. rmERENTONi f the pistol', hastened to ascertain'its :ause. ' 1 - .' i Physicians ivrero promptly"Isumm6n- ecf tothfei?rTaiuded girl's assistance, 1 and evBrythiog possible was dona 16 telievii her sufferings, but as be fore said,' it is belieVed her life tannot be isaved.lv-acBburg'iVeios 20th . U - k I From the SanFf ancisto Bulletin, Sept.513. : Sir 4cn Frantlin. . . . . ' t i li i ttiwttir i v itECORtFQUND ON TH BEACH AH i tz j "' -"' We bavQ received the , following communication by express from a par ty (iflfaan Buenaventura, wno signs WS Jameap(;is vouched for by k.tc- snftrtAh?H firm jn this pitv a n Ki-m.t st,nrHaolefman. The cpmmunca- tion jeads as rollow : , sr-KEWfiF oifjR JOHN FRAJJKLITgin A T -Foond on the beach at San Buena-s tentursqn tEe 30th of August last, a" docnm'erit mesuring thirteen by ten! inches, mach mutilated. requestingTihe i hndet! to forward tt,4o theli Secretary ! of theArlnjiralty atliondori, or to the iritish 'Consul at the nearest ptfjnt.j Thi rcq'trest is printed in six commer- yacaritpor0" f itlasbeen filled up; witb?TVTifogt relating tcclSir John' Franklin and his patty, and was 'evi dently cast to the t waves in latitude. 69 degrees, 37m. arid 423.,rand long., 98 degrees :4m. and 5s. tit gives an; account of i thte desertion of the ships j Erebus and Terror !. At the same time of the desertion tBe party 1, numbered one hundredlind five, soulsvunderJ.be command of: F.x RM. Crozier and: succeeded iril getting as far south, as, the .latitude ,4nd longitude "mentioped above. I Here thevi found relics of the ate Sir John llosgj The document states that JobrftFranklin and par-; ty winterea at ueecnv island inay4S in!j latitude 74 edegree 43m;and 28s.vi-anaV Jongituoss 91 degrees c3im and 15s.bavinr descended Welhnfr- tonrGhanael to laatudef.77 deffrcesjfbreakinjr tho doors and bendin?' the andreu'rried!2y theM est syle of ipru-1 wall is Island. It Also states tbat.Sirj IuhntrraKttu" UW1 uu tno inn- of June, 1 847i 1 1 contains accounts of manv interesting incidents, connected with i the: expedition, which will, be made known jiereafter. -. The docu ment was found .by James Daly, of the firm of Daly Rodgers, lumbei 1 l..i i San T3ueavexttjra, Sept. 8, 1869J may have been found - on the beach at San Buenavi ventura in a bottle or Other- '. t , . . Sir . ... question relates to its autncnucity ana value en bv.our correspondentthey tell uS nbthlnWfiat what MSClinloek's v6yW ljtC-l tit J McClintock's v6yagi discoycred as long- ago as'lSSO, irt re lation to: the jibaudohmerit ;bf the Ere! bus smdTcrror, except that the rCc6rd3 foiind b McCliritock put the date of the abandbhilieiit In April , lSlS'and did not laV'Sir John haafdied. The person who found'the document, if be ueiieyes it is not a noax, win to, the-British Consul in this ci tTvvMnbnt tK0 a ' ctatoi ment for whkt it i4 worth. Possibly some ingenious waff has taken a hint from Hugo's L'H&mme ''qui. uu. me i uaan !tVtra cQ , cUU crew, r , h ff Horrible Death. ? '5 1 v-a tea t 1 iii.-. One of the most beart-rending cases of hydrophobia that ha3 yet occurred in our citv of late-was reportedbyes- terdayy GgianJ McCredy, girif Anrr offliotpri with fnhlPQ nn t.hfi 12t.h nf Jnlv last. Two or three davs aTO the svmntoma of this t horrible distemrjert began " to snowmemseives in.tjtneir mnsk unnallinf?- forms, and the, erirl was immediatelrersubieet; to terrible -rr---a - - p. convulsions and spasms. From their rnmmpri?'ernent.ieach successive con i ! r,Y.t.t"L tkln Un predecessorluntirle poof child Svas lingering in agonies, the most awfurof wnJcntiuo niinu cQ cuuceivt;. ; xxcr screams i were heart-rending, and the parents ralriidst distracted with, this' horrible -Citation upon their trchild.j Last night these ' horrors culminated fast, lntil the tortures had becotneso frightful Hhat the parents, acting, as i nk nain nnnn t ha anvia nt nmpra administered poison to their daughter to put an endfrt? her sufferings, from which she was soon released a'Aer the drag kwas administereddeath occur1- Tifig- at half-past ten o'clock. The fol lowing are some fartherartienfars i inn. iii a v nil ii iiiiiiiiiii.iiiTiiii'iivrriva . i ' -v f . totTntifAinr, rtrfni 1 bhout, which caused the tiger to look Rawlins i-velit.fftn:wnt.vrvSravifVftr it had PPard, giving; Mr. King an opportu-f timehe xne aiiacK upon mo cnua oy uw uug,ing, svanuiug guaru over tuc uutum .... i i a Ai fe-n- :i j vr i, j.L!tj; auJ j wruien prior io ine cuimiuauou i horrors if'i have mentiotfed: eMrs. Miry McCredy, living "atJ'd.Q He would allow io one to interfere 4o 016 East Dauphin treet,!aprieared ati gave anvthibH A considerable the Mayor's oCBce yesterday morning,? amount of moneyl was burned. 3ff- C., tRIDA :OOTOBEIi;if!1869, ' " lJ J - : - . . . ana made affidavit that oil the 12th of jJulrT last her daughterl, peorgiana aget twelve years, was bitten by adeg. belonging to Charles Helmuth ; that Helmuth knew, the canine was affected with hydrophobia, and that he took . no' means to lull it; and, further,' that herihild was, lying very; ill from the ejects of thelblte. On theWrepresen-. tatipris a warrant was issued and Hel mat was arrested. At three o'clock lnftbe .afternoon he was arraigned be lfdjpiWerman Kerr for a hearing,' but ui'tbja absence.pf the proapocutrix, the cftsewent ovex for a further5 hearing' ld-"d!ay. BefoVe the case had beeritlisi' posed of, the fetderman received a tele gram to the ect that Georgian Mc-j llreay' was dypg. He refused to take atjand the prisoner was committed!. .Counsel for th4; defendant objected to thatiourse, alleging that the alderroiri m Jio right to refuse bail ; tBit'pet tttfth had notw tten the child,Tirid wa's therefore notfrjesponsible. The ihag tstrate thoughj; Jio bad the right, as the jSdvit set forth that the prisoner tttfw the canine was mad, arid had rande no efforts to secure it.- Phila delphia Age., t t 4 nensal Tiger Loose at Glenn's X "fench Moimtain, between' blenris Falls, New York, and Lake. George5,' was ine scene voi a genuine sensation during the sojourn of CampbcH's Jir-' Cps 'and Menagerie at that village last webk. At a 1 Ate hour one night,' long after the audience had been dismissed apd 1 ,ihe canvass pulled down, ' the watchman leftf in charge ; observed a tIarg animal 'drt across' his pith and tilrpst instaritly vanish in the (-"dark riess. . Suspectins: at once that some onjtr more pf the wild beast?-1iitd' " escuped front their bondage,;he has- tened to wherV the cages wettorap 1 .I "l i . . a. : t a i l61aud discovered that the largest'of F bars' in such a manner as' to allow the ? iPO'two elephants had drawn the stake I rinatisorbincr interest m the proceed- J tp, which he had been fastened and ttafesv: I wished tbeV were in Jericho; r o o i m. ilil cmiuioilui t uiuaa w udu' x akiu ammal to escatre. To run to the hotcliliWoitui- x ku -- awtfken the elepnant-anver, anrsnm- mon ail hands, was trie work or a moment. The elephant was prompth fettered and a search for the truant tiger commenced. ' -f -: ' The scene was one of indescribable excitement. None but two of the most resolute 'of the showmen would lead in the search, the remainder fol lowing at a respectful distance and in vr V ger his IvJTTi ; 4, 7 4. whereabouts, for the bleating of a calf, lfi'nain and terror, indicated that his that his r, r. 7 - . ---t his glut- I tonous ancetite on live vcal..r"lbo T 3 aPP f i l"? v.r spmtsof the hunt approach- ea; ana, ,Dy tncam oi ineir .orcnes, discovered that'tbe ficrer had stricken ' j . ' ' 1 1 A 1 aown a veaninsr nener, ana was croiacbed over the dying animal, gree- diljp lapping the blood which spurted irom a large wouna in ns necK. a pian ior capture was soonaevisea, anu f!ise in the form, of a lariat, he ascen - 2f " .muu,t , uul , U1 SQea.l awinaowt irom nence i uij iiun.iLii j 9 luu a uilij a ct 1111 iiivuj ubii v t r -----. TT . j vuu iiiiti. axu i Lie u u c ivuu wty to tnrow a lanat over tne animal s bead; which feat he deqterously ac - complished. fDrawing his rppe taut, he made it f manner as before. Mr. Kins then threw the endj one rope to a party I oni ivKon tkov ftorl wrnrA(i it. riA fhrpw lih And nf thp.' nthpr rone, to anothpr tiftrtv. and thp. two lines were at onee rstretched, each party waiiung m an op- 1 rnk tp4 d rPfHnn5 When th : t.mr 41-v r- - - o- f wonld mukp n. nrsh at one trroun of his captors the others would haul taut on - 1 thpir imp., and thits nrevent Inm from i j.! ;JiJI I A- ..V iertion and sevefaHudicrous stampedes ffrbm the bysUnflers, be was dragged oacK to -nis cage, which cau in vue 'mean time beei paired. When ne came in view df-Kis den he bounded in of his own accord: but the atten- dants,' iri their1 -Haste to secure him,' closed the iron obr too suddenly, and severed about foot of his ma1esty i ' hs ?. IMadison, September 22. Yesterd&y ! afternoon William Moodv, an old and respected farmer, murdered his wife - J arid dragged tbe-oody from the boulse, of f set fire to the dwelling and out build- Lilt e. i j: "Jj . iv. 1 '.-.ma ulPf ouuaing uuui iu was cuusuuicu. f dlben shot himself dead with a : j iasc iu u uvuui, auu uuuiuei iuub was erai lOUllu inai insieaa OI capiunair ' passed to h"im,;with which he succeed- the enemy the enemy had' rteally ctfp edin lassooinirltbe tijrer in the same tured hirii.fiThe fair lad v 1!.' V -I . I ' . . . . I ' - Buying GloTes In Gitoraltsu f - BY MARK TWAIN. A very handsome vonrig lady in the Hore offered me a pairof, new gloves. I.did not want blue, bat she said they would look very pretty on a hand like, mine. The" remark touched the tenderly, , I glauced farlively at my hand and someho w it did seem a come ly j member. I 'tried a glove pn' my left, "and blushed, 4'Uttle3. , Manifestly ! the .size was tbo small for me;1 But J Xelt gratified when s1i'efia!d:JH t,'i'' f0h, it is just right!" yet f-knewfdih--checking baggage heihg it was ngi such thing. i 1 1 tugged at it diligently, but it'wasj uuscuuraging woriL. onesam: "AhlI see jou, are accustorae.dr to wearfng4kid glovesbut ' fforrie'geritrts "tbmHhjRtrbre. A' newsboy sugges men, 'are so a.wkard' abootpqttfug tbat tHought ft likely Miller had trjetiwm" J.' 4 1 i tashls ti AeoHH hU Ddeket tfsoirffdstion so full inem-on. p irv wna ine last uuiiiuiiuicuv a mu expccteol. I only understand putting on, the buckskin article perfectly, I raadefln9thet' Iftort aiid tore the glove from the .base of tlje-mbnto palm pf he hatid-i-and tried te- n!de the refit.. She kept rip' her compli ments, and I kept up my determina-' tfod to deserve them or die. ' , jAh, ypu have had the experience V t rip down the back' of the h'and.1 -xney are just ngni ior yott your hand is very small if theySteaf-you iieeq, noi pay tor them." rent across tpe miaaic.j "l can always tell 'When a gentleman. 'understands puttioff on kid ir!ovei'-' -There, is" a grac i about it that only conies' with! long practice. ine- wnoie auer part of tte glove "fetched away," as as the sailors say, the fabric parted across the khucklesand ' hothijiigwas ' V was too niuch. flattered a Jnmi an exposure and1 rlii?ie'ercBa'ii.ff, dise on the angePs hands. 1 Was hot, vexed, confused, but still' haonv : but I hatfcd the otherB6ys for taking srictf M.rf..!! . "-Va nn rir,oa vir -wti 'i. hi ia-. 0 never mind, ma am ; never mind ; I'll put the other on in the street. It was warm here." :p . 1 ;r": f It was warm. It'Vas'.the warniest place I ever was in.' y I paid' the bill, and as I passed out with a fascinating bow I thought I detected a light in the woman's eye that was gently iron ical jandiwhen I looked back from-; the street,' and she was laughing all to herself about something or other, I; said td myself, with withering sarcasm, u6hV certainly, you know bow to put on kid gloves, don't you a self-cpm-' C I ' . . ... . . our senses oy every petucoai vnai, Uooses to. do it I" ; ;J i . .... General and Mrsf Rawlins A I . . ' I ' a. ' m v. 1 - en oi itomance. ; ! Mrs General Rawlins Was capture in Vicksburg by the late Secretary of i Var,.ana subsequently became the wire" of her captor, it seems that 1 best families, and remained thus em- P.106"" lDe ar. w . bUUfc. Up in Vicksburg during tne seige, oi i iiimi. imi.v i i w iti'nvi hi m ii a., nun w I it . ; - J V 7 Rmnnz luusts wuu burreuuertu. ucu. then saw her for the' first house occupied by berWas taken tJosscssion of by General Kaw- f Hns, the lady still remaining iri:it. Intercourse and friendly'" relatfons I were established, and "soon 'the -Oen not long after'tne Oeneral Ibllaw amending in tGenerrf I mtnc.rt.rrr tfio samp H;"!h CO ?f I - : mi'mhmii ,",iTll- A lew aays since a very inc patiy i- yyimg iuiu ju gcuiKiu-.iu. m number--iett tucnmona ior Jttew I . .-.., .t . i orK. J ust oeiore tne tram amveu n, at that' very wicked city, a handsome- ly dressed young man came mrougu lWa.i!. iind nrrul nnin tr ? arvmp rrtnbrt tickets,' said he Svas agent for Miller's: bne of backs, which would be fotrrru at - the Jersey ferry when tbe party arrived,' and woold take them trbere 4 they wanted to go at two dollars a l jt s- j ; : ii ' party said he had been to New York before, tbatbe hack rate wasone dou lari and be could not be taken : in by that trick. It is-remarkable bow hard it is to take in ayoungrman if he has ever b6eifc toew Terk terore.' inn "well dressed stranger with a reproadb ful look, reminded him that it was Sunday-afternoon, when all tbVcoacbv earerd sont with pleasure parties, and and no uxe-iwaa uouooie ior ov& -K-cuiiiurea ana twelve Doornos ornreaa. He-fkibqien'dbgb to wait around'thetlerJots for "strarigers. This was enough, and he party took nine tickets it $18 from tbe&Iegant agent, who tciired. On reaching New York one of tbe gentle- 4(:':; H !!' " ' w - " NO. 33 I men" stepped out, saying he would return with 'Miller's hack.v Staying some time, another " gentleman - ty-as sent after him, and found him diligent- Ir inquiring as to Where Miller's hacks were. t 'The reat difflculty wa that nobody knew . Miller, or " where his Lacks wereV "The 'railroad ' agent htd never heard of Miller hacks, and the education of the:4nari that gold fcTry tickets had been so eadly neglected-in youth that he' had ncref beird of thbse :nseTal-vehicesV'1, An Irisft f noblemmo asicea ir Miner g hacks were in tne neighborhood,took off his hat, looked j iu it mienuy. na replacing it, remark ed wfth great bonfidence that he didn't '4m-id hte poeket a'sustiou so full Iramor thit the perpetrator felt it incumbent 'on hinf imniediateljr io stand bn his head 6n thd curbstorid. The . anxiou searcher, -with so hie 6haiessriarInoanced thit he had printed"! tickets for 1 rides in Millet's hacks t but (tfiongh 'made1 with digni ty) the announcement wits received with mrich hilarious derision by the cheerful mod. It was too clear" that the'-handsome young agent on the cars wns-alfr&tfd, and that Miller's hacks ferer;de&sion and a 4nare. The bartyl including the4 young crentleman who had Sbeen to New Y6rk before," rode Aip tdwn in hacks but not ' in Miller'. Dispatch a tvi justice ;nase. Chief Justice (base made a quiet visit to Philadelphia andjts vicinitv lastweek.1 In theceurse pf it betook a trip'olp the Delaware to.Torresdale. - .w)icr? be?, visited Mr- Charles MacaVes- :ec ana, general r. KUDy,smitn. and ce xnen proceeaea to tne country-seat of "Mrl JT Cooke. Everywhere he, re ceived reat respect and attentioiy-L There js a happy moment.in the liyes QfpPuJbliormen in this country, when parties.-, eease to look upon them as prahable ,f andidatea for the Presiden cy, then they begin to enjoy, for the This was tho condition of both Web ster, and Clay-for a short period .to wards the end of their lives. Chief Justice Chase seems to aspire to this position now and it certainly befits his great judicial office. In the indepen dent exercise of it: he may now win the respect arid gratitude of his couri- a : a a t j . 'a iry men ana ine aamirauoa oi posteri ty as the champion of free constitu tional government, Jajrainst military usurpation. No other otSce could of fer to any man a nobler path to use fulness and ivaQ.rPhiladeJphia Age. A singular malady has lately made its appearance among the calves in East p Walling ford,1 Connecticut, and as no rernedy has yet been found, it is quite probable that many and perhaps the . whole in that ' section will die be-' fore the disease can be checked. One man, after having lost several calves. maae an examination ana upon open ing f thp windpipe it was found to ; be filled jwif h small white worms. -So Completely was it packed' with these vermin that respiration was. impossi ble.;; l: ; i The latest snake story . is thus re ported by the Big Sandy, K., Herald ; George Simpson, a citizen of Lawrence county, has recent!; appeared before Jobifc J. Jordon, a justice of the peace, and made oath that he saw,, about the 28th7of August, on the hill near the Pleasant Jlidge church, on the "waters of Big Blaine, a serpent at least thirty feet long and four'fect thick. Simp, eon shot at him, bat be was so mach frightened he could Jiot bit him. , A X. . ' . ' tm 1 C . . i i Phelps county, notifies us of the death or. ai venerable centenarian Archibald - IK. Oxen dine, wBa died on the 3d inst., at -Beaton's creek, 'near tbe Meramec hlron" W6rks, in that couniy. The de ceased was born ea. the Pedce river, South'Carolina, August 26, 1759; and Twaf consequently ever 110 year of (geitatl tbe time; of hia deaths lie served throughout the war of the rev olution as one of Marion's Men,1 and for of er forty years was a minister of tbe Baptist denomination. St. Loui Repvtbl can.1 i? ' : Science threatens the " extinguish ment of "the dustyTniller." A mcth-ednbaj-beetf1' discovered of making brad without grinding the grain, and a patent has been taken ut for the process. In making bread from flotir there is much waste, one hQmlrvd ktoaotUf grain rieidingbnlv one-bnn j the newprocess the sam4 amount 1 gram will produce one hnndred'and fifty pounds of bread. Moreover,3 the decomposed and Ion gluten in tho process is prcservetf iu tho new. A 'eorrespondeofe at St. James,' , ABVKBTISINQ RATE? : , (! uiuMt irks ctwbtitctb a lau'-)i J nre one insertion, 1 ( I Kach 8niMciuint insertion. 1 1 1 square me month, - ' square tw nonth, . ftl mare three month, : - 1 itqnare six months, One square one year. Half ilama - 1 . Special notices, ntvler a npn ial "H.. : will be.charjred one dollar per eiuar' ! eaeli insertion. , Funeral and nhitnary notices will be l. ertel at fifty crnt jwr nKjnare. ) - The tiint2I nnnoniifernvnt of a deatU i-: marriajt will not be charged. - - ' i . IXSURAXCE. THE EQUITABLE Life Assurance - Societ v - OF THE UNITED STATK? NOW AT 92, 94, G, '4 9 llfeOADT4 AV. v . Wo 116, '118, 120, 122 l ' BROAD WAY-? " " Wk. C. Alkxaxdek. ,t . President. . Geo, 7, PliitLrfa, 'l- TreaatieTer. Vice-Prfs.'itnt. ' ' Secretary HUTCHINSON BURROUGHS & CO. ' A GENERA AGENTS 'l . CHAltEOTTE'Cr Thia Company the most vigbroia proerwsh-9 in the trorid. eilm totim auU lic all the tml adraAUgeS vhick can wjii-i safety be conceded to any Company, ITS EESOTJECES EMB2ACE l j yr: CASU ASSETS. ANNUAL INCOME, AMOUJTTS1 ITt5 i THE PRINCELY SUM OP .; , ' -4,50(),060.; . It . . . Its inreatments are eonfinci-bj ij.r Uie iuost solid and reliable iw.-ur l:-. ", i i ' . ! "" ' ' ":' 'i Its thrift and progress are tiiip;raM,. in the whole hutory of , -t '. ' , i --; il7' LiKiirsuEAircBi: i ly divided among the . " " ' . 1! POLICY HOLDERS. and iiiay le Ttsed and isubstrqoeut to rcdnee thdr ANNUAL PREMIUMS. It is prompt in the payment of all 1 having never cnntetstd a clauu. 1T DEALS ONLY IN CASH, i; ----- neither receiring notes nor paying . . oat,' in lu-w of CASH, when its policies : come claim?. it '. ' - - " It issues all' the moat desirable kir L " Life: "and j ENDOWMENT POLICIES. 8nch policies, tnay be drawn in fnvor the iasareI, or of relative, r of credit. or others, with profits ; and after the - cifiad time, have1 a cash value of a v conaidvrable proportion of the . aicnnt premiums therein paid. 1 PoUcies in WOTE COMPANIK3, I t comparativelj no cah value wh&terci. For further information, rates &5., a ; to Wm. J. WHITE, Agert. Warrenton, N. C DR. TnOS. E. WILSON, Examining Phjh ' . Tfo 3-ly. 1869. Spring Goods. LS. I j WOULD BESPECTFULLY INFOR? ijnj patrons and friends, and the u? lic' generally, that I am now rebeivinr :n.i opening a new supply of 8PRINQ Kni SUMMI2R . DRESS GOODS, of the. tjle, Lady's Hata and Shakers. M- i rn -v t " ."T'." ulang goods, Beadj-made clothing, jIv. Boots, and Shoes, Hosiery, Notion-, ITaa- ware, Tiriwire, Crockery aa?. GROCERIES. FRESII snpply of Sugar, Cr.fV..-, T.. -bl Salt,' fresh-eorned Herrir.'n.l Shad, Col Fbih, Bacon, Lard Fioai . lase, (always on hand) fresh tCvrr. M-'ii at the lowest price, all "kind I ' . ? . Ta, Fpper and 6 pice, Mpco, Conn jf, ted Lyi, Bladder and Bals Snaff, Po-o r and Shot, Musket and Oun Caps, S'Jli. il i i i CONFECTIONARIEf GANDIES, Cakt-a, raieins,.. Pea-r V , Sardines,' freh cove Oysters,"Pic , and every thing nsnally kpt in, a vaVl -' Store, whkh I &u elling at the lov." . pricea for cash. Tliankfnl for' past favor," I hope to ru. thine to merit the anie by utrwt att-i;:j to boines, and an , npriht depun ..o.'v. ii JOHN A. UVMANV 1 j dor ' West cf II van n k Arri'i.iu . oki atorpWarrenton, X. C. , :Ai-iU3l-no-17-tf. I u.' KOTICE- ist r-fjf i .r. n i,.in.r t-.r,i .i ; v of (n-whkh I am "Serins at lor rrf. i - vtoantry pvoiiHeeat nirkt v ; 1fran;m ntir.r Martwa.- a old " , RICHARD Eo WL KIT 'tCo.:rif: 4t - - 5 -1 I, '. . t " i t J f I- t