Accounts 18G8 ! I .. 4 22 it 'it 44 4 29 IT 44 ..." il , 14 44 18 4( . 44 , u Sept. u 4 . 44 ' AoV act la the living present. Heart within, and God o'erhead. ' 44 41 44 1: Friday, October, 1. 1869. (4 WALTER A. MONTGOMEBY, Literary and Political Etor, 44 19 tt . 44 44 if, (I ' J.fM. WADDILL, tt t General News," and Local Editoiy 4 29. - IH fetter conflicted with the Edit arial D Hi'kC r ;.-o. Bartmtnt mull i directed to WALTER A. MONTGOMERY, Box 58. Z.riYC PRESENT OFFICE ' Corner of Main "and Franlchn StreeU, over OsoBaa B. 6ledi' Store Thomas A. Moteomery. General I Agent 4 'if- for "The Living Present.".. , t,i 1 -f'4 J." Secret Political Orders. 1 no . : i .vim ,'' - The results of secret " political " or t ganizations are beginning to develop themselves injour States j We; have always,. .publicly ind privately, oppos tt'-,?- ed the formation of any secret" order whose objects were td bias, prejudice t 4 ;-' 4' and pervert political freedom, , believ t I g t ing that they were calculated to do, no )i4J good, but on the other hand fraught 24; with evils to government ' and soci ety. Indeed iT we r. will eiamine the records of history we will find that all ' such associations always resulted in great mischief. Prior to j the j great civil war through which, we have late- ,ly passed, seicret political orders were ft H i Nor. : .,' ' ' ;i 14 entirely unknown in North .Carolina, if we ; mam .except one, concerning in tnose aays wnp wm gainsay tne fact that North Carolinians enjoyed to its fullest extent what we call political freedom ? There was no necessity then for men being banded together in Becret conclave at dead ihours of the night to deliberate on great questions 1i do ; do do ' do do t do " do; , of State and government.' Whatever politicians or people had to say at that time on all questions, was said openly I da , do do ; do, do do! do! do i .' T -. 'do do .do; do do do do . do do :. dO 5 ;do do ' do do do nd in the light of da, so that every man could' discuss and choose, for him self. That there exists in North Car olina to-day secret political associa tions, we presume none will deny. What theriecessity for such? is a natii ral inquiry. We do not know any ne do do do" eessityjforjsttcif associations ourselves, f ana we have yet to hear a well found ed reason' for theirxistence. Among the more prominent of these secret or ders may be mentioned the " Union A Leagues" afcd the "Kn Kldx:" which of the two is moip dangerous, to , the peace" of society, and good govern ment we do not know, but certain it is that the formation of the first, gave rise to last. If there had been no i , "Union Leaues" 4here would have . been no "Ku Klux." . That there havd been foul crimes committed by both orders in some sections of ( our State we presume is undeniable if indeed any truth can be attached to the many - trpv. ,-tnil nftoulejn regard to them. It is time then, high time, that public , Sentiment, aad the Dec. do do, do. do" dovi do: -do do do do , do do ddl ; do?' j do .do .do do do -do-' do do do do do do i do ? do, do do, do do do :do do do do do do do do 12 ,do laws of the land should take hold of this, matter, and put an end to this so cial disorder and this defiance of law ful authority.' Be it said to the credit of " Old Warren" that inapy months have elapsed 'since there has been a meeting of any Secret political orgahi zation, and for the' good of all, we trust tbat there may nevetbe another. As a natural consequence! we have had in our midst no ;! infraction of the rdo do .1 do.n! '- do ;r. do, do do- do :,, : do t : dO ; do r: r do 1869 , public peace, no violent political dem onstrations, but on, the contrary peace and good order, havo prevailed. s-Be fore wo mayj reasonably expect anr- thing like material . .prosperity and so cial tranquility there must be an end to the League and the "Ku Klux." ,' ! '. 'if- : i . - t ; -'. 11 ' 1 m ' J. ,W. Thoroes,ef fThomasville, in dieted for perjury, was tried in the Su Janyf do . - 4 -do perior court forGuilforfl county, last wcca, ana iouna guiuy.. ,a sentence of six monthsimprisonmentandl.OOO C tine was . ren4ered, from which in ap '.1 ". r. ti- peal was tuitcn to tne buprume court t Gdl :1 ;h Jdofl c? .If-oln isdolOnBnd For Superintending Convicts undergoing Sentence, jHwVnnnimHt,-.,, ... " 44 44 44 44 . it ' it it u u t Rebuilding Bridge across yelloWpodiBrApch J ti TTua nf 4Aam knnllnn 4V PrilmA J i tt tt 44 tt 4t tt .it 44 Mi f Listing Taxables in Smith Crek Dist." 1868 u . ; r ' 44 tt ' r; tt it 'V4t' n: ' 1 t uuwu uuij perjormea Dy-,jtrniuip xaawitHis w y Articles furnished, act rendered and filed u li; Provisions &q furnished for Paupers tt . A ponnnimnorul anrt fitorl i.jtt . '...Mr' . t ..-. .. 4t it ' ' " '"?' 7 , tt it 5 tt. , M f 4 f; M : ., tt 4t 1 . t Ooder of JOfoard of "Wardens of the Poor IUKSriB Bridge acrosSKocco' Creek: ;Order of Boald of Wai-deni of the Poor . ' t t t? - J t i t t Repainng Window Blinds &c 5. for court Bouse l.'?' i Ordec from Board Wardens of the Poor ocTrpyisions furnished to Paupers i!' di U .'.,. V H-;!vhHli-l ji t -, t t , f - A i r'gfnil'' ,.hi. t ; t t - J .' ' ' ; i ' ; i' i. ..Servicer Tendered at the Ppor House : uVTiking cofSn it Varying Mrs Felts, paup'r , , Jail Fees ttc : . jvCProvisioiis for self ..J f: t vx Smith work done for poor house . j 4v-V'V Calaboose Provisions furnifihed pauper t 1 I -. 1 . - . -. , -1 Acconnt rendered and filed t- - t . . . i . i Expenses carrvinir prisoners to Halifax If i 'i r 4 S ,! . to -jouisbufg ' Accouni rendered and filed r-- " Keeping Giles Hall, panper, six rao, ' ,; Account renaerea ana niea tv.s- fry. A'--Al.g i i it PTPTisions fbrnished for paupers Guarding prisoners to Oxford jail st 4fBaIlatce;due on,settleiaenWl86T taxer. ' 'J' Account rendered and filed ' . ' V" 5 i Smith work done for jail rttL?. 0'11 building &c. . w ; JDosraingjau nanas J Provisions for - J' Registering 379 votes in Township No. 8 1868 i-l": ;,r 4 V "Registering 525 votes in Township No. 10 1868 : Jail fees ol Milly & Henry Bullock (col'd) 11 Work on jail . ' . f i I ) -. r do ' do 4 ! do do ; ' do "do do do do do do do do do do45 do do do do do1 do do dO . , .'.-v" j! .'.' do . ' do 'do . : do -,- .'!J do dd do do f' do r do do & do do do do do do ; 'do do i do do do do do do ! do do do Registering 172 votes in Township No. 9 1868 ''I Ann J J " J - -vr 1 n do 268 do do do No, 3 . do ' do 258 207 452 308 298 492 do do do do dado do do do do do do do '. do :s ,-doj , do 1 ' do : do No. 1; do do do do do do No. 4; do No. 5 do ; No. 7 do ; No. 2 do No. 6 do Work on jail do do do . r do do do1 do do do do . do do do do dodo do do do do .i'-i , , , i t , Jail fees and boarding prisoners Board while attending jurors Guarding prisoners . 'i .'do-'-- do , -i...:4o'--i- .. .. do ... v..r;;. do -do.: Work done on bridge Waiting on court 12 (lays Aug. term '69 -; r-. rf i J? J.:l L. 1J!I It. do do do. . oupennxenojog jau uuuuuig -. .1 i rn dOyj uoj , -i do, . rx do,,.-1 do f do : Timber fUrnishedffor bilding bridge . -Cnard duty.--. . : do do : T1ZJ pounaa b.i - , tf Smith work on drills &c, -j -f-yj Provisions furnished G WHarper: -doT do do do ; j Timber and hanlinfi: same for bndge V an' provis'ns furnished han'a work on bridge do Hauling timber '&o . ao'j-'W) don v- dO do: do orx pn nnage - t ? ?i ? : Work repairing tools for jail handa ' do . do - - do do do do Wppd furnished Court room ; ; Carrying prisoners to Louisburg rdo UO , IdO f-'a dO' do ! ' dO:;;-."? -r'r do-t i. i- Services as county Commissioner do vm 1 . do '? do do' -. do - i do r r? i' ' do ' do ' do . do . , do do do do - do do - do do V Ci'k Br'd Comm'ra do do do do do do dp. do do do- do t, 1 j i Holding inq'st of body of N Lyons- do .. . , ,v Renairincr locks to Court Honse , do do - do . t. 'doT do" Peblishing notice registration, and election ; Cement purchased for jail building . Kork on jaa - ? ; a 1 i 1 :: " -uaraingiai nanus vs r Tl- ...'.. 1 1 !j Y 'Superintending jail building r ? Working cs'Jail to Jan 1st t v , -t t t uraeroi uoara 01 wardens 01 tne roor r iuosj tutuiuru, iv f oj, Services as special coroner ... V , , I ' "' John Jenkins, " ' ' VU " t H, OrderBoard Wardensofthe Poor L' irr m ! Mtsl Mary Av Piercy a'PaSper. . 3 .'' ' Mrs, Piey,t J.C Order of Board of .Wardens of the' Poor1 TV . rt 'Job R' Shearing : ' " I5;'"T548. t - . I oruen !CruV;n i' 1 r t FebJI " George 1 W Harpef, . 1 1 114,00 , Laesar JohnsonTiiii ,, i Pft KGftmfiV. ' J 1 2,00 T rmfryillelStsiqg, tt Rnmnpl T?fhflt.f ? 4 Ho r( C ' 4 12,00 VrtJf Samuel alkej, 8 9,00 tt HnhtW nioihrti-nrt 25,00 t . t -Tii.i: ,80 t !':'.;... March. ,i-fi -)-i' t 40 00 00 ,00 00 44 E C Woodson Jailor, '65,00 ,.2,00 69,17 James T.Tiu'iJSclI,' " : u L'BCoUms, Arrington & AVhite; B I-Egerton, ..." B D Williams,' ' "Thos d; Rod well, V Jacob W Holt,. r NedPeete, I j , Ferry Cook, i -1 - ;,r .18 19 20 : 21 : 22, r23 24 2020,54 25,00 21,00 -I M5 8,00 10,00 25,,00 '226 .25 VTackXlupton; John E Bovd, fl) 2 4 52,00 DrRSFPeete, ' ; T'JMT.' U.U nanweajtim, . ? t aiv Dr Geo A Foote 32 ,30 Edward Davis. 2 ' Jesse Perkinson. 3a 10,40 : 34 , i do do? jdo do -"r-do qdd 5 do J.,do i t do ! do 40,6U 2,40 a 9,50 9,50 , 32,00 31,00 10,00 18,20 T' 10,00 t " i ' t REMyrick .Mrs Ann R Shearia 36. 311 Greep Minga1 James S Fo'ote.. ' E C:Vobdson "V Mrs Lucy,Han-isa. ,;l;.-.39 I 40r . 41 , 42 , : in Jas A Egerton ...3.25 . 1,25 M0 Cvrus Green . H Palmer Jr '45t D Parrish ', ' . .r.. ,. . Parker, Watson k Co., . John C McCraw & Co, Woodson andr Parrish , Sohxx PJummer fj . ; Geo W Harper 5 John WPattillo Nath'l R Jones . '., .? John H Kullock y :.'Gep, W -.A E Parrish" 1 . , N R Jonejs Sh'ff V Mrs Mary K jWaUaias- Burrow & Williams -Thos A Montgomery . Ossian Hawkins , 46 47:. '90,00 62,10 . fr151,W .1. -w .i!,n,oo 9,80 ,25,00 s 67,40 ,1490 5,40 2 5,00 f : itdd- 43 49 50 51 53 54. 55; 57 58 59 60 ; 61 .63 64 65 32,73 i, 10.00 ; 29,10 j 55,25 , - 2550 .16,00 if' 26 53 vr' 43,82 L 23,60 20,00 1 128,00 67,00 ..J C McCraw & Co., Thos J Pitchford-Jr - Thos A Montgomery. J G Jones jailor,; of Granville 66 Rich'd Madden 6t M J Madden Robt Wvmes 68 69 70 ,71 ,72,' 73 iU .75. 77 1 79; do do . Turner Wjlliams 6.69 ,,10.00 . vf- 10,00 't-u WO ! 15.00 do Arthur Field do Dick Higgs do Isaac Sprujll, , t-j'iiii.-' do Ferry Cook do Isham Williams f5,40 1 j 12,04 ,,.18,76 ..18,06 ,14.49 3l;64 21,56 20.86 34 44 4,87 5,38 ' -, 5,77 5,38 .137 do J ohn W Riggans TIT i - . . ' , do W R Coleman do T M Egerton J do J T Russell - t ! do John II Bullock .80 81 82 . 83 84 4 85 86 87 88 89 -90 do T L Jones do , J M Palmer do A L Steed do Wesley Jenkins do Frank Hall ; do Tom Green do Dick Higgs do . Ferry Cook, do Isaac Spruill J J.-". ills' J .: i J" III ,10,02 d 19,23 7,30 30,90 , 11,00 .10,00 ao Arthur Fjeld fc do IV Carsanhams j 91 792; 93 .; 94 95 .96: 97 98 99 - ' 100 101 i02;:; -103 ; 7 104-, '19$- do E C , Woodson jailor do John M Price - do W H Johnson , .- , do Ilichtt Thompson 40 , . -'i; i Al do JLitchen Harper 40 do Wm H Shearin 6,00 do; Bob Taylor 3,00 Jo 'James Y Edwarda J T T ' 18,00 50;00 50,00 50.00 uu ,i i nrnsu do do do do ' do do s tic do Mrs T G Plummer j: 5.00 ;9,oo r IW8 5,35 r 8,64 do. G W llarperj. ,tiJ; do TWj E Cook ii do Jno Collins & Co,; . , do Parker, Wa.tson Co.'i " 106 107 I08 lo9 Ho 111 112 113 -114 115 M do ,T P Levister do Es A Cheek 32o do Solon Southerland . 115o 1,25 68,59 33,76 do Jerry Harris do Jno Collins & Co do do do do do - John Plummer I do Ossian Hawkins do BJ Norwood t do Rey J: P Moore 6,po I 8.0O , 50,75 i 78,oo A.64,lo . do s Thos A Montgom ery 118 ;Ji9 120 .121 . 123 .123 do J J Rod well do A L Steed do J IF Rogers do I II Bennett ,. , 79,8o tn 75,2o 62,pp Jj12476 do" B E Cook croner do Hartwell Hill " lo,9o . 1.2o - l24:--;'Sy do Courier office 4,ooi 61,oo 3.8o do Cheek'tt Capehaxt go Tom Greenrj? ? I -"r i : : ,i , do. NS Moseley do - D Parrish i ; ; iKl28 ; -jj .jj, A$o )oTil.3aji;:J4..., eTDick Higgs Ferry Cook If Isaac Epruill 4- Wesley Jenkins .r -133 3,80 134 j7C 3.28 t Arffcirr lTfoMfc Frank Somerville I t ( t t t 5 t I Serrices rebdere J as County Cmrrissiaaer i ISeal for Warren Cour.ty f ; ! i j t Freight on Qert 2nt fc r Jail buildipj J Oyer-pluspn Cedent ). j J. I Guard duty' jrJM H " ProTision8 furnished for Jail hands -Smith work on tools ! : t 25 I" 6 5-2 lTbtTngxaneTinoWsbTpol r r? . r . , Blank Book for Register of Deeds H I) Ail J Pardiog 1 hands abditiiet ceU Medical services rendered to Paupers Making Coffin for Norvel Lines T 'frA l Poit'Morton examination of N A 4 ' ' 1 W6rk on Jail to Feb 1st Lines ' ul t lis i 1 1 ; ?.: V i . lf. ,iDick Williams I 1 - Lumber for Calaboose from J WjHglt , E ? Plummer h. Regiatering Oficial Bonds certificates etc '"; I H Bennett Register Hetring and Sawing timber for Jail (Bal) , Emperor, Plummer '' - Rccoid Book for Commissioners . . Nichols & Gorman r ".dash on Bacon for Jail hands ... Jno Donnans & Co " ! L' 4 Freight on same. if 1; ,. . ; - . i Expenses moving prisoner from Oxford ,,,JR Jones Sheriff t Bacon purchased for Jail hand n ' , N R ones - ' ' ' r iif jrt-i -Work on Jail to date r ' 4 Ferry Cook t' n f i . t t t. Making Desk for Register's Office Work on Jail to date , r 1 t t 1 5 : n ' r m it f t 'i Cutting' timber and; Splitting rails f : 100 cords wood 1 Services rendered s..Cl'k pf ,Jpram'rs ; Superintendiag 'Jail building , a . t 1 t r t I'. Hewing timber for, Jaik i" AprirS! lfU tA. Li il.l A v -f tr f?' ;; -f- Keeping Mrs Matthews a Pauper Jack Thrower -:f- Registration Book, for Deeds , Guard duty i ' - do do j do H cdo" do do do : do ; do' i do i do do ' do ci do i -'do ;. do - do r v do do h do ! do 1 .do ' : t: 7t- - ,: , i v, do ; do r Expenses carrying prisoners to Louisburg do N R Jcncs " Boarding Prisoners and Jail Fees - Carrying W Y King to Oxford Jail : '! .Waiting on Cpurt l2 days Feb term Making 2 coffins and bnrying 2 Paupers do Albert Burgess " Holding inquestjchildof Polly Somerville do B E Cook Coroner Carrying Polly Toney from town home do T A Montgomery . . Boarding Jail hands .-.. . , , . do NS Moseley Supporting Pauper Harmon Green . do Ned Green 1 -Rent of room for Prisoners 6 months . do , Blair Ppgram. 1 Cement for Jail building ... do Check &jCapehart - Provisions furnished Mrs Mary Piercy do R Y Tucker Building Bridge across Shocco Creek do Arrington'& White 'Keeping (col) Pauper the year 1868. do Mark 0 Duke , ' Guard duty do Mark A Bennett - Provisions furnished for Pauper do. W II Bobbitt . .; Keeping Mary Macon, Pauper, 6 mo's,69 do Mrs A B Sizemore ' do - Paupers first Quarter 1869 do Jack Shearin do- do 2 do do do J R Shearin do ' a do 'do .... do 'h: do . . ao r . do J do v do-.! - do ; rddt 1 - do:i !' do do n do do do . ' do do 'do ' do do- do r do n ndo do do do do do do do do do Ah i Ha i do do do Troviitons and articles 'for Jail do oo do do Upunty Guard duty do do j. :.' .. . v.;., dO; do ' - '.'-.-' ' - do do j Holding inquest over FerrV Johnson- do do do dff do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do do do do do do do': da do do , do do : do , 'd6 -: J do v do T do do, do do do do dd do ao dd do do do do do do do dp. do do do do ao. do do do do do do do do do. do do do do; 3 do do' do do do do. do do do' do do dd ''W doi do do ' do - do infant of P OuudlfTe piisuncrs to Louisburg Guard duty . Waiting on Court 7 days Feb term Work on Jail to April 1st 1869 : do do do do do - do do i do do do do do do do 1 do do do do .do do do do do do do do do do Account of Paupers Services as County Commissioner do do do do do do do do do da do do do .do do do 1 do May Keeping Mrs Walker, Pauper 2mo's Making coffiu,-Wm Salmon, Pauper Gnard duty '," do do , 10,948 feet timber for Jail Work pn Jail to 1st May 1869 do do do do do ,do do , Guarding convicts one month , Work on Jail to May 1st 1869 do do do do do do do ' Smith work done ontaccount of Jail do do do do do do do I Blanlr Books furnished Sup'r Crt Clerk 843 lbs Iron Rods for Court Rouse a Guard duty ; . : Hauling for Jail - 4 acres of .wood-land for Jail V, Supporting Eliza J Evans a Pauper , ' Order of Boards of Wardens . " 4 Freight on Lime and Steel for Jail. 5 -Listing and assessing Taxable. 10 days do " do . do , , do - do" do do do do do do do do do do do do do do i : ' do 'i ! do-') do r do 1 do do do do do do 31 do do do do do do do do do Uaard doty do Listing, asaessing Taxables 5 d'ys Towns'p do .do do 1 do 7 do do 00. ,oo i ao . ao. o ao ao- do "do " do do ;i' 7 do do; do do 'do do Mi i j Z '-Aal '.. ; At. ' ; Ark ' tin 7 Art . An -y dflf'1do . do , . i do - 10 do do ' ..jdUi.rdoItfo v', do;.v.i do 5 do do '.do 5';do,iJ do; ; do , 5 do do -g?d;.Vi7 . Trdo do : do 6"do ' do -.rj doy I a,"-' do" do. fldd do" ' do 'Tdo 'do do' do 6 do do'' V '.do '.do . do do do' 5i do do : '? do..1 do:' do 11 do. do 8 do do ' do do . do . do do ' 8 do do do do do do; do, do do do do do do dO.r ' do i do 22 pounds Steel etc for Jail buildine ' do Listing, assessing Taxables in Township No 7 do Thos L Jones do . Guard dnty do Dick Williams ' ' do Lasting, assessing Taxables 6 dy's Town's No 3 do T D Rodwell : do , do f do , do 7 do do do 3 do W R Coleman ' 1 do. . .do;, do . do 6 do "do do 3 do Z M P Cole - -do "Arresting and Guarding L M Darniel do B" M Nicholson " ' 1 " dO Listing; assessing Taxables 7 dy's Town's No 6 do Lewis N Watson r : dO ' Boarding JaU hands do T S Brownlow , do Pmorer,8. i do dodo . do ' i do Holding inquest over Muiga Stewart do Benj E Cook Coroner do Iting,assesswig Taxables,5dy'8Town8'pNo2do .Samuel Bobbitt do Provisions fimiished for Prisoners etc do J C McCraw & Co do - 500 pounds. Bacon for Prisoners An .tm,- n do do do do T do 3 do do4 10- June do do do: vdo' do do Jely do .. do - do. ,t .Cement for Jail buildinz . do?-, 2 do .5 v , do L do do do do).'r- -t-'tQfA ;sdo5,Vfi - do ' Ci'k do . dp ti idii. ;C)rfio -f i,do do. r..t do, do . jlo-j-do i.fvdt t ; do do do Pa dowjdow:- ?dn do do o j "u -V uyii -vv.f ,1fru" rauper o .Hod wen '4 Coleman -a- i.i..4 i , do . do t do . do do . a Paoper V do ' Jno D Tucker Ci. T I-oo do r do do -.'i Keepingatsy Felts, Pauper 12 months' do Thos D Twitty- ' ' ' - C'.!.- r ;'-v '.V12 do- ; doy lasting, assRsing Taxables 4 dy's Towns'p No 5 do Jno H Fleming r . , ,r il " do do l do Repsnnng Bridge, over Hub Quarter Creek - do Wm Eaton Sr- Ui vi i J ? f J 1 f-V- 38:00 do do do ProflServ'st'tmlD Drum t s Warren County do W A Jenkins Att'r Si v.i3o-oo do. , do . do. - Servrces readered as Connty Commissioner do Jo?m J i , VJT r?O?i0d0o 4o . dci,.. do . . Snpportisj Mrs Maths ws quarter '60 do R 5 pobbinsoa Wm Carsenham , John H Bullock'-' Express Company T J Terrell Agent Cheek & Capchart Richd Thompson, Geo R Sledge i j Jno Collins &, Co IfD'PachaH . i A S Webb tt Co N S Moseley . DrG A Foote j r jGeoJlledge 133 343 1.5 5"13T it 81.51 - .--139. 15.01 - - 14!) 5 tl Jr 141 " t09 142 143 144 145 ,1 41 .-' t 148 : 149 T 7.4 ' 4.00 : 32.6 '161.&0 A 161030. :-9s; 11.16 6.03 - 35.50 " 1823- Hilliard MitcheH Dr G AFoote If J Midden 4 kl I etc - 150 152 . ISA a 4 Robt Wyemss -Isaac oprum t " : rn - - 1 155 ,156 157 158 159 ,160 161 162 163 164 165 166 1167 . , T J 1 erreU Agent lfi60 ,1C0 'ia$8 it 17 Ferry Isaac Spruill " E C Waddill t ' Dick WiUiams , ) George Davis , -4 1 Guilford Johnson J , ...:; 168 169 1 ' si V08 ( f Geo Davis t . . . A f f. tf i- .i a 170 171 fm ,173 174, : Ned Goodrum I Hlknuett, . '1. D Parish ,sk.. ' Ned, T witty. f Asa Plummer 1 1 175 . at- -- t Tf TJ T 7j lVVUIUDUU.j . Stephen Bobbitt 4:f Robert Bell A , ' 5 . i J t has H Harper .0179 i&a do C N Harris - do, G.W Harper "7 Tf'j'r' tj,l. Li - t, a d 10181 0EA19 182 . do D Parish Jailor . do B M, Nicholson 183 .184 185 ril86 1869 do R II Jones ;.n18T.v 188 '. . 189:' . . 190 191 : 192 '' 193 : 194 . 195: . XS8- - 200 'rVtSOlyr 202 hands 1 do Arrington t White. . do do 1 do do W.H Shearia :- -4 do W B Sherwood -do Isaac Green .. do- Kinchen Harpfr f ' do B E Cook Coroner it 03: -205 - 207 Toney do do do dot do 'Ci- '. .:203 '209 210 Jail do J M Price" . do Eaton Robinson '69 do J M Price ' m ' 212 213 214 215, '216 do Ferry Cook do Isaac Spruill do Dick Williams h do George Davis ' do Guilford Johnson do Mrs Louisa Daniel 217 f 218 ',i 219 ?'"ir220 22i: . -.22 - . 223-: 224- : . 225; 226 227 7 i) 223 : -229"--; 230 T 231 V - ' 232 etc. dor T A Montgomery do John II Bullock do, John.W Rodgers do John J Rod well do Alex L Steed do Wm Carroll . do John Hicks do Edward Parish u do Geo W Harper do W A J Nicholson do Ferry Cook ; do Isaac Spruill do Dick Williams do George Davis , c .: do Guilford Johnson do Jno Collins Sc Co -- r do Allen Falkener " " - do Secretary of State ' ' -. -do Commissioner! of GranTilU Co. do Guilford Johnson " ' " '233 i "234 235?- 237: .t - do T E IFilson i ido'do... do i ' " do Mrs Mary F Evas do Mrs Nancy Allen "do T J Terrell Agent do H B Hunter - do John Watson 5 1 u p 238 239 f r. ' 240 v 241.; 242 243 -' "244 ' 245' A do CHLewellin Jr No 9 do Henry Harris do do do J W Riesan .246 247 : 24S 249 . 250f do 4 'do J n Mayfield do 4 do J T Russell do 4 do J S JFalker do 10 do Jno B Powell . -do 1 do Benj PJPavisk . ; do 1 do Buckner Eaton' do 2 do J M Palmer, do 2 do X J Rod-reir " do 8 do T J Pitchford do 8 do Mark C Duke . do 5 do Wm W "Whit t ; .5. v. vr. t: P2t.. JOJ00 -S3' 254v 255 257 258 ;a59 : -260: s261 252 2G3 254 do 5 do Ben f 51 Collin. do Plnmm.; v.n.. t. 255 267 258 - r jt t 270. 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