THE WARREN NEWS. Friday March 19, 1850. PUBLISHED EVERY FItlDAt MORNING AT WARRENTON, N. C, W. T. BOYD, Proprietor. On tlijounda of honesty and in the name of the; "Golden Rule," we are opposed to'theMonroe Doctrine, as promulgated by the President's mes sage and the resolutions of the Com mittee in the House of Keprcsenta Uvea. What right have the United Stales ta say to Nicaragua or any State of Central America that it shall not negotiate with any European pow er for the construction of a ship canal across the Isthmus? Are we to play bullj and dog iu the manger and re fuse to others the privileges, which we are not willing to n take advantage of Ourselves? A beautiful sentiment for a great nation of great moral ideas, indeed ! No greater impertinence was shown in the demand of Louis Na poleon upon the King of Prussia that he should avow his opposition to a certain candidate tor the trown of Spain. This impertinence cost Louis his own crown, and the immunity from consequences that these United States possess is comprehended in one word, Might. Only a bully, a cowardly bully, would thus attempt to set at naught the rights of another State simply be cause, of the latter's weakness. Suppose that Mexico or Peru, or Chili should attempt to dictate to the United States the terms upon which Chinese immigrants should rbe permit ted to land in California ! Suppose that Portugal should have forbid the sale of Alaska to the United States ! Dees any one suppose for one moment, that the demand in either case would have received even a respectful con sideration ? Therefore, we sav that it is the height of impertinence and of the cowardly exercise of Might against Right, that this country should interfere with any arrangement that any Central American State chooses to make with any European power for the construction of a ship canal across the Panama. Isthmus. Wcdonft care for the Monroe Doctrine, the law of Nations, Public Policy nor any oth er question but right and justice, arid a blind man can see the injustice bf the proposed action of our Govern ment. Ridgeway Items Editor Wakiikn News: March. 1G, 1880. If rain and mud were anything new, this section would afford very aburU dant material for an item for, per haps, not even "the oldest inhabitant" ever saw more of both than we are now having. Notwithstanding the rains an 1 mud dy roads, wagons loaded with tobacco are passing, almost daily, on their way to Henderson, where the market is kept crowded with the various grades of the '-weed." Much of this tobacco is selling at merely nominal prices, while strictly fancy parcels of good quality are in demand at high figures. Mr. T. B. Watson, on Thursday last, sold as high as $4.00 per lb his en tire load averaging about $50 per cwt. Young plants are reported o be very abundant, iu a healthy condi tion. and unusually forward through out, this section. More fertilizers are now at this de pot than I ever saw here at any one time before. Most of them arc con signed to Agents, and thus far, very 4 fr lmrs I . . ; 1 . jTf nv iwcii consigned to or tooved by planters. Perhaps the con dition of the roads prevents moving them, as most planters are now sup plied by local agents. The business outlook of our town is improving. One new store house has been creeled and is now nearly ready for the stock soo i to be placed in ft and I learn Mr. H. H, Hunter, Jr. will soon open a stock of goods in the house occupied last year by your Mr. Waddill, which witli the business houses already open, will give us five stores be sides two shoo shops, where cobbling can be done, or a pair of new shoes or boots made in a workmaulikc manner. On Saturday last I had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Frank Hunter, of Littleton, who was on a visit to relatives in this, vicinity. Mr. 11. re ports Littleton as still pressing for ward in extending its business inter ests and relations ; and himself as well pleased with his situation and sur roundings. I think I may safely pre dict of Mr. 11. that he will ever be found among Littleton's most energet ic and public spirited citizens. Dr. W. J. Hawkins, who has been for a long time confined to his room by a painful attack of rheumatism, was on Saturday last, sulliciently re covered to take the cars for Kalehdj where, no doubt his large experience witn,K. Koals, and the State-craft. thereunto pertaining, together with his practical wisdom in political econ omy, will make his opinions eagerly sought by many ol the legislators now assembled. Sunny-side Items. Edit or W a kren N bws. Mar. 9th. 1880. After the long and protracted dry spell, we are having it damp and rain ing. Our farmers arc further aheafi than usual, preparing lands for crops, all seeming to take advantage of the pretty weather. Capt. C. "W". Garrett, must be doing a lively business, as his wagons pass our place diily to the depot loaded with wine, from his vineyard. Ca. t. A. P. Bartlett left for Miss issippi last week on business. Mr. E. T. Bailey one of the popular Clerks at "Sunny-side'? Store, left for Weldon, last week. He is now with Messrs Inge & Co. of that place. We were sorry to part with Ed. but hope to see his genial, face occasionally. As we passed Mr. G, B. Alston's Mill a few days since, we saw quite a number of Dogwood logs piled around the saw Mill, and on enquiring found that they were being sawed up for Ship yard purposes. W e under I stand he has taaen contract for a very i-r(J(1 Af. w ' w n,. , uu SIX OUSneiS SWeei rOtaWJea last iail. and on opening the bank tound nary Tatar hut. a harrel of Rata. Canthor'tv ooolv . j i ' Miss Dannie isicnoison oi near . . n.fl.ij J i ip A T : T7 : I fiimeiu auu iier suvtsb miss rauuie 1 Byran or JNewlierne wuupend some time in our neighborhood soon". We had the pleasure of a call from Mr. B. B. Bartlett a few days since on his way from Warren Court. Mr. H. F. Harriss of osceola mills, spent several hours with us last week. He reports business lively in his sec- uon, anu several marriages to lase place soon. Rev. J. W. Primrose filled the Pulpit of the Presbyterian church at Littleton Sunday. We intended hearing him but "c preauuea uiere every isc. eunaay. 4 1. t - L Ci Jl " I We understand Mr. J. P. Leach of Littleton, interids putting a wire fence around his entire farm. The ''Pioneer Agricultural club," will hold its nxt meeting at Dr. R, A. Patersous 1st. Monday in April. H. Fire in Loiiisburg. The following is the estimate of the iranklin Times of the losses by the fire on the morning of the 11th. -d t it i i m.. , ft- orm' xt 'vvv auu $o,000. No insurance. b. JN. .bgertonby burning and dam- age in moving goods, between $2,500 and $3,000, Insured for $1,500. King, White & Shaw, on building yooo, r uiiv insured White & siiaw damage on goods usu., r uny lusureu. p . 1 nnn tt..i i ; i Blair Burwell, by breakage, &c in moving goods about $800. Fully in surcd. P. J, 'Brown's loss was very slight his building being damaged a little by the water. II. A. Crenshaw, damage by mov ing goods, &c, $500. No insurance. S. T. Wilder, by damage and break age, about $75. No Insurance J. th Upperman, by breakage in moving goods,, about $250. Insured. H. II. Thomas, breakage in moving goods, about $50. P. II. Pernell & Co., breakage in moving buggies &c, $100. A New York paper had an advertise- 1 L 1 coat-pocket size, weighing one pound twelve ounces. J he collar was a gold sheild, with the letters of the doo-'s name in small diamonds: at the too of the shield were a ruby 'and a dia mond and at the bottom a sapphire. completing the red white iand blue l he brother or the lady that owned the dog carried him all the nay to Lead vi lie with him, and on the way went to the opera at Cincinnati. The audience were about to have him fired out as a disturbing ventriloquist on yecoiint of the oo's barkim in his pocket, and ho had to take him out ami snow h:m I he mwoh on the show dog s collar were worth 700. MlUUiiMi UKRSELF AT SIGHT OF Jlhli CONVICT HUSBAND, PltOVIOENOE. March 3. Mrs Atwo'l Saunders. th( vounsr wilr of n roant. able farmer of West OlnnnPHt.KP M r wlvn shot, in ii, ' ,WV k S 1 V- :r I, : " U wucj. uc ,yiV3 mur. rieti wiicn l i years old to Henry Thax- lei, wno nuuii anerwarus was sent to State prison for two years for horse Stealing. She afterwards married Saunders, without being legally di vorced from Thaxter, she reardin the incarceration of her husband in State prison as a practical divorce On Saturday Thaxter, whose term had expired, drove up in front of Saun ders house. Mrs. Saunders saw him from the window and went to her room Thaxter asked to see her, and when those seeking her found her she had fired the fatal shot. It has since been ascertained that Thaxter married another woman last week, and the ob ject of his call upon Mrs. Saunders was to assure himself that she would not trouble him. Wisconsin Winter Wheat Destroyed. Milioaukee, March 5. A dispatch to the Sentinel from Winneconke says the entire winter-wheat crop in that section will he a failure, owing to frequent freezing and thawing. Most of the farmers will nlomdi it up. ttiont t.llP rvl hfip dnw frr n loof Arrr rarifl, TNCS Ul L tl Hi ::r.: J ::i u??k:.. uu manufacturers, wi a uioujuuu wuai, reward "B1"g f f -p ,qf CHARLOTT onered. it was a black-and-tan, over- rvrnFU VIRGINIA A NEGRO ElJUOll'rf TESTIMONY. DECLARING I'll AT TIIK DLACK MAN IS JSOT FllEE TO VOTE IN LOUISIANA. WASHJN3TON, March 11. Before he Ex- dus Commi tee Mr. Rubv, tll ;olored editor of the New Orleans Ob I ierver. raeutioned several parishes Louisiana where, he said the negro as a general thing, were not allowe to vote unless they v ted the Demo cratic ticket. There were exceptions, however, iu some places where the conservative white planter element wa3 stiong to see fair P,ay aild a! J lowed them to vote as tuey pleased. Im 1879, he said, the negroes a11 voted notwithstanding the fact tliat lne reign of terror was intense, because tuey had the win e Republicans, wuo work ed manfully, to lead in the politictl fight. But after Mr. Hayes withdrew his countenance from the Republican State Government the Republicans, white and black, felt completely at the mercy of lawless Democrats, and be came discouraged. Senator Windom asked the witness if he would feel apprehensive on ac count of the evidence he had o-iven tere in vi8iting the localities where he had testified that outrages had oc- curred. le this the witness replied mat ne would, ana turtiipr remarked at we fact ot hi publishing a Re publican oaner in iNew Orleans was onfflniont. makf him fPAl iinnrohon sive for his own safety if he visited those localities The nrincinal thin? about an inter esting baby is its pretty mother. 4- r o - nni, i r,i,:i r alu.. x uc Dual uciua ui Aiauauia tii c co timated to contain 52,000,000,000 bushels of coal. "Blonde milliners with a lisp" are most advertised for in London, and com mand the highest wastes. The French Minister of War says the presence of chaplains in the army was disastrous, and they have been prohibited serving. The telephone is only about two years old, but some of the jokes about it sound as though they were ragged when the pyramids were young. A oung ,arty was seen t0 emerge hiisht. and decend a ladder. There wa3 a man at the bottom of it of " course Currin, Watkins & Co. hold the lar gest orders for Red Tobacco of any house in Henderson. Farmers make a note of this. ; ' i J, J, Loughlin informs his 'riends and customers that he has moved to Turnbnll's'old stand ; and that he lias on hand a full supply of groceries and liquors at lowest cash prices He also desires to say that he is un- able to give credit, and he hopes that he will not be asked to do so. Pure N. C. Corn Whiskey at King & Hunter's at 50c per qt. Strictly pure, for Medical purposes. Also pure Cod Liver Oil. The greatest Inducements - - Ever Offered.! RELIABLE GOODS. E. HULL, NO. 45, SYCAMORE ST, PETERSBURG, VA. MANUFACTURER, OF SUPERIOR READY MADE CLOTH ING, FOR MEJN AiND BUYS. All made up by him, and warranted to lit and wear well. The FINEST CLOTHING known in the trade, will be made to ORDER at short notice, and at lowest prices a large STOCK always on nand You can also rind here the Largest Stock :OF: CLOTHS. CASSIMERES And VEST- w. . t ii. ' r 1 1 TTTn Anw A "VT TH A FULL SVILLE AND WOVE GOODS AT FACTORY PRICES-From 20 cts. up to $2.w per yara. ALSO A Large and well assorted stock of FOR E1GN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AND NQTlO-INo Of every description to be sold at THE LOWEST MARKET 1 KlCJiiO, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DRESS GOODS AND DRESS TRIM MINGS OF EVERY KIND, SAM PLES Sent on Application. All orders promptly rilled. Any article not suiting will be taken back and money refunded. Reaienibej the place. Goods sent C. O. D. v u mad ioi l-etnrh of the mon ev MILLINERY! MILLINERY! MILLIN- NERY. MRS. M. E. KULL, 145, Sycamore St. Petersburg, Va. Oilers to the trade the largest and most comn ete Stock of real French Millinery Goous th I side of Norfolk. Being largely ,.. t...t...i -1U ManutHCture, and idq- ,)0rtiii" all the Foreign Goods direct I flat- ter myself to oner every auvaniage to tnc close buyer, at Wholesale and Re-tail Straw Goods in every shape, by the case, uozeu or iveiau. iwn French Pattern Bonnets and DATS, Old Ladivs BONNETS And CAPS. Infants Coods. Ladies Neck Wear, Lathes Hair switches and Fulls, Under wear and Corsets, Silks, Satins, Fringes Crimps and Braids, Bri DAL OUTFITS, VEILS, WREATHES LACES, TIES, BOWS, WREATHES FLUMES FLOWERS AND OR NAMENTS. A LARGE STOCK OF BEST QUAL ITY KID GLOVES Cheap Lace Mitts, Lisle thread Gloves, Cold Dace and fringes, Collars, CuttF, Jttu chiuea and Run's. Velvets, Velveteens. Ladies Dress Goods of rare and rich Styles with Trimmings to match from 12 cts- up-to -i.uu per yard. Dresses made to order in most Fashionable Style, fit guar anteed. Goods and trimmings furnished complete. All orders promptly filled Satisfaction guaranteed. Very Respectfully, MRS. M.E. KULl, I4i, Sycamore St. Petersburg, Va. N O T I C E ! This is to inform our friends and custo mers that we have just moved to our Large New Storey on the North Side of the Court Ho Wfcere e will be pleased to see them. We gave orders for nice Spring Drews f omis mui n ines also for CrotkeFy Glassware &c. to be shinned as gotni a we eon Id move, which Goods are now ar riving. Comone ! Gome all I And brine: your Memorandum, and CHANGE. No Goods sold on time without special ar rangements. We wiH make ft to your in terest io pay casn. liespeetfudy, W. J. NORWOOD & CO. Feb. 27, 18S0. M I L E S CANDY FACTOR - A N D -BAKERY Is the place to buy your Candies, CAKES, BREAD, CRACK- EES AND Confectioner! e s, Fresh, nice and Cheap, ALSO A CHOICE LOT OF NORTHERN APPLES, OR- ANGES, LEMONS. RATS! VS. FIGS, JELLIES, NUTS CAN Goods &c. OKJLAM AND COCOANUT AN DY MADE FRESH ETERY DAY, FOR ONLY 20 Cts. PER POUND. A NICE LOT OF Fresh Pound Cake. Jellv Cake. Fruit Cake, Sponge 'Cake, Snow Balls, ; Cream Puffs and aJ kind of small Cakes always on hhnd. Parties and Weddings furnished on short NOTICE. FRESH BREAD AND BUNNS EVEHYDAY. We ell goods vry cheap, because we ouy lor cash and sell for cash We sell soaie goods cheaper than you can buy them anywhere else in town Why? Because we manufacture our own goods and can afford to sell CAEAP. Many thanks for vour past favors. hoping to meet with the same in the fu ture. We are verv Respectfully, MILES BROS. Feb 27th, 18S0. PETERSBURG J RON Jorks. e- h. PLunamEa, PROPRIR- H- T- IKORR1S0N, SUPT- STEAM ENGINES POWER COTTON VRESSFS HAND COTTON PRESSES SAW MILLS ST MACHINERY Ol ALL KIN US. ESTIMATES FOR MACHINES & REPAIRS PROMPT LY FURNISHED. GARY & CO., No. 149 Sycamore Street, PETERSBURG VA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Crockery, Ghina, &c GARY & COL, NO. 201, Sycamore Street, Cor. Bank. The Great 5 & 10 cent Store, PETERSBURG, VA. ALL GOODS 5 & 10 CENTS Call when in Petersburg. Feb. 20, 1880. PURCELL, LADD & CO., Wholesale Druggists. DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS, DYES, VARNISHES French Polished , Plate and Cylinder Window glass AGENCY FOR VIRGINIA SPRINGS WATERS. Orders Promptly Executed. 1216 Main Street. Cor. Thirteenth, RWimOND, VA. Kerosene Oil by the barrel or car Feb. 20, 1880. Load. W. II. IIANDLEY, of Virginia, WITH BODEKER BROTHEBS Wholesale DRUGGISTS AST) DEALERS IX PAINTS, OIL. DYE-STL FF &c. Proprietors op CELEBRATED CONSTITUTION BITTER, 1444 MAIN STREET Corner above St. Charles Richmond, Va. Feb 23 To June 1. Fertilizers, :o: :o: ' EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE. IT'S THE BEST; TRY IT. Feb. 20, 1880. DR. ROBERT E KING. DENTIST. Wurenton, K . . : Offers hi Professional services to the pub lic in Arery department of Dentistry. Artificial Tecftli a Specialty. Prices reducwl to-siUt the times. OfBceat t.h rmii uL July 18. THE CENTRAL HOTEL, COR. SYCAMORE A BASK STS Petersburg, Va. The Cheapest and Beat kept HOUSE in the City. Table always well sup plied witn tne B1S I the Market affords. Good Servants, nice rooms, &c. Terms 1 25 and 1 50 Per Day. L. GREEN, Proprietor. March 28. HAVE rOU SEEN THEM? That lovely little Pony Phoeton, Those beantiful Top and Open BUGGIES, That accommodating Jump Seat, which will carry either 2 or 4 passen gers. We extend a cordial invitation to all, to call and examine them. If you don't see what you want, send your or ders and they will be promptly rilled. We also make and repair Har ness in the best manner. A 12 months guarantee furnished with every Job Sold. Wood and Metallic Coffins alwag on hand. Terms Truly positively cash. fours J. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Varrenton N. C. Jan. 23, 1880 ASS & Jo. Green Front Restaurant "WashingtoD Avenue, Weltfon X. C. Dinner for all trains. Elegant din ner for 50 cent. THE NATIONAL HOTEL. State House Square, RALEIGH, X . C . STRET&SON Owner ami Proprietors. Ueftrwed and Rr--st;il)!ia!iHil. SUPERIOR AND SPEf lAL Act OM MOD AT IONS for all clM of trawl. THE GASTON II O USE . New Beknk. N. C. STREET & SOX Proprietors. S. R . Stkeet W. J. Street. PIANON ORGANS W- L. ilMMER & CO. BOOKSELLERS, TAT 1 ON ERS AND JOB PRINTERS, Co . Sycamore & Tabb Sts., and 106 Syejunore St Petersburg, Va. North Carolina School hooks sold at Cos. tract Prices LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO MER CHANTS. DENTAL WORK Owing to the scarcitv of money, 1 have concluded to make a redaction in mv charges, and will hereafter do Dental Woik at the following rates: Artificial T e k t h Per Set. upper r lower fifteen dollars. Fillings, tld $2.'() each. ofli.-e at my residence Dr. C. 8 Boyd, Dental Surgeon. Jan. 9th, 1880. NEW BUSINESS 1 take the pleasure toinfonn my friends and tin; public iienei-ully, that 1 have opened a Tin Shop in Warrenton, . 1 am prepared to do all kind of REPAIRING. GUTTERING AND ROOFING DONE CHEAP TINWARE AT WIIOL SALE AND RETAIL Can furnish Flues tor curing tobacco., curing Satisfaction Send in your order Feb. 20, 1SS0. guaranteed. ?, to Johnson store A. M. MILKS ANCHOR BRAND FERTILIZERS For Cotton and Tobacco. GOERGIA GRANGE CHEMICALS, BALDWIN AMMOMATED Dissolved Bone. F"or sale at Ii. F. LONG & SONS. A. L. KLI.ETT & CO L ELLTT. JUDSON WATKINS. CLAY 0RFWRY- S- B- r.UGHES. Dry Gpods . V aS .D j IQ, 12 and 14 TWELFTH STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Mar. o, 1880. ESTABLISHED J8 4. GEORGE P. STACY, Furniture, Mattresses and FEATHERS. 1205 MAIN STREET a nd 3 SO. 12th ST. Richmond, PRICES LOW AS ANY FIRST (LASS HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. M . M. IIABLISTON, & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE, Ml kinds at bottom prices. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. Sets from 822 up. NO 4. IRON FRONT. Sycamore St., PETERSBURG. VA. Watt& Call, Richmond, Va. MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS AND AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. WATT PLOWS, CHEAPEST AND BEST IN USE, AS TURNING PLOWS, OR FOR CORN, COTTON OR TOBACCO. Having Mouhlboanls of seven different'sizes. isU'rl Serapers ami Sweeps. All plows are sold warranted to be as represented or no sale. 9- FARMERS AND DEALERS should consult their interests and ee thai all castings for Watt Plows, and tUe Plows also, have our TRADE mark thereon ; all without it are spurious, and those whohavt been deceived by them have had mneh trouble with point Ae. ;iot fitting nrt wearing out rapidly. We warrant all gen- nine eastings to be well chilled and of best material and to ht . We famish eastings for all the most poi- uiar plows in use, as low as t ey can 1 made. We have this season the lowest prieed the best Wheel Kake ami Gleaner, Revolv ing Rakes. Well Kix'uns, Straw and Fod- ler Cutters, Cultivators, H .mws. Shove Piows, Bull longues &e. for Mine Grain radl.-s. Grass Blades, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Trace Chain &., Sec. Dealer an; invited to correspond with us all enquire promptly attended to Catalogue and price Est sent to any ad. dress. WATT & CALL. May 1G. Geo. Qlbsmi.. Jr. Importer and Jobber :OF: CHINA, GLASS AND Qit e e n suture, LEADER BURNERS AND FIXTURES 1207 Main Street. RItI0MOD, 14. Feb. 20. 1SS0 TO THE PUBLIC f We take pleasure in informing the good people of Warren and adjacent Counties that we have opened a GROCERY, at the stand formerly ocenpied by McCbaw 4 Co., for the purpose of conducting business exclusively for cah. We will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries OF THE ' VERY BEST QUALITY, AND WILL GUARANTEE Our prices to be the LOWEST. We employ a boy to deliver goods to any place in town. We will continue business at our old stand, where we will b' glad to furnish parties, making sat isfactory arrangement-. McCRAW PARKER. Jan. 23 t-f. WALTER B BOYD, wiTn Currin, Watkins & Co , PROPRIETORS OF WATKINS'-W ARE HOUSE. HENDEKSON, N. C. His personal and special attention will be given to ail Tobacco from Warrer. consigned to their houae, and prices paid that cannot be beaten in the State. Farnners consult your interest and sell your tobacco with Currin, Walking &. Co.. Jan, 2.1-G m. Va. THE 5th SESSION OF THE RIDGE WAY MALE AND FEMALE School will open on the 12nd intt, and continue twenty weeks, on the following term : Board per month, " Fire days in the week, M 10.00. 7.00 S.00. 12.00 u.oo. 15.00, TUITION. Primary, Intermediate, " Academic Music on Piano. Use of Instrument " 3.00 Latin and French, each extra, M 5.00. The Principal is assisted bv Lis wife who has had a large and successful ex penence in teaching. Being now in permanent noeion of the premise, which will reduce somewhat the necessary rxpe.isea, rates of tuition are reduced a cord ingly. For other particulars addres the undersigned at Ridgewav, N.C.. NAT ALLEN. Jan. 2nd, 1880. $CSr The only Exclusive Wholesale House in this City, Ma rx Coh fin a f WHOLKSALK 11KALKR IN Dry 4iioc,'s, NOTIONS AND Clothing, 213 Sycamore Street, PKTKKHU-RO VA. IWe kHn the .ir2 sf Stntk of Qonla in this City, .-.nd irnarattttf prie nn U vr a any limine Squill Xi v V f. Feb. 20, JftjiQ. C. A COOK, ATTCFREY fi3 COUISIILOa AT LfW. ( Rice in tise Court iIoue. wAnniiXTwrir. Practices in the Courts of Warren. Franklin hik! Halifax, and in the Su prenr.e Conri. Soy. 1. If. BEST !?l THE WORLD. 1 i- in SALERATUS Which is the same thing. Inapnrf Baleimtms or Bl-Carb Sod. llrtjr white color. It majr appear COWARIIOI WITk CHURCH 4t SH " ARM APIDHAB SfKR" BKASD Will Ihew t b e dlfftrtnc. 8 th a t your Stleratoi and Bak- ,BI foda is whltft and IM RE, aa ahomld ha ALL S I HILAR I BST A 5 CKI uied for too. AHmplabiitMTaratast of it oamparadra aloe of different bran da of Soda or Haleratui la to diaaolre a deaaort poonral of each kind with about e pint of watr (hot prafarred) la clear f! turlng uaUl al 1 le thorouraiy diaaolTd Xb deletarloualnaoluble Blatter In the Inferior Soda will be ibovo after ae tiling aome twenty minutaa or ooner, by the milky appearance of mho solution and tbe quantity &f Coating floeky matter according to quality. Be ure and aek for Church ro.'e Bode and Baleretua and aoa that thetr name la ob the package and you will gat tbe purest and whiteat made. The uae ol thla with aour mUk, in prefer ence to Baking Powder, eaves twenty times its oast. See one pound package for valuable lnrmna oo and read carefully. SHOW THIS TO TOUR CBGCEI. WOODHOUSE k PAR II AM, BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, Dealers in PIANO FORTES ORGANS and, MUSIC. f MANUFACTURE BLANK BOOKS AND PAP R BOXES. BOOK BINDERS. NO. 1107 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Mar. 19, 1880. J. R. CARY, WITH J. M. Wyche, Successor to WYCHE, PARKER $ CO., WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES, 43 N. Sycamore St. PETEK8BIRG, V A . Mar. 5, 1880. - . v J

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