. 1 f" i. - : : : -LLJ-JjJ -T "'" 1 1 " 1 ' 1 .' ; , ' : "f mtmmmmmmmmmm'?!!m?mmm--' . ! j in jj J AJLJLJ. - .;- . . : ' rr."::.;-; ;;.,.:;:- .'. ':; '' ' , '..... '"'. I ; ;;" ' : : 1 ! ' ' ' f ' j" ' v!. '.! feS.- THE WASHINGTON GAZEIip , ii-sfc. a I Half per Year, and ' r " : - " -' ' : ': - a 1 ' " ' ! ; - -" ' ' " ! 1 ' . ,N . - al ' : " . . ; T7 : - WORKMANSHIP, PRICES AND worth every cent of it. I ' t ;v : --''the old north state forever. matkuiau ; ! ' - .: ; . - j- . . - f -.i -i . t-.r- : . ' - . i - . . - Diploma at the New Berne Fair , . VOL. XII. I ' WASHINGTON, j BE AO FORT CO., N. 0., THURSDAY, APEIL 17. 1890. ( NO. 45. . fVT.'T.I. T" " . . - - . . i : J" 1 : . - ' T? j, ;. 1l; Absolutely Pure- li Tli is powder never varies.-' A - marve of purity, stientli ai,d w'holei-onieness Mlufe l economical tlian .ordinary kind lid cannot be sold in coiiipetition with lie multitude of low tents, short wefght - 1 1 1 tn or phosphate powders. Sold only 11 caii 1'V the ' K0YAL r.AKlN(;,P()WI)KR CO, ' r : jiit; Wull StH el. N w Y ik. .'iFot'eaU- 1 j .1 K O: li. M'AldiOAV. DIRKCTOItY. STAT K AND OOVEHNMEVT. . liuvrri". lani.-l G. Fowle. of Wake. ' iljeiiienitiit-iovernor, Thomas M. Holt, ..." i4 Aliiinance. .S-'-retarv.of State, William L Saunders t i' cf ';tke. Ijreaire-r, Donald W Haiti, of Wake. - ' Aui'.iior. George W. sanderlin, Wayne. -Sui't-riiiteiident of Public Iustructioa, " Sidney M Finger, of Catawba. A' roj Tiey General.; Theodore F David- j sm, of Huncoiuie ; ' : . st atic b6akdTof ;agkicultjre. (Vmfy-sioner, , Jol'it llobinson. -Si. iet.ii v. T K Hruiifr. tlhemisU Herbert H'Hattle. Aseiit Immigration ,'1'. M..VUson. , . H I'UEMEtCOURT. '' Chief Justice, AV in i II Smith,of Wake. . Associate 'J; stices.J J Davis, cf Frank-: i Mi", Aiigusius S Merrimon'f Wake,, x Janie-i E. Shepherd, of 15eaufort. I imd Alfonxo C'i jvery, of Hurke. ''( J JUDGES SUPKivIOR COUKT First District, George II Hrown, of : Jieaufort. . Seeimd District, Frederick Philips, of i Kdg'-combe. -. ' 'liiird District, II GXonnor, of Wilson. Fourth District, Walter Clark, of Wake. Fifth Distriot. John'A Gilmer. Guilford. Sjxih District, ET Hoykin, of Sampson, seventh District, James C, McKae. of i Cnniberland. : Eight Distri. t, Ii T Armfield, Iredell, Ninth 1 M.strict. M F G raves, of Y'aJikin. Tenth District. John G Hynum, Hurke. Eleve .i h District, W M Shipp, of Meck . ( leiiburg. i . V i '', '-' Twelfth- District, Jame,s H Merrimon, i? of Huncombe. 0 ; UEPI1KSENTATIVES J.N CONGRESS. senate, Zebulon H .Vance, of Mecklen burg; Mat W Ransom, of :N"oi th- natnptoi: . " ' ' I : - ; 4 Jlotiseol Kepreseiitatives, First D.istiict I Thomas G skinner, ot rerquijnans. Second District,' II P Cheatham, col., I ' of Vauce, - ' , - Third District, C W MeClammy,Pender Fourtlt District. B II Hiinn, of Nash. Fit' tli District, J M Hrower. of Surry. Sftth Distuct, AirreuVKowiana. Seventh District. J 8 Henderson, Rowan Eighth District, W II H Cowles, Wilkes Ninth District, II G Ewart. Hentlerson I i COUNTY. . ' ' Sheriff and Treasurer, It T Hodges. Superior court clerk, G Wilken.' Register of Deeils, -M F Williamson. Surveyor, Mayo L Waters. Coroner, Wm II Gaskins. Commissioners, Dr W J Hullock, 'ch'm; ! D M Gaskill, F P Hodges, F B i Hooker, T I Waters. J. H. Small, Attorney. Board of Education, P P Wilkinson, ch'm; P II Johnson, F B Guilford. Superintendent of Public Instruction, i Kev Nat Harding. Supt ot Health-, Dr W A Blount. -;.! ' . . v city. ' Miyor Jno. II. Small, , . '. CTerk, J A Bu'rgessTy- Trt Msurer, J H Sparrow. Chief of Police, M. J. Fowler. ' : " Ceuncilmen. J II Small, C W Tayloe, W Z Mt-rton, Jr. CM Hrown, rW J Cnmipler, A D Peyton, Chas Black- 'i ledge:. & ' j. ' . MAILS. ' . " : Northern due daily at 8p m. Closes at 10 p m. , j (irei'iiville, due 12:H0. closes 1:30 North and South side river due daily at b pm; closes at 6 following mornings, (fflice Hours, 9 a m to 5 p m. Morey Cmler.and Registry Department, , 9 am to 5 p m. G E Buck man, P M. S. R. Carrow, Asst. CHl'RCHES. Methodist, Rev W R Ware, pastor. Ser vices every Sunday morning and evening. Sunday School at 3 p m, " A W Thomas, Superintendent. Presbvterian, Rev E -Mack,-, pastor. Sen-fees every Sunday morning and night. Sunday School at 3 p m, Jas L Fowle. .Superintendent. I : Episcopal. Rev Nat Harding, Rector. Services every .Sunday morning and night. Sundavt s. hool at 3 b m. Ed mund Alexander. Superintendent. Y.M. C A. meets every '" Thursday nii'hf. Praver meettntx ever Sunday at 4 o'clock p. m. II ill over Brown's Bank. - , TE3IPERANCE MKETINGS. '.' Reform Club, Regular meeting every Tuesday night at S at Town Hall. W C T U , Regular meeting every Thurs- day, 4 p in at Town Hall. . Club and I'mon I'rayer meeting every Sunday, in Town Hall at 2 30 p m. Uai.d of Hope meets every Friday. - ' LODOl-S. Orr Lolge, No 104. A F and A M meet at Masonic Hall'lst and 3rd Tuesday nights of each month, K S Hoyt,: W M ; R T Hodges". Sec. Pluil nix Lodge, No 10. I O O F, meets every 1st aud 3rd Friday night at - their hall, C M Brown, N G; W J Grumpier, Sec 'y. Washington Lodg No 1,490, Knights or Honor, meets "1st and 3rd Thurs day nights at .Odd Fellows' Hall, T J Car in alt. Dictator; Arthur May-, ; . reporter; J R Ross. F Reporter IMiieoro Council: No 3, Ameri'-an Le- s gions of .Honor, meets every 2nd and ' 4th Thursday nights at Odd Fellows' Hall. (1M Brown, commander; W M (;herr. collector. Pamlfen T.odffp. No 715. Kniehts and I,adies of Hoor. meets 2nd and 4th Monday nights at Odd Fellows' Hall, j1 W M Cherry , Protector ; T P Brow n, -j Secretary. t Excelsior Dodge, No 31, .0 G C, meets 1st and 2nd Tnesdav night at Odd Fellows' HalKDr S. T. Nicholsoon i " commander,Dr H Snell, Secretary continued fortnewt .Kev. Air. Mtamburger is aswistinfr Mr. Ware. That' dwelling house inst creel by Mr. E. Peterson, adj jinirg the ri oenc-ot Mr. W. H.Morton, is one the prettiest in town. oiti(? ;;. has posted a notice n'iit- hitf wholesale groce l eware cf Frauds:" Go and look' it. is all right jut the same. A 54-i)('i!ud rVn k' fish, as fine a.sp lmt n 01 l;v. Iiiiliv trihe a huvd l- in these; waters;; was disphned aft nsn htiii! Mr. J M. (Jaskijl wn Sah day la U i hear mat) v oomi.liinctits to Al 1 ". l. i -wi. ih-ar,. llent Secret KEFLY TO - "T U LI PS, BY JXO. POOLE.. AVoiimn's Love. You sav thit' woman's love ls.caught. Your heart, my friend, has ne'er been ( taught, 10 Know earin s urigiuesr. treasure. For then that heart,. I'm very -ure, Could pe er so treacherous prove. As to revile a thing so pure Ars woman's priceless love. If you have thought it valufle-ss, Because you've f ailed to gain, Or sued some rival's proud success, Where you have toiled in vain. ; If you have urged fruitless prayer,. Yet for a moment pause, Be not so hasty to destair, ' You have. mistook the cause. Search well yckir liefirt. your temper scan. O -.Correct thet f aults yon find. Become a hobje, generous man, ' Of feeling pure and kin 1. Then prolvdly seek a woman's love, Be 'teni'frank, Sincere, You v ill a gushing fountain move, lo make woU blessed here. -.; i . 'O'lsav not woman's loVe is bought," 'Tfs not so mean a thinti ! A holy gift; in incy broviiiht. r Uton a pitying ang'd's w ing. The vt eary life of man to cheer. - To soothe Iris troubled breast . And on his toilsome journey here, -Siie.done sweet t-iy of rest. fF. City Falcon. HWtHOIlNT S "ELIXIR OF L 1 fi; M axi u ms oi' Sept i m i us. 1 . Bask - daily , , for a convenient time, in whatsoever of sunshine thou shalt find; and lay in, it the garments Which thou art about to put on; for this kind "of liglitjand warmth lias more virtues than are . seen. In dark, wintry days, worship firebut with the lattice of thy chamber ajar, lest thou shut up an evil demon along with thee , and he steal away the centuries of tliy life. ; 2. , Hate not any man nor woman . Be not angry '.--with mankind, . nor brute kind, thy neighbor, thy ser vant, thy horse, or thy dog, saveM it be that thy blood run at any time? somewhat cold and torpid, and thou require anger as a medicament and the due measure thereof be not exceeded ; Cast out from thy heart all passions that seek to rankle there; for such are a poison, and, more over, in .deadly fashion against thy purpose. If. in thy waking mo ments, or in thy dreams, thou hast fancies, thoughts, or visions of en-" mity or .contention with any man whatsoever strive quietly with thy-. self, fiist of. all, to forget him. 3. If thy enemy ma- not be th.us put aside,, and nevertheless the sacredness of thy repose be utterly set at -naught by him, take due counsel with thy self what is reason able to be done; bethinking thee that thine own sore trouble is thy nearest CQncern, and that, in wlfat ever casei iti is better there should live one man' in peace than two men in strife. The . matter being ended to thy liking, sweep the remem brance from' thy mind and heart , enjoying tlie rest thou hast earned. 4 : Keep thy heart at some fiver and-seventy throbs in the minute; else will thy life wear away more speedlv than art can supply the waste. Hunk not overmuch. ot high matters if will make thy resoira t ion deep and irreijjir. 5. Drink not wine nor strong drihk, ; nor dfuseate thyself with ale; taking heed that this, rule is worthy! in; itself, and worthiest taken symbolically. 6. -Kiss :no woman if her lips be red and full; look not upon her if she be very fair; touch not her hand with thine if thou perceive thy finger-tips to thrill with hers. If thou love her, all is over, and tin- whole past labor and pains have been iri.'.-viain. Wherefore, on the whole matter, flee from woman, and better cast stones at her from a dis tance than her close at hand.'.- She shortened: Adam's days, and will shorten thine. 7. "Have no friendship nor inter course with a melancholy man, ; a passionate. man, a great lover of liis country, a madly benevolent man, a misanthrope, or any man whatso- ever that has lost his balance and, at according to the degree of his in- j fluence, will tend to throw thee from thine. For in! this world we are as those who dance upon a rope, a feather casts us on one side or the f other. This rule is only for the first stages iri thy progress; , for, passing onward, thou wilt forget I that so slight a thing as friendship ever was. a. toy for thee. 8. Walk at a steady pace, and count thy pace per diem . Neverthe- less run and leap and frisk as joyously as a young kid, but always of set purpose and to keep thy bodily life from stagnating in the a pool. 9. Intermingle some decent and moderate degree of human kindness and benevolent acts in thy daily life; for the result, there is reason to believe, will be a slight, pleasurable i tintillation of thine own heart, and thy nature will be wholesomely and delictated with felicitous self laudation; and most beneficiaris an admixture oi such; for all that con centrates thy thoughts cheerfully . . upon thyself '. tends LU. Ill V 141 Vi aw I that central principle by the growth and nourishment whereof thou art to attain indefinite life. 10. Do not, without special need, ain' act that ; human prejudices set down as evil; because such acts, so called, are apt to have a corrosive quality, and are unwholesome. Neither do any act extravagantly, I good, liecause one such act might be the seed of others like it, and so cov- er the whole field of thy life with a ple, maimed wretches, from persons tute thaf eommittee, the awful pro in heavy afflicted or extravagant joy fundity and gravity with which (both being a disease, and of the same class) from teething and sick- ly children, turn away thine eyes nnd thinp ears, esneciallv if there be m0a kJ.. rcasun i-u uiuu iiwnw ""s"" i for their easement: for wherein thou .w tum crond. there is much rea- 0 , ,- --r . i,., 4. ' K SOU IO IVHl Hint uy J uoi su muui i "; u ' ifu' ' thrm flfisT. t.hvself harm. Come not I near a corpse, for in the presence of . ,, ,.. (i i .i 'I death life oozes insensibly through the pores of the skin . . I . I IO At fonvmnunt t me tak tl(r wholesome infants into' thine arms, as if to kiss and embrace (thereby gaining their foolish mother's good will,) drink in their breath, which is special good to renew thy flagging life. Ilowbeit, beget not. children for such purpose: it is. buying the drug at too -costly a price. Like wise, take a morning draught of the breath of buxom maidens, so it can be done without unsuitable commo tion, andi solely as a medicinal drug; also, if the above drug be hot con venient, the breath of cows, as they return from rich pasture, is very good, and pleasant to take. 13. Eat no spiced meats. 14. Practise thyself in a certain continual smile; for the outward as pect of benignity shall tend to com pose thy entire frame of being and keep thee from much wear. 15. Search not thy; head nor thy beard to see f V. Vvv mrrn r haiio u:5 , " ' """" lurking amidst the brown ones; iast tne Drown ones, scruimiite not tiiy iuicucu m H"" J : " . 4 I . . . . . V. . i4 ,n .nAof of wrinkles, .w 1 1 nnrnara if tliv UUI v eyes for the lorows-feet. Such marks - i . . . , - - of tune, being overvlookea, are tne tipn ofj Cue ; fellow-citizens fail to signed. The work promises to be more likely to disappear; being enjoy. j It may not be the proper ODe of the most popular ever pub gazed at and made much of, they gtep. ihere may a tetter step, Hshed, and those desiring to can take heart ami increase. 17. Desire nothing too fervently, not even life itself; yet keep thy gripe upon the possession , of life mightily, quietly, unshakably; for so long as thou art really, in the mind to live, Death nor all his force ,.v u! :,t tik Sliau nave iJUYvct itsiuuDu vncc. . j . . .. , ' die, finally die, because tney cnoose not the toil and torment or strug- gling longer with lime ior mere handfuls of moments. Iut to thee, under wise guidance, the struggle shall be as i a stron" man with a child. 17. Walk not beneath old tot tering walls, nor' stand underneath a great stone as the builders, crane it aloft, nor approach a precipice's edge, nor v oy age at sea , n or con front the lightning, nor cross a swollen river, nor ride an ill-broken steed, nor offer thy , bosom to the stroke of sword, the stab of dagger, or the shot of arrow, nor thy head these are apt to be deadly , and are hateful and horrible, as making all good rules of no effect. By them the wise may die, even as the fool dieth. 18. Say thy prayers at bedtime, so thou desirest ciuietfr sleep. thereby to gain the Yet forget them, 3 thy convenience; they are super fluous, and yet more life 19. Change; thy shirt daily, or hourly, if need be; thereby thou flingest off yesterday's decay and imbibest the freshness of the morn- l ing's life; which, moreover, thou 9halt assist with smelling to roses, and all manner of fragrant flowers, with thejdeV yet on them. To no other end were flowers created than with their sweet breath to eke out man's lie allittle longer Senator Vance's Badiaage. I -'- ' The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the consider tion of the ;bill (S. I.) to declare un lawful trusts and combinations in restraint of; trade and production. Mr. Georere. Mr. President the wish has been expressed in my hear ing by several Senators that this bill and the jvaijious amendments which have been offered to it, and which are proposed to be offered shall be referred toi the Committee on the Judiciary, j I concur in the proprie- ty of that course, l snau mate - , , , , that motion and do now make it, and on that I ask the indulgence of the Senateo state some reasons why that course should be pursued. Mr, Vance. Mr. President, never have a bill in which I feel any interest referred to this grand mau soleum of s Senatorial literature, the Judiciarv Committee .without feel U I . . , , y attende(i a funerai. This is no. exception to thftt feg. . The grand air of rounds those gentlemen who consfi- they are enveloped, naturally tend to produce a funereal impression up- on a senous mind, and the whole at- mn,LJcaama -f'm. ani .it.ii . . . , me strainsoi tnai iammar oiu iiyinit: i i; j- ' "ti?''1 "V!.uJ- Buuu ' jiin ears aiienu nio cry. ltvljnrmn .ml thP orminfl . m,, o i- Where your bills must shortly lie. - : I ILauo'hter.l .. . , . I ppt vprr -well -whPTl a nl 1 recollect very well when a Dili was passed through this body for- Kwllinrr V10 nmnlnrniont. fif nnv '""S : J senator on- Keoreseniauve as counsel - for any, railroad which had been sub sidized1 Tby the Government . We all thought it was a mighty good bill and a mighty proper one, and so thouglit the Senate; but a motion to reconsider was made. The question was discussed, and it was finally proposed) to refer it to the Judiciary Committee.: On that occasion I bade my j friend farewell. I was promised however, that it should come back. It did come back, but, alas, it did not come back in the same body in which it went. It was Greece i)ut living Greece no more. It came back mangled and mutilated until its parent knew it not and dis claimed its paternity. Laughter. Mr President j I feel an interest "it in this bill I feel that one class pf the community in this American country? of ours has not partaken of I II .. ..... the general prosperity which the countrf has eni oyed for the last I i , twonti ivr A' tpn hsw hifn ta- twenty pears, a step nas oeen ta I . ...... ! ken to remove some or the obstruc- .. L i 1.: i .:u uons mis orosperiiv wnicu a por- i i - - - but it is a rginning, at all events, Mr. President, I think if it were not sjq late in the evening and the Senate! would give me its patient attention that I could demonstrate I the faet that if a man desired to go to any given point he must start, ikUha iiBvnr w.uiM irt there i om. " " - -- .-i! 'j-. a:a nnA mv unu aue. u u.u opiu- u. --ff - - - " uls,uu wtu.wa r press a large portion of the Amen can people so long as we consign all o our bantlings to the foster- iug care of the Judiciary Commit- tee. that 1 say it with due respect; to great committee, of course. I am a man too cautious of my per sonal safety to desire to do any- thing that would bring upon me the enmity or the disregard of that august body. fLattghter.1 ; a 'if it is.the determination of tQ- to send this bill to the Judiciary Committee, to deliver LQe child f nature to the persons havj,Be most interest in its death. 8nan have sorrowfully to submit mygeif to that state of things, but I hope I may be pardoned for say- ing; that I feel as good as we are I if - .... given to understand the Apostle Paul felt when he took leave of the eldera at Enhesus. Having told I A them that, h shnnhl denart, from - them never more to return, the rec. ord 8ay: "They all wept sore and fell on Paul's neck, sorro wing most of all for the words which he spake that they should see his face no more.". I am satisfied sir, that when this bill does come baek it will be so multilated, that it will nave everything that can possibly ue oi any Denenc io iue people oi this country so entirely eliminated J j : a. ji a. a. i : l c I r.u erauicateu, uiai it win lor practical purposes not be worth the nQnAp t ti af. i f- id wri Man n nnn n t Vuv ' s- " , uv the country will so accept it. The country knows the receptacle where we deposit our dead by this time, We can no longer hope to conceal them. , I heard of a Senator who once occupied a seat in this body who i .l.i.. I . . :n. .1 . uoasieu Luai ue was no ujuh-huu cider man, that he was a man of decision on all subjects. Said he 'When a question comes up before me I either vote for it or vote against it, or I squat like a man." Laughter. mr x lesmeuL, mo Wuun y u c "n : .1 . .u . i I found out that when we desire the death of a bill and are not particu larly anxious to put ourselves on record . as having ,directly strick en the t)low which caused the de raise, we refer it 'to the Judiciary Committee riauarherl!where itsleetis the last sleen known to the litera I.IIH 1 HN li Minmi HIIIIW I 1,11 ' I I K II ,kix- ture of this Senate. Ti.a dUP natnr TnWoliu gaj(. ' Although I am a member a( the Committee on the Uudicarv, and ought to have risen iand protested ncrainat the exnniaite humor and b idinacrp of the sneec.h of the Sen- ator from North Carolina TMr' Vauce. yesterday, and although a similar matter has been referred to that committee, 1 ventured to ex nress the hooe that after haviner " bad four days ot debate, four days ae.oeraiea ana maiurea, wim ine . llDt at IdSC UaWniUg, SOme PrOg- " ress niade, something done, we are . . . . ' i I not to oe ioiu luat an tuis is io go f, n,,l,f nn,I H,f ihnKill idt K I iui.uauBuiuu tunn iuoui i ioui r,v,v'J t v v. . vv.v. v-w -s :...l.i:lLAi,' cominitteu tor mriuer lucuuaiiun to the Uommittee on tue Juaicia- I ask that that motion may no; prevail ana give notice that when the bill is reported tq the oenaic i un acik jw jea uuu nay vote upon it concurring in the amendments that were made, be ginning with that ot the Senator from South Carolina, and proceed- in? to those snbsa uentl v offered by other Senators. Life of Jeff Davis. M any Lives, Histories or Biog rapbies ot the late Jefferson Davis, purporting to be written by Mrs, Jefferson Davis, are being adver tised throughout the country. The only genuine work of the kind ev er written by Mrs. Jefferson Da vis is that to be published by Bel ford Company, 18-22 East 18th St., New York, entitled "Jefferson Da vis. Ex President of the Confeder- ate State8: A memoir by his wife." fu- -t, iimi- n,-r I O thorship of Mrs. Jefferson Davis mnat ni.Maaarlv h ininrinn. t I J i it j i mi. 1 her personally and pecuniarily. The hnnlr i sold hv HiibRnrintior.: and . ... ... trritnrv n hoincr ramdh aa i - - " r .... vass for it should apply at once to the publishers, who will furnish circulars and information ,: Happy Hoosiers. I Wm,. Tlmmons, postmaster of Ida yille. Ind., writes : "Electric Bitters has done morel or me than all other i . .. .. '.. medicine combined, for' that bad feel? glnB from kidney-Mid liver. ta ble.", " . JohQ farmer Btockman . vwt.rI Bitter to de the best kidney and Liver me,lic-in(S made roe feel like a new man." j. Wj Gardner, hardware merchant I Bame town, says : Electric Bitters I s just the thing for a man who is all runi down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life." D. N. Bosrartfs, 45tl It is stated that while it has been a current beliei that only about fif- ty thousand negroes have left the State during the last fliteen months the real number who have depar I ted will exceed seventy thousand. The causes of the exodus are really only two in number. 1st, The short crops. 2nd. The persuasions I -..',. . I . OT. ot the labor? agents, in ere are no politics in the m I pression.' atter and no top- PETRIFIED CATHOLIC PRIEST. Laborers Discover the Body of a Missionary Killed in the 17th Century. While breaking new ground for a farm on the left bank of the Arkan sas half a mile from Boon ville, the laborers exhumed on the 6th the petrinea ooay oi a man," ciotnea in the habit of a Roman Catholic priest, m. . . I me aress ana shoes ana nose naa l also become stone, and the figure i . i 1 I migat uave passeu lor lut cunning handiwork of some great master of 8CuiDtUre. The two hands were clasped about an ivory crucifix, which hung from a rosary suspend- CU aUVUU Li lit UCIVf n UilV VLIV I of an arrow still protuding from the breast told the story of how the . . . -. I wortv father met his death: and the fact, so plain to be seen, that the body was hastily buried without coffin, and grave unmarked by the smaiiest token, showed that he and his brethren or some faithful friend were fleeimr from the Indians when fae wag killed. The petrified body was removed to the Church of the Annunciation. where it is now bein- visited bv crowds from all over the county, and whence it will shortly be given " - i j Christian burial in consecrated 8nd by the priest here The face is ?hftt of a young man of refin " ' - and intellectual features, and the hands and feet are of elegant pro portions. Those who profess to know declare that his shoes are of a fashion worn in the latter part of the seventeenth century, at which time, as is well know, a devoted Spanish missionar visited this country for the purpose of con ver ting the Indians They Got Away With the Fac ulty. i- . vr . -i , m ' IVAllliit, JJI. v.., Aprn 1. lOflfi . , . cial One of the best pratical 1 I juca5ci pijru smueuw cum nldtftlu naralT7orl Proeidonr. TTrklli. j uv. c cumc mipui iiuicb- sors as me otaie Agncuuurai. ana Mechanical College here to day. I aois morning wnen tne DreaRtasc 1 il l ,e" ran8 noc a oaeni; appeareu - DOC one cooiatie lound, nor were in th? college; grbundn "" .."hi-bj . Ultv- uisappearaucc was ao- 80lute- 1 neir whereabouts a mys tery. This afternoon it was dis covered that' "before daylight they had left the college in the quietest manner and bad gone to Cary, a town ten miles from here. There they remained all day, and at noon had a parade with banner and mu- sic. The lacuity had a day of leis nre and were very heartily rattled at the first of April joke, of which in? with a spirited mule. At diu they were made such complete vie ner time Allen unhooked the mule tims. Better Than the Presidency. Ex President Cleveland has had more law business thrust upon since he took an office in New York than he could attend to. He has refused some very remunera- tive business because it was of Mich a character that nolitical c.n- ital would have been made of .it. He declined the position of conn sell to one of the largest life insu rance companies in America. A fair estimate of his present income is $25,000 a year. He miht easl- ly make four times-that. He does not appear in court at all. xveumrao.c xveseue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111.. makes the statemet that she'eauffht coid, wh,ch settled on her lungs; she w treated for a month by her' family nhysican. but grew worse. He told h she was a hopeless victim of con sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her duggist suggested Dr King's New Discovery for coqsump t i rvn Kim Iwi i rrli t a twtrl .tnrl tn ViAr deliehtffound herself benefited from af.' ter taking ten bottles, found herself Round and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever - - was. Trial bottles free at D. N. Bo- gart a. To-morrow was the day appoin ted for the banging of Jesse Brown colored at Newberne. He was con victed of the murderjof Flora Ann Harris last Summer by drowning her in the river. The County. Com missioners signed a petition that the death sentence be commuted, The Governor commuted the sen- tence to life imprisonment. Do you take the Gazette. WHEitE WOMEN CARRY ELECTION'S. Features ofthe Municipipal Con- tests; in the Fourtli- S1SS iKansiis Towns. KANs CITY, Mo, April 9 Municipal elections were held througbout Kansas iu cities of the fourth class Monday. Reports irora several of these cities iudi- cate thatthe women who are al . ' . i lowed oy law to vote at the citv election' cast about it wo filth of I. . L mi i . iue vuitns. xuey naa no canuiaates in the! field of their own sex. butallied themselves ffpnprallv with one of or the other of the nar- ties m the contest, IVVV.IOU O) . TLC?m.fhlKJJC)9 ItlQl ye irthei women ran a full citv tick- et and elected it. At the present -1 . i , - eieutaiu; iue women aecuneu to run for te election. They said they had placed the city's affairs in Kood condition and were willing to let the men try and keep them so. 'ihey wpiked at the polls to day and carried the election for the successful ticket. HiDGEETON, Kan., Apnl 8. -Af lcr y ux3 U1 lu mo8b uou conwsieu campaigns ever known here, the l I. ii.L.. llvKe' was eiectea yester- day as follows : Mayor, Mrs. W. H. Kelley; Police Judge, Mrs. Thos. Greer; jCouncilImen, Mrs. S. F. Ew art, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Holden, Mrs. IJat B-ss and Mrs. Brown. N. C. Items, The sock factory at Tarboro supply the demand they cannotj have for their goods. . A new Baptist church is being erected on one of the most desira ble lots in Tarboro. There are only two ex-con feJer- ate ''camps" in the State, the far gest being 'Thomas Ruffian Camp, at Goidsboro." Judge Gilliam, who has been in . uiNl i . , P .. . eebl health Tor some time, is much . i . . improved. The-Judge is a gentle - maQ OI Old SChOOi. - -( - tkL,. " r Aicnucnir, uuu. v . i. wise. win aenver ine memorial address on the 10 th of May, and Gen. C. A, battle win oe the chiel mar- 8hal. Henry Alston (col.) who was 8tabhed and killed in Durham on Sundy night, formerly lived in Raleigh, and was ! something of a notorjU8 character. The Second Eegimeut of the North Carolina State Guards, and Colonel Jones and staff, have been invited to attend the unveiling of uc "m 291 D' of at K,cbmona- James Allen, (col.) met with a norrioie death on a plantation in Granville county. He was plough from; the plough and hung the trace-chains 'over the bames and thus; formed stirrups. Wnen he at tempted to get on the mule with one Soot in the Chain the mule dashed off. Allen did not succeed m mounting, but caught his loot " the chains, and the the male, in wild run, completely beat Allan's bead and body into a jelly against 8tumPs and stones. Virginian. Thi President Warned Against Quay's Methods. - Philadelphia, Pa., April 10. MrJ II. C.Lee, the prominent ad VOcate 0f Civil Service Reform, has addressed an open letter to Presi dent Harrison, in which he warns the; president against tne metnous f fiAnoSki flnar T'liA PpaaiilAtlf. jg warQea that hia di(,regsird of his Civil Service Reform prom i- ses will result in the defeat of the republican party at the next Presi dentlal election A Queer Way of Testing the Efficacy of Poison. . Chicaoo, HI., April 10. Emma Starke, alias Mamie Starr, arrested for! noisonin&r Mr. Newman's fain ily in En gle wood last week, has made a full confession, one said i r she put the poison in the corn to 8ee what effect it would have on others, so she could be sure of sue cesM in an effort to commit suicide .Don't give up. there is a cure for catarrh and cold in the head. 1 hous- and testily that Ely's cream Bairn nas entirely cured them, it is a saie ana I pleasant remedy. It is applied Into the nuHLniB. ii is now a iiuuiu i u. It cures by cleansing and healing. 50 c. Soueht for the last hundred year, A remedy for catarrh, hay fever and cold in! the head found at last in Ely's Cream Balm. Safe and pleasant to use and easily appuded isto the nostrils. 1 1 eives relief at once and a thorough treatment postively ctjres. 45t2 PROrESSIQiiAL AHD BUSINESS CARDS JJ0TEL M Kit HI AM, WASHINGTON, N. C First class ; accouimixlalions for La ' dies. Cars leave Hotel 0 a. in.; arrive 9 p. m. Through to. New York in 24 hours. Up-river steamers stop at the Hotel. - . - , j Headquarters for Hunters: liest shoot ing in Jsorth Carolina. Hogs and horses furnished. '--Ticket oflice iiiid Kxpress otlice in the Hotel. Telegram for room. o. su. oi.nniA.u, rioprietor.. ; the ouxu.v i 1 ' ! -.'! WlLklNGTON, N. C. , . ) I . I. . ppoiuted Hotel m the -. Ma -; . "- i - - gW I XI) ELL HOTEL, SWAN qUAUTEU, N. b. i AV.B. Swindell, I'rop'r. Kelilted ami lef urnished. Be-t Klutel in Hyde county, iahle well; supptt. Servants-' attentive. In ei) way better prepared to accouiuiodaie iho public than ever before. 'nu2tlf i gDMUM) ALKXAMJKR, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW AND ! KEAL ESTATE AG EX 1 WASHINGTON, N. C. Will be at Aurora every 1st and 3rd ' Wednesday nights, and at Pantego evmy 2nd and 4th VV ednesday nights. novl5 ly I B. PENDEB, : TONSOIUAH AltriST, J MAIN ST., WASHINGTON, N. C. : Dibble's Old Stand. ' ' ! . ; . 1 T 1' Z. MORTON, JR.," 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WASHINGTON, N. C. Will practice in the Courts of the District and in Martin county. j Special attention given to the collec tion of claims aud couveyaueing. ST Otlice formerly occupied by the late O. L . Hill." B AN KING HOUSE -OF BROYK C. M. MAIN STREET, WASHINGTON, N. C. Collections solicited and; remittance made promptly. j '-..' Exchange bought and sold. J.J0TEL ALBEKT. V NEW BERNE, n O. All the Modern Conveniences. i JHE KING HOUSE, .GREEN VILLE, N;. C. MES. SHERIFF KING, PBOPTTKKS8 Pleasantly situated fii business part of the city. Large addition to buildings. .Every conitort the Traveling Public can wish. I he best table upmarket wH afford. Stop at the King House, and you will Stop Again. j JSAAC A. SUGG, ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV, i Late of Rodman, Sugg fc James. ''"' ' '',' . GKEEN VILLE, Ni C. I' .. Office old stand of Rodman, Sumr & J ames. W ill attend the Courts of Greene and Beaufort counties Practices in State and federal Courts. I MEEICAN HOUSE, WINDSOK, N. Free hack at all steamers. Telegraph office attached. Livery stables. Give us a call when passing! through or stopping at Windsor, and if you dout have a good tune and want, to go there again the gray mule is yours. J. K. MOODY. Prop. J H. SMAJiL, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, WASHINGTON, N. C I)M UN D SON'S ; NEAV EUROPEAN HOTEL, GOLDSBOEO, N. C. , -- i ' American and European'Plan. Wait ing rooms free. Porters meet-, every train. Baggage handled free. gAY VIEW HpTKL, j ' EDENTON, S. v'.. Terms Reasonable. H&ck meets every train and boat. No charge for .convey ance. -..v.,. S. T. BECK WITH, ATTORNEYrAT-LAW, Wasiuxoton, X. C. Feb. 6, W. A SPECIALIST PHYSlblAN SINCE 1849 in the diseases and weakness of men mails a book free, giving the remedies which cure hopeless and abandoned sufferers privately at home. Address Specialist, room A, 54 Jteade street, corner Broadway, New York. Oct31,'S9. ; Typewriting! All persons wishing jany kind of writing : executed in the neatest manner, by the "Remington Stand ard Typewriter," are hereby inform ed that they can haVe it done at reasonable charges byi applying to JOHN A. ARTHUR, at Mr. E. S. Simmons' office, Market street, Washington, North Carolina. Guar antee satisfaction. oct23 tf. - ; . : ' . 3Iany Persons Are broken down from overwork or hraehoid cares . Urowii's Iron Bitters rebuilds the system, aids digestion, removes ex ew of bile, and l ures uialwia. Get U genulBO, I "r '. r.V. l, 4 J 5 V: i,'-. A : M I U' i .-,-; I? ' ! r -.' rfM'' Li i S v 1 "ri ' ; i ; . t : m! hi 1 S- f )." ii 1 h i ,i IV ft ; ii it ; mi .1' ; 1 it i p: I. , "0 m in'-i! "ft ii; ' . lit 3 pi .15: s- ; - i..'. ft I